Final HMS 381- Hospitality Operations

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A manager negatively affects motivation when he or she

disciplines an employee in front of others.

In order to understand an operation's job requirements and policies, all employees should receive a

employee handbook.

One reason an employer would provide front-of-the-house uniforms is to

ensure a positive customer impression

The purpose of an employee termination or separation checklist in the termination process is to

ensure nothing is forgotten.

Employers who use the tip credit provision under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) must

ensure that total wages meet the minimum wage.

What is a situation in which a person or persons become involved in unacceptable behavior in the establishment or on the establishment's property; for example, fights?


What types of meetings share communication such as project reports and updates or are used for orientation or training?


Which effective team goal is it when teams get updates on progress, learn about tools to support tasks, and communicate with other employees and teams?


What is communication between individuals standing or sitting close to each other in which immediate feedback is provided?


What is the technology advancement that has updated the bulletin board now being used by some establishments?


Which warm-up activity involves participants pairing up and asking each other questions, then sharing them with the group?


What is the primary difference between involuntary termination and voluntary?

Involuntary is done for the well-being of the organization, and voluntary occurs to benefit the employee

The banquet staff is ready to walk out of the downtown hotel with full service meeting facilities. They have contractual gratuity and hourly rates built into catering contracts, but the Sales and Marketing staff has consistently been bargaining these items down in an attempt to maintain their competitive position while leaving their own compensation intact. Management has called in a neutral third party to listen and review facts to make a decision and settle the conflict. What is this method of conflict resolution called?


What is an effective way for speakers to determine whether audience members have understood their message?

Ask questions and listen to answers to see if understanding is demonstrated

Which management style is most useful for inexperienced or entry-level employees who are performing relatively simple tasks such as busing tables?


Which warm-up activity involves prizes for coming up with the best creative solution?


The manager has informed the terminated employee that a final paycheck will not be received until all company material is returned. Is this a good practice?

It is important to confirm the legality of this action in the state of operation

What are all of the financial (money) and nonfinancial (nonmoney) payments and rewards given to employees in return for the work they do?


A historic downtown café in a seasonal Southern seaport boasts restaurants, retail shops, gourmet grocery stores, horse-drawn buggy tours, and wine and cheese bars as well as some banks, lawyers, and government offices. What sort of wage rate considerations should management take into account?

Competitive employers

Which activity is a function of the hiring process and NOT the orientation process?

Conducting drug tests.

John the manager has a problem. He has been in the custom of leaving paychecks in a folder on his desk and letting employees rifle through it and find their loose checks to expedite distribution. This method has allowed all checks to be viewed, and now disgruntlement over pay disparity is creating resentment and anger. What compensation policies could have prevented this dilemma

Confidentiality of information

When a message needs to be communicated to a group of employees, is a meeting the best method?

Confirm the necessity of a meeting due to time and cost concerns; there are other ways to convey information

Is an employee who is terminated for theft of company property eligible for unemployment compensation?

Doubtful, as the individual must be unemployed through no fault of their own and meet state eligibility requirement

Which team management challenge might a seasonal business that primarily employs changing student staff each year encounter?

Effectiveness due to high turnover

What is a situation that involves urgent medical or security threats such as a customer who collapses or a robbery? It may or may not include rescue squads, 911 or similar calls, and hospital visits.


What is the name of an organized series of actions planned to expand a worker's skills and knowledge?

Employee development program

All kitchen employees and front of house shift leaders are required to have current ServSafe Food certification. Bartenders and servers must have ServSafe Alcohol certification. How will the manager be certain that they do?

Employee personnel records

The manager wants the meeting to proceed without delay and announces to participants that there will be no questions or discussions allowed. Is there a downside to this strategy?

Employees may feel frustrated and question the need for a meeting when no participation is allowed

What is the purpose for which employees would need to verify their emergency contact or address information upon termination?

Employers will be required to send copies of W-2 tax forms

Posting a notice about laws prohibiting discrimination is a requirement of the

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

Listening like a professional includes handling callers that become angry or rude. What techniques can be used to help manage these types of calls?

Focus and ask clarifying questions to remain polite and in control

At what stage is a team that expresses excitement and optimism; behaves in a friendly, agreeable fashion; and responds well to a directing leadership style?


A manager discovers that paychecks have been issued to ghost employees. Why is this a problem?

