Government Final

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What is skewed distribution?

An asymmetrical distribution of opinions with the most frequent response off to one side.

What is influencing behavior?

Behavior that seeks to modify or reverse government policy to serve political interests

T/F: After the Battle of the Windmill, Napoleon created the Order of the Purple Heart award


If you wish to find the largest concentration of reporters in the world, you should go to: a) Washington D.C. b) Paris c) New York d) London

a) Washington D.C.

Which Russian leader does Snowball most resemble? a) Lenin b) Trotsky c) Stalin d) Gorbachev

b) Trotsky

What was the only committee to meet with any success? a) Boxing b) Egg production c) Reading and Writing d) Comrades Re-education

c) Reading and writing

The term "media" refers to a) television b) radio c) newspapers d) all of the above

d) All of the above

According to John Locke, the fundamental purposes of government does not include the protection of: a) Life b) Liberty c) Property d) Happiness

d) Happiness

What is stable distribution?

A distribution of opinions that shows little change over time.

What is bimodal distribution?

A distribution of opinions that shows two responses chosen about as frequently as each other.

What is opinion schema?

A network of organized knowledge and beliefs that guides a person's processing of information on a particular subject

What is progressivism?

A philosophy of political reform based on the goodness and wisdom of the individual citizen as opposed to special interests and political institutions

What is a direct primary?

A preliminary election in which voters choose each party's candidates for the election

What is an initiative?

A procedure which voters can use to propose an issue to be decided by the legislature or the people in a referedum

What is the Socioeconomic Model?

A relationship between social and economic status and conventional political involvement; people with higher status and more education are more likely to participate.

What is normal distribution?

A symmetrical bell-shaped distribution of opinions centered on the most frequent response

What is supportive behavior?

Action that expresses allegiance to government and the country

What is political participation?

Actions of private citizens by which they seek to influence or support government and politics

What is an interest group?

An organized group of individuals that seeks to influence public policy

T/F: All animals shall drink alcohol (according to the Commandments)


T/F: All animals shall wear clothes (according to the Commandments)


T/F: Boxer learned the entire alphabet by heart


T/F: Even Benjamin was enthusiastic about building a windmill to warm his stall


T/F: Eventually many animals are able to retire to the paddock


T/F: Mr. Pilkington deceived Napoleon


T/F: Napoleon frequently was seen making deals with Mr. Pilkington and Mr. Frederick at the same time.


T/F: Not all animals are equal (according to the Commandments)


T/F: On the flag of Animal Farm, Snowball paints a hammer and scythe


T/F: The apples and milk are equally divided amongst all the animals


T/F: The dogs represent the aristocracy of Russia


T/F: The horses bought for the farm were able to learn the whole alphabet


T/F: The pigs find wine in the farmhouse cellar


T/F: Two legs good, Four legs bad


What are the four common requirements to vote in most democracies?

Must be a citizen, be mentally competent, be of a certain age, and have residence in the country in which you are voting

What is socioeconomic status?

Position in society, based on a combination of education, occupational status, and income.

What is conventional participation?

Relatively routine political behavior that uses institutional channels and is acceptable to the dominant culture

What is unconventional participation?

Relatively uncommon political behavior that challenges or defies established institutions and dominant norms

What is public opinion?

The attitudes of citizens concerning a particular issue or question.

What is political socialization?

The complex process by which people acquire their political values

What is issue framing?

The manner in which a politician or interest group leader defines an issue when presenting it to others.

What is a recall?

The process for removing an elected official from office

What is enfranchisement?

The right to vote

T/F: All animals are comrades, including rats and rabbits


T/F: All animals are equal (according to the Commandments)


T/F: Eventually the pigs carry whips and walk on two legs


T/F: Minimus composed a poem about Napoleon


T/F: No animal shall kill another animal (according to the Commandments)


T/F: Orwell implies that for the working class the change from Czar to Communism results in the same life for the lower class, one of oppression.


T/F: The basis of Old Major's speech came to him in a dream


T/F: The humans eventually begin to call the farm Animal Farm rather than Manor Farm


T/F: The pigs spend most of their time on files, reports, memorandum and minutes


T/F: The sheep, hens and ducks were the stupid animals


What is direct action?

Unconventional participation that involves assembling crowds to confront businesses and local governments to demand a hearing

Acts or laws prohibiting discrimination in employment, or legislation requiring equal pay for equal work regardless of gender, or affirmative action laws: a) Are infringements on freedom in the name of equality b) Increase inequality by permitting more freedom c) Limit freedom for social order d) Deny certain people access to other public benefit programs

a) Are infringements on freedom in the name of equality

What do Mr. Frederick and a group of men do? a) Blow up the windmill b) Bring in the militia to help them slaughter the animals c) Offer the animals a cut of the profits if they work for them d) Burn down the house and barns

a) Blow up the windmill

Identify the speaker, "I have no wish to take a life, not even a human life." a) Boxer b) Snowball c) Moses d) Mollie

a) Boxer

To ensure stability, the objective of government political institutions in democratic systems should be to: a) Channel participation into conventional activities b) Make conventional and unconventional participation unattractive c) Make unconventional participation impossible d) Introduce non-violent forms of unconventional activities

