Foundations of reading part four
a (apple) e(edge) i(igloo) o(ox) u(umbrella) 1. Pronounce the words above. Listen to the initial phoneme. One set of phonemes represented by single vowel letters includes those that stand for "short" vowel sounds. The breve () is a diacritical mark used to indicate the specific pronunciation of each vowel in this group. Its linguistic relationship to "short" can be noted in such words as abbreviate and brevity. It is the custom, phonics to call the vowel sound whose key symbol contains a breve a short vowel sound. 1. a a( apple 2. e e( edge 3. i i( igloo 4. o o( ox 5. u u( umbrella the vowels in column 3 at the right represent the ________ sounds. key symbol (2) consists of the vowel marked with a _______. Mark the initial vowel in each key word.
) )apple )edge )igloo )ox )umbrella short breve
The key symbols that identify the vowels when they represent their short sounds are )a, )e, ________, ________, and ______. reading would be easier if five additional characters representing these ____________ were added to our alphabet.
)i, )o, ),u phonemes
There are _______ phonemes in hen. Listen for the vowel phoneme as you say hen aloud. Rewrite hen using key symbols to indicate its pronunciation. _________
3 he)n
read the sentence aloud: I read a book yesterday. How many phonemes do you hear when you say read in the sentence above? _________ rewrite read using a key symbol to indicate each phoneme. ________ you have written in code. Anyone who knows the code can pronounce read correctly without a sentence to clarify it.
3 re)d
Look at the groups of words below. In each group mark the vowels that represent the short sound. Number_________ is not a good key phrase. 1) Nan's pet is not fun. 2) Sam's net is not cut 3) Sad ted in hot hut 4) All men in hot bus
4 1) Na)n's pe)t i)s no)t fu)n 2) Sa)m's ne)t i)s no)t cu)t 3) Sa)d Te)d i)n ho)t hu)t 4)All me)n i)n ho)t bu)s
long vowel examples
A Long A Is Pronounced Like The A In The Words: Make, Cake, Take, Ache.
VCe pattern
A one-syllable word that follows the long vowel, consonant silent e pattern in which the first vowel is pronounced long and the final e is silent. e.g.: cake, ripe, and dude
R controlled o(r)
Examples of the r-controlled o, pronounced as /or/, may be heard in words more, porch, and order.
R-controlled u(r)
It is impossible to separate, in normal pronunciation, the /u/ from the /r/. Several graphemes represent the u(r) as we see in the words first, germ, learn, worm, purple, and myrtle.
Each vowel letter represents more than one _________. If we meet an unfamiliar word, how will we know which sounds its vowels represent? There are some patterns (with exceptions, of course) that will give us some help in determining the sounds represented by the ___________ in unknown words.
Phoneme vowels
R controlled a(r)
The a when preceding the letter r represents an r-controlled vowel. r-controlled a, pronounced as /ar/, may be heard in words arm yard arch and large.
r-controlled vowels
The letter r affects the sound of the vowel(s) that precedes it (er, ir, ur, ar, or)
short vowels pattern
Vowels you hear in the middle of a word; usually follow the VCV pattern
i or o followed by ID Exception to the closed syllable generalization
When i or o is followed by ld the vowel usually represents the long sound (wild, fold)
igh exception to the closed-syllable generalization
When the i is followed by gh in a word or a syllable, the i usually represents the long sound, and the gh is silent (light).
____ as the final letter in a one syllable word (my) usually represents the sound we associated with long i (key word ice). Y as the final letter in a two syllable word (happy) usually represents the long sound e (key word eraser). Y when preceded by the letter a, may form the long vowel digraph ay, as in play and crayon. ____, when preceded by the letter e, may form a long vowel digraph, as in key.
Yy as a vowel
Now let us turn our attention to the vowels that do represent phonemes and can be assigned key symbols to distinguish them from each other. The vowel phonemes are represented by five letters They are ____,____,____,____, and _____.
a e i o u
Study the words below. Pronounce the sound represented by the underlined vowel. sAme dAre cAn Arm About We can see that one vowel, the ______, represents at least______ different phonemes.
