French little prince Chapters 1-8

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Chapter 4 summary

De sa conversation avec le petit prince, le narrateur se rend compte que la planète d'où vient le petit prince n'a que la taille d'une maison. Le narrateur explique que lorsque les astronomes découvrent de nouvelles planètes, ils leur donnent des numéros au lieu de noms. Le narrateur est à peu près sûr que le petit prince vit sur l'astéroïde B-612, qui a été aperçu pour la première fois par un astronome turc en 1909. La présentation de sa découverte par l'astronome a été ridiculisée au Congrès international d'astronomie de cette année-là parce qu'il portait des vêtements traditionnels turcs. Après qu'un dictateur turc ait ordonné à tous ses sujets de commencer à porter des vêtements européens, l'astronome a présenté à nouveau son rapport en 1920 et a été bien accueilli. Le narrateur insiste sur le fait qu'il ne nous donne ces détails sur la planète du prince que pour satisfaire ses lecteurs adultes. Il dit que les adultes ne peuvent comprendre que des faits et des chiffres ; ils ne s'interrogent jamais sur les qualités essentielles comme la beauté et l'amour. Les adultes décident de ce qui est beau en mesurant l'âge d'une personne ou le prix d'une maison. Pour croire à l'existence du petit prince, les grandes personnes ont besoin de plus de preuves que de simplement se faire dire que le prince a demandé au narrateur de lui dessiner un mouton. Ils exigent des preuves supplémentaires et quantifiables de l'existence du petit prince. Romans graphiques sur SN : Hamlet Le narrateur mentionne également qu'il souhaite que son livre soit lu attentivement, car il a été très douloureux pour lui de se remémorer ces souvenirs de son petit ami décédé. Le narrateur s'inquiète de vieillir, il écrit et illustre son histoire pour ne pas oublier le petit prince. Dessiner les images en particulier rappelle au narrateur ce que c'est que d'être un enfant. Il reconnaît cependant qu'il ne peut pas voir les moutons à travers les parois des caisses, car comme tous les humains, il a « dû vieillir ».From his conversation with the little prince, the narrator realizes that the planet the little prince comes from is only the size of a house. The narrator explains that when astronomers discover new planets, they give them numbers instead of names. The narrator is pretty sure that the little prince lives on Asteroid B-612, which was first sighted by a Turkish astronomer in 1909. The astronomer's presentation of his discovery was ridiculed at that year's International Astronomical Congress because he wore traditional Turkish clothes. After a Turkish dictator ordered all his subjects to begin wearing European clothing, the astronomer presented his report again in 1920 and was well received. The narrator insists that he is telling us these details about the prince's planet only to satisfy his grown-up readers. He says that grown-ups can understand only facts and figures; they never wonder about essential qualities like beauty and love. Grown-ups decide what is beautiful by measuring how old a person is or how much a house costs. To believe in the existence of the little prince, grown-ups need more proof than simply being told that the prince asked the narrator to draw him a sheep. They demand further, quantifiable proof of the little prince's existence. The narrator also mentions that he wants his book to be read carefully, as it has been very painful for him to recollect these memories of his little departed friend. The narrator worries that he is growing old, and he writes and illustrates his story so he will not forget the little prince. Drawing the pictures in particular reminds the narrator of what it's like to be a child. He acknowledges, however, that he cannot see sheep through the walls of boxes, because like all humans, he has "had to grow old."

Chapter 5 summary

Each day, the pilot learns a bit more about the little prince's home. On the third day of the little prince's visit, he finds out that the prince wants the sheep to eat the baobab seedlings that grow on his planet. Baobabs are gigantic trees whose roots could split the prince's tiny planet into pieces. The little prince notes that one must be very careful to take care of one's planet. Since all planets have good plants and bad plants, one must remain vigilant and disciplined, uprooting the bad plants as soon as they start to grow. The prince remembers a lazy man who always procrastinated and ignored three small baobab bushes that eventually grew to overtake the man's planet. At the prince's instruction, the narrator illustrates the overgrown planet as a warning to children. He adds that the baobabs pose an everyday threat that most people deal with without even being aware of it. The narrator states that the lesson to be learned from the story of the baobabs is so important that he has drawn them more carefully than any other drawing in the book.

Chapter 8 question 6

Elle embaumait et éclairait la planète du petit prince, elle avait de la tendresse pour lui, elle était naïve. She embalmed and lit up the planet of the little prince, she had tenderness for him, she was naive.

