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- Hermaphroditism - Child born with ambiguous genitalia (2-3% of all births) - Biological sex is then assigned by a medical team - Surgical alteration to the child's genitals - Intersexuality is rarely a child to child's physical health - Problematized in our society because of sex dimorphism - Boils down to do they have a penis, and if so how big - 2 ovaries or 2 testes: pseudo-hermaphrotism

Karen Horney's Rebuttal

- Psychoanallytic feminism Split with him over penis envy - Men have womb envy, they're inferior and obsessed with achievement and trying to overcompensate for anatomical inferiority - Mother daugher relationship is different than mother son - Feeling entitled to women

Men's Attractiveness

: Status > Looks - Increasing # of men having cosmetics - Ideal body shape - Men's status is more important than looks - Less attractive doctor is better than hot BK worker - Unattractive women not preferred, no matter what their status

Introducing Education

1840-1850 - Formal education becomes compulsory - Laws prohibiting child labor enacted - Mothers burdened with additional role as after school teachers - Girls took domestic science courses to prepare them to be homemakers - Economic asset to economic liability: People are having less children

Industrialized Period

1870s onward - Large factories, urban centers, centralized economy - Female occupations: Factory work, secretary, teacher, nurse (mostly unmarried women) - Wage gap: Women paid 1/3rd or ½ of men's wage - Women dependent on men, limited choices, either be a spinster or get married

Caster Semenya

: Won women's 800 race at World Track & Field in 2009, record time for that year - Competitors began to publicly question her biological sex - Gold medal pulled, put her through gender testing - Hyperandrogen: Higher level of male hormones, but chromosomally and biologically female


21.4 hours a week - First curriculum - Full of stereotypes - Women's career is not center, while men's are (Suits) - LGBTQ stereotyped as troubled, or stereotypical - Men = Callous thrill seekers, bumbling dad, successful, womanizing


: Any sort of belief system that suggests there are innate or inborn differences between men and women - Sexist language, concepts, methodology, and interpretation of results in science

Money and Erdhart

: Decision must be made immediately after birth - Functionality of penis is deciding factor, not based on chromosomal sex - Moved away from ovaries equals females - Surgery, then hormone therapy and counseling, reinforce validity of the choice, then make them accept it

Feminization of Poverty

: Female headed lone-parent homes more likely to be poor than any other type - Low wages, low levels of education, low levels of social support - Poverty has a profound impact of socialization - Low compliance of non-custodial parent - Stigma

Beauty Stereotypes

: Perceived as warm, successful, sociable, more likely to be good sexually - More likely to get a job, more popular, more likely to be financially secure

3 Propositions

: Sex causes gender, sex is related to gender, sex influences gender

Common Theories of Cause of Homosexuality

A "gay gene" or genetic mutation - Close same sex friendships - Distant fathers or overbearing mothers - Childhood sexual abuse - Noncomformity/defiance - Too unattractive to opposite sex, try the same sex instead - Most people do not have one specific belief, but instead choose a combination, implies people are malleable when it comes to opinions about homosexuality

Within Group Similarity Theory

A belief held by children that other kids of the same sex have a shared essence - Opposite sex kids have different essence


A sexist perspective that places males as the center of all aspects of social and scientific life

Sex-Irreducible Differences

Absolute differences between men and women, such as biological reproduction

Early Aboriginal Cultures

Activities of both sexes needed to ensure survival in hunting/gathering societies - Some cultures were matrilineal, matrilocal, matrifocal, while others were patriarchal - Iroquois: Women owned land and seeds, men needed female approval


Alternate to homophobia - Belief system that argues that heterosexuality is superior and promotes prejudice and discrimination against anything different - Often subtle and sometimes unintentional, micro aggressions and micro invalidations

Sex Discordance

Ambiguous genitals, hormonal discordance, sex linked chromosome may be missing

Hormonal Sex

Androgen and Estrogen - Everyone produces both

Human Development

Any age related change in body or behavior from conception to death - Historical time: A monumental event like women's movement - Social time: Age categories like childhood, adulthood - Individual life time: Individual moments

