French 1 semester 1 unit 5

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Les livres sont grands.

The books are big

L'ordinateur est rouge.

The computer is red.

La robe est rose.

The dress is pink

Les amis sont faibles. / Les amies sont faibles.

The friends are weak.

La fille est rousse

The girl is a red head

L'homme est grand et mince.

The man is tall and skinny.

Le crayon est vert.

The pencil is green.

Les étudiants sont très intelligents. / Les étudiantes sont très intelligentes

The students are very smart.

La femme est brune.

The woman is a brunette

la femme est forte.

The woman is strong.

La femme est grande et mince.

The woman is tall and skinny

A big book

Un grand livre

Senufo Drums from Ivory Coast

Drums are among the most important art forms in Africa. In addition to being a work of art, they are used as a musical instrument in ceremonial functions, which include dances, rituals, story-telling and communication. Many of them are embellished with low relief carvings of animals, figures and objects.

l'anglais la littérature la composition

English literature composition

le professeur de mathématiques

Math teacher.

La pomme est rouge et verte

My apple is red and green.

La calculatrice est verte et jaune.

My calculator is green and yellow.

Ma couleur préférée est ________

My favorite color is _____

Non, il n'y a pas d'ordinateur dans mon sac à dos.

No, there's no computer in my backpack.

l'éducation physique la santé


L'éducation physique

Physical education (P.E)

Elle est rousse.

She is red headed

les études sociales l'histoire

Social studies/history

la classe d'espagnol

Spanish class

La chimie


des crayons de couleur

colored pencils

some strong men

des hommes forts

un dictionnaire


une gomme


gros; grosse


Goodness words

gentil/gentille; mauvais/ mauvaise; bon/bonne


gentil/gentille; mauvais/mauvaise; bon/bonne

la géographie


grand masculine

grande feminine






gros/grosse; petit/petite; grand/grande; long/longue

gros masculine

grosse feminine

les devoirs


Interesting facts about Ivory Coast:

it is slightly bigger than the state of New Mexico it has borders with Burkina Faso, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia and Mali it has 515 km (320 miles) of coastline it has a tropical climate along the coast and a semiarid climate in the far north its population is 17,300,00 the median age is 17 years old the life expectancy is 42.5 years 51% of the population 15 years old and over can read and write French is the official language, but there are 60 native dialects, with Dioula being the most widespread Independence Day (from France) is August 7, 1960

je / un parapluie

j'ai un parapluie

Age words

jeune; vieux/vieille; nouveau/nouvelle

l'homme / une chemise rouge

l'homme a une chemise rouge

biology student

l'étudiant de biologie

French student ("student of French" as opposed to "a student who is french")

l'étudiant de français

Social studies class

la classe d'études sociales

la femme/ un portable

la femme a un portable.

Spanish teacher

le professeur d'espagnol

French teacher

le professeur de français

les amis/ beacoup de livres

les amis ont beaucoup de livres.

beaucoup de livres

many books

un portable

mobile computer/phone

mon ami / un crayon

mon ami a un crayon

Mince, Timide, and jeune are

neutral in gender, as in they already have e's at the end of the words so nothing needs to be added.

nous/ des devoirs

nous avons des devoirs.

ils elles (avoir)




Le papier


petit masculine

petite feminine



joli; jolie




roux; rousse

red head

roux masculine

rousse feminine

les sciences


des ciseaux


petit; petite

short, small

Il y a is the same for

singular or plural

intelligent; intelligente




fort; forte


grand; grande

tall, large

C'est la classe d/de

that is the class of

L'ange est blanc

the angel is white

le garçon est blond.

the boy is blonde

Le garçon est intelligent

the boy is smart

L'ordinateur est gris, noir et blanc.

the computer is gray, black, and white

Le fille est blonde.

the girl is blonde

L'homme est gros

the man is fat

L'homme est fort

the man is strong

les mathématiques

the mathematics

la musique

the music

Le papier est blanc.

the paper is white

Les chaussettes sont violettes.

the socks are violet.

Les matières

the subjects

Le soleil est jaune et orange.

the sun is yellow and orange

Le tee-shirt est bleu

the t-shirt is blue

L'arbre est vert.

the tree is green

La femme est brune.

the woman is brunette.

La femme est rousse

the woman is red-headed

il y a

there is

Il y a un grand sac à dos

there is a big backpack

il n'y a

there is not




to be

In Les Couleurs you will learn:

to describe yourself and others using être and adjectives to describe things using colors that adjectives in French have different forms based on gender and number that most adjectives in French are placed differently than in English additional people nouns how to talk about basic things that might be in your school, desk or backpack how to talk about your school day about Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)


to have

laid; laide


a shy friend

un ami timide/ une amie timide.

a blonde boy

un garçon blond.

a fat man

un gros homme.

a thin lady

une femme mince.

a little girl

une petite fille.



vous/ deux calculatrices

vous avez deux calculatrice.

Nous sommes grands et forts. / Nous sommes grandes et fortes,

we are tall and strong.



Comment es-tu?

what are you like?

