exceptions of national treatment rule
discrimination in the: 1. procurement of goods by government agencies for governmental purposes only 2. payment of subsidies to domestic producers 3. screening of domestically produced cinematographic films 4. measures (national rules, decisions) as a matter of public policy - to protect certain essential public policy objectives
Protection only through tariffs
each member state may protect its domestic industries only through the use of tariffs
Article XI
forbids quotas and other quantitative restrictions that block the function of the price mechanism
governmental charges imposed on goods at the time they are imported into a state
Non-discrimination principle
international trade should be conducted without discrimination
is a set of rules under which the member states of that organization are committed to negotiate reductions in customs tariffs and other impediments to international trade in goods
The GATT 1947, Article III
member states are not allowed to charge duties (tariffs) in excess of those set out in the agreement, after the time the member state agreed to the WTO general agreement
suggests that the application of member states' tariffs are equal to all other members
National treatment rule
the treatment of imported products from other member states equally
Purpose of GATT
to relax government restrictions on international trade of goods
1. Direct Effect 2. Protection through tariffs 3. Non-discrimination
3 GATT principles
Direct Effect
A private person who may challenge the actions of a state (a party of GATT) invoking the rules of GATT
Most Favored Nation (MFN) and national treatment rules
Non-discrimination principle achieved by
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade