Geology 1003 (Test 1- CH 1 4 7)

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river channels

sand, pebbles, and cobbles

continental oceanic

there are two main types of crust on Earth

a combination of biological and inorganic processes

which of the following best describes the way(s) in which limestone forms


with respect to thickness, the oceanic crust is ____ than the continental crust

Hydrogen Bonding

- Viscosity and surface tension


A(n) ___ is formed by the sheltering of nearshore water from wave action by a reef or islands. The sheltered water is commonly shallow, quiet, and perhaps warm

Breccia - angular clasts conglomerate - rounded clasts

Breccia and conglomerate are the coarsest types of clastic sedimentary rocks. Match the rock type to the shape of clast

pitted grooved

Earth material that are soluble in water or react to a weak acid commonly have what type of appearance


Forms in low-temp environments, at or near Earth's surface


Magma is molten rock that occurs ___

Human Made

Not a required criterion for a substance to be classified as a mineral


Organic composition Created in a lab Randomly arranged atoms


The ___ of a sea across a region that was previously dry is caused by a rise in sea level and/or the lowering of the land surface


travertine is a type of ___ that forms through precipitation in springs, lakes, and caves

True for Image

- Most silicates form from this SiO -4 4 complex - It shows a silicon-oxygen tetrahedron

Pharmaceutical mineral

- Potassium - Always composed of a single chemical element


An ion w/ a negative charge

easily eroded

Fine grained clastic rocks are ___

shale siltstone mudstone

Fine-grained rocks are the most common type of clastic rocks. Select all the following rock types that are fine-grained clastic rocks


Geologists and other scientists who study minerals

agents of transport strength of current sediment supply steepness of slope

Identify the factors that strongly influence the size, shape, and/or sorting of sedimentary clasts

jupiter saturn uranus neptune

List the outer planets from top to bottom

C - shale and limestone - shallow sea A - red sandstone - large sand dune B - tan sandstone with shells - beach sand D - breccia - mountainous area

Match the rock with its environment of deposition


Minerals that do not contain silicon


Parts of the atom not having a charge




The pieces of rock that collect at the bottom of steep slopes are known as


This type of carbonate rock is formed when magnesium replaces calcium in limestone to form a different mineral

wind water ice

What are the three primary forces that act to deposit sediments, which may eventually become sedimentary rocks

graded cross parallel

What are the three types of beds formed by sedimentary layers

the processes and sediment of streams and rivers

fluvial refers to

- You scratch it with your fingernail - It scratches glass - Can scratch it with copper wire; will not scratch glass - Cannot scratch it w/ your fingernail but can scratch it with copper wire

- Hardness is less than 2.5 - Hardness is greater than 5.5 - Hardness is between 3.5 and 5.5 - Hardness is b/w 2.5 and 3.5

Which of the following are tectonic settings where large magma chambers can form?

- In the oceanic lithosphere above hot spots and within mid-ocean ridges -Above subduction zones -In areas of continental collisions -In the continental lithosphere within regions of hot spots and rifts

Periodic Table

- Includes element's atomic symbol and atomic number - Begins w/ lightest element and advances to higher atomic numbers and heavier elements from left to right and top to bottom - Grouped elements tend to have similar chemical properties

From the list below select the terms that are associated with igneous rocks that have crystals observable by the unaided eye.

- Porphyritic - Pegmatite - Phaneritic

Order of Precipitation of Halite from Water

- Salty water begins to evaporate - As water molecules move out of the liquid state, Na cations and Cl anions become more concentrated and are left behind - Na cations and Cl anions become closer to each other and begin to bond - Resulting NaCl pairs combine and begin to organize into an ordered structure: a halite crystal

How do rocks that form from molten rock reach the surface?

- They erupt in a volcano - They solidify underground and are later uplifted and exposed by erosion

Hardness Streak Effervescence Magnetism

- Use reference minerals and other standardized materials to see which are scratched by an unknown mineral and which are not - Observe color left behind on a porcelain plate when mineral is dragged across it - Observe if a dilute HCl solutions bubbles when placed on mineral - Observe if magnet sticks to mineral

Match the terms regarding heat transfer between objects to their correct definitions

-Conduction- Heat transfer by direct contact -Radiant heat transfer- Heat that radiates outward from a source -Convection- Heat transfer by moving material

Match the type of igneous rock on the left with its definition on the right

-Felsic-Abunddant quartz and feldspar: light colored -Mafic/Ultramafic-Abundant magnesium and iron: dark colored - Intermediate- Mineral content in between; color moderate

Which of the following produced significant amounts of heat during the early formation of the Earth, which started approx. 4.5 billion years ago?

