Final Exam Review BQA

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A client has failed to show up for six of the past eight scheduled appointments. Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action to take the next time the client calls for an appointment? A. Refer the client to another veterinary practice B. Do not make the appointment until the client prepays for the missed appointments C. Advise the client that the next appointment will be as a walk-in D. Do not make the appointment and advise the client that his patronage is no longer welcome at the clinic


The judgment of the ____ has the most impact on what a vet tech can and cannot do on the job in states where there are no laws to guide the professional action of the vet tech. a. Supervising veterinarian b. Local police force c. Local judicial system d. Veterinary technician association


The office manager walks into the kennel area, finds it empty of personnel, and observes an animal in a dirty cage. Which of the following team members is responsible for cleaning the dirty cage at this point? a. The office manager b. The veterinary technologist c. The veterinary assistant d. The groomer


The receptionist team members spend several hours per day on the telephone, making effective phone techniques an important part of the job. Which of the following is an important component of proper telephone technique? a. Using a pleasant, confident, and understandable voice b. Quickly and cheerfully answering all calls c. Using a low, confident voice d. Using a loud, confident voice


The receptionist will ask new clients to complete forms upon arrival for the first time at a clinic. Which of the following must the receptionist be sure that the client completes on the medical record? a. Contact information for the client, specifics about the animal, and the client's signature stating that he/she will pay for charge b. Client's signature stating that he/she will pay for charge c. Animal's age and gender only d. Animal's species and age only e. Client's contact information only


To make suggestions to improve the quality and quantity of work is the responsibility of which of the following team members? a. This is the responsibility of all team members b. This is the role of the veterinarian technician c. Suggesting work improvements is the sole responsibility of the practice manager d. A veterinarian has the sole responsibility to suggest improvement in work quantity and quality


When is it most appropriate for a veterinary team member to engage in career-planning exercises? A. Ongoing B. After 5 years on the job C. During the job search D. After graduation E. While in school


Which of the following best describes a product distributor? A. A vendor who sells products made by several manufacturers B. A representative of a product manufacturer C. A company that is paid to transport products to customers D. A company that is paid to give free samples of products to customers


Which of the following best describes a product markup? A. The price a clinic paid for a product multiplied by a percentage to recover inventory management costs B. The price that competing clinics charge for the same product C. A clinic-sold product that has been discounted by a specific percentage to better match the price charged by competing online sellers D. A clinic-sold product whose list price has been increased because of an area-wide shortage of supply


Which of the following best describes the H1N1 virus, which spread from a pig to a human? A. Zoonotic disease B. Asymptomatic illness C. Chronic disease D. Parasitic transmission of disease


Which of the following could be a problem when using a just-in-time product or supply reordering method? A. Vendors' backlogs B. Available shelf space C. High holding costs D. Product expirations E. Timeliness of marketing collateral


Which of the following data should not be stored on an unsecure and/or shared company system? A. Employees' social security and driver's license numbers B. Accounts receivable C. Client payment information D. Employee's employment records and job reviews


Which of the following is best defined as the number or percentage of clients that accept recommendations made by the veterinary healthcare team? A. Client compliance B. Client adaptation C. Client etiquette D. Client retention


Which of the following is the ideal length of advance notice to give clients whose pets are due for appointments? A. 4 weeks B. 3 days C. 2 weeks D. 1 week


Which of the following is the most appropriate way to discuss a lengthy and complex bill with a client? a. Show the invoice to the client and go through it line by line; ask for and answer any questions, then ask for payment b. Tell the client the invoice total and ask for payment c. Give the invoice to the client, instruct the client to take it home to examine it, and then call the clinic back with a credit card number for payment d. Give the invoice to the client, instruct the client to take a seat to look it over, and then come back to the desk with payment


Liquid anesthesia accidentally has been spilled on the hospital room floor. The steps that should be taken next include the following in what order? 1. open windows 2. pour kitty litter over the spill 3. evacuate team members and patient 4. turn on exhaust fans 5 sweep up and dispose of the kitty litter A. 1,2,5,4,3 B. 3,1,4,2,5 C. 2,5,1,4,3 D. 4,1,3,2,5 E. 2,5,4,3,1


Mailing owners copies of their animals' lab results is a form of which of the following types of marketing? A. External B. Internal C. Promotional D. Assertive E. Branding


Stagnant water may harbor microscopic worm larvae that, when they come into contact with human skin, may infect the human. Which of the following best describes the water? A. Host B. Vehicle of transmission C. Airborne transmission D. Vector E. Reservoir


The cost of caring for others in emotional need is the definition of which of the following terms? A. Abuse B. Compassion fatigue C. Dependence D. Intervention


The ideal management of a practice's social media is which of the following? A. A rotation of enthusiastic team members B. A leader on the veterinary team C. A client with web experience D. A firm specializing in social media management


The minimum requirement for personal protection of team members taking radiographs includes which of the following? A. Rubber-soled shoes, hospital gown, lead gloves B. Hospital gown, lead gloves, thyroid collar C. Thyroid collar, lead gloves, rubber-soled shoes D. Lead gloves, hospital gown, rubber-soled shoes, thyroid collar


The most severe sanction the board can give is: a. A reprimand b. Revocation c. Suspension d. Probation


The somatic signs of compassion fatigue include with of the following? A. Irritability, moodiness, clingyness, changes in appetite B. Sweating, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, headaches C. Questioning the meaning of life, a sense of hopelessness, loss of faith D. Anxiety, guilt, fear, sadness, shock


The veterinary practice has experienced key staff turnovers in the past 3 months. Which of the following areas should be evaluated? a. Job descriptions b. Culture of the practice c. Number of employees d. Practice location


There are over ___ "essential" and "recommended" tasks listed in the Accreditation Policies and Procedures handbook of the CVTEA, which constitutes the foundation of the hands-on curriculum for laboratories and practice training? a. 500 b. 350 c. 200 d. 150


Time in an appointment management system should be allotted to accommodate walk-in clients. Which of the following best describes how walk-in appointment times should be set aside in an appointment system? A. 3-4 per hour for the whole team B. 1-2 per hour for each vet C. 1-2 per hour for the whole team D. 1-2 per day for each vet E. 1-2 per day for the whole team


What is the name of the national board examination given to vet techs? a. Veterinary Technician Examination Boards b. Veterinary Technician National Examination c. Veterinary Technician National Board Examination d. Veterinary Technician Examination


When a practice manager is setting up a template in a new appointment management system, which of the following variables is the most appropriate and should be put in place first? A. There is no appropriate order for inputting template parameters B. Hours the practice is open C. Medical records of current patients D. Doctor's and technicians' E. Usual surgical hours


Which of the following are typically the busiest days at the veterinary practice? A. There are no usual busy days in a practice; each clinic's schedule is unique B. First business day after a holiday C. Fridays, as most clients want to see the vet before the weekend D. Last office day before a major holiday


Which of the following best describes why clients need to sign estimates? A. To denote that they agree to the procedures and that the procedures were done ad recommended B. To denote that they agree to the procedures and to confirm that they are financially responsible for the charges C. To agree that their animal has been treated as recommended D. To confirm that they are financially responsible for the estimate only E. To denote that they agree to the procedures only


Which of the following best explains why the receptionist should pull an animal's medical record when a client calls to ask a clinical question? a. The receptionist can refer to the medical record when answering the question b. The receptionist can give the record to the staff member who will be given the call c. The receptionist can note on the medical record what the staff member told the client d. The receptionist can note if any new medications have been prescribed for the patient


Which of the following contact strategies is most appropriate to use on clients who have failed to respond to two mailed reminders? A. Do nothing B. Call them C. E-mail them D. Continue to mail reminders until they respond


Which of the following is most appropriate to study before determining a reorder point or quantity of a product? A. Marketing literature B. Sales history C. Profit margin D. Expense budget E. Physical inventory


Which of the following is most likely to help clients retain information given to them by the veterinary team members? A. Giving them information once in the office and then again by phone call at a later date B. Giving them handouts that outline the information so they can read it at home C. Repeating the information to them in quick succession while they are in the office D. Giving them the information once while they are in the office


Which of the following is the most appropriate way for an inventory manager to receive and process an incoming order? A. Call the distributor, confirm the shipment and put new items away whenever they fit on the shelf B. Inspect the order, compare it to the invoice and order book, and put new items behind old ones on the shelf C. Check the internet to see if a lower price is available for the item, and compare the order to the invoice D. Put items away wherever they fit on the shelf, then check the invoice and order book to be sure the right items were sent


Which of the following is true regarding direct supervision? a. A licensed veterinarian observes a vet tech perform his or her duties b. It is mandated state-by-state c. Duties are set by the VTNE d. It applies only to veterinary assistants


A client arrives at the clinic with a cat for a routine wellness examination 2 days earlier that the scheduled appointed time. She claims this is the correct appointment time, but the practice's appointment management software states otherwise. The receptionist checks the client's appointment card, and it does state today's date. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step that the receptionist should take? A. Gently tell the client that another staff member made a mistake on the appointment card and that the practice cannot see her today. B. In front of the client, reprimand the team member who wrote the wrong date on the client's appointment card. C. Make every attempt to get the client in to see the veterinarian. D. Ask the next client if he minds if the client goes in to see the veterinarian before he does.


