Genetics Midterm

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About ____ percent of all newborns are affected with an abnormal karyotype.​


​Twin, adoption, and family studies show that obesity has a heritability that averages close to ____.


​In humans, hair texture is an incompletely dominant trait. Curly is the dominant genotype, wavy is heterozygous, and straight hair is recessive. What is the probable phenotypic ratio for a cross between a man with wavy hair and a woman with curly hair?

1/2 wavy hair; 1/2 curly hair

​After contracting SARS, about ____ percent of the infected died.


​According to Wilhelm Stern's method of measurement, a ten-year-old child who is able to perform the mental tasks of a ten-year-old (but not of an eleven-year old) has an IQ of ____.


​The chemical formula for glucose, C6H12O6, represents ____ atom(s) and ____ molecule(s).


​The chance of a child having albinism when both of his parents are heterozygous for the disorder is ____ percent.


​Approximately ____ Y-linked genes have been discovered.


During meiosis in an organism where 2n = 8, how many chromatids will be present in a cell at the beginning of meiosis II?​


What is the greatest risk factor for cancer?​


​During the 1968 Olympic Games, the International Olympic Committee performed an analysis of ____ on all female athletes in order to verify their sex.

Barr bodies

​DNA polymerase catalyzes the synthesis of ____.


A rare genetic disorder called Gaucher disease may strike as many as one in 450 people of ____ descent.​

Eastern European

Genes are precisely copied during the process of DNA replication and never undergo any change.​


Genetic discoveries made in one organism cannot necessarily be applied to other species.​


Genetic modification of immune cells has not been shown to be an effective leukemia treatment.​


In the years after the completion of the human genome project, genome sequencing revealed surprisingly little amount of variation in the sequence and arrangement of nucleotides in humans.​


The Immigration Restriction Act of 1924 was supported by research that demonstrated that Western Europeans were genetically superior to Eastern Europeans.​


The U.S. has stayed ahead of the issues surrounding genetic technology by implementing ground-breaking public policy and laws.​


​The phenotype of ____ does not develop until adulthood.

Huntington's disease

​Each amino acid has a different side chain, called a(n) ____.

R group

​In a cross between a true-breeding plant bearing the dominant traits of smooth, yellow seeds and a true-breeding plant bearing the recessive traits of wrinkled, green seeds, the offspring (F1) are all smooth and yellow and their genotype is ____.


In some societies, the birth of a deformed child is regarded as a sign of impending war or famine.​


Normal white blood cells (called B cells) and cancerous B cells that cause leukemia both carry a unique surface protein called CD-19.


The human genome carries approximately 20,000 genes.​


The separation of genes during the formation of the sperm and egg and the reunion of genes at fertilization is explained by the behavior of chromosomes in a form of cell division called meiosis.​


In the cell cycle, the G1 phase represents ____.​

a period of growth

The process of meiosis results in ____.​

a reduction in the chromosome number

​The ____ model of genetic analysis of complex traits assumes that each gene involved has an equal effect on the phenotype.


​A fetus's exposure to ____ is the leading preventable cause of birth defects.


​If nondisjunction occurs during meiosis I, ____.

all gametes will be abnormal

Before Mendel, most people would have predicted that a cross of a red rose with a yellow rose would produce ____.​

all orange roses

​Alternate forms of a gene are called ____.


​One gene is able to encode information for different forms of a protein via ____.

alternative splicing

​The three-dimensional shape of a protein is determined by the ____ and the results of chemical modifications and other processing events.

amino acid sequence

​Proteins are composed of subunits called ____ linked together by chemical bonds.

amino acids

In meiosis, homologous chromosomes separate in ____.​

anaphase I

The nucleotide sequence encoded in a gene defines the ____ that make up proteins.​

animo acids

​Common recessive alleles present in a family can result in a pedigree that looks like ____ inheritance.

autosomal dominant

​Almost all cases of cystic fibrosis, a(n) ____ genetic disorder, are the result of mating between two unaffected parents.

autosomal recessive

​The DNA components adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine are examples of ____.


