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What is the etiologic agent of lymphocystis?

A virus

What common disease is caused by a ciliate?


What is the usual pH in fresh water?


How many years ago did fish come into existence?

530 million

What is "Fish Handler's disease"?

A zoonotic disease caused by Mycobacterium. Exposure occurs when hands are put in the tank when fish are sick with the bacteria

How does a fish obtain the calcium for their bones?

Through the hardiness of the water

Why must a fish be fasted before giving an intracelomic injection?

To ensure that puncturing of the stomach or intestine does not occur

Gill structure is thought of as a branching _______ with the gill arch being the _______, the primary lamellae the _____ , and the secondary lamellae the _________________.

Tree, trunk, branches, leaves

What else do gills do that lungs do not do?

electrolye transfer and nitrogen waste

What is pH affected by?

CO2 and carbonate

With what instrument can salinity of water be measured?

A refractometer

How can you fix a dissolved oxygen problem in home aquariums?

Aeration stone Agitation of water Increase with live water plants Provide sufficient lighting

What bacteria commonly causes sepsis and abscess/skin ulcers in fish?

Aeromonas hydrophilia

In what type of aquatic environments can fish be found?

All types including freshwater caves, Antarctic depths, and tropical waters.

How does a salt-water fish combat the body's water loss and dehydration?

By drinking a lot of water and by means of chloride glands in the gills that actively excrete salt

What are 2 parasites that are commonly seen in fish?

Argulidae "Fish louse" Lernaeide

What is the relationship between oxygen levels in an aquarium and water temperature?

As water gets warmer, oxygen levels decrease

When is the oxygen level the lowest?

At dawn

When is the oxygen level the highest?

At the end of the day

Why is the keeping of saltwater fish considered controversial?

Because most of the fish are wild caught

What is seawater heaviliy buffered with/

Bicarbonate and borate

What are abnormal DO conditions causing fish death?

Height of summer Warm, shallow water Heavy algea growth Decomposing organic matter Overstocking

Which fish tapeworm is zoonotic?


What problem is risked by handling a fish with bare hands?

Disruption of the fish's slime/mucus coat, which can lead to the introduction of disease

What effects water quality?

Dissolved O2 pH Alkalinity Hardness Ammonia

Which fin is the only one controlled by the skeleton of the fish?


List the types of fins found on fish.

Dorsal, pectoral, pelvic, anal, and caudal

When did the keeping of fish as pets begin?

During the Roman Empire

Which types of parasite are more apt to be debilitating to fish, ectoparasites or endoparasites?


What is meant by the term viviparous?

Eggs are nourished by a placenta-like structure

How does photosynthesis affect the oxygen levels?


What are reasons to have live plants in an aquarium?

Enhance the beauty, provide oxygen to the water, provide cover for fish to hide in, enrichment

True or False: All fish can thrive in a neutral pH water.


True or False: All fish have one opening called the cloaca which serves the kidneys, gonads, and intestinal tract


True or False: Fish lack the senses of taste and smell.


True or False: Flagellates do not affect fish.


True or False: Guppies are an example of a temperate freshwater fish


True or False: Saltwater aquariums are more popular than freshwater because they are easier to create and maintain.


True or False: Ulcers on fish are always caused by either trauma or ectoparasites.


True or False: While all fish can see, they are not all equal in their vision in the water and color vision.


With regard to number of species, which group of vertebrates has more members, fish or birds?

Fish with approximately 24,000 species

How many chambers does the fish heart have? How many valves?

Four chambers, two valves

In which types of fish is the internal osmolality higher than its environment, fresh-water or salt-water fishes?


What two common procedures can be performed to diagnose ectoparasites?

Gill clip, skin scrape

How would a fish with dropsy appear?

Has a swelling in the celomic cavity.

What is the protozoa that cause ich?

Ichthyophthirius Multifiliis

Name four mechanisms that allow for proprioception in fish.

Inner ear Fins Gas glands Swim bladder

What is different about the function of the fish kidney compared to mammals?

It has an osmoregulatory function

What is New Tank Syndrome?

It is the phenomenon where a new aquarium owner buys too many fish to begin with, ammonia levels increase due to fish waste and uneaten food, before the nitrogen cycle has taken place

What does a base like to do with the H+

Lend out to them

What is the most popular drug used to restrain fish?


How are fish eggs fertilized?

Most are external

What substance is found on the surface of scales that serves to slough off debris and external parasites as well as having antibiotic properties?


What structure covers the gills?


What is supersaturation disease?

Opposite of low DO, tanks have to aggressive aeration, the pipes stand too high, have cavitating pumps, forces N2 and O2 into solution, the air bubbles form in the fishes tissues

What is the difference between predatory fish and prey fish with regard to eye position?

Predatory fish have binocular vision with eyes located towards the front of the head. Prey fish have better peripheral vision with eyes on the sides of their head

When adding new fish to a tank what should be done first?


What is a common fungus is seen in fish?


Before an incision can be made in a fish requiring surgery, what needs to be removed?


The genes responsible for tooth and hair development in mammals are responsible for the development of which tissue in fish?


What role does the lateral line play in a fish?

Sensitive to motion Picks up lower frequency sounds Plays a role in schooling and hunting

Name three lines of defense that a fish has to protect it from illness.

Skin Scales Mucus (Slime)

If a fish is seen floating upside down what is the number one rule out?

Swim bladder disease

What does a acid like to do with the H+

Take them out

What type of fish is the most common in aquariums?

Teleosts aka bony fish

What are water parameters affect dissolved O2

Temp Barometric pressure Salinity Amount of sunlight Turbulence

What is pH

The ability to lend or take an H+

What is the function of the anterior and posterior segments of the fish kidney?

The anterior segment produces red blood cells as fish do not have bone marrow. The posterior segment is an excretory organ and it regulates osmolality

What is meant by the term oviparous?

The fish is an egg layer

What is meant by the term ovoviviparous?

The fish produces eggs, retains them internally, and then expels well-formed tiny fishes

What type of fish has dermal denticles? What are they?

They are placoid scales that are structurally similar to teeth. These scales are found in cartilaginous fish such as sharks and rays

True or False: An overdose of tricaine methane sulfonate is an acceptable euthanasia method.


True or False: Blood has the same role in fish that it does in mammals.


True or False: Municipality tap water can be toxic to fish.


True or False: Praziquantel can be used to treat trematodes in fish.


True or False: The fish has alternative ways of obtaining oxygen besides the gills


True or False: The gastrointestinal tract of fish differs according to the food a fish eats.


True or False: There are as many fish body shapes as there are environments they are found in.


What are the two favored sites for venipuncture in fish?

Ventral or lateral tail

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