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a false or mistaken idea. سفسطه- قیاس کاذب- اشتباه - غلط- اعتقاد نادرست- -The fallacy in this argument lies in the author's deep-seated bias in his choices of evidence. -The fallacy of composition" is a logical error — a mistaken belief that what seems good for an individual will still be good when others do the same thing. -The problem is a fallacy of reasoning embedded deep in our psyches.


a false statement; a lie سخن دروغ - کذب How can we ever trust a news station that only reports falsehoods and rumors?


a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen ترس و اشفتگی Having a strong fear of heights, Bill entered the elevator with trepidation. SYN: apprehension


a witty saying شعر کوتاه - طنز- لطیفه This isn't just an epigram--life is much more successfully looked at from a single window, after all.


behave uncontrollably and disruptively. berserk, demoniac, demoniacal, possessed- مجنون - دیوانگی- These lines triumph and run playfully amok in works on the adjacent wall.


decaying or decayed, especially in terms of morals فرومایه - هرزه The formerly straight-A student became a decadent outcast when he became addicted to drugs. -The reality star gave in to the decadent lifestyle of Hollywood with her growing fame and wealth. SYN: disreputable


decode رمز گشایی کردن - کشف رمز کردن - With the help of the secret key, the children were able to decipher the clues given by the radio station and read the secret message.


The tendency of an object to resist a change in motion سکون و فس فس کردن The home office's inertia in dealing with this application resulted in massive delays and dire consequences. SYN: inactive


refuse to obey سرپیچی کردن =disregard, flout - I have never defied my mother, but this time I did because she was clearly being unreasonable.


skillful, clever, tricky حیله گر- هنرمند- استادانه elusive skillful at eluding capture manipulative For minutes they snapped away as I obliged them with several artful poses. "an artful choice of metaphors" It was a beautiful addition to the clean lines and artful simplicity.


cheerful and full of energy. Can you blame him for his ebullient mood? He just graduated from medical school. سرخوش- سرکیف


extremely nervous or excited هیجان زده- عصبی- پرجزعیات و تزیین- خسته کوفته -distraught -their suspicions about their neighbor and their teacher suddenly seemed overwrought and childish. -I was already overwrought about my wife, I was still grieving for my mother, and then to hear such news...


extremely optimistic, pleasantly (even unrealistically) optimistic. If your friend tells you some terribly bad news, it would be pollyannaish to say, "Yes, but it's such a beautiful day!" The relentlessly pollyannaish assessment of the Puerto Rico aid effort from the Trump administration finally caused the mayor of San Juan to snap Synonyms: cheerful, upbeat


the linking of cooperation on one issue to interactions on a second issue پیوند


the most representative or typical example of something -In the James Bond movies, every enemy is an archetypal villain with no morals and hundreds of disposable henchmen. =classic نمونه بارز و کامل چییزی


native to a certain area بومی - ذاتی - طبیعی =innate - inherent - The plants and animals indigenous to Australia are notably different from those indigenous to the U.S


make dirty or spotty, as by exposure to air; also used metaphorically لکه دار کردن- تیره کردن کدر کردن Pete Rose was one of the best baseball players of his generation, but his involvement with gambling on baseball games has tarnished his image in the eyes of many.


lowest point ذلت-خواری- افت more generally to describe the worst point of someone's life or career. If a highly forgetful person loses his phone, his wallet, and then his car keys in separate instances all in one day, you could say that he has reached an organizational nadir. This means "lowest point." BP said the market was showing signs of recovery after reaching a nadir in the second quarter. ۲- the point below the observer that is directly opposite the zenith on the imaginary sphere against which celestial bodies appear to be projected استفاده در نجوم..


proper; tasteful; socially correct -Sally's parties are decorous affairs, and instead of the usual beer and music, there is tea and intellectual conversation. مودب - اراسته- زینت دار- حوش سلیقه


sexually perverted- lecherous Use lascivious to describe a person's behavior that is driven by thoughts of sex. If someone gives you a lascivious smile, they've got only one thing in mind. driven by lust; preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desiresشهوت انگیز- هرزه- شهوانی Synonyms: lewd, libidinous, lustful. His vocals are warm, wistful or lascivious on cue, and never less than engaging; what passes for banter between numbers is winningly self-effacing. He was cheeky, but there was nothing lascivious about him.


shame - abuse- inelegence- disgrace ننگ- رسوایی- خفت- ناسزا گو Politicians choose to be public figures who expose themselves to the possibility of public criticism and opprobrium. = vitriol, disdain


respect or regard اعتبار- منزلت- قدر -حیثیت Winning an Academy Award gives an actor prestige and almost ensures that he or she will be cast in more high-profile films.


to enjoy مزه- بو- فهمیدن- دوست داشتن


verb: taking part in immoral and unethical plots حقه بازی و کار غیر اخلاقی کردن - چشک پوشی کردن =overlook- manipulate The queen was so conniving that, with the help of the prince, she tried to overthrow the king.


walking slowly and heavily; uninspired ارام - جون کندن-- زحمت کشیدن- خرحمالی کردن Charlie may seem to run at a plodding pace, but he is an ultramarathoner, meaning he runs distances of up to 100 miles, and can run for ten hours at a stretch. لاکپشتی راه رفتن


to offer formally اراعه کردن- عرضه کردن - The government was loath to tender more money in the fear that it might set off inflation.


to place side by side کنار هم گذاشتن- پهلوی هم گذاشتن -


two-part division دوگانگی- تضاد contradictory bifurcation -A dichotomy of two lizard populations resulted when one section of the species was cut off from the rest by a mountain range.


yielding; submissive موافق - مهربان مطیع


(adj.) disorderly, riotous, violent; stormy پرتلاطم- شدید- طوفانی Syn.: tumultuous, unruly, agitated -Flights from Heathrow Airport were delayed because of turbulent winds and sudden hailstorms. سرکش یاغی اشفته


(adj.) dried up, dehydrated -lacking vitality or spirit; lifeless -uninteresting, Few novelists over 80 are able to produce anything more than desiccated works--boring shadows of former books. فاقد نشاط و روحیه. بی روح


(adj.) shameless, impudent; made of brass گستاخی- بی شرم- بدون ترس Their large "donations" to the local police department gave the drug cartel the brazen confidence to do their business out in the open. =metalllic - insolent - impudent -


(adj.) showy and flashy but lacking in good taste. -Carol expected to find New York City magical, the way so many movies had portrayed it, but she was surprised how often tawdry displays took the place of genuine elegance. زرق و برق دار- جلف مزخرف


(n.) an imperfection, flaw (The dealer agreed to lower the price because of the many blemishes on the surface of the wooden furniture.) The phone was slightly blemished when Lucy accidentally dropped it on the floor. SYN: defect اسیب زدن لکه دار کردن - The only blemish on Djokovic's otherwise perfect record was when he dropped out of a quarter-final with an eye infection.


