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The collapse of the Carolingian empire in the late 9th century CE led to

A fracturing of Western Europe into many kingdoms and duchies.

The iqta was

A land grant, often given to soldiers as a form of reimbursement

The theme system is best described as

A new military system in which land was granted to farmers who, in return, would provide the empire with loyal soldiers.

Ghilman were

A professional military class, comprised of foreign slave-soldiers

What evidence does Silverstein use to support his claim that commercial and cultural exchange flourished during this period? Choose all answers that apply:

Abbasid money was found in Scandinavia Papermaking spread from China to the Middle East

How is Muhammad perceived by Muslims?

An enlightened man who was the vehicle God used to deliver and spread the Word of God

Given that Froissart wrote for an upper-class audience, which of the following perspectives is most likely to be present in his work?

An excessively negative representation of common people and their motives

What is one explanation for a transition to hired labor by the 14th century?

As populations recovered from wars, famines, and plagues, the cost of labor came down; lords could derive rent from their tenants and pay a low price for hired help.

The Abbasid Caliphate built which entirely new city as its capital?


Why were people willing to trade over long distances in the Post-classical period?

By transporting high-value goods to places where these goods were in demand, it was possible to make large profits

This passage is consistent with which of the following ideas? byzantine

Byzantine leaders maintained and built upon the legacy of their Roman predecessors, but added a new Christian character

What does Heather claim made long-distance trade profitable in antiquity?

Certain resources could only be obtained in certain regions, making them more valuable in regions where they did not exist

Which of the following is a reason for the decline of Abbasid power?

Challenges to Abbasid religious authority Lower tax revenues due to conversion to Islam.

What type of evidence would support this claim?

Changes in laws regarding the rights of peasants after revolts were suppressed

Which of the following best describes the Byzantine state?

Christian empire with multiple administrative provinces

What does Louth suggest about the relationship between state and religion in the Byzantine empire according to the 'grand design' view?

Christianity was an integral component of Byzantine governance

Which of the following best describes the changes that took place in the Islamic world under the Abbasid Caliphate?

Cross-cultural contact increased as Abbasid traders moved beyond the Caliphate's borders

Which of the following is a historical claim that could be supported by using both Bennett and Hollister's argument and Mayer's argument?

Cross-cultural exchange during the crusades was more impactful in Europe itself than in Outremer

Which of the following factors resulted in weaker Byzantine and Sassanian empires? Select all that apply.

Disease A long period of fighting with one another Attacks by neighboring nomadic groups groups from the Steppe region

What is Mayer's argument about cross-cultural influences during the crusades?

Europeans in Outremer were resistant to cross-cultural influences

Although not explicity mentioned in the Qur'an, what are considered the 5 pillars of Islam for Sunni Muslims? (85-90% of Muslims)

Giving a percentage of one's wealth to the poor or needy Pilgrimmage to Mecca Declaring and believing that "There is no god but God" and "Muhammad is God's messenger" Praying five times a day Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan

Which of the author's statements supports why the gold trade was the heart of Timbuktu's economy?

Gold was traded "in exchange for rock salt but also all manner of other goods in trans-Saharan commerce."

What was John Ball's message, according to Froissart?

If enough common people join together, the king will have to agree to their demands

Which of the following best describes the relationship between Islam and politics?

Islam and politics were intertwined

What is Berkey's argument about the development of Islam?

Islam did not appear as a fully-formed faith, but developed through conversation and study with other religions

What best describes the Arabian Peninsula in the late 6th century (around the time of Muhammad's birth and early life)?

It consisted of many, fragmented tribes. There was no state structure and people were held in check by tribal law and inter-tribal blood feuds. Some tribes were nomadic while others were settled in cities.

Based on the article, how did Srivijaya "[distinguish] itself as more than a mere middleman" for trade?

It provided alternative trade goods to China that they would have gotten from the Middle East otherwise

What is the significance of Medina in the orgin of Islam?