A client brings a 2 year old mixed breed dog in for evaluation of a rash on the abdomen. During the consultation, the vet notices a ring-shaped rash on the client's left arm. The vet determines it is ringworm, a fungal infection, and treats the dog accordingly. He then advises the client to see a physician, explaining that ringworm is a zoonotice disease, but the client brushes of the referral. Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action for the vet to take? A. Call the client at home and again advise that the client seek medical attention B. Call the client's physician and report the ringworm C. Record the conversation in the medical record D. Give the client antifungal cream and directions for application


During a weekly physical inventory, an inventory manager finds an unopened, expired controlled substance in the clinic's locked medicine cabinet. Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action? A. Mix the pills in water and cat litter, and throw the mixture in the trash can B. Flush the pills down the toilet C. Submit the medication to a facility certified to dispose of it D. Flag the container for quick usage, and tell the staff that the medication must be dispensed soon E. Call the distributor and ask if it will take the medication back


During a weekly physical inventory, an inventory manager finds an unopened, expired vaccine on the clinic's shelf. Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action? A. Throw it in the trash can B. Donate it to a local pet shelter C. Call the distributor and ask it it will take the vaccine back D. Flag it for quick usage, and tell the staff that it must be dispensed soon


It is most appropriate to administer chemotherapy to animals to kill which of the following? A. Bacteria B. Viruses C. Tumor cells D. Parasites


Making sure that team members wash their hands thoroughly after handling veterinary medications and chemicals will prevent which of the following? A. Veterinary chemicals are safe for humans; team member do not need to wash their hands after handling them. B. Contaminating their clothes or shoes with the substances C. Ingesting the substances or wiping them on their faces D. Spreading the substances to other animals or surfaces


Malpractice is also known as _____________________ a. An illegal act b. Misrepresentation c. Negligence d. Unprofessional conduct


Many veterinary software applications name appointment time increments as which of the following? A. Time-based appointments B. Measurements C. Units D. Time slots


Of these three components of a message, which is the most important? A. Verbal B. Paraverbal C. Nonverbal


One billion bytes of data storage is equal to which of the following? A. 100 gigabytes B. 1 megabyte C. 1 gigabyte D. 4 megabytes


The administrative body that regulates the practice of veterinary medicine and technology is presided over at which level of government? a. Federal b. County c. State d. Municipal


The results of which of the following is most likely to help a manager determine the best computer system to purchase? A. Transition time from the old system to the new one B. Ease of operation C. Hardware, software, training, and ongoing management D. Cost


The staff member most likely to be responsible for selecting technology systems and establishing policy for its use is which of the following? A. Office manager B. Veterinarian C. Practice Manager D. Vet Assistant


The usual remedy in a tort action is: a. A disciplinary sanction b. A jail sentence c. The awarding of monetary compensation d. A written apology


To change a stat practice act what has to be done? a. There is only on practice act and it is the same for all states b. The changes are voted on and enacted by a committee of the governor c. The changes have to be introduced as a bill into both state house, it has to pass, and be signed by the governor d. The veterinary board decides they want to changed and votes on the proposed changes


To ensure the safety of patients and team members, anesthetic machines must have which of the following? A. Attached dosimeters B. Nothing additional; anesthetic machines are safe as is C. Scavenging systems D. Their own power source


What are the three things a vet tech cannot do in the veterinary hospital? a. Prescribe meds, diagnose disease, and assist during surgery b. Prescribe meds, perform surgical procedures, and provide anesthesia c. Diagnose disease, prescribe meds, and perform surgical procedure d. Provide dental prophylaxis, diagnose disease, and prescribe meds


What is the first thing an owner should do if their dog has bitten someone? A. Report the bite to your insurance company B. Seek professional advice from a lawyer C. Restrain, separate your dog from the scene, confine the dog if possible D. Call your vet to make an appointment for euthanasia


Which of the following are considered goals of an employment cover letter? A. Requesting an interview, describing abilities, creating interest B. Creating interest, describing abilities, requesting an interview C. Listing past employment, creating interest, requesting an interview D. Describing abilities, listing past employment, creating interest


Which of the following are considered to be the "4Ps of Marketing"? A. Price, promotion, privacy, protection B. Privacy, promotion, product, perfection C. Place, price, product, promotion D. Product, place, privacy, price


Which of the following are two key ingredients to effective teamwork within a veterinary practice? a. Reward system for individual initiative and resourcefulness b. Clearly stated hierarchies and respect for educational achievements c. Honest communication and respect d. Fair pay scale and written job descriptions


Which of the following best describes a reorder point? A. Manufacturers' backlongs of ordered products and supplies B. The ideal price point at which to purchase a product from a vendor C. The amount a stock level reaches before it must be resupplied D.The length of time it takes for a vendor to ship an ordered product


Which of the following best describes and intervention? A. Alerting local enforcement officials that a team member is a addict B.Alerting a practice's liability insurer that a team member is an addict C. A process that helps addicts recognize the extent of their problems D. A process that enables addicts to get into the proper treatment programs


Which of the following best describes one of the key reasons for staggering client appointments in a multi-veterinarian clinical practice? A. Appointments do not need to be staggered B. To ensure that walk-in customers are served C. To alleviate crowding at the front desk D. To avoid overwhelming each individual doctor with patients E. To prevent overwhelming each individual technician with patients


Which of the following best describes the primary goal of effective inventory management? A. Selecting vendors from which to buy products and supplies B. Purchasing products and supplies for the lowest price C. Having enough products and supplies available when needed D. devising an annual budget for products and supplies


Which of the following is an example of a paraverbal skill? A. Avoiding the use of "um" in discussions B. Standing straight with solid eye contact when speaking C. Using a lower and deeper voice tone D. Repeating "I don't know" or "I can find out"


Which of the following is most likely to help a practice control client traffic flow, reduce staff tension, and maximize productivity? A. Employee manual B. Client newsletter C. Appointment management system D. Internal marketing campaign E. Accounting software


Which of the following is the most appropriate type of company to pick up and dispose of sharps containers A. Medical recycling company B. Commercial waste management company C. Specialized medical waste company D. City trash collector


Which of the following is the most appropriate way for a practice owner to gauge how satisfied clients are with services being offered by the practice? A. Compare profit statements from the past few years B. Form a focus group of a select group of clients C. Administer a client survey D. Gather anecdotal information about client feedback from team members Look at client retention rates from year to year


Which of the following methods would the receptionist use to ensure the safety of clients and patients in the reception area? a. Provide separate reception areas for well and ill pets b. Provide signage advising animal restraint policies c. Make sure every dog is on a leash and every cat in a carrier d. Place every client and pet in an exam room when they arrive


Which of the following safety armamentarium is required to be placed in a veterinary practice? A. Fire extinguishers, exit signs, smoke detectors, gas masks eyewash stations B. Gas masks, fire extinguishers, emergency lights, exit signs C. Eyewash stations, fire extinguishers, emergency lights, smoke detectors, exit signs D. Emergency lights, gas masks, eyewash stations, smoke detectors, exit signs, fire estinguishers


Who is responsible for accreditation of Vet tech programs in the U.S? a. NAVTA b. State VMA c. AVMA d. State VTA


______ supervision is defined as a situation in which a licensed veterinarian is not on the premises but maintains constant communication: a. Constant b. Immediate c. Indirect d. Direct


