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بالنسبة لي (في رأي) الضرائب هني غير معقولة.

"In my opinion, the taxes here are unreasonable/unbelievable.

اللي قلت لي عنها ما لقيتها.

(The one) whom you told me about (her) I didn't meet.

لا شكرً على واجب.

(There should be) no thanks for one's duty.

ما شاء الله!

(This is) that which God has willed!

غير ما، غير على


خيرها قي غيرها.

A better one in another one (Better luck next time).

سيارة قدي

A car for my size (An appropriate car)

السيكل أخَفّ من السيارة.

A cycle is lighter than a car. (for adjectives where the last two letters are the same, the form is aCaCC)

ريال اسمة أحمد مسؤول عن دكان.

A man named Hamad is responsible for the store

عبد الكريم تعبان وكان عنده حرارة، لازم ما يرجع للبيت.

Abdul Al-Kareem was tired and he had a fever. He must return to the house.

وعبير بعد هي معجبة فيه ولكن هو ما يعرف هذا الشيء.

Abeer after she admired him but he did not know this thing.

عبير كانت تفكر: شو البس يوم بروح أشوف سالم؟

Abeer was thinking: what should I wear when I go to see Salem.

حوالي ٤٥ بالمائة يفضل البتزا.

About 45 percent prefered the pizza. (Some collective nouns are singular in form but have plural meaning. They are treated as masculine nouns. When only one of that noun is intended a ـة is suffixed.)

وفعلاً كان في لعبة كرة القدم اللي اللاعبين الثانين كانوا يلعبوا فيها.

Actually he was in the soccer game which the other players they were playing in it.

وبعد شوي الأولاد اللي كانوا جالسين قدامهم لفوا وقال لهم...

After a while the kids which they were sitting in front of them turned and he said to them...

بعد قهم القصة كاملة تسكر الكتب.

After one understands the whole story close the book.

يعد فهم القصة كاملة تسكر الكتب.

After one understands the whole story close the book.

بعد فترة الولد الصغير نجح في لعبة الحرب ونسى كل اللي خوّفة من قبل.

After some time the small boy won in the war game and he forgot all which he feared before.

بعد الانفجار الشرطه أخذته عشان يستقهموا منه عن سبب الانفجار.

After the explosion, the police took him so that they could inquire from him about the reason for the explosions.

وبعد ما صارت الحرمة في شهر السادس عرفوا انه ولد وفرح خليفة وايد.

After the wife was in her six month they new that it was a boy and Khaleefa was very happy.

عقب هذا الحلم أنا استغنيت عن هذا المشروع للأبد.

After this dream I ceased from this project forever.

عقب هذا الحلم أنا استغنيت عن هذا المشروع للأبد.

After this dream I stopped from this project forever.

بعد فهم القصة كاملة تسكر الكتب وتحاول تقول القصة من الذاكرة.

After you understand the whole store close the book and try to say the story from the memory.

أحمد شافني وقت الدعمة.

Ahmed saw at the time of the crash.

عائشة شافت حد من أفريقية

Aisha saw someone from Africa.

علي: صباح الخير. متأسف للإزعاج. سيف: ما فيه إزعاج.

Ali: Good morning. I am sorry for the interruption. There is no interrruption.

كلهم طوال لكن سعيد أطول واحد.

All of them are tall but Said is the tallest one.

كل طالبين يمارسوا المحادثة مع بعض حتى يكون عندهم طلاقة في النطق و بدون تردد.

All students speak the conversation with each other until they have fluency in the sayings without hesitation.

جاتني فكرة ولكن قعدت أطالع المجلة وبعدين نسيتها.

An idea came to me but I kept reading the magazine and then forgot it.

المريض لازم يهتم بصحته أكثر من اللازم.

An ill person must care for his health extra.

وأريد مروحة ومكيف وخرّامة وورق وكليبات ودبّاسة ومحّاية.

And I wanted an fan and a fan, and holepunch and paper and clips and staple and a fan.

وإسحاق يصيح ويقول: بطني! بطني!

And Isaac was crying/yelling and said my tummy! my tummy!

وخليفة كان يتمنى ان يكون الطفل ولد.

And Khaleefa was wishing that it would be a boy child.

وبعد دقيقة يغير الشخصين بحيث يكون الطالب الثاني متكلم مع شخص جديد والأول مستمع مع شخص جديد

And after a minute the two persons change where the second student speaks with a new person and the first student listens with a new person.

وبعد مدّة إسحاق ما صار يروح المستشفى وسأل الطبيب عنه.

And after a while Isaac he stopped coming to the hospital and the doctor asked about him.

وبعدين سأل طالب ثالث نفس السؤال.

And after he asked a third student the same question.

وبعد الفحص طلعت النتيجة والدكتور ما شاف أيّ شيء.

And after the examination the results came out and the doctor did not see anything.

وبعدين سأل طالب رابع نفس السؤال.

And afterward he asked a fourth students the same question.

‏وفيه أولاد صغار في البيت؟

And are there any small children at home?

ومن خمس سنوات ما أحتفلوا بعيد زواجسهم. وهي كانت زعلانة ورايحة عند اهلها.

And for five years they did not celebrate their wedding anniversery. And she was angry and she went to her family.

و قام من النوم وهو خائف حتى اليوم الثاني.

And he awoke from the sleep and he was scared tunil the following day.

وقرر انه ما يشتري لها اياهن.

And he decided that he would not buy for her any of it (f.).

وسمع إنه خطب ممرضة من نفس المستشفى أسمها حنان،

And he heard that he engaged a nurse from the same hospitial. Her name was Hanan.

وقاله: شو فيك؟ مشتاق لأمك؟

And he said to him: What's wrong with you? Do you miss your mother?

وهو فكر في دكان ثاني لبيع المجلات.

And he thought about a another store to sell magazines.

وقاله: "لا تحاتي التكلفة، انت اشتري وفالك طيب.

And he told him, don't worry about the cost, you buy and it will be good [lit. your oman is good]

ويتأخّر عن شغله ويأجّل مواعيده.

And he was being late about his work and he [was] delaying his appointments.

ويشتري الخضروات من عندها،مع إنه ما كان يحتاج خضرة وكل هذا بس عشان يشوف عبير.

And he was buying vegetables from her even though he was not needing vegetables and everything but only in order to he was seeing Abeer.

وكان يبقى في البيت واجد حتى يفكر في هذا الموضوع

And he was staying in the house a long time so that he [could] think about this subject.

وراح السوق يتشوّف الاثاث المناسب حق البيت

And he went to the market to look around at the appropriete furniture for the house.

وقام من النوم وهو خائف حتى اليوم الثاني.

And he woke up from the sleep and he was scared until the next day.

وفي اللعبة قتل أكثر من ١٠ جنود والحين كان يدوّر ضحية جديدة.

And in the game he killed more than 10 armies and how he was searching sfor a new victim.

ومثل كل سنة حميد وعويش ما احتفلوا يعيد زواجهم. ياخساره!

And like every year, Hameed and Aweesh did not celebrate their wedding anniversry.

وقي اليوم الثاني حلم شخص حطّ قبلة في الدكان.

And on the next day he dreamed that a person put a bomb in the shop.

ويوم من الأيام سمع أن حديقة حيوانات جديدة مفتوحة.

And one day he heard that the new zoo had opened.

واحد من الطلاب كان أكسل وأبشعز

And one of the students was the laziest and ugliest.

ومرة يقول "رئتي" ومرة يقول "ضروسي" وكل يوم يقول شيء جديد.

And one time he said my lungs and one time he said my teeth. And everyday he said something new.

وكلام الدكاتوة طلع غلطا وفرحت خديجة وايد وسمتها أنتصار لأنها انتصرت على ريلها وأمه.

And the doctors said it was a mistake and Khadeeja was very happy and she named her "victory" because she had victory over her man and his mom.

والدليل، برد الشتاء والأمطار.

And the forcast, cool winter and rainy.

فقال الطالب أنا ما بشغل لمدّه سنتين بعد الدراسة.

And the student said, I dont want to work for a two year time after the studys.

وبعدين كل يوم والثاني إسحاق موجود في المستشفى ومرة يقول "مرارتي تعورني".

And then every other day Isaac was present in the hospital and one time he said my gallbladder hurts me.

وبعدين نام وحلم إنه عنده حلاق.

And then he slepted and dreamed that he had a barbershop.

وهذا ولدي أنا وما قادرة حتى اختار له اسم؟

And this is my son and I cannot even choose for him a name?

وهالدكان مسوي تنزيلات

And this shop was making a sale.

وهذا الطالب متين وكندورته أوسع كندورة في الصف.

And this student was fat and his thobe was the widest thobe in the class.

وهذا الطالب ذكي ومنتبه لكل شيء في الصف.

And this student was smart and attentive to everything in the class.

وهذا الطالب يلبس نعال واطية لأنه طويل واجد.

And this student work low sandels becasue he was very tall.

وسمع أن فيها دببة، غزلان، برّية، نسور، فيلة، ثعالب، ثعابين، سلاحف وغيرها من الحيوانات المفترسة الخطيرة.

And we heard that in it there are bears, gazelle, wild animals, eagles, elephant, foxes, snakes, turtles, and others from dangerous predatory animals.

وشو أريد في المكتب؟

And what do I want in the office.

وينو عفر سالم أن عبير بتجيء إلى المستشفى تظاهر إنّه مريض واجد.

And when Salem knew that Abeer was going to come to the hospital he pretended that he was very sick.

ويوم راعي الدكان عطاه الفاتورة انصدم حميد

And when the shop keeper gave him the bill he was shocked.

اجاوب الأسئلة التالية من أفكارك.

Answer the following questions from your thoughts.

أجاوب الجملة من أفكارك.

Answer the sentence from your thoughts.

أنور أشطر ولد في الصف. لا، بالعكس. هو الأغبى.

Anwar is smartest boy in the class. No, the opposite, he is the stupidest.

أنور أغبى ولد في الصف. لا بالعكس، هو الأشطر.

Anwar is the stupidest in the class. No, the opposite. He is the smartest.

جاوب على الأسئلة التالية بأي جواب معقول يناسب اختبارات الطالب.

Anwser the following questions with any resonable anwser in reference to the students experiences'.

جاوب على هذه الاسئلة و استخدم إيا إذا أمكم.

Anwser these questions and use iyya if possible.

إعتذر لها.

Apologize to her!

ما دام عندك فلوس تقدر تتونّس.

As long as you have money, you can have a good time.

على كيفك، بس شوي قبل عن هذيك المرّة.

As you like but but a bit before that time (6:00p)

اسأل كل طالب شو اشتغل قبل ما جاء إلى المعهد

Ask every student what did he work before he came to the institute.

اسألها متى بتوصل؟

Ask her when she will arrive.

أسال الطلاب شو يعرفوا عن الوضوء، كيف يتوضئ المسلمين؟ كم مرة يتوضؤوا كل يوم؟

Ask hte students what they know about the ritual cleansing. How is the ritual cleansing for Muslims. How man times do they wash each day?

(سؤال لرجل متزوج) جبت السيارة حق زوجتك؟

Ask to a married man. Did you get the car which belongs to your wife?

اسأل ربيعك إذا بيجي أو لا.

Ask your friend if (whether) he's coming or not.

غرفة الدرج.


عوض جاب لي كتاب.

Awadh brought me a book.

لانه يتحسب ان السعر بيكون مناسب.

Because he considered that the praice would be resonable.

لأن في هذا الوقت موعد عند زواجهم وحميد ما يسوي لها سالفة.

Because in this was the time of the date for their marriage and Hameed did not do for her anything.

لأن مروان وأصدقائه ما عندهم ليسن فاتفقوا أن أخو مروان الكبير هو اللي بيسوق السيّارة.

Becuase Marwan and his friends did not have a lisense they agreed that Marwan's big brother he is who would drive the car.

قبل ما أجي هني ما شقت حد من سوريا.

Before I came here, here I had not seen someone from Syria.

غير عن أهلي ما عندي شيء ثمين.

Besides my family, I do not have anything of value.

لكن أريد الشاب اللي خبرتك عنه.

But I want the guy that I told you about him.

وأنا أريد أشتغل طبّاخ في مطعم معروف في جزر الكناري في أستانيا.

But I want to work as a cook in a well known restaraunt in the Canary Islands in Spain.

بس خديجة كانت تبى بنت عشان تلبّسها وتسوي لها تسريحات حلوة.

But Khadeeja was wanting a girl so that she could dress her and do for her nice hairstyles.

ولكن بعدين أريد أدوّر على شغل خفيف مب ثقيل أو صعب.

But after I would like to search for light work not heavy or hard.

بس ملابسها كلهن منطرة

But all her clothes were torn.

ولكن مب لازم تجي من وقت.

But it's not necessary to come early.

ولكن الولد اللي كان جالس عدّاله في الطيّارة ضحك عليه.

But the boy which sat beside him on the play laughed at him.

ولكن الثانين شافوا لعبة كرة القدم الإلكترونية ودحلوها منهم الولد اللي ضحك عليه.

But the others they saw an electronic soccor game and they entered it. From them the boy which laughed at him.

لكنهم حصّلوا نمل ونحل وصراصير وذباب.

But they found ants, bees, cockroaches, and flies.

لكن منصور هذا مب عنده فلوس

But this Mansoor did not have any money.

بس هالسنة حميد نازي يحتفل ويفاجأها

But this year Hameed wanted/intended to celebrate and suprise her

ممكن تجيب لي شيء للحفلة؟

Can you bring for me something for the party.

بدّل الكلمات من الجدول

Change the words from the list.

غيّر هذه الجمل بإضافة

Change this sentence with an idhafa.

اختار من هذه الأفعال او يسو شيء من افكارك.

Choose from these verbs or make something from your thoughts.

أختار الكلمات الأنسب من الجدول واضعها في الفراغات.

Choose the related words from the schedule and put in in the blanks.

كملوا الجمل التالية بما تروه مناسب من اقكاركم.

Complete the following sentences including whatever goes in it appropriately from your thoughts.

كمل الجمل بكلمة مناسبة من الجدول.

Complete the sentence with an appropriate word from the chart.

تظل الكتب مسكرة وتتكلم بشكل عام عن القصة.

Continue having the books closed and talk generally about the story.

‏تظل ‏الكتاب مسكرة وتتكلم بشكل عام عن قصة.

Continue having the books closed and talk generally about the story.

تظل الكتب مسكرة وتتكلم بشكل عام القصة شو تفهم أو الفكرة منها. وتعيد الأستماع مرة ثانية والكتب أيضاً مسكرة.

Continue to keep the books closed and talk generally about what you understood or the ideas from the [story]. Redo the listening a second time and the books are also closed.

التعاوُّن مفتاح النجاح. (تَفاعُل)

Cooperation is the key to success. (VF VI)

صحيح، بس الشتاء مطوّل.

Corrrect, but the winter is slow, long.

كوّن جملة من الجملتين.

Create a sentence from the two sentences.

نطّفت لك غرفتك؟ لا ما نطفت لي إياها.

Did I clean for you your room? No I did not clean for you it.

أنا رويتكِ الصور هذه؟ لا ما رويتني إياها.

Did I show you this picture? No you did not show me it.

تعّبت سميرة أمها؟

Did Samira tire her mom?

الحدّلد اعطاك الحديد عشان الدريشة؟ لا ما اعطاني إياه.

Did he give you the metal iron for the window? No, he did not give me it.

أعطاك المسطرة؟ نعم أعطاني إياها.

Did he give you the ruler? Yes, he gave me it.

حضّر لك العشاء؟ نعم، حضر لي إياه.

Did he prepare for you dinner? Yes, he prepared for me it.

شاف راشد السيّارة؟ نعم، هو شافها.

Did he see Rashid's car? Yes, he saw it.

شوف يرتّبن الحفلة؟

Did he see them ( organizing the party?

أبوها ورّث أخوها الحقول؟ نعم أبوها زرّثهم.

Did her father inherite her brothers fields. Yes her father inherited them.

جابت لك الغداء؟ لا، ما جابت لي إياه.

Did she bring for you lunch? No, she did not bring for me it.

سوّت لك فاطمة الحفلة؟ أيوا، سوّت لي إياها.

Did she do for you (Fatima) the party. Yes, she did for me it.

خضرت دروسها؟

Did she prepare for her lessons?

قرأت الكتاب المقددس؟

Did she read the holy book?

قالت لك عن خطيبها؟ لا ما قالت لي عنه.

Did she tell you about her fiance? No she did not tell me about him.

الخبّاز خبز لك خبز طازج؟ نعم، الخبّاز خبز ليه.

Did the baker bake for you the fresh bread. Yes, the baker baked for me it.

وافقت الرئيسة على اقتراح الموظفين؟

Did the boss agree with employees proposal?

وأفقت الرئيسة على فكرة الدكتور؟

Did the boss agree with the doctors idea.

المدير زعّل الأستذ اليوم؟ لا، ما عنده خبر إنه ماحضر الدرس.

Did the boss upset the teacher today? No he did not know that he did not prepare his lesson.

البص ودّى العيال المجرسة. نعم البص ودّىهم.

Did the bus take the school children. Yes the bus took them.

النجار خبّرك عن الأبواب. نعم خبّرني عنهمب.

Did the carpender inform you about the doors. Yes, he informed me about them.

ودّى المراسل لنا الأزراق؟ نعم المراسل ودّى لنا إياها.

Did the corrispondant take for us the papers? Yest, the correspondant took for us it.

المحامي خبّرك تفاصيل القصية؟ لا المحامي ما خبّرني إياها.

Did the lawyer inform you about the details of the case. No, the lawyer did not tell me about it.

قابلت السيستر مدير المستشفى؟

Did the nurse meet the hospital cheif?

الشخص الثاني قاوم النمر؟ شو سوى؟

Did the second guy resist the tiger? What did he do?

البشكارة رتّبت لها المطبخ. نعم البشكارة رتّبت لها إياه.

Did the servant organize for her the kitchen. Yes, the servant organized it for her.

المعلم خبركم أجوبة الإمتحان؟

Did the teacher inform you guys of the test anwsers?

كلن ذيل المسمكة بعد؟

Did they (pl.f.) eat the fish tail also?

حسبوا للمديرة مصاريف الرحلة؟ نعم، حسبوه ليها.

Did they account for the boss' (f.) trip expensise? Yes they accounted it for her.

صوّروا لك الصورة الملوّنة؟

Did they draw for you the colored picture?

عطوا الخردة حقّ الطلاب؟ نعم عطوهم إياها.

Did they give change belonging to the students. Yes, they gave them it.

كمّلنا الدرس اليوم؟

Did we finish the lesson today?

شُفتي وين راح هذا الولد الحين؟

Did you (f.) see where that boy went now?

سألت المعلّم عن الأولاد؟ أيوى، سألته عنهم.

Did you ask the teacher about the kids? Yes, I asked him about them.

سألت المسافرين عن القضية؟

Did you ask the travelers about the issue/case/problem?

أنتم بعتم السيف؟ لا، ما بعناه.

Did you buy the sword. No we did'nt buy it.

لغيت حقّ الرئيسة الطلب؟ هيه، لغيت لها أياه.

Did you cancel for the boss the order? Yes I canceled for her it.

لغيت حقّ المهندس حجزه في الطيّارة؟ لا، ما لغيت له إياه.

Did you cancel for the engineer his reservation for [airfare]? No, I did not cancel for him it.

سكّرت مكتب المدير؟ نعم سكّرت له إياه.

Did you close the boss's office? Yes I closed for him it.

ودّيتوا له الدبابيس؟ لا، ما ودّينا له إياها.

Did you deliever to him the staples? No we did not deliever to him them (f.)

خلّصت حقّ مريم الكندورة؟ هيه نعم، خلصت لها إياها.

Did you finish for Mariam the dress? Yes I finished for her it.

خلّصت مشاكل حقّ محمود؟ خلصت له إياها.

Did you finish problems Mohammed? I finished for him them.

عطيت بيتك في بلدك حقّ أهلك؟

Did you give your house in your country to your family?

دفعتوا حقّ المدير الرسوم؟

Did you guys pay for the bosses fees?

أنتم بعتم السيف؟ لا، ما بعناه.

Did you guys sell the sword? No, we didn't sell it.

أخذتم علاج؟

Did you guys take treatment?

كتبتوا اتفاق حقّ المأجّر؟

Did you guys write contract for the land lord?

سمعت إنّ سعاد انكسرت إيدها في دعمة؟

Did you hear that Souad broke her hand in an accident?

سمعتوا شو قال المدير؟

Did you hear what the boss said?

