GK Essay Test Topics

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Benefits or Negative Effects of the Internet Reading Newsella, Kindle, Learning Ally are some of the few applications that helps students with disabilities like Dyslexia, ADHD to concentrate on their reading.

"The internet is making us more superficial thinkers", says Nicholas Carr the authors of 'The Shallows.' It creates a compulsive behavior in which we are always checking our emails, the internet, and text. We are leaving in a perpetual state of distraction and interruption. Which is dangerous cause that mode of thinking crowds out the more contemplative calmer modes of thinking. That focus calmer modes of thinking is how we learn. It's a process called memory consolidation. That means the transfer of information from our short-term working memory to our long-term memory. That movement from short to long is how we create connections between that information and everything you know. We need to calm down, unwind and focus on one thing at a time.

Essay - Introduction

1. Attention Grabber a. joke b. proverb/quote c. anecdote d. fact e. curiosity (ask a question) 2. Topic - Subject - Reasons - Main Ideas a. b. >Order c. 3. Thesis - the reason a. You Agree b. You Disagree - W5 - what, where, when, who, How - Strong statement - Relate to the Grabber, Topic, and Thesis

How to make a good essay

1. Introduction - pointing the main reasons 2. Reason pro 3. Reason cons 4. Crunch - back up your facts, present your arguments in a clear way. 5. Conclusion - is a summary of what already stated. Affirming you thesis.

Community Service in High School

85 top colleges including Ivy League wants students to have some experience on community service. Students are concentrated on achievement and college wants to send a message to them. Students nowadays are concentrated on the personal success instead of the common good. College admissions suck the joy of high schoolers. The pressure of getting into a good college puts too much pressure on students. Community service sometimes guides the students and give them an opportunity to choose and follow their passion career.

Common Core

In math, it tries to develop number sense. Some people doesn't like it because it confuses the student and hinders their learning. Due to this the students lower their self-esteem, is dumbing the children, the government wants to take away the power from parents and teachers. Other people say that the standards are there to prepare kids for college to make sure they are not left behind. To learn a set of skills.


Is the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale. The built of telephones internet, cellphones and transportation have made globalization possible. It means the countries coming together as a nation.

Effectiveness of Online Education

Other people call it Virtual School. Students have flexibility, zero bullying policy, is free, you can finish early with diploma, individualized education, challenge kids, they have time to cover the context.


Outline the Pros and cons

Higher Education Increase of Tuition and It's Effect

Since 1980 the cost of college in the US has more than tripled rising faster even than the cost of medical care. Around 70% of students in the US will graduate with some amount of debt, and the average amount for those students is $29,000.That's $312 a month for the next ten years of student loan payments. Is an undeniable fact that the cost of education in America has increased greatly and the student loan debt is becoming a burden.

Changing a Major as You Enter College

Students change majors when they enter college, sometimes a couple of time. It is common to change a major. What students need to do is narrow down the field that they like, which classes they enjoy during school. What do you see yourself doing as a career?Choosing a major is influential in getting a job in the future. Students should want a major that would help them thrive and be successful in their career.

Technology Effect on Students in School

The cons are addicted, bad information, reality vs. fiction, and lack of social interaction. The pros are an effective tool of information, helps students with special needs to be more functional in society.

The Cons of Globalization

The environment suffers the use of transport increases due to the demand of imported goods, that leads to carbon emission, that leads to climate change. The people suffers when a company move production to another country for cheaper manufacture. People lose their jobs. Environmental laws are ignore.

What is the Teacher Role in the Classroom?

The teacher is a facilitator, managers, mediators, are accountable for the students, long life learners, and entertainer.

Diversity in the Classroom (Cons)

There are a couple of cultures that are dominating and putting laws of society, determining the shape and fabric of society. These groups are deciding the systems of laws, of education, of the economy, and of natural resource management. This imbalance of power within society that is driving the loss of cultural diversity. We to realized how unlevel the playing field actually is, how imbalanced the power is in society.

Obesity in Students (What can we do?)

To do research, go to a nutritionist, eat healthier, exercise, eat small portions, do not eat junk food.

Vending Machines

USDA government is trying to make kids eat healthier. That is why the are changing junk food from the vending machines into healthier choices. They are looking at the sodium, sugar, preservatives and other harming products. They are looking out for the best interest of the youth at the long term in the future.

Higher Education Increase of Tuition and It's Effect

What colleges are doing with the money? Since 2008 colleges are spending less money in students. In 2008 there was a financial crisis, the state budget shrank, and so did some institutional endowments, meaning that students paid more and got less. Colleges are spending their money on professors. Most of the money goes to operations, R&B, administration, academic support, and student services. Colleges are acting more like a business and treating the students like custumers.

Obesity in Students

child obesity is when a child is overweight. This is measured with the child weight and height. Doctors calculate the body mass index (BMI) to ascertain the body mass. Nearly a third of our children are overweight or obese and the number continue to rise. We are raising supersize kids. These kids will grow sicker and die younger. Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, elevated cholesterol, are few diseases. There are conditions that doctors haven't seen under the age of 20 like a hernia, poor self-esteem, sleep apnea, heart disease, flat feet, fractures, gastrointestinal problems. An obese child grows to be an obese adult.

The Involvement of Parents in their Kids Schooling

educators, authorities, and experts claim that our public education system is in the midst of a crisis. All believe that schools need family engagement. When parents are involved in their child education, the child improves on school work, have more interest in learning, their confidence increases, children score higher on the standardized test.

School Mentors for Students

peer mentors are the best way sometimes to solve problems. The reason is that students can relate to each other and they are more willing to talk to someone their age than an adult. The empathy and support they can give other students are extremely valuable. The mentors know that they need to give an example. That means that attendance, conduct, and achievement and how they perform on lessons counts. School gets a mentor that needs to be a role model to others and the ones been mentor are taking care of. Then school bad behavior rates comes down.

Diversity in the Classroom Is important for students to learn about diversity, so they can be accepting of all cultures. American is known for being a melting pot filled with many different cultures. Learning about diversity can help students excel in and outside the classroom. Educators should teach diversity to enrich learning. Diversity allows students to be informed about countries and cultures. The multitude of cultures should be through books, movies, and lessons. Everyone deserves the same opportunities and education.

race-based academic standards. DOE in FL is dominated by white American females that are monolingual teachers. Cultural diversity is more than language. There are certain languages that are next to impossible to accurately translate some ideas from one language to another. When we are talking about cultural diversity we are talking of thousands way of seeing the world and our place in it. Culture involve rights of people (indigenous) to determine the future of their culture. Culture is not something that we can put into museums. Culture belong to people dynamics and changing. Progress doesn't lead to the loss of cultural diversity.

Budget Issues in Teaching

the government is cutting the budget of education. This leads to teachers layouts, the closing of schools, and overcrowded classrooms. They think that spending money in education is frivolous. The one being affected are the students because the teacher can't give the student the individualized education that he needs.


using someone else's work either their words or ideas without giving them credit. Failing to put borrowed language in quotation marks, failing to put summaries and phrases in your own words, recycling your old work and submitting it as if it is new. You can avoid plagiarism by using text citations, by using quotation marks around borrowed words and phrases.

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