A badly injured animal with a complex medical history is brought to the clinic. After a thorough review of the medical history and an exam, the vet asks the receptionist to place a call to a specialist as a reference. The vet is exercising which of the following protocols? a. Abandonment b. Good Samaritan c. Administrative ethics d. Standard of care


A veterinary practice normally sells approximately 120 bottles of canine medications to clients every 3 months. It takes 4 days to get an order from the distributor. The clinic is closed on Sundays. At what inventory level should a reorder be placed? A. 2 B. 3 C. 5 D. 6


An advertising sales representative from a local newspaper calls the veterinary clinic to ask if the clinic wants to promote its services via an advertisement. Which of the following team members is most likely to be authorized to purchase the advertisement space? a. Veterinarian b. Veterinary technician c. Veterinary assistant d. Practice manager e. Receptionist


An office manager concerned about data security has installed a firewall system and an antivirus software on the office computers. What additional step should be taken to ensure data security? A. Use only one computer for business transactions, the others for patient treatment records B. Do not allow employees to use the computers on their lunch hour C. Turn off all computers and monitors during hours when the clinic is not open D. Institute password protection on all sensitive data


It is most appropriate to dispose of used needles and surgical blades in which of the following? A. Plastic Jug B. Cardboard box C. Recyclables bin D. Sharps container E. Trash Bag


It is most appropriate to reorder products when it is determined that they can be resold during which of the following time periods? A. 1 week B. 2 weeks C. 1 month D. 3 months


Of the complaints that veterinary clients file with state veterinary boards, which of the following is the most common topic? A. Inappropriate health information dispensed B. Lack of appropriate follow-up care C. Blatant price gouging D. Inaccurate estimates E. Aggressive advertising


Once client appointments have been set for the day, open appointment times can be used for which of the following? A. Community outreach efforts B. Closing the practice C. Vendor meetings D. Walk-in clients E. Staff breaks


Printing materials about common animal diseases and giving them to clients whose animals have those disorders is a form of client education that is best categorized as which of the following types of marketing? A. External marketing B. Branding C. Direct marketing D. Internal marketing


The body's automatic response to stress often is referred to in general terms as which of the following? A. Anxiety B. Negative stress C. Burnout D. Fight or Flight E. Stress management


The laws that govern the practice of veterinary medicine and the legal roles of vet techs are outline in the document called the: a. Rules of state b. Laws of veterinary technicians c. Laws of veterinary medicine d. Practice act


The receptionist is responsible for backing up all of the office files. Which of the following is used for this procedure? A. Scanner B. Network card C. CD D. DVD-RW


The second paragraph of a model employment cover letter should be reserved for which of the following? A. List how the candidate heard about the job B. List the schools attended and grade point averages C. List references D. Promote and highlight the candidate's skills


The ultimate goal in the selection of technology systems and hardware is which of the following? A. Purchase the most up-to-date technology and adapt the practice to it B. Produce a paperless environment C. Purchase what all area practices are using to promote a standard of care D. Select systems that can evolve with the practice


Triage is best defined as prioritizing patients based on which of the following? a. The length of time a client has been a customer of the clinic b. First-come first-served priority c. Clients' ability to pay for services d. Severity of their conditions


Two team members are lifting a 90 lb Bernese mountain dog on the exam table. It is most appropriate for them to use which of the following muscle groups to do most of the heavy lifting? A. Arms B. Back C. Abdomen D. Legs


What is the overriding purpose of the board of veterinary medicine? a. To protect the veterinary and veterinary technology profession b. To protect the veterinary profession c. To protect the animals d. To protect the public


When a state health administrator receives information that a person has been bitten by an animal, the administrator shall A. Have the animal euthanized immediately B. Fine the owner for having a dangerous animal C. If the dog is up to date on its rabies vaccine nothing needs to be done D. Have the animal confined under the observation of a licensed veterinarian for a period of 10 days


When it comes to professional ethics, a vet tech is beholden to which of the following entities? a. NAVTA b. State Boards c. The technician's personal ethics d. All of the above


Which of the following best explains why effective client communication is critical to providing excellent client care in a veterinary practice? A. A client who does not understand the vet's recommendations is more likely to sue the practice B. Client communication will help a veterinary practice owner keep liability claims to a minimum C. A client who understands the procedures and recommendations is likely to pay more for the veterinary services D. A client must fully understand the recommended procedures, the rationales, and after-care steps


Which of the following is an example of external marketing? A. Newsletters sent to clients B. Client recalls C. Appointment reminders D. Yellow pages advertisement


Which of the following is appropriate to include in an offer letter to an applicant who has accepted a job offer? A. Starting salary, benefits, info given by the applicant's references B. Raise and evaluation structure, info given by references, notice of a trial period C. Starting salary, raise and evaluation structure, info given by references D. Benefits, starting salary, raise and evaluation structure, notice of a trial period


Which of the following is most likely to influence reorder point of a product? A. Packaging appeal B. Profetability and seasonality C. Lead time and profitability D. Seasonality and lead time


Which of the following is the most appropriate way to provide the names of references to a potential employer? A. On the job application completed on the employer's premises B. On the job application completed on the employer's premises, references listed in order of importance to candidate's work history C. On the same sheet of paper as a resume, references listed in order of importance to candidate's work history D. On a separate sheet of paper from a resume, references listed in alphabetical order


Which of the following statements regarding laws and regulation is false? a. If a vet tech violates a regulation, the result may be monetary penalties or imprisonment b. The general public may have an impact on laws and regulations c. While it is not a crime to practice veterinary medicine without a license in most states, the unlicensed practitioner will most likely be subject to sanction by the board d. Both A and C are false


Which of the following types of marketing is most likely to be considered both internal and external marketing? A. Exam report cards B. Newspaper advertising C. Yellow Pages ads D. Clinic open houses


Veterinary team members have a right to know the dangers of the chemicals, such as anesthetic gases, radiology chemicals, and formalin that they use. Which of the following outlines the compliance requirements to which all veterinary practice must adhere? A. Material Data Safety Sheets B. State Veterinary Board Compliance Regulations C. OSHA D. Hazardous Materials Act E. Hazards Communication Standard


When and intervention does not help an alcohol-dependent or drug-addicted vet or credentialed tech, which of the following is the most appropriate next step for colleagues to take? A. Report the situation to a local newspaper reporter B. Report the individual to local law enforcement authorities C. Hold another intervention, this time with more people D. This a private matter and requires no action E. Report the individual to the state board of veterinary medicine


Which of the following agencies creates policy concerning the safe use and disposal of chemicals used in a veterinary practice? A. State Department of Agriculture B. County Health commissioner C. Food and Drug Administration D.State Veterinary Board E. Occupational Safety and Health Administration


Which of the following are federally required for all chemical products that are sold or used within a veterinary practice? A. Chemical Use and Disposal Statements B. Profit and Loss Statements C. Chemical Dispensing Sheets D. Product Pricing Data Sheets E. Material Safety Data Sheets


Which of the following features in web design software is most likely to enable search engines to point online searches to a practices's website? A. Page headers B. Photographs C. Design features D. Font Type E. Keywords


Which of the following is the ultimate goal of the receptionist team? a. Keeping the waiting area clean and safe for clients and animals b. Collecting payments from clients c. Ensuring that accurate invoices are delivered to clients d. Supporting client and patient care through effective communications e. Offering exceptional customer service


A safety manager at a new vet clinic has exit signs and arrows installed and an evacuation plan established and displayed in case of emergency. Which of OSHA's four safety and compliance protocol sections do the manager's actions fulfill? A. Administrative tasks B. Evaluation of facility C. Administrative tasks and evaluation of the facility D. Training program E. PPE usage


A safety manager at a new vet clinic has eyewash stations installed on all water faucets. Which of OSHA's four safety and compliance protocol sections do the manager's actions fulfill? A. PPE usage B. Training program C. Administrative tasks D. Evaluation of facility


A cat is scheduled for surgery. How many days before the scheduled procedure is it most appropriate to call to remind the client of the appointment and any presurgical protocols to follow? A. 1 B. 4 C. 5 D. 7


