first aid and cpr

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Recall the three types of heat emergencies in order of severity (from least to most severe)

Exercise-associated muscle cramps, exertional heat exhaustion, heat stroke

List several signals of sudden illness?

pale, cool or moist skin, blurred vision or loss of vision, changes in level of consciousness, nausea or vomiting, anxiety or fear, feeling tired or fatigued

What is the first step to follow with any AED, after determining that the victim is unconscious?

Turn it on and listen to the prompts

What is the rate of compressions when performing CPR?

100 per minute

Define: Dislocation Fracture Open Fracture Sprain Strain

-displaced bone ends where they come together at a joint -a break or crack in a bone -a break or crack in a bone that breaks through the skin as an open wound -stretching or tearing of ligaments at a joint -stretching or tearing of muscles or tendons

How deep are the CPR compressions on an Infant

1 1/2 inches

When giving a rescue breath, how long should each breath last?

1 second, enough to make the chest clearly rise

What is the national poison control center number?


What precautions should you follow when using an AED?

1. Do not touch the victim when analyzing or shocking, 2. Remove medication patches with a gloved hand, 3. Do not defibrillate if the victim is in water and you are in that water too, 4. Turn off oxygen or move 6 feet away, 5. Turn off cell phones and radios or move 6 feet away, 6. Do not use in moving vehicle

Children are less likely than adults to experience cardiac arrest. What are the main reasons that children and infants go into cardiac arrest?

1. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS, 2. traumatic injury or a blow to the chest, such as from a baseball, 3. airway and breathing problems that begin with respiratory distress and lead to respiratory arrest then to cardiac arrest, 4. drowning

What are the 5 reasons that it is ok to stop CPR once you have begun?

1. You see an obvious sign of life, 2. the scene becomes unsafe, 3. EMS arrives and is ready to take over, 4. You are too exhausted to continue, 5. An AED becomes available

To help clear a blocked airway of an unconscious person, we perform what steps?

30 chest compressions followed by looking in the mouth for an object and sweeping the mouth if we see an object to get it out as well as attempting to give two rescue breaths after each cycle of compressions and looking/sweeping the mouth

What is the cycle or compressions and breathing when performing CPR on victims of ALL ages?

30 compressions and 2 breaths

How many cycles of compressions and breaths should you perform in 2 minutes, on victims of ALL ages?


If a person is experiencing chest pain that last longer than 3-5 minutes, what medical situation should you suspect?

A heart attack

How do we check for breathing?

After opening the airway, we look-listen-feel for 10 seconds - we look at the chest to see if it rises and falls, we listen for air movement with our ear close to the victim's mouth and we feel for air movement with our cheek close to the victims mouth/nose

What type of victim would give implied consent?

An unconscious victim - consent is implied when we find an unconscious victim or when they become unconscious

What are the situations where we would CARE first for a victim before calling 9-1-1? These only apply if we are alone with the victim and we would CARE for them for two minutes and then leave quickly to call 9-1-1.

An unwitnessed collapse of a child or infant, any drowning incident, severe bleeding, anaphylaxis and we have an epi-pen available, or victim is choking.

Do we perform a head to toe check on a child starting at the head or at the toes?

At the toes

If an unconscious victim is found face up, what is the first thing we do after calling 9-1-1?

Begin the CARE step by checking the ABC's: open airway, check for breathing, and check for severe bleeding.

What should you do to care for a victim with a serious chest, abdomen or pelvis injury?

Call 911 - they need advance care immediately, minimize movement, do NOT give them anything to eat or drink, control external bleeding if there is any, cover them to reduce the risk of shock

How would you care for someone having a severe allergic reaction to a bee sting or food they ate?

Call 911 immediately; assist the victim if they have an EpiPen, care for them until EMS arrives

What is the best action to take if someone ingested (swallowed) a poison and you are not sure what to do?

Call 911 or the poison control number

What do we say to get consent from a conscious victim?

Can I help you? Identify ourselves and our level or training and what you would like to do to help.

Emergency Action Steps

Check, Call, Care

What three things can a conscious choking victim NOT do?

Cough, speak, or breathe

Where do you place your hands to perform CPR on a Child?

Depending on the size of the child, you may use one or two hands in the center of the chest, on the lower half of the sternum, one hand on top of the other if you are using both hands

What should you do if a conscious victim refuses to give consent for you to provide care?

Do not touch the victim, but remain with them until 9-1-1 arrives if they were called

How should you care for a victim of heat stroke?