-Impacts of meteors and asteroids -Sinking of the molten iron and nickel into Earths crust -Collision and compression of materials by gravity

Match the factors on the left that determines how far magma can rise toward Earth's surface with its definition.

-Magma Pressure- Pressure of the overlying rock is directed toward the magma from all sides -Density- Magma is less dense than surrounding solid rock and thus rises -Gas pressure- Carbon dioxide and sulfur oxide bubbles form in magma, decreasing density of the magma -Stress- Opening of fractures in inducted by tectonic forces

Select the three ways in which magma can travel through Earth's crust

-Magma can travel though existing fractures in rock, forming fissures and dikes -Magma can travel in regions where tectonic forces have newly fractured solid rocks -Magma can travel upward as rocks above magma chambers collapse

Match the igneous rock type on the left with its formation description on the right.

-Volcanic glass-Forms when magma erupts on the surface and cools quickly with no crystal formation -Fine grained igneous rocks- Form when magma only has enough time to grow small crystals -Coarse-grained igneous rocks- Forms when magma has a slow cooling rate, which results in large crystals -Vesicles- Form when gases dissolved in magma accumulate as bubbles

Place the following minerals in order of their crystallization from magma as it cools from high to low temp. The mineral that crystallizes at the highest temp should be at the top

-olivine -pyroxene -biotite -muscovite -quartz

Place in the correct order how new oceanic crust is formed from mantle rock at divergent boundaries, with the first step on top

1.) As plates separate, solid mantle rock rises and becomes fluid through decompression melting 2.)Buoyant magma rises and accumulates in magma chambers 3.)Magma rises upward through magma- filled fractures that form as plates diverge from each other 4.)Older oceanic crust moves away as new oceanic crust is produced along the area of the ridge

Put the following processes in the correct order of how an igneous rock forms. Follow the diagram by placing the first step at the bottom (deeper within earth) and the last step on top.

1.) Magma mat reach the surface and erupt as lava 2.) Accumulated magma could solidify in chamber or continue upward 3.) Magma rises and some accumulates in pockets 4.) Partial melting of rock in the deeper parts of the crust or mantle forms magma

a rock unit that is distinct and laterally traceable

A formation is defined as

Crystal Shape

A mineral that grows unobstructed by its surroundings can have a distinctive geometric form.

deposited on land and exposed to air

A sandstone with a pinkish or reddish color that is the result of iron-bearing minerals indicates the sand was __

deposited by the wind in dunes

A very well-sorted sandstone with large-scale cross-bedding indicates the sand was likey


A(n) _____ rock type is formed when heat and pressure are applied to preexisting metamorphic, igneous, or sedimentary rock, without causing melting.

vary in how well boundaries are defined vary in lateral continuity vary in thickness

Almost all sedimentary rocks contain layers. Those layers can be best described by which of the following statements

Which of the following accurately describes alpha decay?

An unstable atom(A) releases heat and a particle of two neutrons and two protons, and is changed into a different element (B)

glaciers wind

Besides liquid water, the other two transportation agents of sediments are _____ and _____. Gravity also plays a role in moving sediments

The_______ composition of igneous rocks can vary because of the different minerals that might be contained within the rock



Compared to unfractured rocks, the rate of weathering in fractured rocks of the same composition is ___

A geologist must know all of the different types of minerals in order to correctly identify and classify most rocks.


on the surface

Lava is molten rock that cools

changes in sediment supply change in climate change in currents discrete events change in sea level

Layering in sedimentary rocks can have many causes. These layers are known as beds or bedding. Select from the following list all the possible causes of bedding

sand dunes - mostly sand shifted by wind action seafloor - mud and the remains of sea creatures Steep mountain fronts - large angular rocks River channels - sand, pebbels, and cobbles along with silt and clay

Match the environment with the types of sediment typically found there

Transgression - Facies shift toward land The sea moves inland Regression - The sea moves out Facies shift away from land

Match the environmental depositional shift to its correct description

silt - siltstone clay - shale silt mixed with clay - mudstone

Match the predominant sediment size to its rock type

groundwater - fresh supplies essential to life petroleum - transportation and energy coal - electrical energy salt - food, medicine, industry limestone (cement) - construction