a) Channel participation into conventional activities

Valuing economic equality and family, schools and neighborhoods is a characteristic of: a) Communitarians b) Conservatives c) Libertarians d) Liberals

a) Communitarians

A ______ values freedom more than equality but would restrict freedom to preserve social order. a) Conservative b) Liberal c) Libertarian d) Communitarian

a) Conservative

Political socialization: a) Continues through life b) Usually ends when a person gets a full-time job c) Ends with marriage and parenthood d) Continues only in formal schooling

a) Continues through life

What are rituals like marching, parades, songs and medals meant to do? a) Erase individuality, foster loyalty, provide group identity b) Provide a substitute for organized sports c) Entertain, delight and encourage creativity d) Keep the animals from being overly bored in their free time

a) Erase individuality, foster loyalty, provide group identity

The concepts that identify the values commonly pursued by governments include: a) Freedom, order and equality b) Majoritarian democracy and pluralist democracy c) Public ownership of the means of production d) Liberty and democracy

a) Freedom, Order and Equality

What place is considered the most globalized in the world? a) Ireland b) Sweden c) Switzerland d) Singapore

a) Ireland

What happens to the song "Beasts of England"? a) It is outlawed and replaced by an uninspiring song b) The animals suddenly forget the words and no longer sing it c) Humans start singing it and supporting it equally d) The animals no longer sing it, even when the pigs insist

a) It is outlawed and replaced by an uninspiring song

The way that Squealer persuades the other animals to accept the pigs greedy and tyrannical ways was by telling them: a) Jones will return if they do not listen to the pigs b) The pigs would kill all the animals c) The disobedient animals would have their food rations cut d) The animals would be turned to sausages

a) Jones will return if they do not listen to the pigs

Which ideology is usually associated with change? a) Liberal b) Conservative c) Libertarian d) Communitarian

a) Liberal

Whom does Old Major represent? a) Marx and Lenin b) Hitler and Stalin c) Roosevelt and Churchill d) Ivan the Terrible and Alexander II

a) Marx and Lenin

When the US and other nations went to war in Iraq and the Iraqi people temporarily lost their ability to be governed by a government of their choice, the Iraqis suffered a loss of: a) National sovereignty b) Politics c) National supremacy d) Self control

a) National sovereignty

Which type of government is best typified as being ruled by the most educated members of a society? a) Oligarchy b) Direct Democracy c) Dictatorship d) Socialist

a) Oligarchy

A basic political value taught in elementary school is: a) patriotism and respect for authority b) economic equality c) freedom d) individualism

a) Patriotism and respect for authority

In the end, which groups did not produce any food by their own labor? a) Pigs and Dogs b) Sheep and Hens c) Horses and Cows d) Cats and Donkeys

a) Pigs and Dogs

The process by which one becomes aware of politics, learns political facts and forms political values is called: a) Political Socialization b) Identity politics c) Political education d) Coming to age politically

a) Political socialization

In the current context, a liberal would tend to: a) Promote economic equality ahead of freedom and freedom ahead of social order. b) Promote freedom ahead of economic equality and social order ahead of freedom c) Promote economic equality and social order ahead of freedom d) Promote business and government policy ahead of social order

a) Promote economic equality ahead of freedom and freedom ahead of social order.

The government taxes citizens in order to provide benefits and services available to all. Such benefits and services are: a) Public Goods b) Communism c) Social Welfare d) Private Benefits

a) Public Goods

Broadcast Media includes: a) Radio and Television b) Media Conglomerates c) Multimedia d) Co-op Owned Media

a) Radio and Television

Who was the author of the Connecticut Compromise, which allowed the Constitutional Convention and the Virginia Plan to succeed? a) Roger Sherman b) Alexander Hamilton c) James Madison d) John Adams

a) Roger Sherman

What are animals everywhere doing in solidarity with the animals of Animal Farm? a) Singing "Beasts of England" b) Running their masters off the land c) Learning to read d) Hold a parade to march through Willingdon

a) Singing "Beasts of England"

Who set up the variety of Animal committees? a) Snowball b) Napoleon c) Squealer d) Boxer

a) Snowball

What is at the heart of the speech given in chapter 1 of Animal Farm? a) The animals are enslaved and should rebel b) Life will continue to be miserable and laborious no matter who is in charge c) The future of the animals depends on the establishment of a windmill d) Paradise/Heaven is a place called Sugar Candy Mountain

a) The animals are enslaved and should rebel

Globalization refers to: a) The increasing global interdependence of citizens and nations b) Growing threats of international terrorism c) Global Warming d) Foreign policy designed to bring democracy to the world

a) The increasing global interdependence of citizens and nations

What do the pigs paint on the side of the barn? a) The seven principles of Animalism b) The words "Animal Farm" c) A portrait of Old Major d) The alphabet

a) The seven principles of Animalism

The way that the animals enter the barn and seat themselves for Major's speech indicates: a) The social class system is present b) That everyone is equal c) That the dogs and pigs are ruling class d) The horses are the peasant class