عرفت إنّها سافرت؟

Did you know that she traveled? (أنّ must be followed by a noun or attached pronoun rather than a verb)

لقتم رئيس دولتكم؟

Did you meet/find the leader in your guys' country?

بطلت الباب حقّ أحمد؟ لا، ما بطلت له إياه.

Did you order the door for Mohammed? No I did not order for him it.

رقّدت الولد عشان أمي؟ ايوة رقدت لها إياه.

Did you put to sleep the baby for your mom? Yes I put to sleep for her him.

استقبلت الملكة الأمير؟

Did you receive the queen's order?

ودّعت أختك في المطار؟

Did you say goodbye to your sister in the airport?

أنت بعت السيف؟ لا، ما بعته.

Did you sell the sword? No, I did not sell it.

فكّرت إنّهم سافروا؟

Did you think that they traveled? (أنّ must be followed by a noun or attached pronoun rather than a verb)

غرفة الطعام

Dining room.

نقسم الصف إلى فريقين وتصحح الأمثال والفريق الأكثر في التصحح في وقت محدد يفوز (بدون أستخدام الكتاب)

Divide the class into two teams and correct the proverbs and the team with the most correct in the limited time wins (with the use of the book).

لا تدخلني قي هذه المشكلة أنا ما قدها.

Do not bring me in to this problem. I am not up for it (amount).

وافقوا على اقتراحات المدير؟ نعم، وافقوا عليها (عليهم).

Do they agree with the suggestions of the boss? Yes they agree with them.

اشتريتِ الملابس لأجل رجلكِ؟ (سؤال لحرمة)

Do you buy close on behalf of your man?

تعرف بكم يريدوا يبيعوا بيتهم؟ شو درّاني ما خبرونا كم السعر.

Do you know how much they want to sell their house for? How do I know they did not tell us how much is the price.

تعرف عمر المعلّم؟

Do you know the age of the teacher?

تعرف الخبير اليي حصّل الحل؟

Do you know the expert which found/obtained/arrived the solution?

تعرف البنت اللي شفناها في المستشفى؟

Do you know the girl which we saw her in the hospital?

تعرف وين راحت ليلى؟ تعرف ليلى راحت وين؟ تعرف راحت ليلى وين؟

Do you know where Layla went?

تعرف منو شاف أحمد؟

Do you know who saw Ahmed? (subject); Do you know whom Ahmed saw? (object)

تعرف منو شافت ليلى؟ تعرف ليلى منو شافت؟ تعرف شافت ليلى منو؟

Do you know whom Layla saw?

تحب الدراسة؟

Do you like the lesson?

تحب الاستماع إلى الموسيقى الكلاسيكية؟

Do you like to listen to classical music?

‏ما تستخدم ‏القاموس

Do you not use the dictionary

أنت تكبّ الزبالة ولا زوجكِ؟

Do you pour the trash or your wife?

تتذكّر الفرنسي حاء؟

Do you remember the French guy who came?

تتذطّر يوم كان فيه مطر وبرد قوي في مدينة العين؟

Do you remember when there was rain and it was very cold in the city of Al Ain?

تظن أنه يجي المحاضرة؟ شو عرّفني؟ بس لو يجي أكيد يستفيد.

Do you think that he will come to the lecture? How would I know? But if he came of course it would be benificial.

تظن إنّه زين مشاهدة فلم في السينما؟

Do you think that it is a good to view a film in the cinema?

تعتقد هذه العجوز وحدة من الأغنياء؟

Do you think this older person is from the singers?

تريجيني أرقّد لك بنتكِ؟

Do you want me to put to sleep for you your daughter?

تريد تقاوم عدونا؟

Do you want to resist our enemies?

تريد تستعمل الآلة اليوم؟

Do you want to use the machine today?

قرأ سهيل الجريدة؟ نعم، قرأها.

Does Sahiil read the newspaper. Yes, he reads it.

المتكلّم عازف من جاء؟

Does the speaker know who came?

ما تمّ (بقى) شيء من الأكل؟

Doesn't there remain/continue something from the food?

لا تتمّ (تبقى) زعلان كل يوم!

Don't (you) continue to be made every day.

لا تتم تأكل حلاوة طول اليوم.

Don't contiue to eat candy every day.

ما سويت شيء جديد هذا الأسبوع.

Don't do anything new this week.

لا تزعل مني عشان أنا كنت اتغشمر معك.

Don't get angry with me becasue I was playing a trick on you.

لا تتم تزعج أبوك، يريد ينام.

Don't keep bothering your father. He wants to sleep.

لا تتمّ تضرب أختك.

Don't keep one hitting your sister.

لا تلعبوا ورقة في الاستراحة سمعتوا شو قال المدير.

Don't play cards in the break. You heard what the boss said.

ما ترّد بعدني.

Don't speak after me.

لا تخبر حد، مأ حدّ يعرف عن هذا السر شيء.

Don't tell anyone. No one knows about this secret thing.

لا تخسّر فلوس ها القدّ.

Don't waste moeny so much.

مصر، مصري، مصريّة

Egypt Egyptian (m.) Egyptian (f.)

إذاعة الأمارات أف أم من أحسن الإذاعات. (إفعالة)

Emirates Broadcast FM is one of the best broadcasts. (IV)

خلاص! ما عندي كلام غير إللي قلته.

Enough! I don't have other words which I said it.

المساواة بين الناس واجبة. (مفاعاة)

Equality between people is an obligation. (III)

وحتى أنا أدبّر الفلوس وأقدر أستلف من عند مدير مكتبي.

Even I and get/supply/arrange the money and I can borrow from with the manager of my office.

وحتى أنا أقدر أدبّر الفلوس أقدر أستلف من عند مدير مكتبي.

Even I can arraige the money I can borrow from at the boss of my office.

حتى يكون هو الحلاق

Even that he become the barbor.

كل يوم بتمّين تروحين وترجعين عشان نفس الموضوع.

Every day we will continue to go and to return because of the same issue.

فسّر لي ليش تأخر لهذه الدرجة.

Explain to me why you are late to this extent/degree.

سألت فايز هذا السؤال؟ نعم فايز سالت عنه.

Faayz asked about this question. Yes, Faayz asked about it.

فارس استفسر عن الطباخين إللي يشتغلوا في مطاعمه.

Faras sought to understand about the cooks which they worked in his restraunts.

شعر فاطمة مب قد شعر ليلى.

Fatama's hair is not as long [amount] as Layla's.

فاطمة طويلة واجد.

Fatima is the tallest one.

فايز استغنى عن السيّارة واشترة غيرها.

Fayiz stopped using the car and he bought a different one.

أكمل الجمل التالية من الجدول.

Fill in the following sentences from the schedule.

املاء الفراغات التالية بما هو مناسب من جلس أو قعد.

Fill the following blanks with what is appropriate from still.

اخيراً اضطريت أقوله السرّ.

Finally, I had to tell him the secret. (اضطرّ is form 8 verb that means "had to" or "was forced to")

في الأخير فهمت أنّ هذه السالفة قصة.

Finally, I understood that this talk was a story. (أنّ must be followed by a noun or attached pronoun rather than a verb)

الجزء الأول: يوزع المعلم على لطلاب لوحة تدل على أجزاء الجسم

First part: The teacher distributes to the students a chart which indicates body parts.

مثلاً ما تعرفوا عمري؟

For example don't you know my age?

بالنسبة لي هذا الموضرع منتهي.

For me the matter is over.

في الوقت الحاضر أنا ما عندي مانع أنها تسكن معنا.

For now I don't mind that she lives with us.

تراني بروح.

For sure I will go. ( ترى is used to indicate certainty; it comes from "you see")

تراني بضربك إذا ضربت أختك مرة ثانية.

For sure I'll hit you if you hit your sister again. ( ترى is used to indicate certainty; it comes from "you see")

تراه يسافر.

For sure he will travel. ( ترى is used to indicate certainty; it comes from "you see")

ترانا بناكل مع بعض.

For sure we will eat together. ( ترى is used to indicate certainty; it comes from "you see")

لهذه الدرجة أنت معصب علي!

For this grade you are angry at me!

حقّ منو صوّر المناظر؟ صوّرها للجريدة.

For who did you take pictures of the views? I took pictures for the newspaper.

الجزء الرابع: بعد فهم القصة كاملة تسكر الكتب وتحاول تقول القصة من الذاكرة وليس عليك قول كل الجمل أو كل شيء بالضبط.

Fourth part: After you understand the whole story close the books and try to say the story from memory. You don't need to say every sentence or everything exact.

‏من ‏السياق

From the context

من هذيلا الأقلام شقد عندك؟

From these pens what amount are yours?

‏من أي بلد جيت؟

From what country did you come?

‏من شو؟

From what?

القمار غير مسموح به هني.

Gambling is not allowed here.

عطني غير هذا.

Give me a different one.

أعطي الخبز للخباز ولو أكل نصفة.

Give the bread to the baker or I will eat his share.

الله يهدي الناس للتوبة.

God guides people to repentance.

‏الله يحفظك

God preserve you.

الله يجازيك (بالخير) على ما سويت.

God reward you for what you've done.

‏الله يخلّيهم لك

God to keep them safe for you.

إن شاء الله هو بيسلفني.

God wiling he will lend me money.

أن شاء لله هو بيسلّفني.

God willing he will lend me money.

زين، ممكن أجي في المساء؟

Good, is it possible to come by in the evening?

زين، نفتح المساء الساعة. وين مكتبكم؟ مقابل الدفاع المدني.

Good, we are open in the evening hours. Where is your office? In front of the civilian defense.

زين. شكراً ومع السلامة. حيّاك الله.

Good. Thansk and Good bye. God be with you.

ممارسة القواعد

Grammer Practice

احزر شو بيسوي (الفاعل) وهذا كماموجود في التمرين السابق لكن هذا يتكلم عن المستقبل.

Guess what he will do and this (the verb) and this is as is present in the previous exercise but this is talking about the future.

كيف زين هذا الطماطم!

HOw good are these tomatoes!

حمد اشترى كل شيء للمنجرة من آلات ومعدات ثمينة.

Hamad bought everything for the carpentry shop of tools and expesive equipment.

وسأل حميد راعي الدكان عن اسعارهن

Hameed asked the shop keeper about their prices.

أشترى حميد كل اللي يباه وما حاتى السعر.

Hameed bought everything which he wanted and he did not worry about the price.

قال حميد: ما فيني ادفع كل هذا!

Hameed said: its not within my power [lit. not within me] to buy all this!

أنت رحت حديقة الحيوانات في العين؟

Have you gone to the zoo in Al Ain?

أنت رحت حديقة الحيوانات في مكان ثاني؟ وين؟

Have you gone to the zoo in another place?

أوَنّه ما عرفني.

He acted as if he didn't know me. (أونّ is used with an attached pronoun it means "appearing/acting as if")


He brought it

جاب لك إيّاها.

He brought it to me (lit. He brought to me it (f.))

جاب القلم

He brought the pencil

ما حصل شغل هني، لكن إذا راح مسقط بيشتغل.

He cannot obtain work here, but if went to Muscat he would work.

بفى يلعب بسكين لين جرح يده.

He contined to play with the knife until he injured his hand.

بقى يلعب

He continued to play

تم يصيح

He continued to scream

قرّر أنّ ما حد يندح في هذا الفصل.

He decided that no one passes this term. (أنّ must be followed by a noun or attached pronoun rather than a verb)

ما دفع قدّ ما دقعت أنت عشان صاحب الوكلة ابن عمّه.

He did not pay the amount I payed because the owner of the car dealership is his cousin (son of his paternal uncle).

ما قال منو غلبه.

He didn't say who beat (defeated) him.

اختلف مع المدير.

He disagreed with the boss.

تحاهل نصيحتي.

He disregarded/ignored my advice.

يأكل أقلّ من العصفور.

He eats less than a sparrow.

هو دخل لعبتهم وجاب وياه كل أسلحته.

He entered their game and brought all his weponary.


He grew old.

كان عنده وقت كافي عشان يفكّر.

He had enough time to think.

عنده فلوس قد اللي عندك بخمسين مرة.

He has an amount of money which you have times fifty.

جاي يسوق تكسي

He has come (is coming) driving a taxi. OR He has come in order to drive a taxi.

عنده فلوس أكثر فلوسك بخمسين مرة.

He has more money than your money by fifty times.


He imagined

هو خبّر الشرطة

He informed the police

هو خبّر الشرطة كيف انسرقت سيارته.

He informed the police how his car was stolen.

عزم زملائه للعرس.

He invited his colleauges to the wedding.

هو تاجر من التجار.

He is a trader from the traders.

توه بينظف سيارته. صح، توني بتظف سيارتي.

He is about to clean his car. Correct, I am about to clean my car.

توه بيسوق ألى دبي. صح، توني بسوق ألى دبي.

He is about to drive to Dubai. Correct, I am about to drive to Dubai.

توه بينشّف الغسيل. نعم، توني بنشّف الغسيل.

He is about to wipe/dry the wash. Yes, I am about to wipe/dry the wash.

أوَنّه أحلى واحد فينا.

He is acting as if he's more handsome than us. (أونّ is used with an attached pronoun it means "appearing/acting as if")

أنا وهو (على) نفس السرعة.

He is as fast as I am.

هو حارن أكثر مني.

He is hotter than me.

هو مب مستعجل أكثر مني.

He is not hurrying more than me. He isnot hurrying as much as I am. (He is hurring the same or less than me)

هو مب أكبر مني.

He is not older than me. He is not as old as me. (He is the same age or younger.)

توه رايح المدرسة. صحّ، توني رايح المدرسة!

He just got to the school. Correct, I just got to the school!

توه يزرع الخخل.

He just started planting the date palm. (when تو is used with future tense verb it indicates that something is about to happen in the future.)

تم يصيح لين ما جابت له الحليب.

He kept crying/yelling until she brought for him the milk.

بقى فاقد الذاكرة

He kept forgetting the memory.

بقى بلعب بالجهاز لين تخرّب.

He kept on playing with the device until it was ruined.

يقى يلعب بالجهاز لين تخرّب.

He kept on playing with the device until it was ruined.

لازم يكون سار المستشفى.

He must have gone to the hospitial; It must be (that) he went to the hospital.

لازم يعرفني على حقيقتي مثل ما أنا.

He must know me truley as I am.

لازم ما يسير المستشفى.

He must not go to the hospital.

احتاج مزارع يشتغل في الحديقة.

He needs a farmer [who] is working in the garden.

ولاحظ في شمال الشاشة باب صغير في الجدار وفتحه ودشه واكتشف انّه في لعبة ثانية.

He noticed at the top of his screen a small door in the wall and he opened and entered it and he discovered that it was in the second game.

حطّ قنبلة وانفجرت هذه الدكان.

He put a bomb and it blew up this shop.

توه راح.

He recently left. (when تو is used with past tense verb it indicates something happened recently.)

تقاعد من الشغل

He retired from the work.

تقاعد من الشغل عقب ما شيّب.

He retired from the worl after he grew old.

وقال لهم: شوفوا الأفلام وألعاب الكمبيوتر اللي ممكن تلعبها!

He said to them: look at the films and computer games which we can play them.

وشاف دكان مسوي اعلان عن اغراض جديدة

He saw a shop make a sign from about new things.

يرويك صورة لمدة قصيرة.

He shows you a picture for a little while.

يفكّر واجد، وظل يفكر لين ما بقى (تمّ) شعر أسود في راسه.

He thinks a lot and he continues to think until there doesn't remain black hair on his head.

فكّر وبعد التفكير قال:

He thought and after the thinking he said:

فكّر وبعد التقكير قال: كيف ممكن يكون شكل المكتب؟

He thought and after the thinking he said: How can it be the appearance of the office?

اخذ الفلوس منّي.

He took the money from me.

حاول التفتيش عن الدراهم.

He tried to inspect the money.

حاول تدبّير دفتر جديد.

He tried to manage/arrange his new notebook.

درى، يدير

He turned

ويريد يفتح مكتب في هذا الحلاق

He wanted to open an office in this barber shop.

يريد يبيع السيّّارة الثانية بعد؟ لا، يريد يبيع هذه ويستعمل هذيك.

He wants to buy a [the] second car also? No, he wants to buy this and use that.

يريد يشتريها من صديقة. صجيقة عنده سيّارة غيرها؟ نعم، عنده سيّارتين.

He wants to buy it from his friend. Does his friend have another car?

يريد يجي فبل ولكن بيتأخّر أكثر.

He wants to come early but he will be quite late.

كان راجعها يوم اختربت السيّارة.

He was checking it when the car broke.

كان مستعجل في تحضير الملابس

He was hurrying in preparing the clothes.

‏كان في الدعمة. ‏(صار له حادث)

He was in a collision.

كان خائف من السفر بالطيّارة وقال: ما أحب أسافر بالطيارة وأبي أردّ بيتي.

He was scared from traveling by airplane and he said I dont like to travel by plan and I want to return to my home.

وكان يبقى في البيت واجد حتى يفكر في هذا الموضوع.

He was staying in the house a lot until he thought about this subject.

وكان يريد يكون حلاقه عنده مظهر شكل خاص

He was wanting to have a barber [shop] with a particular appearance.

اللي ما يعرف الصقر يشويه.

He who doesn't know a falcon grills it.

بضربكن وايد عشان تلعبن بالكبريت!

He will hit you ( becasue you are playing with the matches.

بيكلم هو أسرع لاعب في الكرة. لا، بالعكس، هو الأبطا.

He will say he is the the fastest player in volleyball. No, the opposite, he is the slowest.

أونه مريض عشان ما يبي يروح المدرسة.

He's acting as if he's ill because he doesn't want to go to school. (أونّ is used with an attached pronoun it means "appearing/acting as if")

واصل الى البيت

He/I/you arrived to the house.

ماكل تفاحة

He/I/you ate apples.

عاقّ قرطاسة

He/I/you crunched (scratched) the paper wrapper.

شارب بيبسي

He/I/you drank Pepsi.

قايم من النوم

He/I/you got up from sleep.

سامع قصة مضحكة

He/I/you heard a funny story.

عابر الشارع

He/I/you pass by or traveled the street.

عازف العود

He/I/you played the oud.

جالس في كرسي مبلول

He/I/you sat in a wet chair.

شايف دعمة

He/I/you saw an accident.

شايف شيء عجيب

He/I/you saw something strange (amazing).

شامّ ربحة حلوة

He/I/you smelled a good smell.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله.

Hello to you and God's mercy to you.

ألو هاي الشركة مال الإلكترونيات؟ نعم تفضل.

Hello, is the company for Electronics?

ألو نعم. يا خي عندي تلفزيون خربان. نعم ما صار له أسبوعين.

Hello, yes. My friend I have a broken TV. Yes its not been two weeks.

عيونها زرقاء أكثر من السماء. عيونها أزرق من السماء.

Her eyes are bluer than the sky. (adjectives using أكثر do agree with the modified noun in gender and number)

واحمرّ وجه الصغير وسكت وزعل.

His faced turned red the small (boy) and he became quite and was mad.

بنت أخته كانت واجد ثقيلة في الحركة وتلعب هذيلاك البنات الكسلانات.

His neice was very slow in movement and she played with these lazy girls.

مكتبه غير مرتّب بالمرة.

His office not organized ever.

كيف الجزر اللي حط في الثلاجة؟

How are the carrots which he put in the refridgerator?

كيف الخوخ اللي حصّلتها؟

How are the peaches which you obtained/found them?

كيف البرقوق اللي جاب من الشجارة.

How are the plums which he brought from the tree?

كيف الطماطم اللي اشتريتها؟

How are the tomatos which you bought them?

شو (كثر) حلوة هذه الحديقة! (شكثر)

How beautiful is this park! تعجّب، ما/ كيف/ شو) comparative conveys idea of wonder or suprise.)

كيف حلوة هذا الحديقة!

How beautiful is this park! تعجّب، ما/ كيف/ شو) comparative conveys idea of wonder or suprise.)

ما أحلى هذه الحديقة!

How beautiful is this park! تعجّب، ما/ كيف/ شو) comparative conveys idea of wonder or suprise.)

شو (كثر) حميلة هذه البنت! (شكثر)

How beautiful is this girl! تعجّب، ما/ كيف/ شو) comparative conveys idea of wonder or suprise.)

كيف جميلة هذه البنت!

How beautiful is this girl! تعجّب، ما/ كيف/ شو) comparative conveys idea of wonder or suprise.)

ما أجمل هذه البنت!

How beautiful is this girl! تعجّب، ما/ كيف/ شو) comparative conveys idea of wonder or suprise.)