(n.) compulsion by threat; forcible confinement. -The witness said he signed the contract under duress and argued that the court should cancel the agreement. اجبار - شدت - رفتار خشن و تند -


(n.) decline, decay, or deterioration; a condition or period of decline or decay; excessive self-indulgence فاسد شدن - تنزل - انحطاط = degeneracy هم معنیشم حفظ کنننن


(n.) disorder, confusion; (v.) to throw into disorder - My house was completely disarrayed by the preparations for the move and was too messy for guests to see. بی نظمی


(v.) to bring together, collect, gather, especially for oneself; to come together, assemble دور هم جمع کردن - Holding interviews and focus groups with your staff will allow you to amass an understanding of what they are thinking. توده کردن SYN: glean


(v.) to cancel or reverse one order or command with another that is contrary to the first فرمانی که دستور قبلی را لغو کنه The president countermanded the orders of his generals and told the troops not to attack the enemy's bridge. فسخ کردن- لغو کردن


(v.) to increase in greatness, power, or wealth; to build up or intensify; to make appear greater بزرگ کردن- افزودن - Television can aggrandize normal people, but it can also make public figures look foolish. -The king aggrandized himself by having 40-foot-high gold-plates statues made. خودتو بزرگ جلوه بدی


(v.) to make or become confused, agitated, or nervous; (n.) a state of confusion or agitation گیج کردن اشفتن- عصبانی کردن The missing students completely flustered Tom as he knew that dire consequences awaited him.


to refuse with scorn, disdain -She spurned all his flattery and proposals, and so he walked off embarrassed and sad. لگد زدن - پشت پا زدن رد کردن


to ridicule with satire = satirize, innuendo- طنز از راه کنایه و انتقاد-هجو a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way synonyms: burlesque, charade, mockery, parody, pasquinade, put-on, sendup, spoof, takeoff, travesty. The correct is sarcastic, lampooning the idea that only one kind of political opinion may be expressed. The play is not lampooning Mary or the religion, she says, but is a playwright's lyrical imagining.


to shrink with fear; to cower; to lose heart and courage. شانه خالی کردن از میدان در رفتن ترسیدن پژمرده شدن لرزیدن بلدرچین draw back, as with fear or pain synonyms: cringe, flinch, funk, recoil, shrink, squinch, wince. As he was sucking the meat off the bones of his quail, he asked Illyrio about the morning's summons. Will was just looking at her, and she quailed. She glanced again at the scratches oh the young man's smooth brown arm, and quailed for a moment. Yet when she put the thought into words, her handmaid Doreah quailed. They walked up through the chicken yard and saw the quail eating with the chickens.


to suggest for consideration; to propose پیشنهاد برای بررسی - Professor Jackson propounded his pet theory to anyone who would listen, even before finding evidence to support it. اراعه کردن- مطرح کردن


to supersede; appropiate for oneself. -"live broadcast of the presidential debate preempts the regular news hour" "discussion of the emergency situation will preempt the lecture by the professor" حق تقدم پیدا کردن - به انحصار در اوردن قبضه کردن A governmental warning about an imminent terrorist attack would preempt ordinary network programming on television


verb: the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess Synonyms : check , curb New curfew laws have bridled people's tendency to go out at night. verb: anger or take offense The hostess bridled at the tactless dinner guests who insisted on eating before everybody had gotten their food. رام کردن


verb: treat with excessive indulgence در ناز و نعمت پرورش دادن- ناز پرورده The king and queen cosseted the young prince, giving him a prized miniature pony for his fifth birthday. baby, cocker, coddle, featherbed, indulge, mollycoddle, pamper, spoil Our kids are being cosseted into fragility by "soccer mom" parenting: we need to let them toughen up.


young and inexperienced شخص بی تجربه - ناشی- جوجه پر در نیاورده- نارس =fledgling, unfledged I am not a conservative, but one matures and regards some of the views of one's youth as undeveloped and callow. -A troop of newly arrived students, very young, pink and callow, followed nervously, rather abjectly, at the Director's heels. I read Lord of the Rings when I was an undergraduate, but I was very callow and easily impressed.


مشتاق- شدید- مایل حساس - قووی- باهوش having a sharp edge; intellectually sharp; perceptive


Bankrupt; unable to pay debts. غیر قابل تبدیل به پوول نقد- بی پول With credit card bills skyrocketing, a shockingly large number of Americans are truly insolvent.


To gain possession of پیدا کردن- فراگیری- به دست اوردن To acquire means to get or come to own something. You acquire an education by your own effort. You acquire a painting by paying for it, or when someone gives it you. You acquire a sense of calm in crisis through experience. The list of things you can acquire includes: an object, a trait, a skill, or an ability. An acquired taste is something that people usually don't like when they first experience it, but later they come to enjoy it, such as raw clams or marmite. 1-come into the possession of something concrete or abstract "They acquired a new pet" Synonyms: get گرفتن- بع دست اوردن find, get, incur, obtain, receive 2-gain knowledge or skills "Children acquire language at an amazing rate" Synonyms: learn کسب مهارت- فراگرفتن 3- gain through experience "I acquired a strong aversion to television" Synonyms: develop, evolve develop, get, grow, produce تجربه اکتسابی کسب کردن 4-win something through one's efforts "I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese" Synonyms: gain, win برنده شدن 5- take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect Synonyms: adopt, assume, take, take on به عهده گرفتن 6- locate (a moving entity) by means of a tracking system such as radar Type of: locate, situate(یک موجود در حال حرکت) با استفاده از یک سیستم ردیابی مانند رادار When the National Library of Australia recently acquired famous poet Banjo Paterson's personal belongings, the last thing they expected to find was chocolate. He added that the paper he acquired on Tuesday "will honor the traditions of The Village Voice of yesteryear."


To not do something; refrain خودداری کردن- پرهیز کردن Considered a health nut, Jessica abstained from anything containing sugar--even chocolate.


Unnoticed or unappreciated بی خبر- اعلام نشده- پیش بینی نشده- without warning or announcement ""a totally unheralded telegram that his daughter...died last night"- M.A.D.Howe" Synonyms: unannounced, unpredicted. While Mr. Boynton's mother was widely lauded for her civil rights work, his own role in the movement went unheralded until recent years. Zoom Video Communications was a relatively unheralded company before the pandemic hit, but its ease of use let to wide adoption during the pandemic.


a slight or subtle degree of difference syn: gradation; shade تفاوت جرعی- نکات دقیق- اختلاف مختصر


acting or done quickly and without thought or care. characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation پرخشونت- شدید-شتابزده- بی قرار- دمدمی- Herbert is rarely impetuous, but on the spur of the moment, he spent thousands of dollars on a motorcycle today. =brainish, hotheaded, impulsive, madcap, tearaway It is clear that she more often allows herself to be won over by impetuous men than by those who proceed coldly. And likewise, two men prosper equally employing two different means, one being cautious and the other impetuous. In a characteristically impetuous move, Brown kicked up her leg to show doctors how much better she felt, loosening a blood clot that killed her almost instantly.


cause (someone) to lose determination or confidence. ناامید کردن- دلسرد کردن It is unavoidable for physicians to be disheartened when they see their patients dying from preventable causes. SYN: depress, dismay


causing conflict, opposition. -This bill incited such vigorous debate and partisanship that it was dubbed the most divisive bill in history. =controversial -تفرقه انگیز- منافقانه- جداگرانه -


changeable; faithless دمدمی- بی ثبات - بی وفا مودی She was so fickle in her politics, it was hard to pinpoint her beliefs; one week she would embrace a side, and the next week she would denounce it.