a) The social class system is present

In Chapter 5, where did Mollie disappear to? a) To pull a carriage for a man who fed her sugar b) Napoleon shipped her to the glue factory c) Nobody knows d) She ran away to find Mr. Jones

a) To pull a carriage for a man who fed her sugar

If all citizens in a society are given access to higher education, but one social class has a high dropout and failure rate, then that society is failing to provide: a) equality of outcome b) equality of opportunity c) social equality d) economic fairness

a) equality of outcome

Often people are reluctant to discuss politics because: a) it can be confrontational and they lack confidence b) it can create enemies and factions in the workplace c) they are uniformed and uncaring d) it is understood and therefore unnecessary

a) it can be confrontational and they lack confidence

According to the Majoritarian model of government, a) the government should do what most people want b) the public usually doesn't have a clear consistent opinion on issues c) minority public opinions are more important than the majority opinions d) the public is often uninformed and uncaring about most issues.

a) the government should do what most people want

If a tv station asks a group of people on the street for their views on an issue, their answers may not accurately reflect public opinion. Why? a) The people were not selected randomly. b) The tv program only interviewed people who were photogenic c) tv stations are biased d) None of the above

a) the people were not selected randomly

An underlying assumption of comparative Government is that perfect freedom, order and equality can never be achieved because: a) these values are in conflict and cannot be provided perfectly simultaneously b) these terms are really the same thing c) no government is perfect d) some political officials will always be corrupt or incompetent

a) these values are in conflict and cannot be provided perfectly simultaneously

How does education affect voter turnout? a) well-educated people are more likely to vote than their less educated counterparts b) educated people are less likely to vote than uneducated people c) educated and uneducated people vote about the same d) educated people change parties on voting issues

a) well educated people are more likely to vote than their less educated counterparts

Borrowed from the book, The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair, Boxer's motto is: a) "Four legs good, two legs bad." b) "I will work harder" c) "For the love of pigs!" d) "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

b) "I will work harder."

Who is Benjamin? a) The silly cat b) An old donkey c) The pet raven d) A human

b) An old donkey

What is the name of the quasi-Marxist socialist philosophy advocated by Napoleon and Snowball? a) Porcinism B) Animalism c) Communalism d) Fourleggedism

b) Animalism

From a politician or government official's standpoint, which shape of public opinion is most difficult to react to? a) Skewed b) Bimodal c) Normal d) Stable

b) Bimodal

Identify the speaker, "Look me in the face. So you give your word of honor that man was not stroking your nose" a) Benjamin b) Clover c) Minimus d) Squealer

b) Clover

Which ideology would support policy positions of strong national defense, limited government and lower taxes? a) Liberal b) Conservative c) Libertarian d) Communitarian

b) Conservative

Which form of government involves all citizens in matters of government but only works with a small number of people and decision making is time consuming? a) Oligarchy b) Direct Democracy c) Dictatorship d) Representative Democracy

b) Direct Democracy

What is the term for the division of power between national and state levels of government? a) Bureaucracy b) Federalism c) Veto d) Popular Sovereignty

b) Federalism

Questions about how students should dress or the conditions under which people should have sexual relations raise conflicts between the values of: a) Freedom and Equality b) Freedom and Order c) Equality and Order d) Liberty and Democracy

b) Freedom and Order

A person with a PhD in economics as opposed to a high school graduate would tend to support: a) equality above all else b) freedom over order c) creation of jobs by the government d) income redistribution

b) Freedom over order

Political ideologies have which two dimensions? a) Goals and problems to solve b) Goals and Methods c) Methods and Political Parties d) Liberal and Conservative

b) Goals and Methods

How does Napoleon get the hens to cooperate with his plan to sell their eggs? a) He increases their food rations substantially b) He gives them no food until nine hens die and the others agree c) He strikes a deal that they will not have to do any other work if they lay eggs d) He beats them until agree

b) He gives them no food until nine hens die and the others agree

What propaganda does Squealer tell the animals about Snowball? a) He is a true hero and the animals should mourn his death b) He is living with Mr. Jones and plotted the Battle of Cowshed with Mr. Jones c) Napoleon is much smarter and more loyal than snowball d) His windmill design was flawed and cost the animals months of labor

b) He is living with Mr. Jones and plotted the Battle of Cowshed with Mr. Jones

Which of the following institutions is most necessary to the pluralist concept of democracy? a) Political parties b) Interest groups c) National elections d) The media

b) Interest groups

How did Squealer explain the words "Horse Slaughter" on the side of the van taking Boxer away? a) It had been misread by Benjamin b) It had been recently purchased by the vet c) It was the only van available to rent to take Boxer to the hospital d) The word was misspelled- it should have said Human

b) It had been recently purchased by the vet

What does Napoleon discover about Mr. Frederick's payment? a) He sent a check instead of cash b) It's counterfeit money c) It's twice as much as he expected d) The briefcase explodes when he tries to open it

b) It's counterfeit money

The oldest objective in government is: a) Preserving the state of nature b) Maintaining order c) Promoting social equality d) Guaranteeing security of citizens

b) Maintaining order

Who writes the song to replace "Beasts of England"? a) Squealer b) Minimus C) Napoleon d) Snowball

