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Verb Phrase

A main verb and at least one helping verb.


A particular style or manner, as of writing or speech; mood., the quality of something (an act or a piece of writing) that reveals the attitudes and presuppositions of the author, the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people


A word expresses action or a state of being.


A word that shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word.

Linking Verb

Connects the subject to a word or word group.


Modifies a noun; a describing word.

Compound Preposition

Preposition that consists of more than one word.


The "-ing" form of a verb when functioning as a noun., a form regularly derived from a verb and functioning as a noun

Collective Nouns

(nouns of multitude) name a group of persons, places, or objects gathered together into a unit.

nominative, objective, and possessive.

3 Types of Cases of the noun

Introductory clause

A dependent clause that introduces an independent clause., main clause + subordinating conjunction

Independent clause

A group of words consisting of a subject and a predicate that can stand alone., has a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought

Dependent clause

A group of words with a subject and a verb, but one that cannot stand alone as a sentence., a clause in a complex sentence that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence and that functions within the sentence as a noun or adjective or adverb, A fragment


A word (especially an adverb) that indicates and usually increases the degree of emphasis or force to be given to the element it modifies., a class of words, generally adverbs, used to modify gradable adjectives, adverbs, verbs, or -ed participles, e.g. very, completely, quite.


A word or word group that is used to name a person, a place, a thing, or an idea.


A word that expresses action, state, or a relation between two things. Function as the main elements of sentences.


A word that is linked to a noun and identifies it as such.


A word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.

Collective Noun

A word that names a group. Is a noun that is singular in form but refers to a group of people or things. E.g. Tables, chairs, cupboards etc. are grouped under the collective noun furniture. Could be a Groups of people - army, audience, band, or a Groups of things - bunch, bundle, clump., noun that represents a group of persons animals or things family flock furniture ect, names a group of people, places, or things.


A word used in place of one or more nouns or pronouns.


A word used to join words or groups of words.


A word used to modify a noun or a pronoun.


An adjective that refers to participation in the action or state of the verb; a verbal form used as an adjective. The past form ends in "-ed" and the present form ends in "-ing.", Verb that can be used as a adjective. *Present ends in -ing*-----*Past ends in ed.-d,-t,-en,-n (The TERRIFYING movie was rated "R", a verb form that is used with auxiliary verbs to indicate certain tenses, a type of verb that acts as an adjective

Restrictive appositive

An appositive that cannot be omitted from a sentence without affecting the meaning.

Nonrestrictive appositive

An appositive that is not essential for the sentence to make sense.


Connects words, phrases, clauses, and sentences (FANBOYS).

Compound subject

Consists of two or more subjects joined by a conjunction and having the same verb., two or more subjects joined together usually by "and" or "or" that share a common verb, consists of two or more subjects that are joined by a coordinating or correlative conjunction and that have the same predicate/verb

Intensive Pronoun

Emphasizes a noun or another pronoun.

Intransitive Verb

Expresses action (or tells something about the subject) without the action passing to a receiver.

Transitive Verb

Expresses action directed toward a person place thing or idea.

Main Verb

Expresses the action or state of being.


Follows a noun to add more detail.

Proper Adjective

Formed from a proper noun.

Helping Verb

Helps the main verb express action or a state of being.

Interrogative Pronoun

Introduces a question.

Coordinating Conjunction

Joins words or groups of words that are used in the same way.


Links a noun, pronoun, or gerund to other words (direction, time, place, etc.)

Compound Noun

Made up of two or more words used together as a single noun. like a derivative. It is two words put together to make one word. E.g. toothpaste, seafood, onlooker.


Modifies a verb or an adjective.

Demonstrative Adjective

Modifies adjectives (this, that, these, & those).

Abstract Noun

Names an idea, a feeling, a quality, or a characteristic. you cannot sense, it is the name we give to an emotion, ideal or idea. They have no physical existence, you can't see, hear, touch, smell or taste them. The opposite of this type of noun is a concrete noun. E.g. adoration, dexterity, sadness, wit.

Concrete Noun

Names of an object that can be perceived by one or more of the senses. names things that we experience through our senses, sight, hearing, smell, touch or taste. Most nouns are are these types of nouns. E.g. Cats, dogs, tables, chairs, buses, and teachers are all concrete nouns. The opposite of this type of noun is an abstract noun.

Auxiliary Verb

One helping verb.

Demonstrative Pronoun

Points out a person, a place, a thing, or an idea (this, that, these, & those).

Indefinite Pronoun

Refers to a person, a place, a thing, or an idea that may or may not be specifically named.

Personal Pronoun

Refers to the one speaking (first person), the one spoken to (second person), or the one spoken about (third person).

Reflexive Pronoun

Refers to the subject and functions as a complement or an object of a preposition.


Replaces a noun or a noun phrase with a very general reference.

Noun Number

Singular or Plural


The most basic form of a verb; does not specify the subject., the uninflected form of the verb, to + verb, a verb that functions as a noun or adjective; the word TO precedes the verb in an infinitive; example: Someday, I would like TO WRITE beautiful poetry.


The most frequently used adjectives (a, an, & the).

Proper Noun

The name of a particular person, place, thing or idea. Proper nouns are always capitalized, e.g. the Civil War, Monday, or Potter.

Object of the Preposition

The noun or pronoun that completes a prepositional phrase.


The noun, pronoun, or main phrase that precedes/governs the main verb.


The style of speaking or writing as dependent upon choice of words., the articulation of speech regarded from the point of view of its intelligibility to the audience, clearness of speech

Use of a semicolon

Used to indicate a major division in a sentence where a more distinct separation is felt between clauses or items on a list than is indicated by a comma.