cheating; deceitful فریب دادن- اغفا کردن گول زننده The company met its financial obligations by engaging in fraudulent activities and was eventually charged and declared bankrupt. SYN: malfeasance


clever باهوووووووووش اینجینیس


come into possession of. -be valid, applicable, or true Example The custom of waiting your turn in line does not obtain in some countries, in which many people try to rush to front of the line at the same time به دست اوردن-فراهم بودن- وحود داشتن


come upon or found by accident; fortuitous تصادفی- شانسی The biologist's amazing discovery was the result of a series of largely serendipitous events.


de-emphasize; make light of کم اهمیت و بی ارزش جلوه دادن


easy to understand, clear; rational, sane. -In stark contrast to the vague and often rambling comments of other students, Jessica's remarks were refreshingly lucid. شفاف- زلال- اشکار- شیرفهم- عاقل - روشن بین


encouraging; inciting نصیحتی - تشویقی- The weather channel issued a hortatory warning about the impending blizzard that will cause severe delays.


extend; predict on the basis of known data. -By extrapolating from the data on the past three months, we can predict a 5% increase in traffic to our website. برون یابی کردن- نتیجه گیری کردن- استنتاج کردن- ملاک قرار دادن-


fundamentally different; entirely unlike -نا برابر- متفاوت =heterogeneous, dissimilar, variant, diverse


funeral hymn نوحه - مرثیه


hard, severe, cruel -exceedingly harsh or very severe =stringent, rigorous The United States and other Western nations demanded the abolishing of South Africa's Draconian security laws, which allowed for detention without trial. قوانین سخت و بی رحمانه "Where do you think you would be without the Draconian Marsh role?"


search for food دنبال غذا بودن


someone with an amateurish and superficial interest in a topic ناشی- غیرحرفه ای - سرسری- دمدمی- اماتور هنر دوست قلابی -Fred has no formal medical training; while he likes to claim authority on medical issues, he is little more than a dilettante.


to attack; assault; to attack verbally حمله کردن - هجوم بردن بر In the weekly paper, the editor assailed the governor for wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars in public projects that quickly failed.


to be one's duty or obligation واجب بودن- شایسته بودن- فرض بودن- امدن به -"It behooves us to reflect on this matter" -She raise her eyebrows at me and say, "Then it behooves me to inform you that you are fired, Aibileen." The teacher looked down at the student and said, "It would behoove you to be in class on time and complete your homework, so that you don't repeat freshman English for a third straight year."


to express less strongly than appropriate ۱- دست کم گرفتن ۲-خودداری کردن- حقیقت را نگفتن The activist decided to understate her anger about the poverty epidemic and instead strategically focus on the statistics


to force to move or flee; to move out of position جای کسی ر گرفتن Many fear that robots will displace blue collar workers in factories and leave them without reliable careers. جابجایی


to foretell; indicate in advance نشانه- شکون- فال- گواهی دادن- پیش گویی کردن =omen, portent, prodigy, prognostic, prognostication -Now the precise outlines of her skull show through the skin of her face, presaging death.


to give reluctantly, to envy a possession or one's enjoyment غبطه خوردن- خسادت کردن-


to lay down a rule تعیین کردن- نسخه نوشتن- مقرر داشتن - Apart from introducing a set of beliefs, religion also prescribes a way of life and a set of rituals to be enacted by its followers. =assign- specify - determine- enjoin


to light up or make clear واضح کردن


to make sacred, hallow; to set apart for a special purpose ویژه کردن-مقدس کردن یه مکانی- وقف شده- اختصاص دادن At the church of Notre Dame in France, the new High Altar was consecrated in 1182


to obstruct or block بستن و محدود کردن


to produce, cause, or bring about -when you engender the spirit of teamwork and cooperation by encouraging others and doing your share of the group's work. به وجود اوردن- ایجاد کردم- بچه دار شدن- سرچشمه گرفتن


incapable of being changed or called back. قطعی - لازم - بی برگشت - غیر قابل فسخ =irreversible - unalterable - final . -Once you enter your plea to the court, it is irrevocable so think carefully about what you will say.


to gather bit by bit ذره ذره اطلاعات جمع کردن Herb has given us no formal statement about his background, but from various hints, I have gleaned that he grew up in difficult circumstances.


to get ahead of, do better than, exceed جلو افتادن از - برتر بودن - پیشی گرفتن -Human abilities still far outstrip even the most powerful computers.


to honor, to regard with respect احترام گذاشتن Quentin Tarantino is revered by many young filmmakers for his brilliant innovations in cinematography. SYN: venerate


(verb) to relieve, make more bearable تسکین دادن- ارام کردن - سبک کردن syn: lesson, lighten, allay, mitigate, assuage


An affliction, trouble, or difficult experience; ordeal; hardship. -The tribulations of a coal miner include a dangerous work environment, lung disease from black dust and a cramped, dark work space. رنج -محنت- عذاب - اختلال


Showing little regard تحقیر امیز The president refused to answer any questions and addressed the crowd with a dismissive gesture.


Too simplistic or easy -arrived at without due care or effort; lacking depth Example Many news shows provide facile explanations to complex politics, so I prefer to read the in-depth reporting of The New York Times. سهل الوصول-به اسانی قابل اجرا - سرسری-نوشتار کم محتوا و سطحی - حس این کلمه منفیه


Having a revival, renewing, rising or surging again. باز خیز- رستاخیز - طالع - احیا شونده -The team sank to fourth place in June, but is now resurgent and about to win the division. =revival


Orderly and regular روشمند - رو قاعدع


a comment indicating strong criticism or disapproval. - The alimony negotiations between the former spouses collapsed into mutual blame and animadversion. انتقاد - مشاهده تذکر و اعلان خطر عیب جویی - اعتراض


a mark of distinction مهر و موم اعتبار Some ambitious lawyers are willing to work on Supreme Court cases without pay as they believe that this increased cachet will help them succeed in the future.


a reason for doing something; something that stimulates action اشتیاق - دلگرمی - شوق A passenger has less incentive to pay more to travel faster if the seat is comfortable. انگیزه


always knows what to do in any situation; cannot be made nervous or anxious. خونسرد- خوددار- مایوس نشدنی not easily perturbed or excited or upset; marked by extreme calm and composure. The house shook and the ground quaked, but my dad was unflappable and comforted the family.


an act that debases or corrupts -In many ways it is a bastardization of the Madonna model. -But here's the thing: that PJ Media chart is a bastardization of the "Media Bias Chart" compiled by the nonpartisan company Ad Fontes Media. - پستی - حرامزادگی- فساد بدل سازی پست کردن - تنزل دادن عملی که تخریب یا فساد می شه The movie World War Z is a complete bastardization of the book with little more in common than zombies and a title.


an explanation of a text; a critical interpretation. If your teacher gives an explanation of a difficult text you are reading, she is giving you an exegesis on it. An exegesis is a critical look at a text. 1-an explanation or critical interpretation (especially of the Bible) تفسیرکردن Dean Baquet, the executive editor, will retire in a few years, and Mr. Smith offered a lengthy exegesis on who might succeed him. There is no exegesis nor any original ideas — she's a scholar but not an academic.


an inappropriate lack of seriousness; overly casual سرسری رفتار سبک- لوس - Despite his attempts to bring levity to the sad situation, the tone of the conversation failed to lighten up.


an irritating and persistent person خرمگس- ادم مزاحم- منتقد سختگیر The ancient Athenians described Socrates as a gadfly whose constant questioning annoyed many citizens in the city. The now indicted lawyer and buzzing gadfly Michael Avenatti is endorsing Presidential candidates.


anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen. the apprehension you feel about an upcoming test. -the student looked around the examination room with apprehension" -He gazed at them evenly, no anger or apprehension in his eyes, only a quiet calmness. -نگرانی دلهره- فهم- توقیف- بیم - خوف Test day can be one of pure apprehension, as many students worry about their test scores.


any sudden and violent contraction of one or more voluntary muscles اشوب - تکان- تشنج Financial conditions in the United States have recently become unpredictable, and convulsions in the stock markets could harm the country's economy. یه اشوبی که کشور و میتونع تکون بده


appropriate or fitting مناسب- سازگار- شایسته برازنده The okapi is a congruous African animal, but a dinosaur would be an anachronism. -The wall featured a gate fashioned from recycled boards, all very vernacular and congruous.


appropriate; fitting مناسب- درخور- بجا For a writer with such quick wit, Jonathan Swift has a rather apposite name.


arrogant, condescending مغرور- متکبر - شریف -When you're haughty, you have a big attitude and act like you're better than other people -The haughty manager didn't believe that any of his subordinates could ever have an insight as brilliant his own. =arrogant - snobbish - disdainful


behaving or done in an obsequious way in order to gain advantage. - Her dislike of flattery made her disregard sycophantic people who tried to win her approval through praise. چاپلوس- مفت خور- متملق SYN: obsequious, adulator


brief and to the point -curt, taciturn, laconic, succinct - The professor urged students toward a terse rather than an embellished prose style as he preferred economy of written expression. مختصر و مفید هرچند غیر رسمی بشه فاکداپ شده تا بگیم اوضاعش وخیمه


an indirect way of expressing something بیان غیرمستقیم


carried out to the full extent; thorough; complete; unqualified. -Your thoroughgoing research most likely involved endless hours of sifting through multiple sources. کامل - با جزعیات =arrant, complete, consummate, double-dyed, everlasting, gross, perfect, pure, sodding, staring, stark, unadulterated, utter تمام و کمال


cause a severe loss in the dignity of and respect for someone or something =debase- degrade پست و تحقیر کردن ارزش و احترام کسی و پایین اوردن


causing horror مهیب سهمگین To this day, the Holocaust remains a horrific symbol of the terrors of World War II.


clear, obvious روشن - واضخ


dark, gloomy; depressed or melancholy in spirit تاریک- محزون- غم انگیزز - Many forget that Memorial Day is a somber occasion to remember the fallen soldiers who protected the nation. SYN: solemn


deep regret for doing something wrong; remorse. -Those who show contrition during their prison terms--especially when under review by a parole board-- often get shortened sentences. -پشیمانی - ندامت- توبه = repetance - compunction - PENANCE **


deeply hurt the feelings of; distress. to rip, maul, tear, mutilate, or mangle آزردن- مجروح کردن- عذاب دادن- پاره کردن - ریش ریش کردن =bruise, hurt, injure, offend, spite, wound. The tomato soup, though, was so acidic it was almost lacerating. The teacher was fired for lacerating a student who wrote a poor essay


deeply respectful احترام- متواضع - فروتن = deferential - showing veneration -The second boy's voice was reverent and afraid. -Mother added her testimony in low, reverent whispers.


depressing and boring. -Although the weather was particularly dreary, we stood outside all day at the race track. دلگیر- اندوه بار- بی روح - قدیمی- غمگین


derogatory or mocking in an indirect way; (of a person) devious and underhanded کنایه امیز- حرف نیش دار حقه باز - عوام فریب- نیش دار "makes many a sharp comparison but never a mean or snide one" =supercilious -Jeff was always rolling his eyes at something, usually with a snide comment to match.


describes behavior nobody wants to be around. Think of the irritable old guy who lives on your street and always seems to be simmering with some sullen nasty anger, whose every utterance he spits out with a rude snarl. He's the poster boy for surly. inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace "a surly waiter" And she never used such a surly tone with clients. تندخو- گستاخ- با ترشرویی


open to attack اسیب پذیر It was immoral for the conmen to target vulnerable elderly people living alone in this neighborhood.


directly frank without hesitation -I did not expect the insurance agent to give us any straight answers, but I was pleasent surprised by how forthright he was. رک- بدون شک و تردید - بی محابا


excessively concerned with trifles or details; hard to please; fussy; particular; fastidious; persnickety. ایرادگیر- دیر پسند- متوحه جزعیات -Sarah is very hard to please as she is such a finicky manager who demands every little detail to be perfect.


expressing hatred or evil; harmful, ominous -Movies often use storms or rain clouds as a baleful omen of evil events that will soon befall the main character. 2-deadly or sinister "the Florida eagles have a fierce baleful look" 1-threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments "a baleful look" synonyms: forbidding, menacing, minacious, minatory, ominous, sinister, threatening - شرارت بار- مصیبت انگیز- زیان بخش- محزون- غم زده


expressing sorrow ناله امیز - سوزناک -Plaintive sobbing had been coming from Betty's room all afternoon, reflecting her sadness about the loss of the family dog. =elegiac


extremely hungry حریص - پر ولع - بسیار گرسنه- -John didn't each much at all during the week he had the flu, so now that he is regaining his health, it's not surpring that he has a ravenous appetite.


faithless, disloyal, untrustworthy خاعن - پیمان شکن The general was so widely suspected of being perfidious during the war that his name eventually became synonymous with disloyalty.


fertile; productive. =prolific intellectually productive بار ور- اندیشمند- خلاق- حاصلخیز The artist had entered a fecund period, producing three masterpieces in the span of two months.


festive, sociable, having fun together, genial وابسته به جشن و خوشگذرونی و اهل دل -The wedding reception was convivial; friends who hadn't seen each other for ages drank and ate together before heading to the dance floor.


forgetful; unaware - Most drivers are oblivious to the fact that cars have contained powerful computers for decades. بی توجه - فراموشکار


frenzied, esp. violently جنون و دیوانگی Wherever the bowl haircut teen-idol went, his legions of screaming fans ran through the streets amuck, hoping for a glance at his boyish face. =confused -


hater of women زن گریز Many have accused Hemingway of being a quiet misogynist, but recently unearthed letters argue against this belief.


haughty manner or spirit; arrogance -overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors غرور As soon as she won the lottery, Alice begin displaying a hauteur to her friends, calling them dirty-clothed peasants behind their backs.


having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way. =baneful, deadly, pestilent noxious و insidious, subtle harmful. مهلک- کشنده - زیان اور -The most successful viruses are pernicious an infected person may feel perfectly healthy for several months while incubating and spreading the virus.


hypothesize; propose نظر- فرضیه Galileo was one of the first scientists who postulated that the Earth revolved around the Sun فرض کردن


in an initial stage; not fully formed. means just beginning to form. You can have an inchoate idea, or an inchoate feeling, like your inchoate sense of annoyance toward your sister's new talking parrot. only partly in existence; imperfectly formed "a vague inchoate idea" Synonyms: incipient اغازین-ابتدایی- ناتمام But there are no concrete ideas to bolster what is essentially an amorphous drift into inchoate terror. Yet this inchoate movement is gaining ground, and Trump is on the defensive.


