Global Studies : Module 4

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What may attract someone to cities? What may cause someone to avoid cities?

1) Better jobs, higher education, more developed houses, better living standards may attract people to cities. 2) Overcrowding, bad traffic,strained resources may cause someone to avoid cities.

What is the 10/40 window?

A region of latitude across North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia has the most unreached people groups.

Like Christianity and Judaism, Islam traces its roots back to ______________.


Which region or continent has the 15 youngest countries based on the median age of population?


Which of these geographical areas has the most people?


What religious tradition is based on a response to suffering that eliminates the role of God?


In 2015, what were the top three nations from which refugees came to the US?

Burma (Myanmar), Iraq, and Somalia

Name at least seven major cities mentioned in the Bible. For help, use a concordance, Bible dictionary, or search online.

Capernaum, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Antioch, Baal, Babylon and Ephesus.

What nation sends the highest number of students to America?


What does Michael Oh mean by the phrase, "from every land to every land"?

Christian missions now involve missionaries coming from many different countries—not just America or the West.

Why is it that the presence of Christians within a particular country is no longer considered and adequate measure for the progress of the gospel?

Christians may be present in every country but not every culture.

Which of the following are reasons for making cities a priority in missions?

Cities represent great amounts of human need. Cities represent high concentrations of people. People who have recently moved to a city are more open to the gospel.

is the path of righteousness and living one's life according to the codes of conduct as described by the Hindu scriptures


What is needed the most to guard against syncretism in your own life and church?

Exercising discernment through biblical knowledge.

The Quran was supposed to have been delivered by the angel ___________ to Mohammad.


What does John's vision of heaven in Revelation 7:9-10 teach us about God and diversity?

God loves diversity and will include people from every nation, tribe and tongue in the worship of Christ.

Christ followers must be careful to recognize that victory in spiritual battle does not come through their own strength or spiritual vitality, but only through ____________________. Reference - Zechariah 4:6.

God's provision and power

Why did Big Hunter kill all of his wives except one? (Choose the best answer.)

He wanted to become a Christian.

The third largest religious tradition in the world is...


Buddhism is an offshoot of and its founder was .

Hinduism Siddhartha Gautama

What does John Piper think about prosperity's effect on missions?

It actually works against missions..

What are some of the things a healthy indigenous church does to make sure its ministry is successful? Choose four.

It does not lose credibility in its local culture due to foreign funding. It exists on its own local resources. It supports its own personnel in accordance with local standards and possibilities. It knows best what its community needs and sets its own goals and objectives.

Persecution is not something we should seek or desire, but we can acknowledge that God can and does use it for His faithful and good purposes. Choose three ways persecution shows that God is using it to form a person's character.

It trains God's people to live by faith. It testifies to the worthiness of Christ. It often leads to the growth of the church.

Hebrews 12:3 - We should be mindful that _________ endured from _________ much ___________ against himself, so that we may not grow weary or fainthearted.


_______________ is good or bad actions a person takes during life which accumulate and determine that person's fate or destiny in the life to come.


Which of the following is the best assessment of spiritual warfare?

Maintaining godliness and trust in Christ

All Islamic mosques point or face towards ________________.


What does Richard Wurmbrand counsel as necessary preparation for severe persecution?

Renouncing the pleasures of this life.

Read the passages below and match them to their descriptions about Satan John 8:44 John 10:10 2 Corinthians 11:14 2 Corinthians 4:4 1 Peter 5:8-9 Revelation 12:11 Daniel 8:25

Satan's character Satan's objectives Satan's disguise Satan's success Resisting Satan Overcoming Satan Satan's ultimate defeat

How could persecution be a good thing or worthwhile for a Christian? Chose four acceptable answers.

Suffering provides an opportunity for the believer to experience God's power. Suffering is an ally in the fight against sin. Suffering helps to shape the character of the believer in the image of Jesus. Suffering tests and demonstrates whether faith is real or not.

Read the story of the seven sons of Sceva in Acts 19:11-20 (Links to an external site.). What made the sons different from Paul and susceptible to demonic attack?

The brothers did not know Jesus. They were more interested in magic and sorcery, not evangelism. The evil spirit knew Paul, but not the brothers.

What is wrong with the traditional approach to contextualization?

The burden of understanding the missionary's message rests primarily on the lost person.

What is the greatest victory we should seek to claim in spiritual warfare?

The winning of lost people to Jesus.

Christian martyrs are defined as 'believers in Christ who have lost their lives prematurely, in situations of witness, as a result of human hostility.' Choose five essential elements that apply to Christian martyrs.