كيف أقدر أدرس؟

How can you study?

كيف حد يقابل الرئيس قي بلدك؟

How could one meet the president in your country?

كيف عوّر رأسة؟ كان فوق شجرة غاف ولكن ما شفت كيف طاح.

How did he hurt his head? He was up in the ghaf tree but I did not see how he fell.

كيف انتقل الولد الصغير الى لعبة ثانية؟

How did he move the small boy to the second game?

كيف دعمتم الشجرة؟ كنا مسرعين يوم دعمناها.

How did you guys crash into the tree? We were speeding when we crashed into it.

كيف أروح في/ بي أسرع وقت.

How do I go in faster time?

كيف أنت تعرف هذا؟

How do you know this?

كيف تتكلم زين؟ أتكلّم زين لأنّي اجتهدت واجد.

How do you speak well? I speak well because I worked hard.

كيف يكون الدفع؟ على كيفك. كل شهر أو كل ٣ شهور، بس يكون الدفع في بداية الشهر.

How does payment work? As you like. Every month or every three months, but the payment is due in the begining of the month.

ما (شو) أسهلة هذه المشكلة!

How easy is this problem!

مغلى = ما أغلى

How expensive! (ما + supparlative)

ما (شو) أصعب هذا الشغل!

How hard is this work!

كيف مب مشمولة وانتو قائلين عليه ضما سنة كاملة وإنَه أحسن جهاز في السوق.

How is it not included and you told that it has a warranty for one whoe year and it is best device in the store?

كيف ممكن أقابل الرئيس؟

How is possible for you to meet the presedent?

كيف السيّارة؟ كبيرة؟ نعم كبيرة ونظيفة واجد!

How is the car? Is it big? Yes its big and very clean!

كيف الباذنجان اللي لقى؟

How is the eggplant which he found?

كيف السبانخ اللي قطّع؟

How is the spinach which you cut?

كيف الكوسا اللي أعطى لك إياها.

How is the squash/pumpkin which I gave you it?

‏كم صار له يدرس؟

How long has he been studying?

قدّ شو (شقد) شريت أقلام؟

How many pens did you buy.

كم مرة في الشهر تحب زيارة المعسكر؟

How many times in the month do you like to visit the camp.

كيف ممكن تخلي العالم مكان أفضل؟

How might you leave the world a better place?

كم إيجارها؟

How much is its rent?

كم حصّلت فلوس في هذا العيد؟

How much money did you receive in this Eid?

وكم بعد تبديل الشاشة؟ ٤٥٠ درهم.

How much more is it to change the screen? 450 dirham.

كم من الوقت ناوي تسكن في الأمارات؟

How much time do you intend to live in the Emirates?

شو حلاة الجو اليوم!

How nice the weather is today!

شو درّاني كثر شو عندها فلوس؟

How should I know how much money she had.

ما (شو) أذكى هذا الطفل.

How smart is this child!

كيف غريبين الأجانب!

How strange are foreigners.

شو حلوة هذه البنت!

How sweek is this girl!

كثر شو حسيت تعبان اليوم.

How tired did you feel today.

كيف الخسّ اللي ودّة الى الكشتة.

How was the lettuce which he took to the picknick.

كيف الفطر اللي جرّبتها؟

How were the mushrooms which you tried them.

كيف يكون شكل المكتب؟

How will be the appearance of the office?

كيف بيعرف؟

How will he know?

استغناء حسين عن الأجازة غريب. (أنفِعاء)

Hussain's foregoing vacation is strange. (VII)

أنا متّفق معها.

I agreed with her.

أنا دائماً أحاول أتذكر إن الحياة جميلة.

I always try to remember that life is beautiful.

أنا اللي شفتها قبلك!

I am (the one) who saw it before you (did)!

وانا متضايق من هذا الشغل لأنّه حمل ثقيل على رأسي.

I am annoyed/frustraited/ worried from this work because it carries a lot on my head.

أنا فرحان نفس أمس.

I am as happy today as I was yesterday.

أنا وهو ندمانين.

I am as sorry as he is.

أنا أتجاهل الإلم.

I am ignoring/disregarding the pain.

أنا فرحان أقلّ من أمس.

I am not as happy today as I was yesterday.

أنا مب مهتم في كلامه، خلّه يولّي.

I am not concered with his words- they don't matter.

أنا مشيّب، ما بقى (تمّ) من عمري كثر اللي راح.

I am old, there doesn't remain/continue from my years a quantity which to go.


I am taking him

سألت عنها وين ساكنة.

I asked about where she lives.

أفتخر في ولدي وأنا دايم اللأفتخار فيه.

I boasted in my son and I always/permanently boasting/proud of him.

اشتريت سيارته القديمة

I bought his old car.

أجيب عامل تصليح للمكيف

I bring a worker to fix the air conditioner

جبت لك إياها.

I brought them for you.

أشتري ادوات مكتبية

I buy office tools

أشتري تذاكر لرحلة لندن

I buy tickets for a trip to London.

أنا ناديت هذا المصوّر إللي واقف جنب العريس.

I called this photographer which stood beside the groom.

أنا ناديت هذا المصوّر.

I called this photographer.

أنا جيت من وقت.

I came early.jk≥

جيت هني

I came here.

جيت عشان أصلّح الخراب في سيارتي.

I came to fix the mess/destruction in my car.

يا سلام شو يعني بيخترب في التلفزيون غير الشاشة!؟

I can't believe it what does it mean something will break in the television other than the television!

ما فيّ أتصل بها الحين.

I can't call her now (lit. it's not in me to call her now.)

أنظّف لك

I clean for you

أنظّف السيارة

I clean the car.

استنتجت إنّ (إنّهم) الأولاد احتاجوا المساعدة.

I concluded that the children (that they) needed the help.

بقيت اسمع كلام زميلي حتى يوم كنت عارف انه يكذب عليّ.

I continued to listent to the words of my colleuge even when I new that he was lying to me.

تمّيت (بقيت) معصبة لين أمي راضتني.

I cotinued/remained annoyed until my mom reconciled me/made me happy.

كان قدرت بجيب لك موز.

I could bring for you bananas.

ما قدرت أمشي عقب ما عوّرت رجلني.

I could not walk after I hurt my leg.

قصيت شعري في الحلاق وبعدين رحت المطعم وطاحت شعرة في الأكل.

I cut my hear at the barber and then I went to the restraunt and some hair fell in the food. (Some collective nouns are singular in form but have plural meaning. They are treated as masculine nouns. When only one of that noun is intended a ـة is suffixed.)

ما اشتريت أدوات مكتبية ولا جبت عامل تصليح للمكيف.

I did not buy office tools nor did I bring a worker to fix for the airconditioner.

ما رحت عند حد غيرك للسوق.

I did not go with anyone other thank you to the store.

ما كنت أعرف أنه واجد حساس!

I did not know that he was extreamly allgergic.

ما كنت أعرف أنه حساس هالقد.

I did not know that it an allergy was this amount.

ما شفت حد في المجلس عير شخص واحد.

I did not see anyone in the Majlis other than one person.

ما شفت حد هناك وما حد شافني بعد.

I did not see anyone there and no one saw me also.

ما شفت كيف طاح.

I did not see how he fell.

أنا ما شفت أخوي عشان هو قعد (قام، بدَ) يصلح السيارة.

I did not see my brother because he started to fix the car.

أنا ما شفت أخوي عشان هو ما قاعد يصلح السيارة.

I did not see my brother because he was still fixing the car.

ما شفت منو اللي فر كل هذه الزبالة.

I did not see who tossed all this garbage.

أنا ما أتكلم عن كرة القدم أنا أتكلم عن شيء غير.

I did not speak about football I speak about something different.

ما رحت مكان في الإجازة.

I didn't go anywhere over the weekend (lit. the break).

ما عرفت عامل بيسير معه.

I didn't know which worker would come with him.

ما لقيت اللي قلت لي عنها.

I didn't meet (the one) whom you told me about (her).

ما شفت حدّ يدش بيتك.

I didn't see anyone enter your house.

ما نمت

I didn't sleep

ما قلت لحد غيرها عن السرّ.

I didn't tell anyone besides her about the secret.

ما قلت لحدّ غيرك.

I didn't tell anyone else but you.

ما فهمت أي بيت طلب. ما فهمت طلب أي بيت.

I didn't understand which house he requested.

أنا ما كنت أريد أزعله، أنا بقيت أهدّيه طول الوقت.

I didn't want to be mad. I continued/remained calm the whole time.

ما أشاهد برامج التلفزيون.

I didn't watch the television program.

أختلفت على فكرتك.

I disagreed with your idea.

أكتشف انه ضعيف في العربي واجد عشان ما يعرف ينطق الحروف زين.

I discovered that he was very weak in Arabic becasue he did not know how to say/speak

أنا سويت أكثر من اللي سويته.

I do more than which you did it.

ما أعرف شو يعورني، مصاريني، أو معدتي، وممكن مثانتي يا دكتور.

I do not know what hurts me, my intestines, or my stomach, or mabye my bladder oh doctor.

ما أرد على جرس الباب

I do not open the door bell/alarm

ما عندي أرخص.

I don't have anything cheaper. (صفات التفضيل do not have to agree with the noun in gender or number, the particle من is used to add a person or thing compared.)

ما أعرف كم ضيف بيجي للحفلة.

I don't know how many are coming for the party.

ما عارف كم صديقة جابت. ما عارف جابت كم صذيقة.

I don't know how many friends she brought.

ما أعرف إذا بيجي.

I don't know if he will come.

ما أدري إذا يجي.

I don't know if he's coming.

ما أحب الناس اللي ينَمّو على اخرين.

I don't like the people which they gossip about others.

ما أعتقد إنّه بيكون متواضع.

I don't think that he will be humble

ما فهمت ولا كلمة حتى ولو سمعت كلام واجد.

I don't understand any (a) word even if I heard a words a lot. (Some collective nouns are singular in form but have plural meaning. They are treated as masculine nouns. When only one of that noun is intended a ـة is suffixed.)

ما قهمت أي شيء من كلامه.

I don't understand anything from his words.

ما اتابع غير مسلسل واحد.

I don't watch any TV series other than this one.

شربت شاي كان مرّ واجد.

I drank a tea that was very bitter.

شربت شاي بدال القهوة.

I drank tea instead of coffee.

شربت الشاي إللي كان مرّ واجد.

I drank the tea which was very bitter.

شربت الشاي

I drank the tea.

نسيت أسألهم

I forgot to ask them

عطيته إيّاه.

I gave it to him (lit. I gave him it).

عطيت الولد القلم

I gave the boy the pen.

أعطيتك قدّ ما عطيتها.

I gave you as much as I gave her.

اضطريت أرجع المدرسة مع إني الحين جاي من هناك.

I had to return to the school even though I just came from there.

عندي أكل أكثر مما (من ما) أريد.

I have more than (what) I want.

ما سمعت إذا هو ناجح.

I haven't heard if (whether) he succeeded.

أنا سمعت قبل ثلاث أيام إنّ خالته مريضة واجد.

I heard before three days that his aunt is very sick.

سمعت من الناس إنّ القنبلة انفجرت.

I heard from people that the bomb exploded.

سمعت أنّ الرجاجيل سافروا.

I heard that the men traveled. (أنّ must be followed by a noun or attached pronoun rather than a verb)

أستنتجت من وجهه إنّه المدير انبسط من كلامنا.

I inferred/knew from his face that he the boss got enjoyment from our words.

أستنتجت من وجهه إنّه المسؤول إنزعج واجد.

I inferred/knew from his face that he the official was very annoyed.

أفتش المحلات وأنا مشغول في التفتش.

I inspect the places and I am busy inspecting.

أمّنت سيارتي عند شركة وأنا سويت التلمين معاهم.

I insured my car with a company and I did the insuring with them.

أعفد من الطائرة.

I jum from the plane.

أقفز من الدريشة.

I jump from the window

توني شارب بيبسي.

I just drank a Pepsi. (when تو is used with active participle it indicates that a person is in the state of just having just completed this action.)

توني أطبخ.

I just started cooking. (when تو is used with present tense verb it indicates that the action has just begun and is being done right now.)

بقيت أسمع كلام زميلي

I kept hearing words of my colleagues

عرفت سبب الانفجار إنّه الزجاج أنكسر.

I knew reason [for] the explosion was that (it) the bottle broke.

عرفت أنهّ كسر الدريشة.

I knew that he broke the window. (أنّ must be followed by a noun or attached pronoun rather than a verb)

عرفت إنّ البنت سافرت.

I knew that the girl traveled. (أنّ must be followed by a noun or attached pronoun rather than a verb)

عرفت أنّ الدريشة انكسرت.

I knew that the window was broken. (أنّ must be followed by a noun or attached pronoun rather than a verb)

أنا عارف إنّ توني بشرب قهوة.

I know (I.F) that I am about to drink coffee.

أعرف خبير زاره أحمد.

I know an expert who Ahmed visited.

أعرف خبير زار أحمد.

I know an expert who visited Ahmed.

أعرفه زين والحل اللي حصّله كان ممتاز.

I know him well and the solution which he found/arrived/obtained at was excellent.

عارف حد قادر ركض أسرع مني.

I know someone who could run faster than me.

أعرف إنّ (إنّها) فتمة أحتاجت أكِل.

I know that (that she) Fatima needed food.

أعرف إنّ (إنّه) الوزير أهتم في المشروع.

I know that the minister (that he) cared about the project.

أعرف الخبير اللي زار أحمد.

I know the expert who visited Ahmed.

أترك هذه الدولة بسرعة

I leave this country quickly

أنا تركت الرسالة لك.

I left the message for you.

أحب أكثر شيء أحب أقل شىئ

I like the most... I like the least...

أحب أشوف الأفلام اللي تاريخي.

I love to watch films which are historical.

احتاج المزارع اللي يشتغل في الحديقة.

I need the farmer which works in the park.

أحتاج الأكل بعد ما ادرس.

I need the food after I study.

أحتاج الأكل بعد الدراسة.

I need the food after the study.

لاحظت إنها قصيرة.

I noticed that she is short.

أرتّب لك غرفة النوم.

I organized for you the bedroom.

اصبغ وجهي باللون الأخضر

I paint my face the color green.

أصب ماي على راسي

I pour water on my head

أتظاهر اني شخص ثاني

I pretend that I am another person

قرأت في مجلّة أمس إنّ الشيخة رائحة المكسيك.

I read in a magazine yesterday that the queen went to Mexico.

توني وصلت.

I recently arrived. (when تو is used with past tense verb it indicates something happened recently.)

أسجّل المسلسل

I record the TV series


I regretted

تذكّرت إنّ (إنّهم) الوزراء اتفقوا على المشروع.

I remember that the ministers (that they) agreed on the project.

تذكّرت إنّ (إنّها) الوزيرة تريد تدرس القضية.

I remembered that the minister (that she) she wants to study the issue/case.

تذكّرت إنّ (إنّهم) المسؤولين يريدوا يفكّروا.

I remembered that the officials (that they) they wanted to think.

شفته قبل أمس.

I saw him before yesterday.

شفت حدّ يدق بابك نص الليل.

I saw someone knocking on your door.

شافت الصورة اللي كانت على المكتب.

I saw the picture which was on the desk.

شفت إنها كانت لابسة قميص أزرق.

I see that she was wearing a blue shirt.

أشوف حريم جالسات يخيّطن سجادة.

I see women sititng sowing a rug.

أشوفك قبل العشاء.

I see you before dinner.

أنقع بالمسدّس في شخص.

I shoot with the pistol at a person.

كنت اصرف قد ما تريد.

I spent an amount you didn't want.

بديت أشتغل هناك قبل خمس سنين وبقوا يدفعوا لي نفس الراتب.

I started working there before five years and they still pay me the same salary.

بقيت في مدرستي لمدّة طويلة.

I stayed/remained in my school for a long time.

أنا (بقى) تمّ أمس مع أبوي في البيت لأنه مريض.

I stayed/remained yesterday with my father in the house because he is sick.

أسرق فلوس

I steal money.

أنا درست مع إني كنت نعسان.

I studied although I was tired.

درست لأني أريد أستقيد.

I studied because I want to benefit.

أذاكر، أدرس

I study

أظنّ أنّ الأمتحان وراء باكر.

I suppose that the test is the day after tomorrow. (أنّ must be followed by a noun or attached pronoun rather than a verb)

أخمّ لك

I sweep for you.

أودي الفواتير للعملاء

I take the receipts/invoices for the clients.

أعتقد أينشتاين أشطرهم.

I think Einstein is the smartest of them.

أظن أينشتاين أشطر الأشخاص في العالم أجمع.

I think Einstein is the smartest person in the whole world.

اعتقد ما حدّ (محدّ) غيري شافه.

I think no one but me saw him.

(حلو) أعتقد إن فاطمة أحلى من موزة.

I think that Fatma is prettier than Mowza. (In adjectives with weak endings, the final letter will be a broken alef ى)

أطنّ إنه يريد يروح. أطنّه يريد يروح.

I think that he wants to go. I think he wants to go. (أنّ must be followed by a noun or attached pronoun rather than a verb)

أظنّ إنّ (إنّها) والدتي تريد تخبّر أبوي.

I think that my mom (that she) wants tell my father.

أعتقد إنها هي زعلانة أو حزينة.

I think that she is mad or sad.

أعتقد إنّ الحفلة باكر في الليل.

I think that the party is tomorrow night. (أنّ must be followed by a noun or attached pronoun rather than a verb)

أظنّ إنّ (إنّه) الشيخ يريد يتفقد الحدود.

I think that the sheikh (that he) wants to inspect/visit the border.

أفكّر أنهم يحتاجوا رخصة.

I think that they need a license.

ظنّيت (إنّه) إنّ الرئيس اقترح هذه الخطة.

I thought that the boss (that he) had suggested this plan.

ظنّيت إنّ (إنّهم) المهندسين اقترحوا هذه الخطة.

I thought that the engineers (that they) they suggested this plan.

على بالي إنّك سافرت معهم إلى فرنسا.

I thought that you went with them to France. (أنّ must be followed by a noun or attached pronoun rather than a verb)


I took him.


I train

أنا حاولت أتكلم مع الطبيب اللي مسؤول عن القسم.

I tried to talk with the doctor which was responsible for the department.

أحاول أسوق أسرع من ٢٠٠ كيلو متر

I try to drive faster than 200 kilometers.

زرتها لأنّها كانت مريضة.

I visited her because she was ill.

زرت الموظف اللي تكلّم معه.

I visited the official which you talked with him.

أنتظرك بعد الغداء.

I wait for you after lunch.

أريد سيارة غيرها عشان هي خربانة.

I want a car different from it because it's broken.

أريد كمبيوتر عشان أدخّل اسم كل عميل وعشان أسوّي أحسن الموديلات للشعر.

I want a computer so that I can enter a name of all customers so that I can make better styles for the hair.

وأريد مروحة، و مكيف، و خرّامة، وزرق، ومحّايه.

I want a fan, and a air conditioner, and a hole punch; and paper, and an eraser

أريد ختم مكتوب عليه اسمي وكل شيء يدل على أني رجل مهمّ.

I want a stamp [which is written on it my name and every thing which indicates that I am a important man.

أريد شقة.

I want an apartment.

أريد الفلوس الحين لأني أبي أشتري سيارة.

I want the money now because I'm buying a car.

أنا أريد أشتري شيء ثاني.

I want to buy something else.

أريد أدخّل أسم كل عميل.

I want to enter the name of every customer.

خبرني كل (اللي قالته).

I want to know everything she said.

كنت مدرّس عقب ما جيت هني.

I was a teacher after I came here.

تعوّدت على شرب السوائل ويوم كنت عطشان ما لقيت حتى شربة ماي.

I was accustom to drinking fluids and when I was thirsty I did not find any so I drank wanter. (Some collective nouns are singular in form but have plural meaning. They are treated as masculine nouns. When only one of that noun is intended a ـة is suffixed.)

كنت أحلم

I was dreaming

كنت أحلم يوم رن التلفون.

I was dreaming when the telephone rang.

كنت طالع يوم وصل.

I was out when he arrived.

كنت قاعد أطالع مجلة يوم جاتني فكرة.

I was reading a magazine when an idea came to me.

كنت تعبان أمس وما سوّيت الأشياء من هذه القائمة.

I was tired yestereday and I did not do the things from this list.

كنت عند البنت اللي طاحت في الحديقة.

I was with the girl which fell in the park.

رحت بتكسي لأنّ سيّارتي خربانة.

I went by taxi because my car is broken down.

