GRD 167, Photographic Imaging 1 Final Exam

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Refers to the opening of the iris, or diaphragm, in a camera's lens that can be adjusted to let in more or less light.


Refers to whether images will be displayed or printed. Monitors and printers are output devices.

When an image is overexposed, the vertical bars of its histogram will appear to be pushed up against the ? side of the graph.


Aperture Priority Mode is an?

Semi-automatic shooting mode.

Shutter priority mode is an?

Semi-automatic shooting mode.

When shooting in shutter priority mode in order to stop action, it is useful to set the camera to?

Continuous (burst) shooting mode.

"Stopping down" from f/11 to f/22 will?

Decrease the amount of light entering the camera.

In order to create motion blur in a scene, the shutter speed should be?


ISO Setting?

Is a measure of its sensitivity to light. Low ISO settings are generally more desirable, so the photographer should analyze the available light in a scene and adjust the ISO to the lowest setting that the camera is capable of to make a proper exposure.

Which of the following is considered high-bit color?


ISO setting most likely to produce noise?


Wide Angle?

28mm or less, good for interiors and landscapes


5-in-1 reflectors are available in many shapes and sizes. They are used to reflect in low light conditions and diffuse in harsh light environments. There are round and oblong reflectors that can be collapsed, much like a car windshield sun shade, to fit into a zippered cover. The cover is reversible and allows multiple reflector configurations for different purposes.

"Standard" lens?

50-60 mm.

Fisheye lens?

A lens capable of capturing a scene at an extremely wide angle.

Zoom lens?

A lens that is capable of magnifying the scene.

Prime lens?

A lens with a single focal length.

If your main concern is capturing the best quality image with the lease amount of noise use?

A low ISO setting.

ISO stands for?

International Standards Organization.

Metering mode that analyzes the entire scene, but give more emphasis to the middle of the frame?


Slider used in post-processing software that sharpens the mid tones and and adds definition to an image?



Is a file format available on high-end digital cameras. It offers the most creative control and editing flexibility. The major advantage of this format is that Raw files are unprocessed, which enables the photographer to compensate for exposure deficiencies during processing. Disadvantages are the need for special software for processing the files and the additional steps in workflow.


Is a pattern sometimes seen in digital images, generally caused by high ISO settings on digital cameras. Noise may also be deliberately introduced with image processing software for creative effect.

Lens Speed?

Refers to the maximum aperture of the lens. A "fast" lens has a large maximum aperture such as f-1.4 or 2.8, which is useful in low-light settings.

Post-crop creative effect used to darken or lighten the edges of an image?


Refers to imperfections in an image caused by a camera's lens?

1. Barrel distortion 2. Vignetting 3. Chromatic aberration

Method of modifying the light from a flash?

1. Bounce 2. Diffusion 3. Flash compensation

If you have a large collection of images, searching for and identifying your best photographs in Lightroom can be accomplishing by?

1. Flags 2.Star ratings 3. Keywords 4. Color labels

Digital camera with interchangeable lenses:

1. Give you tremendous creative control 2. All you to change from a wide angle perspective to magnified perspective simply by changing the lens 3. Cost more than compact digital cameras

Which of the following should be considered when viewing and processing color-critical images on a computer monitor?

1. Use a monitor hood 2. Avoid wearing brightly-colored clothing 3. Avoid brightly-colored walls in the work space

Which of these statement is true regarding noise in digital images?

1. Using a high ISO setting in low-light conditions increases the likelihood that noise will appear in the image 2. Proper exposure can have an effect on noise levels, no matter what the ISO setting is, and noise is more likely to be visible in underexposed images 3. Compact cameras produce more noise than DSLR cameras due to their sensor characteristics (i.e, smaller size) and image processors.

Factor that determines the correct exposure for digital image?

1. amount of light 2. sensitivity of the camera's sensor 3. length of the time the sensor is exposed to light

Image detail and quality are affected by:

1. the size of the camera's sensor 2. lens quality 3. proper exposure

Popular image management software that allows the photographer to organize, optimize, and share images?

Adobe Lightroom.

List one advantage and one disadvantage of using a digital camera's built-in flash?

Advantages: convenient, because it's built in. adds additional light when needed, power can be modified. Disadvantages: cannot be swiveled or tilted, has to be rigged in order to bounce or diffuse the light, power adjustments are limited.

Optical Zoom?

Allows the photographer to manipulate the lens in order to magnify a scene.

