Giles 2010 #2 (1-100)

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62. A physical therapist uses a self-care assessment to examine change over time in rehabilitation programs. The assessment uses a seven-point scale to examine 18 items. The collected information is based on observations of patient performance. This type of assessment MOST closely describes the: A. Functional Independence Measure B. Functional Status Index C. Physical Self-Maintenance Scale D. Katz Index of Activities of Daily Living


75. A physical therapist washes his hands thoroughly after treating a patient with a suspected infection. Which statement regarding hand washing is NOT accurate? A. wash all hand and wrist jewelry B. wash your hands, wrists, and two to three inches of your distal forearms C. wash for at least 30 seconds D. select warm water to allow soap to lather easily


76. A physical therapist uses a 3.0 MHz ultrasound beam at 1.5 W/cm2 to treat a patient diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. The MAJORITY of ultrasound energy will be absorbed within a depth of: A. 1-2 centimeters B. 2-3 centimeters C. 4-5 centimeters D. 5-6 centimeters


83. A physical therapist working on a medical/surgical rotation returns from a morning inservice and finds a number of items that require her attention. Which of the following items should be given the highest priority? A. A patient requiring pre-operative instruction B. An incomplete exercise flow sheet C. An unfinished wheelchair order form D. A written note from a staff dietician


85. A patient rehabilitating from a fractured acetabulum is referred to physical therapy for ambulation activities. The patient has been on bed rest for three weeks and appears to be somewhat apprehensive about weight bearing. The MOST appropriate device to A. Parallel bars B. Walker C. Axillary crutches D. Straight cane


86. A seven-year-old boy sitting in the physical therapy waiting area suddenly grasps his throat and appears to be in distress. The boy slowly stands, but is obviously unable to breathe. The physical therapist recognizing the signs of an airway obstruction A. Abdominal thrusts B. Chest thrusts C. Back blows D. Finger sweep


89. A physical therapist completes a respiratory assessment on a patient in an acute care hospital. The examination reveals decreased breath sounds and decreased fremitus. This finding is MOST indicative of: A. Pleural effusion B. Pulmonary edema C. Consolidation D. Atelectasis


43. A physical therapist attempts to secure a wheelchair for a patient with an incomplete spinal cord injury. The patient is a 28-year-old female that is very active and relies on a wheelchair as her primary mode of transportation. Which type of wheelchair A. standard chair with a rigid frame B. lightweight chair with a rigid frame C. standard chair with a folding frame D. lightweight chair with a folding frame


46. A patient with cerebellar dysfunction exhibits signs of dysmetria. Which of the following activities would be the MOST difficult for the patient? A. Rapid alternating pronation and supination of the forearms B. Placing feet on floor markers while walking C. Walking at varying speeds D. Marching in place


51. A physical therapist develops a chart detailing expected functional outcomes for a variety of spinal cord injuries. Which is the highest spinal cord injury level at which independent transfers with a sliding board would be feasible? A. C4 B. C6 C. T1 D. T3


53. A physical therapist utilizes a manual assisted cough technique on a patient with a midthoracic spinal cord injury. When completing this technique with the patient in supine, the MOST appropriate location for the therapist's hand placement is: A. Manubrium B. Epigastric area C. Xiphoid process D. Umbilical region


54. A patient 72 hours status post stroke is referred to physical therapy. As part of the patient care program, the physical therapist makes positioning recommendations to the nursing staff. How often should turning occur? A. every thirty minutes B. every two hours C. every four hours D. every six hours


55. A physical therapist prepares to use soft tissue massage as part of a treatment plan for a patient with an adductor strain. The MOST appropriate therapist action prior to initiating treatment is: A. utilize proper draping B. explain the treatment procedure and obtain patient consent C. ask another therapist to be present during the treatment session D. describe the benefits of soft tissue massage on muscle strains


