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ERG theory

Compresses Maslow's five need categories into three: existence, relatedness, and growth.

contingency planning

determination of alternative courses of action to be taken is an intended plan is unexpectedly disrupted or rendered inappropriate

competing values framework

developed by kim cameron and robert quinn this model is used for diagnosing an org cultural effectiveness and examining its fit within the environment

Sun Tzu

developed subdivisions, various rankings of authority, and the use of color as coordinations between units

Henry Gantt

developed the Gantt chart to measure and plan work - allowed for process of control

Max Weber

developed the idea that orgs should be formalized and legalistic in their operations

han dynasty outcome

development of beauarcracy

motivation two major compionents

direction and intensity

devils advocate

discourages groupthink

operating income

earnings before interest and taxes

who helped to pioneer the ideas of specialization of labor, span of control, and heiarchy of demand?


values statement

either reaffirms or states outright the organizations values that might not be evident in the mission or vision statements

form I9

eleigabilty to work in US

agile manifesto

emphasized principeles of collaboration, self org, self direction, and regular reflection on how to work more effeciecntly and respond in real time to customer feedback

Hierarchy Culture

emphasizes efficiency, process and cost control, organizational improvement, technical expertise,

form w4

employee filing status and witholdings

Which of the following about high LMX is true

employees with this type of relationships generally perform better

general ledger

engine that runs your businesses accounting system day to day, summary of all transactions made


entrepreneurs who apply their creativity, vision, and risk taking within a large corp rather than staring their own company

stages a business goes through

entreprenuersip, survival and early success, sustained success, renewal/decline

Simple, unstable environment

environements have a small number of external elements, elements are dissimilar and change rapidly

complex unstable enviornments

environments have a large number of external elements, elements are dissimilar and change rapidly

complex-stable environments

environments that have a large number of external elements, and element are dissimilar but change slowely

simple stable environmetns

environments that have a small number of external elements elements are similar and change slowly

Porter's Five Forces

evaluates the interconnected relationships between various actors in an industry including competing firms, their suppliers, and their customers, by examining the five forces: 1- industry rivalry 2- threat of new entrants 3- threat of substitutes 4- supplier power 5- buyer power

convergent thinking

evaluating potential answers to a problem

what can be a profitable growth strat for small biz

expanding into global markets

contingency schol

explained there were no universal laws in management, due to a wide variety of variables that influence relationships and create unique situations, and that each situation required a different response.

first mover advantage

exploiting an opportunity before any other firm does, does not mean you will win

renewal/decline formal system

extensive formal system

competitive environment

factors and situations both inside the firm and outside the firm that have the potential to impact its operations and successes.


faith based on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus

t/f - it is free for a company to accept credit cards


t/f - jobs are required to provide retirement plans, health plans, and dental plans


t/f - organic org structure has one way communiction


t/f: Decentralized companies give more authority to a higher level employee, resulting in a sense of empowerment


t/f: it is a good idea for new businesses to use a checkbook and receipts system


main industry in adhocracy

fast paced indutries

asians are the __ growing minortiy


All of the following are reasons people resist change except ...

fear of success

motion studies

film studies of work

contact line of credit

finance labor and material costs involved in carrying out contracts

balance sheet

financial statement that provides snapshot of financial position

Henri Fayol administrative theory was

first general statement on management theory

t/f: which results in better employee and overall productivity

flat organizations

Market Culture

focuses on delivering value, competing, delivering shareholder value, goal achievement, driving and delivering results, speedy decisions, hard driving through barriers, directive, commanding, and getting things done.

clan culture

focuses on relationships, team building, commitment, empowering human development, engagement, mentoring, and coaching

clan culture

focuses on relationships, team building, commitment, empowering human development, engagement, mentoring, and coaching.


foreign employee who moves and works in another country for an extended period of time.