Match the resource found in sedimentary rocks with its most common, current societal use

conglomerate - rounded pebbles and cobbles with sand and finer particles between larger clasts breccia - angular pebbles and cobbles with sand and finer particles between larger clasts sandstone - sand-sized particles of varying mineral content siltstone - silt - sized particles mostly containing quartz shale - very fine grained clay minerals

Match the sedimentary rock name with the description that is the best fit

atmosphere - mixture of gasses that extends out about 100km from Earth biosphere - includes life and all the places life can be found on earth lithosphere - the solid upper portion of earth hydrosphere - includes all of the water in all of its expressions on Earth

Match the sphere of Earth with its definition

heat pressure deformation

Metamorphism involves which three of the processes included in the list below

Color Luster Cleavage/fracture Crystal shape

Mineral properties directly observed by the naked eye w/o the need for testing supplies and equipment, and relates to the appearances of the mineral


Mudstone and shale are not split into two rock types by some geologists. Geologists that do classify them differently do so because mudstone has more___ than the typical shale


Negatively charged particles in orbit around the nucleus of an atom

Atomic Mass

Number of positively charged plus neutrally charged particles in an atom


Occurs naturally Inorganic composition Ordered internal structure

Use the graph to determine the answer to this question. If a sample basalt has 100 ppm of vanadium and 10,000 ppm of titanium, it would be_______basalt. Another sample with 300 ppm of vanadium and 10000 ppm of titanium would be _____basalt.

Oceanic island:mid-ocean ridge

limestone mudstone sandstone bedrock with erosional surface

Place in correct order the sedimentary facies created during a sea transgression. Put the layer as you would see them in a cross section, with the layer formed first on the bottom and the youngest layer on the top.

barrier islands

Shallow coastal accumulations of sand that rise above the sea as long narrow islands are called ___

The most abundant elements in Earth's crust are oxygen, silicon, and aluminum. For Earth as a whole, iron, oxygen, and silicon are most abundant.

Silicate minerals, which contain silicon and oxygen, must be the most common in the crust based upon elemental abundances.


Silicates Carbonates Oxides Halides Sulfates/sulfides Native minerals


Some minerals break in specific ways (along specific planes) b/c of their internal arrangement of atoms


The ___ is the largest of Earth's concentric zones by volume


The ___ shape and large size of the sediments shown here suggest that they have not been transported far from their source


The ___ sketch shows the features, processes, and relationships between different aspects of the water cycle


The accumulation of plant material, usually in a swampy environment, leads to the formation of ___. If this material is heated, compacted, and buried it can become coal


The asthenosphere is part of Earth's ____

sediment water

The characteristics of marine environments depend mainly on the proximity to shore, the availability of ___ , and the depth, temperature, and clarity of the ___

Water / wind flowed from right to left

The cross beds shown here indicate what about the environment the sandstone was deposited in

Electron shells

The different energy states of negatively charged atomic particles arranged around the nucleus of an atom


The distance that sediment has been transported from its source area is a key factor controlling clast ___, shape, and sorting

it's size decreases

The effect on a pebble's particle size is best summarized by which statement


The feature shown here and created by the collapse of a cave due to dissolution of limestone is known as a(n) ---


The feature shown in the image surrounding the land is called the continental ____

water cycle

The flow of ___ from land and oceans to the atmosphere is part of the hydrologic ____

near surface weathering thermal expansion biological activity frost and mineral wedging

The four major causes of physical weathering are

solid molten

The physical state of Earth's inner core is ____ and the outer core is ____


The pore space that remains after sediment compaction is often filled by the precipitation of minerals from fluid. These minerals (materials) act as natural ___ that binds the clasts together


The process in which a rock may move from one place to another or be converted into a new rock type is the _______ cycle

lithosphere atmosphere hydrosphere

The solid sphere of earth is called the ___. The gaseous sphere of earth is called the ___. The water sphere of Earth is called the ____.


The sun creates heat and light through the process of joining together hydrogen atoms in nuclear __


The term ___ is used to describe a sedimentary deposit or rock type that reflects a specific environment, such as beach or delta


The three agents of sediment ___ which result in deposition as energy decreases are ice wind and water

often have graded beds are interbedded with dark shales

Turbidity current deposits __

density of the rock temperature of the lithosphere

Two factors that affect regional elevation are ___

we rely on it for energy resource we rely on it to locate raw materials for industry it helps us make decisions regarding the enviroment

Understanding geology is important to everyday life because ____.

