General Biology and Lab Lecture exam study guide

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Which of the following represents the phenotype for the recessive human trait, albinism?

Absence of the pigment melanin and Absence of the enzyme tyrosinase from the individual's cells

Besides Darwin, the theory of evolution by means of natural selection was independently proposed by

Alfred Wallace

Which of the following is not a property of carbon?

All compounds made from carbon are soluble in water.

Which of the following is not true concerning microtubules?

Microtubules are the powerhouses of the cell.

What is the relationship between mutations and evolution?

Mutations can create new alleles.

Which of the following is a significant coenzyme involved in photosynthesis?


Darwin used which of the following terms to describe the process by which those individuals that possess superior physical, behavioral, or other attributes are more likely to survive than those that are not so well endowed, and thus more likely to pass their traits to the next generation?

Natural Selection

During__________of mitosis, sister chromatids move towards opposite poles of the cell.


Which of the following does NOT contribute to genetic diversity?

asexual reproduction

Organisms are composed of molecules, which are collections of smaller units, called


In which of the following locations is simple squamous found?

both alveoli and capillaries

The physical distribution of cytoplasmic material into two daughter cells is called


In eukaryotes, the enzymes catalyzing the reactions of glycolysis are found in the__________. In other words, in what part of the cell does glycolysis take place?


Actin, microtubules, and intermediate filaments form the cell supporting structure called the__________.


The regulation of metabolic pathways sometimes involves the end-product binding to the allosteric site of the first enzyme in the sequence. This mode of regulation is__________.

feedback inhibition

The extracellular matrix of connective tissue consists of__________.

fibers and ground substance

If a cell did not have ribosomes, it would be unable to

form proteins

Plants typically achieve cytokinesis by

forming a cell plate across the middle of the cell

Animals typically achieve cytokinesis by__________.

forming a cleavage furrow that pinches the cell in two

Okazaki fragments are

found on the lagging strand

Which of the following is not a disaccharide?


Which of the following is not a polysaccharide?


The simplest and most common monosaccharide is a six-carbon sugar called


A process common to all living organisms, aerobic and anaerobic, is


Flattened sacks of membranes apparently involved in the packaging and export of molecules synthesized in the cell are known as

golgi bodies

Gametes contain__________the number of chromosomes found in somatic cells.


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of epithelial tissue?

has a very weak regenerative capacity

As energy is being converted through the many forms, it is continuously lost as


The same basic array of bones is modified to give rise to the wing of a bat and the fin of porpoise. Such anatomical structures are called


A testcross is used to determine if an individual is

homozygous dominant or heterozygous.

Which of the following protein classes are not found as membrane proteins?


Water molecules are polar with ends that exhibit partial positive and negative charges. Such opposite charges make water molecules attract each other through bonds called

hydrogen bonds

Evolutionary conservation occurs when a characteristic is

important to the life of the organism.

An organism is said to be diploid if

it contains genetic information from two parents.

Imagine that you were able to see a nucleotide under a very special microscope. As you scan the nucleotide you see a U nitrogen base. Without seeing any other part of the nucleotide you know that

it is an RNA nucleotide.

Which of the following is NOT true about adipose tissue?

it is an epithelial tissue

Water is extremely important in living things for all of the following reasons except

it is an excellent buffer

By what process does a cell take in large, particulate matter such as a bacterium?


An organism's__________is determined by its__________.

phenotype; genotype

Which of the following is not one of the four most abundant elements found in living things?


_________is a process that uses the sun, water, and carbon dioxide to make food and oxygen.


Molecules that absosrb certain wavelengths of light and reflect others are called


Which of the following is not associated with animal cells?


__________is the shrinking of the cytoplasm of a plant cell when it is placed in a hypertonic solution.


When a single gene influences multiple phenotypic traits the effect is called


Because oxygen is more electroenegative than hydrogen, the water molecule is


Under anaerobic conditions skeletal muscle cells

produce lactic acid

RNA polymerase binds to a__________to initiate__________.

promoter; transcription

During__________of mitosis, the nucleolus disappears and the spindle is in the process of forming


During which phase of meiosis does crossing-over occur?

prophase I

Which sequence of stages in mitosis is correct?

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

A chain of amino acids linked together end-to-end can only be found in a


Alpha helix and beta pleated sheets are examples of which level of protein structure?


When two atoms share a pair of electrons, the bonding is referred to as


The cell wall of fungi contains cellulose. T/F


The heads of the phospholipid molecules of the plasma membrane are hydrophobic. T/F


Which represents the correct sequence of stages in the cell cycle?