57. A physical therapist completes a lower quarter screening examination on a patient diagnosed with trochanteric bursitis. Assuming a normal end-feel, which of the following classifications would be MOST consistent with hip extension? A. Soft B. Firm C. Hard D. Empty


58. A physician utilizes diagnostic imaging to show motion within a joint through x-ray. This type of imaging is BEST termed: A. Computed tomography B. Fluoroscopy C. Discography D. Radionuclide scanning


59. A physical therapist reviews the medical record of a patient recently admitted to the intensive care unit. A note from the patient's physician indicates an order for arterial blood gas analysis six times daily. Which type of indwelling line would be use A. intravenous line B. arterial line C. central venous line D. pulmonary artery line


6. A physical therapist receives a referral for a two-month-old infant diagnosed with osteogenesis imperfecta. After completing the examination, the therapist discusses the physical therapy plan of care with the infant's parents. The PRIMARY goal of therapy should be: A. Improve muscle strength and diminish tone B. Facilitate protected weight bearing C. Promote safe handling and positioning D. Diminish pulmonary secretions


68. A physical therapist employed in a rehabilitation hospital utilizes a variety of transfer techniques to move patients of various functional abilities. Which type of transfer would NOT be classified as dependent? A. Sliding transfer B. Hydraulic lift C. Sliding board transfer D. Two-person lift


69. A 28-year-old male referred to physical therapy by his primary physician complains of recurrent ankle pain. As part of the treatment program, the therapist uses ultrasound over the peroneus longus and brevis tendons. The MOST appropriate location for ul A. Inferior to the sustentaculum tali B. Over the sinus tarsi C. Posterior to the lateral malleolus D. Anterior to the lateral malleolus


71. A physical therapist treats a 32-year-old female rehabilitating from a closed head injury presently functioning at Rancho Los Amigos level IV. The therapist treats the patient in her home for 60 minute sessions, three times per week. Recently the therapy A. Reduce the treatment sessions to 30 minutes, three times per week B. Reduce the frequency of the treatment sessions to two times per week C. Increase the rest periods during existing treatment sessions D. Increase the treatment sessions to 90 minutes, two times per week


73. A physical therapist examines a patient diagnosed with left-sided heart failure. Which finding is NOT typically associated with this condition? A. pulmonary edema B. persistent cough C. dependent edema D. muscular weakness


77. A physical therapist serves as an accessibility consultant for a local retail store. What is the MINIMUM width required for a patient using a wheelchair to safely traverse through a doorway? A. 24 inches B. 30 inches C. 32 inches D. 36 inches


79. A physical therapist positions a patient prone on a treatment plinth in preparation for a hot pack. When preparing the hot pack for the low back, the therapist should utilize: A. 2-4 towel layers B. 4-6 towel layers C. 6-8 towel layers D. 8-10 towel layers


82. A 16-year-old female accompanied by her mother receives exercise instructions. During the treatment session the mother makes several comments to her daughter that appear to be extremely upsetting and result in the daughter losing concentration. The MOST A. document the mother's comments in the medical record B. ask the patient if her mother is verbally abusive C. ask the mother to return to the waiting area D. discontinue the treatment session


95. A physical therapist performs postural drainage to the anterior basal segments of the lower lobes. During the treatment session the patient suddenly complains of dizziness and mild dyspnea. The MOST appropriate therapist action is: A. reassure the patient that the response is normal B. Assess the patient's VS C. Elevate the patient's head D. Call for assistance


96. A terminally ill patient completes a formal document that names his daughter as the individual to make health care decisions in the event that he is unable. This type of advanced directive is termed: A. living will B. physician's directive C. durable power of attorney D. Euthanasia


97. A patient recently diagnosed with a deep venous thrombophlebitis is placed on heparin. The PRIMARY side effect associated with heparin is: A. Hypotension B. Depression C. Excessive anticoagulation D. thrombocytopenia