Camptodactyly causes ____.

bend, immobile little fingers

​Twins are concordant for a trait when ____.

both twins have the trait

​The first genetic trait described in humans was ____.


Macromolecules including sugars, glycogen, and starches composed of sugar monomers linked and cross-linked together are known as ____.​


​The topic of ____, the idea of the fundamental unit of living organisms, raised several questions in Mendel's mind about inheritance.

cell theory

​Teratogens affect the ____ more than any other part of the fetal body.

central nervous system

​Spindle fibers attach to the ____ of a chromosome during cell division.


​Activated genes can be inactivated by reversing histone modification during a process called ____.

chromatin remodeling

​The pathway from ____ sex to ____ sex can be disrupted at several stages.

chromosomal; phenotypic

​The gene responsible for Marfan syndrome encodes a protein associated with ____.

connective tissue

​Autism, Alzheimer disease, Parkinson's disease, and schizophrenia are all associated with ____.

copy number variants

​A deletion in the short arm of chromosome 5 is associated with ____ syndrome, which causes intellectual disability, defects in facial development, and an abnormal larynx.

cri du chat

​If two phenotypically normal parents have six children, and two daughters and two sons have the same genetic disorder, that disorder is most likely to be ____.

cystic fibrosis

Hereditarianism is the idea that all human traits are ____.​

determined only by genes

​A zygote is a(n) ____.

diploid cell

​Most triploid zygotes probably arise from ____.


​The inner lining of the uterus that is shed at menstruation if fertilization has not occurred is called the ____.


​The part of the male reproductive system where sperm mature is known as the ____.


Mitosis is a process that is unique to humans.​


Primary oocytes and spermatogonia are both haploid cells.​


Teratogenic effects of alcohol only occur during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.​


The four macromolecules making up our cells allow for the same structure and function across all cells in the body.​


​A blood test cannot determine if a person is a carrier of Tay-Sachs disease because the mutant allele is undetectable.


​A pedigree is always able to provide enough information to rule out all but one possible pattern of inheritance.


​Amniocentesis is not performed on mothers over the age of thirty-five.


​Because RNA is single-stranded, it does not participate in the regulation of gene expression.


​Because females carry two X chromosomes and males carry only one, females have higher levels of all products encoded by genes on the X chromosome.


​Bruce Reimer was born with ambiguous genitalia.


​Chi-square tests are used to determine whether a cross has been correctly constructed and analyzed.


​Chromosomes are usually studied and photographed while they are in anaphase of mitosis.


​Cytokinesis usually occurs just prior to mitosis.


​DNA contains two identical polynucleotide chains.


​Each amino acid is encoded by only one mRNA codon.


​Epigenetic modifications affect the nucleotide sequence of the DNA.


​Gregor Mendel was a completely self-trained scientist and never attended university.


​Human traits are controlled only by the genetic material found in the 46 chromosomes.


​In June 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that if a gene is removed from the human body and purified it can be patented.


​In the early twentieth century, most scientists believed that only nucleic acids were complex enough to carry genetic information.


​Mendel chose to study pea plants because they have a long life cycle that offers ample time for analysis.


​Mitotic divisions reduce the number of chromosomes found in daughter cells.


​Most of those affected with an autosomal dominant genetic disorder are homozygous for that trait.


​People with albinism carry two copies of the dominant allele (AA) and cannot make a pigment called melanin.


​Phenotypic sex is determined at the moment of fertilization.


​Phenotypic variation among individuals with the same genotype is known as genetic variance.


​Random assortment occurs between chromatids of homologous chromosome pairs.


​Submetacentric describes a chromosome whose telomeres are attached to the centromeres.


​The additive model for polygenic inheritance proposes that the genes controlling a trait are all on one chromosome.


​The brain and nervous system of a developing embryo can only be damaged during the very early stages of development.


​The contributions of genes and environmental factors are strictly defined during the study of complex traits.


​The set of proteins in a particular cell type is always equal to the number of genes in the genome.