A client brings a cat to the practice for evaluation of a 2-day history of blood-tinged diarrhea. The vet makes a diagnosis and recommends treatment, but the client cites an article on the internet, and the client now believes this cat has a rare disorder. The client refuses to comply with the treatment recommendation, although the vet is certain of the diagnosis, common to the bread of cat, and the best treatment for it. Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action for the veterinary team? A. Give the client a clean, printed copy of an educational handout that describes the cat's condition, the breed's propensity for the disease, and the recommended treatment B. Clients such as this do no generally listen to recommendations; no action is required C. Repeat to the client the diagnosis and insist the treatment is appropriate for it D. Ask another vet form the practice to consult on the case E. Ask the client not to return to the practice until he is willing to comply with the vet's recommendations


A client brings a very lethargic Great Dane dog to the clinic for an exam. The dog's weight is just under 60lbs. The vet has asked that the dog be placed on the large animal exam table. Which of the following would be an appropriate next step? A. Ask for assistance from another team member B. Ask the client to put the dog on the table C. Tell the vet to examine the dog on the floor D. Coax the dog with doggie treats to jump up on the table


A dog has been euthanized at a vet clinic. The client wants to take the remains home. In which of the following should the dog's remains be placed? A. Waterproof bag B. Wooden Box C. Cardboard box D. Waterproof crate E. Client-supplied blanket


A dosimeter is used for measuring which of the following in a practice? A. Radiation exposure when taking radiographs B. Dosages when dispensing medications C. Blood samples taken for lab study D. Serum samples sent for diagnostic review E. Cleaning supplies


A long-time client of a veterinary practice enters the reception area with a pet. Which of the following is the best way for the receptionist to acknowledge their entrance to the clinic? a. "Hello, Mrs. Jones. Hi, Jessie. I'll be with you momentarily." b. "Please sign your name on the registration sheet." c. "What health problem brings the dog to the clinic today?" d. "Did you see the special on dogs last night on the television?"


A new drug for prevention of osteoarthritis in cats has come onto the market, and the vet thinks the drug, which the practice well sell, may be helpful to many older cats. The vet asks the staff to develop a list of clients with cats ages 10 years and older and to mail to them information about the drug, with a prompt to make an appointment to discuss the new treatment with the vet. Which of the following best describes the type of marketing? A. Target B. Branding C. Indirect D. External


A practice manager has priced advertising one monthly for a year in a local newspaper. The price for a quarter-page advertisement is $437.50 each time the ad runs. The average new client pays $350 in fees in the first year of service. For the campaign to break even, not including cost of the ad creation and placement fees, how many new clients must this advertising campaign bring to the practice in 1 year? A. 15 B. 12 C. 8 D. 6


A practice manager is setting up a template in a new appointment management system. After placing the hours of operation into the schedule and the hours the clinic is closed for staff meetings and other meetings, which of the following variables is the most appropriate to schedule next? A. Holidays when the office is closed B. Date the system will nest be upgraded and therefore shut down C. Medical records for current patients D. Birth dates of staff members E. Usual surgical hours


A practice owner wants an effective means of training all employees to give the same answers to frequently asked client questions. Which of the following is the most appropriate method to employ? A. Develop a client service manual and give it to all employees B. Ask a product manufacturer to come in once monthly to give educational sessions to the staff C. Give annual seminars on the topic and mandate that all employees attend D. Correct team members each time they give incorrect or inappropriate responses to clients


A radiograph has been sent via email to a clinic from a referring vet. The image appears skewed and not clear. Which of the following should be evaluated? A. Video graphics card (VGC) B. Random access memory (RAM) C. Wireless LAN access point D. Universal shared bus (USB)


A vet's brother-in-law is a dog breeder whose dogs are nationally recognized for their lustrous coats. As a breeder, the brother-in-law developed and uses a specially formulated dog vitamin and asks the vet to promote the product in the clinic, offering to share 50% of the products' profits sold through the clinic. The vet asks for the ingredients, but the breeder is unwilling to share the formula and says the vitamin ingredients are a secret, patented formula and, as such, provide a competitive advantage over other dog breeders. Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action for the vet? A. Do not agree to sell the product and report the brother-in-law to the AVMA B. Do not agree to see the product unless the brother-in-law discloses the ingredients C. Agree to sell the product but not to take the profits D. Agree to see the product and take the profits


A veterinary clinic employee who has been working excessively long days during the past several months appears withdrawn, agitated. and depressed. Staff have heard complaints of stomach pain, an inability to concentrate on work, and a pattern of spending money excessively. Which of the following best describes this employee's emotional state? A. Burned Out B. Manic C. Anxious D. Environmentally stressed E. Hyperactive


A veterinary clinic in a southeastern city is flooded during a Category 5 hurricane. City inspectors declare the building unsafe for human occupation, and the building is scheduled for demolition. The clinic's insured asks the practice owner for a list of the equipment that is in the building. An updated copy of which of the following, if prepared ahead of time, should the owner provide to the insurance company? A. Capital inventory list B. Equipment manufacturers' invoices C. Equipment manufacturers' warranties D. Capital planning budget


An owner elects to have a pet pig's remains cremated and the ashes returned. The container of ashes should be marked with the name of the client and the practice. Which of the following also is appropriate to include with the container? A. Patient's name B. Cause of death C. Medical record D. Dates of the pig's birth and death


Anti-spam laws should be carefully evaluated before embarking on which of the following types of marketing campaigns? A. Email B. Website advertising C. Promotional mailing D. Indirect E. Branding


Clients and visitors observe a heated argument between two staff members regarding whose responsibility it is to clean up urine from a "doggie mishap" in the reception area. This type of staff interaction will have an effect on which of the following? a. Team culture b. Cleaning product selection c. Job descriptions d. Etiquette


During a weekly physical inventory, an inventory manager finds open bottle of expired canine vitamin pills on the shelf. Approximately 20 pills are left. Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action? A. Mix the pills in water and cat litter, and throw the mixture in the trash can B. Allow employees to take them home for their pets C. Flush the pills down the toilet D. Call the distributor and ask if it will take the vitamins back E. Flag the bottle for quick usage, and tell the staff that the vitamins must be dispensed soon


Employees at a meeting disagree on how best to serve patients who have certain types of conditions. The discussion becomes heated. Which of the following is the most appropriate response by the meeting facilitator? a. Direct employees to research the topic so that it can be readdressed at another meeting; then move on to another topic b. Ask the highest-ranking member of the team present to settle the argument c. Direct employees to stop arguing and then change the subject; do not mention the subject again in this or subsequent meetings d. Ask those employees who are arguing to each stand up and make their case in from of the other employees


How often should a practice's marketing strategy be reanalyzed to ensure it is accomplishing the practice owner's goals? A. Annually B. Semiannually C. Quarterly D. Monthly E. Weekly


In analyzing responses from client surveys, which of the following are typical responses? A. Clients want to be appreciated, listened to, understood, helped without asking for it, and to know team members care about client's animals B. Clients want team members to be honest, to be appreciated, listened to, understood, and to pay the lowest prices in the area C. Clients want help with asking for it, honesty, to pay the lowest prices in the area, and to ell that the team members care about client's animals D. Clients want to pay the lowest prices in the area, fell that the team members care about client's animals, and to be understood


In which of the following ways can appointment software that is accessible via an in-house network help a veterinary team increase its efficiency? A. Allows multiple users to schedule client visits B. Cheaper to set up than a paper-based appointment system C. Enables to vet to see all the appointments for the day D. Allows a practice manager to view the team's productivity E. Enables easy access to patient medical records


Interpreting correct nutritional instructions, feeding correct diet, and withholding food from a pre-op patient describe the primary duties of which member of the veterinary healthcare team? a. Kennel assistant b. Groomer c. Veterinary technician d. Veterinary assistant


It is most appropriate for a veterinary assistant to excel at which of the following aspects of the veterinary practice? a. Disease prevention and animal nutrition b. Calculation of drug dosages c. Animal skin care d. Accounts receivable and accounts payable


Ixodes scapularis, the tick that transmits Lyme disease from deer to humans, is best described as which of the following? A. Vector B. Airborne transmitter C. Reservoir D. Indirect transmitter


Of the three components of message delivery, which plays a key role in client education, trust, and compliance? A. Nonverbal B. Paraverbal C. Verbal


Overproduction. Of which of the following is most likely to cause anxiety, anger, and depression? A. Neurotransmitters B. Cortisone C. Insulin D. Hormones E. Endorphins


The front desk reports that ads keep popping up on the home screen of the computer. Which of the following is likely to be responsible? A. Adware B. Sypware C. Spam D. Cookies


