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Name the seven continents

"Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia, in order of size. Asia also being the most populous."


Political unit (Example: Canada's upper half is English speaking the lower half is French speaking

Economic System

Production and exchange of goods and services among a group of people

Secondary Industry

Adding value to materials by changing their form. (Manufacturing automobiles is an example)

Demographics- what are the differences?

Age Gender Ethnicity language disabilities socio-economic level


An area of a country where there are lots of mountains.

What has the impact of landforms been on human development?

Because of the Continental Drift people become isolated and then they have to adapt. If you end up in a small place like a tiny island you may always stay there. If you are in a large place like North or South America you can move around. Your food, clothing and even your technology can be effected by the landform on which you live. Live on a little island it might be harder to get the internet, newest foods and access to help.

What are cultural transmitters?

Cultural transmission is the manner in which culture passes from person to person in a society. (Examples: Family, Oral stories, written records, Written, religious rituals, educational teaching)


(n.) a combination, union, or merger of several smaller political groups to accomplish specific political purposes.

Name the four main types of government?

Democracy Monarchy Dictatorship Communism

What is the difference between Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Industry?

1) Primary- Raw materials from the earth. 2) Secondary: taking the raw materials and making them into a product. 3) Tertiary: Service

Give three examples of how humans have adapted to climate and weather over time?

1) The types of crops they grow. 2) The types of animals they raise. 3) The types of businesses they operate. 4) Biologically, adapting to different temperatures and altitudes.


A broad, flat area of land higher than the surrounding land

Political Systems- Name the differences?

Democracy - rule by the people through direct voting. Republic - rule by representative of the people. Monarchy - rule by a hereditary leader Communism - rule by a classless socierty. Government owns all industry and political process. Oligarchy/Dictatorship - rule by one leader or a group of leaders.

Language Family

A collection of languages related to each other through a common ancestor long before recorded history.


Each half of globe is called a hemisphere; because the earth is round a hemisphere can be north, south, east or west.


Earth has seasons because its axis is tilted as it moves around the Sun.The four periods of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter), beginning astronomically at an equinox or solstice, but geographically at different dates in different climates

New France

French colony in North America, with a capital in Quebec, founded 1608. New France fell to the British in 1763. (p. 489)


A regional ecosystem, divided into forest, grassland, desert and tundra.

Great Plains

A vast prairie region extending from Alberta and Saskatchewan and Manitoba in Canada south through the west central United States into Texas

Christian World View

A view of the world that believes: 1) God created the world. 2) Man sinned and therefore the entire world is affected by sin. 3) Christ, God's son, came to the world to die to take on the sin of the world. 4) Christ rose from the dead, overcoming the curse of sin and providing redemption for all things.

Atheistic World View

A view of the world which asserts that there is no creator and no absolute truth.

El Nino

A warming of the ocean water along the west coast of South America (Usually around Christmas)

Primary Industry

Gathering raw materials such as timber for immediate use or to use in the making of a final product.

Population Density

How heavily populated an area is. The average number of people who live in a measurable area, such as a square mile.

What has the impact of waterways been on human development?

People built their civilizations around water so they could survive. They could fish, transport goods and material. Other animals will also come to drink at the water so that would allow for other types of food to eat. Having water allowed for plats and trees to grow, allowing for shelters to made to live in. Being by water can also cause problems like flooding when snow melts, rivers and lakes rise.

How many continents are there?



The basic support system needed to keep and economy going, including power, communications, transportation, water, sanitation and education system.


The basic support systems needed to keep an economy going, including power, communications, transportation, water, sanitation and education systems. (The more sophisticated the infrastructure the more developed the country)

Animal Husbandry

The branch of agriculture concerned with the care and breeding of domestic animals such as cattle, hogs, sheep, and horses.


The condition of Earth's atmosphere at a particular time and place.

Compare the different climate

The five different climates are relative to their location to the equator. The closer they are located to the equator the warmer the


The government is in charge of the economic and political systems of the country.

Plate Tectonics

The internal forces that shape the earth's surface that begin beneath the lithosphere.


The process or business of extracting ore or minerals from the ground


The science, art, and business of cultivating marine or freshwater food fish or shellfish, such as oysters, clams, salmon, and trout, under controlled conditions.

Wind Belts

Winds that blow in six distinct directions.

Rain Forest

a forest region located in the Tropical Zone with a heavy concentration of different species of broadleaf trees.


a land mass above water on the earth (there are seven)

Rocky Mountains

a major mountain system of the United states and Canada, extending 3,000 miles from Alaska south to New Mexico

Appalachian Moutains

a mountain range that stretches from eastern Canada south to Alabama.


a political theory advocating state ownership of industry

Potomac River

a river in the east central United States, a river in the east central United States. rises in West Virginia in the Appalachian Mountains and flows eastward, forming the boundary between Maryland and Virginia, to the Chesapeake Bay

Subsistence farming

a type of farming in which most of the produce (subsistence crop) is consumed by the farmer and his family, leaving little or nothing to be marketed

Cultural Regions

an area that is set apart from other places by the way of life of the people who live there


an economic system based on private ownership of capital

Life expectancy

an expected time to live as calculated on the basis of statistical probabilities


an interdependent community of plants and animals


an opening in the earth, usually raised, through which gases and lava escape from the earth's interior

Prime Minister

elected official that is the head of state (in several countries)


imaginary line that runs around the earth halfway between the North and South Poles; used as the starting point to measure degrees of north and south latitude


large areas of fairly level or gently rolling land

Ocean Currents

ocean streams that are propelled by prevailing winds and earth rotation

Human Geography

one kind of geography, the analysis of human population, its cultures, and activities, it's effect on the physical world

Durable goods

products having a lifetime of 3 or more years (for example, large and small appliances, furniture, and carpets).

