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2182 kHz

If your rig is equipped with a SSB radio, what frequency would you use to initiate a distress call?

2182.0 KHz

If your vessel is equipped with a SSB radio, what frequency would you use to initiate a distress call such as fire onboard?

Channel 13

In GMDSS, the VHF channel reserved for bridge-to-bridge communication is:

Channel 70

In GMDSS, the channel used for VHF DSC calling for distress and safety is:

Channel 70

In GMDSS, the channel used for VHF DSC calling for public correspondence is:

General communications

In GMDSS, those communication between ship stations and shore-based communication networks which concern the management and operation of the ship and may have an impact on its safety is, e.g. orders for pilot and and tug services, charts replacement, repairs, etc. is called:

Sending the distress message

In Morse Code signaling by Hand Flag or Arms, following are the transmitting signals to a receiving station except for;?

Double-Side-Band (DSB)

In class of emission A3E, A refers to:

Telegraphy, for automatic reception

In class of emission F1B, B refers to:

Single-Side-Band (SSB) with full carrier

In class of emission H3E, H refers to:

Single-Side-Band (SSB) with suppressed carrier

In class of emission J3E, J refers to:

Single-Side-Band (SSB) with reduced carrier

In class of emission R3E, R refers to:

Coast Stations

In sea areas A3 and A4, the transmission of DSC distress alert on HF band should be addressed to:


In the COSPAS/SARSAT system, the distress signals picked up by the satellite are place to a ground receiving station known as:

It will alert shipping to a possible future distress call

In the event of a collision, why is it important to transmit MAYDAY or PAN-PAN signals, even if not in distress?

To alerts possible future distress call.

In the event of fire onboard why is it important to transmit MAYDAY or PAN PAN signals, even if not in Distress?

Distress coordinates message

Message 2 in the DSC distress call contains the:

Time indication (UTC) when the coordinates were valid

Message 3 in the DSC distress call contains the:

Single character to indicate the type of communication which is preferred by the station in distress forsubsequent exchange of distress traffic

Message 4 in the DSC distress call contains the:


Russian acronym which means space system for the search of vessels in distress.

Bridge-to-bridge communication

Safety communication between ships from the position from which the ships are normally navigated is called:

DSC in the VHF and MF Bands

Ship-to-ship distress alerting is primarily based on:

2187.5 KHz

The DSC distress alerting frequency in the MF band is:

Pan Pan

The Radiotelephone Urgency signal is:


The SART operates on 9 Ghz. What radar band does this frequency belong to:

156.800 MHz (Channel 16)

The VHF radiotelephone calling, safety, distress, frequency is ________.


The class of emission designated for HF Radiotelex and DSC is:


The class of emission designated for all radiotelephony frequencies in the maritime HF band (3-30)MHz is:

SAR coordinating communications

The communication necessary for the coordination of the ships and aircraft participating in a search resulting from a distress incident is called:


The correct DSC Alert category to be used when your own vessel is in grave and imminent danger is:

Distress Alert Relay

The correct DSC Alert, Call or Announcement to be used before sending a Distress Message on behalf of another vessel is:

Port of departure and destination of the mobile unit in distress

The distress alert relay shall contain the following EXCEPT:

Ship-to-shore distress alerts

The distress alerts used to alert Rescue Coordination Centers via coast stations or coast earth stations that a ship is in distress is:

Ship-to-ship distress alerts

The distress alerts used to alert other ships in the vicinity of the ship in distress and are based on the use of DSC in the VHF and MF bands:

Shore-to-ship distress alert

The distress alerts used to alert other ships in the vicinity of the ship:

Ship-to-shore distress alerts

The distress alerts which are based on the use of transmissions via satellites (from a ship earth station or a satellite EPIRB) and terrestrial services (from ship stations and EPIRBs) are:


The kind of emission classes which can be used on 2182 KHz is any of the following EXCEPT:

1200 bauds

The transmission speed of a DSC call on VHF band is:

Channel 6

VHF channel used for communication between ships and aircraft for coordinated SAR operations:

Fabric Computer

What Computer is flexible?

Select "transmit" menu and send a cancel message via the CES used for the distress alert.

What action should you take after sending a false distress alert on InmarsatC?

Distress signal

What are the operation of emergency equipment & application of emergency procedures?

Message 2 of distress calls

What element of a DSC call describes the emergency position with the aid of 10 digits?