Do whatever you can to cool them off - get them into a cooler environment, remove heavy clothing, fan them, put ice cubes or cold towels on head, armpits, groin, call 911

On any size victim, especially a smaller victim like a child, how do we know how much breath to breathe in?

Each breath should last 1 second and make the chest clearly rise

What are the 5 links in the adult cardiac chain of survival?

Early recognition and access to EMS, early CPR, early defibrillation, early advanced life support, integrated post-cardiac arrest care.

How should you care for a burn?

First, check to make sure the scene is safe, then remove the victim from the source of heat, cool the burn with large amounts of fresh running water then cover the burn with dry sterile dressing or call 911 if it is a critical burn or if you are not sure

An AED should be used as soon as it is available - why?

For every minute that the shock is delayed, the victim's chance of survival decreases 10%. Using an AED can help save the lives of more people in cardiac arrest

How should you care for frostbite?

Get the person to a warm place, rewarm the extremity using skin to skin contact, such as your warm hands around theirs, or warm water, warm blankets. For skin to skin contact, avoid rubbing or massaging the frozen part

How should you care for a victim of heat exhaustion?

Get them out of the heat and into a cooler place, give water or other liquids, fan them, remove heavy clothing, call 911 if they vomit or refuse water

If you are the only person to care for a child found unconscious and you did NOT witness the child collapsing, what would you do?

Give the child care for 2 minutes and THEN call 9-1-1

How do we open the victim's airway?

Head-tilt chin-lift

How do we open the airway of an unconscious victim?

Head-tilt, chin-lift technique, pushing down on the forehead and pulling up on the chin.

How would you care for a conscious child with an obstructed airway?

If they are able to cough, stay with them and encourage them to do so. If they can not cough, speak or breathe, call 911 and get consent from the parent and then perform 5 back blows with the victim bent over and 5 abdominal thrusts until the object is dislodged and they can breathe, until EMS arrives and takes over, until you get exhausted or the scene becomes unsafe or until the victim goes unconscious, and then you would perform 30 chest compressions followed by look/sweep of the mouth followed by 2 rescue breaths until you are able to get the chest to rise with rescue breaths

Effective CPR chest compressions on ALL ages can be described how?

In the center of the breastbone/sternum, smooth and regular, straight up and down, at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute, and they allow the chest to return to its normal position after each compression

When performing care to a conscious chocking adult/child, where should you place your hands to perform abdominal thrusts?

In the middle of the abdomen, just above the belly button/navel

While many first aid emergencies are not life threatening, recall those that are and always begin with calling 911 for life-threatening emergencies, and then providing care

Injuries to the chest that may affect breathing, vomiting blood, head/neck or back injuries, any trauma to the abdomen or pelvis that leads to signs of internal bleeding such as nausea, coughing up blood, pale skin, changes in breathing, changes in level of consciousness, etc.

Why is early CPR such an important link in the Adult Cardiac Chain of Survival?

It helps circulate blood with oxygen to vital organs and the brain until an AED is ready to use or EMS personnel take over

Why is it important NOT to move the victim unless it is absolutely necessary?

Moving the victim can cause additional harm or injury to the victim.

When should you stop and check for signs of life once you begin CPR on victims of ALL ages?


How long do we check for breathing on victims of all ages?

No more than 10 seconds

If you are not transporting a victim of a possible musculoskeletal injury, is it necessary to splint?

No, allow the person to hold the injured area in the most comfortable position and offer a splint, but do not force it

What are the most common barriers that prevent people from acting in an emergency?

Presence of bystanders, fear of disease, fear of liability, fear of doing something wrong, fear of harming the victim or making the situation worse.

Recall the care steps for musculoskeletal injuries for each of the letters of the acronym RICE

R - (rest - stay off injured area) I - (immobilize - apply a splint, elastic bandage or a sling to minimize movement and reduce pain) C - (Cold - apply ice for 20 minutes on every hour or two for the first 48 hours) E - (Elevate - above the level of the heart as much as possible as long as it doesn't cause pain)

If you attempt to give two rescue breaths to a victim and they do not make the chest rise, what should your next step be?

Re-tilt the head and try the breaths again - you may not have tilted it back far enough

What is one of the most important things that a Citizen Responder can do?

Recognize that an emergancy exists, then call 9-1-1 and provide care.

If an unconscious victim is found face down, what is the first thing we do after calling 9-1-1?

Roll the victim to their back, keeping their head in line with their spine as much as we can.

What should we do if the victim vomits?

Roll them onto their side, sweep out the mouth and roll them on to their back and continue care.

What are the four symptoms of shock and what do you do if the victim is exhibiting them?

