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The GDP for tourism in Jamaica is?

1/6th of the GDP is tourism for Jamaica.

How many ships go through the Panama Canal in one year?

14,000 ships go through the Panama Canal each year.

What is a Euro-African?

A Euro-African is a mulatto, it is a person of European and African descent.

What is a continent?

A continent is a "coastal orientation."

What is a a hidrovia?

A hidrovia is a "Water Highway", a system of river locks that is opening most of the Parana-Paraguay basin barge to transport.

What is a latifundio?

A latifundio is a large rural estate in Latin America.

What is a maquiladora?

A maquiladora is a foreign-owned branch plant in Mexico. Most of them are U.S. owned and are on the borders of Mexico and the United States. Maquiladoras are owned by U.S., Japanese, and European countries and some could be considered "sweatshops" composed of young women working for as little as 50 cents an hour, for up to ten hours a day, six days a week.

What is Mestizo?

A mestizo or Mexican is a person of European and Indian descent. Also, known as Euro-Amerindian.

What is acculturation?

Acculturation is a culture that dominates a country. For example, the Europeans dominated much of South America and Middle America.

What is Altiplano?

Altiplano is the heart of modern day Bolivia and also contains the capital city of La Paz.

What is African-Amerindian?

An African-Amerindian is known as a Zambo. It is a person of African and Indian descent.

What is an antiplano?

An antiplano is a high-altitude valley with fertile soils, reliable water supplies and building materials, and natural protection to their inhabitants.

What is the population % of Amerindians in Bolivia?

Bolivia has 55% Amerindians in its population.

Which South American country has the highest population of indigenous people?

Bolivia, has the highest population of indigenous people.

Which country has the highest population of indigenous people?

Bolivia, has the highest population of indigenous people.

What is the Urban percent in Brazil?

Brazil is 84% urban.

What %of Brazil's GDP is agriculture?

Brazil's agriculture is at a 20% rate but consists of 6% of their GDP.

What are the climates of South America?

Climates in South America are A: humid and tropical. AF: Tropical rain, AW: Savanna type weather. Consequently no "D" climates occur in the Southern Hemisphere.

How many coastlines does Columbia have?

Columbia has two coast lines the Pacific coast and the Caribbean sea.

What country owned the federation of Panama in 1819?

Columbia, owned the federation of Panama and rejected the United States plans to a build a canal across the Isthmus of Panama.

What is commercial and subsistence farming?

Commercial is for (market) (profit) and subsistence is for (household) use.

How far is Cuba from the Florida coastline?

Cuba is only 90 miles to Florida.

Who is the current president of Brazil?

Dilma Rouseff is the first female president and was elected in 2010. She is 1/2 Bulgarian.

What are ejidos?

Ejidos are lands the government holds title to that the village communities can cultivate.

What is El Nino?

El Nino is the periodic sea surface warming events off the continent's northwestern coast that skew weather patterns.

What disrupts the balance of weather around the world?

El Nino warm water Christ child occurs around December. La Nina is cold water and both of these disrupt the balance of weather.

What are fazendas?

Fazendas are coffee plantations in Brazil.

Who is the current president of the PRI (International Revolutionary Party)?

Felipe Calderon is the current president of the PRI he was elected in 2006 at 44 years of age.

What is the name of the leader of Cuba and what country does he support?

Fidel Castro is a supporter of Venezuela and Hugo Chavez. Castro sent 30,000 health workers and other professionals to Venezuela to aid the poor.

What is the city of Guadalajara Mexico known for?

Guadalajara, Mexico is known for being a "High-Tech" "Maquila" city due to education and infrastructure.

What is the population of Haiti?

Haiti, has 9.4 million people in it.

What is the poorest country in the Caribbean?

Haiti, is the poorest country in the Caribbean.

What does the island of Hispaniola consist of?

Hispaniola consists of Haiti and the Dominican Republic share the island of Hispaniola.

What two countries did "Hurricane Mitch" strike in 1998?

