General Psychology Final

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George is traveling to visit his friend Ryan in a neighboring town but has to take a detour due to road construction. At first George feels lost, but then he notices a sign for Madison Street and immediately knows where he is and how to navigate to Ryan's house. In this situation, George has reached Ryan's by using ________.

A cognitive map

If a researcher wants to be able to generalize about a population using data pulled from a sample, it is best to use

A random sample

When Kate's grandma leans over the crib with a toy in her hand, 8-month-old Kate grasps it and pulls on it. When Kate's mom hangs a set of animals across the crib, Kate reaches up, grabs them, and pulls them down. Kate seems to be working on ______ for grasping and pulling.

A schema

A neurotransmitter that is important in muscle contraction is


Mary and Eric are outside playing one day when Eric looks up and asks, "What's that big bright ball in the sky?" Mary replies that it is the sun. That night, Eric looks out his bedroom window and sees a big, bright ball in the sky. "Look, Mary, it's the sun!" He exclaims. This example shows that Eric has used ______ for his new knowledge .


Rays has been knitting for many years. Jade just started learning how to knit yesterday. For Raya, knitting is most likely an ________ process and for Jade, knitting is most likely a _________ process.

Automatic; controlled

The area where the optic nerve leaves the retina is referred to as the

Blind spot

According to this model of conceptual processing, the recognition of patterns occurs because data are relayed from a lower level to a higher level of processing in the brain.

Bottom-up processing

The brain and the spinal cord makeup the _________ nervous system


The spinal cord is part of the ________ nervous system


Derek pretends to be a baker while playing in the sand. He forms five sand cookie balls, and then he forms a sixth but flattens it into a pancake. "Wow! This cookie is way bigger than the others!" He exclaims. The example best illustrates Derek's _______ development.


Angie had brain surgery. Although she can function quite normally, she is unable to verbally report the name is an object that is shown to her left visual field. However, when the same object is shown to her right visual field, she can verbally name the object. Based on this information, Angie's brain surgery. Likely involved severing the

Corpus callosum

The variable that a researcher measures in an experiment is called the

Dependent variable

Binocular disparity is about

Different views

Susie wants to use operant conditioning to teach her cat to sit up for a treat. A psychologist who has conducted research that would be useful to her in this situation is

Edward Thorndike

Structuralism is a school of psychology introduced by

Edward Titchener

Reynold believes that reinforcement affects the performance of a behavior more than the acquisition of a behavior. Reynold's belief is consistent with the ideas of the cognitive theorist ______.

Edward Tolman

If Pavlov repeatedly presented the conditioned stimulus, the metronome, without the unconditioned stimulus, the food, the dogs would stop salivating to the sound of the metronome. In classical conditioning, this process is called


Peggy's parents are amazed at how much their daughter has changed. Over the past year, she became interested in doing chemistry experiments. Peggy predicts what will happen when she combines two chemicals together and then observes the results to see whether her hypothesis was correct. Peggy is most likely in the _____ stage of cognitive development.

Formal operational

The cognitive revolution was launched by

George Miller

Serotonin levels increase higher during


Juan believes that the prefrontal cortex is responsible for consciousness. Pierre disagrees, saying that no single area of the brain is responsible for consciousness, and that instead specific areas process certain types of information. Pierre most likely believes in the _______ model of consciousness.

Global workspace

Billy hates it when his upstairs neighbor wakes up early to take a shower. He is typically abruptly awakened when the water starts, but then he gets used to the noise and goes back to sleep. In this example, Billy is showing learning through _______.


As you sleep through the night, REM sleep

Increases relative to the other stages

The variable that a researcher manipulates in an experiment is called the

Independent variable

Aldo cannot get the answer to a chemistry problem even after sitting at his desk for an hour. He gets up and goes for a walk. Suddenly, even though he appears to have stopped thinking about it for a while, the answer comes to him. Aldo has most likely solved the problem based on

Insight learning

With regard to sensation, signal detection theory accounts for a person's


REM sleep is characterized by all of the following except


In a person with a normally functioning brain, the part of the brain that typically controls speech is the

Left hemisphere

Sienna is giving a verbal presentation in her political science class. During her presentation it is most likely that the ________ is more active than the ______ hemisphere.