a five
open syllable
an open syllable ends with a vowel phoneme (be, try). Single vowel letters in open accented syllables usually represented their long sounds (She)
long vowel a, Key symbol )a ,
Pronounce umbrella. we use a __________ to indicate that the u represents a short sound. Now pronounce the vowel sound alone. rewrite the following words to show pronunciation. Place the correct diacritical marks above all the vowels in these words that represent the same sound as the first vowel phoneme in the key word umbrella. Jump use us duck cup house tub
breve ju)mp u)s du)ck cu)p tu)b
These five vowels, alone and in combination with another vowel, represent the 19 vowel phonemes of our language. Therefore, there ____________ a one to one correspondence between phoneme and letter.
cannot be
Short the vowel consonant pattern of the words below. Use a c to represent each consonant and a v for each vowel. Shop______ hat_______ chat______ fast_______ trust________ in________
ccvc cvc ccvc cvcc ccvcc vc
Vowel e in unaccented syllable
chickEn (soft "uh")
We often find the vowel phoneme in a closed syllable to be short. A closed syllable ends with a consonant phoneme. Pronounce the words below. Check the closed syllables, including closed one syllable words. Chim ney tree can wish men sun win dow begin
chim can wish men sun win gin
vowel u in an unaccented syllable
circUs (soft "uh")
vowel a in unaccented syllable
commA (soft "uh")
short vowels
don't say their name, but make sounds instead
Long vowel e, key symbol )e
vowel i unaccented syllable
family (soft "uh")
Say the words below. Listen carefully for the vowel phonemes. Rewrite each word, using the key symbols that indicate the sounds we associate with the vowel and consonant phonemes. head_______ said ______ cents_______ end________
he)d se)d se)nts e)nd
long vowel i
The consonant y is always the _____ letter in a word or syllable. It is always found before the vowel.
is the diacritical mark used to indicate the specific pronunciations of the long vowels.
r-controlled ^a(r)
it is impossible to separate in normal pronuniciation, the /^a/ from the /r/. Six graphemes represent the ^a when folled by r: care, hair, heir, wear, prayer, and where.
We shall begin our study of the vowel phonemes with group 1: those represented by a single vowel __________.
For our study, we shall divide the vowel phonemes into two major groups: 1) those represented by a single vowel letters and 2) those represented by combinations of vowel letters. Each of the single letters (as in group 1) and each of the combinations of ___________ represent one phoneme.
Use a breve to indicate the short vowel in each word that contains a short vowel phoneme. lip top note pop lap glad pod home The vowel letters with the marks you placed above them are the ___________ for the phonemes they represent.
li)p to)p po)p la)p gla)d po)d key symbols
pronounce the word map. Listen for three phonemes: the constant phoneme represented by _______, the vowel phoneme represented by __________, and the________ phoneme represented by _________. Pronounce the vowel sound alone. The same vowel sound is heard in __________. (apple far )
m, a consonant, p apple
Pronounce the vowel phoneme in map. Rewrite map using key symbols _________. Now pronounce the words below. Check the word below. Check those words in which the vowel phoneme is the same as that heard in map. ran all car above grab back paw
ma)p ran grab back
Mark each with a breve each of the vowels in the word below that represents the same vowel phoneme heard in the keyword edge. feed met her hem end reward If you find this difficult pronounce the first vowel phoneme heard in edge. Then pronounce each word, substituting that sound for each vowel phoneme.
me)t He)m e)nd
CV pattern
me, go see, she--vowel is long
Vowel o in an unaccented syllable
melOn (soft "uh")
To obtain a better understanding of the short vowels, we will consider them as they usually occur within the english syllable. A syllable is the smallest unit of speech. that has one vowel phoneme. When you say the word mat, you hear______(how many) vowel phoneme(s). The word mat consists of _________(how many) syllables. When you pronounce mattress you hear ______ (how many)vowel phonemes. Mattress has _________ syllables. A syllable in the english language has only one vowel ___________.
one one two two phoneme
long vowel o,
It is important to note that various dictionaries indicate pronunciation in different ways. we must Study the pronunciation key of the particular dictionary we use. for example, some dictionaries use the :a to represent the short )o keyword _______. other dictionaries use bes to represent the pronunciation bus. You may find that your dictionary indicates the pronunciation of short vowel sounds with the letter and no diacritical mark. In this case, the pronunciation of map is written__________.
ox map
Our task, then, is twofold: (1) to identify the vowel________ of the American-english language and assign each a key symbol and (2) to become acquainted with the generalizations that will aid us in associating the correct phonemes with the _________ letters in unknown words.
phonemes vowel
Although, there are many variations due to dialect, individual speech patterns, and so forth, for all practical purposes in the task of teaching reading, we can consider the American-English language to contain 44 separate and distinctive _____________. We have noticed that 25 of these are consonant ___________. Therefore there are ___________ vowel __________.
