Forensic Science Final Exam

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CSI effect

"believing everything you see on TV and applying it to real life" the phenomenon that every crime scene should yield forensic evidence and that every criminal case should be supported by forensic evidence

Algor Mortis

''coldness of death''. This is where the body starts to cool down in temperature and this stage lasts for a few hours. However, it does not start till 30 minutes to an hour after death.

Rigor Mortis

''stiffness of death''. This is where the body muscles will contract and make a body stiff, which starts a few hours after the death and can continue up to 24 hours.


- This system is capable of identifying someone out of a crowd by scanning select biometric characteristics into a database. It is useful in locating fugitives or suspects. Examples: Facial Recognition, Gait recognition, etc.

GC and MS

. What are the 2 ways to search for accelerants at a fire scene?

rough sketch

A ________ _________ is created at the crime scene and contains an accurate depiction of the dimensions of the scene and shows the location of all pertinent objects and features


A chemical reagent used to develop latent fingerprints on porous materials by reacting with amino acids in perspiration


A critical phase of the death investigation will be a _____________ reconstruction of events that preceded the onset of death, so all significant details of the scene must be recorded

endothermic reaction

A reaction in which energy is absorbed

exothermic reaction

A reaction that releases energy in the form of heat

Physical developer

A silver nitrate-based reagent formulated to develop latent fingerprints on porous surfaces.

superglue fuming

A technique for visualizing latent fingerprints on nonporous surfaces by exposing them to cyanoacrylate vapors; named for the commercial product Super Glue.

adequate containers

Alternatively, manila envelopes, screw-cap glass vials, or cardboard pillboxes are __________ __________ for most trace evidence encountered at crime sites

FBI identification system

Are biometric capabilities included in any database that we mentioned


At the suspect point of _______ of a fire, ash and soot, along with porous materials which may contain excess accelerant, should be collected and stored in airtight containers such as new paint cans or wide-mouth glass jars, leaving an airspace to remove samples. Never use plastic containers to store fire scene evidence.

crime laboratory

August Vollmer, chief of the Los Angeles Police, established the first American police ______ ____________ in 1924. When the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was first founded in 1908

heavy metals

Bismuth, antimony, mercury, thallium


Consists of circles, more than one loop, or a mixture of pattern type. 30 - 35% of world's population is believed to have whorls in their fingerprints.


Contrary to what you may see in movies, most systems don't store the complete image or recording. They instead analyze your trait and translate it into a code or graph. Some systems also record this data onto a smart card that you carry with you.

FBI Laboratory

Created in 1932, the ____ ___________ is today one of the largest and most comprehensive crime labs in the world.

Forensics, forensic science

Criminalistics refers to a type of ___________—the analysis of physical evidence from a crime scene. While criminology has preventative components, criminalistics comes into effect only after a crime has been committed. ... Most professionals regard criminalistics as a specialty within the field of ________ __________.


DNA, tool marks and fingerprints

Leone lattes

Developed a procedure to determine blood type from dried blood stains and used it as a way to identify an individual

Medium Velocity Spatter

Drops with diameters from 1-4 mm with an applied force of 5 to 25 ft/sec.

Low Velocity Spatter

Drops with diameters of 4 mm or more normally produced by an applied force of up to 5 ft/sec.

Drug recognition experts (DRE)

During the 1970s, the Los Angeles Police Department developed clinical and psychophysical examinations that a trained police officer could use to identify and differentiate between types of drug impairment. 3-5 month training period This program has evolved into a national program to train police as ____ ___________ ________.

cross examination

Each different item or similar items collected at different locations must be placed in separate containers. Packaging evidence separately prevents damage through contact and prevents ______ _______________


Elimination of alcohol throughout the body is accomplished through oxidation and excretion.

application of science to law

Forensic science is the discipline in which professionals use scientific means to analyze physical crime evidence. This evidence is then presented in court in order to help determine the innocence or guilt of a specific suspect. The ______________ ___ ________ __ _____.

state operated

In 1972, California Department of Justice embarked on a plan to create a network of ________ - _________ crime labs. Result = model system of integrated forensic labs consisting of regional and satellite facilities. Created California Association of Criminalists


In ____ the moving phase is actually a gas called the carrier gas, which flows through a column


In this pattern type, ridges enter on one sides and exit on the other side. 5% of total world's population is believed to have arches in their fingerprints.