b) Minimus

What event precipitates the animals' rebellion? a) Moses' inspiring stories b) Mr. Jones forgets to feed the animals c) Mr. Frederick invades d) Nine hens die of starvation

b) Mr. Jones forgets to feed the animals

What happens to Jessie and Bluebell's puppies? a) Snowball raises them b) Napoleon raises them c) They were left to die d) They are raised by all the animals

b) Napoleon raises them

When a historical event impacts an entire society it is labeled: a) Life-cycle effect b) Period effect c) Cohort effect d) Life-changing

b) Period effect

Barack Obama's 2008 video shows him talking to factory workers, truck drivers and farmers. What propaganda technique is being employed? a) transfer b) plain folks c) card stacking d) Either/Or fallacy

b) Plain Folks

Which purpose of government tries to redistribute wealth and has led to the emergence of the welfare state? a) Provide public goods b) Promote equality c) Punish evil d) Maintain order

b) Promote equality

A government focused on maintaining order pursues all of the following except: a) Preserving life b) Providing public goods c) Protecting private property d) Maintaining social order

b) Providing public goods

Autocracy is: a) Rule by a single person- usually a benevolent ruler b) Rule by a single person with unlimited power- usually through threat of violence or punishment c) Rule by a small group- usually through control of the military d) Bureaucracy Rule by a single party- usually controls every aspect of individual life within a society

b) Rule by a single person with unlimited power- usually through threat of violence or punishment

To whom is every problem and mischief attributed? a) Mr. Jones b) Snowball c) the rats d) Mr. Frederick

b) Snowball

By the end of the novel, the final commandment states: a) All animals are equal except for the pigs b) Some animals are more equal than others c) No animal may rebel against another d) No animal may defy the ruling class of pigs

b) Some animals are more equal than others

What does Napoleon name the required event at which the animals must march around the farm and celebrate called? a) General Assemblies b) Spontaneous Demonstrations c) Pep Rallies d) Patriotic Assemblies

b) Spontaneous Demonstrations

In the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton's campaign uses an ad that shows Angelina Jolie speaking about how she plans to vote for Hillary. This technique of advertising is called: a) Name-Calling b) Testimonial c) Plain Folks d) Bandwagon

b) Testimonial

What does Boxer represent? a) The slow-witted, lazy lower class b) The hard working and exploited working class c) The aristocracy and monarchy d) Capitalism

b) The hard working and exploited class

At the meeting to vote on the windmill, who suddenly appears and chases Snowball around the farm and through the hedge? a) The other pigs b) The nine dogs raised by Napoleon c) All the animals- because he is a traitor d) No one- he ran away

b) The nine dogs raised by Napoleon

What explanation is given for the windmill being knocked over by the storm? a) The forces of nature are too strong for technology b) The traitor, Snowball, knocked it down c) The animals did not follow the plans correctly and will be punished d) Mr. Jones led an army back to destroy it

b) The traitor, Snowball, knocked it down

Public opinion is difficult to define because: a) Everyone share the same views b) There are many groups and issues to account for c) No one is allowed to have opinions d) Because you have to talk to every person in public.

b) There are many groups and issues to account for

Initially, why is building the windmill so difficult? a) There is a saboteur who keeps knocking it down b) They can only break stone by dragging it up a hill and dropping it c) The plans are gone now that Snowball has disappeared d) Boxer is injured and without his strength it is impossible

b) They can only break stone by dragging it up a hill and dropping it

When the animals destroyed the harnesses, chains, etc., what did Snowball decree about ribbons? a) They would be incorporated into the life of the re-born Animal Farm b) They were considered clothes and the mark of a human being c) They could be worn by pigs or animals that had contributed to the success of the Rebellion d) They served no purpose other than decoration and therefore should not be for Animal Farm citizens

b) They were considered clothes and the mark of a human being

What is the primary purpose of the windmill? a) As a symbol of Animal Farm's accomplishments b) To mill corn to sell c) To improve the animals' stalls with light and heat d) To mill barley and rye to make more whiskey

b) To mill and sell corn

A media event is: a) coverage of who's ahead in the latest polls b) a situation that is too "newsworthy" for the media to fail to cover c) a series on a complex or abstract topic that is important to viewers d) none of the above

b) a situation that is too "newsworthy" for the media to fail to cover

A person who opposed government regulation of business and supports government suppression or hallucinating drugs is likely to be a: a) libertarian b) conservative c) liberal d) communitarian

b) conservative

The value of freedom is higher than equality for who? a) groups with lower education b) groups with higher education c) groups with lower income d) groups with higher income

b) groups with higher education

Characteristics frequently associated with non-voters are: a) low education, high income and middle age b) low education, low income and relatively young c) high education, low income and older d) low education, low income and middle age

b) low education, low income and relatively young

Which of the following is a clearly unconventional behavior in the minds of most Americans? a) signing petitions b) occupying buildings c) discussing politics d) joining boycotts

b) occupying buildings

Which of the following pairs is not a function that the mass media serves for the political system? a) reporting the news and interpreting it b) publishing information of importance but editing out information of high importance c) influencing citizens' opinions and socializing them about government d) setting the agenda for government action and influencing citizens' opinions about it

b) publishing information of importance but editing out information of high importance

