Final Exam Review

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Which is correct about primary and secondary immune responses?

All answers are correct (The primary immune response occurs first, The primary immune response is slower, Both respond to foreign antigens, and Both are responses of adaptive immunity)

Fever is considered a defense mechanism because it

All answers are correct (inactivates (kills) some viruses, speeds up the rate of phagocytosis, reduces the iron level in the blood, thereby retarding the growth of some bacteria, and kills some bacteria)

Connective tissue of the musculoskeletal system includes

All answers are correct(ligaments, bones, cartilage, tendons)

Irritants, such as cigarette smoke, cause the walls of the alveoli to tear, thereby reducing the surface area for gas exchange. A respiratory disease caused by long-term exposure to such irritants is


The type of skeleton that is an internal support structure is a(n)


The structure that covers the opening to the trachea during swallowing, thereby preventing food from entering the air passage, is the


What causes a muscle cell to contract?

Myosin heads attached to actin bend.

Why is myosin important for contraction?

Myosin heads bend when attached to actin

Animals that eat a broad variety of foods, including plants and animals, are


If a person eats large quantities of food and then intentionally vomits, constantly going through what are called binge and purge patterns, they most likely suffer from the eating disorder known as


Which is not a part of the appendicular skeleton?


Which organism is incorrectly matched with its mode of obtaining nutrients?

Termites are autotrophs.

In many autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, antibody complexes form in the blood. Kidney failure is a common consequence of these diseases for which reason?

The antibody complexes become trapped in the kidney.

Which is an example of passive immunity?

a fetus acquiring antibodies through the placenta, or a person receiving an injection of antibodies

Cells often use _____ to move ions against their concentration gradient.

active transport

Vertebrates with a three-chambered heart include


The simplest animals with a closed circulatory system are


Which is an example of active immunity?

antibodies produced from a vaccine, antibodies produced when the flu strikes

Which is an example of humoral immunity?

antibodies produced that destroy an invading pathogen

A Y-shaped protein that is produced in response to a specific antigen and recognizes these antigens is a(n)


A molecule that stimulates an immune-system reaction by B cells and T cells is termed a(n)


In herbivores, cellulose is primarily broken down by

bacteria living within the herbivore's gastrointestinal tract.

If a tumor metastasizes, this means that it has moved to another part of the body. Doctors often look in lymph nodes near a tumor for signs of metastasis. Why might cancer cells be found in lymph nodes?

because the lymphatic system collects fluids and cells from tissues

Every year the flu vaccine is designed to protect against three different strains of the influenza virus. Why do scientists typically have to make a new vaccine every year?

because the viruses can mutate into new strains

In which of the following organisms does oxygenated blood leave the heart?

birds and mammals only

The force that blood exerts on blood vessel walls is termed

blood pressure

Ligaments are connective tissues that connect ________ to ________

bone; bone

Immunological memory results from the production of

both B and T memory cells

Functions of the vertebrate endoskeleton include

both production of blood cells and storage of calcium.

Organisms that conduct intracellular digestion and organisms that conduct extracellular digestion both

break down their food with digestive enzymes within contained areas.

A gram of carbohydrate yields the same amount of calories as in a gram of

protein but less than the amount of calories in a gram of fat.

Which is not a function of skeletal muscles?

pump blood through the heart

Diastolic pressure reflects the

relaxation of the ventricles

A valve replacement would prevent the flow of blood from the

right ventricle to right atrium.

A disorder of the axial skeleton in which the vertebral column curves to the side is known as


What keeps your head held up and not drooped forward toward your chest when you are awake?

skeletal muscle

The only animals that rely solely on intracellular digestion are


A neuromuscular junction is a ________ between a ________ and a ________.

synapse; muscle; neuron

In cystic fibrosis, a thick dry mucus builds up in the alveoli. Which would you expect to occur in these patients?

decreased diffusion of oxygen into capillaries from the alveoli

Animals that consume decaying organic matter as their main source of food are


What drives the movement of oxygen from the alveoli into the bloodstream?

diffusion down a concentration gradient

Ocean water is much saltier than a fish's cells, so the animal loses water by osmosis, mostly at the gills. How would a saltwater fish osmoregulate?

drink seawater and use active transport at the gills to get rid of excess salts

If you wanted to create a medical weapon to cause enemy soldiers to be unable to absorb nutrients, you would target the


Which is a role of bile?

emulsifying fats

If a patient could not pass food from pharynx to stomach, there would probably be a blockage in the


The chemical composition of urine reflects the process of

filtration, absorption, and secretion.

White blood cells are produced

from bone marrow stem cells.