The climate was warm enough for life The rock was deposited on land or along the shore

What can be determined from this photograph of the Morrison Formation


What is the condition of equilibrium or balance in a system called? Geologists often use this term to describe crustal blocks floating on the athenosphere

A fringe of shallow seafloor surrounding the land

What is the continental shelf

Why is ice less dense than water?

When water freezes, the molecules arrange into a crystal form in which they are farther apart than in liquid water.

rock thickness rock types

Which of the following correctly describe the primary differences between continents and ocean basins

a long distance of transport wave action along a beach

Which of the following processes would be most likely to form the well-rounded clasts found in a conglomerate rock sample


Which of the following rock cycle process usually occurs at great depth, in the lower crust or the mantle

salt uranium water coal

Which of these resources are contained in sedimentary rock


___ are loose materials formed when large rocks in the landscape are broken down and worn away


___ begins after sediment is buried. Pressure pushes clasts together and forces out excess water


___ is molten rock underground, usually rick in silica and containing dissolved gasses


___ is the term used to describe the size range of clasts in a sedimentary deposit or rock


___ rocks are formed when an existing rock is transformed by the application of heat and pressure, which causes a chemical or physical change


___ which are colonial in nature, are the marine animals that help create the major portion of modern reefs

faults in earths crust that can potentially cause earthquakes the steepness of hillside the strength of underlying geology

____ are geologic considerations when identifying physically safe places for human habitation


as boulders are moved downstream and weathering breaks them into smaller clasts, the first become cobbles, then pebbles, and finally ___ or smaller particles

Most subduction-derived magma never reaches the surface. However, if this type of magma reaches the surface of a continent,________are formed.

belts of volcanoes

Shiprock, shown in the photo, is volcanic neck produced_______

beneath a volcano

Continental mantle Plumes that are composed of felsic magma. These explosive erutpions create________.



contact between the shale, which dominates the bottom part of this sedimentary sequence, and the sandstone, which dominates the upper part, is best described as ___

Most hot spots are considered to be__________.

crustal expressions of a rising plume of hot mantle material

Silicate minerals that are rich in magnesium and iron are ___ colored


When two plates are moving away from each other, they are said to be_______


True or false: molten rock can only reach Earth's surface by forming into igneous rocks underground and later being exposed by uplift and erosion



fracturing ___ both the surface area of a rock and the speed of the overall weathering process

The most common types of rocks In the Sierra Nevada batholith are medium-gray_____ and other plutonic rocks



lime muds and clastic limestone sands are deposits that form carbonate rocks in ___ environments


lithification is the process by which sediment is ___ over time to form sediementary rock

There are diverse igneous rocks associated with continental rifts because melting occurs in both the______ and the ______.

mantle and crust

bed thickness - small or large depositional events color - formed on land or in the water clast size - distance of transportation fossils - formed on land or in the water, and type of climate cross beds - direction of wind or water current

match the attribute found in sedimentary rocks to the type of information it provides

continental crust - granite oceanic crust - basalt mantle - olivine core - iron & nickel

match the layer of earth with its representative composition

mountain - steep gradients vigorous erosion and fluvial systems confined by bedrock dry climates - wind moving sand and fine particles and forming large sand dunes delta - formed by sediment piling up where a river enters a standing body of water wet environments - soil saturated by water with vegetation adding to the available sediment

match the sedimentary environment to the description that best fits it

dissolution - soluble minerals break apart in weak acid oxidation - metal rust forms from some minerals containing iron hydrolysis - clay minerals form from silicate minerals exposed to a weak acid biological reactions - bacteria consume parts of some rocks

match the type of chemical weathering with the best example

Minerals crystallize in the opposite order that they_______.



melting of rocks at great depths produces _______

Most Rocks contain more than one mineral, and each mineral has its own melting point. If only the lower temp minerals melt, this is referred to as______ melting.