Sweating, pale, feeling cold or chilled, and thirsty. We call 9-1-1, cover the victim, do not give them anything to eat or drink, have them lie down, control any external bleeding, and we monitor their condition until EMS arrives.

What are the symptoms of and how do you care for a possible head, neck or back injury?

Symptoms - changes in level of consciousness, pain or swelling, dizziness, numbness or tingling or loss of sensation below the level of the injury Care - Minimize movement of the head and neck by supporting it in the position you found it in with your hands on both sides of the head, do not align if severely angled to one side

What symptoms would alert you to anaphylaxis from a bee sting, and what is the best way to remove a bee stinger from a victim?

Symptoms - rash or swelling at sting area, tight feeling in the throat or tongue Care - Use an epi-pen for anaphylaxis. For minor sting reaction, scrape the stinger away with a plastic card, like a driver's license. Do not grasp with tweezers as this may squeeze more venom into the victim. Do not burn the stinger off

Many serious injuries can result in shock. What are the symptoms of shock and how should you care for this?

Symptoms - the first sign is often confusion, anxiety or apprehension, followed by pale or bluish skin, sweating, rapid breathing and rapid pulse, nausea or vomiting, changes in level of consciousness Care - first and most importantly, call 911; be sure to control any external bleeding as soon as possible, allow the person to rest in the most comfortable position for them, probably lying down and with feet raised if possible, cover them to keep them from getting chilled, do not give anything to drink though they will be thirsty

If a child has just eaten a piece of hard candy and you see them clutching their throat and looking panicked. What would you suspect and what should you do?

That they have choked on the candy, that they have an obstructed airway - you should encourage them to cough if they can cough. If not, you should do 5 back blows and 5 abdominal thrusts on the abdomen just above the navel, do this in cycles until the object is cleared, you should also call EMS

When doing a scene size up during the CHECK step, what do we look for?

The number of ill or injured people, check the scene for safety and check for possible resources (AED, first aid kit, bystanders, etc)

If tilting the head back further and trying the breaths again still does not make the chest rise, what is most likely the cause?

The victim has something blocking their airway

How would you describe difficulty or trouble breathing in a victim of any age?

The victim is making gasping or gurgling sounds, they are making wheezing or high-pitched sounds, they are breathing very rapidly or very slowly, they are anxious or agitated, their skin may be flushed, ashen (grayish), pale or bluish, they may be clutching their throat or chest, they can look panicked or scared

What is the purpose of CPR?

To circulate oxygen-rich blood to the brain and vital organs when the heart has stopped

What is the purpose of the Good Samaritan Law?

To help protect people who voluntarily give care without accepting anything in return

What are the three reasons that it is appropriate to move the victim?

To provide proper care, to get to a more seriously injured victim, and if the scene becomes unsafe.

What would you do to recognize and then care for a possible stroke victim, caused by blockage of blood flow to the brain?

To recognize, follow FAST - check their Face, Arms, Speech and note what Time symptoms began. To care - Call 911, help the victim rest comfortably and to maintain an open airway, be prepared to give CPR if they become unconscious and stop breathing

What is the purpose of early CPR and early defibrillation (use of an AED)?

To restore an effective heart rhythm, which help save the lives of more cardiac arrest victims

Where do you place your hands to perform CPR on an Adult or Child?

Two hands in the center of the chest, on the lower half of the sternum, one hand on top of the other with the fingers pulled up off of the chest

What do we do to reduce the risk of disease transmission between ourselves and the victim?

Use gloves, CPR barriers, and face and eye protection

Where do you place your hands to perform CPR on an Infant?

Use two fingers of the hand closest to their feet, usually index and middle, and place them on the sternum or breastbone, just below the nipple line on the center of the chest. Place the other hand on the infant's forehead

For a life threatening emergency, such as an unconscious victim or a conscious victim with severe bleeding, which do we do first, CALL or CARE?

We always CALL first, then provide care. If possible, have someone else call 9-1-1.

what things do we look for during the CHECK step and how long do we check?

We check for scene safety and we check the victim for consciousness and breathing. We check for no more than 10 seconds.

What do we evaluate during the CARE step?

We check the victim for A - an open airway, B-breathing, C-circulation as indicated by severe bleeding

What might we find during the CHECK step?

We do a scene size up, looking for an unsafe scene or an unconscious or unresponsive victim

What thing do we check on a CONSCIOUS or RESPONSIVE person?