Message 3 of distress calls

What element of a DSC call describes the hour of the position, and given in UTC with the aid of 4 digits?

Message 4 of distress calls

What element of a DSC call indicates the type of communication desired the subsequent correspondence?

Message 1 of distress calls

What element of a DSC call indicates the type of distress situation?

Dot pattern

What element of the DSC call consists of dots sent out to enable the scanning receiver to tune itself to the frequency (stop scanning)?

End of sequence

What element of the DSC call indicates if the call requires an acknowledgement of receipt and if the current messages is a reply to another call?

Message 2 of routine calls

What element of the DSC call indicates the frequency desired for the subsequent communication?

Message 1 of routine calls

What element of the DSC call indicates whether one wants the communication by telephony, telex or data transfer?

Phasing sequence

What element of the DSC call serves as the phasing-in signals preparing the receiver to receive the information from the DSC transmitter?

Error check character

What element of the DSC call which is transmitted as a control bit for the whole call?

All of the above. -Ship's Name and Call Sign. -Ship's position. -Ship's MMSI number.

What information should be included in a distress follow on voice transmission?

Highest quality of cleanliness

What is a Continuous Computer Paper?

Having a Digital and Analog features

What is a Hybrid Computer?

An Internationally recognized communication indicating that the sender is threatened by grave andimminent danger and request immediate assistance

What is a distress communication?

All messages relative to the immediate assistance required by a ship, aircraft or other vehicle inimminent danger

What is a distress traffic?


What is an Analog Computer?


What is priority will you use in sending your message by fax, if your ship in or fire?

The word "PAN PAN" spoken three times before the urgent call.

What is the Internationally recognized " URGENCY" signal?

Channel 16

What is the channel used for distress call such as fire on board?.

Horizontal motion of a white light or flare

What is the landing signals for small boats with crews or persons in distress made at night by lifesaving station to indicate "Landing here highly dangerous"?

Power to operate the radio installation and conduct Distress and Safety communications in the event of failure of the ship's main and emergency sources of electrical power.

What is the meaning of "Reserve Source of Energy"?

None of the above.

What is the proper format for a distress follow on voice transmission? (3x is three times),

Set watch on the radiotelephone distress and safety frequency associated with the distress and safetycalling frequency on which the distress alert was received.

What is the proper procedure to be followed upon receipt of a distress alert transmitted by use of Digital Selective Calling Techniques?

"MAYDAY" spoken 3 times

What is the spoken emergency signal for a distress signal over a VHF radio?

By pressing a "Distress Button" or "Distress Hot Key(s)" on the equipment.

What is usually the first step for a GMDSS Radio Operator to take when initiating a distress priority message, such as fire onboard, via INMARSAT?

Maintain a continuous DSC watch on VHF channel 70.

When operating in coastal waters (sea area A1), a GMDSS-equipped vessel must:

Immediately after floating free

When will be the float-free Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon be activated after abandoning ship due to fire onboard?

2182.0 Khz

When you received a DSC distress alert on 2187.5 khz indicating "USB telelphony" as subsequent communication, you should listen for the distress message that follows on ____

16 and 2174.5

Which channel has been designated for on-scene communications in GMDSS?


Which channel is designated for GMDSS Digital Selective Calling?

Right hand triangular pattern

Which flight pattern indicates that the pilot needs assistance or that the aircraft's transmitter has failed but its receiver still operates?

Any of the above -Sound Signal -Smoke Signal -Red Flare

Which is a Distress Signal?


Which of the following MMSI belongs to a Philippine registered vessel?

2187.5, 4207.5, 6312.0, 8414.5, 12577.0, 16804.5

Which of the following are the MF/HF DSC Distress watch frequencies

Ch-70 DSC.

Which of the following channels and modes should be used when initiating a distress alert transmission?

2174.5 kHz

Which of the following frequencies is normally used for distress and safety communications?

A continuous DSC watch on Ch-70.

Which of the following watches must a compulsory vessel maintain when sailing in Sea Area A1?

All of the above -Distress signal MAYDAY -Call to a particular station -A meteorological warning

Which radiotelephone transmission may be sent over channel 16?

A distress maybe use to alert other vessel and authorities in port

Which statement concerning Distress Alert such as fire on board is true?

Information contained in a distress alerts includes the name and position of the distressed vessel, and may include additional information such as nature of distress and what kind of assistance that may be required.

Which statement concerning GMDSS distress alerts, such as fire on board is TRUE?