رحت السوق أشتري كنادير عشان الكنادير رخاص. رحت السوق أشتري كنادير لأنهن رخاص.

I went to the souq and I bought thobes because they were cheap.

رحت وين (ما) خبّرتني.

I went where you told me (about).

أدبّر لك دواء حقّ فلبك.

I will arrange for you medicine for your heart.

يستمر بقراءه الجريدة كل يوم.

I will continue to read the newspaper every day.

أشوفك قبل ما تتعشى.

I will see you before you eat dinner.

أنتطرك بعد ما تتغدى.

I will wait for you after you eat lunch.

أتمنّى رُجوع أبوي.

I wish for the return of my father.

يا ترى كيف شكل الحوانتات؟

I wonder how animals look like?

يا ترى بيزورني؟

I wonder if he will visit me. (يا ترى is a phrase meaning "one wonders" and indicates uncertainty)

ياترا هذه الملابس بتعجبه ولا لا؟

I wonder if this clothes will wow him or not.

أشتغل قبل ما يوصيل صاحب الشركة.

I work before the company owner arrives.

أشتغل قبل وصول صاحب الشركة.

I work before the company owner arrives.

توني بسير.

I'm about to go. (when تو is used with future tense verb it indicates that something is about to happen in the future.)


I, you crossed


I/you care about/ are interested in

حلمت واجد

I/you carried a lot


I/you worked hard

إذا، لو، إن (MSA)، تسان، إنتسان.

If (do not use itha, chaan, or "in" if the condition is hypothetical use law. "law" can be used for all types of conditioanl clauses in Gulf Arabic.

لو جيت، بتتونّس.

If (only) you would come, you'd have a great time.

إذا اتصلتلك شو بتسوي؟

If I called you what would you do?

لو بيدي بساعدك

If I could help you I would.

لو كنت أقدر أعيش في أي مكان أريد...

If I could live any place in the world...

لو كنت أقدر أتكلم عربي مثل استاذي...

If I could talk Arabic like my professor...

لو كنت مب محتاج أنام...

If I did not need to sleep...

إذا أسير فرنسا هذا الصيف أريد أشوف برج إيفل.

If I go to france this summer I want to see the Effiel Tower.

لو كان عندي ١٠ مللايين درهم...

If I had 10 million dirham...

لو كان عندي مئى ألف درهم، بشتري سيارة جديدة.

If I had 100 thousand dirhams, I would buy a new car. (unlikely, hypothetical conditional)

لو كان عندي ٢٠ ولد...

If I had 20 boys...

لو كان عندي مئة ألف درهم، كان (chaan) اشتريت سيارة جديدة.

If I had had 100 thousand dirhams, I would have bought a new car.

لو شفته، كان (chaan) قلت له.

If I had seen him, I would have told him.

لو كان عندي ثلاث أمنيات...

If I had three wishes...

لو قلت لك، ما كان (chaan) صذّقتني.

If I had told you, you wouldn't have believed me.

إذا عندي وقت فراغ هذا المساء.

If I have free time this evening...

لو أنا عارف المعلومات ما وافقت على الأتفاق.

If I knew the information I would not have agreed/came to the agreement.

إنكان ضيّعت المنشار بيزعل النجار.

If I lost the saw, the carpenter would be mad.

إذا أنا لقيت الشيخ في الشارع كنت ساعدته.

If I met the Sheikh in the street I would help him.

لو شفت برج أيفل، بصوّر مناظر المدينة منه.

If I saw the Effiel Tower, I will take pictures of the city sights from it.

إذا شفته، بقولة.

If I see him, I'll tell him.

لو صوّرت المدينة منه، بختار أفضل الصور وأكبّرها.

If I take pictures of the city sites from it I will choose the best picture and enlarge it.

لو خبرتك سرّ، شو ممكن تسوي؟

If I told you a secret, what might you do?

لو قلت لك، ما بتصدقني.

If I told you, you wouldn't believe me. (unlikely, hypothetical conditional)

أذا أزور أصديقاتي في بلدي...

If I visit my friends in my country.

لو كنت مواطن، بشتري أرض هني.

If I was a citizen, I wiould by land here.

لو كنت عبقري...

If I was brilliant...

إذا كنت مستعجل اضطر اخذ تاكسي.

If I was in a hurry I would take a taxi.

إذا كنت مريض بروح أتعالج.

If I was sick I would go get treatment.

لو كنت إذا كنت

If I was, If I were

لو رحت المستشفى بصير أحسن.

If I went to the hospital, I would become better.

لو انا منك

If I were you

إذا دائماً يصالح الناس فهو مشغول في المصالحة.

If always the people are compromising/reconciling then they are busy in peacemaking.

إذا أي حد يريد يزرني لازم يكلمني.

If anyone wants to visit me he must talk to me.

لو كان كل شي في الدكان ببلاش، بجيب لك كل شي.

If everything were in the shop without price, I would bring you everything.

إذا يعتدر أسامحه.

If he apologizes, I will forgive him.

لو حاء ويانا، بينبسط واجد!

If he came with us, he would enjoy himself a lot.

لو سوّاه كذي زين.

If he did it liek this, that would be fine. (He could do it this way, but he probably won't) (unlikely, hypothetical conditional)

إذا يسوّيه كذي، زين.

If he did it like this, fine.

لو سوّاه كذي، زين. = إذا يسوّيه كذي، زين. = لو يسوّيه كذي، زين. = إذا سوّاه كذي، زين.

If he did this, great. (Any tense may appear in the conditional clause or in the result clause according to the meaning or even according ot the whim of the speaker. There is a preference for usign past tense after لو and present after إذا.)

لو سواه كذي، كان (chaan) كين.

If he had done like this, that would have been fine.

لو ضرب الولد، بشتكي عليه.

If he it the boy I will give him a warning.

لو كان بيده بيدبّر لك.

If it by his hands he would get it for you. (obtain something important)

‏إذا ضلّ المعنا غير واضح ‏أسأل المؤلم

If it continues that the meaning is not clear ask the teacher.

إذا تقدر بشوفك عند القاعة.

If it is possible I will see you at the castle.

اذا سيارتي خربانة اضطر أصلحها.

If my car is broke I must fix it.

إذا صديقي مصاب بالمرض...

If my friend is wounded with sickness...

إذا وقع الجمل كثرت سكاكينه.

If the camel falls, the knives multiply.

إذا ظلّ المعنى غير واضح اسأل المعلم وما تستخدم القاموس.

If the meaning continues to be not clear ask the teacher and don't use the dictionary.

وإذا ظلّ المعنى غير واضح اسأل المعلم وما تستخدم القاموس.

If the meaning is not clear ask the teacher and don't use the dictionary.

لو كان قيام البحث مع الناس من بلدك، كيف تختلف النتائج؟

If the research was performed with the people from your country how would the results be differnt? (Some collective nouns are singular in form but have plural meaning. They are treated as masculine nouns. When only one of that noun is intended a ـة is suffixed.)

لو كان في عنكبوت على ظهرها، بضرب أمي.

If there was a spider on her back, I would hit my mom.

لو كان البحث حقيقي، كيف تختلف النتائج؟

If there was the research true, how differnt are the results [would be]. (Some collective nouns are singular in form but have plural meaning. They are treated as masculine nouns. When only one of that noun is intended a ـة is suffixed.)

لو يشتكوا على الأكل بيزعل الخباز.

If they complain about the food, the baker will get mad.

إذا بتعاونوا في الترتيب الحال بيصير احسن

If they will cooperate on an arrangment/ organization it will be better.

لو شفنا حريق، بنتصل في المظافئ.

If we saw a fire, we would call the figherfighters.

إذا بتجي (تجي) باكر، بروح معك.

If you (will) come tomorrow, I will go with you.

إن تفرح أفرح.

If you are happy, I am happy.

لو جيت باكر، بروح معك.

If you came tomorrow, I would (will) go with you.

إذا تجي تتونّس. إذا تجي بتتونّس.

If you come, you'll have a good time.

لو طبخت لحم، باكل كل شي.

If you cooked Lamb, I will eat it all.

اللي ما يعرف الصقر يشويه.

If you don't know the eagle you will BBQ it.

لو أكل برتقال، بيتنشط.

If you eat oranges, you will become active.

إذا توجد كلمات غير معروفة ضع خط تحتها

If you find words which are not known put a line under them (f.).

كان اعطيتني الموضوع بخلص لك أياه.

If you give me the subject I will finish for you it.

إذا اعطيتك ١٠٠٠ درهم بتساعدني في أي شي؟

If you had 1000 dirhams, would you help me with anything?

لو جيت، كان تونّست.

If you had come, you'd have a had a great time.

لو بغيت، كان (chaan) جيت وياي.

If you had wanted, you would have come with me.

إذا ساعدتني بساعدك.

If you helped me, I would help you.

لو ضربتني بصيح.

If you hit me I will cry.

إذا تعوّر المريض واجد فتقول إنه التعوُّر واجد.

If you injure the sick one then you say that he is the injured one.

إذا تعرف كيف تكتب فتعرف الكتابه.

If you know how to write then you know writing.

إذا ترتب وقتك تقدر تدرس.

If you organize your time you can study.

إذا عليك فلوس، لازم تدفع.

If you owe money, you must pay.

لو سمحتِ عندكم بيوت للايجار؟

If you please do you have houses for rent?

كان شفت جريمة شو ممكن تسوي؟

If you saw a crime what might you do?

لو درست، بتنجح.

If you studied, you would succeed (but you don't). (unlikely, hypothetical conditional)

لو داكرتي زين، بتنجحين في كل شي.

If you study well you will succeed in everything.

إذا تدرس، بتنجح. (تنجح)

If you study you will succeed.

إذا بتدرس، بتنجح.

If you study, you will succeed.

اذا تريد تقابل الرئيس في بلدي...

If you want to meet the president in your country...

إذا تبى، بجي وياك.

If you want, I'll come with you.

إذا كنت تريد تأكل كل!

If you wanted to eat, eat!

لو بغيت، بتجي وياي.

If you wanted, you would/could come with me. (unlikely, hypothetical conditional)

كان فضيت خبريني القصة. (fathaytee)

If you were free tell me the story.

إذا صديقك إتصل يريد يزورك ولكن يوم وصل تفاجئت إن عائلته كلها وصلت وياه، شو بتسوي؟

If your friend called (and) wanted to visit you but when he arrived you were suprised that his whole family arrived with him. What would you do?

تصور هذه الاشياء غير حقيقية، كيف بتتغير حياتك؟

Imagine these things are not real, how would you change your life.

قي بلدي إذا حد يزور بيتي بدون موعد...

In my country if someone wants to visit my house without an appointment...

في عائلتي ما حدّ غيري عنده شغل في مدراسة.

In my family no one besides me has work in a school.

على بالي أينشتاين أشطر واحد.

In my mind, Einstein is the smartest one.

في رأي أينشتاين أشطر من الكل.

In my opinion Einstein is smarter than everyone.

في رأي راشد هو أصدق محامي. لا، بالعكس، هو الأكذب.

In my opinion Rashid is the most honest lawyer. No, the opposite. He is the most deceitful.

في رأيّ هي أجمل من أختها.

In my opinion, she is more beautiful than her sister. (صفات التفضيل do not have to agree with the noun in gender or number, the particle من is used to add a person or thing compared.)

عبالي الأروبيين يحبوا المطر.

In my opinion, the Europeans they like the rain.

في بلدنا الطلاب اضطروا يلبسوا بدلة خاصة للمدرسة.

In our country the students must wear special school suits.

بالنسبة موضوع الراتب ما صار شيء جديد.

In regards to this issue of the salary there was not something new.

بالنسبة للبنت، شو شفت؟

In relation to the girl, what do you see?

في بعض الدول الناس اضطروا يخدموا في الجيش.

In some countries, the people must serve in the army.

في الخليج الناس في الصيف يضطروا يستخدموا المكيف.

In the Gulf the people in the summer must use the AC.

في الفلم اللي شفته أمس المسجونين اضطروا يعترفوا بالجرائم اللي ما سووها.

In the film which I saw it yesterday the prisoners were forced confess (acknowledge) crimes they did not do it/them.

في المقابلة نسيت أسألهم كم سنة عندهم خِبرة في التدريس.

In the meeting I forgot to ask them how many years they had experience in teaching.

في الجريده يبقوا يكتبوا عن الخرب.

In the newspaper they continued to write about the war.

وفي نفس المكان في عالم خيالي في البرنامج

In the same place and in a pretend world in the program.

في هذا الصف ما حد غيري عنده ألاصل العرقي من لبيبي.

In this class, no one besides me has the ethinic origin from Libya.

في هذا الصفّ نتم ندرس طول يوم.

In this class, we continue to study all day.

في هذا التمرين مارس في الجواب (تم، قعد، جلس)

In this excersize practice in the anwsers.

في هذه لعبة كلهم ممكن يلعبوا في نفس الوقت.

In this game all of the boys could play at the same time.

في رأيك الشخص الثاني مسكين؟ ليش؟

In your opinion, was the second guy wretched? Why?

شو رأيك في الناس إللي جالسين يمارسوا الرياضة مع إنهم كبار في العمر؟

In your oppinion in the people which are still practicing sports do they have an older lifespan?

يأجّر لك هذه الشقة التحتانية؟ لا، ما يأجّر لي إياه.

Is he renting to you this ground floor flat? No he is not renting to me it.

يمكن أبوك يدبذرر لي شغل في البريد؟

Is it possible for your father to get (obtain something important) for me work at the post office?

ممكن تسلفني دلّة أمك؟

Is it possible to borrow your mom's pot.

ممكن تميّز أنت بين حدّ من الصين وحدّ من بلاد الشرق غيرها؟ كيف؟

Is it possible to for you to distinguish/identify between someone from China and someone from a different Eastern country? How?

هذا صديقك؟ تقريباً؟

Is that (this) your (close) friend? Sort of?

شقة لِعائلة أو عَزّابية؟

Is the apartment for a family or for bacholars?

قال إسحاق: ضروري تسوّي لي فحص خصوصي حتى أعرف وين هذا المرض مندس.

Isaac said: You must /its nessasary for you to do for me a private exam until I know where the sickness is hidden.

الإسلام ديانة إنسانية. (إفعال)

Islam is a humanitarian religion. (VF IV)

ما عليه، ما مهمّ إذا تعطيني إياها باكر أو عقب باكر.

It does'nt matter if you give me it tomorrow or after tomorrow.

مت لازم يسير المستشفى.

It is not necessary of him to go to the hospital.

وليس عليك قول كل الجمل أو كل شيء بالضبط.

It is not nessasary upon you to tell every sentence or everything exactly.

مش/ ما ممكن أتفق على هذا.

It is not possible for me to agree to this.

كان مب ممكن انام زوجي بيكون عنده مشكلة.

It is not possible for me to sleep. My husband will have a problem.

على الطلاب أن يسكروا الكتب وبعد عليهم تكميل هذه الجمل.

It is on the students to close thee book and also on them to comeplte these sentences.

على المعلم ان يكتب هذه الجمل على اللوح

It is on the teacher to write this sentences on the board.

لازم يكون

It must be

وعجبته الكنبات والستائر والزوالي وقرر انه يشتريهن.

It pleased him the sofas and the curtains and the rugs and he decided that he would buy them.

وكانت عنده فكرة إنّه يفتح دكان حلاقة.

It was he had a idea that he open a barber shop.

كان لازم ما

It was necessary

ما كان لازم

It was not necessary

‏صار له سنتين وهو عزّابي

It's been for him to years while he was single.

مب واجد، بس ١٠٠٠ درهم. ولكن فيه تأمين للماء والكهرباء ونرجّع لك إياه بعدما تترك البيت إذا دفعت كل الفواتير.

It's not a lot, only 1000 dirhams. But there is a security payment for the water and electricity and we will give it back to you when you leave the house if you pay the whole bill.

مش واضح كيف بيساعدونا؟

It's not clear how they will help us.

ما لازم

It's not necessary; it's not needed

مب عليك قول كل الجمل أو كل شيء بالضبط.

It's not nessasary on you to say the every sentence of everything exactly.

على الطلاب في هذا السؤال أن يجاوبوا على هذه الأسئلة مع أستخدام الفعل.

It's on the students in these questions to anwser these questions by using a verb.

على الطلاب ممارسة هذا مع بعضهم.

It's on the students to practice this with each other.

ممكن تكون أكثر من جواب.

It's posisble that there are more than one anwser.

للعائلة، وأريدها تكون قريبة من الشارع وفي صعراء.

Its for a family, and I want it to be close to the street and in Saaraa (neighborhood)

ما ينعرف وين داسّ (دَسّ) الفلوس.

Its not known where he hid the money.

على كل طالبين ترتيب القصص المنقسمة حسب الترتيب الصحيح. (و القصص موجودة في الظروف)

Its on all the students to arrange the appropriate story according to the correct arrangement.

ولادة لمسيح كانت في بيت لحم.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem.

ينقز على الفراش غير مسموح في بيتي.

Jumping on the bed is not permitted in my house.

وتوهم سائرين في الطريق إلى حديقة الحيوانات بنشر تاير السيّارة لأنه دخل فية مسمار.

Just as they were going on the way to the zoo the car tire punctured becasue inside there was a nail.

كاملة كتبت لي رسالة.

Kamila wrote me a message.

وخديجة زعلت وفالت الله يسامحك تطيع امك في كل شي.

Khadeeja was angry and she said, "God help you obey your mom in everything."

خليفة اختار اسم سلطان ولا خديجة كانت تبى اسم راشد وكذي اختلفوا على الأسم.

Khaleefa chose a name Sultan but Khadeeja was wanting a name Rashid and this they disagreeed on the name.

وأم خليفة كانت تباه سلطان بعد وخليفة قال لخديجة: طاعت الوالدين واجب.

Khaleefa's mom was wanting him [to have the name] Sultan also. Khaeefa said to Khadeeja: Obeying the parents is duty.

القَتل جريمة عظيمة.

Killing is a great crime.

مَعرِفة الدين واجب على كل الناس.

Knowledge of religion is necessary for everyone.

ليلى تريد تعرف إذا ممكن تجيبها من المطار. أسألها متى بتوصل.

Lailya wants to know if its possible to bring her from the airport. Ask her when she will arrive.

الابيِضاض يعني سرطان الدمّ. (اِفعِلال)

Leukemia means cancer of the blood. (VF IX)

استمع إلى القصّة وجاوب على اسئلة التالية. (القصّة موجودة في خلف الكتاب)

Listen to the story and awnwser on the following questions. The story is in the back of the book.

بعض الناس دائماً يتأخروا

Lit. There are those who are always late (referring to one student who is always late)

يمكن السبت أحسن شوي؟ يعني، كله واحد. أيّ ساعة؟

Mabye Saturday is a bit better. Ok, any one. What time?

ممكن يروح معنا. يمكن يروح معنا.

Mabye he can go with us.

منصور قال: صديقي أحمد دبّر فلوس وفتح مكتب.

Mansoor said: My friend Ahmed got/supplied/arranged money and he opened an office.

منصور يشتغل موظّف قي مكتب البريد.

Mansoor was working as an official in the post office.

مريم اشترت غداء من المطعم عشان كانت جوعانة واجد.

Mariam bought lunch from the restraunt because she was very hungry.

مريم استلمت المعاش وراحت السوق بعد الاستلام (قبضت)

Mariam received the salary and she went to the market after the receiving. (she got it- money)

مروان أبدا ما شاف حيوانات في حياته.

Marwan had seen animals in his life.

ومروان استحى.

Marwan was embarressed.

ممكن قلمك؟

May (I have) your pen?

يمكن تسمع شيء عن تفسير الموضوع.

Maybe you heard something about the event's explanation.

‏أحسن الله عزاك. ‏كم صار له متوفّي

McDonald do good for your comfort. How long has it been since he died?

مريم كانت تشرب الحليب أكثر شيء.

Miriam mostly drinks milk.

محمد عرف أن الجواب غلط.

Mohammad knows that the awnser is wrong.

محمد صربني.

Mohammed hit me.

محمد هو أحسن واحد في شغل. لا، بالعكس، هو الأسوأ.

Mohammed is the best one at work. No, the opposite. He is the worst.

أكثر من ثلث يحت البتزا أكثر شيء.

More than a third liked pizza the most. (Some collective nouns are singular in form but have plural meaning. They are treated as masculine nouns. When only one of that noun is intended a ـة is suffixed.)

اكثر من المطلوب قال الأستاذ: الجواب واضح من وجهك.

More than was nessasary the professor said, "The answer is clear from your face".

