Fire Officer 2-2

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10. A fire department policy needs to be changed. Using a decision-making process after defining the problem, the officer should. A. identify several alternatives. B. solve the problem with immediate corrective action. C. implement the solution D. select the best alrernative


2. Directions: Read the following statements, then select your answer from alternatives A-D below. 1. Fire deparment officials should be involved in related activities of local governments. 2. Professional associations of fire chiefs are a branch of state governments. 3. In a council/manager government, the fire department administrator is the city manager. A. Statements 1 and 3 are true; statement 2 is false. B. Statement 2 is false; statement 3 is true. C. All three statements are true. D. Statementl is false; statements 2 and 3 are true.


20. A(n) _________________ budget provides details on recurring expenses within the department. A. operating B. capital C. revenue D. long-term


23. In a(n) _________________ budget, the fire administrators usually split the department into different activities or functions. A. program B. zero-base C. integrative D. capital


26. In a(n) _____________ budget, items are expected to last more than one year; usually three or more years. A. capital B. operating C. line-item D. program


30. Directions: Read the following statements, then select your answer from alternatives A-D below. 1. News and media reporters are legally required to keep off-the-record comments made by fire officers confidential. 2. All interview requests and questions from the media should be handled by the designated Public Information Officer. 3. News or press reports can be submitted in outline form. A. Statement 1 is incorrect: statements 2 and 3 are correct. B. Statements 1 and 2 are correct: statement 3 is incorrect. C. All three statements are correct. D. Statements 1 and 2 are incorrect: statement 3 is correct.


32. When preparing a report, if the officer is in doubt about the clarity, they should: A. have someone else proofread it. B. delete it from the report. C. rewrite it without consulting anyone else. D. leave it in the report.


38. Directions: Read the statements below, then choose the correct answer from A-D 1. Fire prevention codes deal with the use of a building after it is occupied. 2. Building codes provide language regarding the proper maintenance of lite safety features such as installed fire protection equipment. 3. Life safety codes deal specifically with firefighter safety. A. Statement I is correct. B. Statement 2 is correct. C. All statements are correct. D. Štatements I and 3 are correct.


39. Directions: Read the following statements, then select your answer from alternatives A-D below. 1. Report drawings are "polished" versions of field sketches and must be drawn to scale showing the essential details of the building and its surroundings. 2. The details on report drawings should be shown using the standard mapping symbols adopted by the department. 3. Report drawings are usually not drawn to scale. A. Statements 1 and 2 are correct; statement 3 is incorrect. C. Statement 1 is incorrect: statements 2 and 3 are correct. B. Statements 1 and 2 are incorrect: statement 3 is correct. D. All three statements are correct.


47. The authority that allows the fire department to inspect properties and issue violations is: A. a fire prevention code. B. the fire marshal. C. the fire chief. D. the company officer.


51. A(n) _______________ alarm system monitors and receives alarms that are then retransmitted to a local fire department. A.central-station B. auxiliary C. remote D. local


53. Building occupancy and code requirements are usually reviewed in the _______________ step of the inspection. A. preparation B. final C. review D. reporting


54. The maximum allowable size for approved flammable or combustible liquid safety cans is ______________ gallons. A. five B. two C. ten D. one


55. The room or area where a fire began is known as the: A. area of origin. B. point of origin. C. point of ignition. D. fire area.


56. A wide plume width pattern at the base of a fire is a sign that the: A. pattern increased over time as the fire spread. B. pattern was caused by a small fire at the base with a low flame temperature. C. ceiling height, being very high, caused the pattern to spread at the base. D. pattern was caused by radiation at the rate of radiant heat transfer.


6. Mutual aid and outside aid are basically the same except A. outside aid is usually paid for by the requesting party B. for command, communicatuons, and operating procedures. C. for the legal considerations D. mutual aid agreements define the conditions under which support will be provided.


62. Chipping or pitting ot concrete or masonry surfaces most nearly defines: A. spalling. B. splitting. C. stressing. D. spattering.


63. During emergency situations, the span of usually considered to be a maximum of control for the company officer is subordinates. A. 7 B. 5 C. 9 D. 12


69. Post-incident evaluations should be: A. governed by written departmental policies. B. performed in place of incident critique. C. performed on the fire ground at the completion of tactical operations. D. limited to large incidents involving multiple companies.


