FTCE Elementary Education K-6 Math/ELA/S/SS

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When a teacher performs a think aloud, she is essentially

"talking" to the text" during the reading

Words Counted Per Minute Formula (WCPM):

# of words in passage minus the amount of errors made. Convert total time into seconds. Divide WC / total seconds Then multiply by 60 (seconds) = WCPM

Associative Property

+/x are _________:; the order that numbers are grouped in +/x does not affect the result. ex: 2x(10x6)=(2x10)x6=120->a(bc)=(ab)c

Commutative property of addition and multiplication

+/x are commutative: switching the order of two numbers beging added or multiplied does not change result. ex: 100+8=8+100->a+b=b+a 100x8=8x100->ab=ba

Number Sequence

-Each number being raised to an exponent: 1,3,9,27...(3*0,3*1,3*2,3*3) -Each number may be a prime number in order (2,3,5,7...) or skipping every other prime (2,5,11,13...) -Each number might be the sum of that number plus the number before it (2,4,6,10,16)

Fill in the Blank: Article ____ of the United States Constitution established the legislative branch of the government.


The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.‖

10th amendment

grants the states any power not explicitly stated as a federal power.

10th amendment

Formally abolished slavery in the United States.

13th amendment


149 / 155 =.96 .96 x 60 = 58

Columbus sailed from Spain in the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria. Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in ______.


granted citizenship to ―all persons born or naturalized in the United States,‖ which included former slaves recently freed.

14th amendment

Granted African American men the right to vote

15th amendment

Right of the government to collect income taxes.

16th amendment

A tugboat exerts a force of 4500 newtons on a large boat, and another tugboat exerts a force of 6300 newtons in the opposite direction on the same large boat. What is the combined force of these two tugboats on the large boat?

1800, Since the tugboats provide unbalanced forces in opposite directions, you need to subtract 4500 and 6300 giving you 1800.

President Lincoln delivers the Emancipation Proclamation declaring all slaves free.


General Lee surrenders in Virginia.



188 x 60 __________ = 41.8 270s

World War II


Vietnam War


Women's right to vote.

19th amendment

The Scientific Method Steps

1: Ask a question 2: Make observations 3: Hypothesize 4: Predict 5: Test 6: Conclude

The 5 Es Learning Cycle

1: Engagement 2: Exploration 3: Explanation 4: Elaboration 5: Evaluation

The 5 step Experiential Learning Cycle

1: Exploration 2: Sharing 3: Processing 4: Generalizing 5: Application

Freedom of religion, speech, press, and to peaceably assemble

1st amendment


2 parings of parallel lines, 2 pares of congruent angles, opposite angles are congruent , diagonals bisect

pyramids were built in Eygpt; pharaohs ruled and created complex civilizations

2000 BC

How many electoral votes are required to win?


Fill in the Blank: Florida became the _________ state in ________.

27th, 1845

The right to bear arms

2nd amendment

Invented wheel, plow, windmill, solar calendars, writing. The plow ignited the Agricultural Revolution

3000-6000 BC

No soldier shall be quartered in any house, w/o consent from the owner

3rd amendment

how many principles of democracy are in the US?



4 sides sum of angles =360

Protection against search and seizure

4th amendment

How many stages of writing are there?


Classical age and highlight of Greek civilization.

500 BC

There are how many electors in the U.S?


Mohammad born and created the Islamic faith fundamentals

570 AD

Cannot take away the right to life, liberty and property w/o due process of the law. Shall not be a witness against oneself.

5th amendment

Fill in the Blank: There are _____ essential elements of geography.


What is the smallest multiple off 12,15 and 20?

60 Start with the number 20 and go out by 10s.

Speedy and public trial

6th amendment

Roman Empire then Byzantine Empire are world forces. Christianity is named the official religion by Constantine in 313 AD with the Edict of Milan.

700 BC-1453 AD

Trial by jury

7th amendment

Greece organized in city-states; developed art, philosophy, education, astronomy

800 BC

Dividend, divisor and quotient? 80/8=10

80=dividend 8=divisor 10= quotient

Protection against cruel and unusual punishment

8th amendment

Fill in the Blank: There are _____ U.S. Districts


Cannot impose excessive bail/fines or give cruel or unusual punishment

9th amendment


A computational process in which the same steps are repeated until the final answer is found.


A factor of a number divides the number evenly. This means the quotient is a whole number and the remainder is 0. ex: 24->2,3,4,6,8,12


A fraction is part of an entire object. ex: 1/5,3/7,12/50 1=Numerator _ 5=Denominator parts of integers and therefore fit between then, when comparing size. In order to compare fractions, their DENOMINATORS must be equal.

the power of an executive to cancel specific parts of a bill, without having to reject the entire proposal. This unique power is held by the state governor.

A line item veto


A multiple of a number is the product of that number and any whole number. ex: 3->6,9,12,15...

Inverse Relationship x/division & +/-

A number fact is made up of 3 numbers. -These 3 numbers can be used to make up other number facts. 3,4,7 Addition->3+4=7, 4+3=7 Subtraction->7-3=4, 7-4=3 Multiplication/Division->Fact families 4x4, 5x5, 6x6

Rules of Divisibility

A number is divisible by another number if the quotient is a counting number and the remainder is 0. 2: The number is even. 3: The sum of the digits is divisible by 3. 5: The last digit is 0 or 5. 6: The number is even and divisible by 3. 9: The sum of the digits is divisible by 9.

Which of the following is a formal reading-level assessment

A standardized reading test


A way to solve problems without visual models. Algorithms are standard step by step procedures for solving mathematical problems.

1860- When _______ was elected president, the Southern states seceded from the Union.

Abraham Lincoln

The location of a specific place.

Absolute Location

is determined by longitude and latitude

Absolute location

(Total words read - total errors) ________________________________ X 100= Accuracy rate Total words read

Accuracy Rate Formula:

Components of math fluency

Accuracy, Automaticity, Rate, Flexibility.

The Zero Property of Addition/Multiplication

Adding 0 to a number leaves it unchanged. We call 0 the additive identity ex:88+0=88->a+0=a Multiplying any number by 0 gives 0 ex: 88x0=0->0x1003=0

Associative Property

Addition: a(b+c)= (a+b)+c Multiplication: a(bc)= (ab)c

Commutative Property

Addition: a+b= b+a Multiplication: ab=ba


Additive : a + 0= a Multiplicative: a x1=a

Inverse Property Additive/ Multiplicative

Additive-> a+(-a)=0 Multiplicative->ax(1/a)=1


Additive: a+ (-a)= 0 Multiplicative: a x (1/a)=1

Listening for pleasure and enjoyment.

Aesthetic Listening

the 2nd largest continent; includes the Nile River and the Sahara desert.


Prevent further global conflicts.

After WWII, the United Nations was formed in an effort to...

Mr. Adams' 4th grade class is engaging in narrative writing through personal memory essay. One of the activities includes a peer review. During which part of the 5-step writing process would occur?

After drafting / before revision

Who was the first american to be launched into space?

Alan Shepard

Two or more words or syllables, near each other, with the same beginning consonant.


A reference to a well known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art to enrich the reading experience by adding meaning.


Requires young readers to identify and name the upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.

Alphabetic Knowledge

1775 -1783 Due to rising tensions caused by the French and Indian War, colonists of the original 13 colonies desired to for self-governing independent states. These states, in order to defend their right to self-governance, fought the British.

American Revolutionary War

Also known as the American War of Independence.

American Revolutionary War

Spain regained control of Florida after what war?

American Revolutionary War

This war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris, which recognized the sovereignty of the United States.

American Revolutionary War

Florentine Italian merchant who wrote about the new world and gave the name ―Americas to the continents.

Amerigo Vespucci

Animals that live in water and on land in different stages of their lives are called?


Mr. Madison is a 5th grade teacher who wants to measure his students' mastery of persuasive writing. Which activity would be the most appropriate to meet the objective?

An essay arguing an opinion about a topic.

To measure her students' mastery of grade-level presentation skills, which project would be the most appropriate for Mrs. Jones to choose for her 3rd grade students?

An oral report with visuals

A detailed and sometimes lengthy comparison of two events or ideas.


steel industry leader

Andrew Carnegie

Fill in the Blank: ______________ are short, concise written observations made while students work.

Anecdotal Records

A teacher observes and makes checkmarks and notes

Anecdotal assessment


Another way to write a fraction -if the ratio is 2:3, it means two out of 3 or 2/3

feelings resulted in the McCarthy lists of Communists in the US.


A word that means the opposite of the given word.


Fill in the Blank: When using drama as a teaching method in the classroom, _____________ aid(s) in fluency and comprehension.

Any of the following: Role play, storyteller, or readers theater scripts.

Fill in the blank: A __________ is an example of a nonfiction/informational text feature.

Any of the following: chart, table, graph, timeline, sidebar, inset, photograph, labeled diagram, bold prints, etc.

Fill in the Blank: _________ and ____________ are two teaching methods that can effectively teach social studies content.

Any of the following: direct/expository teaching, problem-based learning, inductive thinking, cooperative learning, role play, and simulation.

Fill in the blanks: __________ and ____________ are two of the many essential skills related to reading comprehension.

Any of the two: Recognizing the main idea, finding supporting details and facts, determining the authors purpose (PIE), distinguishing between fact and opinion, determining point of view, making inferences, visualizing, and drawing conclusions or summarizing.

an official policy of racial segregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa


Fill in the blank: Responding to a piece of literature by drawing is an example of __________ literature.


Which is the most appropriate use of anecdotal notes?

As an objective record of student behaviors and/or learning to guide classroom practices

___________ reproduction requires only one parent.


the largest continent; includes the Himalayas, Mt. Everest, and the Dead Sea


Most of Ms. Adams' kindergarten students can label pictures in their daily journals with strings of randoms letters. What should Ms. Adams' next step be to develop writing skills in those students?

Ask the students to label their drawings with appropriate initial letters.

__________ are made up of metals and rocky material, while __________ are made up of ice, dust and rocky materials.

Asteroids, Comets

Democracy originated in, and is now used in the United States.

Athens, Greece

In a magnet, opposite sides _____ and same sides_______.

Attract, Repel.

smallest continent


Fill in the blank: __________ are stories written by the individual that tell the tale of his or her life.


Stories that tell the tale of a person's life written by the person himself or herself.


Which of the following is NOT a kingdom in the Linnaean classification system?


What is the difference between viruses and bacteria?

Bacteria can live outside a host while viruses can't.

Which of the following is a heterogeneous mixture?

Balsamic Vinaigrette salad dressing.

Fill in the Blank: Both ______ and ________ are depository financial institutions that mediate financial transactions and provide a variety of financial services.

Bank and Credit Union

are financial institutions that accept monetary deposits from citizens and pay interest in return.