Fraud is indicated, as they are not currently employed

What are monies paid indirectly in support of employees for purposes such as vacation, holiday pay, sick leave, and health insurance?

Fringe benefits

The group of cooks who prepare bread, desserts, salad dressings, sauces, produce to par stock levels for stations, and other foods are members of what kind of team?


What is the purpose of COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act)?

Gives workers who lose health insurance benefits the right to continue for limited periods under certain situations

What communication channel might be most appropriate for a catering manager to indicate how a banquet hall is to be set up for a wedding event?


What is the purpose of developing a media policy?

Guide interactions about establishment's response to emergency

Managers encourage diversity by

Holding individuals accountable for their actions

Marcos is a new server at the Café. The chef has just informed him that they are "86" on the Bennies and have 2 "Tata's All Day." What challenge has the chef just created?


Which tool is helpful in structuring salary ranges in an operation?

Job descriptions

Susi is a chef with an associate's degree from an accredited culinary program. In addition, she has significant industry experience. Most recently, she has been working in Manhattan in a well-known restaurant. She has been offered a job at a fine dining establishment in Pawley's Island, SC. Which facts affecting compensation might weigh most heavily in the offer?

Knowledge and skills required

What quality is described as the ability to inspire and motivate employees to act in ways that are in line with the vision of an organization and that help to accomplish its goals?


What are some of the essential leadership skills and abilities needed for managers to be successful?

Listens, respects, accountable, trustworthy, encourages company vision, and remains calm in crisis

A seasonal island resort is located off the mid-Atlantic coast. A 45-minute ferry ride departs from a small retirement community every hour. This town is at least 25 miles from the nearest population center of note. What factors affecting compensation must be considered in this situation?

Location and time for commute as well as seasonality of position

What is the process that can be defined as using what you have to do what you want to do?


How does training relate to employee retention and productivity?

Management commitment to planning for new employees' success

What is a calendar of specific activities designed to meet the operation's revenue goals related to attracting, retaining, and expanding the customer base?

Marketign Plan

What considers the expected number of customers and spreads out the number of hours allowed by the budget between different positions in the operation?

Master schedule

A nighttime pantry chef in a busy Italian restaurant is frustrated. Every time she comes to work, her station has not been stocked to par, as per policy. This means she begins her shift behind, and her ticket times are affected. She takes pride in leaving the station stocked for the same individual. She has tried talking it over and leaving notes, but to no avail. The manager has agreed to facilitate a discussion and make suggestions so that an agreement can be reached. What is this technique of conflict resolution?


What is a professional in the company willing to coach the manager and plan career goals while serving as a wise adviser known as?


What are programs that offer incentives for employees to improve and increase productivity relating to a fundamental ethic that workers should be paid on the basis of skills?

Merit pay plans

What are the objectives of an exit interview?

Powerful tool that provides insight into the operation's organizational culture

Which level of Maslow's Hierarchy is being challenged when an employer keeps employees waiting (on a Friday) for paychecks, distributing them after the banks have closed, sometimes short or in error?


What is a fixed amount of money for a certain time period that does not vary, regardless of the number of hours worked?


What is the number of customers who have visited the establishment on different days in previous weeks known as?

Sales history

Performing reference checks on applicants is part of which step in the employment cycle?


What type of team is one that has been characterized as a high-performance team?


By law, a 16-year-old employee can perform which task in a restaurant?

Serving food to customers.

How are task lists developed by managers?

Several activities are involved, including asking supervisors and employees, observing, and reviewing job descriptions

What is an example of an event that might cause a manager to bring a contingency plan into play?

Several key employees come down with an infectious illness and must call out suddenly on the same busy weekend

Who is responsible for employee development?

Shared between employer and employee, as both benefit

What level of employee should be involved in the development of plans affecting the operations?

Staff members closest to the situation, including employees who actually do the work

Two cooks are each wanting to be known for their seafood chowder. Each adds more and finer ingredients, trying to outdo the other. The manager is pleased with the guest response to the excellent products but puzzled by the rising food cost and inconsistent results. What standard operating procedure could solve this problem?

Standardized recipe

The belief that all members of a particular group are the same is known as a


At what stage is a team that expresses resistance and tension, engages in power struggles, lacks progress, and responds well to a coaching leadership style?


If the desired outcome of a team development is that of a high-performance team, at what stages should management work with them to establish these expectations?

