Gen Psych Chapter 6 : Memory

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The duration of short-term memory is about

20 to 30 seconds long

Compared with intoxication, talking on a cell phone impairs driving to

About the same extent

Estelle remembers the night she was mugged and brutally beaten. This memory probably involves not only her hippocampus, but also her ________ because of the emotional nature of the event


The misinformation effects highlights the:

Changeability of memory

Mnemonic strategies facilitate retention by encouraging:

Chunking and elaborative rehearsal

When Roy tells an acquaintance his telephone number, he does not recite the digits one by one at a constant rate, as in "3,3,7,2,3,4,8,3,9,2." Instead, Roy might say, "3,3,7. . . 2,3,4 . . . 83, 92." This exemplifies ________ a strategy to enhance __________ memory.

Chunking; short-term

Explicit memory is also called _________ memory


Spacing study sessions over long periods with breaks in between is called:

Distributed practice

The first person to qualify relearning was the psychologist named:


One psychologist associated with the view that memory is reconstructive is:

Elizabeth Loftus

According to the textbook, organizing information hierarchically improves memory by aiding the process of


Amelia remarks that she needs to learn the text's section on the structures of the brain for an upcoming test. Brian responds that he couldn't remember the function of the hippocampus on a test the preceding day. Amelia is making reference to the memory process called ______. Brian is referring to the memory process called ________

Encoding; retrieval

Cory knows that the capital of Vermont is Montpelier. This is an example of a(n) _______ memory.

Explicit Semantic

The study of sensory memory is associated with:

George Sperling

Psychologists use the term _____ memory to refer to photographic vidual impressions that last less than a second


Memories of which a person is not consciously aware are called _________ memories


The amygdala is associated with _________ while the hippocampus is associated with __________

Implicit memory; explicit memory

Research has shown that flashbulb memories are often:

Incomplete and inaccurate

Nana is taking a Spanish final at the end of the spring semester. The problem is, the French vocabulary she learned the semester before keeps getting in the way, causing her to forget Spanish words. Nana is experiencing _____ interference.


An essay question is a _____ test of memory. A multiple-choice question is a _____ test.

Recall; recognition

"Dog food, coffee, paper towels." Michelle's roommate begins reciting items into the phone as she gets into her car; Michelle is supposed to stop by the store on the wat home. The roommate continues to list a few more items. Finally, he wraps with, "Coffee creamer, spaghetti sauce, dish soap, and ice tea mix are in the bag. Her memory for these items reflects the ________ effect.


The idea that memory reflects a blend of fact and fiction is called the:

Reconstructionist model

The textbook describes the case of Clive Wearing, who suffered a brain infection called encephalitis. After the infection, Clive could not retain new information for more than a few seconds. His memory process of was impaired


Massed practice refers to:

Studying for long periods without breaks

The levels of processing framework:

Suggests that thinking about material leads to better memory than simply repeating the material to oneself

The symptoms of Alzheimer's disease:

can be reduced with physical and intellectual activity.

In the information-processing model of memory, ________capacity, long duration.


The conscious repetition of information to ensure its survival in short-term memory is termed __________ rehersal


With respect to the repressed memory debate, the American Psychological Association released a 1998 statement affirming that:

Memories are subject to change

Psychologists use the word to refer to the processes whereby the brain collects, stores, and retrieves information for later use


________ devices are methods for improving memory


Texting while driving increases the likelihood of an accident by a factor of . . .

More than 20

What does Ebbinghaus' forgetting curve demonstrate about the way people forget material over time?

Most forgetting happens immediately after people learn material; the rate of forgetting slows down as time goes by.

The text describes a stufy where researchers found a correlation between college students' GPA and the amount of time they spend texting and using Facebook


The unconscious process whereby disturbing memories are prevented from entering awareness is called:


Almost everybody has had the feeling of knowing the answer to a question, but not being quite able to say it. This is called the "tip-of-the-tongue" phenomenon, and is a failure of:


A psychological scientist states that she is interested in a brief type of memory store she calls "olfactory memory" which is a type of _____ memory


People's ability to recall an item from a list depends on where in the list the item occurs. This is known as the _____ effect.

Serial position

Angel is considering how best to run several errands between his last class in the afternoon and the beginning of his shift at work 2 hours later. In his mind's eye, he sees a mental map of the town. This map helps Angel factor distances, traffic, and so on into his plans. This map is in his working memory component called the:

Visuospatial Sketchpad

As Rodolfo works on a complex multiplication problem in his head, the numbers he is manipulating are in his _____ memory, and the multiplication tables he is drawing upon are in his _____ memory.


On his computer desktop, Rodney can see several different files, each immediately accessible. Because he is actively working on them and can open them whenever he wants, these files are in fact very similar to the kind of information held in _________ memory.


The frontal lobe is to ________ memory as the temporal lobe is _________ memory.

Working; spatial

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