____ are the official organization of the business and are typically hierarchical in nature

formal structures

Mary Parket Folett

found a way to utilize the tenants of the human relations movement to solve some of the issues with scientific management *resolving conflict without compromise or dominance

another word for external environment

general environment

executive managers

generally, a TEAM of individuals a the highest level of management within an organization

defined as development of an integrated global economy


main industry in heiarchy culture

gov agencies

Small Business Administration (SBA)

gov agency that speaks on behalf of small biz,

small business investment company (SBIC)

government regulated investment company that borrows money from the SBA to invest in or lend to a small business

who built forerunners of the modern corporation and guilds

greeks and romans

small business administration (SBA) does not make --- but provides alone guarantee to entrepreneurs, promising the bank a return if you are unable to

DIRECT loans

boundary conditions

Define the degree of discretion that is available to employees for self-directed action.

resource based view

Demonstrates how a diverse workforce can create a sustainable competitive advantage for organizations.

delphi groups

group process using written responses to a series of questionnaires instead of physical bringing individualist make a decision

identity groups

groups in society based on these individual differences

to gain a competitive advantage, a company's ___ __ must be difficult to copy and imitate

hR practices

quid pro quo

harassment that refers to exchange of rewards for sexual favors/ punishments for refusal

franchise benefits

have a customer base with reduced risk, but you have limitations

___ 2 fastest growing minortity


__ highest labor participation rate



hoe to manage flows of resources and info

internal dimension of organizations

how an orgs culture affects and influences its strategy


how much each employee earned and how much fica was withheld

Which of the following is not one of the four processes that bind short term activity to long term objectives?

human resources

divisional structure

ideal for org that has products/ services specific to unique market segments

business interruption coverage

if natural disaster puts business out of order - pays for income loss while property coverage pays for rebuilding

appeal to tradition fallacy

if we have always done it a particular way, that is the best way

buyer power

in the relationship between the firm and its customers, buyers with high power can negotiate product price features, while buyers with low power cannot.

Nebechadnezzar outcome



income, education, age, and ethnic and racial composition of a population.


index of how much an individual values a particular outcome

DHL Global Connected Index

index tracking the flow of capital, information, trade, and human resources and representing the degree of globalization.

schema theory

individuals encore information about others based on their demographic characteristics - patterns

what economic shift created the need for managers

industrial revolution

barriers to entry

industry factors (such as high star-up) that can prevent new firms from sucessfully launching new operations in that industry

emerging market multinationals

influential companies from emerging markets that are competing head-on with established multi-nationals and are rewriting the rules of competition by using new business models

For the balanced scorecard, which of the following does not fall under the section on learning and growth

information systems performance

open system

interacts with the environment to gain resources


international entry mode where a company sends a product to an international market and fills in the order like a domestic order

decisional entrepreneurial role

intitate projects that lead to improvements, delegate idea-generation responsibilities and decide what ideas to act on

Which of the following is not one of the four types of financial ratio that can enable you to compare trends in your business's financial performance

inventory ratios

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

involves a company funding buildings in another country with ownership in the company

bill of lading

issued to the exporter by the common carrier of the merchandise, says what is in the container

some of the first multinational corporations have their genesis during the

italian renessance

fixed assets

items for long term use (5+ years) - expensed over a period of time

Fredrick Winslow Taylor

known as the father of scientific management


large shares in rapidly growing markets

cash cows

large shares of mature markets

legal factors pestel

laws impacting businesses such as those governing contracts and intellectual property rights and illegal activities, such as online piracy.

What 2 professionals are needed for a new business?

lawyer and accountant

conventional mindset

leaders assume most people are inclined to resisted change and need to be managed to encourage others to change

abundance based change

leaders assume that employees will change if they can be inspired to aim for greater degree of excellence in their work

types of power

legitimate power • coercive power • expert power • referent power • reward power

unsecured loan

lender is confident on biz and that the loan will be repaid on time

international franchising

licensing of complete business model - franchise pays royalty


limited liability company, separate assets, liability protection

borrowing from a 401K

loan has to be repaid in 60 days if you loose your job

kotters change force is long or short term


CDC/504 loan program

long term, fixed rates for financing fixed assests

Which of the following is not one of the top 5 local challenge trends

lower innovation

interpersonal liaison role

maintain and manage info links inside and outside the org

Italian Renaissance

major leap of knowledge and learning that had economic and business implications

nominal groups

management by objective (MBO)