Storming and Performing

When conducting a SWOT analysis, questions such as "What does our establishment do well?" "What additional resources do we have access to?" "What do we do better than our competition?" and "What do we do that exceeds customer expectations?" aim to identify which SWOT focus?


What can be done if plans are not going according to schedule or benchmark goals are not being met?

Take corrective actions to get back on track

Two employees have ended a romantic relationship and are having difficulty working together. The manager has decided to fire the employee deemed least valuable, believing this action would serve as an example to others to leave their personal life at home. Which step of the problem-solving model may the manager have neglected to fully review?

Three: Determine and analyze solution alternatives

What are procedures and guidelines that employees should follow when they want time off from work?

Time-off request policy

Following Mother's Day brunch and dinner, the upscale waterfront restaurant held a mandatory staff meeting to review the safety procedures for evacuation in the event of a kitchen fire. What barrier to effectiveness may have been created by this decision?


Why is it important for managers to understand why some employees dislike meetings?

To eliminate these problem issues through thoughtful planning

What consequences can occur if inaccurate historical information is gathered for the schedule?

Too many employees increase labor costs; too few result in poor service.

Are there methods that managers can use to process telephone messages?

Yes; guest quality concerns, financial, community officials such as health department and top management typically are highest priority

The old-style boss feels that employees are lucky to have a job. If they are uncertain, it is their responsibility to get up to speed. Is there anything that could be improved regarding this philosophy?

Yes; managers have the responsibility to help employees improve by assisting them

To increase the chance of getting necessary information from a potential employee's reference, a manager should

ask a standard list of questions of all references.

After distributing a copy of the employee handbook and any updates at orientation, a manager should first

ask the new employees to sign and date a receipt for the documents.

A foodservice employee appears ill, but has NOT reported the illness to management. When the manager investigates the health conditions that may affect the employee's ability to safely handle food, the manager is complying with

health codes.

For team members, the most important quality in a supervisor is


Money and benefit expenses that are paid to employees for their work are known as

labor cost.

In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the primary needs—the most basic three levels—are

physiological, safety, and social.

The orientation part of the new employee process is a formal plan to

welcome new employees and introduce them to the organization.

Comparing training content and evaluation methods to the actual job of an employee who can do the work is called


What is the purpose of having an employee reference release?

The employee wishes the manager to provide reference information to a potential employer

Which qualities are those needed by a person engaged in leadership activities?

Clear communication, involvement of others, persuasion, motivation, and development

If it is not a leap year in February, and the manager has been budgeted $40,096 for labor for a food service operation that is open seven days a week, what is the average daily wage?


What is the primary difference in focus of a leader versus a manager?

A leader focuses on "what" and "why," and a manager focuses on" how"

How should "goodbye" be handled when guests depart the establishment?

A sincere "thank you" with eye contact and a handshake can set an establishment apart from the competition

Internal and external information is collected in the planning process. What must be done with that data

Analyze what impact it may have on the operation

The first three of the four steps for reaching goals are developing, implementing, and evaluating the plan. What is the final step?

Applying results

What are the abilities that set apart the best managers from merely good managers?

Ability to deal with unexpected problems

What other key skill is involved in effective time management besides being able to concentrate on one activity at a time?

Ability to set priorities

What is a slip, fall, or other mishap involving injury or the potential for injury, even when no injuries are visible and the persons involved say they are unhurt?


Kevin is a bartender at the beachside swimming pool at a seaside resort hotel. He notices a guest in the ocean, clearly in distress. Kevin runs for the water and, shedding clothing, dives in and saves the guest from drowning, including the administration of CPR. Kevin is given a merit raise. On what basis was the raise given?


What is the value of setting specific goals rather than the more general goal of striving to do better?

Achievement can be measured, and steps can be taken if goals are not met

What type of meeting is brief, involving just a few employees to address and resolve a problem, to decide, and to commit?


Marilyn is a shift leader in the banquet department. She has been assigned the task of researching alternative sources of table centerpieces for special functions. She is to report back her findings at the next meeting. What is her task an example of?

Action item

The manager has determined that employee romances are creating tension at the workplace. A policy has been developed that employee friendships and relationships that interfere with operations in a manner that is observed by management are grounds for progressive discipline. Relationships between all employees are to be characterized by professional, courteous exchanges that serve the purpose of useful, necessary communication on behalf of the operation mission. What is the purpose of this policy?