G1, S, G2, M

Which of the following could not pass through the plasma membrane by simple diffusion?

amino acids

Sex linkage in humans occurs when

an allele is located on the X chromosome.

Which of the following is a C4 plant?


What products of light reactions of photosynthesis are used in the Calvin cycle?


Sodium has 11 electrons arranged in three energy levels. The outer energy level only has one electron. In order to become stable, the atom loses an electron thus exposing the previous level with 8 electrons and subsequently becomes an ion with

1 positive charge

What is the probability of obtaining an individual with the genotype CC from a cross between two individuals with the genotype CC and Cc?


What is the probability of obtaining an individual with the genotype bb from a cross between two individuals with the genotype Bb?


If a parent cell has 24 chromosomes, the daughter cells following mitosis will have_____chromosomes and following meiosis will have_____chromosomes.


Recent discoveries of microscopic fossils have extended the known history of life to about

3.5 billion years ago

What is the theoretical energy yeild for aerobic respiration in eukaryotes?

34 ATP per glucose molecule

Which of the following best describes a photosystem?

A collection of pigment molecules that transfer energy captured from light to a reaction center pigment

What is a polygenic trait?

A single phenotypic trait determined by more than one gene.

A multiple allelic trait has more than two alleles for a single trait. Which of the following is an example of multiple allelic inheritance in humans?

ABO blood types

Muscle contraction is accomplished by a mechanism known as the cross-bridge cycle, in which myosin heads bind to actin and cause the actin filaments to move across the myosin filaments. Which of the following is capable of providing the energy needed for this process?


The chief energy currency of all cells is a molecule called


Which of the following statements is true?

An animal cell placed in a hypertonic solution will shrink.

The first person to reportedly see living, moving cells using a microscope was

Anton van Leeuwenhoek

How is the process of natural selection different from that of artificial selection?

Artificial selection is a result of human intervention.

What are Barr bodies?

Barr bodies are X chromosomes inactivated to prevent overexpression of the alleles found on the X chromosome in females.

Why is the white-eye phenotype always observed in males carrying the white-eye allele?

Because the allele is located on the X chromosome and males only have one X

Which of the following is NOT true about C3 and C4 plants?

C4 plants undergo the Calvin cycle in mesophyll cells.

Which of the following statements is/are true concerning CAM photosynthesis?

CAM photosynthesis is prevalent in desert plants and allows them to live under stressful conditions, CAM plants close their stomata during the day in order to conserve water, and Photosynthesis in a CAM plant is minimal because of the limited amount of CO2 is fixed.

which occurs in metaphase?

Chromosomes line up along the equator of the dividing cell.

How are active transport and coupled (secondary active) transport related?

Coupled transport uses the concentration gradient established by active transport.

When Hershey and Chase differentially tagged the DNA and proteins of bacteriophages and allowed them to infect bacteria, what did the viruses transfer to the bacteria?


Macromolecules that are used by organisms to store hereditary information are called

DNA molecules

Which of the following statements is not true about enzymes?

Enzymes function best at very high temperatures.

Which of the following statements is not part of the cell theory?

Eukaryotic cells have evolved from prokaryotic cells.

Select the correct sequence concerning glucose catabolism.

Glycolysis --> Pyruvate --> Acetyl CoA --> Krebs Cycle --> Electron Transport Chain

Which of the following molecules (a reactant) is utilized by the noncyclic electron pathway during the light reactions of photosynthesis?


The oxygen given off by plants during photosynthesis comes from

H2O (water)

Which of the following occurs during Anaphase I?

Homologous chromosomes move to opposite poles.

What is the central dogma of molecular biology?

Information passes from DNA to RNA to protein

What is the role of NAD+ in the process of cellular respiration?

It functions as a coenzyme (an electron carrier).

what is a nucleosome?

It is a region of DNA wound around a collection of histone proteins.

The ultimate electron acceptor in aerobic respiration is:


Which of the following examples of nondisjunction of sex chromosomes is lethal?


Which of the following is the correct order of steps involved in the scientific method?

Observation, hypothesis formation, prediction, experimentation, results, conclusion

Darwin's book in which he described his views on evolution is

On the Origin of Species.

Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning gametogenesis?

Oogenesis produces four ova per meiosis.

Kingdom__________consists of all the unicellular eukaryotes except yeasts, as well as multicellular algae.