The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NameUs

Includes 3 parts (Missing, Unidentified, and Unclaimed)

breath testers

Many types of ________ _________ are designed to analyze an individual's breath as it flows through a chamber in the breath tester and is exposed to infrared radiation


Matthew Turk and Alex Pentland (1990's) created the technique. Creates matrices of human faces and uses complex equations to create individual features


Normally, a fire has a tendency to move in an _________ direction, and thus the probable origin will most likely be the lowest point showing the most intense characteristics of burning.

Spiral Search Pattern

One investigator searches in a spiral path from the center of the crime scene to the boundary (outward) or from the boundary of the crime scene to the center (inward).

Line/Strip Search Pattern

One or two investigators start at the boundary of the crime scene and search in straight lines across to the other side of the crime scene.

Physical dependence

Physical need due to continued use

Wheel/Ray Search Pattern

Several investigators search in straight lines from the center to the boundary (outward) or from the boundary to the center (inward).

druggiest fold

Small amounts of trace evidence can also be conveniently packaged in a carefully folded paper, using what is known as a "______ _______."


Some telltale signs of _________ include evidence of separate and unconnected fires, the use of "streamers" to spread the fire from one area to another. An irregularly shaped pattern on the floor resulting from the pouring of accelerant onto the surface.

Biometric technology

The FBI has been integrating ____________ ______________ into their new identification system. In 2014, The Next Generation Identification (NGI) system replaced the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS).

Controlled substance act

The U.S. federal law known as the ___________ ___________ _____(1970) will serve to illustrate a legal drug-classification system created to prevent and control drug abuse


The ____ separates the sample into its components, while the ___represents a unique "fingerprint" pattern that can be used for identification

external examination

The ______ _____________ also consists of classifying the injuries. This includes distinguishing between different types of wounds, such as a stab wound versus a gunshot wound.

secured area

The _________ ______ should include the area where the crime took place and the surrounding area where physical evidence may be located. (USE AS MUCH ROOM AS NEEDED.)

tape, ropes, or cones.

The boundaries of the crime scene must be secured with crime scene


The collection of all materials suspected of containing volatile liquids must be accompanied by a thorough sampling of similar but uncontaminated control specimens from another area of the fire scene, called a ___________ control

Quadrant/Zone Search Pattern

The crime scene is divided into smaller sections (zones). One or more investigators are assigned to search each zone.


The dissection of the human body generally entails the removal of all internal organs through a Y-shaped incision beginning at the top of each shoulder and extending down to the pubic bone.

Mathieu Orfilia

The father of forensic toxicology. Published the first scientific treatise on detecting poisons & their effects on animals.

Finished scale scene sketch

The finished sketch is created from the information in rough sketch, but it is drawn to scale with care and concern for appearance


The first time you use a biometric system, it records basic information about you, like your name or an identification number. It then captures an image or recording of your specific trait.

Iriscode template

The goal is to create a unique template of the iris to be compared against a database in the NGI system. This template is known as an IrisCode. Each person will have a _______ ___________. In 1994 in the U.S., Dr. John Daugman completed the technology that led to the IrisCode

black powder

The most widely used explosives in the low-explosive group are __________ _________ and smokeless powder.


The next time you use the system, it compares the trait you present to the information on file. Then, it either accepts or rejects that you are who you claim to be.


The second function of biometrics relates to access control through biometric identification.

no two

The unique feature of mass spectrometry is that under carefully controlled conditions, ___ _____ substances produce the same fragmentation pattern

high explosives

This group comprises the majority of commercial and military blasting, such as dynamite, TNT, PETN, and RDX.