It is most appropriate to dispose of chemotherapy armamentarium, such as gowns and gloves used by team members in which of the following? A. Cardboard box B. Yellow biohazard container C. Blue recyclables bin D. Trash Bag E. Red sharps container


Clients dropping off animals for treatment should give the technicians the animals' complete medical history. Which of the following should be given to the clients? A. Nothing needs to be given to the clients B. Estimate of the charges C. Copy of the practice's most recent client newsletter D. Digital picture of the animal E. Copy of the medical history


A 34-year-old obese male cockatoo is diagnosed with late-stage fatty liver disease. The bird dies while in the hospital. The client is called and told of the bird's death. The client comes into the clinic very annoyed, saying the staff did not do enough to save the bird. Which stage of grief is the client exhibiting? A. Denial B. Anger C. Bargaining D. Depression E. Acceptance


A 6 year old female bichon frise is brought for follow-up exam. The dog has been treated for the past week with an antibiotic for a bacterial infection. The exam today shows that the infection has resolved somewhat but not completely. The client reports to have read on the internet that the antibiotic prescribed is not the best treatment for the dog's condition but does not recall the specific website. Which of the following is the most appropriate response? A. "If a website says the medicine is not good, perhaps we need to rethink the treatment regimen." B. "Some websites offer medically sound advice; others do not. Let's examine the dog to be sure we are using the best treatment possible." C. "Since you cannot remember where you read the information, we will have to consider it to be inaccurate." D. "The internet does not offer reliable information on veterinary practice."


Customer satisfaction is most likely to lead to which of the following? A. Healthier patients B. Improved client retention C. Greater client compliance D. Improved client education E. Higher net profits


Ideally, a veterinary practice's total annual inventory costs should equal what percentage of a practice's overall annual income? A. 17-20% B. 12-15% C. 7-10% D.5-7% E. 2-4%


A 9-year-old neutered male beagle dog is brought for examination because of the 6-month history of generalized lethargy and reluctance to walk. The dog is obese, and the vet determines that the god needs to lose approximately 15 pounds. The client seems hesitant to take the actions necessary to improve the dog's health but does indicate a desire to keep the dog alive for as long as possible. Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action for the veterinary team to take? A. Do nothing; if the client is unwilling to change his pet-care practices, the clinic has no further recourse B. Allot extra time for client education; review with the client written instructions for the care of obese animals C. Warn the client that he is endangering his pet's health and should read on the internet some ways to help his dog lose weight. D. Refer the client to new veterinary practice that does not have as many patients and will give this client the time he needs to learn proper pet care


A VTS is a vet tech who: a. Has attained a Bachelor of Science degree in veterinary technology b. Has been reviewed and approved for specialist status by the academy c. Has studied and been tested in the ten areas of specialty in veterinary technology d. Can only practice in Canada


A Vet Tech who holds a Bachelor of Science degree from a 4-year, AVMA-accredited college is considered a veterinary: a. technician assistant specialist b. technologist c. assistant technologist d. technician specialist


A candidate is applying for a position at a veterinary hospital and is writing a cover letter. The first paragraph includes to job to which the candidate is applying, and the letter creates interest. Which of the following also should be included in the first paragraph? A. Educational status B. How the candidate heard about the job C. The names of the previous three employers D. References E. Request for an interview


A client arrives at the clinic with a cat 2 days earlier than the scheduled appointed time for a routine wellness examination. The client claims this is the correct scheduled appointment, but the practice's appointment management software states otherwise. Which of the following is the most appropriate initial step that the receptionist should take? A. Gently tell the client that she is mistaken and that the practice cannot see her until the scheduled appointment two days from now. B. Check the client's appointment card to ensure that the staff member did not write the wrong date. C. Make every attempt to get the client in to see the veterinarian. D. Ask the next client if he minds if this client goes in to see the veterinarian before he does.


A client brings a 2 year old mixed breed dog in for evaluation of a rash on the abdomen. During the consultation, the vet notices a ring-shaped rash on the client's left arm. The vet determines it is ringworm, a fungal infection, and treats the dog accordingly. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step the vet should take? A. Diagnose the client with ringworm B. Suggest that the client have the rash examined by a physician C. Do nothing, as the vet is paid to treat the dog only D. Treat the client with the same medication as the dog


A client brings a cat to the practice for evaluation of a 2-day history of blood-tinged diarrhea. The vet makes a diagnosis and recommends treatment. However, the client refuses the treatment plan, stating a lack of finances. The vet knows of the clinical trial currently being conducted that may be appropriate for this cat to enter; however, the cat may or may not be placed in the active treatment group. Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action for the vet to take? A. Do not tell the client about the clinical trial, but leave it up to the trial organizers to explain to the client that the cat may not receive treatment B. Do tell the client about the clinical trial, providing full disclosure on how clinical trials are run and fully explaining that the cat may or may not get treatment C. Do not tell the client about the clinical trial because the cat, if accepted, may not get treatment D. Do not tell the client about the clinical trial because it may prove embarrassing to have to pursue a free-treatment option


A client calls the practice and complains that although a pet supposedly had a teeth cleaning the previous week, it appears that nothing was done. What technology would offer the client assurance that the invoiced procedure was performed? A. Dental x-rays B. Digital camera C. Electronic treatment notes D. Scanner


A client is at the reception desk complaining loudly about the services the clinic provided to the family dog. Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action for the receptionist? a. Call security personnel or local law enforcement b. Ask the client to step into an exam room to speak with the office manager or someone else who can help her c. Stay at the front desk, but refuse to discuss the matter until the client is calm d. Stay at the front desk with the client and discuss the matter


A do is brought tot he hospital prior to surgery to repair a laceration. The client is apprised of the estimated charges for the procedure and follow-up care and is told that charges may vary depending on the rise of unforeseen circumstances. During surgery, the vet encounters an unexpected complication requiring an additional procedure, which is completed while the dog is still on the surgical table. Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action for the practice team to take? A. Do no call the client, but explain the extra charge when the dog is released B. Call the client immediately to report the complication and extra charge to treat it C. Call the client immediately to report the complication, but do not charge an extra fee for treating the dog D. Do not call the client or charge a fee to treat the complication because the initial estimate did not include it


A dog has just voided on the exam room floor, and the vet assistant leaves the room to gather the mop, bucket, gloves, towels, and disinfectant. Before the assistant returns, the tech comes into the room and slips on the wet floor. Which of the following would have been most appropriate for the assistant to do? A. Lock the door to the exam room B. Place a "wet floor" sign in the exam room C. Make an announcement over the clinic's loudspeaker that the exam room is off limits D. Guard the wet spot and send someone else to gather the cleaning supplies


If a large dog starts to attach you, you should A. Scream "Help" loudly several times, while waving your arms to attract attention B. Remain calm, and avoid eye contact, back away slowly C. Run as fast as you can away from the dog D. Try to grab the dog by its collar


A farmer reports listlessness, anorexia, and diarrhea of green droppings in appx. 10% of a turkey flock. The farmer further reports that within 10 days of the onset of signs, several affected birds died. Lab results of surviving affected birds and postmortem examination of two dead turkeys confirms infection with Leucocytozoon smithi parasites. The vet tells the farmer that the birds who have survived the infection are most likely in the nest several months to infect new members of the flock. Which of the following best describes the surviving turkeys? A. Indirect transmitters B. Reservoirs C. Hosts D. Vectors


A fire breaks out in a vet clinic during the night and the computer system is destroyed. All data from the system were lost. Which of the following practices would have prevented this loss? A. Backing up the data once per week onto a storage system placed off site B. Backing up the data each night onto an off-site storage system C. Nothing could have prevented this loss D. Backing up the data onto a CD and storing it in the office manager's desk


A large-breed dog in a kennel breaks free of the kennel and lunges at the kennel assistant in a menacing manner. The assistant's body releases increased levels of endorphins and hormones. As the blood flow and breathing rate increase, which of the following is the first stage of stress the assistant is most likely to experience? A. Exhaustion B. Alarm C. Adaptation


A new client brings a cat to the clinic for an examination and during tha appointment mistakes the technician for the vet, relaying the cat's extensive medical history. The client then becomes annoyed when the same data must be repeated to the vet. The client says, "I thought that other person was the vet." Which of the following practices most likely would have prevented this scenario? A. The employees should wear badges that include their names only B. the employees should wear badges that include their names and titles C. the receptionist should have introduced the client to the technician D. the receptionist should have told the client that he/she will see the technician first