As the ISO rating of a camera doubles, the light sensitivity of the image sensor?

Also doubles.

Refers to light in the immediate surrounding area?

Ambient light.

This light that is present in a scene (both artificial and natural) can interfere with the brightness and color of a monitor's display?

Ambient light.

Excellent shooting mode for portraits where you want only the subject in focus, as well as for scene shots where you want good depth of field throughout the scene?

Aperture priority mode.

Camera shooting mode that enables the photographer to choose the f-stop desired for creative effect, while automatically selecting a shutter speed that will produce a proper exposure?

Aperture priortiy mode.

Factor that affects depth of field?


The opening of the iris, or diaphragm, in the lens that can be adjusted to let in more or less light?


Fixed Lens?

Are those that are permanently attached to a camera, as in point-and-shoot models.

A digital camera's white balance settings include AWB, which is an abbreviation of?

Automatic white balance.

Color mode for images that only contain black and white pixels?


Color mode for images that are destined for output to offset printing presses?


Metering mode generally found on consumer-oriented digital cameras that don't offer a choice of metering modes; makes the assumption that your subject is centered in the frame?


Shutter priority shooting mode is ideal for situations when exposure time is more important than?

Depth of field.

The area of the image that appears in focus from foreground to background?

Depth of field.

Bit Depth?

Describes the number of tones or values possible per pixel for each channel in an image file. A 1-bit image can only contain black and white pixels. An 8-bit image is capable of displaying 256 possible tonal values. A 16-bit image may contain millions of colors. Images that contain 16 bits or more are referred to as high bit images.

File Formats?

Determine how image information is written and which applications can read that information. Digital cameras can save in JPEG and Raw. Common computer export file formats are JPEG small files, lossy compression, TIFF universally supported by image editing applications, uses lossless compression, and PSD native Photoshop file format.

Color Modes?

Determine which colors an image may contain. An image in bitmap mode may only contain black or white pixels. An image in grayscale mode may contain black, white, and gray tones. RGB mode is the most common color mode and is often used for photographic images. CMYK mode is for images that will be output to a printing press. Lab mode is a device-independent color mode used as a reference space when converting a file from one mode to another.

Measure of a printer's resolution?

Dots per inch.

Aperture is measured in?


A "fast" lens has a small minimum aperture. True or False?


This Lightroom image preview style allows you to see small thumbnail versions of all images available to you in Lightroom at one time?

Grid view.

A 500 mm lens is considered the "standard" focal length. It maintains the spatial relationship of objects in the image very closely to the way the human eye sees it. True or False?


A shallow depth of field is produced by high f-stop settings. True or False?


A slower shutter speed causes stop-action of moving subjects. True or False?


A wider aperture causes foreground and background elements to be as sharp as the subject. True or False?


Adobe Camera RAW can only be used to edit files that were photographed in a digital camera's RAW format (for example, CR2 or NEF). True or False?


Digital SLR cameras have fixed lenses. True or False?


Digital zoom and optical zoom refer to the same thing. True or False?


Fast shutter speeds allow more light to enter the camera, so smaller apertures would need to be used to compensate for the excess light striking the image sensor. True or False?


High-bit images are captured on a digital camera by shooting in JPEG format. True or False?


Higher resolution cameras always produce better quality images. True or False?


In digital photography, the term "exposure" refers to the information that is gathered about each photograph, including the date and time of the shoot, f-stop used, shutter speed setting, and even the make and model of the camera. True or False?


On a histogram, the darker tones of an image reside on the right side while the lighter tones are on the left. True or False?


The camera's white balance settings are only applied to the image if you are shooting in RAW format. True or False?


The convenient, built-in flash on most digital cameras is a great way to add fill flash because it can be adjusted to swivel and rotate to bounce light off of nearby reflective surfaces. True or False?


The only way to produce a black and white photograph or grayscale image with good quality, is to adjust your camera's settings before shooting. True or False?


The scene mode known as Sports mode is just for sports and does not work for any other type of action. True or False?


The shorter the focal length, the narrow the angle of view and the higher the magnification. The longer the focal length, the wider the angle of view and the lower the magnification. True or False?


When adjusting f-stop, smaller numbers indicate a smaller opening, and larger numbers indicate a larger opening. True or False?


While the photographer can set the ISO on a digital SLR camera, it is automatically set and cannot be modified on a digital point-and-shoot camera. True or False?


Lighting control that is used to provide a little extra light to fill in areas that are not receiving enough illumination from the existing light sources to balance the exposure?