This pattern type has ridges entering on one side and exiting on the same side. 60 - 65% of world's population is believed to have loops in their fingerprints

Implied Consent

To prevent a person's refusal to take a test for alcohol consumption, all the states have adopted an "_________ _________" law. This law states that the operation of a motor vehicle on a public highway must either consent to a test for alcohol intoxication, if requested, or lose his or her license for some designated period.

hydrochloric solution

To screen for many of these metals, the suspect body fluid is dissolved in a __________ ____________ and a copper s strip is inserted into the solution. The presence of a silvery or dark coating on the copper indicates the presence of a heavy metal. (The Reinsch test=Screening test)


Traces of flammable liquid residues may be located with a vapor detector (________) or a trained canine.

Grid Search Pattern

Two or more investigators form a grid by searching in line patterns that overlap and are perpendicular to each other.

gasoline and kerosene

What are the 2 most common accelerants?

conduction, radiation, convection

What are the 3 mechanisms of heat transfer?

Fuel, oxygen, heat

What are the requirements needed to initiate and sustain combustion. There are 3. Basically it is the 3 parts of the fire triangle.

Principal Component Analysis , Linear Discriminant Analysis, and Elastic Bunch Graph Matching.

What are the three most widely accepted techniques used to create a viable reconstruction and analysis of a human face?

Appearance-based Model-based facial recognition

What are the two categories of facial recognition biometrics?

Oxidation and excretion

What are two types of Elimination?


What is considered the most elicit drug in the U.S.?

carbon monoxide

What is one of, if not the most common poison encountered in the in the forensic laboratory?

Finding the origin

What is the first focus when the investigator searches the fire scene?

Initial walkthrough

What is the first thing done by the lead investigator after the scene has been secured

Blow fly

What is the most common and important insect to decomposition?

Impact spatter

What is the most common blood stain pattern?


What is the most widely used and abused drug in the U.S. and western countries?

Gas chromatography & mass spectrometry

What technique is the approach most widely used by forensic toxicologists for determining alcohol levels in blood?


When absorption is complete alcohol becomes uniformly distributed between all the watery portions of the body which is about two-thirds of body volume


Which is the most widely used appearance-based technique?

class characteristics

____ _____________ are not unique to a particular object but place the particular bit of evidence into a group of objects. Individual characteristics narrow down the evidence to a single, individual source. The type of handgun with which a victim is shot is a class characteristic.

chain of custody

_______ __ _______, in legal contexts, is the chronological documentation or paper trail that records the sequence of custody, control, transfer, analysis, and disposition of physical or electronic evidence

physical evidence

________ _________ whose origin is known, such as blood or hair from a suspect, that can be compared to crime-scene evidence.


_________ is a greyish white bodily fluid that is secreted by the gonads of male animals. It carries sperm or the spermatozoa and fructose and other enzymes that help the sperm to survive to facilitate successful fertilization.


____________ explosives must be detonated by a primary explosive


a cutting edge form of access control that accurately and efficiently identifies humans through the use of biological and behavioral traits

Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS)

a national fingerprint and criminal history system maintained by the FBI. It became operational in 1999. Integrated into the Next Generation System (NGI) in 2014. Each state has an AFIS.

area of convergence

a two-dimensional view of the intersection of lines formed by drawing a line through the main axis of at least two drops of blood that indicates the general area of the source of the blood spatter

The National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (NIBIN

allows firearm analysts to acquire, digitize, and compare markings made by a firearm on bullets and cartridge casings.


amphetamines, cocaine, crack

iodine fuming

an excellent way to develop prints on flexible, porous and non-porous surfaces such as paper, index cards, magazines, and cardboard. To fume a suspected latent print, the surface must be placed into a container with solid iodine. The sublimation of iodine in a closed container will cause iodine vapors to concentrate, then be absorbed by the oil and sweat left behind by human skin. The temporarily-developed print will then be visible as an orange/brown outline. Upon development, the print should be photographed for documentation. The iodine will eventually sublime from the surface of the print, allowing the print to return to its latent state. The surface is then returned to its original appearance and can even be exposed to additional developing techniques.


appears in blood in minutes, begins to be absorbed by the stomach and small intestine into the bloodstream. For the average person alcohol is absorbed entirely into the blood stream 30-90 mins after drinkning

Photograph unit

applies specialized photograph techniques for recording and examining physical evidence. Some crime labs may offer a number of optional services

Biology unit

applies the knowledge of biological sciences in order to investigate blood samples, body fluids, hair and fiber samples

Secondary explosives

are relatively insensitive to heat, shock, or friction and will normally burn rather than detonate if ignited in small quantities in the open air.


are substances that undergo a rapid oxidation reaction with the production of large quantities of gases

Primary explosives

are ultra-sensitive to heat, shock, or friction and provide the major ingredients found in blasting caps or primers used to detonate other explosives.