to banish; to shut out from a group or society by common consent طرد کردن- عاق کردن - از خود راندن =exclude


lack of pride; modesty -the quality or state of being humble -Known for his humility, Derek Jeter never bragged about his successes. افتادگی- فروتنی


n. One who kills, or tries to kill, treacherously or secretly. قاتل- ادمکش An assassin is someone who murders an important political or religious leader. Brutus is one of the most infamous assassins in history. He murdered Julius Caesar, who ruled Rome in the first century B.C. Thanks to the assassin who prematurely terminated William McKinley's presidency, the election of 1900 inaugurated the reformist Progressive Era. Between rebels and rulers, it's clear where her sympathies lie: Royals are mythic, but it's their assassins whom she loves.


not easily upset or excited Doug is normally placid, so we were all shocked to see him yelling at the television when the Mets lost the game. ارام - خونسرد- متین


not marked by careful distinctions; haphazard ناهمگون- درهم برهم- اشفته- مبنای سنجش دقیق نباشه -The pirate Blackbeard's crew was an indiscriminate mix of former soldiers, criminals, exiles, and orphans.


not thorough or detailed -It is better to be prepared for the meeting with a fully-formed plan than a sketchy outline. =superficial, undeveloped, rudimentary ناقص- از روی عجله- سرسری- سطحی-


not to be avoided or escaped; inevitable ناچار- حتمی- ناگزیر impossible to avoid or evade -"an ineluctable destiny" synonyms:inescapable, unavoidable For those who smoke cigarettes for years, a major health crisis brought on by smoking is ineluctable.


to reproduce, increase, or spread rapidly زیاد شدن- بسط دادن


to tear out; scoop out; overcharge گول زدن- ب زور گرفتن کندن- وسیله جراحی


unfriendly; antagonistic دشمنی - مخالفت It is best to avoid rabid mammals because they are hostile to anything that comes near them.


with skill and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues. با تدبیر


worn out; barren فرسوده- عقیم


of or relating to an owner or ownership خصوصی - غیر د.ولتی Proprietary data should be stored securely so that employees cannot access it after they leave the company. وابسته به مالک


ordinary, dull, routine, without variation یکنواختی - روتین - ملامت بار "he was sick of the humdrum of his fellow prisoners"


pale, gaunt, resembling a corpse رنگ پریده - مرده- مث جسد -Some actors take challenging roles in which they have to lose so much weight that they appear cadaverous.


quiet and modest; reserved to be modest . can be described as polite and a little shy متین - موقر سنگین- با حیا- خوددار- خجالتی- کمحرف The portrait of her in a simple white blouse was sweet and demure. Milo answered in a demure voice with his face lowered meekly. "I'm so sorry, Stepsister," Ash said in a demure voice, and lightened her touch slightly


rebuke severely; scold -express strong disapproval of به شدت سرزنش کردن- نکوهیدن- گوشمالی دادن The manager spent an hour objurgating the employee in the hopes that he would not make these mistakes again. =condemn, decry, excoriate, reprobate =castigate, chasten, chastise, correct This was repeated to Ahchoogah, who turned and objurgated his people with every appearance of anger.


recovery احیا شدن- منعکس شدن- جان گرفتن- حرکت ارتجاعی داشتن -Last July, Microsoft introduced Windows 10 and raised some hopes that the industry would rebound in PC sales.


refined رقیق کردن- تصفیه کردن- =dilute - purge یه چیز بدی و مودبانه گفتن (نمکشو کم کنی ) 1-There was always sunshine, always a tiny sticking in the throat from the rarefied air. 2-of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style. synonyms: elevated, exalted, grand, high-flown, high-minded, idealist, lofty, noble-minded, rarefied, sublimeمترادف: بلند مرتبه ، والا ، بزرگ ، بلند پرواز ، بلند فکر ، ایده آلیست ، والا ، نجیب اندیش ، رفیق ، متعالی


relevant or applicable to a particular matter; apposite. مرتبط- مربوط While the salaries of the players might draw attention in the media, such monetary figures are not pertinent to the question of who plays the best on the field.


roughness or harshness; severity. harshness of manner تلخی- خشونت- نامطبوعی- ترشی-بدی اب و هوا- =severity- imbecility-amentia- anility- dementia- pickle The editor was known for his asperity, often sending severe letters of rejection to amateur writers.


sad, mournful filled with or evoking sadness محزون - غمگین- ماتم زده - سوگوار No event is more doleful than the passing of my mother; she was a shining star in my life. His eyes closed and he began to sing in a doleful voice: I went to the animal fair.


seeing the worst side of things; no hope ناامید بدبین


shared decision making between the pope and the bishops تعامل و ارتباط بین همکاران -The warm collegiality among members of the IT department often led to several rounds of drinks at the local pub.


sharp and irritating to the senses تند و تیز و = repellent - mordant


showing ready comprehension of others' states. همدلانه-همدردی Most discrimination and hatred is based on a lack of empathetic awareness of people that have the same aspitations and fears.


showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense. پرشور - پراحساسات- سخت- حاد =fervent While the other employees responded to the bad news in a measured way, Andrew responded in a vehement manner, tipping over his desk and shouting at the top of his lungs.


small in amount; minute کم و لاغر Some entrepreneurs have made large fortunes in a year or two of trade despite starting out with exiguous capital. اندک SYN: scanty


smooth and glossy نرم و براق- شیک- چاق و چله - صیقلی- لیز -If your hair is sleek, it is smooth and glossy. If your car is sleek, it's shiny and looks like it goes fast. =aerodynamic, flowing, streamlined.


smooth, nearly flat articular surface وجه - جنبه ی چیزی = aspect -Remembering to schedule regular oil changes is a facet of responsible car ownership.


someone who chooses to live outside of, or renounce, his or her native country. - The man was expatriated for speaking out against his government at a public event. تبعید شدن


startle, excite, shock, electrify - *** animate, rouse اب فلزی دادن- تحریک کردن- به جنب و جوش انداحتن cover with zinc "galvanize steel" She knows exactly where the two galvanized buckets are: just inside the door of her room. "There he is again, Bigger!" the woman screamed, and the tiny, one-room apartment galvanized into violent action.


the acquisition of money in dishonest ways, as in bribing a politician. -اختلاس کردن- گیاه پیوندی- رشوه خواری- پیوند عضو In countries with rampant graft, getting a driver's license can require no more than paying an official. Then he covered the open wound with a temporary graft of pig skin.


to assume beforehand; to take for granted in advance; to require as a prior condition از پیش فرض کردن- فرض را بر این قرار دادن -The burnt timbers and broken pottery found by the archaeologists presupposed the destruction of a previous settlement


to be in abundance; to drive out of hiding. -The exam's passage is flush with difficult words, words that you may have learned only yesterday. سرخ شدن- فراوان و پر بودن- به هیجان امدن- اب را با فشار ریختن


to connect so as to form a whole; (n.) a carpentry figure resembling a dove's tail **fit together tightly, as if by means of a interlocking joint جفت کردن- هماهنگ شده Although Darwin's evolution and Mendel's genetics were developed in isolation from one another, they dovetail each other very well.


to deceive; a person who is easily deceived. گول زدن۱- -فرد ساده دل - ساده لوح- ۲- =martin - defraud - -The charlatan mistook the crowd for a bunch of dupes, but the crowd was quickly on to him and decried his bald-faced attempt to bilk them. -


to draw a circle around; to restrict دور چیزی خط کشیدن- محدود کردن- مرزبندی کردن- =surround -Their tour of South America was circumscribed so that they saw only popular destinations and avoided the dangerous parts of cities.