We interview the victim using SAMPLE and we do a head to toe check - we ask them questions about their medical condition and history and what happened, we do a head to toe check for other injuries, though we tell them not to move parts that hurt and we get consent to provide care

Why do we follow Universal Precautions, also called Standard Precautions?

We protect ourselves from the risk of disease transmission while providing care; we minimize that risk.

How do we determine if a victim is conscious?

We shout at them and if they do not respond, we tap them on the shoulder and shout "are you ok"

What symptoms might you observe if someone has a stroke, which is caused by a blockage of blood flow to the brain?

Weakness in the face or arms or leg on one side of the body, slurred speech, dizziness or a sudden headache, blurred vision, confusion - follow the acronym FAST

What are the signs or signals of breathing emergencies in Infants?

Wheezing or high-pitched sounds, looking scared, pale or bluish

There are two times that it is imperative that no one is touching the victim - what are they?

When the AED is analyzing the heart rhythm or EKG, and when the shock is being delivered

If using adult pads on a small victim, is it ok to place the pads upper right and lower left?

Yes, as long as they don't touch each other. If they will touch, place on the middle of chest and center of upper back

How deep are the CPR compressions on a Child?

about 2 inches

How do you care for significant or severe bleeding?

apply direct pressure with a sterile or clean dressing, apply pressure bandage and roller gauze, apply additional dressings and bandages as needed without removing any layers of bandages, consider applying a tourniquet or hemostatic dressing if this fails to control bleeding, call 911 if not controlled in at least 10 minutes

How deep are the CPR compressions on an Adult?

at least 2 inches straight down

How many breaths should we hear in 10 seconds?

at least two, probably three. one agonal breath is not sufficient

Where do you place the pads on an infant's chest?

center of chest, center of upper back

How should you care for a chemical burn in the eye?

flush or irrigate the affected eye with water for at least 15 minutes, call 911, avoid getting the chemical in the other eye

How should you care for hypothermia?

get the person to a warm place, remove wet clothing, wrap them in blankets, a dry hat, coats, rewarm slowly, allow them to drink warm fluids without caffeine or alcohol, call 911 and be prepared to do CPR

What care do you provide to any conscious victim of a diabetic emergency?

give some form of sugar, preferably liquid and give about 15 grams of sugar...if they are not better in 5 minutes, call 911

How should you care for a victim of frostbite on their toes or fingers?

move them to a warmer environment, rewarm their hands or feet with skin-to-skin contact - their own skin or preferably that of someone already warm, do not rub or put under hot water

What are the most common signals of symptoms of internal bleeding?

nausea or vomiting, extreme thirst, rapid breathing and pulse, skin is pale, ashen or bluish and it is mois

If someone is touching the victim while the AED is analyzing, will it cause the AED to analyze incorrectly?

no, but it will delay or prevent it from analyzing correctly because it will have to stop and tell you to stop touching the victim

What care should you provide to a conscious, choking infant?

provide cycles of 5 back blows, between the shoulder blades, with the infant face down on your arm, supported by your leg if needed, followed by 5 chest thrusts in the same spot where you do CPR compressions. For both, the infant should be held with their head lower than their body

How should you care for a person having a seizure?

remove nearby objects away from them so they don't hurt themselves, do not allow anyone to place anything in their mouth or to hold them still or restrain them, respect their privacy, look for injuries after the seizure is over and call 911 if any of the situations occur that call for that - a first seizure, they are pregnant, seizure occurs in water, multiple seizures keep occurring, etc. When the seizure is over, check for life-threatening conditions and for possible injury that occurred during the seizure and also try to provide some privacy for the victim, as they may urinate or defecate

Care for an Unconscious choking infant includes what steps?

repositioning the head if your first breaths do not go in and trying again, performing 30 chest thrusts, looking in the mouth and only sweeping or scooping an object out with your pinky if you see it, and attempting to give breaths

If at any point, the AED says that "no shock is advised," what should you do?

resume CPR until the AED tells you to stand clear so it can reanalyze, most likely for two minutes, or you see an obvious sign of life, such as the victim is breathing or talking

What is the best type of splint for an ankle or foot injury?

soft splint such as a folded blanket or pillow wrapped around the injury

How should you compress and Infant's chest for CPR?

straight down, at a rate of 100-120 per minute, about 1 1/2 inches deep in a regular rhythm, allow the chest to fully recoil after each compression

What signals might indicate that conscious Infant is choking?

they are unable to cry, cough or breathe, they look panicked, their eyes are wide open and fearful, their arms are flailing

Where do you place the pads on the victim's chest (adult)?

upper right chest and left side of the chest

What does morgan got?


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