Confirmation test

atomic absorption spectrophotometry, emission spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction

Voiceprint analysis

attempts to tie a recorded voice to a particular suspect


biometrics is replacing retina biometrics because it is an all-around better technology and more functional for both law enforcement and business security. The eye is one of the most common means of identification. The Iris is unique and remains unchanged throughout life


blood type, fibers, and paint

American Board of Pathology (ABP)

certified forensic pathologists are the most fully qualified experts for providing autopsy services. They are physicians who perform autopsies routinely and are specially trained to recognize the anatomic changes brought about by disease and sequelae of injury

Francis Galton

conducted the first definitive study of fingerprints. 1982 published a book "fingerprints". Led to basic system of identification by use of fingerprints.

physiological biometrics

contains: fingerprints, hand scans, iris scans, retina scans, and facial scans. This type is used the most. -Fingerprints: most cost-effective, widely used, and easy to install (similar to hand and vein scans) -Retina and Iris scans: more secure, but expensive -Facial scans: least accurate form, but improving

Psychological dependence

continued use due to emotional needs

International Forensic Automotive Paint Data Query

database contains chemical and color information pertaining to original automotive paints.


database that holds tire tread patterns


depress the functions of the central nervous system (alcohol, anti-anxiety drugs, barbiturates (downers))

Alphonese Bertilion

developed anthropometry and is known as the father of criminal identification. Devised the first scientific system of personal identification (system of measurements) in 1879, Anthropometry. Ultimately replaced by fingerprinting in the early 1900's.

Albert Osborn

developed the fundamental principles of document examination. Responsible for the acceptance of documents as scientific evidence by the courts

Evidence-collection unit

dispatches specially train personnel to the crime scene to collect and preserve physical evidence

Schedule 2

drugs have a high potential for abuse and have medical use with severe restrictions such as cocaine, PCP, and most amphetamine and barbiturate prescriptions.

Schedule 1

drugs have a high potential for abuse and have no currently accepted medical use such as heroin, marijuana, methaqualone, and LSD.

schedule 3

drugs have less potential for abuse and a currently accepted medical use such as all barbiturate prescriptions not covered under Schedule II, such as codeine and anabolic steroids.

Schedule 5

drugs must show low abuse potential and have medical use such as opiate drug mixtures that contain nonnarcotic medicinal ingredients.

The Combined DNA Index System (CODIS)

enables federal, state, and local crime laboratories to electronically exchange and compare DNA profiles. Came about in 1998.


entails weighing, dissecting, and sectioning each organ of the body

Toxicology unit

examines body fluids and organs for the presence of drugs


has as its purpose the determination of the physical or chemical identity of a substance with as near absolute certainty as existing analytical techniques will permit.

schedule 4

have a low potential for abuse and have a current medical use such as darvon, phenobarbital, and some tranquilizers such as diazepam (valium) and chlordiazepoxide (librium).

Clinical Autopsy

in comparison is usually performed in hospitals by a pathologist or the attending physician to determine a cause of death for research and study purposes

mass spectrometer

in the ____ ____________a beam of high-energy electrons collide with a material, producing positively charged ions.

Edmond Locard

incorporated Gross' principles within a workable crime lab

Basic science unit

incorporates the principles of chemistry, physics, and geology to identify and compare physical evidence

Forensic entomology

insects is the scientific study of the invasion of the succession pattern of arthropods with their developmental stages of different species found on the decomposed

Firearms unit

investigates discharged bullets, cartridge cases, shotgun shells, and ammunition


involves specific identification of the different ingredients that make up the mixture.