Chapter 8 question 7

Elle voulait se protéger des tigres. She wanted to protect herself from the tigers.

Chapter 8 question 5

Elle était vaine, exigeante, ombrageuse, égoïste, menteuse She was vain, demanding, touchy, selfish, lying

Saint-Ex ne peut pas répondre facilement aux désirs du petit prince. Expliquez pourquoi.Saint-Ex cannot easily respond to the wishes of the little prince. Explain why.

Il lui demande de dessiner un mouton. He asks her to draw a sheep.

Chapter 5 question 3

Il mentionne la discipline.

Saint-Ex ne peut pas répondre facilement aux désirs du petit prince. Expliquez pourquoi.Saint-Ex cannot easily respond to the wishes of the little prince. Explain why.

Il n'a jamais dessiné de mouton parce qu'il avait été découragé par les grandes personnes He never drew a sheep because he was discouraged by grown-ups

Chapter 3 question 4

Il pense que Saint Exupéry est venu d'une autre planète. He thinks Saint Exupéry came from another planet

Chapter 3 question 1

Il veut dire qu'il était en plein air quand le moteur de son avion s'est cassé et il a atterri dans le désert. He means he was out in the open when his plane's engine broke and he landed in the desert.

Sommaire des chapitresChapitre 2

L'avion de l'auteur tombe en panne dans le désert du Sahara. • L'auteur rencontre le petit prince qui lui demande un dessin. • Le petit prince voudrait que l'auteur dessine un mouton pour lui. • L'auteur dessine 3 moutons pour lui: Mais le petit prince ne les aime pas.L'auteur dessine un moution dans une caisse. The author's plane breaks down in the Sahara Desert. • The author meets the little prince who asks him for a drawing. • The little prince would like the author to draw a sheep for him. • The author draws 3 sheep for him: But the little prince does not like them. The author draws a motion in a crate.

Chapter 8 question 4

La fleur était très coquette et capricieuse. Elle n'ai pas modeste. Elle voulait que le petit prince lui donne de l'eau pour son petit déjeuner, la mette sous le globe le soir pour ne pas être décoiffée, et la protège des courants d'air avec un paravent. The flower was very coquettish and capricious. She did not modest. She wanted the little prince to give her water for her breakfast, put her under the globe at night so she wouldn't mess h0er hair up, and protect her from drafts with a screen.

Chapter 8 question 2

La rose était coquette et sa brindille ne ressemblait pas aux autres. Elle était exigeante et vaniteuse. Elle prenait du temps pour se préparer. Les fleurs simples apparaissaient le matin et s'éteignaient le soir. The rose was coquettish and her twig did not look like the others. She was demanding and vain. She was taking time to prepare. The single flowers appeared in the morning and died out in the evening.

Chapter 6 question 2

Le petit prince devait simplement tirer sa chaise dans la direction du coucher de soleil.

Chapter 6 question 5

Le petit prince s'inquiète maintenant que le mouton va manger sa fleur. The little prince is now worried that the sheep will eat his flower.

Sommaire des chapitresChapitre 1

Le pilote (l'auteur) décrit son enfance. • Il nous montre une image qu'il a vue dans un livre,celle d'un serpent boa qui avalait un fauve. • Il nous montre les deux dessins qu'il a faits: 1) un boa fermé 2) un boa ouvert • Il nous explique que les adultes n'ont pas compris son premier dessin (ils pensaient que c'était un chapeau), donc il a eu besoin de dessinerl'intérieur du boa pour qu'ils puissent comprendre le dessin. The pilot (the author) describes his childhood. • He shows us a picture he saw in a book, that of a boa snake swallowing a beast. • He shows us the two drawings he made: 1) a closed boa 2) an open boa • He explains to us that the adults did not understand his first drawing (they thought it was a hat), so he needed to draw inside the boa so they can understand the design.

Le Petit Prince demande si le Narrateur est tombé du ciel. Le Narrateur répond "oui... modestement". Est-il vraiment modeste? Trouvez un autre adjectif dans ce passage qui reflète mieux ses sentiments en tant que pilote d'avion. The Little Prince asks if the Narrator fell from the sky. The Narrator answers "yes...modestly". Is he really modest? Find another adjective in this passage that better reflects his feelings as an airplane pilot.