Opposite Sex

Are men and women truly opposites? - Men as the standard/normal, women are compared against this as the other - Subtle bias in scientific reports

Social Learning Theory

Bandura - We reward gender appropriate behavior, punish gender-inappropriate behavior - Behavior is determined by consequences - We mimic others' actions - Subtly learning through media - Values reinforced: Achievement and assertiveness for males, interpersonal relationships for females - Psychologically grounded theory - External reinforcement - Modelling others behavior - Stimulus generalization: Child learns that reinforcement from one source can be anticipated by others

Gender Schema Theory

Bem - A schema is a mental framework that guides our perception and interpretation - Maleness/femaleness is learned and encoded, including sex appropriate behavior - Conformity - Gender schematic versus gender aschematic - Social learning and cognitive development - Schema: mental framework that guides and organize our info

Bem Sex Role Inventory

Bem suggests gender is a condinuum and people are a combo of masculine and feminine - High Low Masculine & High Low Feminine, Androgyny

Biernat and Kobrynowicz

Biernat and Kobrynowicz: Evaluate resumes for executive chief of staff and executive secretary positions - Kenneth or Katherine Anderson - Identical resumes - Katherine is always deemed better for secretary, Kenneth is always better for chief of staff


Biological perspective, being male or female - Sex dimorphism assumes two mutual categories exist (dichotomy) - Expected to be 100% masculine or feminine - Western dualism


Biology and society both influence gender


Gender does not exist in a bubble - Gender goes along with race, class, and circumstance - e.g. existing as a black woman is different than existing as a white woman - White, middle class, heterosexual, nondisabled women have extra privileged - Indigenous women 5x more likely to die from violence - Racist and sexist stereotypes combined

Gender Dysphoria

Gender identity doesn't match their biological sex. Trapped in the wrong body


Genetics = Destiny - Systematic study of biological basis of human behavior - Founded on Darwin's notion of natural selection or survival of the fittest - Genetic traits that aid survival become more common, so sexist ideas are "valid" - Sex division of labor is genetically encoded - Genetic destiny is the single most motivating factor for humans - Women's genetic desires = cleaning, taking care of babies - Is not wanting to clean and take care of babies a genetic mutation? - Not scientific, circular reasoning and self-fulfilling prophecy, no evidence and deterministic, culturally bias - Edward O Wilson


Central to Western thought (male/female, black/white, right/wrong, etc) - Heuristic

Fairy Tale Fracturing

Changing gender of characters in well known fairytales to counteract stereotypes -- Nonsexist non heteronormative messages - Asha's mum

Social Location

Class and ethnicity has a profound impact on physical health, mental health, academic opportunities, likelihood of political involvement, likelihood of criminal justice system involvement, content of our gender socialization

Criticisms of Functionalism

Conservative, traditional, white middle class family ethic - Status quo = good and change = very bad - Different but equal mentality implies men and women's roles are equally valued and rewarded - Huge power imbalance

Liberal Feminism

Create a just, compassionate society through equality of opportunity and individual freedom - Start with a level playing field and rely on merit - Some inequality is inevitable - Affirmative action, pay equity, subsidized daycare

Sexuality Scripts

Define how, where, and with whom under what conditions one is to behave as a sexual being


Descent is traced through the female

3 Measures of Homosexuality

Desire, behavior, identity

Sex Dimorphism

Division of human population into male or female - Everyone is either exclusively male or female - Males as primary, females as the other, what males are not

Brain Sex

Does development in the hypothalamus cause males and females to think differently?Specialized (men) vs wide range (female)

Sexual Harrasment

Due to men misinterpreting friendliness and submissiveness - Women have to be polite - Difference in 'appropriate' between men and women - "Boys will be boys" "She was asking for it" - Trivialization of sexual harrasment