Hurricane Mitch hit Nicaragua and the Honduras in 1998.

What is the socio-economic hierarchy in Latin America consist of?

In order the socio-economic hierarchy consists of 1. European descent/white 2. Mixed Heritage and 3. Amerindians, Africans.

What is known as Amazonia deforestation?

It is shifting cultivation ("slash and burn agriculture").

What is the population of Jamaica?

Jamaica, smaller than Connecticut has a population of 2.8 million people.

What is "land alienation"?

Land alienation is the takeover of indigenously held land by foreigners.

What % of Mexico is agriculture and what is their GDP of that?

Mexico is at a 15% rate of agriculture and it consists of 4% of their GDP. In 1970, it was 25% of their GDP.

What famous natural resource does Mexico have?

Mexico's famous natural resource is oil. It is the number 5 oil producer in the world.

When did NAFTA pass what year and by which President?

NAFTA was passed in 1994 by President Clinton. NAFTA removed the locational restrictions of the plants.

What is Pampa?

Pampa is a word meaning plain in Argentina.

What is percentage of labor force in Paraguay?

Paraguay has 45% of a labor force in existence.

What are peones?

Peones are landless, constantly indebted serfs on the haciendas.

What ancestry constitutes nearly 1/2 of Brazil's 201 million population?

People of African ancestry cover nearly 1/2 of Brazil's population.

What is the population % of Amerindians in Peru?

Peru has 45% Amerindians in its population.

What are plural societies?

Plural societies are countries with different cultures. For example, Brazil has many different cultures. Portuguese, Italians, Africans, Germans, French, Chinese, Arabs and Japanese.

Which Bolivian President tried to privatize water?

President Hugo Banzer tried to privatize water.

Who was the president of Brazil in (2002-2010)? (Center left-winged)

President Lula was president in Brazil from 2002-1010.

Who is the President of Bolivia?

President Morales is the president of Bolivia.

What did President Morales try to do to water in Bolivia?

President Morales tried to privatize water with a company named Bechtel.

What is the population of Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico has 4.0 million people.

What is the smallest island of the Greater Antilles?

Puerto Rico, is the smallest island of the Greater Antilles.

What was the capital of Brazil before 1960?

Rio De Janiero was the capital of Brazil until 1960. After, 1960 Brasilia became the capital. This is known as a "forward capital."

What is Sao Paulo, Brazil known as?

Sao Paulo Brazil is know as the (Metro) Industrial heart of the country.

What are selvas?

Selvas are tropical rainforests.

What climate is non-existent in South America?

South America does not have a "D" climate. A "D" climate it is a humid cold (or snow) climate.

What does South America mean?

South America is "eastward orientation."

What is the official language of Panama?

Spanish is the official language of Panama.

What countries define the Andean West?

The Andean West consist of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.

What countries does the Andean West consist of?

The Andean West consist of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.

What is known as the Andean Pact?

The Andean pact is made up of Columbia, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. Venezuela, was a member until 2006. A customs unit with tariffs for import.

What is the biggest reliance that Caribbean has for money?

The Caribbean is very reliant upon tourism, and it comprises a majority of the GDP.

What does the Caribbean mainly consist of?

The Caribbean mainly consist of Africans.

What is the "Free Trade Area of the Americas?"

The Free Trade Area of the Americas is FTAA and it is a hemisperic free-trade idea. +

Which country started work on the Panama canal in the late 1800's?

The French (France) started work on the Panama canal in the late 1800's and failed miserably due to disease and finances.

Which country started to build the Panama Canal first?

The French tried to build the Panama Canal, first in the late 1800's but they ran into a lot of diseases and financial problems.

What is the GDP for Haiti?

The GDP for Haiti is $1,000.

What did the International Monetary fund do for Mexico?

The International Monetary fund (IMF) bailed out Mexico in 1995. President Clinton helped Mexico with a "bailout" of $50 billion dollars.

How are the Lesser Antilles grouped?

