Final Exam Part 2 (Chapters 8 - 14)

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If maintaining harmonious relationships takes precedence over a strict adherence to a time schedule, you are demonstrating a monochronic time orientation.


Research suggests that negative outcomes associated with workplace romances are more likely to affect men than women.


Research suggests that women experience emotion with greater intensity than men.


Women are no better than men at sending and receiving nonverbal messages.


Although Mark goes to the same coffee shop every morning, he hasn't learned the barista's name and sometimes fails to notice when someone else is working her shift. Mark's relationship with the barista can best be described as


When your friend was admitted to a psychiatric hospital for severe depression, he became very close with other patients on the ward. In fact, he even referred to other patients as brothers and sisters. What type of family did he experience?

NOT: cohabiting family

Which of the following is a strategy for defusing jealousy in a romantic relationship?

NOT: discuss your perception of threat

If your best friend always avoids discussing the subject of your former romantic partner, what strategy is he or she demonstrating?

NOT: encounter avoidance

The theory that people from different cultures perceive the world differently because of language is called

NOT: linguistic determinism

What function of language is involved when members of the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer) community struggle to find acceptable terms for describing sexual orientation?

NOT: linguistic relativity

Which of the following is NOT an important strategy for maintaining healthy family relationships?

NOT: none of the options are correct

What is the most frequently reported relational maintenance strategy?

NOT: positivity

Which of the following is NOT true of self-disclosure?

NOT: self-disclosure increases mental health and relieves stress

If your girlfriend says she goes to the gym after work because you are never home and you go out for drinks after work because she is working out, then your difference in perception is due to

NOT: self-serving bias

One enduring effect of parental favoritism is that favored children are more likely than their siblings to be professionally successful as adults; additionally, siblings from households in which favoritism occurred demonstrate less warmth and more hostility toward one another than those who grew up in equitable families.


People from collectivistic cultures view direct messages about conflict as personal attacks.


People who have had close friends from different cultures in the past are much more likely to forge such relationships in the future.


Studies comparing offline versus online friendships find that offline friendships have higher degrees of intimacy, understanding, interdependence, and commitment.


When asked to identify the closest relationship in their lives, Japanese people will select a close friend, whereas Americans tend to choose their romantic partner.


When verbal and nonverbal behaviors convey contradictory meanings, people tend to trust the nonverbal messages over the verbal ones.


If Aaron is very sensitive to and aware of the communication context and the appropriateness of his communication, he is

a high self-monitor

If your friend declares that "dishonoring and disrespecting your mother is just plain wrong," his statement is an example of

a value

Men tend to practice

action-oriented listening

The Jefferson strategy is best used

after someone upsets you

"One cannot not communicate" means that

all of the options above are correct

A relational partner with a preoccupied attachment style may be characterized by

all of the options above are correct

According to Uncertainty Reduction Theory, which of the following is a primary goal of initial interaction?

all of the options above are correct

If you have a secure attachment style, you are more likely

all of the options above are correct

People who demonstrate high emotional intelligence are more likely to

all of the options above are correct

We can manage our emotions

all of the options above are correct

Which of the following judgments are we most likely to make when deciding whether someone is an ingrouper or an outgrouper?

all of the options above are correct

World-mindedness involves

all of the options above are correct

Culture is learned from

all of the options are correct

In some collectivistic cultures, Confucian teachings emphasize that listening is

all of the options are correct

Most FWB relationships involve

all of the options are correct

What do you need to map out when crafting a communication plan?

all of the options are correct

Which of the following should be done when communicating online?

all of the options are correct

Which of the following strategies should a collectivist use to resolve a conflict with an individualist?

all of the options are correct

Which of the following emotions results from the blocking of one's goals?


Jealousy is a blended emotion comprising

anger, sadness, and fear

In group work, Melinda is direct, assertive, and explicitly communicates; however, she doesn't realize that others can be offended by her communication. What component of intercultural competence is she lacking?


Josh is very assertive and goal-oriented; however, he forgets to consider the impact of his communication on other people who are often offended by his communication. What component of interpersonal communication competence is he lacking?


Carl has been spending long nights at the office working with a coworker while his spouse is away on business. He's finding himself increasingly attracted to his coworker. Which of the following could explain his attraction?

mere exposure effect

Your friend Lorie talks a lot, often ignoring what you have to say; in fact, she regularly focuses the conversation on her issues, problems, and interests. What type of listening is she displaying?

narcissistic listening

Tomas is often on an emotional roller coaster, and his partner is never sure what mood he is going to be in. Tomas is both insecure and overly emotional. What personality trait does Tomas display a high level of?


Amber notices her coworker hunched over her workstation, holding her head in her hands. Amber asks her, "Are you okay? You look upset." Her coworker responds, "I'm fine, just tired." This illustrates what principle of nonverbal communication?

nonverbal messages can be ambiguous

Your girlfriend receives a flirty e-mail from her ex, then tells you it means nothing to her. However, you feel upset. If you rethink why you feel threatened by the e-mail, what emotion management strategy are you using?


Which of the following has a measurable influence on one's happiness?

rigorous physical exercise

Which need in Maslow's hierarchy involves job stability?


In a high-context culture such as Japan, a verbal "OK" does not necessarily mean agreement or consenting to a request.


