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21 Somatic sensory information does NOT travel to which of the following locations? a) primary motor cortex b) cerebellar hemispheres c) primary sensory cortex d) All of the listed responses are correct.


A receptor potential large enough to generate an action potential is called __________. a) generator potential b) a receptive field c) receptor specificity d) all of the listed responses


The area monitored by a single receptor is called __________. a) the receptive field b) transduction c) generator potential d) receptor potential


The sensory homunculus is __________. a) a functional map of the cerebellum b) a functional map of the somatosensory cortex c) a functional map of the somatomotor cortex d) all of the listed responses


The spinocerebellar pathway carries the sensations of __________. a) pain, heat, and cold b) proprioception c) crude touch and pressure d) fine touch and pressure


Which of the following best describes the sensory information provided by the fasciculus gracilis? a) unconscious control of reflex actions b) fine touch, pressure, and vibration from the inferior half of the body c) pain and temperature d) crude touch and pressure


Which of the following is NOT considered a special sense? a) gustation b) proprioception c) olfaction d) equilibrium


Which of the following is a progressive degenerative disorder that affects motor neurons in the spinal cord, brain stem, and cerebral hemispheres? a) anencephaly b) amyotrophic lateral sclerosis c) cerebral palsy d) anesthesia


Which of the following statements about adaptation is FALSE? a) It can occur peripherally when the level of receptor activity changes. b) It is a feature of tonic receptors but not of phasic receptors. c) It is a reduction in sensitivity in the presence of a constant stimulus. d)It can occur in the CNS when inhibition of nuclei occurs along a sensory pathway.


How many major motor pathways are there? a) one b) two c) three d) four


In somatic motor control, the cerebellum's role involves __________. a) simple spinal reflexes b) inhibiting reflex patterns c) coordinating complex motor patterns d) planning and initiating motor activity


Sensory information requires __________ neuron(s) to reach the thalamus. a) one b) two c) three d) four


The posterior column pathway carries the sensations of __________. a) pain, heat, and cold b) crude touch and pressure c) fine touch and pressure d) proprioception from the joints


The relative proportions to the sensory and motor homunculus are __________. a) identical to normal body proportions b) opposite of the normal body proportions c) different because some sensitive areas have few muscles d) identical to one another


Chemoreceptors are located in __________. a) the carotid arteries b) the digestive tract c) the aorta d) both the carotid arteries and the aorta


The anterior spinothalamic pathway carries the sensations of __________. a) fine touch and pressure b) pain, heat, and cold c) proprioception from the joints d) crude touch and pressure


The extrapyramidal tracts do NOT include which of the following? a) reticulospinal b) tectospinal c) rubrospinal d) corticobulbar


The pyramidal system includes which of the following? a) anterior corticospinal b) corticobulbar c) lateral corticospinal d) All of the listed responses are correct.


The simplest reflexes are mediated at the level of the __________. a) mesencephalon b) cerebrum c) cerebellum d) spinal cord


Which of the following serve as receptors to measure body position and balance? a) inner ear receptors b) muscle spindles c) Golgi tendon organs d) All of the listed responses are correct


Which of the following statements about the sensory homunculus is FALSE? a) The relative size of an area of the homunculus is determined by the number of sensory receptors in that area of the body. b) Pain and temperature sensations from the left side of the body are received by the right sensory homunculus. c) Posterior column pathways lead to the sensory homunculus. d) Hearing from the left ear is processed in the right sensory homunculus


Which of the following correctly defines referred pain? a) pain felt in an uninjured body area rather than in the area where the injury actually occurred b) pain felt as being received from an amputated limb c) pain generalized all over the body, as accompanying a fever d) pain localized to a specific small area of the body where injury has occurred


Which of the following is NOT classified as a general sense? a) olfaction b) temperature c) pressure d) pain


Which of the following tracts are NOT involved in proprioception? a) anterior and lateral spinothalamic tracts b) anterior spinothalamic and anterior spinocerebellar tracts c) fasciculus cuneatus and the anterior spinothalamic tracts d) fasciculus gracilis and fasciculus cuneatus


Which receptors are common in superficial portions of the skin, in joint capsules, within the periostea of bones, and around the walls of blood vessels? a) nociceptors b) thermoreceptors c) mechanoreceptors d) All of the listed responses are correct.


Which type of receptor detects pressure changes? a) baroreceptor b) thermoreceptor c) tactile receptor d) nociceptor


Which of the following INCORRECTLY pairs types of tactile receptors with their functions? a) tactile discs—Also called Merkel discs, these measure fine touch and pressure and touch very large epithelial cells in the stratum germinativum. b) lamellated corpuscles—Also called Meissner corpuscles, these measure fine touch and pressure and low-frequency vibrations in eyelids, fingertips, and lips. c) free nerve endings—Found between epidermal cells, these are dendrites of sensory neurons with small receptive fields. d) root hair plexus—This monitors movement across body surfaces when a hair is displaced.


Which of these types of sensory receptors is INCORRECTLY linked with its function? a) interoceptor—visceral sensory b) exteroceptor—monitors pressure in the lungs c) proprioceptor—monitors muscles and joints d) exteroceptor—somatic sensory


There are __________ major sensory pathways. a) one b) two c) three d) four


Which of the following INCORRECTLY pairs centers of somatic motor control with their activities? a) cerebral cortex—plans and initiates voluntary motor activity b) hypothalamus—controls stereotyped motor patterns related to eating, drinking, and sexual activity c) inferior medulla oblongata—coordinates complex motor patterns d) basal nuclei—modifies voluntary and reflexive motor patterns at the subconscious level


Which of the following correctly links components of the pyramidal motor pathways? a) upper motor neurons—soma lies in a CNS processing center b) corticobulbar tracts—upper motor neurons that synapse with neurons of cranial nerves c) lateral corticospinal tracts—descend without crossing to level of spinal nerves d) pyramidal cells—located in primary motor cortex


Which of the following statements about levels of processing and motor control is correct? a) Voluntary responses are more complex than reflex reactions. b) Myelination of axons reduces the delay between stimulus and response, increasing motor control. c) The number of neurons in the cerebral cortex continues to increase until at least age four. d) The brain grows in size and complexity until at least age four.


Which one of the following is NOT a correct linkage of a receptor type with the stimulus that excites it? a) mechanoreceptor—contact or pressure on cell membrane b) chemoreceptor—presence of specific molecules in body fluids c) proprioceptor—touch on skin surface d) nociceptor—tissue damage and pain


Which role does the medulla play in somatic motor control? a) It coordinates complex motor patterns. b) It modifies voluntary and subconscious motor patterns. c) It balances reflexes and respiratory reflexes. d) It plans and initiates voluntary motor activity.


Your ability to localize sensations depends on __________. a) the projection of sensation at the fasciculus b) the projection of sensation at the thalamus c) the projection of sensation to the primary sensory cortex d) all of the listed responses


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