Four Faces of DDD
-V pacing -no sensing -no responce to sensing -will just pace V at consistent pace regardless of anything else
Capture safety margin
2x voltage RV/RA 1.0 for CRT leads
Sensing safety margin
4:1 Atrial 2:1 RV
optimal level for atrial sensing at implant
optimal level for R-wave sensing
V pace, V sense, inhibit response to sensing, rate modulation -paces when no sensed event
portion of timing cycle where device is looking for electrical activity
alert period
atria paces regardless of sensed events
pseudo-pseudo fusion beat
atrial output pulse on intrinsic R-wave or ventricular output pulse on P-wave
chronic A fib and VVIR pacing at 70 bpm--> how to threshold test?
can run like this or increase pacing rate
how to run a RV sensing test on CHB at AsVp (DDD)
change mode to VVI at lower rate than intrinsic (usually 30)
refractory period
changeable period of time that starts with pacing or sensing -absolute refractory period -relative refractory period
fusion beat
combination of intrinsic beat and paced beat
how do you adjust ApVs to run an atrial sensing test? (AsVs)
decrease pacing rate
relative refractory period/ Blanking period
device and sense but response is limited -DDD sees P-wave in refractory will not start an AVD but can count toward mode switch algorithm
dual pacing, v sensing, inhibit, rate modulation
performing atrial threshold test on patient without visable captured p-waves in ApVp
increase AVD to promote intrinsic conduction
tracking p waves in DDD, how to threshold test?
increase rate over intrinsic
pseudofusion beat
pacing beat the fall on intrinsic beat and the intrinsic complex is not altered
Decrease AVD
preempt intrinsic conduction
Increase AVD
promote intrinsic conduction
Absolute Refractory
temporary disabling of the pacemaker sensing circuit following delivery of an output pulse -prevents over sensing