73. A reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact performance of the employee's duties is: with blood or other potentially infectious materials that may result from the A. an occupational exposure. B. a universal precaution. C. totally avoidable. D. not addressed by OSHA.


74. Ininterior live fire training sessions, Class ______ materials shall be used in the amounts necessary to create the desired fire size. A. A B. B. C. C D. D


16. Effective company officers handle conflict by: A. unilaterally imposing an arbitrary sclution to the problem causing the conflict. B. confronting the problem as soon as it arises. C. focusing on the personalities involved. D. consulting their own supervisors as a first-siep measure.


17. Directions: Read the following statements regarding rules, procedures, and guideline changes and then select your answer from choices A-D below: 1. Groups working together usually have their own set of informal rules, guidelines, and procedures. 2. Informal rules, guidelines, and procedures can be much stronger or persuasive than formal ones. 3. When the company officer is recommending a change in rules, guidelines, and procedures, the groups informal ones should be considered. A. Statements 1 and 3 are correct; statement 2 is incorrect. B. All statements are correct. C. Statements 1 and 2 are correct; statement 3 is incorrect. D. Statements 2 and 3 are correct; statement 1 is incorrect.


18. A firefighter is performing substandard work, caused by personal problems. The officer should: A. try to solve the problem himself. B. recommend the Member Assistance and Wellness Programs. C. recommend career counseling. D. implement preventive actions.


24. A fire department's capital budget: A. divides money into several accounts for day-to-day operations. B. details major purchases. C. sets performance standards for each program area. D. contains funds for equipment and building maintenance.


25. When creating a budget request for a new program, the company officer should do all of the following except: A. use department forms or spreadsheets. B. examine last year's budget request. C. look for grant money. D. have data to support the request.


40. A ___________ will contribute to the start of a fire or increase the extent and severity of a fire. may be defined as any material, condition, or act that A. target hazard B. fire hazard C. fire cause D. fire origin


42. Follow-up inspections are a means to: A. develop preplans. B. emphasize code compliance. C. detect hazards previously missed. D. document violations.


46. Directions: Read the following statements, then select your answer from alternatives A-D below. 1. Unless an emergency is in progress on the property. firefighters cannot enter private property without being invited by the owner or occupant. 2. Under common law and most statute law. the existence of a fire or other chief to enter private property to conduct fire and life safety inspections. 3. The local governing body must adopt an emergency constitutes implied permission to enter. ordinance that authorizes the fire A. Statements 1 and 2 correct; statement 3 is incorrect. B. All statements are correct. C. Statements 1 and 2 are incorrect; statement 3 is correct. D. Statement 1 is correct; statements 2 and 3 are incorrect.


49. Inspection on a standpipe system should be performed: A. quarterly. B. periodically. C. annually. D. semiannually.


58. The diagramming and photographing of a scene should always be accomplished before the physical evidence is: A. examined. B. disturbed. C. labeled. D. catalogued.


64. Within an Incident Management System (IMS), the ______________ manages the tactics relating to the overall incident. A. division supervisor B. operations officer C. company officer D. group supervisor


67. An incident involves a multijurisdictional response. Which of the following best describes this type of incident? A. Unity of Command B. Unified Command C. Integrated Communications D. Multiple Priorities


68. Lessons learned from post-incident evaluations should be. A. documented at the company level only B. integrated into overall department procedures and training C. discussed but not documented due to possible legal action. D. All of the above


1. Directions: Read the following statements, then select your answer from alternatives A-D below. 1. In some instances, immunity is afforded to local jurisdictions on the basis that their immunity derives directly from the state. 2. In some states, the concept of sovereign immunity has been declared unconstitutional. 3. Company officers may not be held liable as an individual employee. A. Statement 1 is true: statements 2 and 3 are false. B. Statement 1 is false: statements 2 and 3 are true. C. Statements I and 2 are true; statement 3 is false. D. Statements I and 2 are false: statement 3 is true.


11. The primary consideration when preparing for a coaching interview should be: A. scheduling a maximum of one hour. B. arranging to meet away from the firehouse. C. helping the employee achieve the required level of competence. D. establishing the first step in progressive discipline.


13. Directions: Read the following statements, then select your answer from alternatives A-D below. 1. Company officers must sometimes make decisions with little more than their training, experience, and judgment to guide them. 2. Emergency decisions are made only after complete information has been collected. 3. l a career is at risk, a company officer should seek advice about the decision being made. A. Statement 1 is correct, siatements 2 and 3 are incorrect. B. Statement1 is incorrect statements 2 and 3 are correct C. Statements 1 and 3 are correct: statement 2 is incorrect. D. Statements 1 and 3 are incorrect: statement 2 is correct.


