Govt Ch 3

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Federal cash payments to states and localities for programs they administer.

block grants

Federal grants-in-aid that permit state and local officials to decide how the money will be spent within a general area, such as education or health. -less restrictive

categorical grants

Federal grants-in-aid to states and localities that can be used only for designated projects. -more restrictive -ex: medicaid funds

LBJ's Great Society

-taxed and spent for social welfare using indirect consitutional basis -programs for housing, health care, nutrician, development, etc

1. New Deal programs 2. Great Society programs 3. Welfare Reform Act

1. The government responded to massive unemployment during the Great Depression. 2. Americans supported government-provided health care for the elderly and poor. 3. Americans believed that too many people were getting undeserved benefits and federal programs had become too expensive.

Which post-Civil War amendment required states to give their residents due process of law?


During the direst part of the Great Depression, approximately ______ percent of the nation's workers was unemployed.


Franklin D. Roosevelt

32nd US President - He began New Deal programs to help the nation out of the Great Depression, and he was the nation's leader during most of WWII -wanted to make economy national


A governmental system in which sovereignty is vested entirely in subnational (state) governments.

Dual Federalism

A doctrine based on the idea that a precise separation of national power and state power is both possible and desirable

unitary system

A governmental system in which the national government alone has sovereign (or ultimate) authority.

who established the national bank

Alexander Hamilton in 1791

Affordable Care Act

An expansion of medicaid, most of employers must provide health insurance, have insurance or face surtax, prevents rejection based on pre-existing condition. Also referred to as "Obamacare", signed into law in 2010.

supremancy clause

Article VI of the Constitution, which makes national law supreme over state law when the national government is acting within its constitutional limits.

Which amendment of the Constitution was at the center of the famous Supreme Court case, Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)?

Fourteenth Amendment

In which of the following cases did the Supreme Court argue that the Tenth Amendment gave the states, and not the federal government, the power to regulate factory practices? Multiple choice question.

Hammer v. Dagenhart

The Republican-controlled Congress removed what provision of the Affordable Care Act in 2017?

Individuals were required to pay a penalty if they did not have insurance.

Rather than using the Fourteenth Amendment to protect freed slaves, in 1886 the Supreme Court interpreted the amendment to provide protection to


Which of the following conditions or strings is typically attached to a categorical grant?

It can be used only for a specific, designated activity.

What did the Supreme Court rule concerning the interstate commerce clause in the 1890s?

It covers only transportation of goods, not their manufacture.

In 1965 the federal government partnered with states to provide health care to the poor as part of which program?


reserved powers

Powers given to the state government alone -The powers granted to the states under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution.

The president who began to move power, funds, and responsibility back to the states in what was called new federalism was

Ronald Reagan

President Lyndon Johnson promoted federal initiatives to help the poor as part of his Great program.


enumerated (expressed) powers

The 17 powers granted to the national government under Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution. These powers include taxation and the regulation of commerce, as well as the authority to provide for the national defense.

Which of the following characterized the era of duel federalism?

business supremacy in commerce policy

What was the legal argument in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) against the federal government establishing a national bank?

The Constitution did not expressly authorize the establishment of a national bank.

Which of the following happened during the New Deal period?

The New Deal programs thrust federal power into policy areas previously reserved for the states. The Supreme Court struck down key pieces of the New Deal programs.

Which of the following best describes the doctrine of dual federalism?

The Supreme Court maintained a precise separation of state power and national power

Necessary and Proper Clause (elastic clause)

The authority granted Congress in Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution "to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper" for the implementation of its enumerated powers.

commerce clause

The authority granted Congress in Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution "to regulate commerce" among the states.

Which of the following statements are true of the U.S. federal system?

The authority of the national government has expanded greatly since the 1930s. The national government now operates in many policy areas traditionally reserved to the states.

What is the connection between the Supreme Court's Lochner and Hammer decisions?

The earlier Lochner decision actually made the later Hammer decision unenforceable.

fiscal federalism

The expenditure of federal funds on programs run, in part, through states and localities.

Which of the following has occurred under cooperative federalism?

The federal government has been more heavily involved in policy areas traditionally reserved for the states.

Which of the following are reasons why the policy role of the federal government has expanded greatly since the early twentieth century?