The Lesser Antilles are grouped geographically into the Leeward Islands and the Windward Islands.

What is the Mainland/Rimland theory and who created it?

The Mainland/Rimland theory was created by John Augelli and he concluded that the Mainland consisted of haciendas, and Euro-Amerindian people. This area was Middle America, Mexico, thru Panama. The Rimland consisted of Euro-Africans and sugar and banana plantations. The Rimland had high accessibility of seaward exposure.

What is the Mercosur?

The Mercosur launched in 1995 by countries of the Southern cones and Brazil, this Common Market established a free-trade zone.

What are the four regions of South America?

The North: Colombia, Venezuela, and the three Guyanas. The West: Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and transitonally Paraguay. The South: "The Southern Cone" Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. Brazil: South America's giant.

What is territories of South America are considered North?

The Northern territory consists of Colombia, Venezuela, and the three Guyanas. Guyana, Suriname and French Guyana.

What is the PRI?

The PRI is the International Revolutionary Party that began approximately in 1930.

The Panama Canal is one of the world's largest location of?

The Panama Canal has one of the largest traffic chokepoints and this canal has made it possible for world shipping.

What is the Panama canal ranked in as far as an re-export center?

The Panama Canal is ranked the 2nd. largest re-export center in the world and Hong Kong is number 1.

When was the Panama Canal finished and by whom?

The Panama Canal was finished by the U.S. in 1914.

What does the Panama canal allow for trade wise?

The Panama canal allows ships to pass between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, saving 8,000 miles from a journey around the southern tip of South America, Cape Horn.

What year was the Panama canal completed?

The Panama canal was completed in 1914.

Who were the Paulistas?

The Paulistas were the settlers of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Who is the President of Venezuela and what descent is he?

The President of Venezuela is Hugo Chavez and he is Zambo in descent.

What South American cities rank among the world's megacities?

The South American cities that rank among the worlds megacities (10 million or more) are: Sao Paulo, Brazil, Rio De Janiero and Argentina's Buenos Aires.

What is referred to as the Southern Cone?

The Southern cone because of its tapered ice-cream cone shape consists of the countries: Argentina, Chile and Uruguay.

What parts of South America are considered Southern countries?

The Southern countries of South America are Chile, Argentina and Uruguay.

What is the annual revenue for the canal/tolls?

The annual revenue for the canal is $200 billion dollars.

What areas in Latin America has the highest life expectancy?

The areas in Latin America that have the highest life expectancy is Puerto Rico and Costa Rica at 79 years of age.

What is a peripheral situation?

The border zone is a peripheral situation Mexico/Texas border.

What countries belong to Mercosur?

The countries that belong to Mercosur are: Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and now Venezuela. Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru are associate members.

Who is the current President of the PRI?

The current President is Felipe Calderon 44 yrs of age also from Pan-National Action Party.

What are the four islands of the Greater Antilles?

The four islands of the Greater Antilles are: Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.

What is the largest country in the Caribbean?

The largest country in the Caribbean is Cuba.

What is the largest ethnic group in Brazil?

The largest ethnic group in Brazil are the Italians. There are 6.0 million of them.

What are the last two altitudinal zones in the Andes?

The last two altitudinal zones are the Tierra Helada 12,000-15,000 feet above sea level it is so cold and barren that it can only support sheep and hardy livestock. The highest zone of them all is the Tierra Nevada, a zone of permanent snow and ice associated with the loftiest Andean peaks.

What is the life expectancy in Brazil?

The life expectancy in Brazil is 73 yrs. of age.

What was referred to as the lost decade for Mexico?

The lost decade for Mexico was the 80's.

The country with the lowest life expectancy in Latin America is?

The lowest life expectancy is Haiti their life expectancy is 61 years of age.

What does the mainland consist of in Latin America?

The mainland of Latin America consists of Amerindians.

Which class of people was never really developed in Mexico?

The middle class was never really developed in Mexico.

What is the physical geology in Argentina?