Peer Group

Egalitarian, intimate relationships of their choosing - Proximity plays a big role - Tend toward same sex friendships because they are reinforced - Subtly influence understanding of gender roles, norms, and sexuality - Can make or break children (friends and enemies) - Influence begins at around 7-8, peaking between 14-16 - Extremely influential source of social support - Key reference group no longer family - Endorse conformist ways of thinking, behaving, dressing

Marxist Feminism

Entire structure of society must be changed before gender equality can be attained - The economy, and your place within it, determines your opportunities and rights - Capitalism is a patriarchal system that relies upon competition and inequality - Unequal distribution of wealth is #1 source of women's oppression - Private ownership leads men to control women and enforce their privilege

Eurocentric Bias/Ethnocentrism

European explorers found sex/gender systems that violated their dualistic perspective - e.g. Aboriginal men dressed as men, homosexual relationships, doing "women's work" - Europeans ignored cultural meaning or positive values attached to gender diversity - Labelled them as homosexuals or berdaches

Self Hate

Girls appearance is key - Girls see themselves as beautiful and sexual objects - Most girls feel inadequate in some way - Swimsuit Study: Fredrickson - Put on a swimsuit or sweater in dressing room with mirror - Swimsuit girls regardless of body size feel disgusted, disdainful - Messages about looks reinforced through media and sports - Diets - Preschoolers prefer thin people - Physical appearance most valuable to people

Gonadal Sex

Gonads are organs in which reproductive cells develop (organs/testes) - Homologous: They develop from the same embryonic tissue, the indifferent gonad

Consciousness Raising

Groups formed to hear women's voices and to validate the importance of their experience - Redefined women's private issues as public issues with societal roots

Stereotype Breakdown

Expose their limited generalizability - Use gender neutral terms - Inclusive language

Moral Panic #2

Family breakdown, any deviance from sex linked roles would be a disaster - Women would compete with men - Family unit would be unstable - Lead to destabilization of society

Family of Orientation

Family into which we are born/adopted into - Criticism of single parent families, gays, lesbians


Females are the center of the community (e.g. Aboriginals)

Girls Behavior

Fragile, need to be protected - Express more emotion and pain, but not anger - Talk it out - Emphasis on cooperation and being nice

Gender Migration

Fresh start means negotiating the new identity - New social memberships/location - Rejected: Not a "man" or a "woman" - Leaving behind life with one gender and beginning a new life as another

Moral Panic Of Single/gay parents

Gender development "requires two parents" - Lone parents: Breeding ground for societal ills - Vatican statement on homosexual parents - No evidence to support this


Hindu caste of men who worship mother goddess Bahuchara Mata (embodiment of female creativity) - Biological men whose gender expression is largely feminine, had their genitals removed, dressed like women - Regarded as powerful ritual figures by some, discriminated against by other - "Neither men nor women"

Evolutionary Psychology

Identifies genetic basis for gendered behavior - Women are inherently less promiscuous and more interested in monogamy - Porn industry is so big because men's biological wiring and visual nature of men - Eons of evolution - Women want to find the best genes

Language Promotes Inequality

Ignoring, Stereotyping, Deprecating

European Changes to Aboriginal Life

Imposed patrilineality and patrilocality - What it means to be "indian" - Reservations - If a female marreid a non native, she is no longer indian

Internal Reproductive Sex

In male embryo, testosterone simulates the development of the wolffian duct system into male reproductive features. Mullerian duct system into female


Individuals with one sex who choose to undergo surgery to become as much of a member of the other sex as posible

Middle/Upper Class

Initiative, self-direction, individuality, curiosity - Psychological discipline (Reasoning, withdraw of privileges) - Adopt egalitarian gender rolls - Groom children for university

Biological Sex

Internal and external genitals, chromosomes, hormones - Decided by medical profession

Boys Behavior

Interpret child's behavior differently, react to child's behavior differently Boys: Encouraged to try new things - Express anger, but not sadness, fear, pain - Tough it out - Emphasis on competition, assertiveness