A(n)_____ is a magma chamber that is solidified.



sand, broken shells, and rounded, well-worn stones as a result of wave action

transport weathering

sedimentary clasts (pieces of other rocks) are formed by ___

loose fragments of rocks and minerals

sedimentary clasts are ___


sedimentary facies shift toward the sea as the sea moves out during a ___

The facies they represent have a limited extent The layers were deposited within a channel

sedimentary layers do not go on and on laterally, but eventually pinch out or end. Which of the following are the two reasons why these layers do end


variety of sediment from large angular boulders to fine rock powder

Factors Contributing to a Water Molecule having polarity

- Electrons spend more time around the oxygen atom and give the molecule a negative side and two positive ends on the other side - Oxygen more strongly attracts electrons than hydrogen does - Hydrogen atoms are grouped on one side of the oxygen atom

4 Bond Images from A to D

A - Covalent B - Ionic C - Metallic D - Intermolecular


An ion w/ a positive charge

mercury mars venus

Besides Earth, the three other terrestrial planets are ____

lagoons ocean bottoms mud flats

Choose the calm water environments where silt and clay tend to accumulate

Not a characteristic of rocks w/ clastic textures

Composed of crystals w/ interlocking minerals


Forms in high-temp environments; minerals are interlocking


Geology is not important to our modern way of life in the United States

in oceans in seawater in reefs

Limestone is formed ___ by organisms such as coral that extract calcium carbonate from the water to form their shells and skeletons


Rocky fragments left over from the formation of the solar system are called

amount of water topography local geology

Sedimentary environments on land differ because of variations in ___

rivers, wind, gravity

Select the three primary delivery systems that transport sediemnts from land into the oceans


The asthenosphere is located beneath the

flowing water

The most important agent for sculpting the landscape is

physical and chemical weathering

The two main processes by which sediment is produced are


The typical large clasts found in breccia indicate that the energy levels of the transporting agent were


The uniformly sized sand shown here would be best described as __ sorted


The vast ocean seafloor is covered with ___-sized sediments more than any other size deposit. This is the primary reason that shale is a very common sedimentary rock


The way light bounces off a mineral; may be earthy, pearly, metallic, silky, etc.

Felsic minerals melt_______mafic minerals


Radioactive decay, impacts of meteors, initial collisions, and compression of materials by gravity are some of the sources of______ for early Earth


If the pressure and bond strength are sufficient to overcome vibrations due to an increase in temperature, a rock or mineral will________.

remain solid

Rocks at mid-ocean ridges are formed from________magmas.


Weakest to Strongest Bond

- Intermolecular - Metallic - Ionic - Covalent

The melting of rock to form magma is influenced mainly by which of the following three factors?

-Pressure -Temperature -Water content


Cubic structure Tetrahedron Octahedron


On the sun, ____ atoms are joined together in a process called nuclear fusion

the moon

The object closest to earth is ___

older rocks become new sediments

The rock cycle was conceived by James Hutton in an attempt to explainhow


True or false: clastic sedimentary rocks are usually compromised of sediment that comes mainly from other locations

conglomerate sandstone shale

Which of the following rock types are clastic sedimentary rocks


____ rocks are formed directly by precipitates from hot water. Some geologists consider these to be a type of metamorphic rock

Crystals in coarse-grained igneous rocks normally________be seen with the unaided eye.


earth was cooler

continental ice sheets were more common 28000 years ago than they are today because

Melting in the Mantle is a result of______.


When solid rock retains its heat as it moves up from depth, melting occures, due to________.


What type of pluton is shown in the diagram


steep mountain fronts

large, angular rocks

The solidified conduit, or volcanic________, is exposed when the volcano erodes.


reveal clues about their differing origins

Different environments tend to produce sandstones that ___

sand and gravel

In terms of volume, which of the following sedimentary resources is the most used in the United States


Loose sand on the continental shelf or shelf slope that becomes unstable and flows downslope as a thick slurry of sediment and water is known as ___ current

steep gradients and are confined by bedrock canyons

Mountain streams and rivers typically are characterized by ___


The decay of radioactive elements such as uranium creates ____, especially in Earth's crust, where these elements are abundant

silica clay minerals calcite iron oxides

The four main types of natural cement include

A carbonate rock is a sedimentary rock that consists of carbonate ions bonded to other elements

What is carbonate rock


in war, shallow, marine environments, corals and other marine life typically construct ___

Silica Silicon Silicone

- A compound containing only silicon and oxygen in a ratio of 1:2 - The 14th element of the Periodic Table; may also be used to describe a synthetic material used to make computer chips - A synthetic material in which carbon is bonded to silicon atoms to keep the material in long chains


- Attraction to ions and dissolution of solids composed of anions and cations

Silicate minerals

- Contain silicon-oxygen tetrahedra - account for over 90% of the minerals in Earth's crust - include quartz, feldspar, mica, olivine, and pyroxene