99. A physical therapist examines a patient with suspected vascular compression in the shoulder region. Which special test would be LEAST beneficial to confirm the therapist's suspicions? A. Adson maneuver B. Halstead maneuver C. Froment's sign D. Wright Test


72. A physical therapist positions a patient in supine in preparation for goniometric measurements. When measuring medial rotation of the shoulder, the therapist should position the fulcrum: A. On the lateral midline of the humerus using the lateral epicondyle as a reference B. Perpendicular to the floor C. Along the midaxillary line of the thorax D. Over the olecranon process


74. A physical therapist monitors a patient with a single lead electrocardiogram. After carefully examining the obtained data, the therapist classifies the rhythm as sinus bradycardia. Which description is MOST indicative of this condition? A. R-R interval is irregular with a rate between 100 and 200 beats per minute B. R-R interval is irregular with a rate between 40 and 100 beats per minute C. R-R interval is regular with a rate greater than 100 beats per minute. D. R-R interval is regular with a rate less than 60 beats per minute.


87. A physical therapist assesses a patient's upper extremity deep tendon reflexes as part of a screening examination. The MOST appropriate location to elicit the brachioradialis reflex is the: A. radial tuberosity B. antecubital fossa C. biceps tendon D. styloid process of the radius


88. A physical therapist prepares to assist a patient with a sliding board transfer from a wheelchair to a mat table. Which of the following would be the MOST appropriate INITIAL instruction to the patient? A. place the sliding board under your buttocks B. move your buttocks onto the mat table C. complete a series of push-ups D. secure the wheelchair brakes


91. A physical therapist working in cardiac rehabilitation progresses a patient involved in a phase II program through an established exercise protocol. The patient weighs 70 kg and has progressed without difficulty through the rehabilitation program. The p A. level walking at 1 mph B. jogging at 5 mph C. cycling at 10 mph D. walking on a treadmill at 3 mph


92. A physical therapist utilizes continuous ultrasound to supply thermal effects to a patient rehabilitating from a lower extremity injury. During the treatment session, the patient suddenly becomes startled and reports feeling an electrical shock from the A. decrease the intensity of the ultrasound B. modify the duty cycle C. discontinue ultrasound treatment D. unplug the machine and label - "defective, do not use"


93. A physical therapy department embarks on a quality improvement program. Results from a random sample of patient charts reveal that 40% of the charts do not include a discharge summary. A logical next step to the quality improvement program would be: A. dismiss the findings because discharge summaries are not directly related to the quality of patient care B. discipline the staff members who did not complete the discharge summaries and continue to monitor the situation C. dismiss the findings because a random sample does not provide accurate information D. notify the staff that discharge summaries are to be completed on all patients and continue to monitor the situation


56. A physical therapist moves a patient from sidelying to supine after the patient was unable to maintain the manual muscle test position for the hip abductors. Assuming the patient is able to complete full range of motion in the horizontal plane, the MOST A. Fair B. Fair minus C. Poor D. Poor minus


67. A physical therapist selects a therapeutic ultrasound generator with a frequency of 3.0 MHz. Which condition would MOST warrant the use of this frequency? A. lumbar paravertebral muscle sprain B. hip flexor contracture C. quadriceps strain D. anterior talofibular ligament sprain


42. A physical therapist attempts to obtain a general assessment of a patient's cognitive status. The patient is a 62-year-old female three days status post total hip arthroplasty. The MOST appropriate action is: A. review the patient's medical record B. conduct a patient interview C. conduct a physical examination D. consult with family members


63. A physical therapist working on a pulmonary rehabilitation unit works with a patient on therapeutic positioning. The patient has experienced a lengthy inpatient hospitalization and was only recently referred to physical therapy. The patient has signific A. Prone B. Supine C. Trendelenburg D. Reverse trendelenburg


5. A physical therapist employed by a home health care agency knocks on the door of a patient that has a scheduled therapy session. After waiting several minutes, the therapist concludes the patient is not at home. The MOST appropriate therapist action is: A. Contact the patient and reschedule B. Notify the patient's insurance provider C. Notify the referring physician D. Discharge the patient from physical therapy