john florio outcome

managemnent to english language

inclusioni is ___ and ___ diversity

managing and valuing

which two competing value frameworks are externally focused

market and adhocracy

main industry in market culture

marketing and sales

Carl G. Bath

mathematician, developed a slide rule for determining how much steel to cut

which structure results in confusion to employees reporting to two bosses>

matrix because it combines vertical and horizontal

who proposed the five elements of buerarcracy

max weber

a consulting firm (in other words, a company that helps other businesses solve complex problems).


path lengths

measure of distance, avg number of links separating two nodes in a network


mental shortcuts that allow a decision maker to reach a good decision quickly. strategies developed based on prior experience, saves time

Which of the following is considered a second string funding option that can have interest as high as 50%?

merchant cash advancw

must establish this if you want to accept credit cards

merchant status

nominal group technique

method of facilitating a group of people to produce a large number of ideas in a short amount of time

High-rigor cross-cultural training

methods of training where participants are much more actively engaged in the training process and can learn some tactict aspects of cross-cultural differences

survival and early success formal system extent

minimal formal system

entrepreneurship formal system extent

minimal to nonexistent

Fair Labor Standards Act

minimum wage & overtime

sba has special programs for what three groups

minorities, women, vets

Uppsala model of internationalization

model that argues that as firms learn more about a specific market, they become more committed by investing more resources into that market.

GLOBE project

more recent cultural project involving 170 researchers who collected data on 17000 managers from 62 countries around the world

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth contribution

motion studies

interpersonal leader role

motivate, train, counsel, communicate, and direct subordinates


movement of people from their home country to other countries, will continue to grow worldwide

gross earnings

net sales (after removing / allowances) minus costs of production

another word for domain


traditional business model are failing through ____


fast follower

not a first mover, watch people use product then come out with better one\

environmental complexity

number of elements in the environment

sustained competitive advantage

occurs when a distinctive competence cannot be easily duplicated, what remains after all attempts at a strategic imitations cease

venture captial

one of the more popular forms of equity financing used to finance high risk, high return for businesses

employee handbook

one of the most important resources HR can provide to an org to mitigate risk

biz write offs have to be __ and __

ordinary and necessary

one of the most important internal dimension of an orgs effectiveness

org culture

through put

org subsystems and processes transform inputs through education manufacturing processes, etc

limited partnership

partnership in which only one partner is required to be a general partner

General Partnership

partnership in which partners share equally in both responsibility and liability

informational disseminator role

pass information to other in org

positive/appreciative mindset

people inclined to accept cahnge

social cognitive theory

people use categorization to simplify and cope with large amounts of info ex -stereotypes

Choose the correct equation that accurately describes performance

performance = motivation X ability X environment

interim loans

periodic payments to the contractors building new facilities - mortgage on building will be used to pay off loan

economic factors in pestel

pestel category that examines a firms external situation with respect to the natural environment, including pollution, natural resource availability and preservation, and alternative energy

___ has better results than letters when it comes to late payments

phone calls

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

phychological, security, belongingness, esteem, self actualization

types of organizational resources

physical, human, informational, financial


pilgrimage to mecca one in lifetime


pioneer of development of incentives in that he gave greater rewards to workers that were productive

management is the process of

planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the activities of employees in combination with other resources to achieve organizational goals

five functions of management

planning, organizing, staffing, leading, controlling (directing) - created by henri fayol

Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions

power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, long-term orientation, IBM 4 main dimensions 1- power distance - degrees of acceptance of authority 2- individualism - degree to which society focuses on the individual compared to the group 3- uncertainty avoidance - degree to which people in society are comfortable with uncertainty 4- masculinity - degree to which society emphasizes masculine qualities

interpersonal figurehead role

preform formal duties like greeting visitors and signing docs

7a loan program

primary and most flexible, low interest rates, long repayment terms

basic unit of advertising

print ad

what allowed for the spread of ideas throughout europe?

