French Revolution

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1. Legislative Assembly 2. Consulate 3. National Convention 4. Directory 5. National Assembly

5, 1, 3, 4,2

Nelson destroys the French fleet here

Abukir Bay

Commander of the English fleet that destroyed the French at Abukir bay

Admiral Horatio Nelson

This was drawn from the upper ranks of the aristocracy. it was called in 1787 in order to resolve the financial crisis by getting the first and second estates to agree to be taxed. They refused, stating that only the Estates General could create new taxes. This required the calling of the Estates General.

Assembly of Notables

In effect these were government bonds backed by the sale of church property. They were so acceptable to the people that they circulated as currency, but the value fell.


Bloodiest battle in Russia


Lists of grievances

Cahiers de Doleances

This made the Roman Catholic church a branch of the secular state. Clergy were paid by the state and became its employees. The clergy had to take an aoath to supported the Constitution. It redrew the ecclesiastical map of France. Reduced the number of bishoprics by more than a third, transformed bishops and priests into civil offices.

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

Purpose was to carry out the duties of government, the "twelve who ruled."

Committee of Public Safety

Agreement between Napoleon and the Church

Concordat of 1801

Met at the conclution of the Napoleonic wars

Congress of Vienna

This established France as a constitutional monarchy. Under it, the major political authority of the nation would be a unicameral legislature in which all laws would originate. The Assembly had the power to make war and peace. It provided for an elaborate system of indirect elections and citizens were divided into two categories - active and passive. Power was essentially transferred into the hands of all propertied wealth in the nation.

Constitution of 1791

Effectively ended the revolution in France


First act was to declare France a republic. They put Louis XVI on trial and executed him. its election in 1792 marked the beginning of politcal democracy - the first elected by universal manhood suffrage - yet only 10 percent of the potential electorate voted for it - amny abstained or were turned away. Itwsa the government of the radical phase of the revolution.


Brought Napoleon to power

Coup d'etat of Brumaire

This legislation effectively ended the Old Regime. In response to the Great Fear, the nobles and the clergy gave up all of their privileges - including their agreement to pay taxes.

Decrees of Aug. 3, 1789

Created by the Constitution of the Year III - it was made up of an executive body with five member elcted by the Council of Elders


"Reflections on the Revolution in France"

Edmund Burke

On July 14, 1789, a mob breaks into government buildings in search of arms. Part of the garrison is killed any many casualties are suffered by the mob. It had enormous symbolic significance and did much to ensure the destruction of the Old Regime. It its aftermath, Louis visited Paris and recognized the legitimacy of the National Guard.

Fall of the Bastille

Louis and his family, disguised as peasants, left the palace in a royal carriage and attempted to escape to the Belgian border. Louis was recognized and they were escorted back to Paris.

Flight to Varenne

Spoke out against the Directory. "conspiracy of equals"

Gracchus Babeuf

What is Edmund Burke's view of the Revolution?

He believed it was shortsighted and ignorant.

the Mointain

Highest seats, radicals

Called this because they met in a monastery


Which group was closely associated with the Reign of Terror?


Swiss banker who became France's director-general of finances. He attempted to reform the budget and bring France some financial order. He produced a report that outlined France's financial situation angering the aristocracy so he was forced to resign - the end of attempted reform.

Jacques Necker

Conservative Austiran foreign minister

Kliemens von Metternich

This was the legislature created by the Constitution of 1791. It was to function as part of a constitutional monarchy and would be responsible for forming laws. It was quickly split by elements that wanted a republic.

Legislative Assembly

Battle of Nations


Youngest daughter of Maria Theresa. Ill equipped for her chore (badly educated and extravagant), rumors of her behavior incensed Parisian crowds. She was executed in October of 1793.

Marie Antoinette

A new standard of weights and measures - intended to bring order and simplicity out of the older disordered system. Based upon natural law.

Metric System

Levee en masse

Military requisition on the entire population

A butcher's daughter from Montauban in northwest France, she became a major revolutionary radical in Paris and composed a Declaration of the Rights of Woman, which she addressed to Marie Antoinette. She demanded that women be regarded as citizens and outlined rights that would permit women to won property and require men to recognize the paternity of their children. She opposed the Terror and was executed in 1793.

Olympe de Gouges

This was an independent politcal force - a committee that ran the municipal wards of Paris. It cast itself in the role of protector of the gains of the revolution against both internal and external enemies.