A new drug for prevention of osteoarthritis in cats has come onto the market, and the vet thinks the drug, which the practice well sell, may be helpful to many older cats. The vet asks the staff to develop a list of clients with cats ages 10 years and older and to mail to them information about the drug, with a prompt to make an appointment to discuss the new treatment with the vet. A team member sends out the mailing and alerts most of the team members about the mailing. Which of the following parts of this case example is most likely to cause a problem at the clinic? A. The clinic should not promote pharmaceuticals for its patients B. The team member informed most, but not all of the staff the the mailing went out C. The team member may be annoyed by the request to work on a promotional campaign D. Te vet should perform a clinical study prior to giving the drug to patients E. Older cats should not be singled out in a marketing campaign


A receptionist and a vet tech have had a disagreement and are no longer on speaking terms. The team leader takes each one aside separately and asks what started the argument. After listening carefully to each employee, the team leader repeats back what was heard so that each party clearly understand the other's position. The team leader is demonstrating which of the following types of leadership skill? a. Leading by example b. Effective listening c. Enthusiasm d. Sincerity e. Self-confidence


A receptionist is at the front line of the veterinary practice, which means that this team member is most likely to be responsible for which of the following important duties? a. Develop client coping strategies b. Greet clients and interpret medical records c. Manage accounts receivable and collections d. Understand and teach the significance of diseases


A vet clinic has its business name and logo printed on dog leashes. The leashes are given to all new clients with dogs. Which of the following best describes this type of marketing? A. Target B. Promotional C. Indirect D. External


A vet is recommending that a client's 10-year old female domestic shorthaired cat undergo surgery because of a broken femur. The client is given informed consent forms to sign following a thorough discussion of the procedure. Which of the following must be completed on the consent form? a. Risk, benefits, prognosis, postsurgery instructions b. Risks, benefits, prognosis, alternative treatments, costs c. Alternative treatments, costs, risks, medical history, diet d. Medical history, risks, prognosis, alternate treatment, costs


A vet makes a regularly scheduled visit to a dairy farm and observes many cows with signs of poor milk letdown. The vet attempts to give the dairy manager a sheet outlining the signs of the condition, possible treatments, risks, and probable prognoses. However, the manager refuses to take the sheet and says the cows are fine. Which of the following types of marketing is most appropriate in this situation? A. External marketing B. Assertive marketing C. Branded marketing D. Promotional marketing E. Target marketing


A vet makes a routine revisit to a horse stable and gives the owner a brochure about colic prevention. Which of the following best characterizes this brochure? A. Branded marketing vehicle B. Client education material C. External marketing vehicle D. Promotional marketing product


A veterinary team leader calls a meeting to discuss an upcoming project, asking for staff input and opinions. This manager is demonstrating which of the following leadership styles? a. Directive b. Supportive


A veterinary team member is trained to ask all new clients, "How did you hear about us?", and then to record the answer in a main marketing file online. Which of the following best describes this practice? A. Promotional marketing B. Feedback mechanism C. Indirect marketing D. Assertive marketing


At a veterinary practice, the lead receptionist keeps tight control of supplies and products and knows by heart all reorder points and phone numbers of distributors and manufacturers. The receptionist is away from the office for an extended illness, during which time the practice runs out of several products and supplies. Which of the following would have prevented this problem? A. The practice owner should have kept a closer eye on the inventory B. The receptionist should have recorded in a central location the reorder points and phone numbers for the vendors C. The vendors should have placed the office on auto-ship based on inventory numbers D. During the receptionist's absence, products should have not been sold


A client quietly brings to the practice manager's attention an incident that occurred with a vet assistant. The practice manager investigates the matter and agrees that the assistant should have done something differently. Which of the following is the most appropriate response to give the client? A. "The incident is over and there is nothing that can be done now" B. "I brought this incident up at our last meeting, and the assistant apologized for the incident" C. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I have taken corrective steps to ensure it does not have again" D. "The assistant was having a bad day and apologizes for the incident"


A client quietly brings to the practice manager's attention an incident that occurred with a vet assistant. Which of the following is the most appropriate initial response to give the client? A. Say nothing and write down the client's conversation word for word B. Ask the client to repeat the information and check if there are any discrepancies in the story C. Repeat back to the client the information as it was stated to make it clear that it was understood D. Say nothing, as the client obviously needs to vent about the incident


A client returns with questions concerning the procedures completed in the past 6 months for one of his/her household pets. The client thinks the clinic has not taken any measures to examine the pet's teeth. Which of the following practical measures will hep prevent such a misunderstanding? A. A detailed conversation with the pet owner B. Before and after photographs C. An examination report card D. A receipt printed at the end of the appointment


A client who usually is never late for appointments at the clinic has not shown up for a scheduled appointment nor did the client call the practice. Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action to take the next time the client calls for an appointment? A. Send a letter of dismissal to the client B. Call the client and ask for an explanation of why the appointment was missed C. Call the client to reschedule the appointment D. Do nothing; wait until the client calls and reschedules the appointment


A client with several cats has been a loyal client of the practice fro many years. During the appointments, the client enjoys spending a little extra time with the vet, inquiring about any new updates on cat care the vet may have read. Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action when scheduling appointments for this special client? A. Do not alter the schedule; the vet will make up the extra time during the day B. Ask the client to come in on a walk-in basis C. Write a not on the client's account stating the need to schedule additional time for discussion time and inform all new employees of this fact D. Tell the client that appointment times are preset and to avoid lingering with the vet as it cuts into the time other clients have with the doctor


A fully credentialed veterinary technician is required to have which of the following? a. Letter of acceptance into a veterinary medical school b. Extensive hands-on experience as a veterinary assistant c. Passing grade on an exam given by a state and the Veterinary Technician National Examination Committee d. Diploma from a 4-year American Veterinary Medical Association-accredited veterinary technology program


A good letter from a veterinary practice is most likely to be one that has which of the following characteristics? A. Sparse and encourages the recipient to call for further details B. Short and curt C. Short, stating the facts in an unembellished fashion D. Fully embellished details and includes historical facts


A highly qualified and competent tech who has been working many extra hours for the past several months is clearly showing signs of burnout. In a private conversation with the practice manager, the tech denies feeling burned out or stressed. Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action for the practice manager to take? A.Do nothing, because employees should learn to pace themselves B. Fire the technician to prevent negativity spreading to other employees C. Arrange for the tech to take some time off of work D. Take the tech out for drinks after work to talk through the problem


A new client-reminder template is set up in a practice's desktop publishing software. The template includes places for team members to input the client's name, pet's name, what services are due, and the clinic's name, address, phone number, website address, and logo. After sending 50 reminders, the practice manager notices that only 5 recipients have made appointments. Which of the following is the most likely explanation? A. Nothing; a 10% response rate is commendable for communications with clients B. The template included the clinic's URL, and clients thought it was a promotion for the website C. The template did not include content prompting clients to call for appointments D. The staff mailed the reminders to the wrong client list


A new practice owner has opened a clinic in a busy urban setting with many other veterinary hospitals and offices in the vicinity. To ensure that the new clinic's services and prices are in line with other clinics, which of the following is the most appropriate course of action? A. No action is required; Clients will eventually see the superior client service and fair fee structure B. Join the local veterinary association, and at one of the first meeting, suggest that the group adopt a non-compete agreement C. Gather intelligence regarding competitors' offerings and prices and use it to inform decisions about services and fees D. Join the local veterinary association, and at one of the first meetings, suggest that everyone abide by a fee structure


A paper-based appointment book for a one-practitioner clinic should include how many appointment columns per day? A. 5 B. 4 C. 3 D. 2 E. 1


A pet portal is best described as which of the following? A. An animal carrier B. A doggie door C. A digital communication allowing the sharing of patient records, photographs, radiographs, etc. D. A veterinary practice's home page


A practice owner wants to build a thriving practice. Of the following, which should be a top training priority for staff development? A. Role-playing handling difficult clients B. Reviewing the office procedures manual C. Team member confidence D. Understanding personality types


A premises violation would be noted in which of the following examples? a. Lack of separation of ill and well animals b. Medication being sold in the reception area c. A surgery room being used as an exam room d. A loose rug in the client traffic path