In aquatic organisms, highly folded structures that exchange gases directly with water are


HIV-positive people track the progress of their disease with blood tests that measure the number of

helper T cells

The protein found in red blood cells that transports oxygen is


The cecum is the largest in


If, for a study, you wanted to cause blood vessel dilation and swelling to mimic effects of innate immunity, you would want to inject


The type of skeleton that consists of fluid constrained within a layer of flexible tissue is a(n)

hydrostatic skeleton

A diuretic is a substance that

increases the volume of urine

The two largest veins of the body that deliver blood to the right atrium are the

inferior vena cava and superior vena cava.

An area where two bones meet is called a(n)


The major excretory organ of the human urinary system is the


To make use of the sugar in milk, your body needs the enzyme


Fish would have the highest concentration of oxygen in their blood as it

left their gills.

B cells and T cells are


A primary "antigen presenting cell," a cell that presents an antigen to a helper T cell, is a


While in medical school working on a cadaver, you are instructed to find a damaged tendon. You might first look for what two things joined together?

muscle; bone

The two closely allied organ systems that allow for running, swimming, and flying under the direction of the nervous system are the

muscular and skeletal systems

A thick filament in a muscle cell is composed primarily of the protein


One of the main reasons that we exhale a higher percentage of carbon dioxide than we inhale is that

we produce carbon dioxide as a byproduct of aerobic respiration.

If a doctor tells you to bring all of the bags with blood components that you can find in the lab refrigerator to the operating room, what would you leave behind?


Morbid obesity is defined as having a BMI (body mass index) of at least


The endoskeleton functions in

All answers are correct ( production of blood cells, supporting the body, protecting the body, movement. )

Which correctly describes B cells and T cells?

All answers are correct (B cells and T cells are lymphocytes, B cells and T cells attack cancerous cells in the body, B cells and T cells attack foreign particles in the body, and B cells and T cells are not innate defenses)

ATP is required by cells to provide power for

All answers are correct (DNA replication, movement, production of proteins, and growth)

The large vessels of the circulatory system that carry blood away from the heart are


If you transfuse type AB blood into a patient with type A blood, the patient will raise antibodies against the B antigen on the donor's blood, but will not raise antibodies against the A antigen. Why not?

B and T cells that recognize the A antigen will have been removed by clonal deletion.

Why do lymph nodes often become swollen during an infection?

Macrophages move to lymph nodes after engulfing pathogens.

Beano is a product containing an enzyme that breaks down complex carbohydrates in beans and other vegetables, thereby reducing gas production when these foods are eaten. Why would humans need to take Beano to avoid gas?

If they don't break down the complex carbohydrates, bacteria in their colon will.

If a bird can mimic human speech, it can mimic the action of what organ?


Which produces bile?


A dual-chamber pacemaker is surgically placed in a patient's chest. Wires then carry pulses to the right atrium and the right ventricle. Why would the pulses be carried to the right chambers of the heart and not the left chambers?

Once the right chambers are activated the pulse will be carried to the left chambers

Which is not a major part of the immune system?


Which is not a part of the axial skeleton?

Pelvic girdle

Every year the common flu vaccine is designed to protect against three different strains of the influenza virus. How is your body able to raise antibodies against so many new forms of the flu virus?

Recombination of the genes used to make antibodies occurs.

If a human fetus is _____ and the pregnant woman is _____, an incompatibility that destroys the red blood cells of the fetus may occur.

Rh-positive; Rh-negative

The scientific name of the "windpipe" is the


In muscle tissue, if there is not enough oxygen for aerobic respiration to occur, the muscle cell

can produce ATP by fermentation

The most important signal that the brain uses to set the breathing rate is the level of blood

carbon dioxide

The vertebrae in descending order from the skull are

cervical, thoracic, lumbar

In a process called _____, an army of plasma cells and memory cells are produced from stimulated B cells.

clonal selection

Medicine is taken to relieve pain. In which system will the medicine reach the site the fastest?

closed circulatory system

The temporalis and masseter muscles close the jaw while the platysma opens the jaw. To clench your teeth, you

contract the temporalis and masseter and relax the platysma.

Systolic pressure reflects the force caused by the

contraction of the ventricles

The primary function of a vaccine is to

create immunological memory without causing disease.

The molecule that rapidly replenishes ATP at the beginning of muscle activity is

creatine phosphate

A condition in which bones become less dense is called


Which bone, if examined, would show that you were working with something other than an upper limb?


Rhythmic smooth muscle contractions occurring along the human digestive system that propel food along the system are termed


The liquid matrix of blood is


Special cells produced by the immune system that are progeny of stimulated B cells and are antibody-producing factories are

plasma cells

A heart murmur is caused by

the heart valves not functioning properly

After death, muscles remain in a stiff position for several hours because ATP is required

to break the bond between actin and myosin

The role of B cells in adaptive immunity is _____, while the role of T cells in adaptive immunity is _____.

to secrete antibodies in humoral immunity; to attack marked cells in cell-mediated immunity

The tube that connects the urinary bladder to the outside of the human body is the


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