Non, il n'est pas modeste. C'est mon avion. L'adjectif << fier >> reflète mieux ses sentiments. No, he is not modest. It's my plane. The adjective "proud" better reflects his feelings

Chapter 7 summary

On his fifth day in the desert, the little prince wonders if his new sheep will eat both bushes and flowers. The pilot, who is trying to repair his plane, replies that sheep will eat anything, and the little prince asks him what use a flower's thorns are if they don't protect the flower. The pilot, frustrated with his engine and worried by his lack of food and water, yells that he is too busy with "serious matters" to answer the prince's questions. Furious, the little prince accuses the pilot of acting like a grown-up instead of seeing what's really important. The little prince argues that if a truly unique flower exists on a person's planet, nothing is more important than wondering if a sheep will eat that flower. He then bursts into tears. Suddenly realizing that his new friend's happiness is the most serious matter of all, the narrator cradles the little prince in his arms and comforts him by assuring the little prince that his flower will be fine. He offers to draw a muzzle for the sheep.

Chapter 5 question 2

Pour qu'il puisse manger les baobabs qui pousse avant qu'ils ne grandissent.

Chapter 6 question 3

Sa planète est trés petit. Il a besoin d'un ami. His planet is very small. He needs a friend.

Chapter 6 question 1

Sa seule distraction est les couchers de soleil. His only distraction are the sunsets.

Où se trouve Saint-Ex? Dans quelles conditions? Where is Saint Ex located? In what conditions?

Saint-Ex se trouve dans le désert du Sahara. Son avion s'est écrasé en panne. Il a seulement de l'eau pour huit jours. Il risque de mourir. Saint-Ex is located in the Sahara desert. His plane crashed out of service. He only has water for eight days. He is in danger of dying.

Où se trouve Saint-Ex? Dans quelles conditions?Where is Saint Ex located? In what conditions?

Saint-Ex se trouve dans le désert du Sahara. Son avion s'est écrasé en panne. Il a seulement de l'eau pour huit jours. Il risque de mourir. Saint-Ex is located in the Sahara desert. His plane crashed out of service. He only has water for eight days. He is in danger of dying.

Pourquoi avait-il ce deuxième dessin?Why did he have this second drawing?

Saint-Ex's first drawing was of a boa snake digesting an elephant. The second drawing was like the first but showed the elephant inside the snake.

Chapter 4 question 6

Saint-Exupéry a du mal a raconter ses souvenirs car il fait déjà six ans depuis l'incident dans le désert.

Chapter 6 question 7

Saint-Exupéry avait des soucis d'adulte. Quand le petit prince a remarqué qu'il a parlé comme une grande personne et quand il a vu que le petit prince devenu tellement triste, il avait honte et il avait changé son avis. Saint-Exupéry had adult worries. When the little prince noticed that he spoke like a big person and when he saw that the little prince became so sad, he was ashamed and he changed his mind.

Chapter 6 question 6

Saint-Exupéry se préoccupe plutôt avec la réparation de son avion. Il s'intéresse à un boulon trop serré dans son moteur et il s'inquiète du manque d'eau. Saint-Exupéry is more concerned with the repair of his plane. He is interested in a bolt that is too tight in his engine and he is worried about the lack of water.

Saint-Ex est étonné par la présence d'un petit bonhomme à mille milles de toute région habitée. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a d'étrange dans son comportement?Saint-Ex is astonished by the presence of a little fellow a thousand miles from any inhabited region. What's strange about his behavior?

Son petit bonhomme ne se semblait ni égaré, ni mort fatigue, ni mort de faim, ni mort de soif, ni mort de peur. Her little man seemed neither lost, nor dead tired, nor dead of hunger, nor dead of thirst, nor dead of fear.

Chapter 8 summary

The prince tells the narrator all about his flower. One day, the prince notices a mysterious new plant sprouting on his planet. Worried that it might be a new type of baobab, he watches it cautiously at first. The sprout soon grows into a rose, a beautiful but vain creature who constantly demands that the little prince take care of her. The little prince loves the rose very much and is happy to satisfy her requests. He waters her, covers her with a glass globe at night, and puts up a screen to protect her from the wind. One day, however, the little prince catches the rose on the verge of making a minor lie. The rose says to the prince, "Where I come from," even though she grew from a seed on the little prince's planet and therefore does not "come from" anywhere. The rose's lie makes the prince doubt the sincerity of her love. He grows so unhappy and lonely that he decides to leave his planet. The prince tells the pilot that he would not have left if he had looked at the rose's deeds instead of her words. He realizes that the rose actually loves him, but he knows he is too young and inexperienced to know how to love her.