50. A physical therapist prepares to apply a sterile dressing to a wound after debridement. The therapist begins the process by drying the wound using a towel. The therapist applies medication to the wound using a gauze pad and then applies a series of dressings that are secured using a bandage. Which step would not warrant the use of sterile technique? A. Bandage B. Dressings C. Medication D. Towel


7. A physical therapist elects to utilize the Six-Minute Walk Test as a means of quantifying endurance for a patient rehabilitating from a lengthy illness. Which variable would be the MOST appropriate to measure when determining the patient's endurance level A. perceived exertion B. heart rate response C. elapsed time D. distance walked


13. A physician discusses a patient's plan of care with a physical therapist. The patient is a 29-year-old male that sustained deep partial-thickness burns to the anterior surface of his lower extremities. The physician discusses the possibility of discontinuing use of topical antibiotic silver sulfadiazine after identifying an irregularity in the patient's lab results. Which finding could be MOST related to use of silver sulfadiazine? A. Leukopenia B. Peripheral Edema C. Hypokalemia D. Altered pH balance


15. When performing range of motion exercises with a patient that sustained a head injury, a physical therapist notes that the patient lacks full elbow extension and classifies the end-feel as hard. The MOST likely cause is: A. Heterotopic ossification B. Spasticity of the biceps C. Anterior capsular tightness D. Triceps weakness


21. A physical therapist observes an electrocardiogram of a patient on beta-blockers. Which of the following electrocardiogram changes could be facilitated by beta-blockers? A. sinus bradycardia B. sinus tachycardia C. premature ventricular contractions D. ST segment sagging


23. A physical therapist employed in a long-term care setting attempts to identify a screening tool that examines a patient's ability to perform a variety of activities of daily living independently. The therapist would like to readminister the tool to asses A. Barthel Index B. Berg Balance Scale C. Functional Reach Test D. Tinetti Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment


25. While examining a patient diagnosed with Achilles tendonitis, a physical therapist notes that the foot and ankle appear to be pronated. Which motions combine to create pronation in a non-weight bearing foot? A. abduction, dorsiflexion, eversion B. adduction, dorsiflexion, inversion C. abduction, plantar flexion, eversion D. adduction, plantar flexion, inversion


35. A physical therapist instructs a patient with a lower extremity amputation to wrap her residual limb. The patient has mildly impaired sensation on several localized areas of the residual limb. Which of the following would be the LEAST acceptable method A. Clips B. Safety pins C. Tape D. Velcro


39. A group of physical therapists conducts scoliosis screenings on adolescents as part of physical therapy week. The MOST appropriate action after identifying an adolescent with a moderate scoliotic curve is to: A. refer the adolescent for further orthopedic assessment B. educate the adolescent as to the cause of the scoliosis C. devise an exercise program for the adolescent D. instruct the adolescent in the importance of proper posture


45. A physical therapist examines a 16-year-old male diagnosed with left knee anterior cruciate ligament insufficiency. During the examination a Lachman test is performed. Ideally, the therapist should perform the test with the knee in: A. 20-30 degrees flexion B. 30-40 degrees flexion C. 40-50 degrees flexion D. 80-90 degrees flexion


1. A physical therapist using an electrical stimulation device attempts to quantify several characteristics of a monophasic waveform. When measuring phase charge, the standard unit of measure is the: A. coulomb B. ampere C. ohm D. second


100. A 29-year-old female status post Colles' fracture is referred to physical therapy. The patient has moderate edema in her fingers and the dorsum of her hand and complains of pain during active range of motion. The MOST appropriate method to quantify the A. Volumetric measurements B. Circumferential measurements C. Girth measurements D. Anthropometric measurements