The physical geology in Argentina is 1. The Andes 2. Pampas 3. Atacama Desert 4. Pantagonia.

What is the population in Brazil?

The population in Brazil is 193 million and fast approaching 200 million people. It is the 5th largest country in the world.

What is Panama's population today?

The population of Panama is 3.5 million. 70% Mestizo and also Amerindian, white and black.

What is the population of Sao Paulo, Brazil?

The population of Sao Paulo Brazil is 20-28 million people and it is the 3rd largest city in the world.

What is the population of Trinidad and Tobago?

The population of Trinidad and Tobago is 1.3 million people.

What are the predominant languages of Latin America?

The predominant languages of Latin America are Spanish and Portuguese.

Who is the President of Bolivia currently?

The president of Bolivia is Evo Morales.

What is the primate city in Mexico and what is its population?

The primate city in Mexico is Mexico City and it has 25-30 million people in it.

What are the "push and pull" factors of migration?

The push factors are education, cleaner waters, healthcare paved streets. The pull factors are favelas, barrios and slums.

What is the rate of natural increase in Brazil?

The rate of natural increase birthrate-deathrate is 1.0% In Brazil, that is 2 children/per female.

What is the rate of natural increase in Bolivia?

The rate of natural increase in Bolivia is 2.0%. That is 3.5 children per female.

What is the tierra caliente and its crops and feet above the sea?

The tierra caliente is the lowest of the vertical zones and is 2,500 feet above sea level and its crops are: bananas, sugarcane, rice and other tropical crops.

What is the tierra fria and how high above sea level is and what crops grow there?

The tierra fria 6,000-12,000 feet above sea level and its crops are: potatatos, barley, wheat and dairying.

What are the most favorable crop conditions?

The tierra templada are the most favorable crop conditions.

What is the tierra templada and how many feet above sea level is it and what are its crops?

The tierra templada is the next level above the tierra caliente it has a cooler temperature than the tierra caliente "hot land" and the crops grown here are: coffee, corn, wheat and vegetables. It is 6,000 ft. above sea level.

What was the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)?

The treaty of Tordesillas was designed to split the Cape Verde Islands as a boundary along the meridian 50 degrees West longitude. 50% of the land West belonged to Spain and 50% of the land East belonged to Portugal.

What two countries have both a Pacific coast and a Carribean coast?

The two countries that have a Pacific coast and a Caribbean coast are Guatmala (Pacific) and Belize (Caribbean).

What two realms does Latin America consist of?

The two realms Latin America consist of are: Middle America, and South America.

What is the two-island republic at the Southern end of the Lesser Antilles?

The two-island republic at the Southern end of the Lesser Antilles is Trinidad and Tobago.

What is the urban percent in Brazil?

The urban percent in Brazil is 80%.

What is the zone of disamenity?

The zone of disamenity is where people are so poor that they have to live outside in the open.

In the 1960's there were 500 plants/maquiladoras and today there are approximately?

Today there are approximately 4,000 maquiladoras/plants along the US/Mexican border.

What is transculturation?

Transculturation is a two-way exchange of culture traits between societies in close contact.

What country is the largest supplier of liquified natural gas to the U.S.?

Trinidad and Tobago are the largest supplier of natural gas to the U.S.

What is tropical deforestation?

Tropical deforestation is the removal of the the jungle for economic and demographics of countries. It is hurting the natural biology of this area.

What percent of USA'S GDP is agriculture?

USA's GDP that is agriculture is 2%.

What percent of USA and Mexico is urbanized?

Urbanization USA: 80% and Mexico: 77%.

What percentage of the area is urban in Uruguay?

Uruguay is 94% urban.

What South American country is one of the top 20 oil producers in the world?

Venezuela, is one of the top 20 oil producers in the world.

Who was the President of the PRI in 2000-2006?

Vicente Fox was the President of the PRI in 2000-2006

Is Brazil the largest Roman Catholic country in the world?

Yes, Brazil is the largest Roman Catholic Country in the world consisting of 93% Roman Catholic.

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