Introduced patriarchal European law - Changed descent rule, residence patterns - 1850 Act defined an "Indian" and set rules for membership, rights, status - 1868 Act: Attempts at assimilation - Reservations and powerless band councils - Define "Indian" status through male lineage - Women who marry non-Indian lose legal status - Residential schools as oppression and erasure


Islamic term for "intermediate gender" - Have rights of men and make pronouns, but female roles at home and are judged under female beauty standards


Kinsey scale - Research exposed the gap between explicit attitudes, actual behavior, and identity - Sexual behaviors and sexual identity are not always synonymous - Emphasized fluidity of sexuality - Pointed out that more than majority had a homosexual experience, but a very small portion actually identified at homosexual

Cognitive Development Theory

Kohlberg - Gender develops between 1.5-3 years old - No gender consistency, not understanding that gender is permanent until age 5-6 - Based entirely on visual cues - Gender identity becomes central to self-concept - Gender consistency, gender doesn't change - Self-socialization


Langauge is the princiiple means by which stereotypes are conveyed - "Woman driver" "Ladylike" - Trivializing ("butch athletes") Looks over performance - Men in active voice (taking virginity) women in passive (losing virginity) - Black men strong, women weak and petty - Miss = warm, sweet mrs = Man's property Ms = Cold


Pre-1800s - Family farming, all family members contributed - Hierarchical and patriarchal, wives subordinate to husbands, children obey - Gave birth to many children, low life expectancy - Mothers cooked, cleaned, raised daughters to do the same - Status determined at birth, as well as determined by contribution to community - Communal manhood

School Socialization

Preschools and child care enforce certain gender play, "hidden curriculum", reward/punishment for compliance - Borderwork: Strewssing differences between boys and girls - Socialized in gender


Majority female staff reinforces stereotypes - Encourage and reinforce gender stereotypical play, subtly and blatantly with reward and punishment - Conformity predicts teacher evaluation of intellectual competence

Gender Representation in Children's; books

Male characters participate in adventures, women are ornaments or caregivers - Traditional spheres and roles - Comics: Betty and Veronica vs. Superman - Action books vs chic lit


Man as the default (e.g. early man, mankind) - Women are excluded (e.g. Mrs Paul Martin) - Taking mans' name - Only men matter, women are property, we need to know if they are married - Ms is seen as cold - Lack of neutrality in gender expression

Conflict Theory

Marx and Engels - All about class conflict, bourgeoisie versus proletariat - Dominant group exerts control over subordinate groups - Through a gendered lens: Men are the dominant group, control all resources including means of production, power to make policy

Profeminist Masculinity

Masculinity is also a harmful, partriarchal social construct - Societal expectationn - Men need to be resocialized

Moral Conservativism

Masculinity is manifestation of society's civilizing force - Men need women to reduce their bad behavior - Women can tame men with their sexuality - Women speaking out create society's problems


Mass communication - Impersonal agency of socialization to a large audience - Unidirectional

Moral Panic #1

Massive societal changes led to concern about stability of family and society - Notion of "true womanhood:" Women could best serve family by limiting themselves to domestic spheres - Stereotype of fragile, angelic, pure, need protection from a man

Spiritual Perspective

Men nowadays are spiritually impoverished - Men have to mask their true selves - Men must find their masculinity - Promise keepers: Have to keep tradition, keep women traditional

Nonverbal Communication

Men take up a lot of space, powerful stance, relaxes - Women make themselves smaller, less in your face, smile more (Subordinate's intuition) - Women change behavior based on mood of men

Baby Boom

Mid 1940s to Late 1960s - Huge upsurge in birth rate - Government and media force women back into the kitchen with return of womenhood - Economy is in an upswing, people are comfortable having children - Femininity came from being a wife and a mother - Conformity rules, being an unmarried woman is a fate worse than death - Decline in women's education - You must get married, be a parent, and have lots of kids, only children are disturbed - No real access to birth control, regulated by the government - Working women are only clerical or service jobs, but you must leave when you get married and pregnant

