Geography Exam #2

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Which zoogeographic covers most of Asia?


The longest of all visible light waves are ________.


Most of the radiation hitting the Earth from the Sun falls within the ________ part of the spectrum.


The site of the world's record lowest average annual precipitation is on the continent of ________.

South America

________ is the arrangement in which two dissimilar organisms live together


A small island on the Equator would most likely be classified ________.


The tropical monsoon climate bears a letter classification of ________.


This sea has shrunk to one-third its former size because of human interference.


On which continent is the intertropical convergence furthest from the equator in the summer season?


The presence of the cold Humboldt current and the Andes Mountains help to create the coastal ________ Desert


The midlatitude steppe fits into the Köppen classification as ________.


The climatic type for the desert areas is ________.


The area most closely associated with D climates is ________.


The text makes frequent use of ________, which are charts showing average monthly temperatures and precipitation amounts.


In the atmosphere, liquid water collects around minute particles called ________.

condensation nuclei

All of Earth's frozen water is called the ________.


Clouds of vertical development include the type called ________.


Which type of cloud is the associated with a thunderstorm?


Planetwide, a balance of chemicals is maintained by ________.


A counterclockwise atmospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere is known as a(n) ________.


With respect to absorption of solar radiation, it is understood that ________ are the most efficient absorbers.

dark colors

the pressure of a gas is proportional to its temperature and ________.


Xerophytes are plants of the ________ region


White frost is simply a cold weather form of ________.


Concerning the biosphere, the geographic viewpoint is most often concerned with ________.

distributions and relationships

In the tropical deciduous forest, trees shed their leaves because of a short but pronounced ________.

dry season

The transfer of moisture from land to air is termed ________.


The correct designation for a hurricane is as a(n) ________.

tropical cyclone

Water that is not found in oceans accounts for ________ percent of the world's total water


For many centuries before the present one, scholars believed that the world had ________ climatic zones.


Surface water occupies somewhat more than ________ percent of our planet


An aquitard is a ___________

A low-permeability unit, such as a layer of shale, that can restrict flow.

Of the regions of the United States, which has the highest incidence of tornadoes?

Central States

Among cloud types, those that occur at the highest altitudes are the ________.


On a weather map, a symbol consisting of triangles arranged along one side of a line indicates a(n) ________ front


On the average, ________ fronts move the fastest of all fronts


A Cfa climate exists on the southeastern coast of the United States. Which climate type exists on the southwestern coast of the United States?


Of the main Köppen climate zones, ________ is the only one that does not occur in the Southern Hemisphere


"Biomagnification" refers to the evolutionary process of animals becoming larger through time.


"Exotic" species are those that live in trees.


Animals subsisting on smaller animals are called primary consumers.


The Ogallala aquifer is a massive aquifer beneath California.


The Tropics are characterized by a wide variations between temperatures of seasons.


visible light makes up most parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.


The energy emitted from the Sun is a product of ________.


________ is NOT one of the world's biomes

Ice field

Solar energy is also known as ________.


Which of the following concerning the Ogallala is FALSE?

It is the largest water supply in Mexico.

Although several factors are involved, the main factor controlling the distribution of annual average temperature for Earth as a whole is ________.


The present binomial system of biological classification was devised by ________.


Most of North America, including the U.S.A. and Canada, lies within the ________ zoogeographic realm


The South American continent falls within the zoogeographic ________ region


The zoogeographic region dominated by flightless birds is the ________.

New Zealand

Which front is shown on weather maps as a line with alternating semicircles and triangles on the same side of the line?


The only major country still using the Fahrenheit scale for temperature determination is ________


Most of the wettest areas around the world are located in the ________.


Conduction comes about through molecular collision.


It can be said that most of the species of Earth history have become extinct


Sea level is currently rising because of global warming


Seawater surface temperatures generally decrease with increasing latitude.


Significant areas of rainforest are present in North America.


The absence of light is an absolute limitation on terrestrial vegetation.


The general circulation of the oceans is a major mechanism for the transfer of energy from the Tropics to the Poles.


________ is (are) one of the features distinguishing mammals from all other animal groups

True hair

In most classification schemes, which principal indicator is used to delineate five zones and their subtypes?

Vegetation types

Which type of front causes many hours of steady rain BEFORE that front passes a location?


Presently, the most widely used classification system was derived by ________.

Wladimir Köppen

________ is a floristic association usually found in slightly drier climates than the forest floristic association


The Kelvin scale is based on ________.

absolute zero

_______ processes cause cooling by decompression.


The Linnaean classification system is based mainly on ________.

anatomical similarities

The hardwood broadleaf deciduous trees around the world are ________.


These plants perish during times of climatic stress


Sinking air that diverges when it reaches Earth's surface is closely associated with ________.


Rock through which groundwater cannot runor flow is a(n)________________


A ________ is separated from Earth's surface by rocks with low permeability.


Gas molecules in the lower atmosphere ________.

are readily compressed and heated

Trade winds are found ________.

at 10° north and south of the Equator

At which locations are solar energy most concentrated?

at places where the angle of incidence is 90

The geographic study of living organisms is ________.


Over the last century and a half, the main source of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide has been ________.

burning of fossil fuels

Of the list below, the coldest air is bound to be associated with a(n) ________ air mass


The desert would be the obvious zone of origin of a(n) ________ air mass


Which of the following types is a succulent?


The end product(s) of photosynthesis is (are) ________.


Which components are necessary for photosynthesis to occur?

carbon dioxide, light, and water

The part of the hurricane characterized by scattered high clouds and light winds is known as the ________.