They are believers in Christ. They were killed prematurely and unexpected. They suffer death as a result of human hostility, not an accident or illness. They lost their lives. They were in situations of witnessing either through actions or words.

How do you think the fish felt about the help it received?

Uncertain and scared since the fish was removed from the water, its natural habitat.

Anyone can become a Buddha.

Yes, if one practices diligently and attains purity of mind.

What is an essential presupposition before any attempt to contextualize the gospel?

You must believe that the gospel is universally true.

There are many good reasons for developing the ability to communicate cross-culturally. Match the causes and effects based on how they correspond to each other. Businesses want to sell their products in other countries Governments choose ambassadors Translations of the Bible

advertisements need to use the correct idioms and language specific language skills and an understanding of an assigned country communicating and applying the truth of the gospel into a particular culture in relevant ways

What is Satan's real power?


Philippians 1:12-14 - Paul's ___________ for the cause of Christ actually served to ____________ the gospel.


What does David Platt mean when he says, "All the easy places have already been taken"? That the Gospel is needed most...(choose all correct answers)

in place where living life is difficult in places that are hard to reach in places that are hostile to the Gospel

All people have of God the Father. All people reject the of God. There are no people in the world. All people are for God.

knowledge true knowledge innocent condemned rejecting

From the secular world's perspective, the biblical view of suffering is...

nonsense and foolishness.

Acts 5:29 - Peter and the apostles answered, "We must _______ God rather than _________.

Is the current trend for immigration rising or falling?


Revelation 2:10 - Do not fear what you are about to __________. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the ___________ of life.

What is the original meaning of the word, "martyr"?


According to the video, what is the purpose of the Buddhist prayer wheels?

work off bad karma

John 15:18 - If the ________ hated Jesus, we know it will also hate His followers.


In this list adapted from Duane Elmer, identify each statement as an attitude to adopt, an effort to make, or an opinion to overcome. 1. We should recognize how our own cultural heritage has influenced us and made us different from others. 2. The Bible teaches us to value diversity. 3. We think that everyone else sees and interacts with the world like us. 4. Cultural differences can be good, bad, or simply "different." 5. We tend to make quick judgments in what we observe about others different from us. 6. We should seek to learn about others' culture to help us understand and accept them. 7. We need to withhold judgment and maintain open-mindedness. effort to make 8. We should ask why people speak or behave in certain ways. opinion to overcome

attitude to adopt attitude to adopt opinion to overcome attitude to adopt opinion to overcome effort to make attitude to adopt effort to make

What is the term used to describe the scattering of people from their original homeland?


What is the best way to understand the biblical term "ta ethne" found in the Great Commission?

people groups

Matthew 5:12 - Jesus encourages us to actually rejoice in ______________, because it reminds us of our reward in heaven and identifies us with the ___________ before us who also faced persecution.


Based on the information from the video on unreached people groups, one speaker says, "If what you want to do is change people's hearts...this isn't something you do in the flesh." What does he recommend?


Buddhists see suffering as the ultimate evil; Christians recognize that the real problem is humanity's sin and separation from God.

suffering sin

Second only to the Islamic belief in the oneness of God is the of Mohammad as Allah's prophet . According to Islam, Jesus was one of many .

supremacy prophet prophets

Any form of Christianity or denomination that declares that their beliefs include Jesus plus something other than biblical truth is called_______________.


One of the most foundational errors in mission strategy is...

that a people group must reject their own culture and join another's in order to fully obey and follow Jesus.

Which of the following parables of Jesus provides instruction about God's heart for the foreigner in our midst?

the good Samaritan

Identify each of the following statements about culture as true or false. Culture is something created by people, but then becomes the shaper of people. TRUE Culture is abstract and invisible, limited to ideas, feelings, and values of a group of people. Culture is the same for all people. Culture is the context for nearly everything people think and do.

true false false true

Contextualization is the important work of translating the unchanging of the Gospel into and actions that fit the , , and perspectives of another

truth language language settings culture

Besides the parable of the prodigal son, what two other parables in Luke chapter 15 illustrate God's love for the lost?

the lost coin the lost sheep

What one nation had more Christian believers attend worship last Sunday than all those who did so in Europe?


Which of the following countries is not one of the top three sources of refugees in the US?


Livermore says, "It's hard to be entirely appalled by someone who reflects God, no matter how dim the reflection appears."1 How does this relate to a commitment to develop your cultural intelligence?

Christians should see others as created in the image of God.