موزة فعدت ولدها عشان جلس يسبّها.

Moza kept/started hitting her son because he was swearing at her.

موزة قاعدة تضرب ولدها عشان جلس يسبّها.

Moza was hitting her son because he was swearing at her.

أختبرني كان زين.

My experience was good.

أبوي يعيش بروحه وما يطبخ.

My father, who doesn't cook, lives alone. (lit. My father lives along and doesn't cool)

صديقي أحمد دبّر فلوس فتح مكتب.

My friend Ahmed arriaged money to open an office.>

يا خي عندي تلفزيون اشتريته من عندكم قبل كم يوم وشاشته اختربت.

My friend I have a television I bought it from you before a number of days and the screen doesn't work.

جارتي عائشة خبرتني إنه حد زارني...

My neighbor Aisha told me that (he) someone visited me...

مرة ثانية لا تقولنا نروح معك أيّ مكان ورجّعلنا فلوسنا الحين.

Next time don't tell us to go with you any place and return us our money now.

ما حد خبرني

No one informed me

ما حد خبرني كثر شو غاوية المناظر في الجبال هني.

No one informed me how beautiful the views are in the mountains here.

ما حد يعرف النتائد بعد ما كمّلنا الإمتحان.

No one knew the results after we completed the test.

ما حد يعرف النتائج.

No one new the results.

ما مشكلة، اجيب صذيقي؟ أهلا! ننتظركم.

No porblem, can I bring my friend. Bring him! We will wait for you guys.

لا، هذا السعر النهائي.

No this is the final price.

لا، عائشة شافت حد من آسيا.

No, Aisha saw someone from Asia.

لا، ما عرفت إنّه كان فيه دعمة. متى صار؟

No, I did not know that (it-accident) there was an accident. When did it happen?

لا، لا، أللي يتسلّف الفلوس لازم ما يرجعها في أسرع وقت ممكن.

No, no, whoever borrows the money does not need to return it in the fastest time possible.

لا، ما فيه تعب ولاإزعاج.

No, there's no tiring or bothering.

مب غالي؟ مافيه دِسكاونت شوية؟

Not expensive? Is there not a small discount?

ما بقى شيء من الفلوس

Nothing remained of the money.

ما تمّ شيء من الفلوس.

Nothing remained of the money.

الحين هو ساكن في نفس المدينة لكن بعيد عن (وين ما) كان.

Now he's living in the same city but far from where he was.

الحين عرقت إنه ما مريض بس كان موجود عشان يشوف حنان بس يمكن كان قلبه يعوّره.

Now i know that he was not sick but only was present so that he could see Hanan only mabye his heart hurt him.

طبعا أريد آلة حاسبة، وجدول، وكمبيوتر.

Of course I want a calculator, and a schedule, and a computer.

طبعاً أريد آلة حاسبة وجدول

Of course he wanted a calculator and schedule

طبعاّ غبير رفضته. وعرف سالم عن الخطبة وسرح وهو يقطّع بطاطا وانجرحت يده.

Of course, Abeer refused him. Salem knew about the fiance and he was distracted (to wander, go astray) and he cut the potatoes and he injured his hand.

يا أبوي! روح حل مشاكلك بعيد عني.

Oh Father! Go solve your problem elsewhere.

يا ولد! شو هذا اللعب.

Oh boy! What a play! (in sports)

يا أخي احجز لك تذكرة وسافر إلى أيّ بلد ثاني وعالج فيه. هني ما عندنا علاج.

Oh brother reserve for yourself a ticket and travel to any other country and treat/cure it there. Here we don't have a cure.

يا ربّي! شاعدني كيف أفهم هذا الصف.

Oh my Lord! Help me (know) how to understand this class. (used for something bad that can't be helped)

يا أختي، بس جيتِ لتصوّرينا.

Oh my sister, only you come to photograph us.

يا سيستر، ليش ما تداوين بطني؟ لو بيدي بداويه (لو بيدي بساعدك)

Oh sister, why are you not treating my stomach? If it was in my hands I would traet it. (If it was in my hands, I would help)

يا سيستر، ليش ما تداوين بطني؟ لو بيدي بداوية (لو بيدي بساعدك)

Oh sister, why do you not treat my stomach? If it were in my hands I would treat it. (If it were in my hands I would help you.)

ما عليه بس الشاشة مب مشمولة بالضمان.

Ok, but the screen is not included in the warranty.

على طالب ثاني أن يصحح الجملة كما في المثال التالي.

On a second student to correct the student as in the following example.

على طالب أن يقول جملة خطأ

On a student to say a wrong sentence.

على الطلاب أن يحاولوا تكملة الجمل التالية من أفكارهم.

On the students that they try and complete the following sentences from their thoughts.

على الطلاب أن يسمعوا للمعلم وهو يقول المفردات من اللوحة.

On the students to listen to the teacher and he says the vocabulary words from the board.

على الطلاب أن يقرأوا السوالف ويمارسها.

On the students to read the conversation and to pracitce it.

كان يا ما كان في قديم الزمان كان فيه ثلاث رجال قرروا يسافروا للهند لصيد النمور.

Once upon e a time long ago there were three men they decided to travel to India to hunt the tiger.

يوم من الأيام فارس سمع إشاعة عن الطبّاخين الثلاثة.

One day Faras heard things about the three cooks.

ويوم الأيام جاها ريال اسمه سالم عشان يشتري خضرة من عندها.

One day a man came to her named Salem because he was buying vegetables from her.

واحد خرّب الحلاق و كسّر كل شيء.

One destroyed the barbershop and broke everything.

واحد من الطلاب كان ضخم أكثر من اللازم.

One of the students was huge and bigger than nessasary.

بس أنا شاري الجهاز كلُّه بألف درهم! والله هذه أسعارنا.

Only!? I nought the whole thing for 1000 dirhams! I swear this is our price.

‏تفتح الكتاب والمعلم ‏يقرأ جملة بالجملة وإذا توجد كلمات غير معروفة ‏ضع خط تحتها

Open the book and the teacher read line by line and if you find words which are not known put a line under them

تفتح الكتاب والمعلم يقرأ جملة بجملة.

Open the book and the teacher reads sentence by sentence.

تفتح الكتاب والمعلم يقرأ جملة بجملة وإذا ترجد كلمات غير معروفة ضع خط تحتها.

Open the books and the teacher reads sentence by sentence and if you find words which are not known put a mark under it.

تفتح الكتاب والمعلم يقرأ جملة بجملة وإذا توجد كلمات غير معروفة ضع جط تحتها.

Open the books and the teacher reads sentence by sentence and if you find words which are not understood put a line under it.

تفتح الكناب والمعلم يقرأ جملة بجملة وإذا توجد كلمات غير معروفة ضع خط تحتها وبعدين حاول تفهم المعنى من السياق. وإذا ظلّ المعنى غير واضح اسأل المعلم و ما تستخدم القموس.

Open the books and the teacher reads sentence by sentence. If you find words which are not known put a mark under htem and then try to understand the meaning from the context. And if the meaning is still not clear ask the teacher but do not use the dictionary.

بنّد كتابك واسمع الفقرة

Open your book and listen to the paragraph.

غير عن كذي، ما عارف شيء من الدرس.

Other than this, I don't know anything from this lesson.

غيرك قال إنه ما بيشتغل، لكنه اشتغل.

Other, than you he said that he would not work but I work.

اجدادنا في بلدي استغنوا عن الغطس.

Our descendents in our land stopped the diving.

معهدنا أفضل بألف مرّة من أي معهد ثاني.

Our institute is a thousand times better than any other.

الجزء الاول: سأل بعضكم البعض هذه الأسئلة، وان تستخدموا في الجواب الضمير بدل الأسم كما في المثال.

Part one: Ask each other tese questions, and that you use in the anwser the pronoun instead of the name as in the example.

دفعني أشان سوّا شيء ضدني.

Pay me so that I can do something with my debt. ????? (Some collective nouns are singular in form but have plural meaning. They are treated as masculine nouns. When only one of that noun is intended a ـة is suffixed.)

وعليكم السلام، تفضّل- شو تريد؟

Peace to you, go ahead- What do you want?

مسكين سالم إلى الحين بعده في الدوام. في الدوام؟! ولله ما يندري شو جالس يسوّي الحين.

Poor Salam to now he is still at work. At work!? I swear its not known what he is still doing now.

‏الحمد لله على السلامة! ‏متى وصلت؟

Praise be to God for your safety! When did you arrive?

ضع خط تحتها وبعدين حاول أن تفهم المعنى من السياق

Put a line under it and then try to understand the meaning from the context.

راشد يدافع عن الموكل والقاضي يقبل المداقعة.

Rashid is defending for the client and the judge is meeting the defendant.

راشد غلطان في ضرب محمد.

Rashid was wrong in hitting Mohammed. ("an" is used to describe a condition arrived at. These are commonly used for temporary physical states.)

اقرأوا الجمل التالية وكوّنوا جمل بنفس المعنى.

Read the following sentence and create a sentence with the same meaning.

تصدق تعبناك وازعجناك.

Really, we've tired you out and troubled you.

كرر التمرين

Reapeat the excersize

بالنسبة للرحلة غيّرت رأيّ وأنا مب رايح.

Regarding the trip, I changed my mind and I'm not going.

ٌتصليح سيارتي بيأخذ وقت. (تفعيل /ة)

Repair of my car will take time (VF II)

كرر المحادثة وغيّر راشد إلى أصدقاكم.

Repeat the conversation and change Rashid to your friends.

كرر السواف وغيّر السيارة إلى الكبت.

Repeat the conversation and change the car to the book.

كرّر التمرين وكتابك مبنّد

Repeat the excersize with your book closed.

كرر التمرين كما في المثال وغير ضمير أنتم.

Repeat the exrsize as in the example and change the pronoun to you pl.

‏وتعيد الاستماع مرة ثانية

Repeat the listening another time

كرّر الكلمات في اللوحة وخلّي الطلاب يقول الجمع بالنسبة للكلمات القديمة هذا مراجعة.

Repeat the words on the board and let the students say them in relation to (with reference to) old words this is review.

بدل الكلمات من الجدول

Replace/substitute the words from the schedule.

ارجع بعد شوي وهي ممكن بتسلّفك إياها.

Return it after a while and its possible for you to borrow it (f.)

ارجع الى الترتيب وسوّى التمرين مرة ثانية.

Return to the exersize and do the drill another time.

سعيد أطول الأولاد في المدرسة.

Saeed is the tallest (of) the boys in the school.

سعيد (هو) الولد الأطول في المدرسة.

Saeed is the tallest boy in the school.

سعيد أطول ولد في المدرسة.

Saeed is the tallest boy in the school.

سعيد أطول واحد في المدرسة.

Said is the tallest one in the school.

صالح هو أكسل مهندس في الشركة. لا، بالعكس هو العامل المجتهد.

Saleh is the laziest engineer in the company. No, the opposite, he is the hardest worker.

سالم بيكون بدالي.

Salem will be there instead of me.

قول نصيحة لصحة الجسد

Say advice for the health of the body.

قول الكلام أسهل من فعله.

Saying the words is easier than doing it.

دوّر مصادر في المحادثة.

Search for sources in the conversation.

الجزء الثاني: على المعلم ان يسأل الأسئلة من تمرين السابق وبدون الكتاب، ولازم يسأل بضمير الجمع بعد.

Second part, the teacher needs to ask the questions from the previous exerise without the book. And he must ask with the plural pronoun also.

عيب عليك! اللي قدك مب يسوي كذي.

Shame on you! Who is your amount (age) does not act this way.

عيب عليك! اللي قدك ما تسوي كذي.

Shame on you! Who is your amount (age) does not do like this.

تقريباً، كمّلت البرنامج.

She almost finished her program (of study).

ما قالت

She didn't say

ما شافت على شو كنت أأشّر.

She didn't see what I was pointing at. (verb form 7: adiitional alaf)

هي ما تريد تطير، وإذا طلعت بالطيّارة بتصيح.

She does not want to fly, and if she flew by the plane she would scream.

هي ولدت الساعة تسعة في النهار.

She gave birth at 9:00AM today (daylight).

حاطة قيها عسل بدال السكّر.

She has put in it honey instead of sugar.

توها بتسوي امتحان؟ صح، توني بسوي امتحان.

She is about to do a test? Correct, I am about to do a test.

توها بترسم صورة. صح، توني برسم صورة.

She is about to draw a picture. Correct, I am about to draw a picture.

توها بتكتب رسالة! صح، توني بكتب رسالة.

She is about to write a letter! Correct, I am about to write a letter.

هي أطول بنت في الصفّ.

She is hte tallest gir in the class.

هي ندمانة أكثر مني.

She is more sorry/regretful that I am.

هي أقلّ ندْم من المفروض.

She is not as sorry as she should be.

أنتِ ذكية.

She is smart.

هي أطول مني لكن موزة أطول وحجة.

She is taller than me but Moza is the tallest one.

هي أخت البنت.

She is the sister of the girl.

توها جائة (جاية)

She just got here (came). (when تو is used with active participle it indicates that a person is in the state of just having just completed this action.)

توها كاتبة رسالهة. صحّ، توني كاتبة رسالة!

She just wrote a letter. Correct, I just wrote a letter!

تمت تايمة طول اليوم.

She kept on sleeping all day.

قعدت تتكلم في الموبايل يوم دعمت سيارتي.

She kept on talking on the mobile phone from when (and continuing after) she crashed into my car.

ولازم تخّلي شعرها ناعم مب مجعّد.

She must leave her hair straight not curly.

قالت إنّها بتروح دبي اليوم.

She said that she will go to Dubai today. (أنّ must be followed by a noun or attached pronoun rather than a verb)

كانت زعلانة ولكن ما قالت شو تبغي مني.

She was angry but she did not say what she wanted from me.

اضطرّت. (هي مضطرة)

She was forced to. (اضطرّ is form 8 verb that means "had to" or "was forced to")

وخافت عليه وسألت عنه وعرفت إنه في المستشفى وإنّه جرح يده بالسكين.

She was scared for him and she asked about him and she knew that he was in the hospital and that he injured his hand with a knife.

هي جالسة تجتمع مع المدرسين الجداد.

She was still meeting with the new teachers.

قاعدة تتكلم في الموبايل يوم دعمت سيارتي.

She was talking on a mobile phone when she crashed into my car.

قاعدة تتكلم قعدت تتكلم

She was talking...when She kept talking...after (from when and continuing after)

رحت بيت خالتي لكن ما حد في البيت.

She went to my aunt's house (mom's sister) but no one was in the house.

هي كتبته

She wrote it.

توها بتآخذ الأولاد للمدرسة.

She's about to take the children to school. (when تو is used with future tense verb it indicates that something is about to happen in the future.)

شيخة ضعيفة واجد. هي أضعف مني. لكن موزة أضعف وحدة.

Sheikh is very weak. She is weaker than me. But Moza is the weakest one.

روّيني فلوسك...بس هالقد عندك؟

Show me your money. Only this amount you have?

روّيني فلوسك، ما عندك أكثر من هذا؟

Show me your money. You don't have more than that?

رويّني فلوسك...بس هالكثر عندك؟

Show me your money...Only this amont for you?

من شهرين علي متنان.

Since 2 months ago Ali has been getting fat. ("an" is used to describe a condition arrived at. These are commonly used for temporary physical states.)

فما جاء يشتري الخضروات من عند عبير

So he did not come to buy the vegetables from Abeer.

فاضطر يقول ليهم: ترا فيه حيوانات في الحديقة لكن ربعه بعدهم ما مصدّفين وبعد ما أصر عليهم راحوا معه.

So he was forced to say to them: For sure are animals in the park but his friends some of them did not believe after he insisted to (on) them that they go with him.

فراح المستشفى وقال للطبيب: بطني يا دكتور بطني يعوّني.

So he went to the hospital and said to the doctor: my tummy oh doctor my tummy hurts me.

حتى يكون هو الحلاق.

So that he can become a [the] barber.

عشان ممكن يأثّث البيت من اول جديد.

So that he might furnish the hosue from the begining.

فقال الطبيب: انا أقول وين إسحاق غائب وأقول ليش كان كل يوم موجود في المستشفى.

So the doctor said: I say where is Isaac absent nad I say why was everyday he present in the hospital.

فقاله الدكتور ممكن أنت مزعج أو بطنك معقّد.

So the doctor told him mabye your annoying or your stomach is complicated/tricky.

فقال الأستاذ: أتمنى لكم التوفيق وأقل شيء أسمعه عنكم انكم بخير وانمى لكم مستقبل زين يا طلاب.

So the professor said. I hope for you success and the least thing that I hear from you guys that you are well. And I hope for you a good future oh students.

فقال الطالب: أريد أكون جرّاح جاهز لكل عملية صعبة.

So the student said I want to be a surgeon that does surgery for all difficult operations.

فقال الطالب الثالث: أنا محتار، أبوي يريدني أشتغل مدرّس.

So the third student said: I am confused, my father wants me to work as a teacher.

عيل، عشان كذي زعل.

So then that's why he was mad.

عيل الضمان مالكم شو يشمل؟ يشمل كل شيء ما عدا الشاشة.

So then the warranty for you what is included? It is including everything except the screen.

فنظموا رحلة إلى حديقة الحيوانات وقالهم مروان عطوني فلوس التذاكر وانا بحجزلنا.

So they organized a trip to the zoo and he told them Marwan give me the ticket money and I will reserve them for us.

واحد، أحد، حدّ


عن شيء لازم يسويه سائق السيارة.

Something about what one must do to drive a car

ممارسة الكلام

Speaching practice

تحدّث واستخدم هذه الكلمات في السؤا والضمير في الجواب.

Speak and use these words in the question and the pronoun in the anwser.

مد رجولك على قد لحافك.

Stretch your legs to the amount of your quilt.

الدراسة أهمّ شيء للناس.

Studies are the most important thing for people. (for adjectives where the last two letters are the same, the form is aCaCC)

قرأ سُهَيل الجريدة؟ نعم، قرأها.

Suheel read the newspaper? Yes, he read it.

خذ بيت على قدّ راتبك.

Take a house accourding to your salary.

خذ الشقّة بدال ما تأخذ البيت.

Take the apartment instead of (taking) the house.

تكلم عن الأفلام اللي شفتها قبل وقارن بينها.

Talk about fills which you have seen them before and compare between them.

تحدّث عن زيارات المستشفى. خلّي الطلاب يسألوا بعضهم إذا زاروا المستشفى، وسوّوا عملية؟

Talk about hospital visits. Let the students ask each other if they visited the hosptial and if they had an operation.

تحدّث عن الشغل.

Talk about the work

تكلم عن وظيفتك السابقة وشو اضطريت أنك تسوي.

Talk about your former jobs and what you were forced that you do.

تحدّث واستخدم اللوحة

Talk and use the chart.

خبّرني شو (ما قالت.)

Tell me whatever she said. (ma is used to question words to give it a less specific meaning such as "-ever" in words like "whenever")

خبّرني متى بتوصل.

Tell me when you will arrive. Tell me after you arrive.

خبّر الصف عن الشيء إللي يعترض شغلك أو هوايتك.

Tell the class about something which obstructed your work or your hobbies. (blocked, stopped, object against)

خبّر الصف عن شيء لازم تسوّيه اليوم أو باكر.

Tell the class about something you have to do tomorrow.

خبر الصف عن الوقت إللي إنصدمت فيه يوم سمعت خبر محزن. تتذكر شو كنت جالس تسوّي في هذاك الوقت؟

Tell the class about the time which you were shocked and when you heard sad news. Do you remember what you were doing in that time?

خبر الصف شو اضطريت تسوي في بداية شغلك الاول.

Tell the class what you were forced to do in the beginning of your first job.

خبرينا شو صار.

Tell us what happened.

هذامهم أقل مما توقعت.

That is less important than I expected.

(قوي) الفريق العيناوي أقوى من الأهلي.

The Al-Ain team is stronger than Al-Ahli (In adjectives with weak endings, the final letter will be a broken alef ى)

المصري مسافر

The Egyptian (man) has travelled OR is a traveller.

التلفزيون اللي الناس يشوفوه ما يشتغل.

The TV which the people watched it didn't work.


The address

البنت جذابة اللي جالسة وراهن.

The attractive girl which was sitting behind them.

الطفل صاح صياح.

The baby really cried. (lit. wept a weeping)

استفادة الطلاب من الدروس الخصوصية واضحة.(استِفالة)

The benefit of (to) students from private lessons is clear. (X)

أنست يوم عندي الأحد الجاي.

The best day I have is this coming Sunday.