Paris Commune

Fought against Spain and Protuagl

Penisnsular campaign

Emperor Leopold II of Austria and Frederick William II of Prussia promise to intervene in France to protect the royal family and to preserve the monarchy if the other major European powers agreed

Prussian manifesto

Three months of quasi-judicial executions and murders

Reign of Terror

Powerful leading figure on the Committe of PUblic Safety


Twelve hundred were executed as mobs moved from jail to jail

September Massacres

Founded by Paulilne Leon and Claire Lancombe. Purpose was fight internal enemies.

Society of Revolutionary Republican Women

Island in the south Atlantic

St. Helena

In this, the National Assembly declared that it would not cease meeting until it had written a constitution for France.

Tennis Court Oath

In its attempt to crush efforts by urban workers to protect their wages, the Assembly passed this which forbade workers' associations.

The Chapelier Law

Influenced by the Enlightenment writers and by the American Declaration of Independence.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man

This was a violent uprising in the rural countryside by peasants in July of 1789 - they burned chateaux, destroyed records of feudal obligations, and refused to pay feudal dues. Many aristocrats were killed.

The Great Fear

This was created to "try the enemies of the Revolution"

The Revolutionary Tribunal

The struggles of the previous stage lead to exhaustion. people lose focus and dserie normalcy. htere begins a period of "convalescence" - revoery, during which revolutionary excitement declines. The Radicals are crushed, the moderates are accepted again. There may even be moves by elements of the old order to reestablish themselves. This period of resignation and disagreement then leads to the acceptance of a dictator who still uses the words and ideas of the revolution.

Thermidorean Reaction

This was made up of three groups - the bougeoisie, the urban middle-class merchants, manufacturers, doctors, and lawyers; the urban working class; and the agricultural peasantry. They represented 97 percent of France's population.

Third Estate

French fleet is destroyed off the Spanish coast


Created by the meeting of Napoleon and Alexander I. It confirmed French gains in Europe. Prussia lost half its territory. Russia secretly became an ally of France.

Treaty of Tilsit

Foreign Minister of England

Viscount Castlereagh

Nepoleon's final dfeat


The Abbe Sieyes exerted a major influence of the French Revolution through his book

What is the Third Estate?

Royalists in southern and western France conducted a campaign of violence against the former Revolutionaries and supporters of Napoleon.

White Terror

Thermidorean Reaction refers to

a reassertion of authority by the respectable bourgeoisie

Napoleon helped amke the French Revolution an international movement in the areas he conqured by

abolishing feudalism and manorialism

The Hundred Days was

an unsuccessful attempt by Napoleon to restore himself as a credible European leader

The French Revoluttion up to 1795 has often been considered a victory of the


Louis XVI was condemned to death on the charge of

conspiring against the liberty of the people

The Law of 22 Prairial permitted the

conviction of counterrevolutionaries without substantial evidences

These were aristocrats who fled France at the beginning of the Revolution, they settled near the French border and were a constant source of counterrevolutionary fervor. The threat they posed drove the Revolution in more radical directions.


He was the "man of August 10" Lost a power struggle iwth Robespierre.

jacques Danton

three territorial adjustment

kingdom of netherlands austria gained control of northern italy prussia was given new territories along the rhine river


levee en masse

Recent challenges to the traditional explanation of the origins of the French Revolution have centered on the fact that the

nobility and upper bourgeoisie were not necessarily pitted against each other.

Assignats were

paper currency issued by the National Assembly

Core value of the republic of virtue

public good over private good

Agreement between Briatin, Austira,Russia, and Prussia, collective security.

quadruple alliance

In the Tennis Court Oath, the Third Estate swore to

remain in session until a new Constitution was written

The shopkeepers, artisans, wage earners, and factory workers that were more radical than the Jacobins. They hit the streets everytime they were displeased with the course of the Revolution. Miniature popular assemblies in each of the forty-eight sections of Paris made up those "without knee pants."


The Civil Constitution of the Clergy passed by the National Assembly required

the clergy to take an oath of loyalty to the government.

Napoleon Bonaparte's "continental System" had as its goal

the defeat of Britain through economic warface

The immediate cause of the outbreak of revolution in 1789 was

the government's financial crisis.

A vocal element in the French Revolution, the sans-culottes were

the urban working class

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