In a democracy, elections are necessary but they may not be sufficient because (like North Korea): a) citizens do not really care about who is chosen b) there is only one party or candidate to choose from c) there are so many other methods to participate in government d) government officials do not respond to the voters' wishes

b) there is only one party or candidate to choose from

Which amendment gave women the right to vote? a) 15th b) 26th c) 19th d) 24th

c) 19th amendment

Which amendment eliminated a tax on voters in the US? a) 15th b) 19th c) 24th d) 26th

c) 24th amendment

Of the thousands of amendments that have been proposed, how many have actually been ratified? a) 23 b) 25 c) 27 d) 29

c) 27

The ratification process of an amendment is accomplished by: a) The signature of the president b) 2/3 vote in Congress c) 3/4 of the state legislatures or conventions d) 75% of the Supreme Court

c) 3/4 of the state legislatures or conventions

The character of Mr. Frederick mirrors whom in history? a) Winston Churchill b) Harry Truman c) Adolf Hitler d) Vladimir Lenin

c) Adolf Hitler

George Orwell's book supports the premise that: a) Capitalism is superior to communism b) Democracy is the answer to society's problems c) All totalitarian governments are evil and oppress the people d) Utopian government is best supported by an autocratic leader

c) All totalitarian governments are evil and oppress the people

In which of the following pairs is rule usually hereditary? a) Democracy and Oligarchy b) Republic and Dictatorship c) Aristocracy and Monarchy d) Capitalist and Socialist

c) Aristocracy and Monarchy

Identify the speaker: "The unalterable law of life is- hunger, hardship and disappointment" a) Clover b) Minimus c) Benjamin d) Squealer

c) Benjamin

How did the animals get their message of revolution across England? a) Using a radio transmitter b) With written pamphlets c) By using carrier pigeons d) Mice carry the message to other farms

c) By using carrier pigeons

Which government type is controlled by one person? a) Oligarchy b) Direct Democracy c) Dictatorship d) Representative Democracy

c) Dictatorship

Which type of government can respond the quickest in an emergency? a) Oligarchy b) Direct democracy c) Dictatorship d) Representative Democracy

c) Dictatorship

Why is childhood important in political socialization? a) Children have better memories than adults b) Most parents are committed to raising responsible citizens c) Early learning is effective and structures later learning d) Children find politics interesting

c) Early learning is effective and structures later learning

Which best identifies public goods? a) Education, welfare, utilities b) Welfare, national defense, transportation c) Education, national defense, national parks d) Sanitation, utilities, welfare

c) Education, national defense, national parks

The major agents of early socialization are: a) religion and social class b) family, religion, and political party c) family, school, community and peers, media d) School and television

c) Family, school, community and peers, media

The sheep change their chant from "Four legs good, Two legs bad" to: a) Napoleon is always right b) Work for the Farm c) Four legs good, Two legs better d) Death to humanity

c) Four legs good, Two legs better

Boxer is sold to the knackers for what reason? a) He is too young to retire b) He is rebelling against Napoleon c) He is hurt and can no longer work d) It is punishment for defending Snowball

c) He is hurt and can no longer work

Which is the most recent addition to the categories of Mass Media? a) Newspapers b) Television c) Internet d) Books

c) Internet

What book did Snowball read to prepare for Jones' attack? a) Sun Tsu's Art of War b) Alexander the Great's Book of Conquest c) Julius Caesar's Campaign d) Lincoln's War Diary

c) Julius Caesar's Campaign

Who wrote Communist Manifesto, a book on the government promoting equality? a) Thomas Hobbes b) John Locke c) Karl Marx d) Jean Jacques Rouseau

c) Karl Marx

What was Boxer's plan for his retirement? a) Eat grain and dream of Sugarcandy Mountain b) Promote the completion of the windmill c) Learn the rest of the alphabet d) Visit other farms to compare them to Animal Farm

c) Learn the rest of the alphabet

The broad, basic definition of government given in this class is: a) Taking from each according to his or her ability and giving to each according to need b) The use of force to benefit the top group of people c) Legitimate use of force w/in specified geographic boundaries to control human behavior d) Citizens participating in community decisions

c) Legitimate use of force w/in specified geographic boundaries to control human behavior

Which ideology can be said to contain elements of anarchy? a) Liberal b) Conservative c) Libertarian d) Communitarian

c) Libertarian

The state of nature is: a) Men living in direct disobedience to Mosaic Law b) Societies existing as theocracies c) Men living without government and the protection of laws d) Societies existing without changes to the development of their culture

c) Men living without government and the protection of laws

Boxer adopts a second motto in conjunction with "I will work harder." What is it? a) Always give your best b) I trust Napoleon c) Napoleon is always right d) We can do this together

c) Napoleon is always right

Which animal gives a fiery revolutionary speech to the animals in the first chapter of Animal Farm? a) Snowball b) Napoleon c) Old Major d) Moses

c) Old Major

Which type of government would have the same disadvantages as a dictatorship? a) Democracy b) Republic c) Oligarchy d) Capitalist