Gas Chromatography

involves the separating of a mixture and tentative identification of the ingredients

Locard's Exchange Principle

is a concept that was developed by Dr. Edmond Locard (1877-1966). Â Locard speculated that every time you make contact with another person, place, or thing, it results in an exchange of physical materials

forensic autopsy

is a series of tests and examinations performed on the body to determine the presence of an injury and/or to identify any disease that may have caused or contributed to the death

Shoeprint Image Capture and Retrieval (SICAR)

is a shoeprint database

the internal examination

is also where toxicological specimens are taken. These include samples of blood, stomach content, bile, and urine.

cause of death

is determined by a medical examiner. The cause of death is a specific disease or injury, in contrast to the manner of death which is a small number of categories like "natural", "accident", and "homicide", which have different legal implications

Forensic pathology

is pathology that focuses on determining the cause of death by examining a corpse. A post mortem is performed by a medical examiner, usually during the investigation of criminal law cases and civil law cases in some jurisdictions.

Forensic odontology

is the application of dental science to legal investigations, primarily involving the identification of the offender by comparing dental records to a bite mark left on the victim or at the scene, or identification of human remains based on dental records


is the movement of heat through a solid object. Poor conductors are called insulators. During a fire heat may transported through metals, such as nails, bolts, and fasteners to a location far from the initial heat source creating a new fire location

Post-mortem interval (PMI)

is the time that has elapsed since a person has died. If the time in question is not known, a number of medical/scientific techniques are used to determine it. This also can refer to the stage of decomposition of the body.


is the transfer of heat energy by electromagnetic radiation. A surface exposed to the heat of a fire may burst into flames when the surface reaches the ignition temperature.


marijuana, LSD, PCP

livor mortis

means ''discoloration of death''. What this means is that once someone dies, the blood starts draining from the extremities down to the area that's on the ground. For example, a body lying on its back is going to be pale on the chest and face, while dark on the back and buttocks.

manner of death

natural, accidental, homicide, suicide or undetermined

The area of origin

of an impact bloodstain pattern is the area in a three-dimensional space from which the blood was projected.


often routinely tested to determine the presence and levels of alcohol and drugs.


opium, morphine (analgesics- meaning they relieve pain by a depressing action on the central nervous system)

Latent fingerprint unit

processes and examines evidence for latent fingerprints

Document unit

provides the skills needed for handwriting analysis and other questioned-document ammunition


scientific tests or techniques used in connection with the detection of crime; forensics. A more descriptive, more specific, or just a better way of describing the services of the crime lab

Gas Chromatography

separates mixtures based on the distribution between a stationary liquid phase and a moving gas phase. Not an absolute means of identification. Important: Quantification.

Comparison analysis

subjects a suspect specimen and a standard/reference specimen to the same tests and examinations for the ultimate purpose of determining whether or not they have a common origin.

access control

systems will create and store databases of biological traits and compare them to the individual attempting to gain entry into a device or facility. Examples: Facial recognition, Retina scans, fingerprints


takes place almost entirely in the liver, where the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase converts alcohol to acetic acid and then into carbon dioxide and water. About five percent of the alcohol is excreted unchanged in the breath, urine, and perspiration. The elimination or "burn-off" rate of alcohol varies, but 0.015%/hr. seems to be a reasonable average


the speed of decomposition


the transfer of heat energy by the movement of molecules within a liquid or gas. In a structural fire, hot gases move to the upper portion of the structure causing surfaces to pyrolyze and burst into a fire.

Photographs Sketches Notes

three methods for documenting or recording evidence?

Horizontal gaze nystagmus test breath testers Walk and turn one-leg stand

types of field sobriety psychophysical tests

Calvin Goddard

used comparison microscope to determine if a particular gun fired a bullet

Walter McCrone

utilized microscopy and other analytical methodologies to examine evidence in many criminal/civil cases


which fingerprint is the most prevalent

behavioral biometrics

which is much less stable and includes: handwriting, voice, keystroke, and gait recognition. Used infrequently. More experimental. -Handwriting is most common. Gait is not very accurate.

Hans Gross

wrote the first treatise describing the application of scientific principles to the field of criminal investigation. Explained how scientific disciplines could assist investigator in their cases

High Velocity Spatter

§Drops with diameters of less than 1 mm from an applied force of 100 ft/sec or faster.

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