It was the city that the early Muslims settled in to escape persecution from the Quraysh in Mecca. It was their base in the years of conflict with the Quraysh.

Which of the following best summarizes Ferguson's argument in this passage?

Italian banking relied on the mathematical insights from other regions that Fibonacci brought together in Liber Abaci

What does this excerpt tell us about the relationship between location and trading cities?

Location can sometimes prove beneficial for a trading city

Medieval Muslim women

Medieval Muslim women

Which of the following is the best definition of human migration?

Movement to a new area with the intent to settle

Which of the following developments made immediate conversion to Islam less urgent for conquered people?

Muslims rulers were generally tolerant of other religions if they followed the rules Muslim rule brought few changes to an already diverse public life

Dhimmi were

Non-Muslims who comprised a protected class provided they paid a special tax

Which of the following best summarizes the argument of this passage?

One interpretation of Justinian's reign is that he wanted to restore the glory of the ancient Roman empire while also elevating its spiritual character.

Justinian I contributed to the development of the Byzantine state in which of the following ways?

Organizing the legal code

What is the broader claim Bennett and Hollister make about popular uprisings?

Popular uprisings were rarely successful militarily, but they did influence the thinking of the elite

Although not explicity mentioned in the Qur'an, what are considered the 5 pillars of Islam for Sunni Muslims? (85-90% of Muslims) Choose all answers that apply:

Praying five times a day Declaring and believing that "There is no god but God" and "Muhammad is God's messenger" Giving a percentage of one's wealth to the poor or needy Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan Pilgrimmage to Mecca

The author argues that

Printing in Baghdad helped facilitate the establishment of libraries and universities.

Which of the following is evidence to support Mann's claim from the previous question?

The Inca relocated peoples from their homes, forced them to work on state projects, and use the Inca language

What does Mann claim that the Inca were trying to achieve?

The Inca wanted to solidify political control by imposing cultural and economic unity

Based on this excerpt, what statement best explains the rapidity of Islamic expansion in the 7th century?

The Persian Empire was significantly weakened by years of war with the Byzantines, followed by a civil war and Turkish invasion. This opened it to further conquest by the armies of the caliphs.

What is Diamond's argument for why Bantu speakers did not settle beyond the Fish River?

The climate south of the Fish River was not suitable for crops grown by Bantu speakers

Iconoclasm was

The destruction or prohibition of religious icons and other images or monuments for religious or political motives

What factor does Diamond think is most important in determining how a society will develop in a new location?

The environment's capacity to support food production

What does the author mean when he says that the age of Constantine was "the watershed between the old Roman Empire and the new Byzantine Empire?"

The point of division between the Roman and Byzantine Empires is debated by historians, but the division most likely began during Constantine's reign.

Why did the Peasants' Revolt fail, according to the authors?

The rebel leaders were killed

What best describes the state of the Muslim community at the time of Muhammad's death in 632?

They had conquered Mecca and much of the Arabian Peninsula.

Which of the following is true about conversions to Islam? Select all that apply.

They occurred for a multitude of reasons Conversions reached their height during the late Abbasid caliphate

Why would conversion to Islam from Christianity and Judaism be easier than from other faiths?

They share similar religious ideas

Which choice best describes the states surrounding the Song dynasty?

They were distinct political and cultural powers that the Song had to deal with individually

How did the plague most likely travel from the Far East to the Mongols in the Crimea, according to Ziegler?

Through caravan routes that crossed central Asia.

Why would Count Thibaut agree to not allow any of Jocelin's tenants to settle in Thibaut's lands?

To ensure that Jocelin maintains a stable workforce

What was the purpose of the Ordinance of Labourers?

To keep wages at pre-plague levels.

What does European paper in Timbuktu tell us about trade in west Africa?

Trade near Timbuktu was extensive enough to reach thousands of miles beyond west Africa*

How did environmental factors impact trade routes?