Fill Flash.

Lenses that are permanently attache to a camera, as in point-and-shoot models?

Fixed lenses.


From 100mm to 300mm, good for sports, portraits and wildlife.


From 35mm and 85mm, good for general use and portraits.

Lightroom filter that enhances skies by applying a linear, stronger-to-weaker correction?

Graduated filter.

Color mode for images that only contain pixels that are black, white, and shades of gray?


A graphic representation of the tones and colors in an image; seen on the LCD screen of digital cameras in playback mode, as well as in post-processing software to assist with image editing?


The ISO determines?

How sensitive a digital camera's sensor is to available light.

Noise in a digital image is most likely to be seen?

In the darker areas of an image.

For portrait photography, this light meter enables the photographer to quickly and easily read the amount of light falling on the subject's face; hold the meter in front the person with the lumisphere facing the camera and press the measure button. If the ISO and shutter speed have been entered, the meter will give a readout of the suggested f-stop setting?

Incident light meter.

Handheld light meter that measures the light falling onto the subject?



Inside a digital camera shields the image sensor until the photographer is ready to take the picture. When the shutter button is pressed, light enters through the lens and moves on to the sensor as an electrical charge that builds up in proportion to the intensity and amount of light to make an exposure. The information gathered by the sensor is converted into digital signals which are processed and stored on the memory card as images.


Is a term used to describe the amount of information contained in an image file (pixels per inch—ppi), as well as the number of dots a printer can produce in a given space (dots per inch—dpi), and the measure of the number of pixels a digital camera is capable of capturing (megapixels). Monitors display in pixels, while a printer's resolution is described in dots per inch (dpi).


Is a three-legged camera support that offers stability, eliminating camera shake when slow shutter speeds are used. They can help to improve sharpness and composition of images.


Is a useful alternative to a tripod because its single leg offers camera stability with added mobility.


Is erasing the contents of a storage device.


Is information generated by digital cameras, and provides a record of the settings used for a particular image when photographed. The information is saved using a standard format called Exchangeable Image File (EXIF). The metadata can be accessed in various ways, including using the camera's image browser software. Adobe Photoshop can access this information from the File menu > File Info.


Is the moment when light strikes a camera's sensor and an image is recorded. Three factors combine to determine exposure: 1) the amount of light, controlled by the aperture, 2) the length of time the sensor is exposed to the light, controlled by the shutter speed, and 3) the sensitivity of the camera's image sensor, controlled by the ISO setting.


Is the part of a camera that light passes through on its way to the sensor in the camera body.

Digital Media?

Is used to store images, and includes compact flash (CF) and secure digital (SD) cards.

8-bit image that contains more than 16 million colors?


File format that is produced by digital cameras and convenient because files are small and can be opened and read by most devices and software; uses lossy compression?


Device independent color mode that describes color in terms of luminosity and color defined along two axes of red-green and blue-yellow; it is used as a reference color space for converting colors between color modes and spaces?


When using this scene mode, the camera will close the aperture so that it is a tiny in order to make the entire scene sharp?

Landscape Mode.

Lightroom module for importing, sorting, organizing, managing, and exporting images?


This software has quickly become the primary digital imaging application for photographers because of its organizing and processing abilities, with Photoshop playing an essential yet supporting role?


To produce quality images with the least amount of noise, use ? ISO settings.


Camera shooting mode in which the photographer must choose the aperture and shutter speed combination to obtain a balance that serves his/her creative goals and creates a pleasing exposure?

Manual mode.

When using this scene mode, the camera will open the aperture as much as possible and modify the focusing distance on the camera's lens, giving and a soft, blurred background behind the subject and allowing a little more magnification of the subject; works well for subjects that are smaller than your hand?

Marco Mode.

Best metering mode to use for most situations?


Metering mode that divides the image into sections (or zones), takes a separate light reading for each zone, and analyzes the different readings to determine an optimal exposure based on available light in the overall scene?


Image size?

May refer to the width and height of an image or it may refer to how much disk space an image occupies.

Color temperature?

Measured in Kelvins, describes the visual appearance of light, not including its thermal value. Light may appear white, neutral, cool, or warm.

Shutter speed?

Measured in fractions of a second, controls how long light is permitted to enter the camera through the lens.

Measure of a digital camera's resolution?


Focal length, the factor that determines how much of a scene will be captured, is measured in?

Millimeters (mm).