What would be the best way to demonstrate the difference in growth in the two cacti?

Bar graph

Mississippi surrendered to Northern General Ulysses Grant.

Battle of Gettysburg

South was winning the Civil War until the _______ in 1863.

Battle of Gettysburg

Which is true of phonetic spelling?

Beginning sounds are used first, ending sounds are used second, followed by middle sounds with vowel sounds coming last.


Being able to solve problems in more than one way and selecting the most appropriate method.

American inventor and politician. Demonstrated electricity in 1792 by using a kite and made many American inventions. Also started the public library and bi-focal glasses.

Benjamin Franklin

1949- Soviets blocked the route for Allies to bring supplies to Berlin and they had to be airlifted into the city.

Berlin Air Lift

A story that tells the tale of a person's life.


a disease carried throughout Europe by fleas on rats; poor living and sanitation practices and killed from 25-40% of the population.

Black Death

Which does not contribute to legible handwriting?

Block letters

The transition from water to steam due to the effect of temperature is _________.


Which of the following instructional strategies would be a good way to introduce a variety of genres to a class in order to compare and contrast information about a subject?

Book Clubs

Americans threw the tea from British ships into the harbor to demonstrate their frustration with the English taxes.

Boston Tea Party

_______ sent 7 Crusades to the Middle East to liberate the people there and bring them Christianity but they massacred thousands of Muslims and Jews.

Byzantine Empire

Between 1849 and 1852, nearly 250,000 people arrived in California, which ultimately led to the admission of California as a state in 1850. Which was the cause of the largest migration in American history to date?

California Gold Rush


Can be used to relate to calculating the area of rectangles wherein a rectangle is divided into unit squares and counted to find the area.

how much money is available for immediate use.


Any asset used in the production of goods and services

Capital Resource

built relations with the local Indians, including Pocahontas, and learned to grow food in the new world in Virginia.

Captain John Smith

a map maker




Ms. Smith is teaching her students that cells divide to make other cells. Ms. Smith is teaching:

Cell Theory

Which of the following is NOT a component of every cell?

Cell Wall

The levels of organization within an organism is:

Cells, tissues, organs, organ system, organism.

_________ force is also involved when an object moves in a circular path, and force is directed toward the center of the circle in order to keep the motion going.


_______ change does produce one or more substances.


Burning, rusting, and digestion.

Chemical Change.

A tree going through photosynthesis is using what type of energy?

Chemical Energy

When metal rusts, this is called:

Chemical Weathering

Poetry, folklore, fantasy, science fiction, realistic fiction, historical fiction, biography, and nonfiction.

Childrens Literature Genres

Known as one of the oldest civilizations; formed dynasties; influenced government and politics, culture, warfare, art, forms of writing, religion, and architecture.


_______ relies on teachings of Confucius; rule county by dynasties such as Tang, Sung, Ming, and Manchu dynasties. Established block printing and ceramic pottery.


What makes plants green?


(1451-1506) Made four voyages in an effort to find a route to the East.

Christopher Columbus

an Italian explorer, was sponsored by rulers in Spain- Ferdinand and Isabella to discover a Western route to India.

Christopher Columbus

Fill in the blank: Breaking down words for the purpose of decoding is known as ___________.


A ________ is a closed loop through which electrical charges can continuously move.


1866- passed by Congress declaring all citizens born in the US are equal regardless of race.

Civil Rights Act

This statutory law was the result of a 100-year quest by African Americans for racial equality. This landmark piece of legislation outlawed racial segregation in the United States.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

1955- begins with Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat on the city bus.

Civil Rights movement

Mr. Skinner has determined through a diagnostic reading assessment that many of his students are lacking the foundational literacy skill recognizing word units. What instructional strategy is NOT an effective way to address this concern?

Clapping syllables

(1821-1912) Founded the American Red Cross.

Clara Barton

The point of the highest dramatic interest or a turning point in the story.


When cold water is placed in a warm bowl...

Cold water will increase and the warm bowl will decrease.

Why isn't the an anti virus for the common cold?

Colds can be caused by nearly 250 different viruses. It's too hard to create a vaccine that protects you again all viruses; plus there's less need to create a vaccine for colds than other illnesses.

All of the following are examples of ongoing informal assessment techniques used to observe student progress except:

Collection of data from assessment tests

were settled with those seeking religious freedoms, economic prosperity, land ownership, and political freedoms.


Fill in the Blank: The former Soviet Union's __________ economy self-destructed in the late 1980s.


This economic system is controlled by the government.

Command Economy

a form of government in which the government controls all aspects of a country, its businesses, farms, and industry. There is not free market or capitalism. seeks total equality for all people in which there are no wealthy people and is only one social class; the working class.


Indicator of the four main directions; North, East, South, West

Compass Rose

A ___________ is matter that combines atoms chemically in definite weight proportions.


Fill in the blank: Reading response journals assist students with text _____________.


The ability to understand what has been read.


When a teacher asks students to make predictions about a text, he or she is fostering the students':


What is the advantage of using computer generated reading quizzes vs textbook

Computers can generate harder questions

A kindergarten teacher prefaces reading to the class by pointing out the title, author, illustrator, and title page. Which skill is this teacher most likely developing with his students?

Concepts about books

Knowledge of how print works. Young readers should understand that print conveys meaning, directionality, concept of a word, letter knowledge, phonemic awareness, and literacy language.

Concepts of Print

Fill in the blanks: ____________ and _______________ are two informal assessment instruments.

Concepts of print checklists, checklists, rubrics, games, surveys, and portfolios.

A ________ allows electricity to flow freely through it.


Metals are good __________ in that electric current can flow freely through them.


When trying to challenge gifted students

Conference with gifted students and plan enrichment with them, include gifted students in planning.

Two consonants the together keep their individual sounds. blue, blend, small, skunk.

Consonant Blends

What is a consonant blend?

Consonant blends (also called consonant clusters) are groups of two or three consonants in words that makes a distinct consonant sound, such as "bl" or "spl."

To encode means to:

Construct meaning from a code. Taking an oral lecture and writing notes.

The use and intake of goods and services


Which type of force requires physical contact and interaction between objects?

Contact Force

Described by the theory of plate tectonics; refers to the earths crust over time.

Continental Drift

Seven mainland masses on Earth: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antartica, Europe, and Australia.


__________ happen when warmer, lighter air at he equator moves toward cooler air at the poles.

Convection Currents

The geological phenomena of plate tectonics is most likely caused by?

Convection Currents in the core.

What stage of writing precedes invented spelling?

Conventional letters

Mr. Jackson takes his students outside to the sidewalk to where a puddle of water has just evaporated. He asks a student to place his hand where the puddle of water was and the other hand where there was no puddle of water. The sidewalk will feel:

Cooler where the puddle was than where there was no puddle.

a Polish astronomer, argues the sun is the center of the universe.


____________ is a good conductor of electricity.


What is the best way to explain citizenship?

Create class rules together

Uses the writers imagination

Creative Writing

The ELA Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) is an example of a:

Criterion-Referenced Assessment

Assessment instruments that determine the point at which the students achieved mastery. These tests enable educators to assess whether or not a student has meta predetermined goal. Ex. FCAT/FSA

Criterion-Referenced tests

Predicting and asking questions increases students' use of

Critical Thinking

Making connections, making predictions, questioning, summarizing, chunking.

Critical Thinking Strategies

In preparing to write a research paper about a social problem, how can you determine the credibility of the information?

Cross-check your information with another credible source.

The topmost layer of the Earth is called the?


1962- during the Cold War. Russia put nuclear war heads in Cuba pointed at Florida and the United States.

Cuban Missile Crisis

was a famous American frontiersmen who explored and settled Kentucky. Boone founded the first US settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains.

Daniel Boone

Fill in the Blank: ________ was one of the many woman who dressed like a man to fight for independence in the American Revolutionary War

Deborah Sampson

Japan bombs Pearl Harbor.

December 7, 1941


Decimals are a method of writing fractional numbers without writing a fraction having a numerator and denominator. The fraction 7/10 could be written as the decimal 0.7. The period or decimal point indicates that this is a decimal.

This historic document was written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776. Establishes the reasons why the original colonies sought freedom from British rule.

Declaration of Independence

written primarily by Thomas Jefferson, was signed by congress on July 4th.

Declaration of Independence 1776

In order to develop phonics skills, students must have which of the following?

Decoding skills and graphophonemic knowledge

Which of the following are essential skills in reading comprehension?

Decoding, Word Recognition, and Fluency.

The process of clearing the forests; destabilizes mountainous areas


A government ran by the people.


a form of government in which citizens rule through elected representatives.


include information about people and social issues.

Demographic tables

A branch of science concerned with the well-being of society; statistical study of human populations interested in analyzing changes in size, movement, crime rates, education levels, and so on.


Long-lasting and painful recession or slowing of economic activity


Attempts to "paint a picture" or described person, place, thing, or idea.


Writing that uses sensory details is?


What is the best way to set up desks for teaching group interaction?

Desks in groups of 4

Which of the following should not be included in the opening paragraph of informative essay?

Details and examples supporting the main idea.

Comparative Assessments

Determines how an individual's or groups outcome compares to another groups outcome.

Standardized tests that aim to determine a student's strengths and weaknesses.

Diagnostic Assessment

Two consonants that together represent one sound. Example: sh, st, fr, wr.


A teacher is concerned about a student and wants to open up a line of communication.

Dialog journal

Seven lines; Form a diamond shape.


How is differentiated different from accommodations?

Differentiated instruction provides alternatives for students to learn the same material based on readiness, interests, and learning needs while accommodations reduce the effects of a learning disability without decreasing learning expectations.

_________ occurs when a ray of light bends around the edges of an object.


Which organ system breaks down food into nutrients for the body?

Digestive System

Fill in the blank: ________ is the concept of print that refers to the left and right and top to bottom progression of text on the printed page.


Main ______ are north, south, east, and west.


The best way for a student to understand the sexual reproductive organs of a flower is to:

Disect a flower to examine its reproductive organs.

Ms. Rodriguez wants students to understand the diet of an owl. The best way for students to understand this is by:

Dissecting an owl pellet.

The dissemination or dispersing of goods and services


how the product gets to the consumer. Typically the channel consists of: Manufacturer to Wholesaler to Retailer to Customer

Distribution Channel

A student draws a line down the middle of a journal page, takes notes and talks about the quotes

Double entry journal

Artistic literature response incorporates a variety of artistic mediums such as...

Drawing, painting, collage, and scratchboard.

railroad leader

E.H. Harrison

Which of the following is NOT considered a geological formation?


The sun appears bigger than other stars because of?

Earths distance away from the sun.

Mr. Lopez is teaching a unit on seasons. He explains why the summer days are longer and winter days are shorter. What should Mr. Lopez emphasize regarding the earth when explaining this phenomenon?