to end the rule of; to defeat, often by using force از قدرت انداختن- سرنگون کردن- انقراض براندازی کردن


to find fault with; blame; censure; to upbraid. سرزنش - ملامت - عیب جویی - سرکوفت -طعنه At first, Sarah was going to yell at the boy, but she didn't want to reproach him for telling the truth about the situation.


to flatter or praise excessively. -The media fawned over the handsome new CEO, praising his impeccable sense of style instead of asking more pointed questions. با لاس زدن و چاپلوسی چیزی و گرفتن- خ مالی کردن برا پست و مقام


to fluctuate between choices نردید - دو دلی It is bewildering why Martha's kindness never wavered despite Chip's coldness toward her. SYN: oscillate


to free from blame تبرعه کردن- معاف کردن- روسفید گردن -The document clearly indicated that Nick was out of the state at the time of the crime, and so served to exonerate him of any charges.


to give glory to; to honor; to make something seem better than it actually is برجسته کردن- تجلیل کزدن - He denies that the movie glorifies violence. - to make something seem better or more important than it really is


to glorify, to praise, to raise in rank تجلیل کردن- ستایش کردن -The teenagers exalted the rock star, covering their bedrooms with posters of him. =elevated, grand, high-flown, high-minded, idealistic, lofty, noble-minded, rarefied, rarified, sublime -"an exalted ideal"


to hold back or limit the flow or growth of something. متوقف کردن رشد -دودمان - دسته- اصل To stem the tide of applications, the prestigious Ivy requires that each applicant score at least 330 on the Revised GRE.


to improve, make better, correct a flaw or shortcoming. -بهتر کردن- بهبود یافتن- اصلاح کردن -When I began work at the bank I knew that much of their suffering would be ameliorated. -"There is still a lot of systemic work that the network needs to do to ameliorate the situation." -Ameliorating the effects of climate change only creates temporary solutions against the more deep-rooted problems that continue to pervade the environment.


to improve, make better, correct a flaw or shortcoming. بهتر کردن- اصلاح کردن- چاره یافتن- =amend, better, improve, meliorate -When I began work at the bank I knew that much of their suffering would be ameliorated.


to interpret wrongly, mistake the meaning of بد فهمیدن- اشتباه فهمیدن The politician never trusted journalists because he though that they misconstrue his words and misrepresent his positions. =misinterpret -


to make impure, to contaminate. -قلابی- چیز بی کیفیت و فیک ساختن


to make ineffective or useless -. Listening to an hour-long graduation speech on a hot, humid day might stultify you. -Their behavior stultified the boss's hard work" -"He stultified himself by contradicting himself and being inconsistent" -"nobody is legally allowed to stultify himself" - احمقانه جلوه دادن= پوچ نشان دادن- بی مایه جلو دادن- خسته کننده- کسل کردن-


to make known فاش کردن- اشکار کردن -We can be certain that our medical information will not be made public as it is illegal for doctors to disclose the medical history of their patients.


to make less severe ارام کردن- تسکین دادن- خرد کردن If it weren't for the mitigating circumstances, he would have certainly lost his job.


to make or become worse. -When the brilliant writer Oliver Sacks was diagnosed with cancer, his condition deteriorated very quickly and the doctors could not help him. -the truth is at a certain age we all start deteriorating too. =degenerate, devolve, drop -In the following months, the situation deteriorated greatly, like a country at war. بدتر شدن- خراب شدن- پسرفت-


to make smaller, make less syn: puncture خالی کردن باد- جلوگیری از تورم- کاهش قیمت When the straight-A student received a "C" on his book report, his confidence was deflated and he thought he would never gain admittance to Harvard. کم شدن اعتماد بنفس


to pay attention to توجه کردن- ملاحضه کردن - The undergrads did not heed the warning about riptides and suffered serious casualties. heedless=careless


to please greatly; to win over by special charm شیفتن - اسیر کردن Steve was captivated by the intricacy of the ice crystals forming on his windowpane and couldn't take his eyes off them. SYN: enamored


to provide a basis of support; to lie under. - It is hard to fathom that atoms underlie all objects, diverse and similar, in the universe. زمینه چیزی بودن - زیر چیزی بودن


to publicly praise or promoteو شوعاف کردن At the conference, the CEO touted the extraordinary success of his company's Research & Development division.


to reduce someone's worth or value; to make someone step down to a lower position or rank; to move down a step in social status خوار و خفیف کردن Jesse had mockingly pointed out all of Nancy's faults in front of their friends, publicly degrading the poor girl.


to reduce the severity of - موقتا ارام کردن- تسکین دادن- کاهش دادن- کوچک کردن -Morphine is sometimes used to palliate the suffering of terminally ill patients. =extenuate, mitigate و alleviate, assuage, relieve -His attempt to palliate the effect of this didactic approach was to create big stories for his characters.


to reestablish friendship, to resolve a dispute. =conciliate, make up, patch up, settle و accommodate, -She seemed not only to acquiesce, to be reconciled to her life and marriage, but to be actually proud of it. تطبیق دادن- وفق دادن- صلح دادن- =suit, attune, tune, assimilate -The emotions in the vision seemed to belong to someone else, and Taisin couldn't reconcile them with the present.


to resist مخالفت کردن با- خود ستایی جفتک انداختن مقاومت کردن The profits at our firm bucked the general downturn that effected the real estate industry.


to separate into layers طبقه بندی کردن Many cities in this country were stratified into economic bands following the war, which resulted in a long-term segregation of the different populations.


to set aside for a certain purpose اختصاص دادن - وقف کردن نگین ددیکیت هر سامر تو جی ار ای - Michael Phelps dedicated his teen years to the pool with the sole aim of making it to the Olympics.


to set right, remedy; relief from wrong or injury. -Barry forgot his wife's birthday two years in a row, and was only able to redress his oversight by surprising his wife with a trip to Tahiti. جبران کردن - اصلاح کردن


to start up again, to reoccur after a period of being dormant عود کننده the revival of an unfortunate situation after a period of abatement "the patient presented with a case of recrudescent gastralgia" Synonyms: revived ----> احیاشدن Despite my longing for human companionship I found it difficult to join in this strange recrudescent paganism with any ease or grace. He swore sharply and slapped again at a recrudescent flame upon his leg. Her voice fell; she was trembling with the recrudescent suffering of that year-long servitude.


to steal and to use another's writings as one's own. سرقت ادبی -You plagiarize when you take someone's ideas or words and pass them off as your own. -کپی


to supply the money for; to pay. If you live in New York and are invited for a job interview in California, the company may defray the expenses of your plane ticket and hotel, especially if they really want to hire you. If your mother says she will defray the cost of your next move, say thank you. She means she will take on some of the expenses for you. When one of the members dies, we donate to the family members $2,500 to help defray their costs of a burial," Vigil said. پرداخت کردن- محتمل شدن هزینه- تسویه کردن


to tear down, break to pieces خراب کردن The building was old and dangerous, so the local government decided to demolish it as soon as possible.


to throw goods overboard to lighten the load on a boat or an airplane بیرون انداحتن- رد کردن The playwright's approach is startling as it jettisons conventional theatrical devices and provokes the notion of normalcy.


to tolerate; to endure; to countenance put up with something or somebody unpleasant =synonyms:abide, bear, digest, endure, put up, stand, stick out, stomach, suffer, support, tolerate تحمل کردن I followed the trail for a ways, until it was crossed by a brook.


