Foundations Quiz -Sociology

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The Scientific Stage (Comte)

develop a social physics to understand human behavior

Ferdinand Tonnies (1853-1936)

distinguished between gemeinschaft (community) and gesellschaft (society)

W.E.B. DuBois (1868-1963)

1st black to earn Ph.D. from Harvard, encouraged blacks to resist systems of segregation and discrimination, helped create NAACP in 1910

Double Consciousness (DuBois)

According to DuBois, Black Americans have the sense of "two-ness," of being American and being African-American. - African Americans feel this alienation but at the same time feel that they own as "double consciousness". It is the awareness of being split person with opposing parts. African American should embrace their own individual identity,

Jane Addams (1860-1935)

Founder of Hull House. Best-known for her work as a leader of the settlement house movement.

Auguste Comte (1798-1857)

"Father of sociology" invented what he called "social physics" or "positivism" - we could determine right and wrong without reference to higher powers or other religious concepts

Symbolic Interactionism

- a micro-level theory in which shared meanings, orientations, and assumptions form the basic motivations behind people's actions - a theoretical perspective in which society is viewed as composed of symbols that people use to establish meaning, develop their views of the world, and communicate with one another

Irrational Behavior (Weber)

-tradition societies -based on traditional values or traditions -Institutions established in order to tend to certain needs of individuals or achieve certain goals

Theological Stage (Comte)

people took the religious view that society expressed God's will (society is a result of divine will)

Max Weber (1864-1920)

Father of sociology. Argued that in a capitalist society inequalities would lead to conflict, but that there would be more than one source of conflict. Argued that there were several factors that moderated people's reaction to inequality.

Hull House-Jane Addams

Settlement house founded in 1889 in Chicago by Jane Addams, a social worker, that provided social, educational, and artistic programs to neighborhood residents. Encouraged women to become active in reform movements and brought about improved conditions in city neighborhoods. Settlement Houses were designed to help new immigrants adopt the ways of their new country. Staffed mostly by college-educated women

Modern Society (Durkheim)

a society that looks to the present for ways to behave and is thus responsive to change - bond by heterogeneity - division of labor is super high - every person has individual skill set and sre not similar in beliefs - society relies in each other

Gemeinschaft (Tonnies)

a type of society in which life is intimate; a community in which everyone knows everyone else and people share a sense of togetherness

Metaphysical Stage (Comte)

human behavior governed by natural, biological instincts (people saw society as a natural rather than a supernatural system)

Three Paradigms

structural functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism

Law of Three Stages (Comte)

theory created by Auguste Comte that paved the way for the creation of Sociology that claimed the history of mankind could be broken down into three stages- theological stage, metaphysical stage, and the scientific stage

Example Symbolic Interactionism

- The meaning of the "rainbow" has changed over time in our culture. Once, it was a Christian symbol-and it still is-of hope, as God placed a rainbow in the sky after the Great Flood. However, in today's popular culture, the rainbow symbolizes the LGBTQ community. At one time, as this change was occurring, there was not a consensus regarding the meaning of the rainbow; however, in today's culture, the rainbow is pretty universally recognized as a symbol of the LGBTQ community. - In the same way, the meaning of the word "gay" has changed over time. In the early 20th century, the word "gay" meant happy and light-hearted. In today's society, there is consensus that this word refers to homosexuality.

Structural Functionalism (Macro Level)

- a paradigm based on the assumption that society is a unified whole that functions because of the contributions of its separate structures - theoretical tradition claiming that every society has certain structures (the family, the division of labor, or gender) that exist to fulfill some set of necessary functions (reproduction of the species, production of goods, etc.)

Conflict Paradigm

- a paradigm that views human behavior as attempts to dominate others or avoid being dominated by others - society is composed of different groups that struggle over scare resources like power, money, land, or food. Society is driven by these conflicts

Pre-Modern Society (Durkheim)

- mechanical solidarity (social integration of individuals into a community who share common ideas and beliefs) - Individual bond by homogeneity - Individuals have similar skill set and have similar job responsibilities

Example of Conflict Theory

Crimes committed by members of wealthier classes, such as powerful CEOs or celebrities, often receive less punishment than crimes committed by people of minority races or lower socioeconomic status. Marx maintained that because the definition of crime and criminality is dictated by those with societal power, the criminal justice system is another way to subjugate the working class while elevating the higher class.

Rational Behavior (Weber)

Modern societies - Not interested in the efficiency rules and procedures which lead to the accomplishment institutional goals or objectives

Example of Structural Functionalism

Schools provide education to children and young adults, but they also teach children social norms and prescribed values so the children can function in society through socialization. Schools also provide a place for children to go while their parents work and participate in a different social structure in society: the economy. Without schools, many parents would not be able to work and participate in the economy, therefore, schools perform a function to ensure parents can work and provide for their families as well as putting money back into the economy and paying taxes.

Emile Durkheim (1858-1917)

Sociology as a separate science on the grounds that it has both an object (patterned regularities as a group distinct from that of individuals) and a substratum (society as a whole).

Gesellschaft (Tonnies)

a type of society that is dominated by impersonal relationships, individual accomplishments, and self-interest

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