Action plan based on defining a problem and selection of best solution

What kind of role is recommended for managers in community organizations such as chambers of commerce or convention and visitors bureaus?

Active-join and participate in positive fashion, building relationships to benefit the restaurant and community

What is the name of a list of topics that will be considered at a meeting?


Are unemployment compensation benefits a program that is consistent from state to state?

Although there are similarities, there are also differences

What is a statement of goals and activities to be addressed over a 12-month period that is used to move the operation toward its mission?

Business Plan

What is the most effective strategy for managers to use regarding communication in the hospitality environment?

Business language and style adapted to fit the person and situation

What is a recommended policy to have in place to determine when an employee might request vacation time?

Block heavy revenue weeks and determine maximum number allowed off per week

What is the term for an agreed-upon amount of additional compensation to be paid when specific financial goals are met?


What is the relationship of cultural awareness with nonverbal communication?

Behavior can mean something positive in one culture and something negative in another

In reference to goal setting, what is the name of standards by which something can be measured or judged?


What is referred to by employee health care, dental and vision insurance, vacation and sick leave pay, retirement contributions, and other items that may be paid wholly or in part by the employer on behalf of the employee?


What type of meeting is held to develop ideas or creative solutions rather than to make a decision?


What is a reason that the employee should be involved in the goal-setting process during performance discussions?

Can be a motivation tool to develop leadership skills

In an employee development plan, an employee may need to spend personal time away from work to complete some learning activity. What will this require of the employee?


If management creates a positive work environment for a multilevel ocean front restaurant where bus staff that formerly failed to communicate "clean and ready" table status to the host stand now does so promptly, this may indicate that the "Rapid Response Reward" system is working. What aspect of building a positive workplace environment is being reinforced?

Celebrate success and build teams

What is an easy method that improves employee functioning?

Constructive feedback through interpersonal communication

The economical manager was feeling a real sense of accomplishment. The mountain farm-to-fork restaurant has received accolades from the media. It has been a wildly successful year financially, with the restaurant exceeding all targeted goals. The manager feels that by not giving raises, his own bonus will be even bigger. What compensation principle is the manager ignoring?

Contribution to business goals

The manager has spotted yet another server touching the part of the glass that the guest's mouth will touch when serving a beverage. In addition, the gentleman is being served before the lady and from his left side, not his right. Exasperated, the manager whistles across the dining room, "Stop right now Kenneth! That is the last time you will make those mistakes here!" What rule of coaching has the manager violated?

Corrected publicly and in an embarrassing fashion

What is the term used for a pay increase that is related to the index developed by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics that reflects changes in the costs of items such as food, housing, and transportation to the average consumer?

Cost of living (COL)

What is a chart that informs employees who receive wages about the days and hours that they are expected to work during a specific time period?

Crew schedule

It is summer season and time to freshen the brunch menu. A team of employees from the kitchen, dining room, sales, and catering has been chosen to plan new menu items. They have been directed to use local ingredients and include some health-conscious choices. What kind of team is this?

Cross-functional team

What kind of questions might a manager ask to determine whether a proposed action is based on sound ethics?

Does the decision uphold the organization's core values?

What sort of restaurant employee activity might be suitable for a manager to develop a policy regarding?

Days off requests

When is the appropriate time to celebrate the success of the team and its members?

Debrief meeting

What is the process of assigning authority to employees to do work that a manager at a higher organizational level would otherwise do?


Which management style is most useful for employees who are motivated and experienced in an environment where cooperation is very important; for example, a banquet crew who has worked together for several busy seasons?


A multilevel ocean front restaurant is very busy during tourist season. The bus staff keeps busy cleaning, sanitizing, and resetting departing tables. They are good about letting the bus team know what stage each table is at. In the meantime, the host stand is frustrated. They cannot visually see when tables are ready to be set and rely on word from the bus staff, which is slow in coming. Guests are left waiting. What is the term for the failure to maintain a positive work environment that the management is allowing to continue through the actions of the bus staff?

Departmental silos

Gregg is a kitchen worker who woke up with a sore throat and fever. He has no health insurance and can't afford to go to the doctor. He knows he is needed for his shift at work this morning and that he would not be giving adequate notice if he called out now. He decides to go in and tough out his shift, saying nothing so he will not be seen as a "whiner." What has management failed to do to set the scene for this potentially dangerous situation?