40. A physical therapist checks the water temperature of the hot pack machine after several patients report the heat being very strong. Which of the following temperatures would be acceptable? A. 64 degrees Celsius (147 degrees Fahrenheit) B. 71 degrees Celsius (160 degrees Fahrenheit) C. 83 degrees Celsius (181 degrees Fahrenheit) D. 94 degrees Celsius (201 degrees Fahrenheit)


11. A physical therapist completes a developmental assessment on a five-month-old infant. If the therapist elects to examine the infant's palmar grasp reflex, which of the following stimuli is the MOST appropriate? A. contact to the ball of the foot in upright standing B. maintained pressure to the palm of the hand C. noxious stimulus to the palm of the hand D. sudden change in the position of the head


12. A physical therapist treats a nine-year-old child diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. As part of the treatment session the therapist attempts to improve the efficiency of the patient's breathing. The MOST appropriate technique to encourage full expansion at the base of the lung is a: A. manual percussion over the posterior portion of the ribs with the patient in prone B. manual contacts with pressure over the lateral borders of the ribs with the patient in supine C. manual vibration over the lateral portion of the ribs with the patient in sidelying D. manual cues over the epigastric area with the patient in supine


16. A physical therapist develops a problem list after examining a patient with a transtibial amputation. Which of the following would be the MOST appropriate entry in the patient problem list? A. donning and doffing prosthesis requires verbal cues and minimal assist of one B. Dependence with donning and doffing prosthesis C. Independent donning and doffing prosthesis in one week D. donning and doffing prosthesis requires verbal cues


19. A physical therapist works with a patient status post stroke on a mat program. The therapist assists the patient in lateral weight shifting activities while positioned in prone on elbows. Which therapeutic exercise technique would allow the patient to improve dynamic stability with this activity? A. alternating isometrics B. Approximation C. rhythmic initiation D. timing for emphasis


2. A physical therapist assesses the functional strength of a patient's hip extensors while observing the patient move from standing to sitting. What type of contraction occurs in the hip extensors during this activity? A. concentric B. eccentric C. isometric D. isokinetic


24. A patient rehabilitating from a lower extremity injury is referred to physical therapy for hydrotherapy treatments. The physical therapist would like the patient to fully extend the involved lower extremity while sitting in the hydrotherapy tank. Which A. Hubbard tank B. highboy tank C. lowboy tank D. walk tank


26. A physical therapist performs goniometric measurements on a patient rehabilitating from injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident. When measuring rotation of the cervical spine, which of the following landmarks would be the MOST appropriate for the (walang nakalagay sa tanong pero fulcrum siguro) A. centered over the external auditory meatus B. centered over the center of the cranial aspect of the head C. centered over the C7 spinous process D. centered over the midline of the occiput


29. A physical therapist participating in a research project decides it will be necessary to utilize a relatively large sample. By including a large number of subjects, the researcher hopes to increase: A. the effect size B. the likelihood of rejecting the null hypothesis C. the validity of the outcome measurements D. the reliability of the outcome measurements


33. When observing a patient ambulating, a physical therapist notes that the patient's gait has the following characteristics: narrow base of support, short bilateral step length, and decreased trunk rotation. This gait pattern is often observed in patients A. CVA B. Parkinson's disease C. post-polio syndrome D. multiple sclerosis


34. A physical therapist prepares to complete an assisted standing pivot transfer with a patient that requires moderate assistance. In order to increase the patient's independence with the transfer, which of the following instructions would be the MOST appropriate? A. I want you to help me perform the transfer. B. Try to utilize your own strength to complete the transfer. C. Only grab onto me if it is absolutely necessary. D. Pretend you were home alone and needed to complete the transfer.