phonemes phonemes 19 phonemes
Pronounce igloo. Now say the first vowel phoneme. Rewrite the following words using key symbols to code each phoneme: pin______ drip______ lift______ thick______
pi)n dri)p li)ft thi)ck
long vowels
say their name
The C (consonant) in the VC pattern may represent a digraph or a blend. Check the syllables ( or one-syllable words) that are spelled with the VC pattern. shop brick rab bit be side rain thrift
shop brick rab bit thrift
The VC pattern gives clues to the pronunciation of unknown words. We could expect the vowel to represent the _____________ sound. to indicate the pronunciation of the vowel, we place a __________ above it. Your teachers manual or curriculum guide may use CVC to identify the short vowel pattern. The cvc pattern indicates that a consonant precedes the vowel. You may use either VC or CVC in your answers.
short breve
Pronounce the vowel phoneme represented by the vowel letter in each of the words below. an fed pin hot cup Each vowel represents its _________ phoneme. Now pronounce the vowel phoneme in each of the following words. Place a breve above each vowel in this set of words that represents its short sound. Check carefully. car fence pine cow dug
short fe)nce du)g
closed syllable
syllable that ends with a consonant
As a vowel the w represents no distinct phoneme of its own. Therefore, it cannot be represented by a key__________ w is always used in combination with another vowel, as in few, cow, and grow.
Underline the ws that function as vowels in the following words: water which thaw threw dwarf (Be sure that they do not represent the phoneme you hear at the beginning of wagon.) The vowel w always ______________ another vowel.
thaw threw follows
Pronounce hot. It contains _________ phonemes? The vowel phoneme sounds the same as that in _________(boy, ox)
three ox
two vowels to make another sound, oe in "shoe"
vowel digraph
two vowels, and occasionally three, that make one sound (rain, great, leaves)
Long u
long vowel
unaccented syllable
unstressed syllable
Y does not serve as a key symbol for a vowel phoneme. Y represents no vowel sound of its own. When a y is a ____________, its pronunciation is shown by the key symbols we associate with the i or the e.
The most common vowel consonant pattern is that of VC (vowel-consonant) in which the v (vowel) represents its short sound. There are many one syllable words and many syllables in multisyllable words that follow this pattern. These words and syllables consist of a _________ followed by a ___________.
vowel consonant
We have noted the sounds represented by a, e, i, o, and u. How about the y? gYm sys tem sym bal Study the words above. Each contains a _____________ (consonant vowel) y within the syllable. The y represents the ________ (long, short) sound of the letter______.
vowel short i
The 26 letters of the alphabet are divided into two major categories: consonants and______________.
The letter a, e, i, o,u and sometimes w and y are classified as _____________.
Two of the seven vowels are not identified by distinctive key symbols because they do not represent sounds of their own. These are vowels ___________ and _________.
w, y
Now let us examine the w. You have learned that the w as a consonant represents the phoneme heard in _________.
unaccented syllables
we tend to shorten vowel sounds in unaccented syllables (a bout)
Study the function of the y in the words below. Place a a C or a V above each y to identify y as a consonant or as a vowel. Check each y consonant to see that it represents the same sound as the initial phoneme in yo-yo. year gym my ready canyon in which words is the y the first letter in the second syllable?
year(c) gym(v) my(v) ready(v) canyon(c) canyon
Study the words below. Underline each y that is a consonant. They yellow yet may very beyond The _____________( consonant, vowel) y is never s silent letter. The ___________( consonant, vowel) y is often a silent letter.
yellow yet beyond consonant vowel
Do all the words below have the VC pattern? _______ Do all the vowels represent the short sound? _________ Examine the words below. Mark the vowels that represent the short sounds with breves. Work carefully . far last set lot her
yes no la)st se)t lo)t
The key words given at the beginning of this section will help us remember the phoneme for each vowel. A sentence that contains each of the short vowel phonemes may be easier to remember. Would the sentence below furnish a key word for each of the short vowel phonemes? ________(check each word with the set at the beginning of this section.) Mark the vowels with breves. Dan kept his pop gun
yes da)n ke)pt hi)s po)p gu)n
How can you tell when a y is a consonant and when it is a vowel? You have learned that the key symbol y (consonant) represents the phoneme heard in ___________. Y functions as a consonant only when it represents the phoneme heard in yo-yo.