Trade relationships were determined by economic factors; environmental factors determined the the specific routes used

Which of the following factors most strongly influenced Bantu migration patterns?

Whether the climate was suited to their agricultural practices

Why were Sufi missionaries especially successful at spreading Islam?

Why were Sufi missionaries especially successful at spreading Islam?

Which of the following best summarizes the argument of this passage?

Women in the Muslim world had very different experiences, depending on things like class and social status.

What does Lapidus claim about the effect of class on the lives of women in the Muslim world?

Women of similar social classes often had similar experiences to one another.

Which tradition(s) does Kuhn say influenced Song policy, and how?

a blend of Confucian, Buddhist, and Daoist traditions united the Song Chinese

Formariage or merchet is the practice of

a peasant paying a fee to a lord before receiving permission to marry outside the lord's land.

The Triple Alliance was

a political agreement between three Mexica city-states

A strain of quick-growing rice imported from southeast Asia led to

a population growth in China

Historians have learned a lot about the Srivijaya Empire through

accounts of trade that merchants from China and India logged

A city-state is

an independent political unit consisting of a city and its surrounding territory

A revolt is

an uprising or rebellion

Roman legal reforms in the third century CE led to coloni status

becoming hereditary, passed from parent to child.

Cities helped to make the trading process easier by

bringing many potential buyers and sellers together in a single place

The House of Wisdom was

created by Abbasid caliphs as a center of learning for people of many religions and backgrounds

The plague impacted the economy of late medieval by

decreasing the population and making labor more expensive

Paying for crusades was

difficult; leaders often had to sell their assets, or secure large loans

Usury was

earning a profit from charging interest on loans

A bill of exchange

entitled the holder to a specified payment from a third party at a later date

The crusades altered trade patterns in the Mediterranean Sea by

establishing European Christian outposts in previously Muslim and Byzantine regions

One way Srivijaya rulers expanded their power was by

establishing themselves as religious leaders

The crusades changed Europe by

expanding its economic networks, thus increasing its access to knowledge and technology

Based on the information the author provides, one positive outcome of printing in Baghdad was

its spread to libraries throughout the Abbasid empire and far from Baghdad

Wage laws were passed after the plague to

keep laborers' wages at pre-plague levels

Trade over long-distances focused on

luxury goods

The plague hit Europe hardest during the

mid-fourteenth century

A strait is a

narrow choke point that connects two bigger bodies of water

The expansion of the civil service led to

people from less wealthy families gaining access to better jobs

Credit impacted trade by

providing upfront funding for expensive trading ventures

The Jacquerie in France

showed that the elites saw the lower classes as a singular group

The crusades were a series of European military expeditions

that sought to recapture the Holy Land, assist Christians living under Muslim rule, and convert or conquer pagans and heretics

One reason Muslim scholars settled in Timbuktu was

the Mali government protected them and encouraged them to come to the city

Historians can point to a possible cultural syncretism, or blending, between India and the Srivijaya empire because of

the development of Vajrayana Buddhism in both places around the same time

Which choice best describes the interaction between serf and lord in this passage?

the lord did as much as he possibly could to keep the serf on his land

An epidemic is

the rapid spread of a disease through a community

Explorers like Zheng He's use of maritime trade routes near the Srivijaya Empire long after the Srivijayans lost power indicates

the sea lanes the Srivijayans built up continued to be useful after the Srivijaya empire's decline

Which of the following Song Chinese practices resulted in a more unified Chinese culture?

the spread of neo-Confucianism

What advantage did the monsoons, or seasonal wind systems, give the towns along the Strait of Malacca?

they helped boost the local economy since Chinese and Indian traders would sell goods there while waiting to travel

The exchanges that are called "tribute" and "gifts" between Srivijaya and China are most nearly another form of


Trade helped to spread the plague because

trade routes had a steady supply of hosts traveling along them to help spread the plague

The primary goal of the translation movement was to

translate Greek texts into Arabic

As a result of the plague, Europe

underwent an economic transformation

The process of a city increasing in population and more people moving into cities is called


What is Silverstein's claim about the relationship between conflict and cross-cultural interaction during the Abbasid Caliphate?