Establish employee absence policies for calling out when unable to work

The Tapas Tavern posts positive guest comments, naming employees on the staff bulletin board for all to see. Which level of Maslow's Hierarchy is addressed by this practice?


What is the process of removing customers and employees from the building when an emergency occurs?


What is the purpose of an information rollout at the application of results step of reaching goals?

Explain, defend, or teach affected employees about the new way of doing things

Public relations such as sponsorship of a little league sports team or a table at a charitable event are examples of communication tools aimed at what group?


What is the word used for the person whose major responsibility is to keep the meeting focused and moving toward its objectives?


What is an example of an employee activity that lends itself to delegation?

Fact-finding tasks such as summarizing information on guest comment cards

What is the federal law that sets minimum wage, overtime pay, equal pay, record keeping, and child-labor standards for covered employees?

Fair Labor Standards Act

The economical manager has servers come into work two to three hours before the arrival of the first guest and stay two or more hours past the departure of the last guest to perform cleaning and preparation chores. Servers are paid $2.13 per hour, as they are tipped employees. When the tips during service do not add up to minimum wage for the hours on property, the manager tells them it is up to them to improve their standard of service. What law is the manager in danger of violating?

Fair Labor Standards Acts (FLSA)

What is the key difference between a floater and an employee who has been cross-trained?

Floaters do different tasks on a daily basis, whereas cross-trained employees do so only as need arises

Once professional goals have been established, what is the next step involved in the implementation of a professional development plan?

Identify learning activities

What are factors that make employees act in ways that help them reach personal goals?


There have been issues regarding closing duties that have not been performed in the dining room at the end of the shift. The conflict appears to center upon which of two servers is responsible for doing the work. The manager has asked the servers to discuss this issue and reach an agreement. Which of the conflict resolution strategies is being employed?


The autocratic boss instilled fear in his employees. His style was to stalk up to them and mumble in a harsh tone, followed by the phrase "right now." The frightened help would scramble around, doing everything they could think of. Boss felt it was a very good technique. Is he correct?

No-ineffective; true communication does not occur

What are reasons why employers end up paying overtime?

No-show employees cause others to work extra or customers to stay longer than anticipated past closing time

Is it important for all affected employees to attend a meeting?

No; invite only those employees who are essential to the purpose of the meeting

Food service employers are fortunate in that they do not have to pay much to employees, as customers heavily supplement low pay through tips. Is it accurate to say that labor cost is low in the food service industry?

No; labor is a prime cost, meaning it is one of the major costs

Bud manages a Calabash-style seafood restaurant. Jezzi is a fry cook. She has been overcooking shrimp, resulting in guest complaints and increased food cost. Bud employs progressive discipline step one: oral warning and takes her aside, loudly telling her in no uncertain terms that the shrimp burning will stop now. Has Bud correctly utilized this step?

No; this should not be one-way direction but a two-way conversation with feedback from Jezzi

What communication channel might be most appropriate for a manager to indicate approval to a line cook who is performing well under pressure during a busy breakfast shift?


At what stage is a team that expresses acceptance and a sense of common purpose, attempts to get along, and responds well to a supporting leadership style?


Legally, OSHA requires

Notification of employees blood-borne illnesses

What sort of restaurant operation activity might be suitable for a manager to develop a policy regarding?

Number and cost per person required to close for private party

How can a manager improve on their ability to conduct meetings?

Obtain feedback through evaluation

Why do many employees have a negative view of the appraisal process?

Often approached in a hurried manner, lacking in ongoing feedback and goal setting

Putting members of the front and back of the house together to work on systems issues that have hindered food and service quality illustrates which of the benefits of the teamwork?

Opening communication channels by breaking down barriers that have existed between departments or groups

What is a financial plan that estimates the revenue to be generated, expenses incurred, and profit, if any, for a specified time period?

Operating budget

Which classification of event has occurred when it has been an unusually slow dinner shift and the manager decides to close an hour early, only to have a party of ten arrive as the last employee is driving away from the parking lot?

Operating information

When conducting a SWOT analysis, questions such as "What trends could boost demand for our services and products over the next several years?" "How might technologies help us" and "What changes could occur that might benefit our operation?" aim to identify which SWOT focus?


The popular Grilled Cheese Food Truck has grown from a single vehicle to a fleet of 25. The manager is having a hard time keeping up with human resource records. What is a common solution to this problem?


What is the term that refers to using an outside provider to do work that could otherwise be done by an employee?