c) Oligarchy

People who support the pro-life movement are generally favoring: a) Equality over Freedom b) Freedom over Equality c) Order over Freedom d) Freedom over Order

c) Order over Freedom

People who support the pro-life movement are generally favoring: a) Equality over freedom b) Freedom over equality c) Order over freedom d) Freedom over order

c) Order over freedom

Who was given the task of tasting all of Napoleon's food for poison? a) Squealer b) Boxer c) Pinkeye d) Maximus

c) Pinkeye

The set of values and beliefs a person holds about the purpose and scope of government is called: a) party identification b) liberalism or conservatism c) political ideology d) political belieffs

c) Political ideology

According to Napoleon, after the Battle of the Cowshed, the animals must prepare to defend themselves by: a) Spreading more propaganda b) Hiring a mercenary army c) Procure firearms and train themselves d) Build a wall for defense

c) Procure firearms and train themselves

Public opinion has all of the following characteristics except: a) Varying over time b) Places boundaries on allowable types of public policy c) Provides politicians with a clear idea of what action to take d) The government does not always do what the public wants

c) Provides politicians with a clear idea of what action to take

What Sunday morning ritual do the animals perform each week? a) Clean the barn b) Gather in songs and prayer lead by Moses the raven c) Raise a flag and hold a meeting to vote on resolutions d) Hold a parade to march through Willingdon

c) Raise a flag and hold a meeting to vote on resolutions

Which of the following government labels does not satisfy the question, "Who controls the economy"? a) Communism b) Socialism c) Republic d) Capitalism

c) Republic

During the transition from the 13 colonies being ruled by Great Britain to the establishment of a republic in 1787, what type of government can be said to have been in power? a) Totalitarian b) Republic c) Revolutionary d) Aristocracy

c) Revolution

On what date was the Constitution signed? a) May 17, 1787 b) July 4, 1776 c) September 17, 1787 d) May 5, 1876

c) September 17, 1787

How do Mr. Pilkington and Mr. Frederick try to halt the effects of the rebellion on their own farms? a) Cutting rations to the animals b) Helping the "rebellious" to "disappear" c) Spreading rumors about Animal Farm d) Keeping their animals in the barns

c) Spreading rumors about Animal Farm

Identify the speaker, "The rule was against sheets." a) Minimus b) Muriel c) Squealer d) Napoleon

c) Squealer

Reciting the pledge of allegiance is an example of what kind of behavior? a) Influencing b) Contacting c) Supportive d) Modeling

c) Supportive

Some blame the wide variety of entertainment available on TV as the reason for citizen's low level of public affairs. This is termed: a) News ADHD b) Too Much Information c) Television Hypothesis d) Horse-Race Journalism

c) Television Hypothesis

Individuals with more advanced formal education: a) Tend to favor jobs being guaranteed by government b) Tend to oppose the view that abortion is a woman's choice c) Tend to tolerate unpopular opinions more than people with less formal education d) Are more tolerant of heavy taxes to pay for government programs

c) Tend to tolerate unpopular opinions more than people with less formal education

What do the animals notice about the pigs and humans in the last chapter? a) They are fighting b) The men are more imposing than the pigs c) That they cannot distinguish between them d) The pigs are more handsome

c) That they cannot distinguish between them

What Russian institution does the raven Moses evoke? a) The Secret Police b) The Congress c) The Russian Orthodox Church d) The public Education system

c) The Russian Orthodox Church

Indicators used to measure a nation's level of globalization include all of the following EXCEPT: a) How many memberships they have in the UN and other international organizations b) The use and access to technology (internet) by the citizens c) The amount of metropolis' and megapolis' in a country d) The amount of economic activity a nation has with other nations

c) The amount of metropolis' and megapolis' in a country

Where do the pigs move into? a) Into town b) Mr. Whymper's house c) The farmhouse d) The loft above the barn where the puppies were raised

c) The farmhouse

Tsar Nicholas II, the despotic monarch of Russia, is depicted in Animal Farm as: a) the socialist leader, Major b) Moses, the tame raven c) the owner of Manor farm, Mr. Jones d) the dainty, fancy filly, Mollie

c) The owner of Manor Farm, Mr. Jones

The Seven Commandments were: a) The suggestions that all animals should live by b) The constitution for Animal Farm c) The unalterable law by which animals on Animal Farm would live forever d) The principles of socialism that Orwell incorporated into Animalism

c) The unalterable law by which animals on Animal Farm would live forever

Generally, the first and most influential agent of political socialization for people is: a) Their school b) Their peers c) Their family d) Television

c) Their family

What appears to be the overriding factor that determines an animal's place in society? a) Their value to the farm b) Their allegiance to the farm c) Their level of intelligence d) Their level of loyalty

c) Their level of intelligence

What happens to the animals that confess to collaborating with Snowball? a) They are forced off the farm b) They are made servants to the pigs c) They are killed by the dogs d) They are put into prison

c) They are killed by the dogs

What do the animals decide to do after the windmill's collapse? a) To hire humans to rebuild it b) Not to rebuild it c) To work all winter and make the walls twice as thick d) To wait for Mr. Whymper to tell them what to do

c) To work all winter and make the walls twice as thick

How does Napoleon go about acquiring the things that the animals cannot make for themselves? a) Steal from humans b) Go without these items c) Trade with humans d) Ask for help

c) Trade with humans

What country has the oldest written constitution in effect today? a) Britain b) France c) United States d) Italy

c) United States

What is not one of the questions that answers the procedures for election participation? a) Who is allowed to vote? b) How much each person's vote counts? c) Which elections should they vote in? d) How many votes are needed to win?

c) Which elections they should vote in?