Left hemisphere; right

The part of the brain that is known as the interpreter is the _______ hemisphere because it

Left; tries to construct a world that makes sense

The idea that the activity of neurons in the brain produces consciousness is called


Thayer is holding her infant cousin and she smiles at the baby. The baby observes Thayer smiling and imitates the smile by smiling back. The baby most likely learned to smile in this situation based on _____.


Our body's nervous system is built from billions of nerve cells, which are called


The the nervous system, ten cells that receive, integrate, and transmit information are the


The Hawthorne effect refers to changes in behavior associated with


The philosopher who promoted dualism as an explanation of the mind/body problem was

René Descartes

This is a thin inner surface behind the eyeball and it contains sensory receptors


According to trichromatic color theory, there is no cone specialized to respond to yellow light. When we see yellow, it is because the light is stimulating the

S cones very little and the L and M cones equally

Anna is reading her psychology textbook. The light reflects off the words on the page and falls on the sensory receptors in her retina, which results in _________. Then her brain interprets the stimuli as particular words, which is called _________.

Sensation; perception

The sense organs' detection of external physical stimuli is called _________' whereas further processing, organizing, and interpreting of those stimuli in the brain is called ________.

Sensation; perception

Daryl thinks that playing peek-a-boo is hilarious! He does not know where his mom goes during the game, but it excites him when he sees her face again. Daryl is most likely in Piaget's ____ stage of development.


When Petra jumps into a cold lake, she feels as though she is freezing. After a few minutes, she no longer notices the cold and feels comfortable in the water. This change is best explained by

Sensory adaptation

Suppose you begin feeling extremely depressed and want a prescription drug to alleviate your depression. The drug you should take should effect the neurotransmitter


Psychoanalysis is a type of psychological treatment to resolve unconscious conflicts that cause mental disorders. This treatment was developed by

Sigmund Freud

Sleeping people who show theta waves on their EEGs are most likely in ________ sleep.

Stage 1

At what sleep stage does your breathing become more regular and your awareness of external stimulation decrease?

Stage 2

A cat has been classically conditioned to purr when it hears Theodore open to the refrigerator where it's food is kept. But the at does not purr when it hears the sound of the pantry door opening, where none of its food is kept. The fact that the cat shows the conditioned response, purring, only for the sound associated with the conditioned stimulus is most likely the result of

Stimulus discrimination

Jack uses classical conditioning to teach his dog Luna to sit whenever Jack says, "Sit." But now, anything that jack says that is similar to "Sit" causes Luna to show the conditioned response of sitting. This is most likely the result of

Stimulus generalization

The process of encoding low frequencies of sound is called

Temporal coding

The parts of the neuron that act like mailboxes because they receive information from other places are called the

Terminal buttons

A split-client is shown a frog inner right visual field. This information is processed by

The left side of her occipital lobe

An explanation of how an observable phenomenon works is provided by a


Sally is playing ball with her friend Anne. When Anne leaves the ball on the couch and goes to the bathroom, Sally hides the ball behind the TV. Sally expects Anne to look for the ball on the couch when she comes back because Anne does not know the ball was moved while she was in the bathroom. Sally's demonstrating that she understands Anne has her own thoughts and intentions that are different from Sally's. Sally has developed

Theory of mind

When serotonin levels increase the person feels happier


Rayvonte, a recent college graduate, is impressed when his cousin puts his résumé on their university's job board and then receives many job interviews. Rayvonte decides to post his résumé in hopes of finding his first professional job. He most likely posted his résumé on the job board as a result of _________.

Vicarious conditioning

Which of the following is a potential drawback of using automatic processing?

We are less likely to remember relevant details

Who would be most discouraged to hear that modern psychology places a lot of emphasis on the study of mental processes?

Wilhelm Wundt

The psychologist most closely associated with the school of functionalism is

William James

Consciousness is best defined as

Your subjective experiences of the external world

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