Beta Bias

Minimize differences between men and women


Modern term: Two-spirited - Born one way but inclined to the other way or ambiguous and were accepted - Spent most time with women, but had their own grup - Gender wasn't about male or female, they varied in between - Dressed as women, europeans thought they were prostitutes - Abuse from europeans is an example of ethnocentrism


Priority of emphasis placed upon mother-child and sibling relationship ,while the conjugal relationship is expected to be less solidarity and less intense - Not maternal dominance as much as relative cultural prestige and image of mother - Mother has some degree of control over the kin unit's economic resources and is critically involved in kin-related decision making processs - Matrifocality accompanied by minimal differentiation between men and women - Color Purple is a popular example, women are not just wives

Relational Aggression

More common in females - Bullying, cattiness

Michael et al

More people expressed same sex attraction than actually engaged in same-sex acts


Navajo ambiguous gender


Negative connotations - Relies upon heterosexual as normal and everything else as deviance - 1969: Homosexual acts between consenting adults in private were finally decriminalized!

Working Class

Obedience, conformity, perseverance, avoid trouble - Strict disciplinarians, physical punishment - Adopt traditional gender roles, steamed into vocational jobs


Oman's segregaion of women and men - Xanith are classified with women

Adjective Checklist

On a convenience sample of college students about gender, they were asked which adjectives were male, female neutral

Industrial Man

Passionate manhood, gendered norms, toughness, strength - Men just want to have fun, go to the bars, sports


Position or location within a group or society - Socially constructed in relation to at least one other status (e.g. husband, wife) - Multiple/Simutaneous Occpancy: We occupy multiple statuses - Statuses become active and latent depending on the situation - Master status: One which will affect every aspect of our life (e.g. male female) - Role is the dynamic element attached to each status


Process by which we learn attitudes, values, and actions appropriate for us - Initially a passive role becomes active as we age - Direct and indirect: Lessons from parent/teacher or learn by observing - Blatant and subtle: Big boys don't cry vs Disney Agents of Socialization: Family, education, peers, media

Gender Socialization

Process whereby an individual acquires a gender identity and gendered behaviors - Influenced by sex peer group, what behaviors are valued


Prominence of the face in the portrayal of men and women - In ads, men's faces are highlighted, women's bodies - Face = intelligence, control - Body = sex, lack of personality


Pros: categorizes and simplifies vast amounts of complex information - Heuristic - Massive overgeneralization - Self-protective and self-enhancing, makes us feel better about ourselves if we compare ourselves to an out group Cons: Assimilation and contrast (they are all this way, they are all that way) - Overgeneralization from individual to group - Biases our perception - Self-fulfilling prophecy - We all see what we expect to see, expectation guides informational search and bias perceptions - Stereotypes are extremely resistant to change, established very early in life, a go-to heuristic - "Grain of truth"

Education System

Provide 13,000 hours of supervised care by end of secondary school - Gender socialization not part of formal mandate - "Hidden Curriculum" - Teachers are subtle influence - Traditional vs progressive values

Psychoanalytic Theory

Psychoanalytic Theory: Freud - Id, Ego (limits the id), Superego - Humans are dominated by the libido - Libido centered in different erogenous zones across 5 stages of development - Oedipal and Electra complex: Men are competitive with their fathers, anxious about castration, while women have penis envy and an inferiority complex - Patients were sexually abused women - Castration anxiety, penis envy - Biologically grounded theory


Range of human activities designed to promote erotic response and pleasure - Scripts shared by a group that are supposed to lead to erotic arousal and genital response - Oversimplification: heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual

REI Feminism

Reaction to feminism's denial, dismissal, and degredation of differently abled, raced, and classed women - Bell Hooks: Racialized and marginalized women have not been served by feminism - Disputed idea that women are equally oppressed - Intersectionality - Solidarity between minority men and women

Postmodern Feminism

Rejects privileged feminism - Queer theory, sexual crossing - Gender is performative