to wet thoroughly روی چیزی اب ریختن خاموش کردن اتش Firefighters were wary of dousing the fire with too much water for fear of contaminating underground aquifers. =extinguish


to yearn intensely; to languish; to lose vigor حسرت - غم از دست دادن- ضعیف شدن - رنج و غم - نگرانی Standing forlornly by the window, she pined for her lost love.


too forward or bold; overstepping proper bounds گستاخ- جسور - خودبین Many felt that Barney was presumptuous in moving into the large office before the management even made any official announcement of his promotion.


unchangeable تغییر ناپذیر- در زیست یعنی جهش ناپذیر =determinate -Slow and immutable, they appeared at the door carrying an enormous vessel sealed with clay. -"the view of that time was that all species were immutable, created by God"


unrestricted situation in which everyone may take part زد و خورد همگانی - داد و بیداد - By 5 AM on Black Friday, Walmart was a free-for-all for hundreds of shoppers fighting over the hottest holiday deals.


unselfishly generous; concerned for others. Someone who is altruistic always puts others first. An altruistic firefighter risks his life to save another's life, while an altruistic mom gives up the last bite of pie so her kid will be happy. When the word refers to the animal world, it means behavior that may actually harm the individual animal but will benefit the species in general. This is a truly selfless act! متضاد ها : Antonyms: egocentric, egoistic, egoistical, self-centered, selfcentred , limited to or caring only about yourself and your own needs. He was a very nice guy, very altruistic," Mr. Mullin said. This cozy arrangement was never quite as altruistic as advertised. نوع دوستی As a nation, we've lost our sense of altruistic and moral purpose, a collective will to do what is decent and right and, as sociologists like to say, "other-regarding.


verb: to evade or dodge (a question) By assuming that Charlie was headed to college - which he was not - Maggie begged the question when she asked him to which school he was headed in the Fall. dodge, avoid answering, or take for granted=طفره رفتن ، اجتناب از پاسخ دادن ، یا امری بدیهی است circumvent, dodge, duck, elude, evade, fudge, hedge, parry, put off, sidestep, skirt. avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues) beg the question"


walk with great difficulty دست و پا زدن- بال بال زدن- اشتباه - لغزش- سفره ماهی Sylvia has excelled at advanced calculus, but ironically, when she has deal with taxes, she flounders.


warm and friendly صمیمی خونگرم خوشرو از ته دل ="cordial relations" "a cordial greeting" =affable, amiable, genial


warn or reprimand someone firmly پند دادن- اگاه کردن- موغظه کزدن- تذکر دادن -Before the concert began, security personnel admonished the crowd not to come up on stage during the performance. =scold - reprove


wary; cautious; sparing is being wary or cautious. Experts with long experience in treating depression were encouraged by the news, but also chary. Being chary, however, promises some immediate benefits, she noted. دقیق و با احتیاط


well-mannered; refined; polite نجیب و اقااامنش باتربیت و خوش سلیقه A live string quartet would provide a more genteel air to the wedding than would a folk singer.

ossify in to

به شدت تبدیل شدن به ...مثلا علایقش به شدت به یچیزی تبدیل شد




علم اصول و روش شناسی


کهنه و قدییمی


۱- پیچیده ۲- ماهر و با تجربه


(adj.) appearing ready to collapse, loose and shaky ناپایدار بی ثبات Despite the ramshackle appearance of the hotel, the beds were comfortable and the view unmatched.


(adj.) awkward, lacking in social graces, tactless, clumsy ناشی - دست و پا چلفتی- بی ملاحظه- چپ دست Sylvester says the most gauche things, such as telling a girl he liked that she was much prettier when she wore makeup. رفتارای ناپسند


(adj.) belonging to someone or something by its very nature, essential, inherent; originating in a bodily organ or part -Some people argue that greed is such an intrinsic part of being human that it is the basis of all evil acts and can never be eradicated from any society. ذاتی - نهادین =inherent


(adj.) nearsighted; lacking a broad, realistic view of a situation; lacking foresight or discernment نزدیک بین - کوتاه نظر smug- parochial - -The company ultimately went out of business because the myopic managers couldn't predict the changes in their industry.


(adj.) severe, harsh, strict; thoroughly logical سحتگیرانه - خیلی دقیق


(n.) a confused struggle; a violent free-for-all; a tumultuous mingling. غوغا - ستیزه -In the melee that followed, the camera was briefly pointed at the floor, walls, and ceiling.


(n.) a person who hates or despises people بیزار و متنفر از انسان ها


(v.) to puzzle completely, confuse syn: perplex, confound گیج کردن سردرگم کردن


(v.) to set apart as holy or sacred, sanctify, consecrate; to honor greatly, revere. - As she is the leading surgeon in the hospital, her expertise and advice are incredibly hallowed. SYN: respect


1- tending to avoid commitment or self-revelation, especially by responding only indirectly. 2. deliberately vague or ambiguous گریزان - فرار - طفره رفتن ۲- مبهم- -Every time I call the bank, I receive the same evasive answers about our mortgage and never get a clear response. His responses were clearly evasive; he obviously did not want to take on any responsibility or any new work.


A government ruled by a king or queen سلطنت -With the Queen as the head of state, England is one of the few remaining monarchies in the world.


A word that expresses emotion حرف ندا- صوت - اصوات Harvey's girlfriend accused him of interrupting, but he said his interjections were just meant to express agreement.


to charge with a crime; to accuse of wrongdoing. متهم کردن- اعلام جرم کردن- تعقیب قانونی For the thirty-eight riot deaths, twenty-one people were indicted, seventeen black, four white. A book that indicts the entire education system might lay out all the reasons that schools are failing kids.


to decline in vigor, strength, or interest. -After the three crushing defeats in the last three games, the team's enthusiasm began to flag. -droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness; become less intense پژمرده شدن-دسست شدن- از پا افتادن-سنگ فرش کردن


(adj.) cordial, pleasantly cheerful or warm syn: friendly, amiable خوشرو- خوش مشرب- حونگرم - دلپذبر


(adj.) very careful and exact, attentive to fine points of etiquette or propriety


-(v.) give or ascribe value or validity to something; to raise or fix the price or value of a commodity. ارزش گذاری کردن ارزش قاعل شدن برای تمجید کردن


A feeling of great happiness or well-being شادی و نشاط بیش از حد -The euphoria of winning her first gold medal in the 100 meter dash overwhelmed Shelly-Ann Fraser and she wept tears of immense joy.


average, ordinary, undistinguished متوسط - حد وسط


corruption; self-indulgence میگساری


dangerous خظرناک


determined عمدی


evil; dishonest; to break away from honesty فاصد خراب کردن


fragment سفال- صدف


in separate parts; apart from each other in position جدا جدا - Their deteriorating relationship was finally torn asunder after she confessed that she never loved him.


offensive, hateful; tending to cause bitterness and resentment. منزجر کننده- حسودانه- نفرت انگیز- ناخوشایند- At a time when many others in the office were about to be laid off, many considered Cheryl's fine clothes that day an invidious display. "Fred was angered by the invidious gossip about his divorce being spread by his ex-wife's allies." The second response is more invidious: so-called agricultural improvement.


omnipresent, ubiquitous همگانی - فراگیر


one who is independent and resists adherence to a group. ادم مستقل تک رو - بی سر پرست -Officer Kelly was a maverick, rarely following police protocols or adopting the conventions for speech common among his fellow officers.