Chapter 3 question 2

Un astronome turc était la seule personne à avoir aperçu la planète du petit prince. A Turkish astronomer was the only person to have seen the planet of the little prince

Chapter 5 question 1

la plante du baobab

Chapter 6 summary

On his fourth day with the little prince, the narrator becomes aware of just how small the little prince's planet really is. The little prince is surprised that on Earth, he has to wait for the sun to go down to see a sunset. On his planet, a person can see the end of the day whenever he likes by simply moving a few steps. The prince mentions that one day he saw forty-four sunsets and that sunsets can cheer a person up when he or she is sad. He refuses to tell the narrator, however, whether or not he was sad on the day he saw forty-four sunsets.

Chapter 3 summary

Le pilote tente de découvrir d'où vient son mystérieux nouvel ami, mais le petit prince préfère poser des questions plutôt que d'y répondre. Il interroge le pilote sur son avion et ce qu'il fait, et le pilote dit au petit prince qu'il lui permet de voler dans les airs. Le petit prince se console du fait que le pilote est également venu du ciel, lui demandant de quelle planète il vient. Le pilote est surpris par cette question et tente de savoir de quelle planète vient le petit prince. Mais le petit prince ignore les questions du pilote et admire le mouton que le pilote a dessiné pour lui. Le pilote propose de tirer un poteau et une ficelle pour attacher le mouton afin qu'il ne se perde pas, mais le petit prince rit. Le mouton ne se perdra pas, dit-il, car il vient d'une toute petite planète. The pilot tries to find out where his mysterious new friend comes from, but the little prince prefers asking questions to answering them. He questions the pilot about his plane and what it does, and the pilot tells the little prince that it allows him to fly through the air. The little prince takes comfort in the fact that the pilot also came from the sky, asking him what planet he comes from. The pilot is surprised by this question and tries to find out what planet the little prince comes from. But the little prince ignores the pilot's queries and admires the sheep the pilot has drawn for him. The pilot offers to draw a post and a string to tie the sheep to so that it won't get lost, but the little prince laughs. The sheep will not get lost, he says, because he comes from a very small planet.

Quels étaient le premier dessin et le deuxième dessin de Saint-Exupéry? What were Saint-Exupéry's first drawing and second drawing?

Le premier dessin de Saint-Ex était un serpent boa en train de digérer un éléphant. Le deuxième dessin était comme le premier mais il montrait l'éléphant à l'intérieur du serpent. Saint-Ex's first drawing was of a boa snake digesting an elephant. The second drawing was like the first but showed the elephant inside the snake.

Quel est premier dessin que fait Saint-Ex?What is Saint-Ex's first drawing?

Le premier dessin qu'il montre au petit prince est la boa ferme. The first drawing he shows the little prince is the firm boa.

Chapter 4 question 1

Le turc a pu finalement convaincre tout le mode de sa découverte en portant un habit très élégant pendant son deuxième démonstration (le dictateur turc a imposer à son peuple, sous peine de mort, de s'habiller à l'européenne. The Turkish was finally able to convince everyone of his discovery by wearing a very elegant dress during his second demonstration (the Turkish dictator imposed on his people, on pain of death, to dress in European style.

Qu'est-ce qui empêche les adultes d'apprécier la façon de penser d'un enfant? What prevents adults from appreciating a child's way of thinking?

Les adultes n'étaient pas l'imagination de l'enfant. Ils n'ont pas d'imagination. The adults were not the child's imagination. They have no imagination.

Chapter 4 question 4

Les grandes personnes aiment utiliser des chiffres pour décrire des personnes et des choses.

Pourquoi l'auteur n'a-t-il pas pu embrasser la carrière de peintre?Why was the author unable to embrace the career of a painter?

Les grandes personnes lui ont conseillé de laisser de côté ses dessins et de se concentrer plutôt sur des sujets plus raisonnables comme la géographie, l'histoire, le calcul, et la grammaire. Grown-ups advised him to put aside his drawings and focus instead on more sensible subjects like geography, history, arithmetic, and grammar.

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