Earths tilt on its axis.

Listening to learn new information.

Efferent Listening

Influenced government, religion, writing, irrigation of crops, warfare tactics, art, architecture and construction techniques, mathematics, medicine, and technology.


Fill in the Blanks: Ancient ___________ developed a highly effective irrigation system to water crops.


The children literature genre came into its own in the:

Eighteenth Century

Fill in the Blank: The ___________ Amendment to the Constitution states that persons convicted of a crime must be mandated fair punishment that fits the crime.

Eighth Amendment

States that punishment cannot be excessive and should fit the crime

Eighth Amendment

was created by the framers of the U.S. Constitution as a compromise for the presidential election process.

Electoral College

People who pledge in advance to vote for the candidate of their party based on the popular vote.


_________ forces are involved when the protons in the nucleus of an atom and the electrons outside the nucleus exert an electrical pull toward each other despite the spatial separation.


The particles in an atom that are negatively charged.


________ are the outer part of an atom.


A __________ is a substance that consists of only one type of atom.


An _________ is a substance that consists of only one type of atom and is represented by a symbol consisting of one or more letters.


Humorous verse consisting of two rhyming couplets, one of which includes a person's name.


The skills, knowledge, and attitudes that are developmental precursors to conventional forms of reading and writing.

Emergent Literacy

If the student is using mock letters the student is an...

Emergent reader

an intense time of self-study for Europe; society questioned beliefs and self.


Types of problems for Multiplication/Division

Equal groups or repeated addition Area and array Combination Multiplicative Comparison

Horizontal, imaginary line that divides the earth onto northern and southern halves.


The wearing away or diminishing of earth's surface.


Cells in which a nucleus are called?

Eukaryotic Cells

Many native populations were destroyed when _______ brought new diseases with them to the new world.


Led by the President and Vice President; leads the county and the military; appoints justices; can veto bills passed by congress; established by Article 2 of the Constitution; contains 15 departments.


What two groups are in controlled experiment?

Experimental and Control

Which is not the best practice for vocabulary instruction?

Explicit instruction using a dictionary

Gives information, explains why or how, clarifies a process, or defines a concept.


A short story that often uses talking animals as the main characters and teaches a lesson or moral.


1. Recalls information

Facts definitions, terms, properties, rules, procedures, algorithm, rote responses.

T/F: A physical change reaction produces one or more substances.


T/F: Ancient Rome was the site of the very first Olympic Games.


T/F: Blogs tend to isolate students and do not allow for collaboration opportunities.


T/F: Civic education is not important in the overall social studies curriculum


T/F: Consumer decision making has no effect on the supply and demand of products in this country and all over the world; therefore, teaching our youth economic reasoning skills is futile.


T/F: Efferent listening is listening for pleasure or enjoyment.


T/F: Emergent literacy refers to the latter part of the reading process.


T/F: Gloria constructed a reliable instrument for her experiment. She concluded that since her instrument is reliable it would also be a valid instrument.


T/F: Her eyes twinkle like the stars is an example of personification.


T/F: Juan Ponce de Leon discovered Florida.


T/F: Literature circles contain many students and many different books so that students can teach each other about what they are reading independently.


T/F: Small groups of students talking about a book they are reading are called book chats.


T/F: Supreme Court Justices are elected officials in the Judicial branch of the government.


T/F: The Bill of Rights on provides for the legal rights and freedoms of the citizens of the United States and does not limit the governmental control


T/F: The concepts of heat and temperature define the same thing.


T/F: The element of legible handwriting that refers to consistency of the pencil strokes is letter alignment.


T/F: The internet is a safe environment for students of all ages.


T/F: Visual media refers to any print material including books, journals, and magazines.


T/F: the literary element of style refers to the appearance of the words on the page.


T/F: The editing phase of writing requires the writer to modify his or her writing for content.

False, that happens in the revising phase. In the editing phase writing connections are checked.

T/F: A hybrid text includes two or more genres; however, they are interwoven throughout the text to provide the illusion of a seamless writing piece.


T/F: Expository/explanatory writing attempts to convince the reader of a particular point of view.

False. An expository writing piece gives information, explains why or how, clarifies a process, or defines a concept.

Stories that could not happen in the real world.


a central bank that monitors the financial industry in the US by setting interest rates.

Federal Reserve

The central bank of the United States federal banking system located in each of the 12 districts.

Federal Reserve Banks

States the right to due process of the law

Fifth Amendment

The managing of monetary resources


Provides for five basic freedoms: religion, speech, the press, assembly, and petition the government.

First Amendment

called for a preparation of local militia

First Continental Congress 1774

Americans place the source of authority in the people through elections of leaders to represent them in government.

First principle

Government spending policies that affect interest rates, tax rates, and governmental spending; policies aid in governmental control of economy

Fiscal Policy

What are the differences between fixed poetic form and free verse poetry?

Fixed poetic form serves as a template for composing a poem while free verse poetry has no pre-established guidelines.

Henry Flagler founded the

Florida East Coast Railway

The ability to read at an appropriate rate, accurately, and with prosody.


Quick (usually one minute times readings) assessments that focus on accuracy, rate, and prosody.

Fluency Checks

Choral poetry positively impacts which of the following reading skills?

Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension.

A story originally passed from one generation to another by word of mouth only.


A type of assessment used to help guide day-to-day classroom activities is called ___________ assessment.


What would be the best way for a teacher to assess how students apply the scientific method?

Formatively assess students by walking around the lab and watch how the students apply the scientific method.

States the right to privacy.

Fourth Amendment

1932 President __________New Deal closed banks and passed huge legislation for establishing governmental programs and involvement in banking aimed at bringing America out of the Depression.

Franklin Roosevelt's

Emphasizes private ownership; supply and demand

Free Enterprise

Poetry that does not conform to a regular meter or rhyme scheme.

Free Verse

__________ is a phase change that involves changing from a liquid to a solid.


the people executed Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. Uprising of the middle and lower classes to overthrow a monarchy.

French Revolution

Fill in the Blank: The __________ War led to the start of the American Revolutionary War.

French and Indian

(1754-1763) This war, which was an extension of the European Seven Years War, was a battle over colonial territory and resources by the French and the English. This war effectively ended France's cultural and political influence in North America. In their victory, England gained massive amounts of land but also weakened its rapport with the Native Americans and with the English colonists.

French and Indian War

This war led to the Revolutionary War.

French and Indian War

Which of the following forces is NOT considered an at-a-distance force?

Frictional Force

Student scores more than 10 scorable errors, and below 50% on comprehension questions.

Frustration Reading Level

The first shots of the Civil War were shot in _______ .

Ft. Sumter, South Carolina

Global Positioning System; satellite navigation system.


an Italian scientist, also argues the sun is the center of the universe as is arrested for his beliefs. He creates the law of inertia.


Responsible for the birth of modern science

Galileo Galilei

What would be an appropriate unit of measure for the amount of water in a swimming pool?


commander of the American army

George Washington

first US President.

George Washington

(1865-1943) developed hundreds of products from peanuts, sweet potatoes, pecans, and soybeans and improved Southern agriculture.

George Washington Carver

He attacks the Persian Gulf in the Operation Desert Shield and liberates Kuwait and accepts Iraq's cease fire.

George bush

Axis Powers: (Bad Guys)

Germany (Hitler), Italy (Mussolini), Japan (Emperor Hirohito)


Getting the correct answer

Small model of the Earth; considered the most accurate representation of the Earth.


The agency in which a governing body functions and exercises authority.


Fill in the Blank: The use of ____________ helps to synthesize and summarize informational text.

Graphic Organizers

Focuses on various visual cues and knowledge about the relationship between sounds and symbols. Letter/Sound recognition.

Graphophomenic Cuing System

Ask: Does it look right?

Graphophonemic Error

This animal has an open circulatory system:


________ forces are involved when the sun and the planets exert a gravitational pull on each other despite their large spatial separation.


Influenced present-day language, the arts and sciences, education, philosophy, and politics; origin of the olympic games; influenced the ancient Romans, who modeled many aspects of ancient Greek society.


Vertical and horizontal lines on a map


Formerly known as the "gross national product"; total monetary value of all goods and services produced in a nation during a specific time frame.

Gross Domestic Product

Although a crystal is a nonliving thing, which criteria of living things is still present?

Grows and Develops

The blue ocean gleams. Shimmering like precious gems. An endless treasure. This is an example of?


Three lines with 5-7-5 syllables.


President _______ took office in 1945 after Roosevelt died.

Harry Truman

What would be the best way to activate students' curiosity of the world around them?

Have students go outside and identify as many living and nonliving things as they can.

__________ is a measurement of the total energy in substance.


Northern and Southern halves of the earth divided by the equator.


Fill in the Blank: Florida's east coast was developed in the late 1800s due to the Florida East Coast Railway, who founder was ________.

Henry Flagler

arrived in Florida in 1539.

Hernando de Soto

Mr. Jasper wants to show students when oil and water are shaken, no matter how hard, the oil can still be seen a little oil bubbles throughout the mixture. Mr. Jasper is showing the class a:

Heterogenous Mixture

The earth is getting hotter because:

High levels of carbon dioxide trap the sun's radiation in the atmosphere.

US dropped 2 atomic bombs on _______, Japan to force their surrender.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

make up the largest minority group in Florida.


Fill in the blank: Realistic stories set in the past that usually incorporate significant time periods and/or events in history are considered ____________ fiction.


Realistic stories set in the past.

Historical Fiction

Chancellor of Germany, takes over Austria and then invades Poland. France and Britain declare war on Germany.


Reading a piece of student writing to assess the overall impression of the product is:

Holistic Evaluation

Offered 160 acres of government land in the western United States free of charge to any person who would farm it for 5 years.

Homestead Act of 1862

___________ mixtures are called solutions.



How quickly computations are made

the study of how people interact with the environment, alter it and how it affects possibilities for life.

Human-environmental interactions

Books that possess two or more genres, with each genre being easily identified separately in the text.


An exaggeration used to emphasize a point.


A ___________ is a tentative and testable insight into the natural world.


In an experiment, students are starting to write statements about the relationships among the variables that they intent to study. They are most likely involved with developing their?


Fill in the blanks: Phonological awareness refers to the ability to _____________ and ______________ large parts of spoken language.

Identify and manipulate

Regarding the six steps listen below, what is the correct order of methodology for an experiment?

Identify research question, Formulate hypothesis, Plan a controlled experiment, Collect data, Analyze data and draw conclusions, Revisit the hypothesis and answer question.

An expression that is peculiar and cannot be understood by the literal meaning of its elements. Ex. my heart's beating out of my chest.


____________ rock is formed from the cooling of magma?


These Rocks were originally liquid, below the earths crust and are formed by lava and magma.

Igneous Rock

Which of the following is not an advisable strategy for making sense of oral language?

