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Barbara Reskin and Patricia Roos argue that changes in a job's______ , pay, and ___________ level lead to changes in the_________ composition.


Book editing has changed from a "gentleman's profession" to a predominantly female profession. Place the following events in chronological order.

1. Book editing is regarded as noble work, whose mission is the preservation and transmission of culture.2. The book industry becomes more commercialized.3. Book editing as a profession declines in autonomy, job security, and prestige.4. Book editing jobs are increasingly filled by women entering the labor market.5. Most book editors are women.

In what year did the American Psychiatric Association take homosexuality off their list of mental disorders?


_________sex-based discrimination is not only about preferential hiring, but also covers sexual harassment. This can take various forms, ranging from inappropriate humor to_________. The phrase ________is used to describe sex-based discrimination that is sometimes difficult to prove in court.

According to the law; sexual assault; "hostile environment"

How does the NCAA determine the sex of athletes?

By hormone levels

Identify the academic and professional areas that are disproportionately male and disproportionately female.

Disproportionately Male enrollment at elite undergraduate institutions computer science professions Disproportionately Female arts and humanities undergraduate majors overall undergraduate college enrollment

Identify which of the following reactions to same-sex attraction are essentialist arguments and which are not.

Essentialist Argument(s) Social influences somehow interfered with normal, biologically based behavior patterns to produce same-sex attraction. Something may have gone wrong at the biological level to produce same-sex attraction. Being born with male parts means you are only a male and preordained to be sexually attracted to women.

Today, there are equal numbers of men and women in the workforce.


"Before 1850, there was no such thing as a homosexual." What does this statement mean?

Homosexuality was recognized as a type of behavior but not as a social identity

Dalton Conley asked Amos Mac "whether he felt more like a man now than he had before he transitioned."Identify the reasons why this question reflects a binary understanding of gender.

It assumes a single experience of being "male." It assumes one's identity changes when the physical body changes.

At the beginning of this interview, sociologist Paula England explains how she became interested in hook-up culture among college students.

Reason(s) She was surprised by a student's proposed research topic. She was surprised to learn from her students that they did not do a lot of dating.

At the beginning of this interview, sociologist Ashley Mears talks about the role of gender in the modeling business.

Reason(s) The work is unpredictable. The pay is poor. Modeling has no organizing body.

Identify how conflict theory is similar to Talcott Parsons's structural functionalism in terms of the way they explain gender roles.

Similarities Both theories are open to the charge of relying too much on a fixed, binary male/female distinction. Both theories explain men's and women's gender roles in economic terms.

In 2007, James Damore circulated a memo to his colleagues at Google claiming that women are underrepresented in tech because of "biological causes" between men and women. Identify the points a sociologist would and would not make against Damore's argument.

Sociological Argument(s) Employees are more likely to take on the characteristics ascribed to their jobs, than to fit into jobs by reason of the job requirements. Gender socialization and discrimination both factor into the jobs men and women hold.

Watch this animation and then identify the true and false statements about how studying gender inequality between men and women masks other forms of inequality.

Some of the starkest forms of inequality are missed through relying on binary gender classifications. It relies on a binary classification of gender, thus ignoring or miscategorizing those who do not fit into the male or female category.

What do the examples of "ideal feminine beauty" from the seventeenth and twenty-first centuries show about why these standards change over time?

Standards are closely linked to social class exclusivity.

Place in chronological order a girl's development into adulthood, according to Freud.

The girl envies her father's ability to have sex with her mother.The girl learns that she will have the ability to bear children.The girl feels confirmed in her femaleness.The girl grows into an emotionally open woman.

What does Patricia Hill Collins mean by a "matrix of domination"?

The nature and extent of a person's oppression is a function of multiple factors, not just one.

How does Talcott Parsons's sex role theory explain the rise of the nuclear family as an ideal for raising children?

The nuclear family serves the interests of capitalism.

Sociology in the Bedroom Identify what Catharine MacKinnon, in the context of American culture, would say about marital sex and prison rape?

They are both more about power than they are about pleasure.

For American teenagers, the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease has risen significantly since the 1970s.


Identify the true and false statements about intersex conditions.

True Statement(s) The World Health Organization has called for a moratorium on surgeries to "correct" intersex conditions. The Intersex Society of North America (ISNA) argues that the medical standards for "normal" baby genitalia are arbitrary.

Identify what studies have determined about the effects of virginity pledges.

Virginity pledges delay the onset of sexual activity. Virginity pledges reduce the number of teenage sexual partners.

What argument do Barbara Reskin and Patricia Roos make in their book Job Queues, Gender Queues about gender inequality in earnings?

Women's earnings suffer due to changes in the gender composition of jobs.

What is the definition of hegemonic masculinity?

a condition of masculinity where men are dominant and privileged, both of which are largely invisible

What is the glass escalator?

a promotion path for men in predominantly female positions.

Identify the reasons why Adrienne Rich refers to sexuality as a "political institution."

because the typical arrangement of heterosexual households supports the economic system of the United States because "compulsory heterosexuality" is enforced through a set of shared norms

The gender associated with a baby name can change over time, but only in one direction. Fill in the blanks according to how baby names change gender in the United States.

male → androgynous → female

What did anthropologists William and Jean O'Barr find in examining the factors that influence a person's style of speech when the person is testifying as a witness in court?

profession is more influential than sex or gender

The ______ view of _______ is that it is not fixed. It is a set of ________ that orders our lives and divides people, behaviors, and institutions into _________ categories.

sociological; gender; scripts; two

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