3/5 - What number is the denominator in that fraction?
5 is the denominator.
What is the number at the top of a fraction called?
The numerator.
43/100 is equal to what as a decimal?
.43 (point forty three)
0 = ?/5
0 = 0/5, of course!
What is an equivalent fraction for 2/4?
1/2. (or 4/8, or many other answers)
2/3 - 1/3
1/3 is equivalent to 2 what?
1/3 is equivalent to 2/6.
1/6 equals how many 12ths?
1/6 equals 2/12
4/5 - Which number is the denominator?
5 is the denominator.
When fractions equal each other we say that they are what?
How many sixths make the number 1?
Six sixths make 1. 6/6 = 1
What is the number at the bottom of a fraction called?
The denominator.
How many tenths do you need to make 1?
You need 10 tenths to make 1. 10/10 = 1
What is another way to say the fraction 6/2 (six halves) and what does it equal?
Six divided by 2. It equals 3.
How can we make equivalent fractions?
We can make equivalent fractions by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by the same number.
4/5 - Which number is the numerator?
4 is the numerator.
2/5 is equivalent to how many 10ths?
4/12 = ?/3
4/12 = 1/3
What is a mixed number?
A mixed number has both whole numbers and fractions mixed together.
1/5 = how many 10ths?
1/5 = 2/10
Which is greater: 9/10 or 1?
1 whole is bigger than 9/10.
2/3 = ?/6
2/3 equals 4/6
1/6 - Which number is the numerator in that fraction?
1 is the numerator.
1/2 + 1/2 =
1/2 + 1/2 = 2/2 or 1 whole
1/2 is equivalent to 2 what?
1/2 is equivalent to 2/4.
2/10 is equivalent to how many hundredths?
2/10 is equivalent to 20/100
3/4 equals how many 8ths?
3/4 equals 6/8
Which is greater: 4/2 or 1?
4/2 is 2 so it's bigger than 1.
2/3 + 2/3 =
4/3 (four thirds)
2/5 + 2/5
4/5 = ?/10
4/5 = 8/10
5/10 equals 1 what?
5/10 equals 1 half.
20/5 is twenty fifths. It also means 20 divided by ___?
It means 20 divided by 5.
4/5 is four-fifths. It also means 4 divided by ___?
It means 4 divided by 5.
What does LCM stand for?
Least Common Multiple or Lowest Common Multiple.
2/3 = ?/9
2/3 = 6/9
2/3 is equivalent to how many ninths?
2/3 is equivalent to 6/9.
What is an equivalent fraction for 1/2?
2/4, 3/6, 4/8, etc.