Little Women Act 2 Meg lines

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scene 5 start

"and this afternoon he sat up in bed" Marmee says Father is sitting up in bed, Jo.

You wicked, wicked little girl! I finished that little book and I can never write it again. And I'll never, never forgive you as long as I live!

Amy, how could you!

Mother! Mother! Meg!

Amy? What is it Laurie?

Good! That's stiff and cool enough...

And then I would walk with great dignity from the room. *Brooke enters* Mr . Brooke! Hello Mr. Brooke!


And then some little elves, all in green...

Oh, I didn't mean to wake you. Feeling any better? She's awake, Meg.

Any better?

Oh no- is that it Bethy? Scarlet Fever?

Aunt March will take Amy.

I'm off to run a war, Beth- if you'd like a visit, I'm in the garret.

Bless you.

I can wait. And you can choose to discover if you do.

But I don't choose! I'm all flusters. Please go away and let me be!

won't you take a vacation, Meg?

But it's what I want most to do.

Not yet. Father sent Mr. Brooke home ahead of him.

Did he ask for me?


Did he say anything else?

At your service!

Don't eavesdrop!

We've been gilded angels for more than a month! I've scrubbed, dusted, swept, darned a million socks and I need a change.

Don't you think he's kind?

I came to call on your father.

Father's not yet arrived home. I'm so surprised to see you.

Just listen!

Go, on Beth!

Miss March.

Good evening Mr Brooke

Maybe you do have a bit of a fever. (Hannah enters)


Adored one another? How dare he speak this way!

He never did as you well know. But it gets worse. I answered him.


He's definitely better

Why shouldn't he be kind?

He's done so much for us.

What's all this?

Hello Aunt March!

I don't believe you have a fever.

Here's a cup of tea. Where's Hannah?

Of course I forgive him. I always do.

How lovely. Do you think Beth can hear it while she sleeps?

Brooke? That boy's tutor? Making a proposal? You haven't gone and accepted him, child?

Hush! He'll hear you.

I came the instant I got your telegram. Do you think she's any better meg.

I can't say... Listen to them play. They've been playing all night.

I won't trouble you. I only want to know if you care for me a little Meg.

I don't know...

What did you sa? You didn't promise anything.

I said I was too young, what else did you expect me say? He didn't know what I was talking about because he never wrote me at all! Look: "Dear Margaret, I never sent you any love letter. Someone is playing pranks on you- your sister Jo perhaps."

I need a change, I really do. I'm going to the garret to work on my war story.

I thought you were writing a mystery.

Yes, yes, and he'll come again tomorrow morning. He didn't say much. I thought he'd be pleased that Beth is so peaceful.

I wish Marmee were with us.

Don't talk about me like i'm not in the room. Meg-

I won't comfort you, Amy.

Well, if he did carry on, what would you say to stop him?

I would simply say that I'm too young, that he is very kind but we must simply be friends, as before.

Theodore Laurence-

I'd just like you both to tell me how I'll look Mr. Brooke in the face again.


I'm going to write to Mother, any messages?

Wonderful letters- so full of home! I took the notion that while you were writing, you sometimes thought of me.

I'm sure I did. We're all so grateful to you, Mr. Brooke. I can't imagine how to thank you.

Not at all. Where's Jo?

In the garret for a change.

That's evident. And who was that?

It's Fathers friend.


It's all a mistake, oh no, I'll die of shame! He never sent me any letter! Jo come to me this minute!

What's wrong Meg?

Jo how could you?

Not today


That always say that, don't they. When a girl's a little homely. Nice hands. nice eyes.

Jo! you have fine strong features. And you have... your mind!

Drat. Where is it? I'll take him

Just because you and Laurie made up wild stories, you needn't dislike John...

Do you mean Mr. John Brooke, my tutor? Is he the one you're writing to?


I'll never forgive you - I see

Laurie's coming to the door

Don't ask me to forgive her. She doesn't deserve it.

Lauries come to take you skating, Jo.

At a time like this?

Lauries with her, he'll bring her back.

So do I, but we can't worry her while she's nursing Father.

Listen, Jo. Laurie's joined his grandfather playing. He's trying to beg your pardon.

She fell through the ice.


*Scene 7 Valley of Shadow starts*

Marmee, I'm so glad your're home.

Oh Marmme!