How does maternal inheritance of mitochondrial genes differ from sex linkage?

Since mitochondria are inherited from the mother, females and males are equally affected.

What occurs during anaphase of Meiosis II?

Sister chromatids are pulled to opposite poles.

Which of the following is NOT true concerning the Calvin cycle?

The Calvin cycle is dependent on the presence of chlorophyll.

Which of the following statements about light dependent reactions is NOT true?

The cyclic electron pathway involves PSI and PSII.

What is genomic imprinting?

The expression of different phenotypes dependent upon the parental origin of alleles

What determines whether an individual is a genetic mosaic?

The inactivation of an allele on the X chromosome of a heterozygous female

What is Chargaff's rule?

The proportions of A equal that of T and G equals C.

Which of the following is not part of the Watson-Crick model of the structure of DNA?

The two DNA strands are oriented in parallel (5' to 3').

What are homologous chromosomes?

Two genetically similar chromosomes, one from each parent

The disease sickle cell anemia is caused by

a change of a single amino acid in the protein hemoglobin and a change in the HBB gene.

Each amino acid in a protein is specified by

a codon

A hypothesis in biology is best described as

a possible explanation of an observation

Homeostasis is the condition in which the body maintains__________.

a relatively stable internal environment, within limits

Which of the following is not a function of lysosomes?

allowing bacteria to pass through the cell unaffected

What are alleles?

alternate forms of a gene for a single trait, such as free earlobes and attached earlobes

The type of membrane transport that requires specific protein carrier molecules and energy to move substances against their concentration gradient is

active transport

The normal function of the p53 gene in the cell is__________.

all choices are correct

The genetic material of which kind of cells is included in a single, circular molecule of DNA devoid of any histone proteins?


Science is NOT based on

biased opinions

Bacteria reproduce asexually by a process called

binary fission

The area of science that studies life and its processes is called


What type of tissue consists of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and thrombocytes suspended in plasma?


Which of the following is NOT found in the matrix of cartilage but is found in the matrix of bone?

blood vessels

Which domain contains unicellular prokaryotic organisms?

both Archea and Bacteria

G3P (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate) is the product of the Calvin cycle. G3P is used by plants to form all of the following except__________.

carbon dioxide

This type of muscle has cells connected by intercalated discs that allow all cells to form a single functioning unit.


The job of a ribosome during translation can be best described as

catalyzing peptide bond formation between amino acids.

Which is the correct order of heirarchial levels of living things?

cellular, organismal, population, community, ecosystem

Plants often have a large membrane-bound sac that is used for storing water and other substances. This organelle is called a

central vacuole

Which of the following is not present in all eukaryotic cells?


_____is the point of attachment for sister chromatids.


Which of the following is not a type of lipid?


What is the only pigment that directly participates in the conversion of light energy to chemical energy during photosynthesis?

chlorophyll a

The__________is the organelle that carries on photosynthesis.


Coiled and condensed chromatin is called a__________.


An exon is a sequence of RNA that

codes for protein

The inorganic non-protein components that participate in enzyme catalysis are known as


_______is a form of enzyme inhibition where the substrate and inhibitor are both able to bind to the enzyme's active site.

competitive inhibition

Skeletal muscle cells differ from the typical mammalian cell in that they_________.

contain multiple nuclei

Which of the following types of tissue is found in tendons and ligaments?

dense regular

The movement of a solute from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration without the aid of a protein carrier is called


Somatic cells are__________, whereas gametes are__________.

diploid; haploid

DNA replication occurs

during the S stage of interphase.

Negatively charged particles of atoms with almost no mass are called


Proteins possess all of the following functions except

encode genetic information

All cells have all of the following except

endoplasmic reticulum

The First Law of Thermodynamics simply states that

energy cannot be created or destroyed, just changed from one form to another.

Protein catalysts that speed up the various metabolic biological reactions in an organism are called


The proposal that one type of organism can change gradually into another over a long period of time is known as


a monohybrid cross

examines two variants of a single trait.

When homologous chromosomes form chiasmata, they are

exchanging genetic information

The type of diffusion that is specific and passive, and which becomes saturated if all the protein carriers are in use is

facilitated diffusion

__________is defined as the energy of motion.

kinetic energy

Which of the following is characteristically water-insoluble?


The Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle) is a cyclical metabolic pathway located in the

matrix of the mitochondria

Eukaryotic cells are more complex than prokaryotic cells. Which of the following would you not find in a prokaryotic cell?

membrane bound nucleus

The chemistry of living systems representing all chemical reactions is called


Homologous pairs of chromosomes align at the spindle equator during__________.

metaphase I

The haploid number of still duplicated chromosomes align at the spindle equator during__________.

metaphase II

Peroxisomes in animal cells, and glyoxosomes in plant cells are examples of


The endosymbiotic theory is supported by the finding of non-nuclear DNA in which of the following organelles?

mitochondria and chloroplasts

The organelle involved in the oxygen-requiring process by which the energy in macromolecules is stored in ATP is the


The events of Meiosis II are similar to_________.


Carbohydrates are polymers formed of structural units called


Which of the following is NOT a property unique to living things?


Axons, dendrites, and glial cells are terms associated with what type of tissue?


Down syndrome is the result of

nondisjunction of chromosome 21 during meiosis.

DNA, RNA, and ATP contain functional units known as


The chromosomal hereditary material is located in this organelle in eukaryotic cells.


Which structure is the repository of the genetic information that directs all of the activities of the cell?


Darwin studied the different species of finches

on the Galapagos islands

The cytoplasmic space in eukaryotic cells is occupied by many diverse membrane-bound structures with specific cellular functions. These are called


Oxygen ordinarily has 8 protons and 8 neutrons. Another rare form has two extra neutrons. These two forms are

oxygen isotopes

The atomic number of an element is equal to the number of

protons only

Low density lipoproteins (LDL) molecules bring cholesterol into the cell where it can be incorporated into membranes. What type of membrane transport is used to bring LDLs into a cell?

receptor-mediated endocytosis

An allele present but unexpressed is


The scientific process involves

rejection of hypotheses that are inconsistent with experimental results.

Which of the following is NOT a negative feedback mechanism?

release of oxytocin during labor contractions

The nucleolus is the site of__________.

ribosome assembly

The inability to absorb nutrients and secrete mucus might indicate a disorder in which type of epithelial tissue?

simple columnar

A(n)__________is one of two genetically identical chromosome units that are the result of DNA replication.

sister chromatid

In the liver, this type of organelle helps detoxify drugs. Therefore, this organelle increases in quantity when a person consumes alcohol on a regular basis. This organelle is also important in lipid synthesis.

smooth endoplasmic reticulum

______is found in the walls of the hollow organs (except the heart).

smooth muscle

A__________is a microtubule structure that brings about chromosome movement during nuclear division.

spindle apparatus

A(n)__________is a type of lipid that has a skeleton of four fused carbon rings. Testosterone and estrogens are examples of this type of lipid.


What type of epithelial tissue is found in areas of the body subject to abrasion?

stratified squamous

The Calvin cycle reactions of photosynthesis take place in the

stroma of the chloroplast

An anticodon would be found on which of the following types of RNA?


During__________of meiosis, nuclear membranes reform around four different clusters of chromosomes. Chromosomes are single-stranded (chromatids)

telophase II

The difference in the leading- versus lagging- strand synthesis is a consequence of

the antiparallel configuration of DNA and DNA polymerase III synthesizing only in the 5'-to-3' direction.

The majority of ATP produced during aerobic respiration is made by__________.

the movement of hydrogen ions through an ATP synthase enzyme

Which of the following is not a component of DNA?

the pyrimidine uracil

Life's ultimate source of energy is derived from

the sun

The most important factor that limits the size of a cell is

the surface-area-to-volume ratio of the cell.

The process of inductive reasoning involves

the use of specific observations to develop general principles.

The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis take place in the

thylakoid membrane of the chloroplasts

Which of the following is NOT an exocrine gland?

thyroid gland

The manufacture of a new protein is termed__________, and the production of a messenger RNA corresponding to a specific gene is called__________.

translation; transcription

A common lipid for energy storage is


True or False: A trait determined by a dominant allele will be seen in both the homozygous dominant and the heterozygote.


Telophase I results in the production of

two cells containing one homologue of each homologous pair.

A heterozygous individual is one that carries

two different alleles for a given gene.

Which of the following traits is an example of codominance?

type AB blood

Which of the following is not a method used in genetic counseling?


In photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water are the reactants. Glucose and oxygen are the products. What molecule is oxidized during photosynthesis?


In pea plants, the round seed allele (R) is dominant to the wrinkled seed allele (r). Yellow seed color (Y) is dominant to green seed color (y). What is the phenotype of a pea with the genotype rrYY ?

wrinkled and yellow

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