What are some strategies used by managers to fill scheduling gaps caused by terminations?

Part-timers, on-call, and creative scheduling

At what stage is a team that expresses satisfaction with work and attachment with members, works through problems, and responds well to a delegating style of leadership?


Which level of Maslow's Hierarchy is being addressed when an employer provides a daily shift meal for employees?


What is the first step in managing any project, whether it assigned to a team or an individual?


What internal source of information can provide the most valuable information about customer count by time period?

Point of sale system

What are procedures to follow the manufacturer's instructions about how to keep equipment in good working order?

Preventative maintenance

What is a specific time period during which an employee must consistently meet job standards or other reasonable conditions imposed by their manager as a condition of continued employment?


Three complementary skills are needed for successful teams. They are adequate technical abilities:

Problem-solving skills, and interpersonal skills

A group of host employees who work at a large trendy restaurant have been selected to make suggestions for improvement of the reservation, wait, and seating process for the popular and crowded Sunday brunch that has become problematic and therefore a point of complaint for guests. What sort of team is this?

Problem-solving team

Joni has requested leave (as her establishment falls under the Family Medical Leave Act) for time off to care for her ailing parent. Juanita, her manager, is very busy and assures her that she "will get around to the paperwork" and to "go ahead." Has Juanita made any mistakes?

Processing must be done in a timely manner in compliance with federal law

What is a person working in an occupation that requires extensive knowledge, skills, and experience known as?


What is a policy or procedure that has as its objectives to reduce the number of situations that result in terminations and to ensure the employee is given specific evidence of unacceptable performance, guidelines for improvement, and assistance as required?

Progressive discipline

What reasons might a manager have to improve maintenance factors for employees if doing so has not provided motivation?

Provide tools, situations, and support that employees need to do their work

What is the most essential role a manager plays when coaching employees?

Providing feedback and making suggestions for change.

What needs must the manager balance when developing improvement timelines in a progressive discipline program?

Reasonable time for employee to improve with how long operation can afford to have substandard performance

What is the advantage of having employees learn information at approximately the same time?

Reduces the impact of the "grapevine" circulating incorrect information

What is the purpose of keeping meeting minutes?

Reference of proceedings and record, particularly for those unable to attend

If the following tasks presented themselves, which would an excellent manager prioritize over the others: Social networking promotion; e-mail response to corporate survey of franchisees; breakdown of walk-in refrigerator; and call-out of one of four bussers?


Which classification of event has occurred when a guest who has eaten a salad prepared with a walnut oil dressing experiences swelling of the throat, tightness of the chest, and wheezing?

Report of food problems; critical incident

What is a well-known and often-used set of rules for conducting meetings in an organized way that allows everyone to be heard and make decisions without confusion?

Robert's Rules of Order

What technique might a manager use to identify and set goals when concerns are not obvious problems to be solved?

SWOT analysis

An employee finds that she or he does not terribly regret returning from a family vacation. There is anticipation of returning to "the gang" of the day shift and catching up on what has taken place during the absence. Which level of Maslow's Hierarchy seems to be met on the job?


The banquet department at an operation specializing in large parties has received complaints from wedding clients that servers have botched the cutting and serving of the wedding cake. The manager has decided to do a task analysis. What part of this process would be most useful when training a server how to properly serve wedding cake?

Task breakdown

The banquet department at an operation that specializes in large parties has decided to step up their game in order to better compete with other caterers and event venues. Management is performing task analyses of every position in the operation. What will the first step be for each position?

Task list

Do employers who have a high number of unemployment compensation claims by former employees suffer any consequences?

Tax rate is based on claims against account; if at maximum rate for specified time, a surcharge can be added

Which effective team goal is it when team members get to know each other's backgrounds, skills, and work styles?


Which warm-up activities are used during various stages of development to ensure optimizing performance?


What is the term for cooperating and working together to complete tasks and reach common goals?


How should a manager respond when a guest has made a negative online posting about their restaurant experience?

Thank them for the feedback and apologize

What is the value of being an employer of choice, whereby employees enjoy their work and encourage their friends and family to seek open positions in the organization?

There are fewer terminations than with other employers that do not offer an enjoyable workplace

Are armed robberies preventable emergencies?

They are not preventable but can be deterred

Why is it critically important for the meeting planner to identify the business objectives to be accomplished at the meeting?