Crystal A Crystal B

- Crystals have well-defined shapes w/ terminations, and crystals likely grew into a space filled with hot or cold water rather than solid rock - Crystals grew into small areas that were impeded by the surrounding rock and mineral materials, and crystals are irregularly shaped masses

Non-silicate minerals

- Do not contain silicon - include calcite, hematite, pyrite, gypsum, and halite - include the carbonates, oxides, sulfides, sulfates, and halides

Silicon-oxygen tetrahedron

- Forms a building block for the vast majority of minerals on Earth - Has one silicon atom bonded with four oxygen atoms - May join with other tetrahedra or cations to form different types of silicates and a wide variety of minerals

Earth materials from Earth surface to inner cores

- Granite and basalt - Increasing amounts of olivine and pyroxene - Minerals stable only at very high pressures; Fe-Mg silicates and oxides - Molten iron with nickel and some other elements - Crystalline iron and iron-nickel alloy

Geological mineral

- Halite - Usually composed of two or more chemical elements

Match the intrusion on the left with its definition on the right

-Dike-A sheetlike intrusion that cuts across layers in a hot rock -Sill-An intrusion that is parallel to the layers in the host rock -Laccolith-An intrusion that can eventually form a dome


A useful but not always reliable property; very easily identifiable, but a single mineral may occur in several varieties of the property

dry wet

Carbonate rocks found in ___ environments are commonly massive, gray in color, and are erosion resistant, whereas carbonate rocks found in ___ environments are often pitted, holey, and very fractured

Which of the following is not a factor that affects the viscosity of magma?


mantle core

Earth's three major concentric zones are the crust, the _____, and the _____


Earths orbit around the sun is almost ___ which explains why earth recieves about the same amount of heat and light year round

Smallest to Largest

Electron Atomic nucleus Single atom of an element Mineral


Geology is the scientific study of


Glaciers cause massive amounts of __ of underlying material, thereby producing a lot of sediment

________ is a course-grained intrusive igneous rock composed of feldspar and quartz.


Image of Water Molecule

Graphic representation of the water molecule; atoms in a water molecule are covalently bonded; the polarity of a water molecule w/ respect to its O and H "ends"

Mafic Magma can influence the formation of felsic magma by_______.

Heating the continental crust, which becomes liquid: the mafic process and becomes solid

The geothermal gradient is the_____.

Increase of Earth's Temperature with increase in depth


Many resources that are essential to our modern lifestyles are found in ___ rocks. Examples include uranium, petroleum, salt, and groundwater

They were deformed after they were deposited and lithified

Many sedimentary rocks exposed in the Denver region are tilted at a high angle to the horizontal

deep seafloor - dominated by the fine dust of windblown origin and the remains of single celled organisms lagoons - mixed sand and mud of fluvial origin derived from land and coral sand from reefs tidal flats - low areas alternately covered by water and exposed to air barrier island - long narrow accumulation of sand located parallel and near to the shoreline

Match the nearshore or ocean sedimentary environment to its description

Rock salt and gypsum - evaporation Dolostone - chemical replacement Chert and iron-rich formations - precipitation

Match the nonclastic sedimentary rock with the process by which it typically forms

sediment and sedimentary rocks

Most of the exposed surface of earth is covered with

material formed through biological activity such as making shells or other hard parts minerals precipitated from solution as water evaporates

Most of the material contained within non-clastic sedimentary rocks consist of ___

Image of Silicon-Oxygen Tetrahedron

Most silicates form from the SiO( -4 4) complex


Occurs when a mineral has an atomic arrangement that does not contain cleavage planes along which the mineral breaks

What is the source of water necessary to induce the production of magma in a subduction zone

Ocean water incorporated into crust at divergent plate boundaries


Part of atom containing the protons and neutrons


Parts of the atom with a positive electrical charge

beach sandstone mud limestone

Place in correct vertical order (as you would see them in a stratigraphic section) the sedimentary facies created during a sea regression


Proton Neutron Nucleus Electron Electron Cloud


Radioactive decay in Earth, especially in earths crust, creates a tremendous amount of

clay silt sand pebble cobble boulder

Rank the particle sizes from smallest (top) to largest


Rock that has formed from cooling magma or lava is ___ rock


Rock that has solidified from magma is a(n) ___ rock

flash flood breach of a dam houses built in the floodplain

Select from the list below the events and causes of the 1972 Rapid City South Dakota flood that killed hundreds of people and destroyed more than 1300 homes