News is: a) something the editor thinks is important b) something involving bloodshed and violence c) an important event in the last 24 hours d) whatever the public decides

c) an important event in the last 24 hours

When one person has the same chance to succeed in life as another person, this is called: a) political equality b) equality of outcome c) equality of opportunity d) equality of results

c) equality of opportunity

If the government wants to promote economic equality it would require: a) a totalitarian government b) a popular government c) redistributing the wealth (rich to poor) d) cooperation by all the people in a nation

c) redistribution

Most politicians and many scholars believe that the media's greatest influence on politics is in its ability to: a) report the news b) socialize children c) set the political agenda d) ruin political careers

c) set the political agenda

Boxer earns Napoleon and Squealer's disapproval by: a) insisting that he should haul only one load of stone a day for the windmill b) by agreeing with the hens that the eggs should not be sold for profit c) stating that Snowball was not always a traitor d) by saying positive statements about Mr. Jones

c) stating that Snowball was not always a traitor

People who are relatively wealthy tend to: a) support abortion rights and government job creation b) oppose abortion and government job creation c) support abortion rights but oppose government job creation d) support job creation and remain neutral on abortion

c) support abortion rights but oppose government job creation

Direct Action includes: a) A contribution to a campaign b) A legislature passing laws responding to public opinion c) Increased voter turnout because of negative campaigning d) A citizen talking to the city council about a change in a city resolution

d) A citizen talking to the city council about a change in a city resolution

The following person is more likely than all the others to engage in almost all forms of political activity (conventional and unconventional) a) A person w/ low political efficacy b) A person who prefers unconventional forms of participation c) A person living in the nation's capital d) A person w/ a strong tie and feelings with an interest group or issue, and it's objective and actions

d) A person w/ a strong tie and feelings with an interest group or issue, and it's objective and actions

What is Snowball's grand idea for technological advancement that will improve the lives of the animals? a) A schoolhouse b) A second barn exclusively for the pigs c) A wall around the farm d) A windmill for generating electricity

d) A windmill for generating electricity

Which government label would best apply to a country like Serbia where a civil war in the 1990s left the country with rival groups fighting for power? a) Aristocracy b) Military dictatorship c) Oligarchy d) Anarchy

d) Anarchy

What was the song the animals all sing? a) The Animal Song b) The Song of the Rebellion c) Old McDonald d) Beasts of England

d) Beasts of England

Which of the following is not a part of Mass Media? a) Newspapers b) Television c) Internet d) Books

d) Books

Which period of life is most important to political socialization? a) Elderly years (60+) b) Middle Age (30-60) c) Young Adult (18-30) d) Childhood (0-18)

d) Childhood (0-18)

Which does not contribute to voter opinion and preference? a) Income and Education b) Education c) Geography d) Citizenship Status

d) Citizenship Status

"The process of transmitting information from one individual or group to another" is the definition of: a) Print Media b) Broadcast Media c) Mass Media d) Communication

d) Communication

Which ideology is sometimes called democratic socialism and is often skeptical of globalization and foreign policies? a) Liberal b) Conservative c) Libertarian d) Communitarian

d) Communitarian

Which indicator of globalization measures the amount of trade , investment and capital flow of a country? a) Political engagement b) Personal contacts c) Technology d) Economic integration

d) Economic integration

Which of the following concepts became a major objective of government in the 20th century after Order? a) Plurality b) Unity c) Relative Disparity d) Equality

d) Equality

Social Order is usually defined as: a) The degree of equality in society b) The methods by which government enforces its authority c) The pattern of economic ownership d) Established patterns of authority and traditional ways of behavior

d) Established patterns of authority and traditional ways of behavior

Steps in the polling process include all of the following except... a) Preparing valid questions b) Reporting the results c) Defining the universe d) Finding a question of public opinion

d) Finding a question of public opinion

President Roosevelt's Four Freedoms for "everywhere in the world" include all of the following except: a) Freedom of Speech b) Freedom of Religion c) Freedom From Fear d) Freedom of Assembly

d) Freedom of Assembly

The media executives, news editors, and prominent reporters who decide which events to report and how to report them are known as: a) Horse-race journalists b) Pack journalists c) News sophisticates d) Gatekeepers

d) Gatekeepers

Unconventional political activities are most likely to be used by: a) Groups wanting to overthrow the political system b) Wealthy and established interest groups c) Highly educated voters d) Groups that have been denied access to normal channels of influence

d) Groups that have been denied access to normal channels of influence

Sugarcandy Mountain, the tales of future happiness, were told by Moses and represent: a) the afterlife b) Future reality c) The ramblings of a crazy crow d) Heaven