Non-durable goods

products that benefit the consumer for a short time because they are consumed ( ex. food, gas, etc.)


small river or stream that flows in to a larger river or stream; a branch of the river


the characteristics of a population with respect to age, race, and gender.

Dominion of Canada

the loose confederation of Ontario(upper Canada), Quebec(lower Canada), Nove Scotia, and New Brunswich, created by teh british North America Act in 1867


the movement of persons from one country or locality to another


the result of weathering on matter, created by the action of wind, water, ice or gravity.

Physical Geography

the study of the world's physical features, such as landforms, bodies of water, climates, soils, and plants


the transfer of heat in the atmosphere by upward motion in the air

Per Capita GDP

total GDP divided by the number of people in a country

Mississippi River


What is the difference between a "Developing" nation and a "Developed" nation?

1) Developing - in the process of having more industry (business) and infrastructure. 2) Developed - industrial with sustainable infrastructure.

Give three different ways humans have impacted geography?

1) Digging up the grass lands to plant wheat causing the dust bowl 2)Making dams causing people and animals down stream to have problems from lack of water flow 3)cutting down rainforests to make structures and making animals become extinct 4)Heat in the atmosphere may increase the interaction of diverse weather systems, resulting in more hurricanes and typhoons. 5)Changes in water temps may make animals migrate to new locations. Manatees, for instance, are marine mammals native to tropical waters. As temperatures increase, manatees have been migrating as far north as New York City, New York.

How does a Christian world view apply to geography?

1) God created the world and controls all processes within the world. 2) God is a god of order. All processes on this earth create order and balance.

Why is there such controversy about population density and population control?

1) It sets limit on the number of children families may have. 2) It mandates that people use birth control.

First Nations

A group of Canada's Native American people

Great Lakes

A group of five freshwater lakes of the central North America between the United States and Canada; the lakes are Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie and Superior

Fossil fuels

A hydrocarbon deposit, such as petroleum, coal, or natural gas, derived from living matter of a previous geologic time and used for fuel.

Tertiary Industry

Business of professional services (Salesperson, teachers, or doctors)

Mackenzie River

Canada's longest river, which is part of a river system that flows across the Northwest Territories to the Arctic Ocean

British Columbia

Canada's westernmost province, located within the Rocky Mountain range.

Canadian Shield

Canadian Shield, one of the world's largest geologic continental shields, centred on Hudson Bay and extending for 8 million square km (3 million square miles) over eastern, central, and northwestern Canada from the Great Lakes to the Canadian Arctic and into Greenland, with small extensions into northern Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and New York, U.S.

How is the equator different than the Prime Meridian?

Equator divides the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The Prime Meridian divides the Eastern and Western hemispheres.


Falling water droplets in the form of rain, sleet, snow or hail. (Depends on the amount of water vapor in the air)


Group of 20 leading economies; new great powers, International forum for constructive discussion between industrial and emerging market economies


Imaginary great circle passing through the North and South pole. The prime meridian is the zero-degree line for longitude. (Also called Meridians)

Prime Meridian

Imaginary line dividing the earth east and west. Sometimes it is called the "Greenwich Meridian Line" because it runs through Greenwich, England.


Imaginary lines that run parallel to the equator. The equator is zero degrees line for latitude. (Also called parallels)

Which direction do the latitude lines run?

Latitude lines run around the center parallel to the equator.

What is the difference between Latitude and Longitude?

Latitude: Runs parallel to the equator. The equator is zero degrees line for latitude. Longitude: Runs through the North and South pole. The prime meridian is the zero-degree line for longitude

Which direction do longitude lines run?

Longitude lines run from the North pole to the south pole, up and down.

Explain nation's use of resources

Materials from the earth become resources only when the society has the technology and ability to transform those resources into goods. (If you can't mine the coal, then you aren't able to do anything with it)

What are natural resources?

Materials on or in the earth- such as trees, fish, or coal- that have economic value.

Name two positive ways and two negative ways climate and weather have impacted humans?

Negative: 1)Global warming will cause health problems to many people because of poor air quality, 2)If it is hot out then the snow will melt quicker causing greater floods. Positive:1) If it is warmer out less people are likely to die from freezing. 2) People will not need to rely no oil to keep them warm in the winter

St. Lawrence Seaway

North Americas most important deep water ship route the seaway connects the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean by way of the St Lawrence River.


Southern Florida, tropical wet and dry climate, always warm but has wet and dry seasons, huge swamplands

GNP=Gross National Product

Statistic to measure the economy of a country. The total value of all the goods and services produced by a country over a period of time.


Term for weather conditions at a particular location over a long period of time (example Northern Russia has a cold climate)

Missouri River

The Missouri River is the longest river in North America, longest tributary in the United States and a major waterway of the central United States

Columbian Exchange

The movement of plants, animals, and diseases between the Eastern and Western hemispheres during the age of exploration.


The number of live births per thousand population.

What are the difference in the four types of Economic systems?

Traditional: barter system Command: Planned economy determined by Central government Market: Supply and Demand or Capitalism Mixed: Combination of command and market

Name the five different climate regions

Tropical Dry Mid-latitude High-latitude Highlands


Tropical grassland region, the flat, grassy, mostly treeless plains (other areas might call the same thing a prairie, steppe or a pampas).

Sierra Nevada

U.S.: California, Nevada separates California Central Valley and Basin & Range Province


Versions of a language. Changes in speech patterns related to class, region, or other cultural changes. (Southern drawl, Boston accent, or even street slang)

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