A receptionist has demonstrated consistent accuracy in reconciling the accounts at the end of the day. As a result, the receptionist offers some suggestions to the office manager to make the reconciliation process easier and more accurate for all receptionists. The manager asks the receptionist to institute those changes and then to teach the new procedures to the other staff members in a way that will be most effective. Which of the following best describes the leadership technique demonstrated by the manager? a. Effective communication b. Leading by example c. Empowerment d. Delegation


A team leader who promotes trust and effective communication among team members is demonstrating which of the following types of personal characteristics? a. Acceptance of diverse cultures b. Enthusiasm c. Sincerity d. Self-confidence


A team member is scheduling an appointment for a client by writing in the day and time in the practice's appointment book. The team member writes into the appointment slot the client's name and phone number, the patient's name, and the reason for the visit. Which of the following additional information is most appropriate to include? A. Client's payment history B. How the client plans to pay for the appointment C. Species, age, and breed of the animal D. Date of the animal's last visit E. How long the client has been coming to the practice


A travel sheet is best described as which of the following? a. List of procedures done on the products used by patients; it is requested by clients who are moving and want their animals' health records to be transferred to other veterinarians b. Health certificate for an animal that is about to travel via an airline c. List of common procedures and products; it is attached to the patient's medical record and travels with it throughout the day d. Expense report from team members who have traveled to a veterinary conference


A vet is looking at the daily schedule and determines all the appointments for the day involve routine care. At 9:30 a.m., however, a 3-year-old male mixed-breed dog is brought to the clinic after being struck by a motor vehicle. The dog is bleeding from the nose and a wound on the head, is breathing but is not alert, and appears to have two fractured forelimbs. The vet begins emergency surgery on the dog. The receptionist begins to call the remaining appointments scheduled for the day. After explaining that the doctor has an emergency to handle, which of the following is the most appropriate next step? A. Instruct the clients to come in at their scheduled times but to be prepared to wait until the vet resolves the emergency B. Refer the clients to another veterinary practice C. Reschedule the vet's appointments D. Tell the clients that they can come in today on a walk-in basis only


A veterinary drug manufacturer offers to pay a vet to use a head shot and testimonial in one of its advertisements for a prescription medication. The vet has prescribed the drug to many patients during the past several years and thinks it is a good product. The manufacturer sends the finished advertisement, which does not indicate the vet was a paid endorser. Which of the following aspects of this scenario is most likely to be considered unethical according to the standards set by the American Veterinary Medical Association? A. The manufacturer paying the vet for use of a picture and testimonial B. The vet's picture being included in the advertisement C. The advertisement did not indicate that the vet was paid for the endorsement D. The vet giving and being paid for a testimonial


A veterinary practice has paid to be a sponsor of a local community theater. Which of the following is and appropriate request for the practice owner of the theater manager? A. "Please put our practice's logo on your theater curtain" B. "Please announce our clinic as a sponsor before each performance" C. "Please place an ad for our practice in your theater's playbill and our logo on your advertising" D. "Please select a play about animals in your upcoming season"


A veterinary team leader institutes a program in which employees who have done a good job are rewarded with free tickets to a local movie theater. This manager is demonstrating which of the following 4 Rs of team management? a. Responsibility b. Respect c. Recognition d. Rapport


A webmaster designs a website for a new cat clinic. The designer has carefully included core information about the clinic, including its name, address, phone numbers, a map to its location, hours of operation, services offered, and a biography about the vet employed there. The site is well designed and includes colorful pictures of children having fun with various types of animals. Which of the following aspects of this case example is most likely to be considered confusing to prospective clients? A. Hours of operation B. Contact info for the clinic C. Practice focus D. Services offered


A woman who own several pets wants to apply for a position as a full-time, entry-level receptionist at a veterinary practice. She has worked at only one other job: For the past 11 years, she took phone and walk-in orders on a part-time basis at a local sandwich shop. Which of the following skill learned at the sandwich shop is most appropriate to highlight on the resume? A. Ability to work effectively for a full day B. Ability to take accurate food orders C. Customer service D. Pet ownership


After analyzing a veterinary practice's balance sheet, the practice owner decides to initiate a marketing campaign to attract additional clients and retain current clients. Analyzing which of the following aspects of the practice is most likely to help the practice owner determine what is unique and marketable about the practice's services? A. Profitability B. Client comments C. Practice's current weaknesses D. Services offered by other practices in the area


An applicant with no veterinary practice experience wants to highlight skills gained in other industries and how the skills might be useful to a clinic. Which of the following is the most appropriate way to proceed? A. Include the reason she is changing careers in the resume B. Include related experience in the cover letter C. List a summary of skills, followed by employment history D. List the employment history first, followed by summary of skills E. Include employment history in the cover letter


At which of the following annual inventory turns per product should a product be outsourced? A. >16 B. >8 C. <6 D. <3


Designing a logo and a few accompanying descriptive words about a veterinary practice and then using the logo and test on letterhead, advertisements, signage and other materials constitutes which of the following types of marketing? A. External marketing B. Promotion C. Branding D. Direct marketing E. Internal marketing


A 6 year old female bichon frise is brought for follow-up exam. The dog has been treated for the past week with an antibiotic for a bacterial infection. The exam today shows that the infection has resolved somewhat but not completely. The vet says he is going to treat the dog with a stronger antibiotic. The client stands with folded arms when listening to the vet. Which of the following is most appropriate way to encourage the client to unfold the clasped arms and be willing to listen to to the vet's recommendation? A. Step out of the room for a moment to allow the client time to regain composure and be more willing to listen B. Explain the situation to the client in greater medical detail, with more medical terminology C. The vet should take a position with folded arms as well D. Hand the client a brochure on canine antibiotics and review the contents E. Speak slowly with a very low tone of voice


A busy veterinary practice has an opening for a head receptionist. Currently, the practice has five pat-time receptionists, all of whom report wanting the supervisory role. Which of the following receptionists is most appropriate for the promotion? A. Applicant A, who has been at the clinic for 25 years but has trouble using the computerized systems and often resorts to old ways of writing everything in longhand B. Applicant B, who is very popular among clients and colleagues but often leaves clients waiting on the phone while chatting about personal matters with others C. Applicant C, who is always puntual, follows directions to the letter, and is quick to report others who are not quite as diligent D. Applicant D, who has only been with the practice for 2 years but is widely known for a strong work ethic and sound judgement E. Applicant E, who is often late for or absent from work but is highly productive when present


A client calls to schedule a wellness evaluation for a 5-year-old Yorkshire terrier dog. The receptionist logs it in the appointment book. When the client arrives, the client learns that the dog is overdue for vaccinations and that $30 is owed from a previous appointment. The client is annoyed not to have been told of this when the appointment was booked. Which of the following best describes how the client most probably views the practice's customer service? A. Value-oriented B. Resistant to change C. Marketing-focused D. Reactive E. Proactive


A client who sues a veterinarian for malpractice because of spread of zoonotic disease does NOT need to prove which of the following? A. Breach of practicing the standard level of care B. Harm that occurred to the patient as a result of substandard care delivered by the vet C. Valid CPVR D. Monetary loss E. Prozimate cause


A dog has been euthanized at a vet clinic. The client wants to take the remains home and bury them in the backyard. Which of the following is the most appropriate advice to give the client? A. This should not be done because it will attract pests to the property B. Cremation is a better option C. This is always a good idea as it allows family members to experience closure D. Tell the client the city's or county's regulations regarding burying animals on private property E. Say nothing, as it is the client's right to dispose of the dog's remains


A farmer reports that 30% of a poultry flock is sneezing, coughing, head shaking, and exhibiting nasal discharge. PE and lab studies show avian pneumovirus infection of the upper respiratory tract that most likely was transmitted by droplets from sneezing birds. Which of the following best describes the means of transmission of the virus within the flock? A. Water B. Vector C. Indirect D. Airborne E. Food


A new employee asks to access personal email during a lunch break. What would be a correct response to that request? A. "I am sorry, but not during business hours. After the clinic closes, it's all yours." B. "Please be sure to log in as a guest and log off when you are done." C. "Please be sure to save any work you see on the screen before you check your email." D. "I am sorry, but computers are only used for veterinary practice business."