d) Heaven

Spray painting political slogans on a building, a form of unconventional behavior, has what effect on government? a) It's harmful because it leads to prison overcrowding b) It's mostly ineffective c) It's undemocratic d) It's stressful

d) It's stressful

Who wrote on the dilemma between freedom and order? a) Thomas Hobbes b) John Locke c) Karl Marx d) Jean Jacques Rouseau

d) Jean Jacques Rouseau

Which animal hides during the Battle of the Cowshed? a) Boxer b) Clover c) Jessie d) Mollie

d) Mollie

Who is the only candidate to run for president in the election? a) Snowball b) Boxer c) Squealer d) Napoleon

d) Napoleon

Why do the animals add "excess" to the commandment, "No animal shall drink alcohol"? a) In case the other animals were confused about how much they could drink b) Because they tried whiskey and liked it and wanted to drink more c) The police said that they could not ban alcohol d) Napoleon adds it after he experiences a hangover

d) Napoleon adds it after he experiences a hangover

What is the commandment "No animal shall kill any other animal" changed to? a) Bad animals deserve to die b) No animal shall kill any other animal, ever. c) Death to animals d) No animal shall any other animal without cause

d) No animal shall any other animal without cause

The indicator of globalization that measures the amount of international travel and tourism is: a) Technology b) Political engagement c) Economic integration d) Personal contact

d) Personal contact

Each citizen's having only one vote demonstrates: a) Equality of opportunity b) Social equality c) Mandated freedoms d) Political equality

d) Political equality

"What is learned first (in life) is learned best" describes: a) Information processing b) Opinion schema c) Structuring principle d) Primary principle

d) Primary principle

What does Squealer excel at? a) Being ruthless b) Hard physical labor c) Long-term planning and organization d) Propaganda and manipulating language

d) Propaganda and manipulating language

The accuracy of the population sample used for public opinion polls depends on: a) Whether telephoning or direct contact is used to ask the sample b) The care with which questions are written or asked c) Whether computers were used to draw the samples d) Randomness of selection, size of a sample, and variation in the population

d) Randomness of selection, size of a sample, and variation in the population

A bill passed the legislature permitting marijuana use in a district. If the voters are asked to vote to approve or disapprove this law, it is known as a(n): a) initiative b) petition c) recall d) referendum

d) Referendum

In which form of government do citizens participate in government through elected representatives, lobbies and voting? a) Oligarchy b) Direct Democracy c) Dictatorship d) Representative Democracy

d) Representative Democracy

Which is an example of influencing behavior? a) Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance b) Volunteering to serve as an election judge c) Organizing holiday parades d) Taking a case to court in order to change a law or policy

d) Taking a case to court in order to change a law or policy

As food rations grow smaller, what does Squealer tell the animals? a) Times are tough and everyone has to sacrifice b) That they could all be starving c) That the pigs are eating well so that their brains work to rule d) That the rations are still better than the animals had under Mr. Jones

d) That the rations are still better than the animals had under Mr. Jones

Where does Napoleon sell Boxer to after his collapse? a) The vet b) The animal hospital c) Mr. Frederick d) The glue manufacturers

d) The glue manufacturers

By the end of Chapter 2 what animals are considered the cleverest? a) All the animals, except the horses b) The dogs, especially Jessie and Blue c) The rats d) The pigs, particularly Snowball and Napoleon

d) The pigs, particularly Snowball and Napoleon

Who is Mr. Whymper? a) A salesman accidentally killed by the KGB b) A magistrate who orders the animals to relinquish the farm to Mr. Jones c) A neighbor of Mr. Pilkington and Mr. Frederick d) The solicitor Napoleon hires to conduct business for the farm with humans

d) The solicitor Napoleon hires to conduct business for the farm with humans

What does Napoleon want to sell to either Mr. Frederick or Mr. Pilkington? a) eggs b) Puppies c) Corn d) Timber

d) Timber

Which means of political participation serves the ideal of equality better than any other? a) Running for office b) Contributing to campaigns c) Contacting officials d) Voting in elections

d) Voting in elections

What do the pigs buy with the money they get for Boxer? a) Wheat b) Barley mash c) Windmill parts d) Whiskey

d) Whiskey

Which of the following is a conventional form of political participation? a) Participating in a protest march b) Chanting slogans outside an official's window c) Boycotting products d) Writing letters to public officials

d) Writing letters to public officials

The practice of drawing electoral district lines to limit or strengthen the voting strength of a political party is called: a) disenfranchisement b) suffrage c) progressivism d) gerrymandering

d) gerrymandering

A libertarian is most likely to exhibit the characteristics of: a) low education, high income b) low education, low income c) low income, high education d) high income, high education

d) high income, high education

If government and the courts refuse to legalize texting while driving, the citizens could cause a vote on the issue themselves through use of a(n): a) referendum b) recall c) unconventional demonstration d) initiative

d) initiative

To pollsters, the universe is: a) All of the people in a country b) A private organization whose members share certain views c) All of outer space d) The whole population that a poll aims to measure

d) the whole population that a poll aims to measure

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