printing press

org design

process of setting up org structures to address the needs of an org and account for the complexity involved in accomplishing business objectives

Which of the following about professional employer organizations is false?

professional employee organizations and temporary help companies provide the same service

adhocracy culture

profile of an organization emphasizes creating, innovating, visioning the future, managing change, risk-taking, rule-breaking, experimentation, entrepreneurship, and uncertainty.

leader ember exchange (LMX)

proposes that the type of relationship leaders have with their employees is the key to understanding how leaders influence employees; in group vs out group, scapegoating

replacement cost insurance provides

protection from inflation

- Which of the following is not a basic employee benefit required by law

provide a retirement plan

commercial finance group

provides finance solutions to small and midsize companies

builders line program

provides financing for small contractors or develops to construct property to be sold to a 3rd party

best strategy for effective an fair performance managemetn

real time communication and documentation of issues

appeal to emotion fallacy

redirects the argument from logic to emotin

overall cost leadership

reduce manufacturing and other costs

Which is the best way to address perceived inequity

reduce one's own inputs or increase one's own outputs


reduction in value of a fixed asset over its expected life

power distance

refers to the degree to which societies accept power differences and authority in society

justification surpression model

Explains under what conditions individuals act on their predjudices


FICA social security and medicare tax

cultural intelligence

refers to the individuals capabilities to function and manage effectively in culturally diverse settings

SHRM strategic human resources management

reflects the aim of integrating the organization's human capital (people) into the mission and vision


religion whose essence is described in the Qur'an as the submission to the will of Allah


represented by all those who honor the ancient scriptures the Vedas


representing countries that share similar characteristics

decisional negotiator role

represents in contracts

revenue streams

represents the cash a company generates from each customer segment

secured loan

required collateral but has lower interest rates than unsecured loan , used for real estate purchases and loans longer than 12 months

form 1099

required if you pay an IC moer than 600 a year

elton mayo

researched, theorized, and developed human relations theory based on an experiment at the Hawthorne plant on how to manage workers and improve production *nonmonetary incentives*

- What does OSHA have domain over?

safety of employees (occupational safety and health admin)

span of control

scope of work someone is accountable for

mallows hierarchy of needs

security, belongingness, esteem, self actualization

informational monitor role

seek and receive information from a variety of sources

4 parts of emotional intelligence

self awareness, self regulation, social skills, empathy

#1 form of financing used by most business startups

self financing

value chain

sequence of activities that firms preform to turn inputs (parts/supplies) into outputs (goods/services)

line of credit loan

short term, most useful for small businesses for inventory and operating costs

business model concept must be what three things

simple, relevant, and understandable

cash method of accounting

simple, used commonly, track cash flow

Which of the following is not one of the many types of venture capital?

small business loan


small market shares, no growth prospects

8a Business development program

socially and economically disadvantaged companies allow to enter the federal procurement market and economic mainstream

what are the five elements of buerarcracy

specialization, command and control, span of control, centralization, and formalization

organizational development

specialized field that focuses on how to design and manage change

local content requirements

specific fraction of a good must be produced domestically

mechanistic org structures are stable or unstable


environmental change

stable vs unstable

romans outcome


According to Fielder, which of the following is not one of the three conditions creating situational favorableness

strategic position

unity of command

stresses each worker should only have one supervisor

accounts payable

sub ledger used to track purchases and assets from suppliers

cognitive diverse hypothesis

suggests that multiple perspectives stemming from cultural differences between group and org members result in creative problem soling and innovation

we can track the development of management from its development under the ___


who provided the concepts of writing and record keeping that allowed urban economies to develop which allowed for small biz to develop


decisional disturbance handler role

take corrective actions when conflict arises

Chester Barnard argued what

that the executive purpose was to gain resources from members within the org by ensuring they preform their jobs and that cooperation exists between various groups within the org

what saw a reemergence of trade?