أكبر واحد، الأكبر

The biggest one or the biggest

الدم كان من القاتل مب من الضحية.

The blood was from the kill not from the victim.

تظل الكتب مسكرة وتتكلم بشكل عام عن القصة شو تفهم أو الفكرة منها، وتعيد الأستماع مرة ثانية.

The books should continue to be closed and talk generally about the story and what you understand or the thoughts from it. Redo the listening another time.

الرئية نشيطة. هي أنشط منهم. لكن موزة أنشط وحدة.

The boss (f.) is active. She is more active then them. But Moza is the most active one.

الرئيس كذاب. هو اكذب مني. لكن سرة أكذب وحدة.

The boss is a liar. He lies more than me. But Sara is the most deceitful one.

المدير قال للموظف تراني بفنشك إذا ما تنتظم في دواماتك.

The boss said to the employee for sure I will fire you (be done with you) if you don't organize in your work.

المدير قال للطالبات تراكن بتكتبن الواجبات كلها.

The boss said to the female students for sure you will write the homework all of them.

المدير يريد يتكلّم بعد ما يوصول.

The boss wants to talk after he arrives.

المدير يريد يتكلم بعد الوصول.

The boss wants to talk after the arrival [his arrival]

المدير كان متكل على الموظفين في الشركة.

The boss was dependent on the employees in the company.

شعر الرئيسة أشقر.

The boss's hair is blond.

ه٫ا الولد دوم متعب أمه.

The boy always is wearing his mother out.

الولد أطول مني.

The boy is taller than I am.

هذا الولد أشطن واحد في الصفّ.

The boy is the most devilish in the class.

الولد اللي مجروح دمّه خفيف.

The boy which is injured is a funny person.

الولد اللي لابس كوت متين.

The boy who is wearing a coat is fat.

الأولاد اللي ثيابهم منطرّة فقارة فقارى واجد.

The boy whose (their) clothes are torn are very poor.

أبو الولد كان فرحان عشان هو قعد يذاكر دروسه.

The boy's father was happy because he started to study his lessons.

أبو الولد كان فرحان عشان هو قاعد يذاكر دروسه.

The boys father was happy becasue he was starting to study his lessons.

السطل اللي (طيّحه) العامل بيطيح على رجل في البنية بعد.

The bucket which toppled the worker will topple on a man in the building also.

البس فاتني = البس راح عني

The bus left me.

السيارة بشعة. هي أبشى من اكثر سيارات. لكن سيارتك أبشى وحدة.

The car is ugly. It is more ugly than most cars. But your car is the ugliest one.

السيارة اللي دعمت الشجرة كانت متروسة بشباب.

The car which crashed into the tree was filled with young guys.

النجار غني. هو أغنى منك. لكن محمد أغنى وحد.

The carpenter is rich. He is richer than you. But Mohammed is the richest one.

القطوة فضولية أكثر من الكلب.

The cat is more nosey than a dog. (adjectives using أكثر do agree with the modified noun in gender and number)

الاحتفال في المدرسة كان حلو. (اِفتِعال)

The celebration at school was beautiful. (VF VIII)

الأولاد ضربوه

The children hit it.

الأولاد متولهين على أبوهم لأنه مسافر وما شافوه من شهر.

The children longed for their father because he travaled and they did not see him for a month.

الأولاد ضربوا الكلب.

The children they hit the dog.

أنكسرت الجرة بعد ما طاحت.

The clay pot broke after it fell.

انكسرت الجر

The clay pot broke.

طاحت الجرّة

The clay pot fell.

المهرج هو أضحك واحد في السرك.

The clown is the funniest in circus.

الشركة أنتجت فيلم وباعته للسينمات بعد النتاج.

The company produced a film and sold it to the movie theaters after the opening.

المحادثة بين موظفة في العقارات والزبون سيف.

The conversation between a realestate agent and Saif.

المجرم اضطر يقول الحقيقة للشرطي.

The criminal was forced to tell the truth to the policeman. (اضطرّ is form 8 verb that means "had to" or "was forced to")

اعطى الزبون الفلوس للبنت اللي كانت واقفة هناك وراء الصندوق.

The customer gane the money to the girl which was standing there beind the box.

اعطى الزبون الفلوس لبنت كانت واقفة هناك وراء الصندوق.

The customer gave the money to a girl who was standing there beind the box.

عطى الزبون الفلوس للبنت اللي كانت واقفة هناك.

The customoer gave the money to the girl which was standing there.

الدكتور فحص لي فلبي.

The doctor examined for me my heart.

فقاله الدكتور: يا إسحاق أنت ما عندك مخ كل يوم والثاني هني.

The doctor said: Oh Isaac you don't have brains every other day you are here.

الكبار يضطروا يتقاعدوا من الاشغال الحكومية.

The elderly have to retire from government work. (اضطرّ is form 8 verb that means "had to" or "was forced to")

الفيل أكبر من البقرة.

The elephant is bigger than the cow.

العدو ضربه ضربتين.

The enemy struck him twice.

انفجار السيارة كان قوي. (اِنفعال)

The explosion of the car was powerful. (VF VII)

الحرمة متفشلة

The failing/lazy woman

تصالحوا الجانبين اللي كانو يتقاتلوا.

The families reconcilded which they were killing.

الطالبات هن انشط من الطلاب.

The female students are are active then the male students.

انجرحت القدم في الدعمة.

The foot was injured in the car wreck.

الفواكة أطعم من الخضروات.

The fruit is tastier than the vegetables.

الهدية اللي عطاني إياها غالية.

The gift that he gave me (it) is expensive.

البنت طاحَت

The girl fell

البنت فقيرة. هي أفقر مني. لكن موزة أفقر وحدة.

The girl is poor. She is poorer than me. But Moza is the poorest one.

البنت اللي سافرت أمريكا فرحانة.

The girl who went to America is happy.

البنت اللي شعرها طويل حلوة.

The girl whose (her) hair is long is pretty.

البنت اللي ملابسها منطرّة متفشّلة.

The girl whose her clothes were torn is a failure?????

سُمعة البنت معروفة

The girl's reputation/fame is known.

كندورة البنت مرتبة

The girl's skirt is organzied/nice.

غرشة البنت متروسة.

The girls bottle is full.

فستان البنت قصير.

The girls dress is short.

البنات يتكلمن أقَلّ من الأولاد في الصفّ.

The girls talked less than the boys in class. (for adjectives where the last two letters are the same, the form is aCaCC)

المعرس فَرَح فَرَحة.

The groom rejoiced greatly. (lit. rejoiced a rejoicing)

الضيف مهم أكثر من الكل. الضيف أهمّ من الكل.

The guest is the most important of (them) all. (adjectives using أكثر do agree with the modified noun in gender and number)

الشاب اللي شفته يحبني.

The guy whom I saw (him) loves me>

الرئيسة مجتهدة

The hardworking boss

انشفاء المريض من العلة بيد الله. (انفِغاء)

The healing of the ill from their infirmity is in the hand of God.

قلب الحرمة ضعيف.

The heart of the women is weak.

البطل إللي في المسلسل بقى فاقد الذاكرة لين ما طاح على راسه.

The hero which is in the series continued to forget his memory until he fell on his head.

انشفاء الشمس من السماء بعد المغرب.(افتعتاء)

The hiding of the sun in the sky is after sunset. (VIII)

البيت عند الجبل غالي. هو أغلى من البيت عند شاطي.

The house by the mountain is expensive. It is more expensive than the house at the beach.

البيت رخيص. هو أرخص من الشقة. لكن البيت قريب شغلي أرخص وحد.

The house is cheap. It is cheaper than the apartment. But the house near my work is the cheapest one.

المفتّش فتّش شنطتي اللي كان عند الحدود.

The inspector inspected my bag which was at the boarder.

استجواب المجرم كان سهل. (اِستِفعال).

The interrogation of the criminal was easy. (VF X)

القاضي قال للمجرمين تراكم بتدفعون الفلوس كلها.

The judge said to the criminals for sure you will pay the money all of it.


The letter

الليتات اللي في العين أزين من البريمي.

The lights that are in Al-Ain are nicer than Buraimi. (صفات التفضيل do not have to agree with the noun in gender or number, the particle من is used to add a person or thing compared.)

الشخص محبوب.

The loved people

البشكارة كسولة. هي أكسل منكم. لكن إمك أكسل وحدة.

The maid is lazy. She is more lazy than you guys. But your mom is the laziest one.

صيانة البيت على منو؟

The maintanance of the house is on who?

الرجل اللي لحيتة شقراء فقير.

The man which his beard is blond is poor.

الرجل اللي في يده بطاطس يسوق سيارة.

The man which is in his hand potatoes is buying a car.

الرجال اللي جلس في آخر الحجرة جاء من وقت.

The man who sat in the back of the room came early.

المتزوجات يضطرن يطبخن.

The married women must cook.

الرجاجل اللي خرجوا من الحلاق عندهم شعر طويل.

The men which exited from the barber they had long hair.

الوزير اللي شفناه أمس كان في دعمة.

The minister that we saw (him) yesterday was in a collision.

الأمّ نازعت الولد اللي رسب في العلوم.

The mom fought with the boy which failed in science.

نزلت المعنويات بعد الحريقة.

The morale lowered after the fire.

أم الولد زعلت عشان هو جلس يلعب سوني بعد ما نادته.

The mother of the boy was mad because he started to play Sony after she called him.

أم الولد زعلت عشان هو قعد يلعب سوني بعد ما نادته.

The mother of the boy was mad because he started to play Sony after she called him.

أم العروس فرحانة أكثر من الأب. أم العروس أفرح من الأب.

The mother of the bride is more joyful than the father. (adjectives using أكثر do agree with the modified noun in gender and number)

الأم قالت للولد تراه بيضبك إذا رسبت هذه السنة.

The mother said to the son, for sure he will hit you if you fail this year.


The newspaper

أحلاهم أغلاهم.

The nicest (of them) is the most expensive (of them). (note the broken alef is pronounced as a long vowel when an object pronoun is attached.)

هذه العجوز اللي جابت لنا لقمة القاضي جدّتي.

The old lady who brought us the Luqmat Al-Qadi is my grandmother.

المسؤول جادّ أكثر من الموظف.

The one in charge is more serious than the employee. (adjectives using أكثر do agree with the modified noun in gender and number)

الأولاد الثانيين لعبوا برّى ولكن هو جلس يشوف التلفزيون.

The other boys played outside but he still was watching television.

البقدونس غير طازج.

The parsely was not fresh.

الصبر مفتاح المفرج (انفرج).

The patient opens the better (patience is a remedy for every greif.)

الناس اللي خطيرين...

The people which are dangerous...

الناس اللي عنيدين...

The people which are stubborn...

الناس اللي أغبياء...

The people which are stupid...

قلب الشخص حنون

The people's heart is tender, compassionate

المصوّر واقف جنب العريس.

The photographer stood beside the groom.

الشرطي مسك المجرم إللي مش ماهر.

The police caught the criminal which was not skilled.

الشرطي قال للمجرم تراني بسجنك إذا تسرق مرة ثانية.

The police said to the criminal for sure I put you in prison if you steal again.

الشرطة يدوّروا عنه الحين.

The police searched for him now.

الشرطة حاولوا يمسكوا على الرجال اللي سرق لينا.

The police tried to arrest the man which from us.

سأله الأستاذ: يوم بتخلّص الدراسة شو بتشتغل؟

The professor asked them: when you finish the studies what will you work?

نعم درسين، قال الأستاد نقرأ الثالث و الخامس ولكن ما لازم نقرأ الرابع.

The professor said, read the third and fifth lesson but it's not necessary to read the fourth.

قراءة القرآن الكريم صعب للأجانب.

The reading of the noble Quran is difficult for foreigners.

‏البقية في حياتك. توفّى أبوي.

The remainder for your life. My father died.


The report


The results

الغني شحمان.

The rich man has gained weight.

غني شخمان

The rich man has gained weight.

الشاشه اختربت.

The screen is broken.

المريض يضطر يأخذ إجازة.

The sick must take a break.


The sign

الأخت قالت لأختها تتراها بتشتري لنا دفاتر جديدة.

The sister said to her sister, for sure she will by for us new notebooks.

الأخت إللي صامت أسبوع ضعفانة.

The sister which was fasting for a week was weak.

البنت ماهرة

The skilled girl

الحرمة نعسانة

The sleepy women

التمثال اللي واقف عدال النافورة رمى سهم.

The statue which stands beside the fountain threw an arrow.

البنت عنيدة

The stuborn girl

الطالبة اللي سيطرت على نفسها ناجحة.

The student (f.) which controls herself is succesful.

قال الطالب: أنا متكّل على أبوي في هذا الموضوع وهو يوفر لي كل شيء

The student said I will talk with my father about this subject and he will provide for me everything.

الطالب اللي يريد يستفسر لازم يرفع يده.

The student which wants to inquire must raise his hand.

الطلاب في الصف الأول متحمّسين أكثر منكم.

The students in the first class are more enthusiastic than you (pl.) (adjectives using أكثر do agree with the modified noun in gender and number)

الطلاب يقرئوا الجمل وإذا كانت خطأ عليهم تصحيحها.

The students read the senteces and if there was an error among the you correct it.

دِراسة العربية ممتعة.

The study of Arabic is interesting.


The subject

الجرّاح قطع القدم اللي انجرحت في الدعمة.

The surgeon cut the foot with was injured in the car wreck.

الجرّاح قطع القدم.

The surgeon cut the foot.

البنت الطويلة

The tall girl

الدلّة خربانة.

The tea/coffee pitcher broken.

المعلم يرقرأ المحادثة للطلاب بحيث يركز على اليطق جيدا.

The teacher reads the conversation to the students where they concentrait on new sayings.

المعلم يقرأ القصة وكل الكتب مسكرة.

The teacher reads the story and all the books are closed.

المعلم يقرأ القصة وكل الكتب مشكرة.

The teacher reads the story and all the books are closed.

‏المعلم يقرأ القصة ‏وكل الكتاب مسكرة.

The teacher reads the story and all the books are closed.

المدرس نازع الطلاب للتحاكي في الصف. (تفاعي)

The teacher scolded the students for chatting in class. (IV)

المعلم يمارس المحادثة مع الطلاب.

The teacher talks through the conversation with the students.

يظنّوا المعلمين إنّ الناظم للمدرسة مكسور.

The teachers think that the system for the school is broken.

وأولاد الفريق اللي راحوا مستانسين إلا ولد صغير.

The team boys which went were happy except a small boy.

رن التلفون

The telephone rang

الثالث شو قعد يسوي يوم شاف سو صار لربيعه؟

The third what was he doing when he saw when what happened to his friend?

نمت شجر بس مع أنه زرعنا شجرة قبل سنة.

The trees grew although we planted a tree a year ago. (Some collective nouns are singular in form but have plural meaning. They are treated as masculine nouns. When only one of that noun is intended a ـة is suffixed.)

الجحّ أكبر من البرتقال.

The watermelon is larger than the orange.

اللحّام كذّاب

The welder (someone who fixes medel) is a liar.

اللحّام كذّاب.

The welder is a liar.

الشاب اللي شفته يحبني.

The whom I saw (him) loves me.

تاتي الرياح بما لا تشتهي السفن.

The wind comes but doesn't bring what the boats want.

الحكيمة هي أصدق وحدة في القرية.

The wise women is the most honest one in the village.

يد الحرمة مجروحة.

The woman's hand is injured.

الحرمة نعسانة.

The women is tired.

والحرمة حامل في الشهر الأول وهذا اول حمل لها.

The women was pregnant in the first month and this was her first time being pregenant.

الحريم إللي جالسات يخيّطن سجادة.

The women which are sitting they were sowning a rug.

تنورة الحرمة صغيرة.

The women's skirt is small.


The word "qadd" means "amount". Some people use "kathiir" in a similar way, but "kathiir" is used more literally

جدول العمل

The work schedule

العمّال حطّوا لك الأغراض في البيت؟

The workers did they put for the things in the house?

بعدين جاوب على الأسئلة.

Then anwser according to the questions.

وبعدين نام وحلم إنه عنده حلاق وواحد خرّب الحلاق وكسّر كل شيء.

Then he sleped and dreamed that he had a barber [shop] and that someone destroyed the barbershop and broke everything.

وبعدين قالت: ليش أغيّر مظهري وأسلوبي؟

Then she said: Why should I change my appearance and my style?

فقال الدكتور: لازم أسوّي لك فحص في المختبر وأفحص كل شيء في بطنك.

Then the doctor said: I must do for you an exam in the laboratory and I must check/examine everything in your tummy.

وبعدين الأستاذ سأل طالب ثاني نفس السزال.

Then the professor asked another student the same question.

وبعدين حاول أن تفهم المعنى من السياق، وإذا ظلّ المعنى غير واضح اسأل المعلم وما تستخدم القاموس.

Then try to understand the meaning from the context. And if the meaning remains not clear ask the teacher and don't use the dictionary.

فيه أولاد واجد في المدرسة وسعيد أطولهم

There are many boys in school and Saeed is the tallest of them.

فيه ريال اسمه خليفة وحرمته أسمها خديجة.

There is a man named Khaleefa and his wife her mane is Khadeeja.

لا شكّ!

There is no doubt!

ما فيه أكل ولا ماء.

There is no food or drink.

ما لازم تبند التلفون قبل ما يخلص كلامه.

There is no need to/ you must not turn off the telephone before he finishes his words.

ما قيه غير هذا اللون.

There is not other than this color.

فيه تقدُّم في قدرته.

There is progress in his ability. (VF V)

كان فريق كرة القدم الشبابي اللي منتخب لبطولة في البرازيل.

There was a football team of boys which was chosent for the championship in Brazil.

كان فيه بنت في التلفزيون صابغة شعرها أخضر.

There was a girl on the television who has colored her hair green.

فيه ريال اسمه حميد. متزوج بحرمة اسمها عويش وصار لهم متزوجين ٣٠ سنة.

There was a man his name was Hameed. He was married to a woman her name Aweesh and it was for them married for 30 years.

فيه ريال اسمه إسحاق وهذا الريال دائماً بطنه يعوّره.

There was a man his name was Isaac and this man always his tummy hurt him.

كان فيه حرمة تبيع الخضروات (الخضرة) في السوق اسمها عبير.

There was a women who sold vegetables in the market named Abeer.

فيه ولد مجروح دمّه خفيف.

There was an injured boy who was funny.

صار انفجار قي كل مكان قي المنطقه.

There was explosions in every place in the provice.

ما فيه خروف باقي في العالم.

There was no fear kept on/continued in the world

وكانت عنده قكرة إنّه يفتح دكان حلاقة

There was with him a thought that he open a barber shop.

كان فيه عريش جنب الحديقة راحوا عشان يستريحوا تحته.

There were bushes next to the park they when [to them] in order to rest under them.

فيه أربع طلاب وأستاذ.

There were four students and a professor.

وفيه بعد حينوانات اليفة. خبّر مروان ربعه عنها لكنهم ما صدّقوه.

There were other animals???

ّتربية المواشي كثيرة في الخليج.(تفعِلة/ تفعِعة)

There's a lot of the raising of livestock in the Gulf. (II)

ما فيني قوّة.

There's no strength in me. (lit. not in me strength)

هذا تفاح طيّب واجد وأكل تفاحة وحدة.

These apples are very good and I will eat an apple. (Some collective nouns are singular in form but have plural meaning. They are treated as masculine nouns. When only one of that noun is intended a ـة is suffixed.)

هذه التمارين متعبة.

These exersizes are tiring.

البنات طيّبات.

These girls are good.

هذيك الحرمة إللي كانت في السجن مجرمة.

These women which were in the prison are criminals.

قوّموا اللاعب اللي كسر رجله.

They _______ the game which broke his leg.

واتفقوا على كذي وبعد شهور ربّت خديجة وجابت بنت!

They agreed on this and after months Khadeeja gave birth and brought forth a girl!

اتفقوا على إن يلغوا الأجتماع لأنه في هذا الوقت انفجرت القنبلة .

They agreed to cancel the meeting because it was at the time a bomb exploded.

توهم بيطبخون بيض. صح، تونا بنطبخون بيض.

They are about to cook eggs. Correct, we are about to cook eggs.

باقيين يلعبوا كرّة.

They are still playing football.

جالسين يلعبوا كرّة.

They are still playing football.

بتكلموا عنّي.

They are talking about me.

اكلوا عنّي الأكل.

They ate the food without me.

وبدوا يدوروا على اسم للمولود.

They began searching for a name for the newborn.