​Translation begins when the DNA in a chromosome unwinds and one strand is used as a template to make a pre-mRNA molecule.


​Viral infections are not considered a risk factor for autosomal trisomy because a virus cannot affect human chromosome arrangement.


​mRNA is made up of introns that have been spliced together.


​The major physical symptom associated with Klinefelter syndrome is ____.

fertility problems

​The most important events in human development occur during the ____.

first trimester

​If two genes control a trait and each has a dominant and a recessive allele, there are ____ phenotypic classes in the F2 generation.


​There are ____ basic patterns of Mendelian inheritance.


​In obesity studies in mice, the binding of leptin activates the leptin receptor and initiates changes in ____ in the hypothalamus.

gene expression

What Mendel called "factors," we now call ____.​


​A trait with a heritability value of 0.75 indicates that 75% of the phenotypic variability seen in the population is caused by ____ of the population.

genetic differences

​Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are organized into blocks called ____ and are inherited together.


A cell in G0 state ____.​

has entered a resting stage and is not actively dividing

​Genetics is defined as the scientific study of ____.


​The offspring (F1) resulting from the cross between two red flowered plants are 3/4 red and 1/4 white. The most likely genotype of both red flowered parental plants (P1) is ____.


​A blastocyst ____.

implants in the endometrium

​A Barr body is a(n) ____.

inactivated x chromosome

​Deletion of an entire autosome ____.

is lethal

Large cellular polymers assembled by chemically linking monomers together are called ____.​


The methods of ____ have had the greatest impact on human genetics in recent decades.​

molecular genetics

​Spina bifida is one of the most common and most complex birth defects involving the ____ system.


​More than ____ percent of couples decide to terminate a Down syndrome pregnancy.


​Purines and pyrimidines are two classes of organic bases found in ____.

nucleic acids

​The basic building block of DNA and RNA is a(n) ____.


In meiosis of oogenesis, how many mature eggs result?​


​Ockham's razor could also be called the principle of ____.


​Which biomolecule is most associated with the structure and function of cell membranes?


​The search for a(n) ____ treatment led to the discovery that DNA carries genetic information.


​Mendel analyzed his pea plant data using the principles of ____.


​Seminal vesicles secrete fructose and ____ into the semen


​Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is caused by errors in ____.

protein folding

Ribosomes are organelles that are involved in ____.​

protein synthesis

​In an XX embryo, ____ inactivation of one X chromosome usually occurs when the embryo has about 32 cells.


In a(n) ____ translocation, two nonhomologous chromosomes exchange parts and no genetic information is gained or lost from the cell in the exchange.​


The development and use of ____ ushered in the era of genomics when geneticists began planning ways to sequence the 3.2 billion nucleotides in the human genome.​

recombinant DNA technology

​The concept of ____ explains why children of parents who are at the extreme ends of a normal (bell-curve) distribution for a phenotype are usually closer to the population average for the phenotype.

regression to the mean

​The sugar in RNA nucleotides is ____.


​In humans, body size, muscle mass, and patterns of fat distribution are types of ____ sex characteristics.


​Pattern baldness is a(n) ____ trait.


​When constructing a karyotype, the chromosome images are arranged in pairs according to ____________________ and ____________________.

size; centromere location

During spermatogenesis in meiosis II, ____ form(s).​


​Regions at the ends of chromosomes that prevent chromosomes from sticking to each other are called ____.


​About ____ percent of children with Down syndrome are severely intellectually disabled.


​Most evidence indicates that skin color is controlled by ____ gene pair(s).


​Any physical or chemical agent that brings about an increase in congenital malformations is called a(n) ____.


​Studies of sex chromosome aneuploidy reveal that ____ necessary for survival.

the Y chromosome is not

​____ nucleotides form the code for one amino acid.


​One type of polyploidy is ____.


​The most common type of polyploidy in humans is ____.


A polar body, once formed, has no further function and dies.​


Autosomal chromosome pairs are identical, whereas the sex chromosome pair in males is not.​


Crossing over is partially responsible for our genetic diversity.​


One treatment for Gaucher disease is enzyme replacement therapy.