15. A subordinate's perception of a supervisor's authority to administer discipline is referred to as _______________ power. A. legitimate/formal B.reward/compensatory C. coercive/punishment D. referent/deferred


28. Directions: Read the following statements, then select your answer from alternatives A-D below. 1. The heading of a news release or letter usually includes the departments logo or letterhead. 2. The appearance of a news release or letter is as important as its style because 3. The Public appearance is a critical part of the overall impression Information Officer is the only person responsible for preparing given to the reader. press releases. A. Statement 1 is correct: statements 2 and 3 are incorrect. B. Statements 1 and 3 are correct; statement 2 is incorrect. C. Statements 1 and 2 are correct; statement 3 is incorrect. D. All statements are correct.


3. Which of the following officials in the majority of states/provinces serve as the principal authority on fire protection at the state level? A. Commissioner of labor B. Governor or secretary of state C. Fire marshal D. Director of emergency management


31. Directions: Read the following statements. then select your answer from alternatives A-D below. 1. It is easy to write a report and have it appear to communicate the necessary information, only to discover that the reader does not understand the report due to improper grammar or incomplete sentences. 2. Two methods of overcoming grammar and punctuation problems are to practice writing skills and to have a second person proofread your report. 3. Misspelled words reflect poorly on the writer and may cause the reader to question the accuracy and credibility of a report. A. Statement 2 is correct: statements 1 and 3 are incorrect. B. Statements 2 and 3 are correct; statement 1 is correct. C. All statements are correct. D. Statement 3 is correct: statements 1 and 2 are incorrect.


33. In electronic data storage/retrieval, all of the following are peripherals except: A. a modem. B. a scanner. C. software. D. a printer.


35. The means of egress from a building should include all of the following except being: A. properly marked. B. adequate in capacity. C. at least 24 inches wide. D. protected from the condition that prompts the evacuation.


37. Directions: Read the statements below, then choose the correct answer from A-D. 1. A code or standard has no real legal status until it is adopted by a government agency. 2. Codes passed by one state do not apply to citizens of another state. 3. Codes are generally written as minimum standards. A. Only statements 1 and 3 are correct. B. Only statement 2 is correct. C. All statements are correct. D. Statements 1 and 2 are correct; statement 3 is incorrect.


4. What during a structure's agency or organizaton is responsible construction phase? for the enforcement of fire codes A. Local fire marshal's office B. OSHA C. Building department D. Fire department


43. When performing a follow-up inspection, if hazards remain to be corrected but the owner/occupant is making a conscientious effort to comply, the owner/occupant should be: A. given an oral warning to complete the corrections within five business days. B. given a written warning to complete the corrections within five business days. C. complimented for the progress made and a date should be set for another follow-up inspection. D. issued a citation and/or fines in order to ensure completion in a timely manner.


45. When an occupant is notified of the existence of a violation and the corrective action that is necessary, the occupant should be: A. verbally notified when to expect a follow-up inspection. B. allowed a minimum of two weeks before a reinspection occurs. C. notified in writing when a fcllow-up inspection will be made. D. informed of the cost of fines relating to the violation.


48. An important tactic to use in conducting an inspection is: A. employing a safety consultant. B. emphasizing the importance of the inspection. C. displaying a positive attitude. D. securing written permission from the owner/occupant.


50. A photoelectric detector system is activated by utilizing a light source and photoelectric cell to detect: A. poisonous gases. B. ionization by-products. C. visible products. D. Both A and C are correct.


57. Generally. if the origin of a fire cannot be determined: A. scientific analysis can be employed to establish an hypothesis. B. reevaluate the initial fire attack. C. the cause cannot be determined D. the use of an accelerant detection dog is recommended.


59. Fire spreading rapidly to all exposed combustible materials leading to full room involvement is called: A. direction of heat impingement. B. an even-burning pattern. C. flashover. D. rollover.


61. When determining fuel loads within a building, the two factors that must be considered are: type and framing. B. roof type and covering. C. interior surface covering and furnishings. D. building height and exposure


65. At an emergency scene, the function served by the Operations section is: A. monitoring the incident and personnel, assuring compliance with safety procedures, and limiting access to the hot and warm zones of the incident. B. controlling and overseeing equipment and personnel inventories. C. overseeing the management of the tactical operations to meet the strategic goals developed by Command. D. coordinating all medical and health concerns at the incident.