اشتروا سيارة أكبر من المعقول.

They bought a car that is way too big. (unreasonably big)

جابوا لها إيّاه.

They brought it to her (lit. they brought ot her, it)

أتصلوا بالمطافي عشان شافوا حريقة في الشارع.

They called the firefighters because they saw a fire on the street.

واختروا بعضهم لعبة الحرب وبعدين دخلوا اللعبة ومنهم الولد الصغير اللي كان خائف.

They chose some of them the war game and then they entered the game and from them the small boy which was scared.

نظفوا الدم إللي كان من القاتل مب من الضحية.

They cleaned the blood which was from the killer not from the victim.

نظفوا الدم

They cleaned the blood.

وبقوا يدفعوا لي نفس الراتب

They continued to pay me the same salary.

تموا ينتظروك لين ناموا.

They continued to wait for you until they slept.

ما خبرونا كم السعر؟

They did not tell us the price.

ما جابوا لي اللي طلبته، جابوا شيء غير.

They didn't bring me that which I requested (it), they brought me something else.

ما جابوا لي ما طلبته، جابوا شيء غير.

They didn't bring me what I requested (it); they brought me something else.

ما جابوا لي اللي طلبته جابوا شيء غير.

They didn't bring me what I requested, they brought me something else.

عندهم ولد قي نفس عمر ولدك.

They have a boy in the same year as your boy.

عندمم ولد قد ولدك.

They have a boy the same amoutn as your boy.

سمعوا كيف استوى الحادث.

They heard how the accident happened.

وركبوا تاير إسبير وكملوا طريقهم.

They installed a spare tire and they completed their way.

جلسوا يلعبوا كرة.

They kept on playing football.

طاعوا من البيت

They left from the house

وشافوا عدد من الألعاب الحلوه وأحلى لعبة فيها لعبة الحرب اسمها "اقتلهم كلهم".

They looked a number of the cool games and the best game of them was a war game called kill them all of them.

وتزوّجوا وعاشوا حياة سعيدة.

They married and they lived a happy life.

حطوا البقدونس في السندويش اللي غير طازج.

They put the parsely in the sandwhich which was not fresh.

حطوا البقدونس في السندويش.

They put the parsely in the sandwhich.

حطوا هذا الموظف بدل عنك (بدالك).

They put this employee instead of you.

فصّلتن عبايات جديدة

They received ??? new Abayas.

استأجرتوا هذه الشقة.

They rented this apartment.

فقالوا ربعه: بعد كل هذا التعب ما شفنا شيء.

They said his friends: After all this effort we did not see anything.

قالوا له: ادفع لنا فلوس عشان ندوّرها لك ولا دوّر بنفسك.

They said to him. Pay for us money so that we can search for it for you or search by yourself.

نزلوا عشان يناقشون ويضاربون عليهم,

They stayed in order to discuss and conflict/fight with them.

خبرونا بالتفصيل إنّها اندعمت السيّارة.

They told us in detail that (it) the car crashed.

أستخدمن كمبيوتر اللي كان حق المديرة.

They used a computer which was for the boss.

رحتوا للمطعم

They went to the restaraunt.

وتوهم رايحين تذكّروا شيء أنّه فيه مشكلة وحدة وهي من يسوق السيّارة.

They were about to go when they remembered something that it was one problem and it was who would drive the car?

أنسألوا الف من الأولاد في مدرسة عن الأكل المفضل بالنسبة لهم والنتائج مثل ما موضحة في الجدول.

They were asked 1000 from kids from school abou their favorite food in their estimiation and the results are just as is shown in the schedule. (Some collective nouns are singular in form but have plural meaning. They are treated as masculine nouns. When only one of that noun is intended a ـة is suffixed.)

كانوا جالسين يلعبوا كرة.

They were still playing football.

كانوا جالسين يلعبوا كرة. جلسوا يلعبوا كرة.

They were still playing football. They kept on playing football.

تموا بنتظروك

They will continue to wait for you

أوَنّهم ناسيين يكتبوا الواجب.

They're acting as if they have forgotten to write their homework. (أونّ is used with an attached pronoun it means "appearing/acting as if")

إنهم يتجاهلونني

They're ignoring me.

هالقد أنت معصب علي!

This amount (grade) you are angry at me!

هذا الكتاب غير عن هذا الكتاب.

This book is different than this book.

هذا الكتاب من/ بـ حسين.

This book is from/for Hussein.

هذا الطفل ذكي.

This child is smart.

هذه الهدية ما تعبّر قدّ شو أحبك.

This gift does not express (f.) the amount of my love.

أحسن من كذي، ما شىء!

This is better, no problem.

هذا المطعم أقرب شيء لمكان الأجتماع.

This is the restaurant closest to the place of the meeting.

هذا العصير مب شيء.

This juice is good.

يمكن هذا الدرس أصعب من اللي قبله.

This lesson may be harder than the previous one. It may be this lesson is harder than that before it.

هذه البشكارة حزينة.

This maid is sad.

هذا الخبر محزن واجد.

This news is very sad.

هذه الجريدة أخطا جريدة في الدنيا.

This newspaper is the most mistaken paper in the world.

هذا الشاب فرحان.

This old man is happy.

هذا الطيّارة ضخمة.

This plane is huge.

هذه المشكلة سهلة.

This problem is easy.

هذا الشيخ أصدق واحد فيهم.

This sheigh is the most truthful one of them.

هذا القميص كبير، هو قدك مرتين!

This shirt is big, its your size by two! (Twice your size!)

هذا صاحب الدكان اللي باع لحمدة أغراض.

This shop owner which sold to Hamda things.

هذا الحال عجيب.

This situation is weird.

هذا الشاي كان مرّ واجد.

This tea was very bitter.

هذه فكرة ضعيفة.

This thought is weak.

هذا يدور/يحرّك الدم في القلب

This will stir (make go/move) the blood in the heart.d


This word is used in different ways and can mean necessary; must; must have; it must be

هذا الشغل صعب.

This work is hard.

الأفعل، الأسمائ، الحروف

Three types of Arabic words.

باكر في المشمش

Tomorrow in the apircots.

حاول أن تفهم المعنى من السياق.

Try and understand the meaning from the context.

احاول تكملة الحمل التالية من أفكارك.

Try to speak the following sentences from your thoughts.

إلى الحين ما شفتها تشتري شيء و شو درّاني كثر شو عندها فلوس.

Until now I did not see her buy soemthing and how should I know how much money she has.

استخدم "لازم" قي شكل مناسب حسب المعنى.

Use "must" in an appropriate way according to the meaning.

إستخدم حروف الجر في الفراغات التالية.

Use prepositions in the following blanks.

استخدم اللوحة وعلى المعلم ان يكتب السؤال والجواب على اللوح وبعد هذا يمارس هذه الجمل مع الطلاب.

Use the board and its on the teacher to write the question and the awnsers on the board and after this talk about this sentence with the students.

أستعمل الضمير في الجواب.

Use the pronoun in the sentences.

أستخدم الكلمات من الجدول

Use the words from the schedule

عادةً تشربوا اللبن في بلدكم؟

Usually you do drink leban in your homeland?

وضحاء جابتني للمعهد.

Wadha' brought me to the institute.

وفاء اختلفت مع مدير المطعم على الشغل.

Wafa disagreed with the restraunt boss abou the work.

لحظه بس خليني أحولك على قسم الصيانة.

Wait only let me transfer you to the maitenance department.

أغسلوا ايديكم عشان بتتعشون الحين.

Wash your hands because you will eat dinner now.

غيره إللي قال أبداً ما بيزوّج قريبته؟

Wasn't it him who said he'd never marry his relative?

اتفقنا على شو مكتوب في الورقة.

We agreed on what is written on the paper.

نفرح بزيارتكم

We are happy by your visit.

ما كلينا لحم ولا عيش.

We ate neighter meat nor rice. (wila is often used to negate a 2nd thing)

استوينا دولة غنية

We became a rich country.

باركنا للعرسان قبل ما طاعوا من البيت.

We blessed the wedding couple before they left from the house.

باركنا للعرسان

We blessed the wedding couple.

نزلنا هني في هذا الفندق عشان نستريح.

We came down/ stayed here in this hotel in order to rest.

كمّلنا الإمتحان

We completed the test.

ما كلينا شيء إلا خبز

We didn't eat anything except bread.

ما نريد قبول الأقتراح.

We don't want to admit/accept the proposal/suggestion.

تونا شربنا بيبسي.

We drank Pepsi a little bit ago. (when تو is used with past tense verb it indicates something happened recently.)

نتفقد الخضروات عشان ما نريد نأخذها خايسة.

We examined the vegetables because we did not want to take them rotten.

كان عندنا مُغلمرة أمس. (مُفاعلة/ فِعال)

We had an adventure yesterday. (VF III)

عندنا شقة وفيها غرفتين ومجلس وحمامين ومطبخ.

We have an apartment and in it are two rooms and a living room and two bathrooms and a kitchen.

تونا عرفنا أنك ما عندك سالفة.

We just learned that you don't have a story.

عرفنا بعد مدة إنّ انقلبت السيّارة.

We new after a time that the car overturned/flipped.

دفعنا فلوس أقل المطلوب.

We paid less money than was requested.

دفعنا فلوس للعمال عشان صلحوا باب بيتنا.

We paid money for the workers because they repaired our house door.

نعيد التمرين بشكل عشوائي والكتب مسكرة.

We review the exercises random way and the books are closed.

شفنا الوزير اللي كان في الدعمة.

We saw the minister who was in the collision.

سهرنا مع جارنا أمس.

We stayed up with our neighbors last night.

درسنا في المعهد بجدّ عشان لازم نتكلم وين.

We studied in the institute seriously because we must speak Arabic well.

زرنا البنت هناك.

We visited the girl there.

بنروح السوق إلا إذا حد جاءنا.

We will go to the market except if someone comes to us.


We wrote


We wrote it.

اللي قلت لك غلط.

What I told you is wrong.

يا ويلي على هذا الهدف!

What a goal! (expression often used for negative events too)

يا سلام على هذا الهدف!

What a goal! (expressions often used for negative events too)

يا خسارة! كنت بفوز بالجائزة.

What a loss! I was (hoping) to win the prize.

شارع شو عرضه!

What a wide street! ، ما/ كيف/ شو) comparative conveys idea of wonder or suprise.)

.شو عن الرجل؟أظنه هو أبوها. أظن أنه ابوها.

What about the man? I think he is her father. I think that he is her father.

شو قد حصّلت فلوس في هذا العيد.

What amount did you receive of money in this Eid?

شو قد ناوي تسكن في الأمارات؟

What amount do you intend to live in the Emirates?

قد شو خذ من وقتك لين ما خلّس كلامه؟

What amout he takes from your time whenever he doesnt finish his words?

حرمة شو كبرها!

What an old women! ، ما/ كيف/ شو) comparative conveys idea of wonder or suprise.)

شو تحب من الحيوانات؟

What animals do you like?

شو ما تحب من الحيوانات؟

What animals do you not like?

شو هي العادات المضرّة للصحة إللي لازم نقاطعها؟

What are harmful habbits/addictions for the healt which must be boycotted.

سو تسوّي؟ ما شيء.

What are you doing? Nothing.

شو أحسن نصيحة ممكن تقدمها لرئيس بلدك؟ للأمم المتحدة؟

What better advise might might you present it to the president of your country?

أيّ يوم مناسب عشان تزورني؟

What day is it best for you to visit me?

شو قالت عائشه بالنسبة للزائر؟

What did Aisha tell about/regarding the to/for the visitor.

شو سوّوا الأولاد؟

What did the boys do?

شو سوّوا في المؤتمر؟

What did the do in the

شو سوّى واحد من الأشخاص الثلاثة في السفينة؟

What did the first of the guys do in the ship?

شو كانوا يسووا الأشخاص الثلاثة يوم صادفهم موقف سيء؟

What did the three guys do when their encouter unexpectedly a bad situation.

‏شو سوّيت هناك

What did you do there?

شو شفت في حديقة الحيوانات؟

What did you see in the zoo?

شو ما عنيه غير هذه الكندورة؟! كل يوم والثاني لابسنّها.

What do I have other than this Kandoora!? Every day (and following) I wear it ((إسم فاعل

شو عندك في الشنطة؟

What do you have in the case?...Nothing.

شو ممكن تقول للأطفال عشان تخليهم يطيعونك؟ للشباب؟

What do you say to the children so that you let them obey you (listen to your words)? To teenagers?

شو تريد، شقة أو بيت شعبي؟

What do you want, an apartment or a hosue with a small garden.

شو يريد يسوّي في لسيّارة؟ أولاًُ، يريد يصلّحها وبعدين يصبغها.

What does he want to do to the car first? He wants to fix it and then paint it.

شو تعني كلمة "عدل" بالنسبة لك؟

What does it mean [the] word justice, in your oppinion?

أيّ ساعة يكون طلوع الطيّارة اللي رايحة باريسظ؟

What hour will the plan depart which will be going to Paris?

شو النصيحة المفيدة من الشرطة للمجرمين المطلق سراحهم.

What is benifical advice from the police to the released criminals they are freeing them?

شو جالس يسوّي الحين؟

What is he still doing now?

متى الموعد المنتظر لوصولهم؟

What is the expected date for her arrival?

وشو العطل لللي فيه؟

What is the problem which it has?

شو سرّ النجاح؟

What is the secret to success?

شو ممكن يقول الزوج لزوجتة ليشجعها لتعاونة أو لموفقتها لموضوع معين؟ الزوجة لزوجها؟

What might you say the husband say to the wife to encourage her to cooperate or to stop her for a specific issue? The wife for her husband?

شو أكثر شيء اعجبك في الدكان؟

What pleased you most in the shop?... Everything.

شو الحيوانات الأليفة؟

What tame animals are there?

شو اشياء تتمنى انك تسويها.

What things did you hope that you will do.

شو الاشياء اللي اضطروا الجنود إنهم يسونها؟

What things which they are forced the military that they do them?

شو الأشياء اللي اضطريت أنك تسويها في صغرك.

What things which you were forced [to do] that you did them in your childhood.

شو آداب الزيارة في بلدك؟

What visiting manners are in your country.

شو كان لونها؟ لونها أسود.

What was it's color? It's color is black.

شو كان يسوّوا الأولاد؟

What were the boys doing?

شو الحيوانات المفترسة؟

What wild animals are there?

شو بنسوي للطالب المشاغب؟

What will we do about the trouble-making student?

شو تسوي أذا حد زارك بدون موعد؟

What would you do if someone visited you without an appointment?

شو بتسوى إذا صادفك موقف مثل هذا؟ أي نصيحة بتتبع؟

What would you do if you encountered unexpectly a situation like this? Any advice would you follow?

شو تسوي إذا زارك حد وأنت تشوف مسلسلك المفضل؟

What would you do if you had one visitor and you see your faviorite series.

إللي سويته زين ولا شين

What you did is neither good nor bad. (wila is often used to negate a 2nd thing)

كان لازم تسواه أمس.

What you had to do it yesterday.

‏شو تفهم او الفكرة منها

What you understood or the point/idea from it.

اللي فات مات.

What's in the past is dead.

يوم شاف البنت الحلوة كان قاعد يسولف مع الشباب.

Whe he saw the cute girl he was still talking with the boys.

يوم كنت صغير والديّ يموا يقولوا لي لازم تشتغل واجد أذا اريد بنجح.

When I was a small child they kept on telling me you must work a lot if you want to succeed.

يوم كنت قي الثانوية ما كان لازم أذاكر الدروس كل يوم لأنها كانت سهلة واجد ونجحت بسهولة.

When I was in secondary school it was not necessary that I study the lessons every day because they were very easy and I succeeded with ease.

يوم كنت صغير ما فهمت إن العالم بكن قاسي.

When I was young I did not understand that the world would be hard/rough.

متى شربت الشاي؟ توك شربتع قبل ١٠ دقيقة.

When did I drink the tea? You just drank it 10 minutes ago.

منى واصل؟ توّ.

When did he arrive? Just now.

متى اشتراها؟ ما اشتراها بس يريد يشتريها.

When did he buy it. He did not buy it only he wants to buy it.

متى وصلت من الكويت؟ توها وصلت أول أمس.

When did she arive to Kuwait? She just arrived the day before yesterday.

منى حصّلن المفتاح؟ توِن حصّلن اليوم.

When did they (f.) arrived at the museum? They arrived today.

متى طرّشتوا الرسالة؟ تونا طرّشنا الرسالة في اليوم الصبح.

When did you guys send the letter? We just sent the letter in the morning today.

متى لبست هذا القميص؟ توني لبسته أمس.

When did you wear that shirt? I work it yesterday.

و أول ما عرف خليفة ان حرمته حامل طار من الفرحة و على طول خبر امه واهله كلهم.

When he first knew Khaleefa that his wife was pregnent he flew from the happiness..and along with his mom and family all of them.

يوم شاف عبير اعجب فيها لأنها جذابة وصار كل يوم يجيء

When he saw Abeer he was pleased with her because she attractive and he was everyday coming.

يوم راحت المستشفى هو خبّرها إنّه يحبها وهي خبّرته إنها تحبه

When she went to the hospital he told her that he loved her and she told him that she loved him.

يوم يبيض الديك.

When the male turkey lays eggs.

لما الخبر يؤثر في الناس واجد فنتكلّم عن التأثير.

When the news influances the people a lot then we say its influential.

متى تتلع الطيّارة؟

When the plane depart?

ومرة جاء ريال وخطب عبير بس هذا الريال سمعته مب زينة عنيد وغبي ويتجاهل الناس يوم نتكلّموا معه.

When the time had come he went to propose to Abeer but she heard that he was not good, he is stubborn, stupid, and he igorned the people when they talked with him.

يوم هجم عليهم النمر شو كان قاعد يسوي الشخص الأول؟

When the tirger attacked [on] them what was the first guy still doing?

ويوم وصلوا الحديقة حصّلوا الحديقة فاضية بدون حيوانات.

When they arrived to the park they found the park empty without animals.

يوم وصلوا كنا جالسين نطبخ الأكل.

When they arrived, we were still cooking the food.

متى كان مهرجان مسقط؟ أظنّ إنه كان في يناير.

When was the festival of Muscat? I think that it was in January.

متى كنتن في البيت؟ تونا في البيت اليوم.

When where you ( guys in the house? We were just in the house today.

متى يكون نزول الطيّارة من باريس؟

When will the plane descend from Paris?

متى ما تروح، أنا بوصّلك.

Whenever you (want to) go, I'll take you. (ma is used to question words to give it a less specific meaning such as "-ever" in words like "whenever")

وقت (ما تسافر) وترجع لازم تراويني صور المناظر.

Whenever you travel and return, you must show me the pictures of the sights. (ma is used to question words to give it a less specific meaning such as "-ever" in words like "whenever")

وين شافها؟ شافها في السوق.

Where did he see it? In the souq.

وين لقيت عنوانها؟ لقيته في الدُرج تحت الورق.

Where did you find her address? We found it in the drawer under the paper.

وين تركتوا لي الكمبيوتر؟ تركنا لك إياه ما كنت.

Where did you leave for me the computer? We left for you it where you were not.

وين ضيّعت شهادتي؟ ما ضيّعتها حطيت لك إياها في المكتب.

Where did you lose my award? I did not lose it. I put it for you it in the office.

على وين يريد السفر؟

Where did you want the trip/the travel?

وين أترجاك؟

Where do I wait for you?

وين المصوّر؟

Where is the photographer?

وين كانت ولادة المسيح؟

Where was the birth of Jesus?

وين كنت؟

Where were you?

أي ولد ضحك على الولد الصغير؟ شو قال؟

Which boy laughed on the small boy? What did he say?

أي أولاد سافورا إلى البرازيل؟

Which boys traveled to Brazil?

أيّ لون يريد يصبغها؟ يويد يصبغها باللون الأحمر.

Which color does he want to paint it? He wants to paint it with the color red.

أيّ بنت تبكي؟ البنت اللي لابسة الكندورة تبكي.

Which girl is crying? The girl which is wearing the girls skirt is crying.

شو هي أحسم نصبحة من أمك وأبوك؟

Which is better advice from a mother or father?

منو الأشخاص اللي قتلهم الولد؟

Which people did he kill, the boy?

أي صورة شافت ليلى؟

Which picture did Layla see?

من جاب لكم هذه الهدية؟ هم جابونا إياها.

Who brought for you this gift? They brought for us it.

منو اختار لعبة كرة القدم؟

Who chose the football game?

منو اختار لعبة اقتلهم كلهم؟

Who chose the game Kill them All of them?