Men seem to possess more "starry-eyed" perceptions of love than women.


More than half of children born throughout the twenty-first century will grow up in stepfamilies.


Most of the meaning in an interpersonal encounter is communicated nonverbally.


A defensive climate is characterized by an unfriendly, unstructured, and unsupportive workplace.


As we perceive others, we are more influenced by negative characteristics than positive characteristics.


Families who communicate frequently via e-mail, Facebook, and instant-messaging also communicate frequently face-to-face or on the phone.


In a defensive climate, supervisors may use communication to strategically control others and reinforce company hierarchy.


Raul's partner, Faith, has just moved out of the country; however, Raul wants to maintain their relationship. Raul regularly e-mails and sends instant messages to Faith, indicating that he wants this relationship to continue despite the physical distance between them. What relational maintenance strategy is Raul using?


If you are able to withhold judgment about your classmate's lack of eye contact and not assume it means he is rude, you are demonstrating what element of intercultural competence?

attributional complexity

Which dialectical tension is illustrated by our simultaneous desires to bond with others and to retain independence?

autonomy versus connection

Which of the following is NOT true of sexual infidelity?

both men and women view emotional infidelity in the same way as sexual infidelity

When filing for divorce, your spouse says, "Let's figure out a way we can both be happy and have joint custody of the kids." What conflict-management style is he or she using?


What is the most frequently used form of deception?


The higher divorce rate for interethnic couples is largely attributable to

cultural disapproval

In considering the impact of gender and culture on verbal communication, we can conclude that

culture has a greater impact than gender on verbal communication

Cheryl finds that she always has to remind her ex-husband to pay child support, to pick up their son, and to be a good father. He ignores her repeated attempts to resolve their child-care conflicts and says he is too busy to talk to or deal with his son. What is this couple experiencing?

demand-withdraw pattern

What facet of attraction suggests that people will be drawn to others and will establish relationships with others if they believe the benefits and costs balance each other?


Members of Japanese culture would rate which of the following behaviors as demonstrating the most power?

erect posture

Interpersonal communication competence is composed of

ethics, effectiveness, and appropriateness

How can a couple successfully transition from friendship to romance or vice versa?

expect difference, emphasize disclosure, offer assurances

In interpreting information, we form attributions, which are defined as

explanations for others' behaviors and comments

People with large hidden areas as depicted in the Johari Window typically

fear rejection

When we perceive others as outgroupers, we are more likely to

form negative impressions of them

Which of the following factors is NOT an important predictor of relational stability and longevity?

frequency of intimacy

Hispanics are more likely than Euro-Americans to use which form of touch?

friendship-warmth touch

You know your romantic partner is online, but he or she has not responded to your instant message, so you assume he or she is losing interest in you. What kind of attribution are you making?

internal attribution

Conflict can be described as having all the following characteristics EXCEPT

it stems from a series of unrelated events

Which of the following nonverbal codes is considered to be the richest and most powerful?


When Jane sat down with her partner Pat to discuss a disagreement over finances, Pat responded by bringing up old issues and problems that had long since been addressed. Pat is engaging in


Psychologists have suggested which strategy for improving one's attention?

limit multitasking online

Intrapersonal communication involves

one person

Jon says, "I am so upset—I can't believe I was fired today." His roommate, Omar, responds by saying, "Wow, it sounds like you are disappointed that you lost your job." Omar is using


Which of the following is commonly cited as a reason for forming a FWB relationship?

participants desire a lack of commitment

Ellen communicates well with her partner Carmen. When they experience miscommunication, Ellen is able to ask her partner questions to clarify her understanding. Ellen is demonstrating what perceptual skill in her relationship?


Which of the following best describes the "pragma" style of love?

practical love that is logical and rational

If you perceive yourself as professionally capable and do well in a job interview as a result, your experience exemplifies

self-fulfilling prophecy

You are meeting your partner's parents for the first time and you want to be perceived as trustworthy, caring, and credible. What type of interpersonal goal are you hoping to accomplish?


The new person you are dating keeps asking you about the status of your relationship, and you respond by joking that committed relationships always end. What conflict approach are you using?


If your faculty advisor, who is helping you prepare your résumé, has many contacts in the business world, what type of power currency does he or she wield?

social network currency

Prejudice is different from stereotypes in that

stereotypes can lead to prejudice

While fighting with your new spouse, you yell, "I don't know why we even got married—we're so different!" This is an example of

sudden-death statement

What is the most commonly used emotion management strategy for dealing with unwanted emotions?


Mark screams "You are so dumb!" at his younger brother. What strategy of cooperative verbal communication is he violating?

taking ownership of one's own thoughts and feelings

The idea that we cannot conceive of anything for which we lack a symbol or word is called

the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

People who consistently use aggressive listening may also

think less favorably of themselves

In individualistic cultures such as the United States, the predominant approach to listening can be characterized as


Which of the following suggestions would you NOT recommend to an individualist trying to manage a conflict with a collectivist?

use an assertive style

Structural improvements occur

when two people develop a creative solution to solve their problem

Which of the following is NOT a usual characteristic of online masks?

women are more likely to present themselves as expert

Which of the following statements about conflict and violence is true?

women perpetrate about as much violence as do men

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