Conflict does not always limit cross-cultural exchange

From this excerpt, what argument can be made about imperial expansion and conflict?

Empires grow weak when they overextend themselves militarily, opening themselves up to invasion from outside forces or infighting

Looking at both passages together, which of the following best summarizes the connection between culture and state-building under the Triple Alliance and the Inca Empire?

Empires were easier to maintain when most subject peoples shared a common sense of cultural and political identity

According to Ferguson, what did Fibonacci do that helped develop European finance?

Fibonacci took mathematical ideas developed in India and the Middle East and showed how they could be applied to business

Which of the following best describes how foreign ideas were usually dealt with in Song China?

Foreign ideas were often feared by many, but were also incorporated into Song policy and culture when convenient

Why might a lord require serfs to use his mill and winepress?

It was a convenient way to collect a portion of the serfs' harvest

What does Ferguson claim about the relative economic development of twelfth and thirteenth century Italy compared to Song China and the Abbasid Caliphate?

Italy was far less economically developed

Why was Baghdad in such a strategically good location for trade, cultural exchange, and able to support a large population?

Its proximity to the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and therefore food

What does this excerpt tell us generally about the relationship between two dynasties?

Large dynasties had the power to bestow an elevated status on smaller dynasties; both dynasties received goods as a result

According to the article, which trading city prospered partly because of their control over the body of water nearest them?


Which civilization shared cultural traits, but was never a unified political state?


Which of the following best describes the relationship between Islam and Judaism/Christianity?

Muslims believe that Jesus, Moses and Abraham are significant prophets. Jesus is, in fact, the most mentioned person in the Quran. They believe that Allah is the same God as in the Old Testament.

The state religion of the Byzantine empire was

Orthodox Christianity

How did pigs affect the island of Tikopia?

Pigs damaged gardens Pigs competed with people for food

What does Lapidus claim about the relationship between political conquest and religious conversion?

Political conquest led to gradual religious conversion

This passage is consistent with which of the following ideas?

Practices like veiling and seclusion were common in Muslim and non-Muslim societies, like the Byzantine Empire and Sassanid Persia

What evidence does Lapidus cite in support of his claim that the early Muslim regime was religiously tolerant? Select all that apply.

Public spaces like markets, baths, and festivals were open to Muslims and non-Muslims alike In some places, like Syria, Muslims and Christians used the same place of worship until Muslims built their own mosques.

What are factors that contribute to people's decisions to move to a particular area called?

Pull factors

What are factors that contribute to people's decisions to leave a particular area called?

Push factors

How does the author describe a typical peasant on an estate?

Rough and hardworking

How did environmental factors impact trade between Scandinavians in the Baltic region and the Abbasid Caliphate, based in Baghdad?

Scandinavian traders wanted to trade with the Abbasids, and were able to take advantage of geographic conditions that made travel easier

Which of the following best describes the relationship between Srivijaya and China?

Srivijaya had a good relationship with China, but it was conditional on China deciding to keep Srivijaya in good favor

What do the authors suggest was the relationship between the Srivijaya empire and its "dependencies," or smaller areas in the Malay Archipelago that relied on Srivijaya?

Srivijaya provided safety and a share of wealth in exchange for trade goods from the dependencies

How did economic and political factors impact trade at this time between Scandinavians in the Baltic region and the Abbasid Caliphate, based in Baghdad?

The Abbasids were more prosperous than the Byzantines, so they had greater demand for the goods the Scandinavians could trade

Why might the author have chosen to say that Timbuktu "gained [a] fabled reputation"?

