GetAFive Quiz #2

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The most likely reason for Europe's success in gaining colonies during the 19th century was

European superiority in weaponry and transportation -Technological superiority was the key to western success.

The most dramatic development of the 1450 to 1750 timeframe was

a global trade network -Trade connected all parts of the world during this timeframe.

All of the following were effects of the Industrial Revolution in this time period except

a narrowing of the gap between the rich and poor -Though most saw their wages increase, the gap between the rich and poor actually increased.

If you were a creole in 16th-century Latin America and you wanted to "marry up", who would you be interested in?

a peninsulare -Peninsulares were people with pure blood from the Iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal and their status was thought to be the highest.

What region of Europe experienced the greatest impact of the Mongols?

Russia -The impact the Golden Horde had upon Russia was not arrested until the reign of Peter the Great in the early 18th century.

The country that experienced the greatest number of deaths due to avoidable atrocities in the 20th century was

Russia/Soviet Union -Though China might top the list (not a choice in this question), the revolutions, famines, and war deaths that Russia, and later the Soviet Union, experienced numbers in the tens of millions.

Which one of the following revolutions is least inter-connected with the others?

Russian -The Russian Revolution was motivated by different forces and outside the timeframe.

What continuity remains in Russia throughout this timeframe?

Serfs remain indentured to the soil -Serfdom would not be officially eliminated in Russia until 1861.

The "George Washington" of Latin American independence is often thought to be

Simon Bolivar -The impact of Simon Bolivar on independence movements in Latin America is often compared to the impact of George Washington on North America.

In which period of time do we see Oceania, the last region of the world to become permanently inhabited by humans?

600 CE to 1450 -to this question. Polynesians would set out from Australia and the Oceania islands into the Pacific beginning around 700 CE, with New Zealand and Hawaii being the final islands to be settled.

Time Magazine's 1938 "Man of The Year" was a backer of fascism who led his country to full employment in the midst of a world-wide depression. He was

Adolph Hitler -Hitler held this honor in both 1938 and 1939 in part because he brought full employment to a Germany that was surrounded by countries floundering in a depression.

Which region of the world saw the least amount of voluntary emigrations?

Africa -Africans had neither the motivation nor the wherewithal to voluntarily leave their region and head to new parts of the world.

People not present at the Berlin Conference of 1884 were

Africans -Though the theme of the Berlin Conference concerned the future of Africa, no African delegation was invited.

From the beginning to beyond the end of this timeframe, the correct chronology of the people who would control trade in the Indian Ocean would be

Arabs, Indians, Chinese, Europeans -During the 7th century the Muslims of Arabia controlled the region, followed by the Indian sailors, and then briefly by the Chinese. As this timeframe ended, the Europeans were beginning to demonstrate a dominance in the Indian Ocean.

Prior to the Columbian Encounter, which of the following civilizations was the most isolated?

Aztec -The Aztec Empire was located in the Americas where geography created many barriers to trade.

In what region of the world was the peasant work force most honored by society?

China -Confucian values venerated the work of the peasant.

The part of Asia that proved to be the least flexible in adapting to the western incursion was

China -The fall of the Qing Dynasty in China is testament to the nation's inflexibility.

Mao, Castro, and Lenin all relate to what aspect of the 20th century?

Communism -All three introduced communism into their country's government.

The most isolationist region of the world during the 18th century was

East Asia -China and Japan reacted to western incursion by closing themselves off to outside influence.

The most isolationist region of the world in the 18th century was

East Asia -During the 17th century both Japan and China chose to isolate themselves from the rest of the world.

Despite revolution and decolonization in Latin America, all remained relatively unchanged in this region except

European interests continued to dominate political affairs -With the support of British backing the Monroe Doctrine of the U.S., Europe remained relatively isolated from Latin American political entanglements.

Soldiers from India would have most likely fought in WWI against

Germans -As India is a colony of Great Britain, they would have fought against Germany.

Which of the following statements is a correct generalization about the evolution of the Industrial Revolution during this timeframe?

Great Britain paved the way for the beginning of the Industrial Revolution but by the end of the time period the top industrial producer in the world was the U.S. -Great Britain's stable government, natural resources and entrepreneurial spirit began the Industrial Revolution and the U.S. used the same factors and took control of the industrial scene by the end of the 19th century.

The Bantu spread throughout Sub-Saharan Africa all of the following except

Islam -The Bantu diaspora predated the Islamic faith.

Which of the following events did not occur in the 1750-1900 timeframe?