Marmee, Jo and I went off to the theater just as Laurie invited us, as you know. And Amy wanted to go to. We couldn't let her, but Jo was sharp about it- and so Amy has gone and-


Marmee, she's asleep. May I close my eyes a minute Jo?

Since when do we call him John?

Mother calls him John.

What do you plan to say?

Mother will like to see you. I'll call her.

Excuse the intrusion-

Mr brooke!


Mr. Brooke

And what is "Fathers friend" saying to make you blush like a peony?

Mr. Brooke came to get his umbrella.

Beth, Meg, have either of you taken my little book? My fairy-tale book that I just finished?

No Jo. After the prince and princess, the lights come up on a huge mountain-

Are you afraid of me Margaret?

No, of course not. Welcome home, Mr. Brooke. How can I be afraid of you when you've been so kind to father.

Oh Meg. Is it my only beauty


Hello Amy. Hello Amy. Hello Amy! Won't anyone say "hello Amy"?

Of course dear, but this is so extraordinary

You'd think they'd be tired. She seems a bit more peaceful.

Oh Marmee- I was so glad I knew you were coming. I missed you so, I felt sure she'd improve if you simply stepped in the door.

Why its for Beth. Hasn't;t she told you? She's been exposed to scarlet fever.

Oh no! Oh my heavens!

Yes, but she's Mother. If you call him John, he'll go romantically and start to carry on.

Oh nonsense.

You did?

Oh, it was a pleasant diversion. Like reading a story.

Shall I tell you how?

Oh, no- please don't!

I saw her in the village.


Well, he said he brings his love-


I don't believe your mother is at home.


Hannah... well, Hannah went back with the doctor to his office

Oh? Is Hannah sick?

I am sorry, Meg, though I had nothing to do with it.

Servees me right for being easy to fool. I thought those letters were real.

Girls? Where's Jo?

She rushed out somewhere

Have you put Beth to bed? Here's the medicine the doctor ordered.

She's upstairs Jo. Who's the medicine for, Hannah? Are you ill?

I wish I could see Amy

So do I, but if she comes to the house, it'll be too tempting and shell have to come in. So we'll have to be content with letters.

Let me see the handwriting. Look, it matches.


So be it.

Thank you, Mr brooke

Letters! One for you and one for you and one for me and- three for you.

Thank you.

Goo! See you in bit, Jo? Skating? -Right!

Thanks ever so much Laurie, Good bye!

Yes. And?

That's all.

You know how mean she was!

That's no excuse! She can be sorry for being mean, but you can't bring her book back.


The costumes!


The danger is almost past. Would you stop sweeping that floor, Jo, and have a cup of tea? You've swept that floor twice today already.

We won't. You're just tired

Then, afterwards, I may write Mr. Brooke.

Won't you tell us about the theater? We're dying to know!

Well it was called the Hall of the Mountain King.

You've dumped my drawers out, haven't you?

Well, first the prince and the princess come on in satin robes.

What else do I have?

Well, you have... nice hands, lovely eyes.

I didn't make the entire thing up. There's the glove

What glove?

You feel like a Labrador puppy!

What heroism!


What shall we do?

I hoped so too, Meg. I'd like to think my love was that powerful. I wish your father were with us. He wanted so much to come home with me.

When will he be well enough to travel?

I liked the explosion and the fire effect!

Why, Beth!

Well then, pardon me. When you finish your letter, you can leave them on the table. I'll take them to town when I go.

Why, thank you

You've had it, haven't you Meg?

Yes, a mild case, and so has Jo, but not Amy. Here's Amy now- Amy you're not going to like this- but we have to get you out of the house.

Meg, I wrote both letters myself. And I intercepted your answer. Jo didn't hear a whisper. And Brooke doesn't know a thing about it.

Yes, but now you'll go and tell him and have the best laugh.


Yes, compared to sickness and being lonesome for Mother. *Beth coughs* Did the doctor see Beth today?

Margaret, while i was away, your mother often read your letters aloud to me.

Yes, she told me.

The chores really are all done, aren't they?

Yes, they are.

Weren't you talking to me?

You know I wasn't!

Hello Beth!

You look tired, Bethy. Where have you been all afternoon?

... Yes, I understand her.

You must go right now, Amy.

What do you mean? I've done nothing.

You wrote this and Laurie helped you. How could you be so rude and mean!

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