Geology final exam review

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smaller; pancake

A magma body with a ________ volume and a ________ shape cools fastest.


A mixture of copper and tin would be called a(n)

the boundaries of three lithospheric plates meet at a single point.

A triple junction, like the one shown below, is a place on Earth's surface where


A vast, composite intrusive igneous body that covers hundreds of square kilometers (in a map view) is called a

convergent; subduction zone

A volcanic arc results from __________ tectonic movements and is associated with a __________.


According to the figure below, marine magnetic anomalies lay roughly ________ to mid-ocean ridges.

passive margin.

An earthquake would be LEAST likely at a(n)


An igneous rock with a mixed texture consisting of coarse crystals (phenocrysts) surrounded by fine crystals (groundmass) is termed

solidify at lower temperatures.

As compared to coarse-grained igneous rocks, fine-grained igneous rocks

cooler and less able to flow

As compared to the asthenosphere, the lithosphere is ________.

a fixed crystalline structure (spatial arrangement of atoms and ions).

At a subduction zone, the downgoing (subducting) plate

passive margins.

Broad, sediment-covered continental shelves are found along


Calcite (CaCO3) is in which mineral class?


Continental coastlines that occur within the interior of a tectonic plate are called ________ margins.

west is near a plate tectonic, east is not

Contrast the east and west coast of North America with respect to plate tectonics.


Deep-oceanic trenches are features of ________ plate boundaries.


Diamond and graphite are both polymorphs of


Diamonds are usually found in a rock called

more felsic than the magma.

During fractional crystallization of a magma body, the first rock that is expected to crystallize from the magma will be


Earthquakes occur most frequently near ________ margins.

basaltic rocks

Evidence of paleomagnetism can be found in Question 53 options:

till and striations.

Evidence that glaciers once covered an area might include

matching fossil distributions.

Evidence that the South American and African continents were once joined includes evidence from their coastlines such as


Flood basalts such as those found in the Columbia Plateau and the Deccan region are associated with

crust, upper mantle, transition zone, lower mantle, liquid outer core, solid inner core

From left to right, correctly label each section of this slice of the Earth. Note that 1 starts at the surface of the Earth and 6 ends at the center of the Earth.


Hot-spot tracks result from moving

bends and breaks

How does the lithosphere respond to stress?

a volcanic eruption

If you find a tuff in the field, what type of geologic activity could you reasonably assume has occurred?

magnetic declination.

If you were using both a compass and a map marked with latitude and longitude to navigate, you might note the angle difference between your compass and what is marked on the map, called

through the freezing or crystallization of a melt.

Igneous rocks are formed

circumference of the Earth.

In ancient Greece, Eratosthenes measured the difference in angles of the Sun's rays in two different locations in Egypt at the same time to calculate the

more felsic than the source rock.

In general, if a body of igneous (source) rock is subjected to partial melting, the magma that is produced is expected to be

more felsic than the original chemistry of the rock that was partially melted.

In general, when rock is partially melted, the chemistry of the melt is


In the figure provided below, what type of igneous intrusion is the vertical rock unit shown byletter A?

can be used to infer the ancient climate of the Earth; they are deposited in environments that are restricted to warm climates.

Limestone reefs and salt deposits are important in the reconstruction of the Earth's history because they

ridge rocks are hot and therefore are relatively less dense than the surrounding seafloor.

Mid-ocean ridges are elevated above the surrounding seafloor because

divergent and transform

Mid-ocean ridges are segmented and contain which two basic types of plate boundaries linked together?

more mafic than the source rock.

Minerals are all naturally occurring solid substances with a definable chemical composition. They must also possess

the crystals have abundant room to grow in their hollow surroundings.

Minerals in geodes (as seen below) form spectacular euhedral crystals because

Mid-ocean ridges

Most of the pushing force driving plate motion is produced

does not have a fixed crystalline structure.

Naturally forming glass (such as obsidian) is NOT considered a mineral because it

sink because it cools and contracts.

On either side of a mid-ocean ridge, the lithosphere begins to

intrusion that represents the eroded remnant of an extinct volcano.

Shiprock, New Mexico, seen in the photo below is a(n)


SiO44-, S2-, and CO32- are all examples of

arranged and bonded.

Silicate minerals are subdivided into six groups based on the way silica tetrahedra are


Substances that can be transformed to a gas at the conditions found at the Earth's surface are termed

polar wander.

The apparent tendency of the north (or south) magnetic pole to vary in position over time is termed


The continuous series in Bowen's reaction series describes the crystallization behavior of which mineral?


The diamonds we typically see today in engagement rings do not display their natural crystal faces but rather ________, which are made by grinding the gem on a spinning lap.

magma is melt underground, whereas lava is melt that has emerged from the surface.

The difference between magma and lava is

solar wind deflects the Earth's magnetic field lines.

The following image shows the Earth's magnetic field. The Earth's magnetic field lines are distorted (i.e., not symmetrical) because

conchoidal fracture

The image below shows a mineral specimen of quartz. What is the term for the smoothly curving, clamshell-shaped surface on the sample?


The metal alloy that makes up the core of the Earth is ________, as compared to the rocky mantle.


The mineral class that makes up more than 95 percent of the continental crust is termed the


The tendency for minerals to break along distinct planar surfaces that have a specific orientation in relation to the crystal structure is called

incorporates and explains both seafloor spreading and continental drift.

The theory of plate tectonics

least near the mid-ocean ridges and thickens away from the ridges.

The thickness of oceanic lithosphere is

degassing of volatiles

Vesicles in an igneous rock are evidence for which of the following?

evaporate easily and exist as gases.

Volatiles refer to substances that


Volcanoes that are submerged beneath the surface of the sea are termed

has a longer wavelength than at the source.

When we say that light from a distant stellar object is red-shifted, this means that the light we see


Which basic type of plate boundary is shown in the image below?


Which basic type of plate boundary is shown in the image below?

tectonic setting

Which of the following does not affect the cooling rate of magma?

All minerals are compounds of more than one element.

Which of the following is NOT true about minerals?

Continental lithosphere is thicker than oceanic lithosphere.

Which of the following is true of continental lithosphere compared to oceanic lithosphere?

is always composed of oceanic lithosphere

Which of the following lists compositions in order of increasing silica content?


Which of the following minerals is more commonly known as table salt?

convection in the outer core

Which of these is NOT the result of plate tectonics?


Which type of magma has the greatest silica content?


With increasing distance from a mid-ocean ridge, the age of oceanic crust


which of the following is a mineral

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