Using fetal DNA from the mother's blood for prenatal testing is a noninvasive procedure.


​A measured heritability of 0.7 means that 70% of the phenotypic variation observed is due to genetic differences within the population.


​A replicated DNA molecule contains one new strand and one old strand.


​Abraham Lincoln's son, Robert, showed no signs of Marfan syndrome.


​Adenine and guanine are nitrogen-containing bases found in nucleic acids.


​An embryo that is composed of a hollow ball of cells is called a blastocyst.


​An mRNA molecule has a cap attached to its 5' end and a poly-A tail attached to its 3' end.


​Complete androgen insensitivity causes XY males to become phenotypic females.


​Continuous phenotypic variations can be explained by Mendelian inheritance.


​Dizygotic twins originate from two separate fertilization events.


​Down syndrome can be caused by either trisomy 21 or a Robertsonian translocation.


​Duchenne muscular dystrophy and Becker's muscular dystrophy are caused by different mutations in the same X-linked gene.


​During translation, the rRNA in the large ribosomal subunit acts as an enzyme, linking amino acids together to form a polypeptide.


​For threshold traits, the liability for a genetic disorder is distributed among individuals in a bell-shaped curve.


​Gonadal sex and sexual phenotype in males and females are produced by separate developmental pathways by the action of different gene sets.


​Heritability studies cannot provide information about the number, location, or identity of genes involved in specific complex traits.


​If a dihybrid cross is begun with a P1 generation of a true-breeding plant that produces smooth and yellow peas (smooth and yellow are both dominant traits), crossed with a plant that produces wrinkled green peas (wrinkled and green are both recessive traits), the F1 plants will all be smooth and yellow.


​If a pedigree analysis suggests that an autosomal or X-linked inheritance pattern is equally likely, then additional genetic testing is needed to identify the pattern of inheritance.


​Incomplete dominance is the expression of a phenotype that is intermediate to those of the parents.


​Leukemia is often associated with chromosomal translocations.


​Males never give an X chromosome to any of their sons.


​Methylmalonic acidemia (MMA) is caused by the inability to metabolize amino acids and fats.


​Pedigree construction can be a difficult task.


​Phenotypic variation can occur in traits controlled by the same allele.


​Prion diseases are always fatal and there is no treatment.


​Recessive traits are expressed only in the homozygous state.


​Rosalind Franklin did not share a part of the 1962 Nobel Prize for Medicine or Physiology because she had died four years earlier.


​Sperm mature and are stored in the epididymis.


​The H5N1 influenza killed more than 50% of those infected.


​The codon encoding the amino acid methionine functions as a start codon when it occurs at the beginning of a gene.


​The frequency of heterozygotes for cystic fibrosis shows ethnic variations.


​The genes discovered to date account for only about 5-10% of the total variation in adult height.


​The inheritance of sex-influenced traits can be dominant in one sex but recessive in the other.


​The interphase nucleus has an internal structure in which each chromosome occupies a distinct region called a chromosome territory.


​The most common mutation in cystic fibrosis is the deletion of a single amino acid which results in a misfolded protein.


​The process of transferring genetic information between bacterial cells is accomplished with a transformation factor called DNA.


​The risk of having a child with Down syndrome due to a chromosomal translocation is independent of maternal age.


​Trisomy 21 is the only autosomal trisomy that allows survival into adulthood.


​Turner syndrome is not associated with intellectual disability.


​Twenty different types of amino acids are used to make proteins.


​When analyzing a cross involving two traits, each trait is analyzed separately, and then the frequencies of each are combined to yield the observed phenotypic ratios.


​In RNA, the base ____ takes the place of the base thymine.


​The immune system ____.

works by attacking anything recognized as foreign

​If a pedigree of several generations shows only females affected by a particular trait, it cannot be a(n) ____ trait.


What is an example of basic research?​

​Learning how plants turn carbon dioxide into sugar

​The process of post-transcriptional gene silencing triggered by micro-RNA molecules that stop translation is called ____.