Ignore prior knowledge of the topic as it does not help understanding of what is being presented.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a fable?

Illustrates specific people or groups without directly naming them.

A science teacher, who works around chemicals in her room, should store the chemical manual:

In her classroom where it can easily be accessed by anyone who needs it.


In tracking how many exercises were correctly done in a fixed amount of time.

Children of the Sun


controlled area from Ecuador to Chile.


What is NOT a characteristic of a reading response journal?

Increases reading level by encouraging students to read complex text

Student has 1-2 scorable errors per 100 words read, and scores 90% or higher on comprehension questions.

Independent Reading Level

Which is not a characteristic of successful technology integration in the classroom?

Independent computer-based learning

In an experiment to see if fertilizer works on a cactus, students have two cacti. Both cacti get the same water and sunlight. Both cacti are in the same place within the room; the temp is the same for both cacti. However one cactus gets fertilizer and the other doesn't. Identify the independent variable and the dependent variable.

Independent: Fertilizer Dependent: The growth of the cacti in centimeters.

Machines began to replace human laborers-much greater productivity Scientific revolution and mechanical inventions Increase in population in Europe Rise of the middle class

Industrial Revolution

A 3rd-grade teacher asks the students to partner-read a literary selection. The teacher walks around the room and stops to question each pair of students about the story. Which type of assessment is the teacher using?


Individual tests that generally include lists of words or sentences and leveled reading passages with accompanying questions.

Informal reading inventories (IRI)

Informal assessments include (but are not limited to):

Informal reading inventories, running records, cloze tests, anecdotal notes, checklists, rubrics, portfolios, and surveys.

Which assessment method would be appropriate to guide instruction for fluency issues?

Informal reading inventory

Informs the reader in an attempt to create newfound knowledge.

Informative Writing

The __________ is the innermost part of Earth and is solid.

Inner Core

__________ learning should be of a more student-centered approach than a teacher-centered approach.


Which best describes differentiated instruction in reading?

Instruction based on a student's strengths

Direct or expository teaching, problem-based learning, inductive thinking, cooperative learning, role play, and simulation.

Instructional Methods

Activating prior knowledge, self-monitoring, questioning, using graphic or semantic organizers, vocabulary, think alouds, recognizing story structure.

Instructional Methods and Skills that Facilitate Student Reading Comprehension:

Student scores no more than 5 scorable errors, and scores at least 75% on comprehension questions.

Instructional Reading Level

Formal assessments include:

Intelligence tests, achievement tests (norm/criterion-referenced), and diagnostic tests.

Students and teachers can read, write, click, drag, hide, and save all of their work on the computer.

Interactive Whiteboards

Fill in the Blank: Students are taught to write in cursive in the ________ grades.


Largely vertical, imaginary line that marks where the date officially changes each day.

International Date Line

The _________ allows access to online resources and faster communication and sharing of information, including social networking and online communities.


The student writes the sentence " I WNT to the BECH and it wuz fn".

Invented Spelling


Involve different combinations that can be made from two sets. ex: shirts and pants Multiplication->Oscar 17apples/Tom 5 times as many 5x17=__ apples as Oscar, how many does Tim have? Division-> Tom has 85 apples, 5 times as many as Oscar. 85 divided by 5=__

Alternative Assessment

Involves students' derived responses to a task or question; ex. portfolios, oral presentations, and essays.

Performance Assessment

Involves the direct, systematic observation of n actual student's performance and rating of that performance according to pre-established performance criteria or a rubric, and assessment of both the results and process.

_________ are atoms that have lost or gained one or more __________.

Ions, Electrons.

Using words to or situations that mean the opposite of what the author intends.


All of the following are true about phonological awareness EXCEPT:

It may involve print.

A test is most likely biased if:

It requires knowledge from out-of-school experiences

Which is not a benefit to using the workshop approach in the classroom?

It requires students to learn skills independently

What is not a convention of epic poetry?

It takes place in a confined geographical area sometime in the remote past.

banking leader

J.P. Morgan

is considered the ―father of the Constitution because he framed out the major ideas.

James Madison

colonized Georgia (1696-1785) with colony of released prisoners from Europe.

James Oglethorpe

was established by King James of England.

Jamestown 1606

French man who believed people should govern themselves in a democracy. Had the revolutionary idea that governments existed for the people and it was a ―social contract."

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Fill in the Blank: __________ groups are small groups that are provided a task to become experts on the topics and later share their knowledge with the whole class.


1876-1965 these laws separated blacks and whites in public places.

Jim Crow

Also reformed the Christian religion with ideas of predestination. Had strong following with John Knox in Scotland and England puritans.

John Calvin

oil industry leader

John D. Rockefeller

(born 1921) piloted the first American manned orbital mission on February 20, 1962.

John Glenn

1st to sign the Declaration of Independence and signed in the largest handwriting.

John Hancock

was appointed as the first chief justice of the United States Supreme Court by George Washington.

John Jay

set out to explain the new constitution by writing a series of essays called the Federalist papers.

John Jay and Alexander Hamilton

an English Christian religious leader who believed in reason and revelation. Wrote treatise about human rights and revolution when those rights were violated.

John Locke

1865- Lincoln is assassinated by _______ while watching a play at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C.

John Wilkes Booth

Fill in the Blank: _____________ explored Florida in search of the Fountain of Youth.

Juan Ponce de Leon

Who named Florida?

Juan Ponce de Leon in 1513

Can determine established laws to be unconstitutional; led by supreme court justices appointed by the president of the United States; established by Article 3 of the Constitution.

Judicial (Supreme Court)

a political leader in Rome who brought Rome from a Republic to the Roman empire.

Julius Caesar

Which word in the following sentence is a bound morpheme? "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."

Jumped. -ed is bound to jump because it cannot stand alone.

created socialism or Marxism that focused on taking power from the rich and everyone taking what they need according to their needs. Included the elimination of capitalism and class systems.

Karl Marx

How should the school proceed with a child with a Lvl 3 and a Stanine 7?

Keep the student on grade level

1915 ______ is established as a secret society whose purpose was to intimidate and harass black Americans.

Klu Klux Klan

1950 Korea had been split after WWII with US owning South Korea and the Soviet Union owning North Korea.

Korean War

Which is not listed as a common difficulty in early childhood literacy programs?

Large-group cooperation with peers

Imaginary line that runs parallel to the equator.


The grid lines on a map

Latitude and Longitude

A __________ is a truthful explanation of different events that happen with uniformity under certain conditions.


the relationship between what the customer wants, what is produced, and how much the customer is willing to pay for the product. Also referred to as Supply and Demand.

Law of Demand

Also known as the key on maps


The ______ on a map tells the reader about the symbols and what they mean. It is the Key for reading the map properly.


Comprised of the senate and the house of representatives; established by Article 1 of the Constitution; the senate has the sole power to conduct impeachment trials.

Legislative (Congress)

Norse seaman and explorer- leader in European sailing exploration

Leif Erikson

artist and sculpture- he helped to bring about the Renaissance era. Painted the Last Supper and the Mona Lisa.

Leonardo DaVinci

Four basic strokes: circles, horizontal lines, vertical lines, and slant lines.

Letter Formation

Should be roughly the same size on the writing lines, using the headline, midline, and baseline as instructed.

Letter size and alignment

first shot of the Revolutionary War- the shot that was ―heard around the world.‖

Lexington, KY

Five-line humorous with aabba rhyme scheme.


There once was a man from nantucket, who slipped on a rock and chucked it, he went to the store, he was a fore...... yada yada yada


Four key principles, distinct but mutually reinforcing, are embodied in the Constitution:

Limited government. Separation of powers. Checks and balances. Federalism.

Strokes of the pencil should be of a consistent smoothness, color, and weight. Line quality should bot be too dark or wavy. Smooth straight lines are the goal.

Line Quilty

have an X and Y axis. The X axis is horizontal and the Y axis is vertical.

Line graphs

The three main states of matter are ?

Liquid, Gas, Solid

First find the greatest common denominator. Start with the biggest common denominator listed. Thats 10. Not all denominators fit into 10. So go up by 10's until you find a number that fits. 40. 5x8=40, 3x8= 24 giving you 24/40. Do the same to the rest. 20/40, 24/40, 30/40, 36/40 aka 2/4, 3/5, 6/8, 9/10.

List 3/5, 9/10, 6/8, and 2/4 in least to greatest order.

During modeled writing activity, the students are primarily:

Listening and watching

Alliteration, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, analogy, irony, personification, climax, metaphor, simile, metonym.

Literary Devices

Setting, characters, plot, theme, and style.

Literary Elements

Every student has a job within a group, they are all reading the same book on the same level. Different groups are reading different books within the class.

Literature Circles

With more access to technology at schools, which web-based activities can now be used in elementary classrooms?

Literature Response Blogs

Small,temporary, and heterogeneous groups of students that gather together to discuss a book of their choice with the goal of enhancing comprehension.

Literature circles are

A response to literature that includes discussion might include...

Literature circles or book clubs.

each city, town, or district can have its own court system overseen by local magistrates.

Local Courts

Fill in the Blank: The __________ government has the ability to regulate intrastate trade.


Imaginary line that runs from North to South pole.


The Medici family were the Godfathers of Italy who controlled many aspects of the country, including the Pope, and also supported the Renaissance artists.

Lorenzo Medici

Colonists who remained steadfast in their allegiance to British rule during the American Revolution.


study of the national and global economies.


Portuguese sailor who sailed around South America and named the Pacific Ocean.


required the king to renounce certain rights, respect certain legal procedures and accept that the will of the king could be bound by law.

Magna Carta

Which of the following reading strategies calls for higher-order cognitive skills?

Making inferences

mid 1800s- America drive to own as much land as possible to the Pacific Ocean, Canada, and Mexico.

Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion

Morphological awareness includes the ability to:

Manipulate word parts and spell accurately.

Flattened-out representation of a globe or portion of a globe.


This economic system is controlled by the individuals.

Market Economy

helped to rebuild Europe after WWII.

Marshall Plan

wrote the 95 theses with revolutionary ideas about Christianity and nailed it to the door of the church. He wanted to reform the church but was excommunicated by the Pope.

Martin Luther

1965- gives his famous speech and fights peacefully for civil rights.

Martin Luther King, Jr

Ralph is on a diet. Which of the following is he trying to lose with this diet?


Earliest civilizations were the _______ in the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico and Guatemala


When you are pushing a box through the doorway, you are using:

Mechanical Energy

________ is the application of force to bend, dent, scratch, compress, or break something.

Mechanical Force

The ability of a student to interpret media messages.

Media Literacy

________ happens when the temperature of a solid is raised enough and the result is a liquid.


Punnet squares were first used by ______ to determine _______.

Mendel, inheritance

Often referred to as the "cradle of civilization"; origin of organized societies; first civilization to gather and live together in large communities/cities; created a system of government and learned to write.