Islamic movement into central Africa -Islamic incursion into sub-Saharan Africa happened 500 years earlier.

Which of the following would generally prove to be an exception to the concept of an "aggressive West and a passive rest?"

Japan -Japan learned from its western interlopers and followed in their footsteps, attempting to take control of many regions in East Asia.

The existence of a state-supported and state-financed industrial revolution was most prevalent in

Japan -The Japanese government was heavily invested in the industrialization of their nation in the last part of the 19th century.

"The transformation of the country was complete, involving dramatic economic, political, social, cultural, and educational changes, and the program was imposed from the top rung of government - the oligarchs." This quote most probably describes

Japan -Top down change is the key to discovering Japan as the correct answer.

The Luddites in England would have appreciated the philosophy of

Karl Marx -The Luddites would have appreciated Karl Marx's sympathy for the plight of the worker.

Which export is incorrectly connected to the region?

Latin America - cotton -Though Latin America exported a limited amount of cotton, it was more widely known for exporting sugar.

Which one of the following organizations belongs to the first half of the 20th century?

League of Nations -The League of Nations, created after WWI (1919), would give way to the United Nations after WWII (1945)

Which of the pre-Columbian civilizations in the western hemisphere had a written language?

Mayan -Though the Incan had a form of recordkeeping called quipu, traditional writing as is commonly defined is unique to the pre-Columbian civilization of the Mayans.

Constantinople is to Istanbul as New Amsterdam is to

New York -When the Dutch gave their colony in North America to the British, it was renamed New York.

In which city of the world in the year 1450 might you LEAST want to live if you wanted to take advantage of technological innovations?

Paris -Asia was the most innovative region in the world during his timeframe: Khanbalique is near present-day Beijing, Chang'an is present-day Tsian (perhaps the first city in the world to have a population in excess of a million), and Baghdad is in present-day Iraq. Paris, by contrast had a population of less than 25,000 during most of this time period

What region of Asia was most impacted by the exploits of Tamerlane (Timur the Lame)?

Persia -The Middle East was Tamerlane's empire during this time period.

The end of what dynamic institution served to motivate voluntary migrations to the Americas during this timeframe?

Slavery -With the demise of slavery, the need for cheap labor in the Americas "pulled" migrants from their home country.

The European country that benefitted least from mercantilism would be

Spain -Spain used its vast horde of silver and gold to buy products made by other countries, rather than invest it in their country.

Which one of the following could be correctly seen as a difference between the empires of England and Spain during this timeframe?

Spain directly controlled political matters in their colonies while England extended much political autonomy -Spain exerted more direct control over its colonies while England was primarily interested in the economic aspects.

Kilwa, Mombasa, and Sofala are all examples of

Swahili city-states along the east African coast -These east African coastal cities spoke Swahili, a combination of Bantu and Arabic languages.

Besides Venice, what other famous capital city is known to rely on boats for internal means of transportation?

Tenochtitlan, Mexica -Tenochtitlan was built on a lake in central Mexico

By 1900, the largest cities in the world had shifted from East Asia to

West Europe -Industrialization in western Europe demanded large population centers.

The French, American, and Latin American revolutions were similar in that they were led by

an affluent middle class -Though each of these revolution found support among the peasantry, they were each led by successful members of the middle class.

We can think of the Mongols and the Ottoman Turks as being multi-cultural in all of the following ways except

both learned the languages and adopted the cultural patterns of the civilizations they conquered -The Mongols remained relatively aloof of the cultures they conquered. They forbade intermarriage between their cultures and they, as a group, neither learned the Chinese language nor permitted Chinese scholars from learning the Mongolian language, thus there was a definite distance between the conqueror and the conquered.

Both China and Japan responded to European maritime exploration in this time period by

closing most of their ports -By the mid-17th century, much of east Asia decided to isolate itself from the rest of the world.

Which of the following products would NOT be a major component of the 2nd Industrial Revolution?

coal -Coal was a major component of the 1st Industrial Revolution.

Which one of the following would LEAST be a cause of WWI?

communism -Increased popularization may be thought of as an effect of WWI but not as a major cause.

The turning point beginning the decline of the Ottoman Empire is often cited as their failure to

conquer Vienna -Though they invested much in defeating Vienna, their most serious trade competitor in the eastern Mediterranean, and when they stopped trying the empire seemed to become stagnant.

The Aztecs and Incans would be similar to the Romans in

development of inter-connected roads -Roads were important to the central authority of all three civilizations.