There are many differences between Hinduism and Christianity, choose four from the list below that are the most significant.

Hinduism is inclusive and indiscriminate. Hinduism makes God more of a concept than a person. Hinduism views evil as necessary and something to be accepted. Hinduism downplays the concept of sin.

There are several aspects of Hinduism that make it rather unique among the world's religions. Choose three that are the best answers.

Hindus are born, not made. Hinduism is intentionally broad and diverse. Hinduism is more about practice than belief.

What do you think would be the attitude of local believers in this situation when it comes to giving to the church or ministry?

I believe that the local believers would tend to be less generous with their offerings when it comes to giving to the church or ministry as they would have the mindset that foreign money would be given to provide for all their ministry needs, thus, they have the right to give less.

What is the problem with the idea that "all religions ultimately lead to God"? (Choose the best answer.)

It assumes that people are able to reach God through human effort alone.

Michael Oh's family endured a dark time of war and occupation in Korea before migrating to America. Then God called Oh to the mission field. Where did he go?


Many Muslims hope for _____________, the complete rule of Islamic law in the entire world.


What did the monkey do to try to help the fish?

Snatched the fish from the raging waters and took it back to his shelter.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 - Paul was actually glad to acknowledge his weaknesses and the insults, hardships, and persecutions he faced. He knew that when he was ________, then he was __________.


John 15:19 - If you were of the _________, the world would ________ you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I _______ you out of the world, therefore the world _______ you.

A healthy indigenous church exists on its own _____________________.

local resources

The word "Islam" means ______________.


Rank these world religions in terms of their percentage of world population. Christian Muslim/Islam Non- Religious and Atheists Hindu Buddhism Judaism

1 2 3 4 5 6

For years, church leaders have heard the claim that nearly nine out of ten Christians accept Jesus as their savior before the age of ____. (According to Barna Research)


As of 2015, what percentage of children under age 18 in the US are immigrants?


What was the immigration population of the USA in 2014?

42.4 million

Match the percentages of people by their geographical distribution. Asians South Americans Europeans Africans Oceanians North Americans

61% 5% 12% 13% 1% 8%

According to the video, how much of the world's population is non-white?


Which of these descriptions best fits the typical Christian in the world?

A black young female in Nigeria.

How would you counter the idea that Christianity is a Western religion that should not be imposed on other cultures? Choose all valid arguments.

All cultures can become capable of expressing the truth of the gospel. Christianity has its roots in the Middle East. God's truth is not bound to any culture.

Which of these statements involves a cultural assumption?

All of the other statements involve a cultural assumption.

2 Timothy 3:12 - _______ who desire to live a _________ life in Christ Jesus will be _______________.


What advice would you give the monkey for future situations where he would like to help?

Always reach out to those you wish to help and make sure you are truly being helpful.

How would you counter the prosperity gospel teaching that says, "If you don't get healed, it's because you did not have enough faith"?

As much as God says that He will bless us, and give us things if we ask in faith, it would be according to His will and not us. Having more faith does not promise a life without suffering, neither does having less faith. God loves us and cares for us, but He did not say that one will never get sick, never experience suffering. He says that while we are on this earth, we will have to go through hard times, pain and suffering included, but He promises us hope. So it is not about what you do that allows you to be healed, it is according to his will.

Give at least three reasons why the situation stated above is unhealthy.

He has an unhealthy dependency on foreign money. There are things that he could be doing himself but instead, he relies on foreign money to get work done. This cause the developing of churches in nations to be difficult. He also uses the foreign money to live a lavish life when he could be using that money to bless others. It also seems that since he has quite a bit of money, he is able to influence what the church is able to do, which should not be the way. Money should not be what influence. It is unhealthy when a ministry leader wields too much power because he gets lots of foreign funds.It is unhealthy when a church or ministry allows foreign donors to shape its goals and objectives in order to preserve the financial help.It is unhealthy when outside donors create higher salaries for ministry than is appropriate or sustainable by local standards.

Different Character. Those who are truly following Jesus will run after the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). They will never be perfect, but they will be working with all the strength God gives to become more and more like Christ. False teachers, on the other hand, typically live a life of deceit and arrogance. And that leads to destruction (Proverbs 16:18). What kind of life did Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, exhibit?