Water and its movement impact of diverse life forms atmosphere and its movement

Select the three factors that directly shape the surface of Earth by creaating diverse landscapes

gravitational forces from the sun gravitational forces from the moon electromagnetic forces from the sun

Select three external forces that act on earth


Some of the most informative clues found in sedimentary rocks are indicated by ___, as they suggest whether the rock was deposited on land or in the water and reveal many specifics about past climate conditions

________and______ increase with depth into Earth

Temperature and Pressure


The __ of a sediment particle is affected by transportation as abrasion removes the rough edges and creates a rounder fragment

moon sun

The gravity of the ___ and the ___ causes the tides in the oceans of earth

infrared energy

The greenhouse effect is the result of ____ that becomes trapped by earth's atmosphere, causing Earth to be much warmer than it otherwise would be

the rigid portion of earth (crust and upper mantle)

The lithosphere is ____

The mineral in the image is quartz.

The mineral has fractures, as it lacks cleavage planes.

changes in wind speed and direction

The most likely cause of bedding in this image is ___


The object that is next in line after neptune in our solar system but not classified as a planet is

Columnar Joints, such as the ones shown in the photograph are formed

When hot but solid igneous rock contracts


___ are huge flowing fields or tongues of compressed ice


____ is the balance or equilibrium of adjacent blocks of brittle lithosphere floating on the ductile asthenosphere


a type of rock that forms directly from precipitates of hot water is called a(n) ___ rock

conglomerate - beach river breccia - rock slide deposit alluvial fan

categorize both conglomerate and breccia by the depositional environments in which they would most likely form

A hand lens could be used to examine a_______-grained igneous rock, while a _________ would be needed to examine the crystals in a fine-grained igneous rock.

coarse, microscope

more compact more dense

compaction causes sediment to become ___

An igneous rock that solidifies on Earth's surface is called a(n)_______rock.


Igneous rock that is formed at the surface is referred to as________rock, while igneous rock that solidifies several kilometers below Earth surface is called_________.

extrusive, plutonic

The batholith that formed the Sierra Nevada Range reached the surface by

faulting and an uplift

siltstone shale mudstone

fine-grained rocks are the most common type of clastic rocks. Select all of the following rock types that are fine-grained clastic rocks

The environment in which the rocks were deposited

geologists use characteristics such as bedding, mudcracks, and color preserved in sedimentary rocks to determine ___

A______ is a site of intense magmatic activity that has certain types of igneous activity that cannot be explained easily by its plate-tectonic setting

hot spot

windblown material generated by glaciers floodplains of river systems bottoms of lakes chemical weathering of soils

identify from the following list possible environments or conditions that can lead to the formation of clay or silt deposits

The most common minerals in the upper part of the congenital crust are ___ colored silicates.



loose sediment hardens, or lithifies, into ___ rock

Partial melting of the continental crust has resulted in the lower crust becoming more______. and the upper crust becoming more_______.


A(n) ________chamber is an underground body of molten rock


Conduction, convection, and radiation of heat are the ways that thermal energy can escape from_______ as it cools


Lava is molten rock that cools_______.

on the surface

The splitting of continents by tectonic forces is called continental ________



sandstone is defined by being mostly or wholly composed of ___ -sized grains.

pebbles and larger clasts pieces of shells

sandstone with a history that can be traced to beach deposits will likely include sand and ___


sediment ___ is the primary characteristic used to classify clastic sedimentary rocks

chemical physical

sediment is produced through both __ and ___ weathering, and erosional processes

The most common chemical compound in igneous rocks, varying between 44% and 77%, is________.


The higher a magma's viscosity is, the_______.

slower it will flow

clay iron oxides

the products of the chemical weathering of dark mafic minerals include ___

If the lithosphere plate is moving above a magma plume that is anchored in the deep mantle, a succession of _______ is created, which produces a linear chain of islands or seamounts.


how environments changed over time how climate changed over time

what can geologists learn by studying sequences of ancient sedimentary rocks


which of the following is the primary control on the location of mineral resources

A sequence of sedimentary rocks originally was deposited in horizontal layers The sedimentary rocks were deformed by tectonic forces

which of the following statements correctly describes the geologic history shown in this cross section (photo of a green mountain, dakota hogback, soda lake oil field)

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