Which of the following would least be a characteristic of Tanzimat reforms in the mid-19th century Ottoman Empire?

enlargement of the Janissary system -The Tanzimat Reforms represented an attempt to introduce western reforms into the Ottoman Empire.

"Manifest Destiny" and "Blood and Iron" are all examples of

expressions of nationalism -"Manifest Destiny" was a nationalistic spirit that justified American settlement from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans and "blood and iron" helped unify Germany in the 1870s.

Suleiman the Magnificent in the Ottoman Empire, Elizabeth I in England, and Akbar The Great in the Mughal Empire were similar in their preference for

favoring the arts -All three rulers encouraged and subsidized the visual and performing arts.

A country wishing to practice mercantilism would be most interested in exporting

furniture -Mercantilist countries wanted to export "finished" products.

Which of the following events most dramatically laid the foundation for the Industrial Revolution?

improvements in farming techniques -New farming techniques led to more efficient production which freed up more people to work in the factory as well as bringing down the price of nutrition.

A major difference between European imperialism in Asia and European imperialism in Africa was that

in Africa, European powers controlled the government and drew boundary lines -As African government was based on tribal forms of government ("stateless"), Europeans saw fit to create and run the governmental bureaucracy.

Which two events are most dramatically tied to each other in the 1750-1900 timeframe?

industrialism and imperialism -Efficiency of production created by the Industrial Revolution led industrialized nations to look for raw materials to produce their products and new markets to sell their products.

The event generally assigned to the beginning of the Industrial Revolution was the

invention of a practical steam engine -James Watt's invention is generally regarded as the beginning of the First Industrial Revolution.

China ceased its 15th-century naval explorations for all of the following reasons except

it wished to copy the isolationist policy if its friend, Japan -Japan and China were not friends.

An industrial Europe that was importing raw goods and exporting manufactured goods would be applying the principle of

mercantilism -The stem of this question is the precise definition of mercantilism.

The most dynamic reason for the dramatic population increase during this timeframe was

more babies surviving infancy and adolescence and making babies once they became adults -Better health enabled more children to survive into adulthood.

The most common element present in the major themes of the 20th century (hot and cold wars, decolonization, and terrorism) would be

nationalism -Pride in your cause or region would be the foundation of many events of the 20th century.

Siam in Asia and Ethiopia in Africa were similar in the 19th century in that

neither was colonized by European powers -Ethiopia was able to resist throughout the century and Siam was seen as a buffer between British and French interests in Southeast Asia.

Though decimated by the export of involuntary human labor, the population of Africa increased during the 1450-1750 timeframe because of

new foods imported from the Americas -Calorie-rich foods such as potatoes, maize, and cocoa helped the continent replenish itself.

Which one of the following pairs of products was NOT indigenous to the Americas prior to the Columbian Exchange?

pigs and sugar cane -Sugar cane was brought over from Africa and pigs were brought over from Europe.

A significant factor fueling the imperialistic drive of the 19th century would be

search for raw materials -As production became more and more efficient, the need for more raw materials became tantamount.

Political power in Japan during the Tokugawa timeframe in Japan was the

shogun -The emperor was a figurehead, the samurai were the vassals, and the real power was centered in the shogun.

How did the Chinese government want foreign countries to pay for tea, silk and porcelain produced in their country?

silver -China was not interested in other western products

Which one of the following is most important to the perpetuation of healthy long- distance trade relations?

stable governments -It was stable governments that ensured protection and maintenance of the roads.

The product that most slaves produced in the Americas was

sugar -Most of African slaves went to the Caribbean and Brazil and sugar was the primary export from these two regions.

Such Enlightenment thinkers as John Locke and Jean Rousseau would be pivotal in paving the way for

the Atlantic Revolutions -The thinking of the Enlightened Philosophes would inspire Thomas Jefferson, Simon Bolivar, Thomas Paine, and Toussaint L'Ouverture.

Which one of the following would not be one of the "Gunpowder Empires?"

the Byzantine Empire -Though the Byzantine Empire possessed gunpowder, it did not use explosives to increase the size of its land holdings.

What group of people led the decolonization revolutions in Latin America?

the Creoles -The Creoles, those who trace their ancestors through both the Peninsulares and the indigenous population, provided the leadership for these revolutions.

All of the following groups fought for control of South Africa except

the Germans -By the time Germany became a nation in 1871, they were out of the hunt for many parts of Africa.

Which part of Asia was not a part of the Silk Road?

the Indian Ocean -The Silk Road was a land route.

Citizens living on the Swahili coast in the year 1000 could expect to consume goods traded from

the Middle East, China, and South Asia -The east coast of Africa in this timeframe traded for products that came as far away as East Asia.