38. A physical therapist prepares a whirlpool treatment for a scheduled patient. Which treatment area would place the patient at the GREATEST risk for hyperthermia? A. wrist and hand B. thigh C. elbow D. Foot and ankle


4. A patient recently admitted to an acute care hospital is referred to physical therapy. The physical therapist documents the following clinical signs: pallor, cyanosis, and cool skin. These clinical signs are MOST consistent with: A. cor pulmonale B. anemia C. hypertension D. diaphoresis


60. A physical therapist completes a family training session with a patient rehabilitating from a spinal cord injury. During the training the patient asks a question regarding their functional ability following rehabilitation. The MOST appropriate therapist A. Explain that it is difficult to predict since all patients progress differently B. Provide information on the expected prognosis based on the nature and severity of the injury C. Refer the patient to the director of rehabilitation D. Refer the patient to the physiatrist


66. A physical therapist presents an inservice to the rehabilitation staff that compares traditional gait terminology with Rancho Los Amigos terminology. Which pair of descriptive terms describes the same general point in the gait cycle? A. midstance to heel off and initial swing B. heel strike and initial contact C. foot flat to midstance and loading response D. toe off and midswing


70. A physical therapist treats a patient rehabilitating from an Achilles tendon repair using cryotherapy. Which cryotherapeutic agent would provide the GREATEST magnitude of tissue cooling? A. Frozen gel packs B. Ice massage C. Fluori-Methane spray D. Cold water bath


78. A physical therapist reviews the medical record of a 52-year-old male status post myocardial infarction. The patient is currently in the coronary care unit and is scheduled to begin cardiac rehabilitation tomorrow. Which potential complication of a myocardial infarction is the patient most susceptible to: A. heart failure B. Arrhythmias C. thrombus formation D. heart structural damage


8. A physician orders an electrocardiogram (ECG) for a patient diagnosed with congestive heart failure. The medical record indicates the patient is currently taking digitalis. What effect would you expect digitalis to have on the patient's ECG? A. sinus tachycardia B. lengthened PR interval C. lengthened QT interval D. elevated ST segment


80. A physical therapist attempts to determine if a wheelchair is the appropriate size for a patient recently admitted to a rehabilitation program. As part of the assessment, the therapist examines the distance from the front edge of the seat to the posterior A. 1 inch B. 2 inches C. 4 inches D. 6 inches


81. A patient using a wheelchair arranges for a local contractor to build a ramp that will allow entry into the patient's house. What is the MAXIMUM recommended grade for the ramp? A. 6.2% B. 8.3% C. 9.5% D. 10.4%


84. A physical therapist employed in a busy outpatient orthopedic clinic attempts to determine a schedule for calibration and maintenance of an ultrasound unit. The MOST important factor for the therapist to consider when determining an appropriate schedule A. Beam nonuniformity ratio B. Frequency of use C. Cost associated c calibration & maintenance D. Availability of qualified personnel to inspect the unit


9. A physical therapist completes an examination on a five-year-old boy diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The referral indicates that the boy was diagnosed with the disease less than one year ago. Assuming a normal progression, which of the following A. Distal muscle weakness B. Proximal muscle weakness C. Impaired respiratory function D. Inability to perform activities of daily living


90. A physical therapist records the parameters of an electrical stimulation treatment in a patient's medical record. The standard unit of measure when recording alternating current frequency is: A. Volt B. Hertz C. Coulomb D. pulses per second


94. A physical therapist employed in a rehabilitation hospital examines a patient that exhibits several signs and symptoms of anemia. Which question would be the MOST useful to gather additional information related to anemia? A. Does it hurt to take a deep breath? B. Do you experience heart palpitations or shortness of breath at rest or with mild exertion? C. Do you frequently experience dizziness, headaches, or blurred vision? D. Are you susceptible to bruising?