The first civilizations are recorded in ________.

Mesopotamia and Egypt

A teacher has taught his students several strategies to monitor their reading comprehension. These strategies include identifying where in the passage they are having difficulty, identifying what the difficulty is, and restating the difficult sentence or passage in their own words. These strategies are examples of:


Rocks Formed when existing rocks undergo change are called?


This type of rock is formed by heat and pressure.


A comparison of two distinctly different things suggesting a similarity between them.


Juliet is the sun is an example of which figurative language device?


Which of the following is an appropriate unit of length for a giraffes neck?


Orthography is:

Method of representing a spoken language through the use of written symbols.

A word used in metonymy like the wagon being used instead of sobriety.


focuses on problems specific to a household or business


Fill in the Blank: Hernando de Soto explored the present-day American southeast and discovered the ______________ River.


___________ is the energy source of the cell.


This economic system is a mixture of both the market and command economics.

Mixed Economy

drove India to independence in 1947 after nearly two centuries of British domination. He practiced non-violent demonstrations such as boycotts against the British rule.

Mohandas Gandhi

These are made up of atoms that are held together by chemical bonds.


a form of government in which a king or queen rules. the king or queen is decided upon through family line.


and his son, Kublai Khan, rule China, Russia, Asia and Persia.

Mongols Genghis Khan

During an experiment related to light absorption and color, the teacher should bedding which of the following?

Monitoring Student Progress

One company or institution that has exclusive control of a particular good or service in a market.


__________ was the Aztec king and was overtaken by the weapons of Hernando Cortez and a small Spanish army.


The _________ affects the oceans tides.


Which of the following contains an error in possessive inflection?

Mother's-in-law frown

Which of the following occurs when two plates intersect and force each other upward?


How people are connected through transportation and networks. The automobile industry had a great impact on the tourism in Florida.

Movement and connections

Eukaryotic organisms are ________, and prokaryotic organisms are __________.

Multicellular, single cellular,

Multiplication and Division of Fractions

Multiplication->Denominators do not have to be the same. Multiply across both n/d. ex: 3/7x3/5=9/35 or 4/6 x5/8=20/48 Division-> Denominators do not need to be the same BUT need to KCF=keep change flip aka: INVERSE


Multiplication: How many combinations of shirts and pants can be made out of 5 shirts and 17 pants? Division: If you have 5 shirts, how many pants are needed to make 85 combinations of pants and shirts?

Multiplicative Comparison

Multiplication: Oscar has 17 apples and Tom has 5 times as many apples as oscar does? How Many apples Does Tom have? Division: Tom has 85 apples. This is 5 times as many as what Oscar has. How many apples does Oscar have?

Equal Groups or repeated addition

Multiplication: Oscar has 5 bags of apples with 17 apples in each bag. How many apples does Oscar have altogether. Partition or sharing division: Oscar has 85 apples. He Arranges the apples into 5 bags with the same amount of apples in each bag. How many apples are in each bag? Measurement or subtractive division: Oscar has 85 apples. He arranges the apples into bags of 17 apples each. How many bags of apples did he make?

Area and Array

Multiplication: Oscar has a farm of apple trees planted in 5 rows of 17 apple trees in each row. How many apple trees does he have on his farm? Division: Oscar planted 85 palm trees on his farm. He want's to plant the trees in 5 equal rows of palm trees. How many palm trees will he need to plant in each row?

Scientific Notation

Multiply out the scientific notation. -Multiplied by 10(to a positive number such as 2), the decimal is moved right. 6.89x10=689. -Multiplied by 10( to a negative number such as -2, you move the decimal place to the left ex: 5367.x10=53.67 ex: 3.4567x10=3456.7 (BEFORE COMPARING), 26543X10*-3=26.543

leader/dictator of the French who conquered most of Europe and was defeated in the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.


Which mode of writing tells a story using sequenced events and descriptive details?


Recounts a personal or fictional experience or tells a story based on a real or imagined event.

Narrative Writing

What are the modes of writing?

Narrative writing, opinion, descriptive, expository, informative, and creative.

Fill in the Blank: Florida was inhabited by __________ prior to its later discovery by Europeans.

Native American Tribes

occur naturally in the world

Natural Resources

As random genetic mutations occur within an organisms genetic code, the beneficial mutations are preserved because they aid survival. This is called:

Natural Selection

Which of the following is a component of evolution?

Natural Selection

Parities Division

Needed when students know how many groups there needs to be but not how many objects will be in each group.

Measurement Division

Needed when students know how many objects are in each group but do not know how many groups there are.

(born 1930) was the first person to walk on the moon in 1968. Upon his first step on the moon, Armstrong said, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

Neil Armstrong

united Africans to rebel against the system of racial tyranny known as Apartheid.

Nelson Mandela

Fill in the Blank: __________ was the first astronomer to place the sun at the center of the universe.

Nicolaus Copernicus

First astronomer to place the sun at the center of the universe.

Nicolaus Copernicus

States that citizens have other rights not necessarily states in the Bill of Rights

Ninth Amendment

can be depleted such as oil

Non-renewable energy

Books that present information


Assessment instruments that have been administered to students of various socio-economic backgrounds and in a variety of geographic locations in order to develop norms. Ex.ACT/SAT

Norm-referenced tests

A school district might assess the effectiveness of a new reading curriculum through:

Normative Assessment

includes Canada and United States

North America

Congress passes ___________ eliminated most tariffs and trade barriers with Mexico and Canada.

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

__________ controls functions of the cell.


Largest expanses of sea water on Earth: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Southern, and Arctic.


A lyrical and expressive poem.


a form of government in which a few people rule such as a council of leaders.



One way to model multiplication visually. One factor is shown vertically and the other is horizontally. 2x4 **** ****

Fill in the Blank: The internet provides such tools as _____________ to promote discussion about books outside of the regular classroom.

Online book clubs

Bang, Boom, Smash! Words that imitate sounds to reinforce their meaning.


Attempts to argue a particular topic using claims, including the validity of the reasoning as well as the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence.


In order to enhance a student's oral language or verbal skills, students must be involved in the following on a regular basis: open-end discussions, read aloud, echo reading, songs, nursery rhymes, storytelling, readers theater, cloze activities, poetry, role play and drama, fingerplays, and so on.

Oral Language Development

an Seminole Indian chief- refused to leave Florida and waged the Seminole War with General Andrew Jackson. The US relocated the Indians to Oklahoma.


What ocean is the largest ocean?


Bivariate data

Pairs of linked numerical observations. Ex. a list of heights and weights for each player on a football team. Box plot. A method of visually displaying a distribution of data values by using the median, quartiles, and extremes of the data set. A box shows the middle 50% of the data.

President Roosevelt bought rights to construct the ______ giving ships a shorter route from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

Panama Canal

What syntactic device is most evident in Abraham Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address"?


Patriotic founding father; Governor of Virginia; famous for saying "Give me liberty, or give me death!"

Patrick Henry

Revolutionary rebels who fought against British control during the American Revolution.


Famous for his midnight ride to warn the patriots that the British were coming by sea across the Charles River is Massachusetts.

Paul Revere

rode ahead of the British army announcing their arrival

Paul Revere and Thomas Dawes

settled in St. Augustine in 1565.

Pedro Menendez

The quality or style of one's handwriting.


This standardized test score ranking compares a student to other students his or her age.

Percentile ranking

Also known as authentic assessment. This form of assessment incorporates real-life applications of what has been taught and enables the teacher to assess meaningful and complex educational products and performances.

Performance-Based tests

Also known as the Gulf War, the military conflict authorized by the United Nations was between Iraq and a coalition force made up of 34 nations.

Persian Gulf War

August 1990 - February 1991 The purpose of this was to liberate Kuwait and expel Iraqi forces. Operation Desert Storm was the name for the United States' land and air operations in the Gulf War effort.

Persian Gulf War

Giving human qualities to a thing or abstraction.


What word do these sounds make: m...oo....n.

Phoneme blending

Here is a picture of a watch. Finish the word for me wa____"

Phoneme completion

Say coat. Now say it again but don't say /k/

Phoneme deletion/elision

Tell me the sound you hear at the beginning of the word food.

Phoneme isolation

Which word begins with the same sound as bat? Horn, Bed, Cup?

Phoneme matching

The ability to hear and manipulate sounds of the spoken language. This includes noticing rhyme and recognizing the separate, small sounds in the words.

Phonemic Awareness

________ lessons teach readers to associate the letters of the alphabet with their sound values. This knowledge allows a reader to "decode" words by translating the letters into speech sounds.


The ability of a student to identify and manipulate large parts of spoken language and awareness of other aspects of sound in language like alliteration, intonation, and rhyming.

Phonological Awareness

When a student has awareness of phonemes in words, individual words in sentences, syllables, and onset-rime segments, they are demonstrating..

Phonological Awareness

When a plant grows towards the light it is called?


__________ change does not produce a new substance. Ex: freezing and melting water.


Gold melting, glass breaking, dissolved sugar.

Physical Changes

Show country borders, major cities, significant bodies of water, and major landforms like deserts, mountains and plains.

Physical Maps


Picture or mental image. Visualize

recognizing continents, countries, and major cities and geographic features of a map


One of the biggest differences in plant cells and animal cells is:

Plant cells have a cell wall and animal cells have a cell membrane. Animal cells have mitochondria and plant cells have chloroplasts.

The six different kingdoms are:

Plante, animalia, fungi, protista, eubacteria, archaebacteria.

Apply the order of operations

Please excuse my dear aunt sally P: Parenthese E: Exponents(work from left to right) M/D: Multiplication/Division (work from left to right) A/D: Addition/Subtraction (work from left to right)

Fill in the blank: The __________ is the events that take place in the story.


Dramatic responses to literature might include...

Poetry readings, reader theater, or storytelling

Fill in the blank: _____________ is a literacy genre that is pleasant to the ear and contains short text that aids phonological awareness skills in young learners.


The formal name the United States of America denotes which type of region?


Show governmental boundaries of counties, states, and countries; identify major cities and significant bodies of water.

Political Maps

arrived in St. Augustine in 1513.

Ponce de Leon

People living in a particular geographic area


Evolution occurs in:


A rock sitting on top of a hill has what kind of energy?


A toy car is stationary is stationary at the top of an inclined ramp. Which type of energy is demonstrated?


Trina is a 1st grade student who can read words by remembering visual or contextual cues. She recognizes and reads signs and labels in her school and home environments, but cannot read these words when they are shown in isolation. She also lacks the ability to match letters to sounds. What stage of word recognition is Trina demonstrating?

Pre- alphabetic

Ms. Francis wants to conduct a lab with her students. What is the best way to ensure safety, efficiency and student learning?

Predetermine groups, assign specific roles for each student, and require a lab journal write-up.

What is foreshadowing?


the period before humans invented writing and kept written records.

Prehistoric period

in 1901 brought indictments against the monopolies created by industry leaders.

President Roosevelt

Fill in the Blank: The ______________ stage of writing includes brainstorming and gathering and organizing ideas.


What are the writing process stages and components?

Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing, and Publishing

original documents such as papers, eyewitness accounts, letters, diaries, artifacts, and photos. Necessary to construct an accurate portrayal of history. Many primary documents available through the Library of Congress.

Primary Source Documents

Fill in the Blank: The ___________ is the imaginary line that divides the earth into its eastern and western halves.

Prime Meridian

Vertical, imaginary line that divides the Earth into easter and western halves; runs through Greenwich, England.

Prime Meridian

Portugal ruler who explored to bring wealth and trade

Prince Henry the Navigator

A ___________ instrument is used throughout the year to show gains in reading achievements to show growth over time.

Progress Monitoring

Which of the following mostly addresses grammatical and technical errors?


A literary work that uses the familiar spoken form of language, sentence after sentence.


The __________ and _________ are in the nucleus of the atom.

Protons and Neutrons.

What would be the best way for a teacher to ensure her monolingual students, who are learning english, understand the complex lesson she will teach on cell division?

Provide monolingual students materials in their native language along with text in english.

Which of the following is not considered ethical behavior for a scientist?

Publishing work with an incomplete list of citations

A humorous play on words.


What are three factors that are used to evaluate text complexity?

Qualitative, Quantitative, and Matching reader to task

The Sons of Liberty organized a demonstration primarily in response to the?

Quartering Act

Fill in the Blank: The ___________ strategy is useful in both effective listening and speaking.



Read aloud, think aloud, modeling

Recognizing the main idea, finding supporting details and facts, determining the authors purpose (PIE), distinguishing between fact and opinion, determining point of view, making inferences, visualizing, and drawing conclusions or summarizing.

Reading Comprehension Skills

Accuracy, automaticity, rate, and prosody.

Reading Fluency

Which of the following reading strategies is NOT associated with fluent reading abilities?

Reading sentences word by word

Which of the following indicates that a student is a fluent reader?

Reads text with expression and prosody.

Stories focusing on events that could happen in the real world.

Realistic Fiction

Inductive Reasoning

Reasoning in which conclusions are based on observation.

Deductive Reasoning

Reasoning in which conclusions are based on the logical synthesis of prior knowledge of facts and truths.

Mathematical Reasoning

Reasoning refers to students ability to hypothesize, test their theories, and draw conclusions. Three main types: Inductive, Deductive, Adaptive.

The British soldiers who fought to retain control over the colonies.


_________ occurs when light passes through a transparent material such as water at a slant angle; the light bends or changes speed.


A wide-ranging geographic area


The culture of a region is dependent on the climate, economic, and political patterns and processes there.

Regions, patterns, and processes

Fill in the Blank: A(n) __________ location is described by general terms and landmarks.


The location of something in relation to another place.

Relative Location

is determined by the interaction between places such as the ocean and the state of Florida.

Relative location

_________ refers to the precision of an assessment instrument.


Hector is concerned with the precision of a thermometer he is using for an experiment. His concern is related to the?

Reliability of the instrument

Show the shape of the land's surface; provide detail through the use of color and contour lines.

Relief Maps

French philosopher who believed in faith in reason ―I think; therefore, I am‖

Rene Descartes

can sustain themselves indefinitely such as wind or sun

Renewable Energy

What is best for fluency?

Repeating Reading

Mrs. Spalding is conducting a scientific experiment with her fourth-grade class. She is heating water to boiling to begin her experiment. Which of the following should Mrs. Spalding be sure to do with her students?

Require her students to wear safety goggles.

Blood goes from the _______ to the __________ of your body.

Right to left.

was the Southern general. Jefferson Davis was elected President of the South.

Robert E. Lee

What would be the best way to determine friction?

Roll a skateboard down the sidewalk and then on grass to show the difference in speed. Have students rub their hands together rapidly to observe the heat produced.

known for distinctive architecture, sewage and drainage systems, and roads.

Roman Empire

Influenced politics and forms of government, literature and the arts, warfare, society, engineering, and technology.


a cavalry created by Theodore Roosevelt that was made of cowboys, scholars, land speculators, Native Americans and African Americans. They fought in the Spanish American War.

Rough Riders

Informal assessments that enable the teacher to observe, score, and interpret a student's reading behaviors.

Running Record

1957- satellite creating fear America was falling behind in space exploration. 1958- NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration was established. Focus on educating young people in math and sciences occurred.

Russia launched Sputnik

This event in history was pivotal in that it galvanized the US space program and started what is known as the Space Race.

Russia launched Sputnik

Which of the following is a chemical change?


Salem, Massachusetts town charged many young girls as witches and executed 19 of them. Only later did the accusers say their story was false.

Salem Witch Trials 1692

Outspoken Patriot during the American Revolution; sometimes referred to as the Father of the American Revolution; protested against British rule and taxation; designed and carried out the famous Boston Tea Party.

Samuel Adams

Images obtained via space-based satellites that provide an accurate view of the earth and other objects and planets in space.

Satellite Imagery

Writing that comments humorously on human flaws, ideas, social customs, or institutions in order to change them


Items on a map are drawn to size.


shows the relationship between the map's measurements and the earth's measurements.


Stories that could happen in the future.

Science Fiction

A truthful explanation of different events that happen uniformity under certain conditions.

Scientific Law

__________ are the ways in which scientists answer questions and solve problems systematically?

Scientific Method

The ________ was a shift from belief to evidence.

Scientific Revolution

Student scores in the 80th percentile which means...

Scored better than the bottom 80%

A ____________ instrument is used to assess students at the beginning of the year to identify the students' reading level and capabilities.


Fill in the Blanks: A ______________ instrument is used to assess students at the beginning of the year to identify the students' reading level and capabilities.


Fill in the Blank: ___________ is the first developmental phase of writing.


What is the correct order of the first four stages of writing?

Scribbling, Wavy Scribbling, Mock Letters, Conventional Letters

What are the developmental stages of writing?

Scribbling, mock handwriting, mock letters, conventional letters, phonetic spelling, and conventional spelling.

States the right of citizens to keep and bear arms.

Second Amendment

A river flows through a canyon and picks up a bunch of silt. That sediment and silt runs downstream and deposits where the river ends. When that material gets to the beach, it sits there.When that material gets to the beach, it sits there. Over millions of years, ______________ form.

Sedimentary Rock


Selecting problem solving methods and performing computations without requiring much time to think the process through

Focuses on any meaning a student derives from a sentence that is primarily based on prior knowledge.

Semantic Cuing System

Ask: Did that make sense?

Semantic Error

States, in civil lawsuits the right to a jury trial.

Seventh Amendment

Which is the best instructional strategy for developing concepts of print?

Shared reading

located in Ocala, is one of the largest artesian springs in the world.

Silver Springs

A comparison using like or as


Fill in the blank: _________ is a literary device that usually contains the word like or as.


If an object is more dense than the liquid that surrounds it, it will ___________ (sink or float) in the liquid.


named Virginia after the queen

Sir Walter Raleigh

1: The world in spatial terms (location) 2: Places and regions 3: Physical Systems 4: Human Systems 5: Environment and society 6: Use of geography

Six essential elements of geography.

States the right to a public and speedy trial in front of an impartial jury

Sixth Amendment

Fill in the Blank: In order to foster multiple opportunities for listening and speaking in the classroom, the day should be structured to incorporate both whole group and ___________ lessons.

Small Group

promoted state of society in which there is no competition of capitalism or class systems.


When salt is dissolved in water it disappears. However, you can still taste the salt, this is called?


A group of patriots formed with the support of Paul Revere to retaliate against the many injustices put upon them by King George and Britain.

Sons of Liberty



To decode is to:

Sound out a printed sequence of letters

Should be consistent between letters, words, and sentences.


Which is not an important consideration when setting up the classroom?

Spacing of the work centers

_______ claimed the Americas as their land.


Spain's fleet of military ships that dominated the oceans in late 1500s.

Spanish Armada

Of the following, which is the most specific level of taxonomy?


Instruments that can be used to measure absorbance spectrum of a liquid are called?


Which of the following is not one of the metalinguistic abilities acquired by children from early involvement in reading activities?

Spelling fluency

What is included in writing convections?

Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation, and Capitalization.

Mosses reproduce with _______.


The best way for a group of students to collect and organize different data points, such as measures of plant growth by date, would be to use a:


Which of the following technologies would be appropriate to collect temperature data from various sites around a school or community?


First permanent Spanish settlement is ________ established by Ponce de Leon and Hernando De Soto.

St. Augustine, Florida

High rate of inflation accompanied by rising unemployment.


A score similar to a percentile score. The _______ scores range from one through nine. Scores of four through six are considered average.

Stanine Score

conduct elections, establish local governments, manage education systems, levy direct taxes, regulate intrastate commerce.

State Powers

Give the ELL student a Spanish to English dictionary for VOCAB instruction

State mandated

The accumulation of excess electrical charge in a region that has poor electrical conductivity is called __________ electricity.


Fill in the blank: A book portraying all Asian children as being smart and disciplined would be considered _________ of this culture.



String Together

After a guided reading activity, Mr. Jackson asks his fourth grade students to divide any compound words found in the text. The student activity is an example of:

Structural analysis.

To explore the relationship of literature to modern life, which of these activities would not enable students to explore comparable themes?

Students explore and compare the romantic themes of Romeo and Juliet and The Taming of the Shrew. (Both are by Shakespeare)

Which of the following is an appropriate use of informal learning experiences to promote students' curiosity.

Students help to maintain fish tanks in the classroom.

Which of the following describes what happens in the graphophonic component of writing?

Students learn that one sound may be formed a number of different ways.

raised taxes for the colonists

Sugar Act and Stamp Act

Highest court of appeals in the United States; established in Article 3 of the Constitution; Section 1 of the United States Constitution; consists of one chief justice and eight associate justices appointed by the president; one of its most important powers is judicial review.

Supreme Court

Each of these nine justices are appointed by the President, approved by the Senate, and appointed to serve life terms.

Supreme court justices

Fill in the Blank: A ___________ represents real items on a map.


Representation of real things on a map; usually small simple shapes and pictures.


A word that means the same as or similar to a given word.


The student writes, "I logo to store." What is the problem?


Focuses on the structure of the sentence and how language works.

Syntactic Cuing System

Ask: Does it sound right?

Syntactic Error

The arrangement and relationship of words in sentences or sentence structure best describes:


A humorous, exaggerated story often based on the life of a real person. The exaggerations build until the character can accomplish impossible things.

Tall tale

is one of the top producers of natural sponges.