On a camera allows for review of images after an exposure is made; point-and-shoot digital cameras and many new DSLRs enable the photographer to view the scene on the LCD before shooting, rather than relying on the camera's optical viewfinder.

Shooting modes?

On a digital camera are presets that automatically adjust aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. They consist of Full Auto mode, Program mode, Aperture-Priority mode, Shutter-Priority mode, Scene modes, and Manual mode. Scene modes may include portrait, night, landscape, and macro, among others.

To increase the amount of the light that reaches the camera's sensor?

Open up the aperture.

Lenses with the ability to magnify the scene through a series of glass elements that move within the lens?

Optical zoom lenses.

When the brightest area of an image are completely white with no detail, the image is said to be?


Photoshop's native (proprietary) file format?


Measure of image resolution?

Pixels per inch.

When using this scene mode, the camera will open the aperture as much as possible, effectively blurring out the background while keeping the subject in focus?

Portrait Mode.

Lightroom Develop settings used to quickly achieve a certain look to your images with a single click (for example, B&W filters, Edge Effects, Color Creative) ?


To toggle between a view of the current image without any adjustments and the image with all adjustments applied in Lightroom's Develop module?

Press the backslash key (/) on the keyboard.

300 mm lens?

Produces a magnified image.

24 mm lens?

Produces a wide angle perspective.

Digital camera file type that can contain more than 68 billion colors; more accurate adjustments can be made in post-processing because there is so much data to work with?


Color mode for images that contain a full range of colors based on the three additive primary colors of light?


These colors are referred to as additive primary colors because each color adds a wavelength of light to produce the final color?


Term that refers to the give-and-take nature of the aperture-shutter speed relationship, whereby increasing the shutter speed by one setting has the same effect on exposure as stopping down one f-stop?



Refers to how the aperture and shutter speed work together to produce a proper exposure. Several shots can be taken with different apertures and shutter speeds, but produce images with equal exposure. Opening up the lens aperture by one stop is exactly the same as decreasing the shutter speed by one setting, as each doubles the amount of light for the exposure.


Refers to positioning the scene in the camera's viewfinder and determining whether it will be shot vertically or horizontally, as well as the angle and point of view that the photographer wishes to capture the subject.


Refers to reducing file size. File compression may be lossy or lossless.

Depth of Field?

Refers to the area of the image that appears in focus from foreground to background.


Setting determines a digital camera's sensitivity to light. As the ISO increases, the sensitivity of the image sensor increases. ISO is part of the exposure triangle, and should be set as low as possible to reduce image noise.

Camera shooting mode to use when exposure time is more important than depth of field?

Shutter priority mode.

Ideal shooting mode to use when your goal is to use motion blur creatively?

Shutter priority mode.

Adjustment that enables the photographer to freeze action?

Shutter speed.

Explain in complete sentences with adequate details. When shooting in aperture-priority mode in a low light at f/22, what two things could cause an image to be blurry? What are two things the photographer can do to avoid blurry images that are the result of using an aperture that is too small?

Slow shutter speeds and improper focus can both cause blurry images. To avoid blurry images when using high aperture values, use a tripod and remote/shutter cable release or set the camera on a stable surface and use the built-in timer to release the shutter.

Shutter speeds slower than this often cause blurry pictures due to camera shake?

Speeds below 1/60 of a second are likely to result in motion blur when moving subjects are photographed. However, the actual number is relative to the focal length of your lens. At 100mm, you risk blurring the image if you shoot at speeds less than 1/100 sec. without compensating with the lens' image stabilization feature or a tripod.

When using this scene mode, the camera is able to freeze the action in front of you by increasing the shutter speed?

Sports Mode.

Shutter priority is useful when shooting?


Metering mode that measures only the light in a small area, usually 2-10% of the entire scene; appropriate when you want the exposure to be based on the brightness of that area rather than on the entire scene?

Spot (or Partial).

Useful metering mode for an scene where a relatively small foreground subject is juxtaposed against a very bright or dark background?

Spot (or Partial).

50 mm lens?

Standard focal length that is a close reflection of the way the human eye sees the scene.

In order to create sharp focus throughout a scene, the aperture should be?

Stopped down.

Digital Zoom?

Supplements the optical capability of the lens, but is simply a means of cropping and enlarging an image, which usually degrades image quality.

File format that is produced by high-end digital cameras and preferred because it can capture high-bit data and offers options for adjusting exposure, white balance, and other settings with great flexibility using appropriate processing software?