the Italian renessacne

strategic objectives

the big-picture goals for the company : what the company will do to try to fulfill its mission

corporate strategy

the broadest level of strategy, concerned with decisions about growing, maintaining, or shrinking very large companies, focuses on multi-level business corporations

nine resilience lens

the capacity of a company or other org to adapt and prosper in the face of high impact, low prob risks

bounded rationality

the concept when we make decisions, we cannot be fully rational because we do not have all the possible information or the cognitive processing ability to make fully informed, completely rational decisons

what brought new knowledge from the muslim and chinese societies as well as a rediscovery of trade throughout europe?

the crusades and various travelers


the degree of definition in the roles that exist throughout an org

functional structure

the earliest and most used organizational designs

risk propensity

the extent to which a decision maker is willing to gamble when making a decision

What did Adam Smith propose?

the ideas of division of labor, specialization, and coordination within a corporation

glass ceilign

the lack of advancement opportunities awarded to qualified women

first-line management

the level of management directly directly managing non managerial employees

middle management

the managers in an organization at a level just below senior administration

macro environment

the middle layer of elements in a firms external environment, primarily concerned with a firms industry situation.

key partnerships

the network of suppliers and partners that make the business model work

organic organizational structures

the opposite of a functional org form that works best in unstable, complex changing environements

Accrual Method of Accounting

the practice of recording economic activity when recognized rather than waiting until realized


the purpose of the org from which strategies, org capabilities, resources, and management systems are mobilized to support the enterprises purpose

strategic managment

the set of activities that firm managers undertake to put their firms in the best possible position to compete successfully in the marketplace.

human captial

the skills, knowledge and experience by an individual or group that add value to an organizatioin

confirmation bias

the tendency to pay attention only to information that supports one's values and beliefs while discounting or ignoring information that doesn't

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

the worlds largest HR professional society

modern management is based on ___


Despite potential benefits, the disadvantages of a matrix structure include which of the following ?

there is potential for interpersonal conflict with team members as well as with leaders

emerging markets

those markets in countries that present tremendous potential for multinationals

what constraint makes us rely on heuristics rather than engage in deep processing

time constraints

primary strategy of auto insurance

to increase your deductible then your premiums will decrease accordingly

Fayol focused on __ managers while Weber focused on __ managers

top, middle

save money on insurance through obtaining it through a __ or __

trade group or association

low-rigor cross cultural training

training where individuals are exposed to critical information to help them understand the realities of a different culture but are not actively engaged in their learning.

hidden diverstiy

traits that are deep-level but may be concealed/revealed at the discretion of the individuals who posses them (sexual orientation, hidden diaabilti, mixed, etc)

informational spokesperson role

transmit info to others outside the org

t/f: non profits still have to pay employment taxes


international strategic alliances

two or more companies from different countries enter into an agreement to conduct joint business activities

letter of credit

typically used in international trade

focus of the GLOBE Framework

understand how national cultures have preferences for different leadership styles. clusters society that share similar characteristics

lewis change model

unfree, move, refreeze

What is the rule of continuity for general partnerships?

unless the partnership makes certain provisions, the business dissolves

organic org structures are stable or unstable


venture capital

Financing obtained from venture capitalists, investment firms that specialize in financing small, high-growth companies and receive an ownership interest and a voice in management in return for their money.

Accounts Receivable

used to track who owes and how much it is due

access-and-legitimacy perspective

Focuses on the benefits that a diverse workforce can bring to a business that wishes to operate within a diverse set of markets or with culturally diverse clients.

support activities

value chain activities that a firm preforms to sustain itself, do not directly create a product or service but are necessary to support the firms existence such as accounting and human resources

world trading system• used to be called__ now __

GATT (general agreement on tariffs and trade) , two

difference vs vision and mission statement

vision is what it hopes to accomplish, mission is how it plans to accomplish

business-level strategy

ways that single-product firms organize their activities to succeed against rivals, at this level include cost leadership and differentiation, focuses on a single product or product line