The author is saying the city's gold-based wealth was impressive and almost unimaginable to the people in faraway cities Timbuktu traded with

What is Tyerman's argument about the impacts of the crusades?

The biggest direct impact of the crusades was increased European interest in Near Eastern politics

What is Diamond's argument about the role of environment in shaping human societies as they migrate to new areas?

The environment plays a large role in how a society will develop in a given area

What might a historian conclude about the environment of Baghdad in relation to its community of scholars?

The high quality of life for residents in Baghdad fostered an environment where learning was possible

What is Bennett and Hollister's argument about the impact of the crusades on Europe?

The increased contact between Europeans, Byzantines, and Muslims led to knowledge being (re)introduced into Europe

What might have been the effect of placing the palace of the Caliph "in the midst of a vast park several hours in circumference"?

The palace stood out as a grand building separated from the living quarters of others, making it clear who the ruler was

What was the historical context that explains why the Ordinance of Labourers passed in 1349, specifically?

The plague that hit England in 1348 killed huge numbers of people, causing a labor shortage.

Which of the following claims connecting can be supported by evidence from this passage?

The plague was able to spread across Asia and Europe largely due to the interconnectedness of trade routes.

Which of the following best explains how the tlamatinime might have helped to maintain the Triple Alliance?

The tlamatinime encouraged a set of standard cultural values through the public education system

Which of the following best describes the development of new faith traditions?

They develop in concert with the faiths around them, rejecting elements of some, and picking up cultural influences of others as new converts join

What best summarizes the argument of this passage?

Though the Byzantine Empire shared some features in common with the Roman Empire, it differed most significantly in its religious character and urban center

How did Ball's message spread?

Through Ball's preaching and conversations between common people

Once in Crimea, how did the plague get to Europe?

Through Genoese traders who carried the plague on their ships.

Which of the following best explains the broader relationship between environmental factors and trade routes?

Trade routes usually exist between regions that produce different types of resources

What made migration in the Pacific possible?

Transportation technology that allowed for long-distance ocean travel

The Abbasid caliphate

Was heavily influenced by Persian culture

Which of the following could accurately describe the relationship between migration and technology?

Where people can migrate is determined by available technology

Peasant is a term describing

a small-scale farmer

The mit'a was

a system requiring subjects to provide labor to the Inca state

A tributary empire exercises power by

collecting payments from weaker states

Luxury goods are

expensive and hard to find

Relationships between Christians and Muslims during the crusades were

frequently changing as dictated by local circumstances

Which of the following claims about the relationship between philosophical, cultural, and political systems does Kuhn's argument support?

it can have a profound impact on an empire's cultural and political unity

Hangzhou's location made it a trading city because

it linked China to international trade routes

According to the article, the use of a common language, Old Malay, helped people in the Srivijaya Empire

make efficient business transactions

The Song civil service examinations and teachings were based largely on

neo-Confucian thought

The concept of banking

originated in Medieval Italy, but drew on knowledge from other cultures

Historians call this the Golden Age of Islam because, during this time,

scholars preserved the knowledge from ancient texts and fostered new innovations

According to the video, the abundance of rivers in China helped facilitate

shipping of crops at a low cost

A vassal is

someone who pledges allegiance to a superior feudal power, usually in exchange for land

According to the article, one way that empires used their trading cities to their advantage was to

tax the goods that flowed in and out of those cities

Which caliphate was not dynastic?

the Rashidun caliphate

The Song Chinese people's description of outside groups as "barbarians" and their unwillingness to recognize any history outside of Chinese history indicates that

the Song Chinese had a strong sense of cultural unity or identity

The demesne of a manorial estate is

the farmland of the lord, worked by serf and later hired labor

The reason historians tend to focus studies of the Black Death on Europe is that

there aren't as many sources documenting it elsewhere

Fibonacci's Liber Abaci

took useful mathematical concepts developed in India and the Middle East and explicitly applied them to commercial transactions

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