66. A survey made by a fire company is primarily conducted to collect information for: A. enforcement of fire codes. B. fire prevention programs. C. pre-incident planning. D. insurance companies.


72. Directions: Read the following statements, then select your answer from alternatives A-D below. 1. Annually, heart attacks have been responsible for at leası 40 percent of firefighter deaths. 2. Studies have identified stress as a leading cause of firefighter injury and death. 3. Strain and sprain injuries account for at least 40 percent of firefighter injuries. B. Statements 1 and 3 are incorrect; statement 2 is correct. A. Statements 1 and 3 are correct; statement 2 is incorrect. C. All three statements are correct. D. Statements 1 and 2 are correct; statement 3 is incorrect.


8. After defining the problem. but before the problem can be analyzed, the fire officer should. A. consult with a superior officer. B. monitor the results. C. collect applicable data about the problem. D. begin the interview process.


12. Punitive actions for discipline are warranted when A. a third infraction has occurred. B. any violation of department policy has occurred. C. the member is given an opportunity to redeem him/herself. D. the member's behavior continues to be unsatisfactory.


14. The power derived from one's official position within a department is referred to as __________________ power. A. coercive B. reward C. formal D. legitimate


19. One purpose of an employee evaluation is to: A. meet fire department requirements. B. determine whether the department standards are adequate. C. allow the employee to have input into developing department standards. D. determine whether a person is functioning relative to the needs of the department.


21. A _____________ budget could be divided into several categories (personal services and other expenses) to provide the details that managers need to run the department day by day. A. preliminary B. petty cash C. capital D. line-item


22. The company officer carries a primary responsibility for the health ana wellness of the company members. Recommendations for changes to the Wellness Program should have final approval of the: A. safety officer. B. chief officer. C. operations officer. D. department physician.


27. The budget process that identifies the line item for each activity and how much of the overall budget is allocated to that activity is called a(n) ____________________ budget. A. operating B. line-item C. zero-base D. program


29. In preparing a news release, the officer should: A. be as frank and open as possible. B. write it so it is appealing to the news media. C. use common, everyday language. D. Both A and C are correct.


34. In a building inspection, the single most important factor an officer must inspect is the: A. fire protection system. B. ventilation characteristics. C. building construction. D. means of egress.


36. Which of the following is true with respect to codes and standards? A. They allow for a variety of performance standards. B. They are mandated by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). C. They are uniform throughout the United States. D. They are written as minimum standards.


41. ____________________ is/are used to ensure that the owner, lessee, or occupant understands the purpose and results of an inspection. A. Introductory remarks B. A follow-up inspection C. Formal notice D. A closing interview


44. In a high-rise building, it is necessary to have the standpipe as construction proceeds. A. tested B. closed C. fully operational D. in partial operation


5. Mutual aid agreements fire districts, and local governments. These agreements involve formal agreements between fire departments A. are reciprocal. National Fire Protection Association/Insurance B. allow deparuments to meet Services Office (NFPA/ISO) requirements C. are required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) D. Both A and B are correct.


52. Fire exit drills in schools should be held: A. during the day. B. at night. C. as required by law. D. Both A and C.


7. In handling conflict, the supervisor should consider A. precise communication. B. awareness of the audience. C. two-way dialogue. D. All of the above


70. Individuals who perform unsafe acts are sometimes unaware of the safety factor until their acts cause an accident. Accident analysis can reveal the: A. types of equipment most often causing injuries. B. need for additional training. C. firefighting operations that are dangerous to personnel. D. All of the above


71. In terms of workers' compensation, the single most expensive type of accident that occurs is injury. A. slip/fall B. extremities C. knee D. back


75. Safety practices learned during recruit training need to be reinforced. A. only during annual performance testing. B. after each accident has occurred. C. never; these easily become good habits. D. continually throughout the firefighter's career.


9. After a solution to a problem has been implemented, the officer should. A. evaluate other alternatives. B. suggest policy/procedure changes C. verify consensus of the group. D. monitor the results.


60. The purpose of structural photographs is to show. A. code violations. B. structural failure. C. damage to the structure and burn patterns. D. identifiable features of the building, E. All the above


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