Which of the following statements about perception is true

we do not solely respond to stimuli in our environment

pooled interdependence

when units operate with little interaction

global strategy

where all operations and activities are managed fairly similarly worldwide

main industry in clan culture



with a fixed line of credit you borrow a flat amount and pay it back over a particular period

IRA (Individual Retirement Account)

withdrawal as long as you replace within 60 days, no interest - not a loan

roth ira

withdrawals are tax and penalty free as long as money has been in the account for more than 5 years - taxed when you put the money in

short -term vs long term

within a year , over a year

the basic business insurance package consists of what four fundamental coverages

workers comp, general liability, auto, property / casualty

zone of indifference

workers would comply with orders if they were indifferent to them. * don't have to agree with orders, have to be indifferent in order to follow


worldwide phenomenon whereby the countries of the world are becoming more interconnected and where trade barriers are disappearing

Sumerians outcome

writing and trade

hammarabi outcome

written commands and controls

genetic fallacy

you cant trust something because of its origin, stereotypes

who created the 14 and 5 principles of management?

Henri Fayol

socio-cultural environment forces

Include different generations' values, beliefs, attitudes and habits and lifestyles

angel investors

Individual investors or groups of experienced investors who provide financing for start-up businesses by investing their own funds.

cultural paradox

Insights from an understanding of culture may not necessarily coincide with reality in that culture

culture change

Involves reshaping and reimagining the core identity of the organization.

extrinsic motivation

Occurs when a person performs a given behavior to acquire something that will satisfy a lower-order need.

decisional role

One of the three major roles that a manager assumes in the organization. Managers make decisions, and take advantage of opportunities. This role involves decision making; entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator and negotiator.

emergent or bottom up approach

Organizations exist as socially constructed systems in which people are constantly making sense of and enacting an organizational reality as they interact with others in a system.

sociocultural factors

PESTEL category that identifies trends, facts, and changes in society's composition, tastes, and behaviors, including demographics.

question marks / problem children

Products in a BCG matrix that compete in high market growth industries, but have low market share. They consume lots of cash but do not generate much profit, if any.

equity theory

States that human motivation is affected by the outcomes people receive for their inputs, compared to the outcomes and inputs of other people.

human resources compliance

The HR role to ensure adherence to laws and regulations that govern the employment relationship.

C Corporation

The most common type of corporation, which is a legal business entity that offers limited liability to all of its owners, who are called stockholders

cost accounting

The process of allocating all costs associated with generating a sale, both direct & indirect

Sole Proprietorship

The simplest form of business, in which the owner is the business. The owner reports business income on his or her personal income tax return and is legally responsible for all debts and obligations incurred by the business.

escalation of commitment

The tendency of decision makers to remain committed to poor decision, even when doing so leads to increasingly negative outcomes. "staying the course"

contingency theory of leadership

The theory that leadership effectiveness depends both on how task-oriented or relationship-oriented the leader is, and on the amount of control and influence the leader has over the group

employee life cycle

The various stages of engagement of an employee—attraction, recruitment, onboarding, development, retention, separation.

interpersonal role

This role involves human interactions; figurehead, leader and liaison. Inside and outside work units. one of three major managerial roles

informational role

This role involves the sharing and analyzing of information; monitor, disseminator and spokesperson. one of the three major managerial roles

what is a good strategy for managing competitive advantages


what war used the merit rating system

WW1 to identify poor performers

suppression of dissent

When a group member exerts his or her power to prevent others from voicing their thoughts or opinions.

horizontal org structures

a "flatter" org structure often found in matrix orgs where individuals relish the breath and development that their team offers

vision statement

a broad expression of what a business's founders want that business to accomplish.