Which one of the following statements is an accurate generalization about the Mongolian impact on China during the Yuan Dynasty?

the Mongols were forbidden to marry local Chinese -Intermarriage between the Mongols and local Han was outlawed.

The Gunpowder Empire that served as a buffer region between the Mughal Empire and the Ottoman Empire was

the Safavid Empire -The Safavid Empire (previously known as Persia and currently known as Iran) was geographically situated between the Mughal and Ottoman empires.

What long-lived trade route became less and less important during this time period?

the Silk Road -Because maritime trade was becoming more valuable and trade with the Americas was becoming more important, the Silk Road diminished in importance.

Due to the destructive nature of Tamerlane, what began to decline?

the Silk Road -The Stability of the Silk Road was seriously questioned by his barbaric practices.

Which of the following technological developments came from European innovators?

the caravel -The caravel was a small, but buoyant, ship that could negotiate the high seas.

The Sepoy Mutiny, the Boxer Rebellion, the Battle of Tsushima, and the Battle of Isandlwana would all suggest which of the following?

the concept of "an aggressive West and a passive rest" was an over-simplification -Each of these events represent attempts by local populations to expunge western influence.

Which one of the following was LEAST a reason why the Aztecs were conquered by the Conquistadors?

the concept of armed conflict with other humans was a foreign concept to the Aztecs -The Aztecs held other groups of people in check through the threat of force.

Mustapha Kemal is responsible for

the creation of the nation of Turkey out of the rubble of the Ottoman Empire -Mustapha Kemal (Ataturk) is often thought of as the Father of Modern Turkey.

U.S. president Woodrow Wilson's call for self-determination after WWI would serve as a major impetus for

the decolonization movement -Self-determination encouraged a spirit of nationalism within the European colonies.

Slavery became institutionalized in the New World primarily because of

the development of the plantation system for sugar production -Large plantations demanded cheap labor and sugar was the chief export.

Which one of the following was a dominant theme of the 1450-1750 timeframe?

the expansion of the Gunpowder Empires -The "Gunpowder Empires" would be major players in the Middle East and Central Asia at this time.

The 1450 to 1750 timeframe is significant for all of the following reasons except

the fall of Alexandria, Egypt -The fall of Constantinople is typically listed as a major event during this time period.

Jesuits would support the teachings of

the pope -Jesuits were a missionary arm of the Catholic Church and would therefore most support the wishes of the pope.

The encomienda system was similar to the Mita system in the New World in the sense that

they both demanded service to the local government by a segment of the population -Both systems expected different groups of people within society to contribute part of their time to serving the local government.

Japan and Egypt were similar in their relationship with the Mongols in that

they both successfully resisted Mongolian invasion -The Mamluks in Egypt and the straits of Japan between Japan and China successfully prevented conquering by the Mongols.

What do these four groups of people have in common? Dutch settlers in South Africa European settlers in North America Mughals Peninsulares

they represented a minor percent of the population in the region they settled -In each instance, the foreign interlopers represented a minority of the overall population in which they settled.

Ho Chi Minh, Gandhi, and Nkrumah were similar in that

they used their western education to inspire nationalism in their homelands -All three were educated in Europe and used the Enlightened ideas of democracy to sever colonial ties with their European overlords.

The Mongols in China and the Mughals in India were similar in that

they were a minority population in a land they controlled -Both Mughals and Mongols ruled over a populations larger than themselves.

The Meiji Restoration in Japan and the fall of the Qing Dynasty in China were similar in that

they were both prompted by foreign invasion -In both instances forces within each country were unhappy with their governments inability to react to foreign demands.

The three structures are similar in that

they were each inspired by Islamic architects -The Islamic mosque in Cordoba, Spain on the right, the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul in the middle, and the Taj Mahal in India on the right all show Islamic architectural influences.

Which of the following would be a factor pulling European explorers to the Americas in the 16th century?

to access the gold and silver of the New World -The first three choices are factors pushing explorers out of Europe while the lure of precious metals is pulling them to the New World.

The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain for all of the following reasons except

universal, mandatory, educational program -An educational system such as this was created by the end of the Industrial Revolution, not the beginning.

An important similarity between the pre-Columbian civilizations in Meso-America and classical Greece was

warring city-states -Both regions constantly fought among themselves.

Russia and the U.S. were similar in the mid-to-late 19th century in all of the following ways except

women received the right to vote -Women did not receive the right to vote in either country during the timeframe mentioned.

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