منو رتّب بيتك؟

Who cleaned/organized your house?

منو ينطّف الحمّام في بيتك؟

Who cleans the bathroom in your house.

من يعطينا الواجب؟ المديرة تعطنا إياه الحين.

Who gave us the assignment? The boss she gave us it now.

من أعطاك عنوانه؟ نورة تعطني إياه.

Who gave you his address? Noora gave me it.

منو عطاك هذا الكتاب؟

Who gave you this book?

منو ممكن يقابل الرئيس بسهولة؟

Who might be able to meet the president easily?

من دفع لكم الفاتورة، أحمد أو علي؟ علي دفع لنا إياها.

Who paid for you guy the bill, Ahmed or Ali? Ali paid for us it.

من خيّط لك فستان العرس؟ عمتي خيّطت لي إياه.

Who sowed for the wedding dress? My aunt sowed for me it.

منو يودّي أولادكم المدرسة؟

Who takes your children to the school?

منو يعلّمكم هذه الجروس؟

Who taught you these lessons?

من خبّره التفاصيل؟ راشد يخبّره إياها.

Who told him the details? Rashid told him it.

منو خبرهم عن اللعبات الموجودة؟

Who told them about the games being present?

من ودّاها العيادة؟ ما حد ودّاها إياها.

Who took her to the clinic? No one took her to it.

متى خذيت الكنادير من المخزن؟ توني خذيتها.

Who took the >>>> from the warehouse? I just took it.

منو يريد يرجع الى بيته؟

Who wanted to go to his house?

من كان جوعان أكثر واحد؟ أنا كنت جوعان أكثر منهم.

Who was the hugriest one? I was the hugriest of them. (when you start a sentence with من in the front you usually use the adjective and then add أكثر = من أكثر ـــــــــ)

من بيكون بدالك يوم الإمتحان؟

Who will be in your place the day of the test?

مَن كان جوعان أكثر من الكل؟

Who's the hungriest?

ليش ما أصحّ (أشفى) يا دكتور؟ لو شربت الدواء، كنت بتصحّ.

Why am I not getting better (healing) doctor? If you drank the medicine, you would have been better.

ليش حمد ما طاف على بيتك اليوم؟

Why did Mohammed not journey/pass by my house today?

ليش جايين عمال واجدين إلى الخليج؟

Why did did they come many workers to the Gulf?

ليش سمّى ولده هذا الأسم؟ عشان ما حصل اسم غيره!

Why did he name his son this name? Because he did not get a name other than it.

ليش هو راد في المستشفى مرة ثانية؟

Why did he return to the hospital again another time?

ليش هي تزوجت شيبة؟

Why did she marry an old man? (اضطرّ is form 8 verb that means "had to" or "was forced to")

ليش تجي الطيور للخور؟

Why did the birds come to the creek?

ليش يجوا الأولاد الى بيتكم يوم العيد؟

Why did the children come to your house on Eid day.

ليش مات الشخص الثاني؟

Why did the second guy die.

ليش اختار الولد الصغير هذه اللعبة؟

Why did the small boy choose this game?

ليش النمر مس الشخص الثالث؟

Why did the tiger touch the third guy?

ليش يجوا السواح إلى دبي.

Why did they the tourists come to Dubai.

ليش جيت هذا المعهد؟ جيت أدرس اللغة العربية.

Why did you come to this institue? I came to study the Arabic langauge.

ليش تريد تروح؟ ما تبى تبقى (تتمّ) معنا عشان نأكل؟

Why did you go? Don't you want to remain with us so that we eat?

ليش ما استأجّر هذا البيت؟ لانّه ما اعجبه.

Why did you know rent this house? Because it (house) did not please him.

ليش ما اتفق معها؟ لو يفكّر زين بيتفق معها؟ لو يفكّر زين بيتفق معها.

Why did you not agree with it? If he things good I will agree I will agree with it.

ليش ما ماكل؟

Why did you not eat?

ليش ما خبّرتني عن الزباين اللي طلبوا أشغال يدوية.

Why did you not inform me about the customoers which asked for hand-made/manuel work.

ليش فرّت عمتي الترمس في الزبالة؟

Why did you throw my aunts thermos away in the trash?

ليش تضرب الولد هو مب قدك؟

Why do you hit the boy who is not your amount/age?

ليش تضرب الولد هو أصغر منك؟

Why do you hit the boy who is younger than you?

ليش أتّمّ (تتمّ) تلعب بأعصابي؟

Why do you keep playing with my nerves?

ليش جالس تلعب بأعصابي.

Why do you keep playing with my nerves?

ليش أنت جاي (ة) للخليج؟

Why do/did you come to the gulf?

ليش دائماً يلفّ وراء يوم يتكلم مع أخواته خلال الفلم؟

Why does he always turn around when he talks with his sisters during the film?

ليش يحب او ما يحب؟

Why does he like it or not like?

ليش الأغراض في شنطتك فير مرتبة؟

Why is the stuff in your bag not organized?

ليش كل هذه الأوساخ؟ لو كان الفرّاش موجود كان نطف كل الأوساخ.

Why is there all this dirt? If there was a janitor present he would have cleaned all the dirt.

ليش وجهك كذي؟ ما تحب الأكل؟

Why is your face like this? Do you not like the food.

ليش زعلت المديرة على البنات؟

Why was the boss (f.) angry at the girls?

ياويلك إذا رسبت في المدرسة!

Woe are you if you fail in school!

عَمَل الصبح متعب واجد.

Work of the morning is very tiring.


Would you help me?>

ما اكثر = مكثر

Wow! A lot! (ما + supparlative)

اكتب ثلات اشياء تخليك فخور فيها.

Write three things which left you proud about them.

اكتب ثلات اشياء سويتها في حياتك تخليك تنجم أو تحزن عليها.

Write three things which you did it in your life that left you you regret or you depressed about it.

نعم، والبنت اللي كانت معه. ياويلي! ما أحلاها!

Yes and the girl who was with him. Oh my! How pretty she was!

نعم، لكن أحرّ من أمس. أطن بيجي الصيف بسرعة.

Yes but it was hotter yesterday. I think that the summer will come quickly.

نعم، بس مع كل هذا، ما اعجبهم الجو هو وبنته.

Yes but with all this, the weather did not pleased them, he and his girl.

هيه نعم، بس كنّا في السيح مب في المدينة.

Yes, but we wer in the desert not in the city.

نعم، هذا الدواء غالي ولكن هذاك الدواء أغاى بواجد!

Yes, this medicine is expensive but that medicine is more expensive by far!

أمس قال لي، كون جاهز يوم أجيك.

Yesaterday he said to me, be ready when I come to you.

أمس تمّيت في البيت.

Yesterday I stayed home.

أمس جلست في البيت.

Yesterday I stayed in the house.

أمس أصدقائي ضحكوا علي عشان ما عرفت أسوق الدراجة.

Yesterday my friends they laughed at me because I did not know how to drive the motorbike.

أمس بنتك جابت لي الدين لكن ما كان لازم تردي الفلوس بسرعة.

Yesterday your daughter brought me the debt but it was not necessary for you return the money quickly.

أنتِ كتبته

You (f.) wrote it.

توكِن بتصلِن لعائلتكن؟ نعم، تونا بنتصل لعائلتنا.

You (pl.f.) are about to call your family? Yes, we are about to call to our family.

تقدر تصب بترول من هذه الشيشة بدال ما تروح للشيشة البعيدة؟

You are able to pour petrol from this petrol station instead of going to the distant petrol station?

توك بتشرد من السجن؟ صح، توني بشرد من السجن.

You are about to flee from prison. Correct, I am bout to flee from prison.

توك بتغني اغنية. صح، توني بغني اغنية.

You are about to sing a song. Correct, I am about to sing a song.

توكم بتغسّلون ملابسكم. نعم، تونا بنغسّلون ملابسنا.

You are about to wash your clothes. Yes we are about to wash our clothes.

انت تتجاهلني.

You are ingorning/ disregarding me.

أنت مب قد هذيلا الناس، إبتعد عنهم.

You are not the size (amount) of these people, flee from them!

إنك حنون

You are so kind, have tenderness or compassion

تتمّ تصرب

You continue hitting


You cussed at me.

لا تتم تأكل

You did not continue to eat

أنت ما سويت قد اللي أنا سويت.

You did not do the amount which I did.

أنت ما قريت الرسالة إللي تركت لك.

You did not read the letter which I left for you.

أنت ما قريت الرسالة.

You did not read the message.

عطيه الأسم اللي تباه بس اوصيك من الحين البنات أنا اللي بختار لهن السماء.

You give the name which you want it but I comand you from now on the girls I will choose the names.

توكم بتاكلون في المطعم! صح، تونا بناكل في المطعم.

You guys are about to eat in the restaurant! Correct, we are about to eat in the restaurant.

توكم تسيرون؟

You guys just started going? (when تو is used with present tense verb it indicates that the action has just begun and is being done right now.)

جلست تتغدى يوم سمعت عن الحادث.

You had kept/started eating lunch when you heard about nthe accident.

توك ماكل؟

You just ate? (when تو is used with present tense verb it indicates that the action has just begun and is being done right now.)

قاعد تتغدى يوم سمعت عن الحادث.

You kept eating lunch when you heard about the accident.

قعدت تتغدى يوم سمعت عن الحادث.

You kept/started eating lunch when you heard about the accident.

أستعنيت عني بعد ما توصل.

You manage without me/don't need me after you arrive.

لازم تغيّر هذه الكندورة.

You must change this Kandoora.

لازم يتعاون مع بعض.

You must cooperate together...

لازم يكون تعطيهم فرصة، لازم تتدرب على السياقة أكثر.

You must have been giving them an opportunity, you must practice on the driving more.

لازم ما تتأخر واجد.

You must not be very late.

ما لازم تخبّر هند عن الهدية قبل الحفلة، أبى أفاجئها.

You must not tell tell Hind about the gift before the party, I want to surprise her.

لازم تدفع عشان تصلَح وإلا روح اشتكي في المكتب الرئيسي.

You must pay in order to fix or go and complain in the bosses office.

أنت تستلم البيت سليم وإذا اخترّب أيّ شيء نصلّحه.

You receive the house fixed up and if anything breaks we will fix it.

تذكر كيف كان المطر يومها.

You remember how was the rain that day.

استغنيت عني يوم وصلوا.

You stopped using me/don't need me whey they arrived.

عقّت عمتك الدلّة إللي خربانة.

You threw your mothers tea/coffee pitcher which was broken.

عقّت عمتك الدلّة.

You threw your mothers tea/coffee pitcher.

سافرت إلى الدول الأسيوية

You traveled to the Asian countries.

تحاول تقول القصة من الذاكرة

You try to tell the story from the memory.

بتمّين تروحين وترجعين

You will continue to go and return

أنت كتبته

You wrote it.

وجهك لوح.

Your face is board/tablet.

أبوك راح، ليس جالس تندسّ؟

Your father left, why are you still hiding yourself.


a rest support

تعوّر، عوّر

a thing hurt a person a person hurts themself

نشيط أنشط

active, more active

نشيط، أنشط

active, more active


activity (as in a class activity)




alert, paying attention


already, well now, anyhow, more

مع إن



ambitious, aspiring

وكان يريد يستغل زعلها وروحها بيت اهلها.

and he wanted to use/exploit her anger and to leave her at the house of her family.

ويتأخّر عن شغلمه ويأجّل مواعيده

and he was late for his work and he postponed his appointments.

وإذاه يحب هذا الشغل.

and if it he liked the work.

و عشان أسوّي أحسن الموديلات للشعر.

and so that I can make better style for the price

موعد، جلسة



appropriate, fluent






awake (pl.)

سيء، أسوء

bad, worse

جميل اجمل

beautiful, more beautiful

كبير، أكبر، الأكبر

big, bigger, the biggest

أكبر منهم، أكبر منكم

bigger than them, bigger than you


biggest liar


binoculars, telescope, scope.

مرّ أمرّ

bitter, more bitter





مملّ أملّ

boring more boring








chair for car, seat

رخيص ارخص

cheap, cheaper

نقطة تفتيش




نظيف أنظف

clean cleaner

قريب مني

close to me

برد ابرد

cold colder

برد أبرد

cold, colder





مريح أريح

comfortable, more comfortable




confused, indecisive





فُضول، فٌضولي، فُضوليّة

curious, nosey curious, nosey (m.) curious, nosey (f.)

حلياً، في الوقت الحاضر

currently, for now, at the present time

خطير أخطر

dangerous, more dangerous

كثيف، غليظ

dense, thick

غادر، مغادرة


على حسب الجملة

depending on/according to the sentence








disgusting, gross


done for me


done to me

جافّ أجفّ

dry, dryer

ناشف أنشف

dry, dryer



مفيد اقيّد

effective, more effective






enthusiasm, zelous, fighting spirit

حتى ولو

even if, even though

مع إنه ما يريد

even though he doesn't want to





منفذ، مخرج


فسّر لي

explain to me







مشهور، أشهر

famous, more famous

سريع أسرع

fast, faster

سريع، أسرع، الأسرع

fast, faster ,the fastest

حمّى، حمّيات

fever/flu, fever/flu (pl.)


fluent with langauge





طازج أطزاج

fresh, fresher



من تهديدك

from your heart

مثمر اثمر

fruitful, productive; more fruitful, more productive

دمّه خفيف

funny person (lit. his blood is light)


gained weight




genius, wise


good mannered

حسن، أحسن

good, better


got slimer

ممارسة القواعد.

grammer practice

عظيم أعظم

great greatest

أزين = أجمل aziiyaan

greatest, most beautiful





سعيد أسعد

happy happier


hard, cruel, strict, rough

سعب، أصعب

hard, harder

يركز على

he concentrates on

نوم، نومة

he dances, a dance

نما، يتمو

he grew (Some collective nouns are singular in form but have plural meaning. They are treated as masculine nouns. When only one of that noun is intended a ـة is suffixed.)


he guessed, guess

اخترع، يخترع

he invented, he is inventing

نقز، نطّ، نمز

he jumped


he made fall, he pushed


he moved house


he moved, transfered

لازم يسوي

he must do

مارس، يمارس

he practices

كان راجع

he reviewed, revised, checked

رقص، رقصة

he sleeps, a nap

زرار، يزرار، زَرّر

he slobbered, he is slobering

تفّال، تفّل

he spit

ودّى، يودّي

he took someone, he is taking someone

كان قاعد...، كان جالس...

he was still

عالي أعلى

high, high

موهبة، مواهب

hobby, hobbies

فضيل أفضيل

holy, distinguished; eminent; virtuous prefered, most holy, distinguished, eminent, virtuous

بصراحة، بلهقيقة

honestly, frankly, truthfully

حرّ أحرّ

hot hotter

حارّ أحرّ

hot, hotter





ما احلى = محلى

how wonderful (ما + supparlative)


humble, modest

رطب أرطب

humid, damp; more humid, damper

لو (فاضي، مضارع) أذا (مستقبل)


جاهل أجهل

ignorant more ignorant



مُندفِغ (noun)، متسرع (adj)


قيه (fii) فيًّ (fiiya)

in him in me



بدل عن بدال


بدل عن، بدال، بدال ما (used with verbs)

instead of; in place of



عوّر (فعل)، اُلم (اسم)

it hurt, pain

لازم ما

it's necessary

تمّ، بقى، ظل

kept on; continued (when used before a verb or active participle however the words are used differently depending on where it describes an action or a description. In MSA the words may also mean to complete or fulfill.)

لطيف ألطف

kind, kinder


last time

السبوع الفات

last week

كسلا أكثر، أكسل، كسول أكثر

lazier (three ways)



كسلان أكسر

lazy, lazier

لسان طويل

long tounge????

طويل أطول

long, longer

واطي أوطى

low, lower



محظوظ، أحظظى

lucky, luckier





مٍلّكة (milcha)

marriage contract



مناسب أكثر، أنسب

more appropriate (two ways)

نعسان أكثر، أنعس

more sleepy (two ways)

ندمان أكثر، أندم

more sorry, regrettful (two ways)

عطشان أكثر، أعطش

more thirsty (two ways)

تعبان أكثر، أتعب

more tired (two ways)




next to me

صورة حلوة

nice picture

ما حدّ

no one



ما مهمّ

not important

مب لازم

not necessary

ولا (مب)




يكبر ويدمر

older and worse

حتة همبة، كيلو همبة

one mango, kilo of mangos

مجرد كلام

only words (not truth)

وّلا (أو)


مرتّب، منظّم







pencil case


perplexed, to choose/choosing

متشائم، متفائل

pesimist, pesimistic; optimist, optimistic


piece, portion

فقير، أفقر

poor, poorer

أدريب، إدرب

practice (n.); practice! (v.)




previously, formerly




race, hybrid

ممطر أمطر

rainy, rainier




raw, unripe


reach agreement



إيصال، إيصالات


بالنسبة لِ

regarding; in relation to; in my opinion

تذكّر (٤)


ذكّرني (٢)

remind me



غالي أغلى

rich, richer

غني، أغنى

rich, richer

غني، أغنى، الأغنى

rich, richer, the richest






same amout



دمّه ثقيل

serious, depressing person (lit. his blood his heavy)

هي الطول، هي طول وحدة

she is the tallest she is the tallest one



بسيط أبسط

simple simpler


site, location





بطئ ابطَى

slow, slower

ماكر، أمكر

sly, cunning; more sly, more cunning

صغير أصغر

small, smaller


smart, knowledgable

ذكي أذكى

smart, smarter

ذكي، أذكر

smart, smarter


so then


soft OR curly

ناعم انعم

soft/smooth (straight hair); softer, smoother

بعض الناس

some people OR there are those who (this can refer to one person)

بعض شيء

some things

ما دام، بما أن، بينما


حامض احمض

sour, more sour


splendid, bright, shining (bright future)

قعد...، قام...، بدَ...

started action


state of ignorance

ما زال = بعدي

still, after



قوّي اقوا

strong, stronger

رسلا يبص raasla yaabis


غبي ثور

stupid cow

غبي، أغبى

stupid, stupider



حلو أحلى

sweet, sweeter

بطلاقة، بطلاق

talking a lot (f. & m.)

أرهابي، أرهابيين

terrorist, terrorists

هذيك، هذاك

that (m., f.)

ما = اللي

that which


the accountent


the bill


the boards

اختربت السيّارة

the car stopped working


the chapter (Bible)


the driver


the hallway, passageway

الولد المجروح

the injured boy


the majority


the minority

الأقليّة الأغلبية

the minority the majority


the servant


the stories


the text


the woman


the women


they kissed noses




thin, high (usually things)

تتون (ة)



tire others out

نعسان أنعس

tired tiredest


to bring down, discount, download

جاي جاية

to come (can be usedor to show a persons purpose in coming.


to confess, acknowledge, recognize

ناسي = فاقد

to forget

ذكر (١)، قال

to mention; to say

نشرة = خبر

to tell/ brodcast

اتابع = شوف

to watch keep/ keep track of

سايح، سياح

tourist, tourists




trouble making




trustwory with things (won't steal)



قبيح اقبح

ugly, nasty uglier, nastier

بشع، أبشى

ugly, uglier


unemployed jobless


unpleasent, bad, pointless

قعد قاعد يقعد

use like صفة قعد- past only قاعد- past until now يقعد- now

مستعمل أستعمل

used used more

قعد، جلس

used with a verb it gives the meaning of "still" or "in the middle of" an action that is interrupted.

قعد، قاعد: جلس، جالس : بقى، باقي

used with a verb it gives the meaning of "still" or "in the middle of" an action that is interrupted.

مفيد، نافع

useful, benificial





موج، أمواج

wave, waves

ضغيف أضعف ضعفان

weak, thin weaker, thinner he has become weak, he has lost weight ("an" is used to describe a condition arrived at. These are commonly used for temporary physical states.)


well kept

حكيم، أحكم

wise, wiser

بلا شي = بلاش

without money

صورة الأشعة

xray picture

إذا فيه تخفيضات بشتري لك زيادة.

اf there are sales I will buy for you more.

شو رايك في الفوضى؟

ًWhat is your opinion about the disorder?

نادراً أتكلم مع البنات اللي يمارسن رياضة.

ٍSeldom do I talk with the girls which practice sports.

بعد أستقالتي من الجيش، بسافر أمريكا.

ِAfter they withdrew me from the army, I will travel to America.

وذلك شخصين مع بعض بحيث يكون الطالب الأول المتكلم والطالب الثاني مستمع.

ِThat two persons with each other where the first student is the speaker and the second student is the listener.

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