critical thinking

a disciplined process of evaluating the quality of information, especially by identifying logical fallacies in arguements


a form of business financing consisting of funds raised through the sale of stock (ownership) in a busnienss

business plan

a formal written statement that describes in detail the idea for a new business and how it will be carried out - includes a general description for the company, qualification of the owner, description of the product/service, analysis of the market, and a financial plan

focus strategy

a generic business-level competitive strategy that firms use in combination with either a cost-leadership or differential strategy in order to target a smaller demographic or geographic market with specialized products or services

cost leadership strategy

a generic business-level strategy in which a firm tightly controls costs throughout its value chain activities in order to offer customers low-priced goods and services at a profit, saves money by offering low priced goods

differentiation strategy

a generic business-level strategy in which firms add value to their products and services in order to attract customers willing to pay a higher price

complex adaptive systems

a model that views organizations as constantly developing and adapting to their environment


a positive or negative political force in decision making which constitute of an informal alliance of individuals or groups formed to achieve a goal

maximizing shareholder wealth

a rationalization for placing the importance of short-term profits over the needs of other who will be affected by a decsion

model minority myth

a reflection of perceptions targeting asians that contract successful stereotypes of men with rebellious stereotypes of women

PESTEL Analysis

a strategic analysis tool that examines several distinct categories in macro environment Political Economic Sociocultural Technological Environmental Legal

org structure

a system of accomplishing and connecting the activities that occur within a work org

BCG matrix

a tool used to evaluate the various business unites in a corporation

sustain success formal system

basic, maturing, developing formal system

mechanistic org structures

best suited for environments that range from stable and simple to low-moderate uncertainty and have a "formal" pyramid structure

__ face the most discrim



both parties state their preferences to reach an agreement

Joan Woodward

british scholar 1950-1960. argued that contingencies such as technology play a role in how much training workers should recieve.

administrative policies

bureaucratic riles that are designed to make it difficult for imports to enter a country

vertical integration

buying something that makes what goes into something else (who makes the stuff that goes into soap)

group level change

centers on the relationships between people and focuses on helping people work more effectively together


certified development company, nonprofit


choosing the first acceptable solution to minimize time spent on a decison for the overall best solution

which two competing value frameworks are internally focused>

clan and heirarchy


combination of external forces shaping an orgs environment

local strategy

companies operations are adapted to fit some specific companies

born globals

companies that operate internationally from the day they were created

3 categories of resilience:

- Structural resilience - Integrative resilience - Transformative resilience

non sequitur fallacy

conclusion isn't logical, isn't the only logical conclusion


confession - believing and professing in islam

McKinsey 7S Model

-shared values -structure -strategy -style -staff -skills -systems A popular depiction of internal org dimenstions

transpacific partnership

-worlds largest free trade agreement - america withdrew, everyone went ahead - didnt work

2 most significant assets when running a business

1 cash and 2 level of control

process conflict

conflict about the best way to do something, conflict that is task oriented and constructive, and not focused on the individuals involved

cognitive dissonance

conflict individuals experience among their own attitudes

business lenders

consider management ability and character

pitch deck

consider version of business plan


contractual agreement where in exchange for a royalty/fee a company gives the right to another company to use a trademark, etc *specific asset

two of themes critical human resource management processes within an organization

1- talent development 2- secession plannihgn

6 opportunities a company reaps through diversity

cost, resource acquisition, system flex, marketing, problem solving, creativity

adhocracy culture

creates an environment of innovating, visioning the future, accepting of managing charge, and risk taking, rule-breaking, experimentation, entrepreneurship, and uncertainty

lenders base loans on what 4 cs

credit, character, capacity, collateral

three types of change

cultural, structural, technological

9 building blocks of business model canvas

customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key actives, key partnerships, and cost structure

4 main areas of business

customers, offer, infrastructure, and financial viability

Family and Medical Leave Act

12 wks unpaid leave

industrial revolution

1760-1900 saw the emergence of the modern factory

baby boomer gen



2+ people. same basic properties as sole proprietorship

The Code of Hammurabi

282 laws that regulated conduct on a wide variety of behaviors, including business dealing, personnel behavior, interpersonal relations, and a wide variety of other outcomes

invoices should be sent at least ___ days before payment is expected


age discrimination employment act protect ___


max employees a small biz can have



5x day while facing mecca

Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN)

