GEOG 330 Test 1

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BLM (Bureau of Land Management)

1946, President Truman, Governmental branch that manages large amounts of public lands, mostly in the west. Not designated for homesteads, land sales, or given away by the federal government. Mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.

What is the global fertility rate?

2.5 children per women

Burns standoff- What started the conflict?

2014, father and son were burning public lands (controlled burns), fire got out of control. 5 years in jail for arson of public land. Ammon Bundy, on horseback, gathers militias in Burns to protests Hammond's return to prison. They go to Malheur National Wildlife Refuge

what is the importance of Moral Restraint in relation to population and preventive checks?

Advocated moral restraint as a voluntary preventative check restrain from marriage until you could support children, which would lower fertility rates Delay gratification of sex for your sense of duty Burden fell to women, who were society's bearers of virtue

1946 Sagebrush Rebellion

Attempt by ranchers to privatize federal rangelands. US cattle industry thrives on public land and land of

Who are the actors in the Burns standoff?

BLM, Dwight and Steve Hammond, Ammon Bundy, Other militias outside Oregon, Sheriff Departments, Environmental groups (birdwatchers). Burns residents,

Why is Hardin important?

Believe people will act selfishly and always add the extra animal to the commons. According to Hardin, our current system of morality and ethics fails to deliver commons management because they are unable to handle complex situations

A successful Common Property Management System (CPRM) has?

Boundaries- who participates and which resource is under management Proportionality- things in balance, as much is given is what is given out, the sharing of costs to manage resources- those who do not share costs, do not have equal access. Collective Choice- Rules for managing the resource are created and modified by resource users Ex: Limits so that they don't ruin the lobster environment Monitoring- user behavior is monitored by the group to ensure rules are adhered to Living up to your neighbors expectations, if a person violates then they may face sanctions... Sanctions- imposed on violators in a graduated approach to encourage a return to compliance Conflict Resolution- Develop means to resolve conflict between users relevant for social context of community Autonomy- From higher and non-local authority Should be autonomous without influence and oversight from federal, state or local government and so on. Ex: U.S. fish and wildlife let the maine people fix the problem themselves

What do the actors want in the Burns Standoff?

Bundy and protestors Want the public lands to be managed by he people not the USFWS, Police want a civil conclusion,

What were the effects of the green revolution in India?

Changed the balance of land in wealth in India Large wealthy farmers became more wealthy and small farmers were driven out of business... Sex selective abortion and girl child neglect so that the dowry expense avoided

Preventative Check

Checks that were means by which society could limit it's growth, such as celibacy, late marriages, sexual abstinence, abortion, infanticide, and contraception.

National Wildlife Refuges

Created and recreated since the 1900s, Managed by USFWS

2 sides of debate over BLM v. Private Land

Environmentalist- Grasses overgrazed, Soil compacted precents new growt, Fences block migration and harm animals, Tree cutting enable other species to grow. Livestock owners/ Ranchers- We need access to public lands, livestock ponds are new wetlands that support biodiversity, Eyes and ears of BLM land management, If they sell suburbs will move in, Economic benefit to local small communities.

Harney County Migratory Bird Festival

Festival that was a large part of the economy for the City of Burns near Malheur wildlife refuge in Oregon. Tourism was affected by the Burns Standoff.

Grazing Fees

First set at $.05 per AUM (animal unit month) by the Taylor Grazing act. Raised to $.12 per AUM to pay for range management (1953). Currently $1.35 per AUM (since 1996). 1980-2204 Private fees up, BLM fees down. BLM fees are cheaper than private.

Where is Malheur Wildlife Refuge

Harney County, Oregon. Near Burns, largest city in eastern Oregon. Burns has a stuggling economy

Why did Ammon Bundy go to Malheur National Wildlife Refuge

He with militia members from around the country, He felt the USFWS should not be controlling public lands, thought they could do better. Was also outraged at the Hammond's were being put in jail and thought the penalty was too harsh. Wanted public property to become private property

What is the human environment dialectic?

Humans impact the environment, which impacts humans, who impact the environment... ect. Moving from wild hogs --- changing nature----- breeding pigs------- pig farms------- pig heart valves in humans.

Difference between Malthus ideas and Neo-Malthusians

Malthus- is concerned about population because food growth is linear and poulatiopn is exponential. War dissease and famine. Blamed it on women. Neo- Malthusians- Population is the thing that is degrading resources, large population is destroying our earth. Finger is pointed at the poor aswell. Dont conider the amount of recoruces that are consumed by rich countreis and rich people. Dont consider military as a waste of our rcources. Power of big induestires.

Citizens Respond to Burns Standoff

Militias took over federal property, claiming they wanted it for the public by making them private, but the citizens felt like they could no longer go

What are the types of recourses and what is an example of each?

Perpetual- Always available, Solar. Renewable- available but takes time to come back, Forests Non-renewable- take too long to come back or dont at all, Fossil fuels Potential- things we haven't found a use for yet

What did Malthus thing about preventive checks?

Poor are reliant on handouts and are bad money managers Poor are given to irrational procreation Poor laws offered a welfare system - whose contributions increased relative to the number of children Malthus believed the laws exacerbated poverty- they would have more children, causing more harm to the planet.

What were the effects of the green revolution?

Positives: India self-sufficient in food US companies had new markets for chemicals and equipment Negatives Social, e.g., the cost of marrying a daughter grew exorbitant (dowry in India) Environmental, e.g., groundwater depletion

John Locke and Private property

Property rights as natural rights, both our goods we create and the land used for it our our properties.

Expain the salad option and its reltaion to our environment?

The salad option says that once people order a burger they will probably get fries and not opt for the salad as a side. As they are already getting a burger, and feel if they are doing wrong, there is no need to make a positive choice. this applies to our environment as we are causing damage and people will chose the fries and continue to cause damage to our environment.

Relate the prisoners dilemma to the Tragedy of the commons

The tragedy of the commons believes that people will act selfishly, the prisoners dilemma shows that its best to work together in order for everyone to receive the best outcome. This is important when it comes to the commons as collaboration is the best option.

Burns Standoff-(what do they want) How do they try to get it?

They were outraged by the Hammonds who got arrested. Thought that public lands should be controlled by the public not USFWS

What is postive check, what did Malthus think about it?

Things like war, disease and famine are considered positive check. Malthus believed these things would keep population under control as well as Preventative check and moral restraint.

Elinor Olstrom

Thought people could work together to control the commons.

Taylor Grazing Act of 1934

Wanted to promote cattle industry and conservation of the range, Created US grazing system, boundaries drawn by ranchers in the area and state officals. Fees set at $0.05 per AUM (animal unit month). Made it possible for people to graze on public lands.

Prisoners Dilemma

confess or stay silent, if both confess they get the punishment. Cooperating is the greatest benefit, if neither talk they both get the smallest punishment.

What are the four types of property?

corporate property, private property, public property, cooperatives (collective property)

What is a Dowry?

the custom of the young woman's family 'paying' the groom's family to take her as a bride Illegal in India, but highly practiced

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