​RNA interference

​Polyploidy is characterized by ____.

​a chromosomal number that is a multiple of the normal haploid chromosomal set

​The initial circumstance that led some to believe that Abraham Lincoln had Marfan syndrome was that ____ had the disease.

​a descendent of Lincoln's great-great-grandfather

Carbohydrates ___.

​act as energy sources for cells

​In a pedigree, a person whose symbol is filled in and who is associated with the Roman numeral II is ____.

​affected by the trait and in the second generation

Autosomes represent ___.

​all chromosomes other than the sex chromosomes

​Mitochondria are transmitted from mothers to ____.

​all of their children through the cytoplasm of the egg

​During the elongation step of translation, ____.

​amino acids are added to a growing polypeptide chain

​Peptide bonds form between ____.

​an amino group and a carboxyl group

​Amino acids are characterized by ____.

​an amino group, a carboxyl group, and an R group

​Phenotype is ____.

​an observable property or expression of a trait in an organism

​In the Watson-Crick model of DNA structure, the polynucleotide chains ____.

​are oriented in opposite directions

​Sex-influenced traits are expressed ____.

​as a result of hormone differences between males and females

Proteins function ___.

​as component parts of enzymes

In meiosis, cells become haploid ____.​

​at the end of telophase I

​In the early 1950s, James Watson and Francis Crick ____.

​began to work out the structure of DNA by organizing the information about DNA that was already available

​At one end of a tRNA molecule is a sequence of 3 nucleotides called an anticodon that ____.

​binds to its complementary mRNA codon

​Genetic testing for complex traits ____.

​cannot exactly define risks

​Y-linked traits are ____.

​carried only by males and transmitted only to males

​A phosphate group is a compound containing phosphorus ____.

​chemically bonded to four oxygen molecules

​One important difference between amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling is that ____.

​chorionic villus sampling can be done earlier in the pregnancy than amniocentesis

Gregor Mendel ____ .

​claimed that each individual carries a pair of "factors" for a given trait

​Nucleosomes are bead-like structures ____.

​composed of histone wrapped with DNA

​The hormone oxytocin stimulates ____.

​contraction of uterine muscles during childbirth

A centromere is least likely to ____.​

​cross over during prophase I of meiosis

​Hemophilia is characterized by ____.

​defects in the mechanism of blood clotting

The main purpose of preparing karyotypes is to ____.​

​diagnose or rule out certain genetic disorders

​The tall and short phenotypes in pea plants are examples of ____.

​discontinuous traits

​One characteristic of an autosomal dominant trait is that ____.

​every affected individual has at least one affected parent

​Mendel's pea plants made good experimental subjects because they ____.

​exhibit discontinuous variation and complete dominance

Cleft palate is ____.​

​explained by the threshold model of complex traits

​The tertiary structure of a protein is ____.

​formed by a protein region folding on itself

​SARS symptoms include ____.

​high fever, headaches, and respiratory problems

If a man expresses an X-linked recessive trait, ____.​

​his mother was heterozygous or homozygous for the trait

​In genetics, a chi-square test can be used to determine ____.

​how closely actual results of a cross match the expected results

​Proteins contain twenty different subunits ____.

​in the form of amino acids

​A trait shows ____ if the phenotype of that trait is present in less than 100% of those with the related genotype.

​incomplete penetrance

​Bacteriophages are viruses that ____.

​infect and copy themselves inside bacterial cells

​Tetracyclines interfere with ____.

​initiation of translation

​Gene therapy can best be described as the ____.

​insertion of normal genes to act in place of mutant genes

​In pre-mRNA processing, ____.

​introns are spliced out and the exons are combined in the mature mRNA

Eugenics ___.

​is a dubious method for improving the human species through selective breeding

​During interaction between genes and environment, the phenotype ____.

​is variable and undergoes continuous change throughout the life of the organism

​Friedrich Miescher, after he began to study the chemical composition of the nucleus, was one of the first to ____.