98. A patient is asked to complete a pain questionnaire. The patient selects words such as cramping, dull, and aching to describe the pain. What related structure is MOST consistent with the pain description? A. nerve root B. muscle C. bone D. Vascular


48. A physical therapist conducts a pre-operative training session for a patient scheduled for surgery to repair a large rotator cuff tear. The patient is a 54-year-old male who is employed as an insurance agent. During the pre-operative training session the patient inquires as to the amount of time before he is able to return to recreational activities such as tennis and golf. The most appropriate time frame is typically: A. 6-8 weeks B. 12-14 weeks C. 24-28 weeks D. 36-40 weeks


49. A physical therapist determines a patient's heart rate by counting the number of QRS complexes in a six second electrocardiogram strip. Assuming the therapist identifies eight QRS complexes in the strip, the patient's heart rate should be recorded as: A. 40 beats per minute B. 60 beats per minute C. 80 beats per minute D. 100 beats per minute


52. A patient rehabilitating from a spinal cord injury has significant lower extremity spasticity which often results in the patient's feet becoming dislodged from the wheelchair footrests. The MOST appropriate modification to address this problem is: A. hydraulic reclining unit B. elevating legrests C. heel loops and/or toe loops D. detachable swing-away legrests


10. A physical therapist obtains an x-ray of a 14-year-old female recently referred to physical therapy after experiencing an increase in back pain following activity. The patient previously participated in competitive gymnastics, however, states that her back was unable to tolerate the intensity of training. Based on the presented x-ray, the therapist would expect the patient's medical diagnosis to be: A. Spondylitis B. Spondylolysis C. Spondylolisthesis D. Spondyloptosis


18. A patient informs a physical therapist that he has to use the bathroom immediately after being transported outside the hospital to practice car transfers. The physical therapist's MOST appropriate response to meet the patient's physical need is to: A. ask the patient if it is an emergency B. complete the transfer training as quickly as possible and allow the patient to use the bathroom C. transport the patient back into the hospital to use the bathroom D. instruct the patient that in the future he should use the bathroom before beginning physical therapy


20. A patient informs a physical therapist how frustrated she feels after being examined by her physician. The patient explains that she becomes so nervous, she cannot ask any questions during scheduled office visits. The therapist's MOST appropriate response A. Offer to go with the patient to her next scheduled physician visit B. Offer to call the physician and ask any relevant questions C. Suggest that the patient write down questions for the physician and bring them with her to the next scheduled visit D. Tell the patient it is a very normal response to be nervous in the presence of a physician


30. A physical therapist monitors a patient's vital signs while exercising in a phase I cardiac rehabilitation program. The patient is status post myocardial infarction and has progressed without difficulty while involved in the program. Which of the following vital sign recordings would exceed the typical limits of a phase 1 program? A. heart rate elevated 18 beats per minute above resting level B. respiration rate of 18 breaths per minute C. systolic blood pressure decreased by 25 mm Hg from resting level D. diastolic blood pressure less than 100 mm Hg


31. A physical therapist establishes the following short-term goal for a patient rehabilitating from total knee arthroplasty surgery: Patient will ambulate with a walker 50% weight bearing and moderate assist of 1 for 20 feet within one week. Three days lat A. ambulate with walker 75% weight bearing and moderate assist of 1 for 30 feet within one week B. ambulate with walker 50% weight bearing and moderate assist of 2 for 30 feet within one week C. ambulate with walker 50% weight bearing and minimal assist of 1 for 30 feet within one week D. ambulate with walker 75% weight bearing and minimal assist of 1 for 10 feet within one week


36. A physical therapist attempts to identify a patient's risk factors for coronary artery disease as part of a health screening. The patient's heart rate is recorded as 78 beats per minute and blood pressure as 110/70 mm Hg. A recent laboratory report indi A. heart rate B. blood pressure C. high-density lipoproteins (HDL) D. low-density lipoproteins (LDL)


64. A physical therapist performs rescue breathing on a patient that collapsed in the physical therapy gym. Which of the following is NOT accurate when performing rescue breathing on an adult? A. Maintain open airway with head tilt-chin lift B. Give one breath every five to six seconds C. Pinch nose shut D. Continue for 30 seconds; approximately twelve breaths


65. A physical therapist observes an intravenous line that is tangled around a patient's bed rail. What type of medical asepsis is indicated prior to coming in contact with the intravenous line? A. Gloves B. gloves, gown C. gloves, gown, mask D. None