A new veterinary practice owner, who wants to start a website for the practice, hires an office manager who has experienced in designing and hosting websites. Space on the practice's server has been reserved to host the new site. Which of the following best describes this type of website development? A. Third-party hosting B. Company-supported hosting C. On-site hosting D. Hosting


A receptionist and a vet tech have had a disagreement and are no longer on speaking terms. The team leader takes each one aside separately and asks what started the argument. The team leader carefully listens to each employee and repeats back their responses to understand their positions fully. The team leader then presents solutions to the employees to help them resolve the argument. This team leader is demonstrating which of the following types of leadership skill? a. Leading by example b. Enthusiasm c. Ability to motivate d. Problem solving e. Sincerity


A resume should include the following information: 1. Employment history 2. Volunteer experiences 3. Contact info 4. Membership organizations 5. Education 6. Objective It is most appropriate to put these in which order on the resume? A. 6,3,2,5,4,1 B. 1,3,4,5,6,2 C. 2,6,4,5,3,1 D. 3,6,5,1,2,4 E. 4,2,1,6,5,3


A safety manager at a vet clinic posts signs and info about the chemicals used at the practice. Which of OSHA's four safety and compliance protocol sections does this posting fulfill? A.Training programs B Evaluation of the facility C. PPE usage D. Administrative tasks


A vet assistant in charge of inventory management for a practice spends one morning per week on this task. Prior to calling vendors to reorder products and supplies, which of the following is the most appropriate initial task to perform? A. Call vendors to negotiate for free shipping B. Ask the practice manager for an expense report C. Check the practice's most recent expense allocation D. Count the inventory currently on the shelves


A vet tech is inadvertently exposed to a chemical while preparing for an exam of a dog. What should the practice's assigned safety officer or the technician review to determine if there are any harmful effects of the chemical? A. State Veterinary Board recommendations for accidental exposure B.The manufacturer's website C.Notes on contraindications of the chemical from a continuing education course D.Material Safety Data Sheet E. The practice's protocol for calling the distributor if the tech experiences any adverse effects


A vet tech, an outstanding employee but lacking in formal business education, is being promoted to a practice manager. To help ensure that the technician succeeds in the new position, which of the following is the most appropriate course of action for the practice owner to take? A. The tech will learn the new job at a comfortable pace without intervention from a supervisor B. Tell the tech to identify areas that will be a challenge C. Give the tech some business books to study D. Send the tech to business classes


A veterinary practice manager wants to devise a budget for a new equipment purchase next year. Two team members were directed by memo to collect pricing, machine-capability, and warranty info from suppliers. The memo outline how the info should be complied. The manager has demonstrated which of the following steps in management? a. Ability to evaluate b. Ability to plan c. Organizational ability d. Ability to direct


You return from an interview at a veterinary practice and realize that the job is not appropriate for you. Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action to take? A. Do nothing until you are offered the position; start work at the practice but keep looking for another job B. Do nothing until you are offered the position; then turn it down C. Call the interviewer after hours and leave a message saying you no longer are interested in the job D. Write a letter thanking the interviewer for his/her time, but state that you are no longer are interested in the position E. Write a letter thanking the interviewer for his/her time and outline again you qualifications


A 12-year-old neutered male Lab is brought to the emergency clinic because of sever complications from surgery that took place 1 week ago at another clinic. The client reports that the dog started showing signs of problems 2 days after the surgery. The vet at the emergency clinic indicates that these complications, although uncommon, do appear in dogs 2 days after that type of surgery. The client reports not being informed and admits to not reading the printed materials provided by the vet who did the surgery. Which of the following actions by the clinic that did the surgery most likely would have prevented this dog's complications from progressing? A. Calling the client 1 week following the surgery to schedule a follow-up appointment B. Waiting for the client to contact the clinic to report complications C. Sending a certified latter to the client 1 day after the surgery to check on the animals progress D. Emailing the client 2 days after the surgery to check on the animal's recovery progress E. Calling the client 3 days after the surgery to check on the recovery progress


A 6 year old female bichon frise is brought for follow-up exam. The dog has been treated for the past week with an antibiotic for a bacterial infection. The exam today shows that the infection has resolved somewhat but not completely. The vet says he is going to treat the dog with a stronger antibiotic. The client takes a physical stance with arms folded across the chest and glares at the team when listening to the vet. Which of the following is the most likely explanation of this client's body language? A. A sincere concern for the dog and willingness to try the nest treatment B. Frustration and anger that the antibiotic did not work as expected C. Shyness when talking with healthcare professionals D. Deep shame in not bringing the dog in sooner for examination E. An unwillingness to accept the vet's advice


A client brings a cat to the practice for evaluation of a 2-day history of blood-tinged diarrhea. The vet makes a diagnosis, tells the client that the disorder is relatively common in this feline breed, and recommends treatment. The client is very interested in learning more about the disorder and how to prevent it from recurring. The vet gives the client a handout on the topic. Which of the following is the most appropriate additional step to take? A. Tell the client to search the internet for more information B. Ask the vet assistant to talk with the client more about the cat's disorder C. Schedule an education-only session between the client and the vet D. Refer the client to a specialist E. Refer the client to a reliable website on the topic


A client calls to schedule a wellness evaluation for a 5-year-old Yorkshire terrier dog. The receptionist logs in the appointment and sees in the appointment scheduling software that the dog is overdue for vaccinations and the client owes the practice $30 from a previous appointment. By mentioning these things prior to the client arriving for the requested appointment, the receptionist is most likely to be viewed as which of the following? A. Value-oriented B. Resistant to change C. Marketing-focused D. Reactive E. Proactive


A practice manager is setting up a template in a new appointment management system. After placing the hours of operation into the schedule, which of the following variables is the most appropriate to schedule next? A. There is no appropriate order for inputting template parameters B. Date the system will next be upgraded and therefore shut down C. Medical records of current patients D. Usual surgical hours E. Times the office is closed for staff or other meetings


A practice owner wants to implement a safety plan. Which of the following is the most appropriate initial step? A. Mandate the use of PPE B. Collect info from team members about hazards they see in the practice C. Order PPE as needed D. Train team members to avoid each hazard in the practice E. Appoint a team member as the safety officer


A team leader who completes tasks efficiently and effectively, accentuates team members' positive attributes, shuns dwelling on staggers' negative qualities, takes risks, and makes needed changes without delay is demonstrating which of the following types of leadership skills? a. Problem solving b. Effective communication c. Enthusiasm d. Sincerity e. Self-confidence


A team member is scheduling an appointment for a client. The team member, using the practice's appointment management software, types into the appointment slot the client's name and phone number as well as the patient's name. Which of the following additional information is most appropriate to include? A. Date of the animal's last visit B. How long the client has been coming to the practice C. How the client plans to pay for the appointment D. Client's payment history E. Reason for visit


A team member suffers a small bite by a panicked cairn terrier dog during a routine dental exam. Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action for the team member to take? A. Wash the wound in warm soapy water for 5 minutes and apply a dilute betadine solution B. Wash the wound in warm soapy water for 5 minutes C. Wash the wound in warm soapy water for 5 minutes, apply a dilute betadine solution, and then rinse with strong stream of water D. Wash the wound in warm soapy water for 5 minutes, apply a dilute betadine solution, rinse with strong stream of water, seek medical attention, and file a lawsuit against the dog's owner E. Wash the wound in warm soapy water for 5 minutes, apply a dilute betadine solution, rinse with strong stream of water, and seek medical attention


A veterinary clinic has been in a neighborhood of a major city for more than 20 years. During that time, the makeup of the neighborhood changed as immigrants from Russia and the Ukraine have moved in. The practice owner wants the new neighbors to feel comfortable and welcome. Which of the following is the most appropriate first step to accomplish that goal? A Find someone appropriate to give team members a lesson in cultural differences between Russians/Ukrainians and Americans B. Hire a translator to give team members lessons on a few key phrases in Russian C. Hire a Russian/Ukrainian translator to work at the clinic full-time D. Hire a Russian/Ukrainian translator to work at the clinic on an as-need basis E. Find someone appropriate to give team members a lesson in cultural differences between Russians/Ukrainians and Americans and to teach team members a few key words in the language; consider hiring a translator on an as-needed basis


Effective client education is most likely to engender which of the following? A. Better healthcare for the animals treated B. Greater profitability for the practice C. Client referrals D. Client retention E. Client compliance


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