Parallel structure

Using three or more alike elements, separated with commas, in a sentence., structure in which similar forms of nouns, verbs, phrases, or thoughts. Maintains balance. e.g. "Lilly likes reading, writing, and skiing" instead of "Lilly likes to read, write, and go skiing"


Word used to express emotion.


Words that receive the action of transitive verbs.


Words, phrases, or clauses that make one element of a sentence dependent on another., the dependence of one syntactical element on another in a sentence


a word which names a person, place, object, idea, or quality., a word that can serve as the subject or object of a verb

Possessive Case of the Noun


Nouns of Multitude

another name for Collective Nouns

Compund Subjects

consist of two or more words joined by a coordinating conjunction or correlative conjunction., usually plural.

Common Gender Nouns

denotes nouns of either maile or female sex.

Feminine Gender Nouns

denotes nouns of the female sex., includes most words that refer to females. Examples: actress, she, miss

Masculine Gender Nouns

denotes nouns of the male sex., All nouns naming individual male persons., Refers to persons or animals that are male. (He, him, his)

Neuter Gender Nouns

denotes nouns with no sex., refers to things, places, ideas, or qualities that are neither male nor female

Objective Case of the Noun

direct object, indirect object, object of the preposition.

Gender of Nouns

masculine, Feminine, Neuter, and Common

Nominative or Objective Case of the Noun

noun in apposition.

Correlative Conjunction

pairs of conjunctions that connect words or groups of words.

Plural Nouns

refers to more than one person, place, object, or idea.

Singular Noun

refers to one person, place, object, or idea., shows ownership by one person or thing

Number of Collective Nouns

singular in the number if the group is considered a single unit.

Nominative Case of the Noun

subject, predicate noun, noun of direct address., noun in apposition.

Simple Subjects

tells who or what is doing the verb., The simple subject of a sentence is the noun or pronoun that names the person, place, or thing the sentence is about:

Prepositions and conjuctions

words that connect.

Adjectives and adverbs

words that describe or modify., Adjectives describe things (nouns and pronouns) and adverbs describe action (verbs).

Infinitive phrase

A clause containing an infinitive as its main or only verb form., phrase that includes the infinitive, it's objects, and the objects modifiers, consists of an infinitive and its related words, such as modifiers and complements

Prepositional phrase

A phrase consisting of a preposition, its object (usually a noun or a pronoun), and any modifiers of the object. All together, the proposition, the object of the preposition, and any modifiers of the object. , preposition + noun or pronoun, A group of words made up of a preposition, its object, and any of the object's modifiers. PP-O-M


A swear word OR a word considered as regularly filling the syntactic position of another., a word or phrase conveying no independent meaning but added to fill out a sentence or metrical line

Action Verb

A verb that expresses either physical or mental activity.


A word, phrase, or clause that is replaced by a pronoun or other substitute later in the same (or a subsequent) sentence., the word, phrase, or clause to which a pronoun refers, someone or something that went before; something that provides a model for something that came after it

Prepositional Phrase

All together, the proposition, the object of the preposition, and any modifiers of the object. , preposition + noun or pronoun, A group of words made up of a preposition, its object, and any of the object's modifiers. PP-O-M

Conjunctive adverb

An adverb that indicates the relationship in meaning between two independent clauses., A type of adverb that creates logical connections between independent clauses which is introduced by a semi colon; and followed by a comma ,. List of them include: Therefore, However, Instead, Rather, Meanwhile, Consequently. Ie... xxxxx; meanwhile, he narrated a film.

Common Noun

Any noun which does not name any particular person, place, thing, or idea. Common nouns are not capitalized. This type of noun begins with a lowercase letter unless it is at the beginning of a sentence. For example: man, girl, boy, fish, ant, snake,

Relative Pronoun

Introduces a subordinate clause (who, whom, whose, which, & that).

Compound predicate

Tells two or more things about the same subject without repeating the subject., two or more predicates with the same subject; usually joined by AND or OR; example: We WILL FIND the card catelog or WILL ASK the librarian for help.


The verb that expresses the action being performed by the subject; what the noun in the sentence modifies.


The word that a pronoun stands for.

Compound Nouns

made up of two or more words. Some are written as seperate words, some are hyphenated, and some are written as one word., consists of two or more words used together as a single noun that can be separate words, one word, or a hyphenated word.

Concrete Nouns

name a person, place, or object that can be sensed through toughing, smelling, tasting, seeing, or hearing., Words for things which are visible and tangible e.g. 'potato', 'house', 'fox', Cookie, pen, pineapples, eyelashes.

Abstract Nouns

name a quality, a condition, or an idea. refer to intangible, nonphysical entities. They cannot be sensed through hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling, or touching. Represents a feeling and is intangible., Names we have for ideas, emotions, qualities, processes, occasions and times. Invisible and tangible. e.g. 'joy', 'gentleness', 'wedding',

Common Nouns

name any person, place, object, or idea., names any one of a group of persons, places, things, or ideas

Proper Nouns

name particular people, places, objects, or ideas. They ALWAYS begin with a capital letter!!, Has 2 distinctive features; 1) It will name a specific item. 2) It will start with a capitol letter, no matter where it is in the sentence.

Nouns and Pronouns

words that name., A noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea. Functions as a subject, direct objects, indirect objects, subject complements, object complements, adjectiveds or an adverbs. Ex: Late last year our NEIGHBORS bought a GOAT. A pronoun can replace a noun or another pronoun. Use pronouns like "he", "which", "none", and "you" to make sentneces less cumbersome and less reptitive. Ex: YOU are surely the strangest child I have ever met.


words that show an action or state of being.


words that show emotion.

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