14. A patient recently admitted to the hospital with an acute illness is referred to physical therapy. During a scheduled treatment session the patient asks what effect anemia will have on his ability to complete a formal exercise program. The MOST appropriate A. You may feel as though your muscles are weak B. You may exercise frequent nausea C. Your aerobic capacity may be reduce D. You may have a tendency to become fatigued


17. A physical therapist monitors a 6 foot 3 inch, 275 pound male's blood pressure using the brachial artery. Which of the following is MOST important when selecting an appropriate size blood pressure cuff for the patient? A. Patient's age B. Body fat percentage C. Somatotype D. Extremity circumference


22. An athlete is forced to contemplate knee surgery after spraining the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) while playing soccer. Which situation would provide the MOST direct support for an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction? A. grade III ACL sprain with a grade I posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) sprain B. grade III ACL sprain with a lateral meniscus tear C. grade II ACL sprain with a medial meniscus tear D. functional instability


27. A physical therapist performs girth measurements on a patient rehabilitating from knee surgery. The therapist takes the measurements 5 cm and 10 cm above the superior pole of the patella with the patient in supine. The girth measurements are recorded as A. The right quadriceps will be capable of producing a greater force than the left. B. The left quadriceps will be capable of producing a greater force than the right. C. The right and left quadriceps will be capable of producing equal force. D. Not enough information is given to form a conclusion.


28. A physical therapist instructs a patient to expire maximally after taking a maximal inspiration. The therapist can use these instructions to measure the patient's: A. Expiratory reserve volume B. Inspiratory reserve volume C. Total Lung capacity D. Vital capacity


3. A patient referred to physical therapy with chronic low back pain has failed to make any progress toward meeting established goals in over three weeks of treatment. The physical therapist has employed a variety of treatment techniques, but has yet to obs A. transfer the patient to another therapist's schedule B. re-examine the patient and establish new goals C. continue to modify the patient's treatment plan D. alert the referring physician to the patient's status


32. A physician orders a nasogastric tube for a patient on an acute rehabilitation unit. Which of the following does NOT accurately describe a potential use of the nasogastric tube? A. administer medications directly into the gastrointestinal tract B. obtain gastric specimens C. remove fluid or gas from the stomach D. obtain venous blood samples from the stomach


37. A physical therapist performs palpation with a patient positioned in standing as part of a respiratory assessment. Which structure would be the MOST appropriate to assess with the therapist positioned behind the patient? A. mediastinum B. upper chest wall motion C. middle chest wall motion D. lower chest wall motion


41. A physical therapist employed in an outpatient physical therapy clinic attempts to obtain informed consent from a 17-year-old male prior to initiating a formal exercise test. The patient signs the informed consent form, however, the patient's parents dro A. complete the exercise test B. secure another physical therapist to witness the exercise test C. contact the referring physician and request approval to complete the exercise test D. reschedule the exercise test


44. A physical therapist attempts to select an assistive device for a patient rehabilitating from a traumatic brain injury. The patient is occasionally impulsive, however, has fair standing balance and good upper and lower extremity strength. Which of the f A. cane B. axillary crutches C. Lofstrand crutches D. walker


47. A physical therapist examines a patient referred to physical therapy diagnosed with a medial collateral ligament sprain. During the examination the patient appears to be relaxed and comfortable, however, is extremely withdrawn. Which of the following question will you ask? A. Is this the first time you have injured your knee? B. Have you ever been to physical therapy before? C. How long after your injury did you see a physician? D. What do you hope to achieve in physical therapy?


61. A patient positioned in standing with their arm positioned at their side with 90 degrees of elbow flexion completes shoulder medial and lateral rotation exercises using a piece of elastic tubing. Which plane of the body is utilized with this activity? A. Coronal B. Frontal C. Sagittal D. Transverse


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