Tarpon Springs, Florida

The Sons of Liberty organized a demonstration primarily in response to the

Tea Act

___________ is a measure related to the average kinetic energy of the molecules of a substance.


A measure related to the average kinetic energy of the molecules of a substance is called?


Limits the national government to only the powers provided in the United States Constitution

Tenth Amendment

Onset-rime is?

The "onset" is the initial phonological unit of any word (e.g. c in cat) and the term "rime" refers to the string of letters that follow, usually a vowel and final consonants (e.g. at in cat).

June 17, 775 This battle is historically recognized as the first major battle of the American Revolutionary War.

The Battle at Bunker Hill

In March 1770, some colonists approached a group of British soldiers, taunting them and throwing snowballs. The British soldiers opened fire of the colonists, killing five including Crispus Attucks, the first american to die in the revolutionary war.

The Boston Massacre

December 16, 1773 The British tea tax and the Tea Act of 1773 angered the colonists, who wanted to be free to buy untaxed tea from other sources. Three British ships filled with tea cargo docked in the Boston Harbor. To show their great disgust for this tax, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, and others disguised themselves as Native Americans and threw all of the tea overboard into the harbor.

The Boston Tea Party

1861 - 1865 A conflict between the North and South, Eleven southern slave states wanted to secede from the Unions (North).

The Civil War

This war ended slavery through Lincoln's Emancipation Proclomation in 1862

The Civil War

Which of the following U.S. documents states that the purposes of government include establishing justice and securing the blessings of liberty?

The Constitution of the United States

1929 the stock market crashes

The Great Depression

1760 - 1830 This period was characterized by the transition from manual labor to the use of machines.

The Industrial Revolution

1774 - After the tea incident in Boston Harbor, the King closed the harbor for any business. Massachusetts colony lost its charter, and the King once again reinforced the Quartering Act, requiring colonists to house British Soldiers

The Intolerable Acts

The Senate voted to let Maine join the Union as a free state and Missouri join the Union as a slave state.

The Missouri Compromise 1819

Identifies the purpose of the Constitution, and begins with ―We the People‖

The Preamble

may invalidate acts of Congress by declaring them contrary to the Constitution of the United States, but Congress can change the Constitution through the amendment process.

The Supreme Court

This restriction imposed on the colonists stated that they could only purchase tea that was sold by the British East India Company and taxed by the British.

The Tea Act of 1773

is the intermediate-level federal court.

The U.S. Courts of Appeals

(lowest level) are entry-level courts of general jurisdiction

The U.S. District Courts

is at the apex of the federal court system and consists of nine justices who hear and decide cases (one Chief Justice and eight associate justices).

The U.S. Supreme Court


The ability to instantly "see" the number of objects in a small set without having to count them.

Adaptive Reasoning

The ability to think logically about the relationships between concepts and to adapt when problems and situations change.


The best way to compare a percent to other number expression is either to _convert it to a decimal and leave it as that. _convert it to a fraction (depending on how the other numbers are expressed) ex: 76%->move 2 decimal places to the left .76. ex: .76-> 76/100->can be simplified to 16/25

Natural Numbers

The counting numbers 1,2,3,4,5...

Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

The denominators must be equal the add or subtract and leave the denominator the same. -5/7-(-3/7)=5-3/7 -2/7 or 4/5+1/5=4+1/5=5/5 Unlike Denominator->You have to look at the denominators and find the lowest common denominator both share.

Distributive Property

The distributive property of x over +multiplucation may be distributed over addition ex:10x(50+3)=(10x50)+(10x3) 3x(12+99)=(3x12)+(3x99( a(b+c)=ab+ac

The president—can veto bills passed by Congress preventing them from becoming law. However, by a two-thirds vote, Congress can override the president's veto.

The executive branch

Least Common Multiple (LCM)

The least number that is a common multiple of two or more numbers. Find the LCM of 30 and 20. 30: 30,60,90,120 20: 20,40,60,80,100,120

which is Congress (made of House of Representatives and the Senate), must pass bills before they can become law.

The legislative branch

If a plant is growing in the corner of the room, the plant will most likely grow towards:

The light

The gravitational pull of two objects depends on:

The mass of the two objects

What is the climax of a story

The pivotal moment

In general, the most serious drawback of using a computer in writing is that:

The speed with which corrections can be made detracts from the exploration and contemplation of composing

If the student has a poor vocabulary, the teacher should recommend first that:

The student read newspapers, magazines, and books on a regular basis.

The english department is developing strategies to encourage students to become a community of readers. From the list of suggestions below, which would be the least effective way for teachers to foster independent reading?

The teacher assigns at least one book report each grading period to ensure that students are reading from the established class list.

Which of the following is an untrue statement about theme in literature?

The theme is always stated directly somewhere in the text.

It is summer in the Northern hemisphere from June to August. What is the cause of this?

The tilt of the Earth.

Whole Numbers

The whole numbers are the counting numbers and 0. The whole numbers are 0,1,2,3,4,5... Cannot be negative

Which is NOT true of the conventional letters of writing?

The writing is usually more vertical than horizontal

Fill in the Blank: _________ maps are those that specify a particular topic or subject.

Thematic Maps

Show specific topics or subjects; human or animal populations, or climate.

Thematic Maps

a form of government in which a religious leader or religious council governs the country. Only one official religion is allowed.


A __________ is a well-validated and well-supported explanation of some aspect of the natural world.


The 3 Cueing Systems:

There are three main cuing systems: Semantic, Syntactic, and Graphophonemic.

Which statement is NOT true about emergent readers?

They recognize and seperate syllables in words

What is metacognition?

Thinking about thinking.

States that citizens do not have to provide housing to soldiers during peacetime

Third Amendment

was a noted spokesman on the causes of the American Revolution. He wrote ―Common Sense pamphlet.

Thomas Paine

Middle and High school students are more receptive to studying grammar and syntax:

Through application to their own writing.

Tier ____ :district court, circuit court, or superior courts

Tier 1

Tier ____ :appellate court (for appeals)

Tier 2

Tier ____ :supreme court (last resort)

Tier 3

What is the main purpose of formative assessment?

To drive instruction

Which is not a true statement concerning an authors literary tone?

Tone in literature is usually satiric or angry.

Story mapping, anticipation guides, double-journal entries, K-WL- charts, graphic organizers, field trips, learning centers, and guest speakers.

Tools and Strategies

This original form of economic systems is characterized by bartering and trading and is usually employed in rural or farm-based areas.

Traditional Economy

Stories that were told by word of mouth; nursery rhymes, fairy tales, fables, myths, legends, and tall tales.

Traditional Folklore

Revolutionary War ended with the _________ in 1783.

Treaty of Paris

T/F: "Talking to the text" is also known as a strategy called a think aloud.


T/F: A criterion-referenced test is an example of a formal assessment.


T/F: A glass broken into pieces is an example of a physical change.


T/F: A market economy operates on the concepts of supply and demand


T/F: A webquest allows students to safely navigate the internet using websites provided by the teacher to meet standards in a content area.


T/F: An authentic arrowhead found on a Native American reservation is an example of an artifact.


T/F: Ancient Chinese people practiced calligraphy as a form of artistic expression.


T/F: Ancient Mesopotamia located in the Middle East, was the first known civilization to live in relatively large groups in cities.


T/F: Articles 1,2, and 3of the United States Constitution required a balance or powers; namely the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.


T/F: Basic concepts of print include but are not limited to directionality, title page, and illustrations.


T/F: Beach erosion occurs on Florida coastlines due to severe weather occurrences.


T/F: Classroom libraries should contain a wide variety of multicultural children's literature to aid in the exploration and understanding of various cultures.


T/F: Comparing the prices of an item is an important part of consumer decision making.


T/F: Demography is the statistical study of human populations.


T/F: Explorers came from various parts of the world including France, Portugal, Spain, and Italy.


T/F: Florida became the state in the union in 1845.


T/F: John Cabot traveled around the Cape of Goof Hope to reach the West Indies.


T/F: Many European countries use a form of currency called the euro.


T/F: Many government agencies and specialized organizations provide valuable resources to members.


T/F: Many language arts and reading strategies are also appropriate for content area instruction.


T/F: Nursery rhymes, fables, fairy tales, legends, and myths are all considered folklore.


T/F: One of the six essential elements of geography is environment and society.


T/F: Oral language development can be enhanced through class and small group discussion.


T/F: Oral language skills can be enhanced through songs, echo reading, and story retellings.


T/F: Podcasts are audio recordings of students learning that can be posted for stakeholders to hear.


T/F: The Boston Tea Party was the last of many events that caused King George to impose the Intolerable Acts, which soon after led to the Revolutionary War.


T/F: The Electoral College, also known as the College of Electors, gives the states with small populations more of an equal weight in presidential elections.


T/F: The Great Depression of the 1930s was considered a long-lasting and painful slowing of the overall economy.


T/F: The Industrial Revolution initially began in Great Britain.


T/F: The defeat of the Axis Powers in WWII led to the emerging of two world superpowers and inevitably the Cold War.


T/F: The three main cuing systems are semantic, syntactic, and graphophonemic.


T/F: The workshop approach to organizing your classroom provides time to meet with small groups of students and provide differentiated instruction to meet individual and small group needs.


T/F: To aid comprehension, students can create their own graphic organizers using computer software.

True (Kispiration)

T/F: Graphophonemic is a phase of word recognition in elementary-age students that refers to the letter sound relationship.

True, its the third.

T/F: Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another.


Additive Inverses

Two numbers whose sum is 0 are additive inverses of one another. Ex. 3/4 & -3/4 are additive inverses of one another because 3/4 + (-3/4) = (-3/4) + 3/4 = 0.

One court for each of the 12 regional circuits; hears appeals from courts within its circuit.

U.S. Court of Appeals

Lowest level in the federal court system; trial courts; each state has at least one district court; hears federal cases; both civil and criminal; 94 judicial districts.

U.S. District Courts

What are the three levels of federal courts in the U.S

U.S. District Courts, U.S. Court of Appeals, and the Supreme Court

Allied Powers (Good Guys)

US (Roosevelt), France, Great Britain (Churchill), Russia (Stalin)

signed by the states in 1787 to establish the federal government; Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, James Madison, and John Adams helped to frame ideas within.

US Constitution

Which of the following is NOT an appropriate formative assessment for evaluating student performance in a laboratory experiment?

Unit exam.

Semi abstract model

Use a single symbol (such as an x or a tally mark) to represent numbers of objects while performing operations.

According to the Language Arts Florida Standards (LAFS), which is not an appropriate written language skill for a student to master by the third grade?

Use a variety of transitional words and phrases.

The Latin phrase caveat emptor encourages consumers to

Use comparison shopping to get the best prices.

Which is not a component of fluency?

Use morphology to read unfamiliar multisylabic words in context.