60 days notice for layoff notice for companies with over 100 employees

most widely used model of change kotters

8 steps

80/20 rule

80 % of your business comes from 20 % of your customer base

National Labor Relations Act

A 1935 law, also known as the Wagner Act, that guarantees workers the right of collective bargaining sets down rules to protect unions and organizers, and created the National Labor Relations Board to regulate labor-managment relations. *unionization

access discrimination

A catchall term that describes when people are denied employment opportunities because of their identity group or personal characteristics such as sex, race, or age.

income statement

A financial statement showing the revenue and expenses for a fiscal period.

networked team structure

A form of the horizontal organization.

s corp

A legal entity that offers limited liability with single taxation., shareholders limited


A matrix tool used to evaluate an organization's talent pool based on performance and potential factors.

appreciative inquiry model

A model specifically designed as an abundance-based, bottom-up, positive approach.

covert discrimination (interpersonal)

An interpersonal form of discrimination that manifests in ways that are not visible or readily identifiable.

intrinsic motivation

Arises out of performing a behavior in and of itself, because it is interesting or "fun" to do.

MVP (minimum viable product)

Bare minimum product that can be released. The simplest possible offering, in terms of product functionality and operational capabilities needed to deliver the product's functionality, required to rigorously disprove a business model hypothesis

decisional resources allocator role

decides who receives resources, manages schedules and budgets, and sets priorities

three major roles a manager assumes in an organization

decisional role, informational role, and interpersonal role

Modern Bureaucracy

decisions should be made on a formal basis, rather than what a bureaucrat felt was correct. Weber stressed that knowledge, not birth circumstances, should be the basis of hiring and promotion.

Which of followings not one of the top 5 global solution trends?

decreasing collaboration

corporate culture

defines how motivating employees belifefs, behaviors, relationships, and the way they work creates a culture that is based on values that the org believes in

customer segments

defines the different groups of people/ orgs an enterprise aims to reach and serve

charismatic type

degree to which a leader can motivate and inspire others

autonomous type

degree to which leader reflects independent and individualistic leadership

participative type

degree to which leaders involve others in decision making

self-protective type

degree to which the leader is self-centered and using face-saving approach

humane-oriented type

degree to which the leader shows compassion and generosity


degree which a society focuses on the relationship of the individual to the group.


describes how a company communicates with and reaches its customer segments to deliver a value prop

value propostions

describes the bundle of products and services that create value for a specific customer segment *solves a customer problem or satisfies a customer need*

key resources

describes the most important ASSETS required to make a business model work

key activities

describes the most important things a company must DO to make business model work

business model

describes the rationale of how an org creates and delivers and captures value

customer relationships

describes the types of relationships a company establishes with specific customer segments

latent needs

Cannot be inferred from a person's behavior at a given time, yet the person may still possess those needs.

war for talent

Coined by McKinsey & Company in 1997, it refers to the increasing competition for recruiting and retaining talented employees.

divisional structure

an organizational structure characterized by functional departments grouped under a division head.

matrix structure

an organizational structure close in approach to organic systems that attempt to respond to environmental uncertainty, complexity, and instability


analytical tool that evaluates a firms resources and capabilities to determine if it can or cannot support an advantage for the firm in a competitive environment - Value, Rarity, Imitability, Organization

earth angels

anyone who invests their money in an entrepreneurial company, not motivated solely by profit


assumes that people are motivated to satisfy mainly their own needs - seek pleasure avoid pain

false cause fallacy

assuming because two things are related - 1 caused the other

ad hominem fallacy

attack the man, redirects from the arguments itself to attack the person making the arguement

italians outcome

accounting, corporations, multinational corporations

4 drivers for motivation

acquire, bond, comprehend, defend

cost structure

all costs incurred to create a business model


almsgiving, donating income

SMART framework

an acronym for the characteristics of good goals: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Which form of justice refers to the degree to which the outputs received from organizations are fair

distributive justice

deep level diversity

diversity beyond appearance (attitudes, values, and beliefs)

__ helps prevent group think


ancient greeks outcome

division of labor

ancient egyptians outcome

division of labor, coordination, span of control


during ramadam

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