The lowercase letter symbolizing "moist, with no dry season" in the Köppen classification system is ________.


The damage done in New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina was mainly a result of ________.

flooding from the failure of levees

"Work" is scientifically defined as ________.

force acting over area

Which of the following happens LAST before tornado drops to the ground?

formation of a mesocyclone

The three climate zones of the classical Greeks were "torrid," "temperate," and "________."


Above the influence of friction, most winds follow a(n) ________


As a middle latitude cyclone goes through its life cycle, the warm sector ________.

gets smaller

Of the Earth's liquid water inventory, most of the fresh water is stored in the form of ________.

glacial ice

Which of the following storage locations contains the most water?


Which of the following plant types is herbaceous?


The term artesian means that...

groundwater is in a confined aquifer and is under enough pressure that the water rises within the well

Ungulates are ________.

hoofed animals

Advection is a(n) ________ wind movement.


Global dimming is caused by ________.

human release of aerosols

Oxygen isotope analysis is used when studying ________ and climate change

ice cores

The Bergeron process is also known as the ________ process

ice crystal formation

The capacity of air to hold water ________.

increases as temperature increases

Any buoyant parcel of air is said to exhibit


Evaporation ________.

is a cooling process

The process of evaporation of water to gas releases stored energy called ________

latent heat

The altitude at which rising air reaches the dew point temperature is the ________.

lifting condensation level

The main energy source for the biosphere is ________.

light from the Sun

Most water on Earth is in ________ form


The main reason for the occurrence of subtropical deserts around the world is ________.

locations of anticyclones

Earth's reradiation to space consists mainly of ________.

long rays

At Earth's surface, warm temperatures are associated with ________.

low pressure

When air is heated it expands and ________.

lowers its pressure

Considering all major biogeochemical cycles, the human input is ________.

making major alternations in most cycles

The current rise in global sea level can be attributed to ________.

melting of glaciers

The basic unit of pressure mapped on weather maps is ________.


Animals are not as accurate environmental indicators as are plants, mainly because of their ________.


Liquid converts to gas when ________.

molecules break loose from the liquid

Which of the following is closely associated with acid rain?

motor vehicle exhaust

Wind speed from the north pole is from ________to_______.

northeast to southwest

Which of the following can be said to be the "death" of a midlatitude cyclone?


Plants which survive seasonal climatic fluctuations from year to year are ________.


The rate of groundwater flow is strongly controlled by the ______of the rock type


Flowing air responding to the difference between higher and lower pressure is responding to the ________.

pressure gradient

Which of the following is the force that initially causes the wind to blow?

pressure gradient

Albedo is the percentage of energy ________ from an object compared to the original amount of energy that struck the object.


Birds are believed to have evolved from ________.


Vegetation growing alongside streams is termed ________.


If air's capacity for holding water vapor is diminished, then the relative humidity will ________.


Air containing all of the water vapor it can hold is ________.


Relative humidity is "relative" to ________.


The reddish tint of the Sun in the late afternoon results from ________.


An alternate term for tropical rainforest biomes is ________.


Deserts are arid; steppes are ________.


Which of the following does NOT belong with the others?


The classic example of the effects of the environment on a species is shown by the ________ on a fox

size of ears

Ninety-five percent of all reptiles are ________.

snakes and lizards

Air that resists vertical movement is said to be ________.


When neither air mass displaces the adjacent one, their boundary is called a(n) ________ front.


The "horse latitudes" are zones of minimal winds which are associated with the ________ system

subtropical high pressure

The BWh climate is "caused" by the ________.

subtropical highs

The Köppen system of climate classification is based on ________.

temperature and precipitation

By far, the zoogeographic region with the most distinct flora and fauna is ________.

the Australian region

Which of the following facilitated the interchange of animals between the Nearctic and Paleartic regions?

the Bering Land Bridge

________ is the critical temperature at which saturation is reached

the dew point

The rising and subsequent cooling of air at the rate of 10°C per 1,000 meters is called ________.

the dry adiabatic lapse rate

The region in which the intertropical convergence can be found is ________.

the equator

The movement (track along the ground) of middle latitude cyclones is determined by ________.

the jet stream

If there were no continents and the Earth did not rotate, the surface wind patterns would be simple: Surface winds would blow from ________.

the north in the northern hemisphere

Rising air, warmed by the release of latent heat, cools at a rate called ________.

the saturated adiabatic lapse rate

After the rainforest is cleared for agriculture, the most typical occurrence is that ________.

the soils soon lose their fertility

A "dynamic low" is produced by ________.

the strong rise of air

The reason winds exist is ________.

the unequal heating of the Earth system

Overall, the Southern Hemisphere has a milder winter than the Northern Hemisphere because ________.

there is more water in the Southern Hemisphere

The ________ is the boundary between near-surface and cold, deep ocean waters


The transfer of moisture from plant leaves to atmosphere is ________.


Most of the "big game" mammals in Africa are naturally adapted to the biome ________.

tropical savanna

A(n) ________ is a linear zone of lower pressure between two areas of high pressure.


A slope struck by a low Sun angle has relatively low evaporation and thus supports a relatively luxuriant vegetation growth and is known as a(n) ________ slope


The hydrologic cycle refers to the ________.

unending circulation of Earth's water supply

The __________is the surface between the unsaturated zone and the saturated zone.

water table

The top of the saturated zone of ground water is called the ________.

water table

The state of water that is the most important yet least obvious in the atmosphere is ________.

water vapor

El Niño is most closely associated with ________.

weakening of a cold current

The timing of an entire life cycle into a few days after a rain and then followed by a long period of dormancy is a characteristic of ________ plants


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