He led a prideful life, based on his actions, one can say that he was a liar, and quite delusional too. He lived a life of deceit and arrogance. He made a false prophecy about the United States, a prophecy that did not happen. He also boasted that he did more than Jesus did, "holding the churches together more than Jesus did". He claimed that he had received a message from God and Jesus, that the two of them told him that all the churches were wrong. He also claimed that an angel came to him and gave him a vision of golden plate, which had "reformed Egyptian" words on it, and claimed that he was given supernatural abilities to translate it. This was how the book of Mormon was found.

Match these components of cultural intelligence (CQ) with their descriptions. The level of understanding of cross-cultural issues and differences. The ability to recognize and correctly interpret the cues in cross-cultural encounters and interactions. The level of motivation and drive to adapt cross-culturally. The ability to change so as to act appropriately in a different

Knowledge Interpretive Perseverance Behavioral

In some ways, this is a revisit of the lesson about Christ as the only way to God, but it is worthwhile to review in light of this discussion. Match the Scripture references below to what they teach about the necessity of salvation through Christ before death. A person cannot or will not change their status in the life to come. If people can gain righteousness before God by obeying what they know apart from Christ, Jesus died needlessly. Jesus Himself claimed to be the only way to the Father. Judgment follows death. People must hear the gospel in order to believe it. People who do not come to belief and obedience in Jesus will face the wrath of God. People will be judged by what they have done in this life, not the next. There is salvation in no other name than Jesus.

Luke 16:19-31 Galatians 2:21 John 14:6 Hebrews 9:27 Romans 10:12-15 John 3:36 Revelation 20:11-12 Acts 4:12

The tradition and practice of _______________ in Buddhism are extremely strong and important.


How have religious demographics changed in the past few decades? Check the statements below which are true.

Religious affiliation is declining in North America and Europe. The largest shift in religious affiliation has taken place in Africa. China will soon have as many practicing Christians as the US

Different Means. True teachers will point to our sin and our need for forgiveness. We cannot save ourselves or earn a place in heaven. The only way we can overcome our sin and be saved is through repentance and faith in the grace and redemption of Jesus Christ. False teachers will point to other ways of salvation, sometimes using Christian words and concepts with unbiblical meanings, or they will add other requirements, as in "Jesus plus something else." What do Mormons say is the way to salvation or heaven?

Mormons say that the way to salvation is through the grace of God and through their own actions. They believe that Jesus had already atoned for their sins but it was only part of the way to salvation. They believe that they had to fulfill the other part of salvation in order to achieve full quality of eternal life. They have to be baptized into the Mormon church.

Hindus would probably not see yoga, gurus, and reincarnation as the most significant aspects of their religion.


What large and prominent city today will not be in the top 25 of the world's largest cities in 2050?

New York

How would you address the objection that God is unfair in condemning people who have never heard the gospel? Identify at least three points from the study this week on this topic.

One thing that people need to know is that God is not just a God who judges and condemns, the Bible has stated repeatedly that God is a loving and merciful God. He would find ways for those people to know about Him, it is when they heard of the gospel and rejected it then they are condemned to Hell. He may even reveal Himself through simple things like nature. God is also a fair and just God, and those attributes cannot be compromised, He even desires that everyone be saved. Even in Romans 1:20, it states "For since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse". So that would mean that even if they do not know the gospel, they have knowledge of God the Father. Which meant that we are not excused from his punishment.

_________________ is likely the biggest factor in creating dependency.

Outside funding

What illustration was given to refute the idea that people are only condemned when they reject the gospel?

People who are drowning in an icy ocean

No exploration of "the nations next door" is complete without a look at what the Bible says on the subject. Look up these Scripture passages and match them to the truth they express about how God views immigrants and refugees. God watches over the foreigner as He does orphans and widows. Jesus Himself was a refugee. God describes injustice to foreigners as equally evil as sorcery, adultery, and lying. God gave Phillip the opportunity to lead an Ethiopian to Christ after his visit to Jerusalem. God loves the foreigner and even provides food and clothing for them. Jesus made it clear that loving one's neighbor including caring for those who are different cultures and traditions Jesus equated Himself with the stranger who needed to be clothed, fed, and housed. God insists that the immigrant be granted the same labor protections as Israelites, including a Sabbath day's rest. The people of God should remember their own history as immigrants in Egypt and therefore treat immigrants well.

Psalm 146:9 Matthew 2:13-15 Malachi 3:5 Acts 8:26-29 Deuteronomy 10:17-18 Luke 10:30-37 Matthew 10:35-36 Exodus 20-10 Exodus 23:9

The major divisions or sects in Islam are the ___________ and the _____________.


Between 2000 and 2014, what were the top five states with the largest percent growth of the immigrant population?

