OB Test 1

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. What is the primary managerial implication of Maslow's theory?

A satisfied need may lose its motivational potential

_____, that tend to be self-serving and often invalid, are suspected or inferred causes of behavior

Causal attributions

According to Schwartz's value theory, _____ is associated with restraint of actions, inclinations, and impulses likely to upset or harm others and violate social expectations or norms.


_____ holds that people are motivated to behave in ways that produce desired combinations of expected outcomes

Expectancy theory

The _____ reflects a loss in performance resulting from low leader expectations

Golem effect

According to Schwartz's value theory, _____ includes pleasure and sensuous gratification for oneself?


_____ represent(s) an individual's capacity for constructive thinking, reasoning, and problem solving.


. _____ refers to any set of activities that involve the alteration of specific jobs or interdependent systems of jobs with the intent of improving the quality of employee job experience and their on the-job productivity.

Job design

. Samantha has been asked to rate the two students who have joined her class recently. One of them is extremely diligent, submits her assignments on time and makes very clear presentations, while the other one puts in just enough efforts to get a passing grade, and is often not prepared for the presentations. Samantha, who avoids extreme judgments, rates both of them as near-average students. Which of the following perceptual errors is Samantha making in her rating?


_____ reflects a feeling of obligation to continue employment.

Normative commitment

. _____ consists of employee behaviors that are beyond the call of duty and exceed work-role expectations

Organizational citizenship behaviors

_____ is a cognitive process that enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings.


_____ is an organization wide system whereby managers integrate the activities of goal setting, monitoring and evaluating, providing feedback and coaching, and rewarding employees on a continuous basis.

Performance management

_____ is defined as the combination of stable physical and mental characteristics that give the individual his or her identity.


_____ is defined as the perceived fairness of the process used to make decisions regarding the allocation of rewards and resources.

Procedural justice

_____ is a belief about one's own self-worth based on an overall self- evaluation.


_____ is defined as the extent to which a person observes his or her own self- expressive behavior and adapts it to the demands of the situation.


_____ represents the specific capacity to physically manipulate objects.


Based on research on the Big Five personality dimensions, which of the following is true?

The Big Five personality structure is valid across different cultures.

_____ is based on pessimistic and negative assumptions about human nature

Theory X

Which of the following is defined as, "continuous, customer-centered, employee-driven improvement?"

Total quality management

_____ occurs when an employee reports a perceived unethical and/or illegal activity to a third party such as government agencies, news media, or public- interest groups.


Chris has studied for his math test and his English test. He expects to do moderately well in both subjects. He gets an "A" in English but fails in math. While Chris feels that the grade he got for English was well-deserved, he blames his failure in mathematics on the fact that his teacher Mr. Wallace does not like him. In this situation, Chris is exhibiting _____.

a self-serving bias

The boss of a Preamble Systems announced the employees would be going on a trip to San Francisco. A few employees liked the idea and a few of them disliked the idea. According to the nature of attitudes, these evaluations reflect the _____ component of the employees.


According to Ajzen's theory of planned behavior, _____ refers to the degree to which a person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation or appraisal of the behavior in question.

attitude toward the behavior

People with an external locus of control tend to ____.

attribute outcomes to environmental causes

The _____ component of an attitude reflects the beliefs or ideas one has about an object or situation.


According to Kelley's attribution model, consensus involves _____.

comparing an individual's behavior with that of his or her peers

Oliver stole three laptops from his workplace and sold them through an online buying and selling website. Oliver's stealing action is classified as a(n):

counterproductive behavior.

Self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management are all components of _____.

emotional intelligence

According to the Big Five personality dimensions, a person scoring high on _____ is relaxed, secure, and unworried.

emotional stability

In Maslow's need hierarchy, the _____ need is the desire for reputation, prestige, and recognition from others.


According to Alderfer's ERG theory, the _____ needs reflect the desire for physiological and materialistic well-being.


Social rewards are a type of _____ reward.


Equity theory is a motivation model that explains how people strive for _____ in social exchanges or give-and-take relationships.


"We truly appreciate your hard work!" is an example of objective feedback


A person's needs remain unchanged over his or her lifetime


According to Alderfer's ERG theory, frustration of higher-order needs can influence the desire for lower-order needs.


Emotional intelligence scores are a better predictor of job performance than the Big Five personality dimensions.


In Schwartz's value theory, adjacent values like self-direction and universalism are negatively related.


Low managerial expectations will lead to enhanced employee performance.


Older workers are more accident prone than younger workers.


People who are low self-monitors are sometimes called chameleons because they can readily adapt their self-presentation to their surroundings.


People with an internal locus of control tend to attribute key outcomes in their lives to environmental causes, such as luck or fate. .


Self-efficacy is functionally the same thing as self-esteem.


Stereotypes are useful because they help us process the large amount of information that we receive daily.