They will drive the rest of the planning process, beginning with the type of meeting needed to accomplish them

When conducting a SWOT analysis, questions such as "What obstacles are we facing?" "Do we have cash flow problems?" "What changes could occur that might hurt our establishment?" aim to identify which SWOT focus?


Having members of the server staff meet as a team to select the new server uniform will take longer than if the manager simply made a choice. There also may be disagreements and personality conflicts. How could the manager facilitate the process to minimize these pitfalls?

Train in how to conduct meetings and stay focused on goals

Which type of insurance is considered a mandatory employee benefit?


What sort of behavior is exhibited by a manager who blames a supervisor for a decision that the manager themselves made?

Unethical-and specifically lacking in accountability

What is the organizing principle that states that each staff member should have only one boss?

Unity of command

What sorts of problems are avoided by writing goals that are SMART?

Unrealistic, unclear, not measurable, or not related to the mission or vision

When management sends out an anonymous survey to all employees seeking input on the effectiveness of all departments and leadership of the operation, this is an example of which type of communication flow?


If the following tasks presented themselves, which would an excellent manager prioritize over the others: Valentine's day reservations need to be reconciled with dining room organized and servers assigned; summer marketing plan devised; telephone call from upset guest returned; and invoice from purveyor paid?

Valentine's day

When the customer believes that they paid a fair price for the product or services received, what is this concept known as?


What are the standards that reflect the restaurant's most basic reasons for existence?

Value statements

What is the name of the difference between the budgeted expense and the actual expense if the budget goal is not met?


How important is it that a meeting starts and ends on time?

Very; it shows respect for the employees' time and responsibilities beyond meeting attendance

How is harassment defined?

Victim determines what is offensive or unwelcome

What is the description of what an establishment wants to become and why it exists?

Vision statement

Tomas had been working for a corporate property as a line cook. A former chef at his property was transferred to a city several hours away and has requested him to apply for the kitchen manager position involving a significant raise. If Tomas accepts the position and leaves his current job, what would this be called?

Voluntary termination

One of the primary purposes of a master schedule is to help ensure that the correct number of waged employees are available so that customers will receive prompt, efficient service and properly prepared food. What is the other reason for this plan?

Waged labor expenses so that budget goals can be met

What is the monetary compensation for employees who are paid based on the number of hours they work?


When the dishwasher at the diner quit, the manager figured that the entry-level, low-skill employee could be replaced with the first applicant that walked through the door. What syndrome refers to the idea that any employee is better than none, so a fast selection is made?


How should regular customers be greeted?

Warmly, and by name; they are the lifeblood of the business

When conducting a SWOT analysis, questions such as "What does our operation do poorly?" "What should we avoid?" and "Where are we wasting money?" aim to identify which SWOT focus?


What is an example of a local factor in addition to past sales, which will be used to create a master schedule?


Which interview question IS allowed by federal regulations?

What is your current place of residence?

Which effective team goal is it when team members develop plans and procedures, understand tasks and each member's responsibilities, and identify business needs, processes, and resources?


Sixty-one-year-old Casey has been a prep cook at the riverfront restaurant for thirty years. She slipped and fell while carrying a pot of water and has broken her ankle. She is not able to work and may not be able to return to work, due to the nature of the break. Which benefit program will provide for her?

Workers' compensation

What is the difference between behavior that is considered harassing and behavior that is considered normal, friendly interaction?

Would not offend a reasonable person

What is a legal action taken by a former employee against a previous employer alleging that the discharge was in violation of the law, public policy, or an implied contract, agreement, or written promise?

Wrongful discharge

Does it really matter if entry-level employees are motivated as long as they do their jobs?

Yes; employees who are not motivated are less likely to meet service standards

Elena is a new manager at the Wine and Cheese Bar. She sends out daily e-mail newsletters to employees with product information, updates about competitors, historical notes regarding the locale, folksy wine lore, and humor. Within the newsletter are timely messages regarding menu and policy issues. Could Elena improve her newsletter?

Yes; timely issues should be communicated separately, not buried within things that many readers may skip as irrelevant to their daily jobs

When employees are promoted to supervisors, they should focus most on

serving as excellent role models.

A manager should use progressive discipline in order to

show a commitment to employee success.

To ensure that customers are consistently satisfied and financial goals are met, operations must establish


Training is the most effective and efficient when it

teaches employees only the things that are relevant to their jobs and have not yet been learned.

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