Structural Functionalism

Seek to identify the basic elements of society and the function they play - Each part is necessary to maintain homeostasis and avoid dysfunction - Elements include: Social institutions, groups, statuses, roles - Men fill an instrumental role, women an expressive role


Self is made up of me (stable self shaped through interactions) and I (spontaneous, autonomus self) - "I don't know why I did that, it's not like me at all"


Sex of baby announcement critical - Gendered phonology in choice of baby names - Most parents deny treating boys and girls differently, but evidence suggests subtle socialization beneath level awareness - Interpret child's behavior differently, react to child's behavior differently


Shift from agriculture to factory production brought people into cities - Introduction of wage based economy - "Work" defined as paid labor outside of the home - "Housework" trivialized and devalued - Home and workplace two separate but interdependent spheres - Early 1800s - Wage: Whatever was paid outside of the home, devalued women - Women were considered non-persons under the law, and were not independent from their husband or father, property - Had to work where they were told, hand over wages to husband - No rights to any land or property, no legal protection - Work role for men was more important and defining than family role, and status came from achievements in work - "Common man" era, possession of money not land - Young boys no longer had active role models - Separate spheres -- Kids had to go to school

Gender Perspective

Social constructionist approach with 5 levels - Individual: Gender identity shapes behavior - Interactional: Presentation of gendered self - Institutional: Family, religion, politics, structured differently for men and women - Sociocultural: Values, ideologies that enforce gender roles - World: Patriarchy dominates

Gender Identity Disorder

Social pathology, but we make it an individual pathology - Is Gender dysphoria a "disorder?"


Socially acquired meaning attached to being male and female - All expected thoughts, feelings, and behaviors associated with masculinity and femininity - Biology and culture interact so gender has internal (actual) and external (expected) dimensions - Learned, socially constructed

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Society rewards gender consistent behavior is rewarded and reinforces existing stereotypes - Gender violations judged and punished - Effeminate males are warm but not competent, masculine females are competent but not warm or likeable

Parental Investment

Sociobiology - Women are more invested than men because their eggs are precious, while sperm is plentiful - Male promiscuity is therefore environmentally adaptive, and monogamy only evolved to promote infant survival

Physical Attractiveness

Standards change across social and historical circumstances - Decrease in ideal weight, bust size since 50s - Billions spent on weight loss, anti-aging, cosmetic surgery - Self-fulfilling prophecy between attractiveness and social success - Beauty = good

Male Peer Group

Status obtained through athletic prowess, socially valued clothes/objects, toughness, confidence, success with women - Friendships less intense, more superficial, all about shared activities or interests - Subculture has not significantly expanded to incorporate stereotypically feminine pursuits

Female Peer Group

Status obtained through attractiveness, weight, sociability, exclusivity, popularity with boys, socioeconomic status of parents - Fewer friends, but more intimate relationships based on sharing of emotions, high levels of relational aggression, subculture has expanded to include male pursuits such as sports

Parson and Bales

Structural functionalists - Two parent family: Gendered roles are complimentary and increase stability and cohesion - Instrumental role: Men provide food and shelter - Expressive role: Women run home and nuture - Each contributes what the other lacks - Role clarity: Clearly defined roles reduce confusion and conflict in the marriage


Structure of society dictates how gender will be expressed, experienced, reinformed - Explores the events that generated new ways of approaching gender (e.g. feminism) - Emphasizes socially constructed nature of gender

Ellis et al

Substantial non-heterosexual behavior despite very few actively identifying as homosexual or bisexual

Cultural Feminism

Supression of distrinctive female qualities, experiences, and values are what is causing oppression - Cultivate an alternative female consciousness - Male culture is inherently violent - Anti porn - Females have a unique essence - Seperatist - Women are nurturing, men are violent - undervalued female attributes.[1] It is also a theory that commends the difference of women from men.[2] Its critics assert that because it is based on an essentialist view of the differences between women and men and advocates independence and institution building, it has led feminists to retreat from practicing public politics to a focus upon individual "life-style