Concrete Model

Use objects to demonstrate operations

Semi Concrete Model

Use pictures (instead of actual objects) to demonstrate operations

Barometers are?

Used for either weather studies or lab experiments involving pressures close to normal atmospheric pressure.

Abstract model

Using numbers only to perform operations

Mr. Lopez wants to conduct a DNA extraction lab but doesn't have the expensive materials necessary to complete the process. What can Mr. Lopez do to maximize the students' learning even though they can't physically do the lab.

Utilize a web-based virtual lab that can be projected on a screen or Smartboard in the front of the class.

What is the most effective method for controlling the spread of viruses?


__________ refers to the accuracy of an assessment instrument.


The ________ is only used with the experimental group.


A sound wave is produced by?


Also known as non print media, this refers to anything that is not literally printed: television, video, some radio broadcasts, etc.

Visual Media

What is the main attribute of poetry

Vivid Imagery

All the words the reader can understand and use. The more words a child knows, the better he or she will understand what is read. Knowing how words relate to each other is a building block that leads to comprehension.


Fill in the blank: __________ is a vital part of understanding content area reading text because knowing the meaning of specific words is paramount to comprehension.


Reading aloud and matching the voice to the print.

Voice-to-print Matching

Florida's economy was positively affected by


1972- Nixon is charged with obstructing justice, resigns from the White House, and Gerald Ford becomes president.


The Multiplicative Identity

We call 1 the multiplicative identity multiplying any number by 1 leaves the number unchanged ex: 88x1=88-> ax1=a

Email, Online book clubs, web quests, wiki sites, video conferencing, blogs, glogs, podcasts, video projects, SRS, tablets, and apps.

Web 2.0 Tools

What is Earth's pull of gravity called?



What is 25% off of $264?


When students do not get caught up in too many steps or get confused with the logic of the problem or strategy or conceptual meaning. An efficient algorithm is carried out easily with out confusion

1. ex. 190^0 = 1.

When you have a number that is being raised to zero it always equals ______.

When the goal is enhanced information and media literacy, which is not a consideration?

Who is the main character?

Classroom structures should include ____________ to allow for multiple speaking and listening opportunities.

Whole group lessons combined with small group lessons.

A computer-based application used to facilitate the preparation, manipulation, modification, and arrangement of electronically developed text, tables, and images for reports and documents are called?

Word Processor

pre-alphebtic, partial-alphabetic, graphophonemic, and morphemic.

Word Recognition Stages

Number of Words x 60 _________________________ Number of Seconds

Words per minute formula (WPM)

1935- the government employed people for 30 hours a week for projects across America.

Works Administration Program (WPA)-

1914 - 1918

World War 1

A war initiated by Austria/Hungary and Serbia. Two opposing powers were the Allied Powers and the Central Powers. The Allied Powers were victorious.

World War 1

A war between the Allies and the Axis Powers. Japans attack on pearl harbor resulted in the United States' involvement in the war.

World War 2

In 1945, the Allies defeated the Axis powers, with the USSR and the United States emerging as the world's superpowers. This lead to the Cold War, which lasted for the next 45 years.

World War 2

1914-1918 President Wilson enters the war in 1917. The Treaty of Versailles ends the war.

World War I

Which of the following is not an approach to keep students ever conscious of the need to write for audience appeal?

Writing letters to friends or relatives.

Pam says CO2 is matter. is she correct?

Yes because its composed of molecules and molecules are matter.


______ are called whole numbers, negative whole numbers, and zero.

Prime numbers

a number with exactly two whole- number factors (1 and the number itself) 2,3,5,7,11,13

Norm referenced

a standardized test that focuses on a comparison of a students score to average of a norm group.

Humans _____ to their environment.


Major operations on rational numbers

addition subtraction multiplication division

Until the mid 1900s, Florida was one of the least populated states. After the invention of _______, Florida's population boomed. It is now the 4th most populated state.


Authentic assessment

alternative assessment that incorporates real-life functions and applications.


are also called whole numbers negative whole numbers and zero. ex: 560,-35,2,0,-197744

Number Properties

are another important aspect of number theory.


are numbers composed of several whole number factors. 30 is composed of several whole-numbers

Diagnostic tests

are used with the diagnostic-prescriptive teaching of mathematics. This process is an instructional model that consists of diagnosis, prescription, instructions, and ongoing assessment. can be used to help identify specific problem areas. can be teacher made or commercially developed

Base Ten Blocks

area, classification, comparing, computations (whole numbers and decimals), decimal fractional- percent equivalences, metric measurement, number concepts, ordering, percent, perimeter, place value, polynomials, sorting, square, and cubic numbers.

Which of the following is NOT a consonant blend?



careful recording of the computational algorithm, memorizing basic facts, knowing number relationships and place value, and checking reasonableness or correctness of the results

Humans _____ their environment in both positive and negative ways such as farming, mining, or building.


Attribute blocks

classifying, geomtry, logical reasoning

Invention of ________ allowed greater navigation for exploration

compass and astrolabe

Achievement test battery

composed of subtests of math concepts and skills and usually includes technical aspects of math.

Standardized test

content areas and provide useful information about students' math skills. their validity on three basic assumptions: students have been equally exposed to test content, students know the languages of the the directions and responses, and students just like those taking the test have been included in the standardization samples to establish norms and make infrequence.

Natural numbers

counting numbers (1,2,3,4,5)

Which of the following is an example of an onset rime segmentation?


Humans _____ on the environment for food and shelter.



diagonals are right angles, all sides are congruent, diagnols bisect

a dictator often takes control by force and bloodline is not a factor.


Which of the following is NOT a good laboratory procedure?

eating in the laboratory

The first developmental phase in reading is


declare and wage war, regulate foreign trade and tax, make money, regulate immigration, grant copyrights and patents, maintain army and navy

federal government powers

of democracy in the United States is federalism. In the American federal system, the states and the national government divide authority. This division of power helps curb abuses by either the national or the state governments.

fourth principle


hands on manipulatives


how many times a base number is used. to compare number with exponents it is best to multiply them out or estimate what they might be. ex: 2*2=4, if you had 2*-2 the answer would be 1/4 or (1 over 2*2) ex: when you have a number that is being raised to zero it always equals 1. (195*0=1)

4. Extended thinking and complex reasoning

incorporate demands from other content ares in the development and support of real world mathematical arguments.


involve adding or joining elements to a set. 3 quantities involved: the starting amount__?__ +56=85 the changing amount 29+__?__=85 the resulting amount 29+56=__?__ variations of the join problem include situations when the result is unknown, the change is unknown, or the starting amount is unknown.

Area and Array

involve finding the area of a rectangular area or arrangement. 5 rows of 17 apple trees ex:Multiplication->5x17=__ 85 palm trees/5rows Division->85 divided by 5=__


involve no action or change over time as happens with join and separate problems. Focus on the relationship between a set and its two subsets (or a whole and 2 parts) Variations involve situations the whole is unknown-> 29+56=__?__ part of the whole is unknown -> 29+__?__=85

Naturalistic assessment

involves evaluations that is based on the natural setting of the classroom. It involves the observations of students' performance and behavior in an informal context.

Equal groups or repeated addition

involves making a certain numbers of equal sized groups repeated 3x6=6+6+6 3 numbers involved: numbers of groups (factor), size of the group (factor), total number of the objects (product) ex:3x6 3 groups of 6 objects


involves no action, but involve comparision between 2 different sets- how much or how much less is one/than another. Variation: Difference unknown: 56+__=85 or 85-56=__ Larger unknown: 56+29=__ Smaller unknown: 29+__=85 or 85-29=__


involves removing elements 3quanities/ variations result unknown->85-29=__?__ change unknown->85-__?__=29 start unknown->__?__-56=29

Multiplicative Comparison

involves the comparison of 2 quantities manipulatively, involves finding "how many times as much" of 1 quantity is compared in another quantity, or "stretching" the original by a certain quantity.

Prime Numbers

is a whole number greater than 1 that has exactly two factors, 1 and itself. 2-the only even prime number, 3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,31,41,43,47,53,59,61,71,73,79,83,89,97 1 IS NOT PRIME

Composite Number

is a whole number greater than 1 that has more than two factors 4,6,8,9 1 IS NOT COMPOSITE


is not considered prime or composite

Addition and Subtraction: 4 types of problems

join part-part-whole separate compare

The three branches of the government are

legislative, judicial, and executive

The various levels of the government in the U.S are..

local, state, and federal

Whole numbers

natural numbers and zero

Alternative assessment

non traditional options to assess students' learning. portfolios, journals, notebooks, projects, and presentations.

Gifted students are...

out of the box learners

3. Strategic thinking and complex reasoning

reasoning,planning, using evidence, and a higher level of thinking than the previous two levels; making conjectures is also at the this level.

2.Basic application of concepts and skills

requires engagement of some mental processing beyond a habitual response, and making some decisions as to how to approach the problem or activity, following a defined series of steps.

Performance assessment

requires that completion of a task, project, or investigations; communicates information ; or constructs a response that demonstrates knowledge or understanding of a skill or concept.

________ of U.S. democracy is a representative government. In a representative government, the people delegate their powers to elected officials. The elected leaders are accountable because they can be removed from office.

second principle

Between mid 1600s to mid 1700s, the _______ in the southern colonies grew tremendously to support the agricultural industry.

slave population

Florida has a temperate climate or _________climate with warm winters. Greece, Spain, and France also have temperate climates.


Geography is the study of Earth's

surface, atmosphere, and people.

On December 15, 1791, ______ were added to the Constitution. These amendments guarantee certain freedoms and rights, so they are known as the Bill of Rights.

ten amendments

Objective assessment

testing that requires the selections of one item from a list of choices provided with the question. This type of assessment includes true false responses, yes- no answers and questions with multiple- choice answers.

Greatest Common Factor (GCF)

the greatest factor that two or more numbers have in common. ex: 6 is the greatest common factor of 18 and 30. Use the factor tree, include 1

the system of checks and balances. The three branches of government—the legislative, the executive, and the judicial—restrain and stabilize one another through their separated functions.

third principle

Relief maps, or ________, show the shape of the terrain by using contour lines

topographic maps

There are four types of basic economic systems:

traditional, market, command, and mixed.


trapezoids, kites, parallelograms, rectangles, rhombuses, and squares.

The highest court in each state is the ______ on what the law is with regard to state law from the state's point of view.

ultimate authority


using numbers or numerals

A 2nd-grade teacher is planning a lesson on the Constitution. Of the following, which would be the most appropriate primary source through which to present the lesson?

view a replica of the Constitution document


when the students are able to understand more than one computational algorithm for a particular exercise. The students are able to choose the most appropriate approach for a given exercise.

To assess a student's ability to analyze the draining of the Everglades and the development of South Florida, it would be most effective to ask the student to

write a cause-and-effect essay about the region.

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