​isolate and purify a cellular organelle

The decline of the eugenics movement in the U.S. in the early 20th century resulted from ____.​

​its misuse for social and political purposes by the Nazis

​Telomeres are short DNA sequences ____.

​located at each end of a chromosome

​Histones are the ____.

​major class of proteins in chromatin

​In his monohybrid crosses, Mendel deduced that one trait was recessive because that trait was ____.

​not present in the F1 and reappeared in the F2

​The chorionic villi eventually form the placenta, a disc-shaped structure that ____.

​nourishes the embryo throughout pregnancy

​Genomic technology allows researchers to use ____ to survey the genome to detect associations between common variations and a specific phenotype.

​nucleotide variations

A cell that cannot form spindle fibers cannot ____.​

​perform mitosis nor meiosis

​One characteristic of continuous variation is that ____.

​phenotypic expression varies across a wide range

​The X and Y chromosomes ____.

​play major roles in determining the sex of an individual

​The secondary structure of a protein forms ____.

​pleated sheets or coils

Induced pluripotent stem cells are ____​

​produced from normal body cells

Which genetic diseases involve defects in DNA repair that affect cell division?​

​progeria and Werner syndrome

​The heritability of a trait is the ____.

​proportion of phenotypic variation that is caused by different genotypes

Pedigrees ____.

​provide information on the patterns of inheritance of a trait

​Once the strands of DNA are separated, the enzyme DNA polymerase ____ and links nucleotides together.

​reads the nucleotide sequence of the template strand

​Prions are created when normal proteins in the body ____.

​refold into a different and infectious three-dimensional shape that kills cells in the brain and nervous system

A human pedigree ___.

​represents the inheritance of a trait through several generations of a family

​Independent assortment means that the ____.

​segregation of one gene pair occurs as if no other gene pair was present

​DNA vaccines ____.

​show promise in animal studies and are now in clinical trials

​Messenger RNA is a(n) ____ of the amino acid-coding nucleotide sequence of a gene.

​single-stranded complementary copy

​The letters G, Q, R, and C, used to describe the appearance of chromosomes, refer to the ____.

​staining procedure used to reveal the bands

Transmission genetics ___.

​studies the pattern of inheritance as traits are passed from generation to generation

​Most protein synthesis ____.

​takes place on the surface of the rough endoplasmic reticulum

The undifferentiated genitalia of an early human embryo develops into male genitalia under the influence of ____.​

​testosterone, AMH, and DHT

The underlying problem in Gaucher disease is ____.​

​the accumulation of fat in white blood cells

Ribosomes are most closely associated with ____.​

​the cytoplasm and rough endoplasmic reticulum

​Darker skin color is correlated with ____.

​the intensity of UV radiation

A locus is ___.

​the location of a gene on a chromosome

The Hayflick limit describes ____.​

​the number of divisions a cultured cell can undergo

​In a P1 cross involving incomplete dominance, ____.

​the phenotypic ratio and genotypic ratio in the F1 are identical

​In codominant inheritance, ____.

​there is full phenotypic expression of both members of a gene pair in the heterozygous condition

​Mendel selected pea plants for his experiments because ____.

​they can be self-fertilized or artificially fertilized by hand

​Some forms of methylmalonic acidemia can be ____.

​treated successfully if the condition is detected early in life

​In addition to fertilizing the egg, sperm also ____.

​trigger chemical changes in the egg that prevent the entry of more than one sperm

​Codons are ____ that encode the information for a specific amino acid in a protein.

​triplets of nucleotides in mRNA

​In autosomal dominant inheritance, ____.

​two affected individuals may have unaffected children

​In a monohybrid cross with complete dominance, the F2 offspring should contain ____.

​two different phenotypes and three different genotypes

Carrie Buck is significant in the history of genetics because she ____.​

​was sterilized after the U.S. Supreme Court determined she was feebleminded

​The risk for Down syndrome increases ____.

​when the mother is over thirty-five years old

​One goal of pedigree analysis is to determine ____.

​whether a gene has a dominant or recessive pattern of inheritance

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