Terms or phrases that carry a derogatory connotation Explicit: Dumb bitch Implicit: Man and wife - Accusing men of being womanly is deprecating - Talking down to women (e.g. little lady) - "Pussywhipped" - Characterizations: Bossy vs Bitchy

Conservative Perspective

The "nature" of men is different from the nature of women - Women challenging this will destroy perspective - Social darwinism

Biological Determinism

The belief that biological sex determines masculinity or femininity

Sexual Orientation

The directionality of sexual scripts - AKA Sexual preference

Group Specific Perspective

There are a range of different masculinities in society - Intersects with class, ethnicity, sexual orientation - How does raciam and poverty shape masculinity?

Attraction vs. Behavior vs. Identity

These do not always align as we expect - Sexuality is not static, it is fluid, it can and does change over the life course - Western society reinforces that sexuality must be static and decided and not changed - Once you go ___, you never go back

Family Socialization

The primary agent of socializatiion - Primary group (categorized by intimate relationships) - Female and male roles - First world a child ever knows

Symbolic Interactionism

Weber, Cooley. Mead - All human behavior is symbolic behavior and all symbols are assigned a shared meaning - We respond based on our interpretation of the meaning of a given action - Engage in role taking to understand the motivation of the other person, to predict their future action - Looking glass self: We see ourselves as others see us, adopting value based on maleness and femaleness - Generalized other: prevailing cultural norms and values we use as reference in evaluating others (boys dont cry)

Gender Ideology

What sphere each gender identifies most with (work,home) amount of power they want


The realization of the trapped housewife, disenchantment, have to take care of the husband he doesn't take care of you - Advice to women: Suck it up.. until Friedan's "The Feminine Mystique" - Women wanted something more out of life, second wave of feminism


The use of one's own culture as a yardstick for judging others

Sapir-Wharf Hypothesis

The way we speak predisposes us to make particular interpretations of reality (AKA Linguistic Reflexivity) - Strong version: Lamguage directly causes behavior, no empircal evidence - Moderate: Culture and language are intertwined such that meanings people ascribe to language affects their worldview - e.g. Descriptio of females, titles, socialization


When the body contains both XX and XY chromosoes


Third gender in Tahiti and French Polynesia - Male that takes on attributes associated with females

Renee Richards

Trans woman was not allowed to compete in women's tennis - Challenged chromosomes as the defining criteria of sex


White, middle aged women - Administrators are men - Majority of full time tenure track university positions are filled by men Gender and Respect: More likely to address male prof by title - Being addressed by title = higher status, but women are more likely to seem unapproachable - Abel and Metzer study: Students evaluated lecture on gender pay by male or female prof - Seems more positive coming from a male


Wives move in with their husbands

Language and Speech Patterns

Women and men communicate - Women are less assertive, more polite, want to connext and share - Men more forceful, use slang, depersonalizated - Women are more flushed out, sugar coat

Popular Music

Women as groupies, ornaments,

Power Feminism

Women can't be powerless victims, should own guns - Libertarianism


Women get pushed health and beauty, men cars, adventure - Stereotypes - Adculture/Adcult = Desire to have a life as portrayed by ads - White men are powerful ,white women are sex objects, black men are aggressive, black women are inconsequential - No diversity, no ugly, no disabled - Importance of looks

Alpha Bias

language, concepts, methodology, and interpretation of results in science Alpha Bias: Men and women are different, but men are better - In science, similarity does not sell - Highlighting differences in group averages, not overlaps

Industrial Age Woman

fun, go to the bars, sports Industrial Age Woman: Women have to protect society, enact their virtues - Temperance, equality, child welfare, suffrage movement - Demanded rights like careers, freedom to not get married, smoke, and ride a bike - Challenged existing beliefs about sex differences and started first wave of feminism - Right to vote in Canada: Nellie McClung - Right to be considered persons not property in 1929 - Only appealed to white women

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