The federal government has superior taxing capacity. Americans expect government help. American society is highly interdependent. Need help? Review these concept resources.Read About the Concept Feedback Next QuestionReading

implied powers

The federal government's constitutional authority (through the "necessary and proper" clause) to take action that is not expressly authorized by the Constitution but that supports actions that are so authorized.

Under the Articles of Confederation, what problem arose because the national government had no power to levy taxes on its citizens?

The nation could not maintain an army or navy.

Which of the following were the major weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

The national government had no power to tax. The national government had no power to regulate interstate commerce.

What did the Supreme Court decide in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)? Multiple select question.

The necessary and proper clause implies the power to establish a national bank. National law overrides state law.


The passing down of authority from the national government to the state and local governments. -response to national govt becoming too powerful (ie New Deal and Great Society)


The process by which authority in the American federal system has shifted gradually from the states to the national government.

Cooperative Federalism

The situation in which the national, state, and local levels work together to solve problems. ex: Medicaid -jointly funded, administered and determined


The supreme (or ultimate) authority to govern within a certain geographic area.

States alone are sovereign in a


Which system grants sovereignty solely to noncentral governments, thereby making the central government dependent on them?

confederation system

The Constitution's commerce clause says that ______ shall have the power to "regulate commerce" among the states.


federal system

constitutional authority divided between national and state govt.

Which of the following actions gave the national government more power than the states during George W. Bush's presidency?

creation of the Department of Homeland Security

What are the powers specifically given to the national government by the Constitution called?


The two trends that defined federalism in the period from 1937 to the 1990s in the United States are

expansion and devolution of federal authority

unfunded mandates

federal programs that require action by states or localities but don't provide enough funds to pay for it ie: clean air act

What happens in one part of the country affects what happens in other parts because of


Compared to categorical grants, the use of block grants

is less narrowly defined, which means the recipients enjoy greater discretion

Why is the necessary and proper clause called the elastic clause?

it gives the national government powers it needs to carry out its enumerated powers.

The justices of the post-Civil War Supreme Court mostly favored

laissez-faire capitalism

Which of the following entities are in a competitive situation regarding taxation?

localities states *People and businesses are unlikely to move to other countries to find more favorable tax policies, but they will change localities and states to do so.

In which of the following cases did the Supreme Court block states from regulating labor practices, concluding that doing so would violate factory owners' property rights?

lochner v new york

who regulates commerce

national govt regulates interstate and states regulate intrastate

In the spirit of devolution, President Ronald Reagan proposed a type of federalism, called "______ federalism" that would give more control to the states and localities. Multiple choice question.


At the time that the Medicare and Medicaid programs were enacted, the public

overwhelmingly supported them

In the beginning, what powers did the national government not have that causes problems?

power to tax and regulate commerce

14th amendement

prohibited states from depriving any person of life liberty property without due process of law as well as from denying any person equal protection and from abridging the privileges and immunities of US citizens. - to protect freed slaves

A key factor in the struggle between the national and state governments to define the boundaries of federal-state power has been

public support for federal policies compared with state policies

Alexander Hamilton claimed that the federal government had the implied power to create a national bank through its power to ______. Multiple choice question.

regulate currency

Plessy v. Ferguson

ruled separate but equal

After the Plessy decision, Black Americans in the South were forced to endure legal segregation, which included

separate public conveyances. hospitals with few doctors and fewer supplies. inferior public schools.

True or false: The principle of federalism has provoked frequent and bitter conflict from the time the Constitution was ratified.


The Articles of Confederation created a union of


The reserved powers in the U.S. system of government fall to the


Which of the following are the two most important forces in the evolution of the American federal structure?

the country's changing needs the strength of contending interests that sought to change the balance of power between the nations and the states

When the Constitution was being drafted, leaders such as Patrick Henry objected to the idea of a strong national government because____

the national government would have direct authority over the people

The implied powers of Congress derive from which clause of the Constitution?

the necessary and proper clause

In blocking federal action to break up the monopoly on the manufacture of sugar during the 1890s, the Supreme Court decided that

the power to regulate interstate commerce did not include the manufacture of goods

Before the New Deal, who was responsible for assisting the poor? Multiple choice question.

the states

When the key pieces of the New Deal programs were struck down by the Supreme Court, President Franklin Roosevelt responded by

threatening to pack the Court with his own justices

How many distinct historical eras of federalism have occurred in the United States?


True or false: The principle of federalism has provoked frequent and bitter conflict from the time the Constitution was ratified


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