Keep well clear of the vessel because she is on fire and has dangerous cargo onboard or she is leaking dangerous cargo.

You are approaching another vessel and see that she has a signal flag J hoisted. What should you do?

Transmit a DSC distress relay alert

You are onboard a ship in sea area A3 and you have received a DSC distress alert on 8414.5 KHz. If no DSC distress acknowledgement is received from a coast station within 3 minutes, you should:


You are using VHF channel 16 (156.8 MHz) or 2182 kHz. You need help but are not in danger. You should use the urgent signal:

2182.0 KHz

You have receive a DSC distress alert on 2187.5 KHz and it is indicated that the distress message is to be transmitted by SSB telephony. Which frequency are you supposed to listen to?

12290 kHz

You have received a DSC distress alert on HF. Your DSC receiver shows that the distress alert was transmitted on 12577 kHz. On which frequency shall you set your HF receiver for reception of the complete distress message by RT?

4125 kHz

You have received a DSC distress alert on HF. Your DSC receiver shows that the distress alert was transmitted on 4207.5 kHz. On which frequency shall you set your HF receiver for reception of the complete distress message by RT?

6215 kHz

You have received a DSC distress alert on HF. Your DSC receiver shows that the distress alert was transmitted on 6312 kHz. On which frequency shall you set your HF receiver for reception of the complete distress message by RT?

8291 kHz

You have received a DSC distress alert on HF. Your DSC receiver shows that the distress alert was transmitted on 8414.5 kHz. On which frequency shall you set your HF receiver for reception of the complete distress message by RT?


You should send a DSC- message because of a fire on board and assistance by other ships required have to choice the category?


Your ship is involved in a search and rescue operation and you are bothered by interference from other stations, which signal are you going to use to impose radio silence?

Automatically repeated after 3 and a half to 4 and a half minutes

A DSC distress alert single frequency call attempt is awaiting acknowledgement:


A DSC-message of the "safety" category is received by another vessel on 70. Conform to the GMDSS rules, for the continuation of the safety traffic, change to VHF-channel:

Send DSC distress alert - wait for acknowledgement send the distress message

A GMDSS equipped ship has to send a distress call. The call sequence to be followed.

Hybrid (communication networks)

A communications network that uses a combination of line facilities, i.e., trunks, loops, or links, some of which use only analog or quasi-analog signals and some of which use only digital signals, system for Long Range Resource Tracking in Search and Rescue Scenarios.

a distress signal

A man aboard a vessel, signaling by raising and lowering his outstretched arms to each side, is indicating_______.?

Press emergency/distress button continuously for 5 seconds

A ship is in distress. How could priority be obtained over the Inmarsat Satellite System so that distress message could be transmitted?

Coast station

A shore-to-ship distress alert relay initiated by a station or a Rescue Coordination Centre which receives a distress alert shall be addressed to any of the following EXCEPT:


A valid MMSI number for a DSC call to a specific group of vessel is:

"MAYDAY" spoken 3 times

A vessel is on fire and require immediate assistance. The VHF call starts with:

Coast station only

Acknowledgement of a DSC distress alert by use of DSC is normally made by:

156.526 MHz

Channel 70 for digital selective calling for Distress, Safety and Calling frequency operate at:

On-scene communications

Communications between the ship in distress and assisting units which relate to the provision of assistance to the ship or the rescue of survivors is called:

SAR coordinating communications

Communications necessary for the coordination of ships and aircraft participating in a search and rescue operation following a distress alert and include communications between RCC's and any OSC or CSS in the area of the distress incident is called:

Once a day

DSC controllers have a facility that allows the unit to be routinely tested without the associated transmitter being activated. The unit should be tested while underway at least?

Medical transports messages

Distress traffic consists of the following EXCEPT:

Nature of distress message

For a DSC distress call, the distress information is contained in four messages. Message 1 is the:

At all times when underway

GMDSS vessel equipped for A2, A3 or A4 must maintain a continuous DSC watch on 2187.5 khz:

Pressing a distress key on the equipment

How is a distress message, such a fire onboard normally initiated through Inmarsat?


How many HF frequencies are available for DSC distress related Calls?


How many HF frequencies are available for DSC distress related calls?


How many frequencies are available under GMDSS for DSC distress related calls?


How many pieces of portable GMDSS VHF transceivers must be provided for a ship of 450 gross tonnage?

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