Final MKTG 315

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If a marketing manager wants to be 95 percent certain that the result of a statistical test was not obtained in error, the significance level should be set at


If the coefficient of correlation between two variables is -0.6, their coefficient of determination will be:


For a local restaurant, there exists a strong relationship between the amount spent on local television advertising and store sales. As it increases advertising expenditure, sales go up. Which of the following seems to be the most appropriate Pearson correlation coefficient for this relationship .6 .05 -.5 99.1


In a survey, a total of 700 surveys were filled out. 200 of these responses had to be removed because of missing values for a particular question ("What is your gender?"). If 75 people indicated "Male" in response to this question, what was the valid percentage of "Male" responses?


Calculate the range of the following raw responses: 21, 23, 23, 24, 25, 25, 26, 36, 36, 37, 38.


f the variance between groups is 8 and the variance within groups is 2, the f ratio


Calculate the mode of the following raw responses: 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8,8,8,8,8.


All of the following statements regarding the standardized beta coefficient are true except? A. It is the same as a standardized regression coefficient. B. It shows the change in the dependent variable for each unit change in the independent variable. C. It removes the effects of using different scales of measurement. D. It ranges from .00 to 1.00, and can be either positive or negative. E. A negative beta means that as the independent variable decreases, the dependent variable gets smaller.

A negative beta means that as the independent variable decreases, the dependent variable gets smaller.

Frequencies can be reported in: A. Tables B. Bar Charts c. Pie Charts d. All of the above

All the above

The section following the main body of the report containing complex, detailed, or technical information is called the


If a researcher makes a subjective judgement about classifying a response into a predefined category, the researcher is working on which aspect of the data editing process?

Assigning coded responses to open-ended questions

in the SPSS output, correlations are reported from strongest to weakest strength of the relationship. Which of the following is/are the correct sequence(s)? A. 0.7, 0.5, 0.2, -0.1, -0.2 B. 0.11, 0.7, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1 C. 0.8, -0.7, 0.4, -0.3, 0.1 D. 0.21, 0.12, 0.9, 0.5, 0.3 E. 0.22, 0.6, -0.7, 0.3, 0.


If the underlying distributions of the two groups are the same, than the means of the two groups must also be the same. True or False


Make the following statements true regarding hypotheses?

Hypotheses may be derived from previous research, theory, or the current business situation. B. A hypothesis is an unproven supposition. C. Hypotheses are developed before the data are collected. D. The alternative hypothesis usually states that there is a relationship between the variables, or difference between group means. E. The null hypothesis is the default hypothesis.

Can ANOVA identify which pairs of means are significantly different from each other


Parametric statistics are appropriate when the data are measured using an interval or ratio scale and the sample size is large. true or false


One-way ANOVA

When the mean of one independent variable is compared across three or more groups, this is known as

A researcher writes the general formula for a straight line : Y= a+bx. In this formula, the dependant variable is sales and the indepemdant variable is the advertising expenditure. In this formula, the amount of sales that will be realized when the advertizing expenditure is zero, is represnted by the symbol


The minimum and maximum values for five datasets are given below. Pick the pair that has the maximum range. A. 2 and 38 B. 20 and 30 C. 400 and 401 D. 39 and 49 E. 1019 and 1029


lack of relevance is when

a market researcher has reported data, statistics, and information that are not consistent with the study's objectives, the researcher has fallen victim to which of the following problem areas

When can you use the Pearson correlation coefficient

a.) When the researcher wants to determine if two variables have a linear relationship b.) When the two variables have been measured using interval scales c.) when the two variables have been measured using ratio scales d.) when the two variables come from bivarite normally distributed populations

the pearson correlation coefficient

assumes the variability are normally distributed

In order to use the formula to calculate standard deviation

calculate the mean

A researcher decides to assign a value of 1 if the respondent is a dog and a value of 2 if the respondent is a cat. By assigning numbers to different species, the researcher is engaged in the process of


Bivarite statistical tests

compare characteristics of two groups or two variables

Chi Square Analysis

compares the observed frequency (count) of the responses to the expected frequencies

A researcher finds that (Blank) coefficient between two variables is .2. He wants to know if this level of correlation is meaningful from a managerial perspective or not. He is interested in determining the substantive significance of his results


when the (blank) is weak, it is possible that an association exists but it is not linear

correlation coefficiant

Non-parametric data is

distribution free statistics

For open-ended questions, a coding process should be prepared before data collection


Joint variance in the distribution of the two variables refers to the Covariation. true or false


Problem area for marketing researchers in multiple regression is when the dependent variables are highly correlated among themselves


When the differences between observed and expected frequencies are large, the null hypothesis is supported in a Chi-square test true or false?


In ANOVA, when the variance between groups is significantly higher compared to that within Groups, it implies that the chances of the differences being statistically significant are greater or lower?


For ANOVA is it the dependent or independent variable that can be categorical/nominal?



is the difference between the observed value of the dependent variable and the predicted value of the dependent variable in a regression equation is called the:

the three main types of descriptive statistis are

mean median and mode

in one way anova

only one independant variable is used in analysis

If the F-ratio is high, the null will stand or be rejected?


If consumers rate price at a Taco Bell restaurant on a 7-point scale using 1 for Unsatisfactory and 7 for Satisfactory, a mean score of 5.65 would be interpreted as: A. a satisfactory price. B. a very satisfactory price. C. a neutral price. D. an unsatisfactory price. E. an average price.



seldom knowledgable about sampling methods and statistics

It is possible for data to be statiscally blank and and still lack blank significance

significant substantive

In a bivarate regression analysis, a researcher tries to generate the best fitting line called the regression line. Any point that does not fall on the regression line contributes to error. The total error in regression is determined by the

square of the sum distances between the regression line and the points not on the line

A researcher is told that the average age of respondents in a survey is 25 years. She is interested in finding out if most respondents in the population are close to 25 years or not. The indicator most appropriate to answer this question is:

standard deviation.


the amount of variation in the dependent variable that is explained by the regression model

least squared procedure

the best fitting regression line by minimizing the perpendicular distances of all the data points from the line


the difference between a particular response and the distribution mean

Data Entry

the direct input of coded data into software


the probability the result was obtained in error

Data Validation

the process of determining if interviews/ observations were conducted without bias

a t test is especially useful when

the sample size is less than 30 and the std deviation is unknown

ordinary least squares

the statistical approach that results in the lowest sum of squared differences between the predicted regression equation and the actual data

in multiple regression analysis

the strength of the relationship between an independent variable and the dependant variable is indicated by the beta coefficient of the independant variable

regression analysis assumes

there is a straight line relationship between independent variables and dependent variables

null hypothesis for pearson correlation coefficant states

there is an association between the two variables in the population and that the correlation coefficient is 1

one should prefer cross tabulation over one- way tabulation except

to determine the number of males and females included in the sample

one way tabulations can be used

to locate mistakes in data entry

multiple regression analysis

used when a researcher wants to determine the efects of two independant variables on a dependant variable

A researcher plots a scatter diagram of two variables. The dots on the plot are scattered roughly as a circle. This indicates that the relationship (covariation) between the two variables is

very close to zero

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