De quelle couleur est l'ordinateur? (un ordinateur)

what color is the computer?

avoir is a verb used to talk about

what we have



Adjectives in french change gender depending on

who is being described



un cahier

A notebook

Un crayon

A pencil

La Côte d'Ivoire

Although we call it the Ivory Coast in English, the official name is Côte d'Ivoire. It is one of the French-speaking countries in West Africa. It has a population of 13 million, 16% of which are Christians and 23% are Muslim. The majority practice traditional African religions involving ancestral worship. They believe that after people die, they become spirits who remain in constant contact with the living. Masks have a very important symbolic role in Ivoirian life.

les devoirs de biologie

Biology homework.


Foutou is a kind of purée made of a mixture of ripe and green bananas and manioc flour. The balls are used as we would use bread to soak up the sauce of main dishes. photo from Ingredients 2 1/2 cups of manioc (cassava) - don't use very center of the cassava. 5 plantain bananas -- don't use center. Preparation Boil manioc and plantains like you would potatoes until they're done. Pound manioc, regularly sprinkling water to keep it from sticking and to give it the right consistency. Pound the plantains separately. You don't need water for the plantains. Pound the two together adding water as you did for the manioc. Add 1/2 teaspoon of salt during the process if desired. Makes three foutou balls.

le français


la géométrie


Il est laid.

He is ugly

Je suis blonde

I am blonde

Je ne suis pas timide.

I am not shy

Je suis grand (grande) et mince.

I am tall and thin.

J'ai un crayon pour écrire.

I have a pencil to write.

J'ai besoin d'un livre, un cahier et un stylo.

I need a book, a notebook, and a pen.

J'ai besoin de chaussures dans la classe d'éducation physique.

I need shoes in PE class.

J'utilise une calculatrice en classe de mathématiques.

I use a calculator in math class.

J'utilise un dictionnaire en classe d'anglais

I use a dictionary in english class.

J'utilise un cahier pour écrire.

I use a notebook to write.

J'utilise un stylo pour écrire.

I use a pen to write.

J'utilise un crayon pour écrire.

I use a pencil to write.

J'utilise un T-shirt et des shorts en classe d'éducation physique pour courrir.

I use a t-shirt and shorts in physical education class for running.

J'utilise des crayons de couleur en classe d'art.

I use colored pencils in art class.

Je vais en classe de français. / Je vais à la classe de français.

I'm going to a french class.

Est-ce qu'il y a un livre dans ton sac à dos?

Is there a book in your backpack?

Est-ce qu'il y a une calculatrice dans ton sac à dos?

Is there a calculator in your backpack?

Est-ce qu'il y a un ordinateur dans la classe?

Is there a computer in the class?

Est-ce qu'il y a un ordinateur dans ton sac à dos?

Is there a computer in your backpack?

Est-ce que ton sac à dos est grand ou petit?

Is your backpack big or small?

Est-ce que ton livre est grand ou petit?

Is your book big or small?



The political situation in Ivory Coast

Until 1999, Ivory Coast was the world's largest cocoa producer and the model of political and social stability in Africa. President Félix Houphouet-Boigny (who built the Yamassoukro Basilica you may remember from Unit 1), maintained good relations with the West from the time he took office - when the country gained its independence from France - to when he died in December 1993. The falling world market prices for Ivory Coast's primary export crops of cocoa and coffee put economic pressure on the government. On December 24, 1999, it experienced its first coup d'état, and then another one on January 7, 2001, when heavy fighting broke out between rebels and the government troops. 2005 has been relatively quiet, but volatile. About 10,000 UN and French peacekeepers are patrolling the buffer zone between the rebel-run north and the government-held south to try to keep the country at peace.

Comment es-tu ?

What are you like?

De quelle couleur sont les chaussettes? (une chaussette)

What color are your socks?

De quelle couleur est le stylo?

What color is the pen?

De quelle couleur est le soleil?

What color is the sun?

De quelle couleur est le tee-shirt?

What color is the t-shirt?

De quelle couleur est l'arbre? (un arbre)

What color is the tree?

De quelle couleur est l'ange?

What color is your angel?

De quelle couleur est la pomme?

What color is your apple?

De quelle couleur est ton sac à dos?

What color is your backpack?

De quelle couleur est la calculatroice?

What color is your calculator

De quelle couleur est ta calculatrice?

What color is your calculator?

De quelle couleur est ton cahier?

What color is your notebook?

De quelle couleur est ton stylo?

What color is your pen?

De quelle couleur est ton crayon?

What color is your pencil?

De quoi as-tu besoin?

What do you need?

Comment est-il?

What is he like?

Quelle est ta couleur préférée?

What is your favorite color?

Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans ton sac à dos?

What's in your backpack?

Quelle est ta couleur préférée?

What's your favorite color?

Oui, il y a un livre dans mon sac à dos.

Yes, there is a book in my backpack.

Oui, il y a une calculatrice dans mon sac à dos.

Yes, there is a calculator in my backpack.

il, elle on (avoir)


un sac à dos

a backpack

un livre

a book

un professeur brun

a brown-haired teacher

Un stylo

a pen

Une règle

a ruler

un garçon timide

a shy boy

une femme intelligente

a smart lady

un monsieur fort

a strong man

une fille mince

a thin girl

j' (avoir)




Un agenda

an agenda (to do list)



tu (avoir)


vous (avoir)


nous (avoir


Beauty words

beau/belle; joli/jolie

la biologie




blond; blonde


blond masculine

blonde feminine





brun masculine

brune feminine

brun; brune


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