Resolution and Compression?

The resolution of a digital camera is measured in megapixels. The megapixel rating determines the largest number of pixels that can be recorded for an image. However, sometimes the photographer may want to record pictures at a lower quality level; this would allow more files to fit on the storage card. Digital camera settings can be modified to record images in several quality settings, which determine how many pixels will be present in the image files. This not only affects storage, but it also impacts quality when the images are printed. The recording quality can be found in the camera's menu settings. Images can be recorded as JPEG or Raw format. JPEG files can be S (small), M (medium), or L (large), with each recording a different number of pixels for the image's width and height. Documentation in the camera's manual will tell how many pixels it records for S, M, and L. JPEG files can also be compressed to make the file sizes smaller so that they take up less storage space; compression settings may be fine, normal, basic, or something else. Again, the manual will give details about what type of compression may be used and how it will impact the file.

In order to blur the background behind the subject, the shutter speed should be?

The shutter speed does not control background blur; instead, the aperture size must be adjusted.

A full f-stop change either halves or doubles the amount of light that enters the lens. True or False?


Although it is possible to improve moderate exposure mistakes using image editing software, no amount of digital darkroom magic can save a picture that is extremely overexposed or underexposed. True or False?


Digital cameras allow the photographer to adjust the ISO on a shot-by-shot basis. True or False?


F/11 is a smaller aperture opening than f/8. True or False?


Images captured by a digital camera in RAW format must be opened in special image processing software and saved in another format before they can be exported to print documents or shared on the web. True or False?


Importing images into Lightroom does not place (physically move) them into the image catalog; rather, the catalog keeps track of where your images are located on your hard drive. True or False?


In addition to making changes to an entire photograph, you can make targeted enhancements (such as spot removal, red-eye correction, darkening skies) to localized areas of an image with Lightroom's selective adjustment tools. True or False?


Most Auto ISO features base their choice of ISO on the ability to use a shutter speed that is fast enough for handheld photography. True or False?


Prime lenses tend to be more compact and lightweight than zoom lenses. True or False?


RAW files are considerably larger than JPEG files. True or False?


Since a camera's light meter does not know what is being photographed or how the photographer wants the scene to look, it is an important skill to learn to interpret what the in-camera light meter is recommending regarding exposure. True or False?


The dSLR photographer is able to accurately view the scene through the viewfinder as it appears through the lens by means of a mirror that diverts the light and a prism that flips the image right-side up. True or False?


The image editing tools in Lightroom and Adobe Camera RAW are easier to understand and use, and often faster, than those in Photoshop. True or False?


The longer the focal length of a lens, the more the lens will magnify the scene. True or False?


While exposing the right is useful for landscapes and portraits, it is often not a viable solution to photographing fast-moving subjects, for handheld shooting in low light, or for shooting in quickly-changing conditions since a larger aperture or slower shutter speed must to be used in these situations to achieve such a histogram. True or False?


White balance settings determine how a camera interprets the light in a scene as it relates to the color temperature of the light. True or False?


To make moving water appear to be very smooth and silky?

Use a slow shutter speed.

Vibrance and Stauration sliders?

Used to add a boost of color into an image.

Shadows and Blacks sliders?

Used to bring detail back to the darkest areas of an image.

Highlights slider?

Used to bring detail back to the lightest areas of an image.

Clarity slider?

Used to make an image sharper and more defined if moved to the right, and softer and more blurred if moved to the left.

Exposure slider?

Used to make changes to the overall luminosity (brightness) of an image.

Temperature and Tint sliders?

Used to remove a color cast or shift the overall color balance of an image, making it cooler or warmer.

To accurately evaluate the color of photographic prints?

View them using daylight-balanced 5000 Kelvin bulbs.

Indicates the largest aperture opening?


When using Aperture Priority Mode to shoot a landscape, this f-stop would be preferred because it will cause the entire scene to be in sharp focus?


When using Aperture Priority Mode to shoot portraits, this f-stop would be preferred because it will cause only the subject to be in sharp focus and not background elements?


Focal Length?

of a lens determines its magnification. It is measured in millimeters, as the distance from the rear nodal point of the lens to the point where the light rays passing through the lens are focused on the focal plane (the camera's sensor). Lenses with a longer focal length magnify the scene more. Standard lenses are generally 18-55mm. Zoom lenses magnify, and telephoto lenses describe zoom lenses that are higher than 100mm.

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