The halo effect leads a rater to consistently evaluate other people or objects in an extremely positive fashion.


The proactive personality dimension is the most frequently studied of the Big Five personality dimensions.


The purpose of a learning goal is to accomplish a specific end-result


The recency effect is the tendency to remember old contacts, and then evaluate them by comparing them with characteristics of recently observed people or objects


Ted was dissatisfied with his job. He said that the company policy, supervision, and working conditions were responsible for his dissatisfaction. According to Frederick Herzberg's theory, these extrinsic factors that create job dissatisfaction are called:

hygiene factors

. Pam is attempting to reduce her inequity at work by attending night school for further job training. In other words, she is trying to ____.

increase her inputs

The three basic levels of analysis in organizational behavior are:

individual, group, and organizational.

Fulfilling one's needs, attaining important values, and being treated fairly at work are causes of _____.

job satisfaction

According to Kelley's attribution model, consistency involves _____.

judging if the individual's performance on a given task is constant over time

Feedback serves two functions for those who receive it: to instruct and to ____.


Equity theory predicts that a student will experience _____ if a friend of equal scholarly ability studies the same amount for a test but receives a higher grade.

negative inequity

According to the Big Five personality dimensions, a person scoring high on _____ is intellectual, imaginative, curious, and broad-minded.

openness to experience

According to Ajzen's theory of planned behavior, _____ is assumed to reflect past experience as well as anticipated impediments and obstacles.

perceived behavioral control

A(n) _____ goal targets specific end result

performance outcome

The final step in establishing a goal-setting program is to:

provide employees with support and feedback.

Another name for the Pygmalion effect is _____.

self-fulfilling prophecy

According to Ajzen's theory of planned behavior, behavioral intentions are influenced by attitude toward the behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control.


According to Herzberg, motivators are job characteristics associated with job satisfaction.


According to Kelley, people make causal attributions after gathering information about three dimensions of behavior: consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency


According to Maslow, having enough food, air, and water to survive is the most basic need.


According to McGregor's Theory X, people tend to procrastinate and loaf whenever they can


According to psychologists there is a distinction between felt and displayed emotions.


An ability represents the specific capacity to physically manipulate objects


An attitude is a learned predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with respect to a given object.


Attitudes have affective, cognitive, and behavioral components.


Cognitive dissonance represents the psychological discomfort a person experiences when his or her attitudes or beliefs are incompatible with his or her behavior.


Content theories of motivation focus on identifying internal factors influencing motivation.


Continuance commitment would be high if an individual has no job alternatives.


Counterproductive work behaviors are types of behavior that harm employees, the organization as a whole, or organizational stakeholders such as customers and shareholder.


Galatea effect occurs when an individual's high self-expectations lead to high performance.


Goal-setting directs attention, regulates effort, increases persistence, and fosters strategies and action plans


Human capital is the productive potential of an individual's knowledge and actions


Individual differences influence our values, attitudes, job satisfaction, and tendency to exhibit counterproductive workplace behaviors.


Individuals with high self-esteem see themselves as worthwhile, capable, and acceptable.


Intelligence is influenced by biological as well as environmental factors.


Job satisfaction is an affective or emotional response toward various facets of one's job.


Management by objectives is a management system that incorporates participation into decision making, goal setting, and objective feedback.


Organizational commitment is composed of three separate but related components: affective commitment, normative commitment, and continuance commitment.


Organizational commitment reflects the extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and is committed to its goals.


Organizations are a social invention helping us to achieve things collectively that we could not achieve alone.


People who believe they control the events that affect their lives are said to possess an internal locus of control.


People with a high learning goal orientation make efforts to achieve current tasks and to develop the ability to accomplish future tasks.


People with a high need for affiliation prefer to spend more time maintaining social relationships, joining groups, and wanting to be loved.


Performance management is an organizationwide system whereby managers integrate the activities of goal setting, monitoring and evaluating, providing feedback and coaching, and rewarding employees on a continuous basis


Personal values essentially represent the things that have meaning to us in our lives.


Research has found a significant positive correlation between self-efficacy and job performance.


Schwartz believes that values are motivational in that they "represent broad goals that apply across contexts and time."


Sex-role stereotypes are related to gender-based expectations that people use without any conscious awareness.


Social capital is productive potential resulting from strong relationships, goodwill, trust, and cooperative effort.


The concept of psychological capital focuses on human strengths and potential as a way to possibly prevent mental and behavioral problems and improve the general quality of life.


Total quality management (TQM) is defined as continuous, customer- centered, employee-driven improvement.


When employees are free of any fears associated with trying new, innovative ideas or behaviors at work, they are said to have psychological safety.


Women are more emotionally expressive than men.


Heavier workloads for employees combined with an increase in dual-income families, single working parents, and elder care responsibilities serve to increase _____.

work/family conflict

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