Tennessee, Kentucky, Wyoming, North Dakota, and South Carolina

What did the monkey assume about "fish culture"?

That the fish would be safer in the monkey's shelter than in the raging waters.

Different Message. The entire message of a true teacher will always revolve around the gospel of Jesus Christ. False teachers may mention Jesus here and there, but they will ultimately deny His deity and work (2 Peter 2:1). Of course, they won't do so openly at first, and you'll need to listen carefully to see if Jesus is at the core. What does the Mormon Church really believe about Jesus?

The believe that Jesus is the literal son of God and his goddess wife, begotten in the pre-existence. They believe that He is one of 3 gods in the godhead. They also believe that the Trinity is three separate gods.They have the belief that Jesus was the first one to receive a spirit body, and that He atoned for sin on the cross and in the garden of Gethsemane.

The video on unreached people groups concludes by stating, "The core of the gospel is life on life; it's people touching other people." What does this mean?

The gospel is meant to be shared personally

Which of the following definitions best and most accurately applies to the missional term, "people group"?

The largest population segment within which the gospel can spread through natural social networks without encountering barriers of understanding or acceptance.

What was the monkey's motivation?

The monkey wanted to help the struggling fish.

Different Source. True teachers will reach for the Bible first, second, and always. They may use other sources of information to help explain what Scripture reveals, but the foundation of their message is always built upon "Thus says the Lord...." If you start hearing more from other sources than God's Word, you may need to hit the door.What is the real source of authority in the Mormon Church?

The real source of authority in the Mormon Church would be the Book of Mormon, which claims that the Book of Mormon is more accurate than the Bible. Part of their beliefs has many misconceptions on Jesus and the devil, claiming them to be spirit brothers and they were born as siblings in heaven.

Choose from the list below the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism.

There is path leading to the cessation of suffering. There is cause for suffering. There is cessation of suffering. There is suffering.

Different End. Here's the part that should make us all stand up and take notice of why this matters. Where does this faith lead? Why should people follow? What is the real goal? The biblical view of heaven is an eternity of enjoying God up close and personal. Jesus Christ will be the center of attention. False teachers lead people to pursue their own selfish desires (2 Timothy 4:3-4), which ends in "swift destruction" (2 Peter 2:1). Jesus will tell them that He never knew them (Matthew 7:21-23). What is the Mormon expectation of the afterlife? What is their vision of heaven?

They believe in an afterlife that is complex, where after death, judgements is passed through several steps. The first step comes when you die and judgement is passed, and so the disembodied is placed into either paradise or spirit prison. Either ways, both in either places have to suffer until Jesus's second coming. Another judgment then happens. Joseph Smith speaks of the three-tiered hierarchy of heavens. The highest is the celestial kingdom, which is for those who have married for time and eternity in Mormon temples. The next level is the Terrestrial Kingdom, for those who lived honorable lives and who accepted the atonement of Christ, but who were not valiant in their testimonies of Christ. They enjoy Jesus's presence but not God's. The third stage is the Telestial Kingdom, where sinners who refused to repent will be. In their belief, because of Jesus's atonement, everyone will eventually be redeemed. Those who do not repent suffer during the afterlife, but are still redeemed. They enjoy the presence of the Holy Ghost but not Jesus or God's presence.

How does Islam view the death and resurrection of Jesus?

They do not believe that Jesus was either crucified or rose from the dead.

What does it mean to "triangulate" in the work of reaching a UPG?

To connect the work of reaching a UPG overseas with that of reaching them in your own country.

Allah is a non- Trinitarian god, and according to Islam, the greatest of sins is to attribute partners to God.

Trinitarian Partners

Based on the information presented in the lesson and your own research, match the definitions to the correct term. What is the label given to an ethnolinguistic segment in which there is no church planting strategy consistent with Evangelical faith and practice under way? What is the largest ethnolinguistic segment within which the gospel can spread through natural social networks without encountering barriers of understanding or acceptance? What is the designation for the largest category of culturally-related people groups? What recognizes the percentage of evangelicals, access to evangelical resources, and recent church planting activity What area is home to the largest unreached people groups in the world? What is the designation for closely-related peoples and is the second-largest category of people groups? What is the designation of an ethnolinguistic segment where less than 2% of the population are Evangelical Christians. This indicator helps to show more precisely the state of church planting and gospel response among a people group.

Unengaged people group People Group Affinity blocs Global status of Christianity 10/40 window people cluster unreached people group progress scale

1 Peter 4:12 - If you are ___________ for the name of Christ, you are __________, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.


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