overstate, exaggerate اغراق - بزرگ کردن


paying careful attention to; noticing much هشیار - مراقب- رعایت کننده meticulous


polite, respectful, or considerate in manner. مودب Drivers here have never been courteous to cyclists, but the new traffic regulations and fines may persuade them to drive more considerately now.


praise somewhat dishonestly چاپلوسی کردن Everyone in the office knew that Jerry only flattered his boss in order to get a raise. SYN: fawn


sadness غم و ناراحتی طولانی Hamlet is a figure of tremendous melancholy


strange, mysterious, weird, beyond explanation غیر طبیعی- جدی - زیرک- وهمی = sophisticated- illusory- drastic- serious Reggie has an uncanny ability to connect with animals


to amaze مات و مبهوت کردن - شکوه و جلال when u say wow how u doin ! Her arguments dazzled everyone" "The dancer dazzled the audience with his turns and jumps"


to express sorrow; to grieve سوگواری کردن- تاسف خوردن Bill lamented his tragic loss following the earthquake that wiped out his family and home.


to prevent by acting first سبفت گرفتن- پیش گویی کردن کمین کردن


to refute


to ridicule, laugh at with contempt مسخرع کردن- ب کسی خندیدن The nun derided the students for trying to sneak insects and worms into the classroom.


to rise above or beyond, exceed فراتر رفتن- برتر بودن- پیشی گرفتن- متعالی شدن -Data privacy is a concern that transcends national borders. -They were outgoing and confident, and transcended every high school clique. =overcome -The beauty of Yeats' poetry seemed to transcend the limits of the English language.


to run off and hide فرار کردن- گریختن پنهان شدن


to say again, repeat تکرار چیزی برای تاکیید The magazine editor reiterated many times that all writers should stop using so many exclamation points in their writing.


to twist out of shape منحرف کردن از شکل طبیعی انداختن -The static in the air distorted the image on the old television and made it unwatchable.


to undervalue دست کم گرفتن


to violently collapse inward از داخل ترکیدن


versatile, volatile, flighty, erratic, capricious


very generous بخشنده


(adj.) accidental, occurring by a happy chance از رو بخت و اقبال


(adj.) strict, severe; rigorously or urgently binding or compelling; sharp or bitter to the taste سحتگیر - سفت


(n) a lack of government and law; confusion هرج و مرج - اغتشاش


(n.) an enlargement, increase, addition. -the action or process of increasing especially in quantity or value -The annual increment in study loan interests means that students are faced with insurmountable debts at the end of their studies. افزایش- تصاعدی- اضافه حقوق- رشد -Instead they zigzagged back and forth, increasing their altitude by small increments every time they changed directions. -Of course, I gradually shared my past with them in increments as they grew older.


(v.) make lively (syn.) animate, invigorate, inspire حیات بخشیدن - روج دادن


(v.) to drift apart or become unfriendly; to cause such a separation; to remove or keep at a distance. -The husband's infidelity estranged the wife and eventually led to divorce. دلسرد کردن- بیگانه کردن- فاصله انداختن SYN: unlinked, disaffect


(v.) to expose the falseness of something کسی را اگاه و هدایت کردن- غلط بودن چیزی رو بگی - کم ارزش کردن -Richard Dawkins tries to debunk religious belief, but his ridicule tends to push people away from his points rather than convince them. - (He debunked her claim to be the world's greatest chess player by defeating her in 18 consecutive matches.)


(v.) to get rid of something unwanted, delete; to sift through to obtain what is desirable; to remove the chaff from the wheat by blowing air on it; to blow on, fan


(v.) to plunge or dip into a fluid; to involve deeply غرق چیزی کردن- غوطه ور شدن زیر اب کردن The concept of virtual reality, a technology that immerses people in an artificial world, has been around for years but has never taken off.


A rising again to life, use, acceptance, or prominence; a revival تجدید حیات


Devoted to or biased in support of a party, group, or cause طرفدار متعصب و پر و پا قرص - Anderson was a partisan who had a fanatic commitment to only one political cause.


Fearful, timid your timorous friend who likes to hang out with close pals but gets nervous around big groups of new people. ترسو - بزدل


Feeling pain or sorrow for wrongs committed; sorry. -After stealing a candy bar, the child was visibly penitential and confessed to his parents. توبه - پشیمانی - SYN: contrite


Mixture of different kinds of things, jumble =patchwork, welter, pastiche چیز در هم بر هم-مخلوط


To ask a higher court to review the decision and determine if justice was done درخواست کردن- التماس کردن جذابیت و گیرایی


To get in the way of; hinder مانع شدن hinder, bridle, suppress - Laws inhibit citizens from doing whatever they please.


To obstruct or interfere with; to delay. -to delay or block its progress or movement. Carrying six heavy bags will impede your progress if you're trying to walk across town in a hurry. مانع شدن- باز داشتن- ممانعت کردن =prohibit- encumber- prevent-


To use up; waste -The battery life on the new phone is excellent and is never depleted even after a full day's use. -Visiting relatives might deplete your refrigerator of food, or a pestering friend might deplete your patience. =consume - use up- reduce - exhust خالی کردن- کاستن- فرسودن- ته کشیدن


a copy that corresponds to an original exactly تکثیر کردن


a link, tie, or bond رابط- پیوند


being alone


burdensome; heavy; hard to endure سخت - طاقت فرسا


cautious reserve in speech; ability to make responsible decisions. - Because he showed financial discretion with the first month's allowance, Ari received a "raise" from his parents. SYN: judicious بصیرت - تشحیص - احتیاط قدرت تصمیم گیری ازادی عمل


charming; attractive جذاب گیرا Nick was utterly monotonous in his speech, unlike Colin who spoke in a captivating and engaging way.


chuckle with delight; خندیدن با خرناس- قهقهه Walking past the bar, I could hear happy, chortling people and the blast of horns from a jazz band.


clear or obvious to the eye or mind اشکار- اعلامیه واضح - نمایان Brianna's vague answers manifested her lack of knowledge about the project.


comply with rules, standards, or laws. - Most human behavior is conventional and tends to conform to a norm. ***square with*** - The school required that all students conform to the rigid dress code. مطابفت - موافقت


comprehensive; broad جامع- دایره المعارف =exhaustive Despite never having attended a single baseball game, George had an encyclopedic knowledge of the sport from reading statistics in the newspaper.


disprove انکار پذیر- رد - اشتباه کسی را ثابت کردن -This paper was so controversial as it refuted all prior theories on the genotypic evolution of the gorilla species.


disrespectful پررو گستاخ


distractibility, forgetfulness, disorganization بی توجهی - بی اعتنایی


diverse چندوجهی More than 30,000 species of brachiopods have been identified, making them one of the most multifarious forms of life on Earth.


dryness oldness کهنگی بی مزگی


effective, producing results -the medicine is efficacious in stopping a cough" موثر


exactly alike شبیه


excess; overabundance فروانی و تعداد زیاد Some psychologists argue that a plethora of choices can be paralyzing, since too many make it difficult to pick one. SYN: glut, surfeit


exhausting; demanding سخت طاقت فرسا انرژی بر The hike to the summit of Mt. Whitney was so taxing that I could barely speak or stand up.


expand; swell out باد کردن- بزرگ شدن


extract the essential elements چکاندن- تقطیر کردن- عرق گرفتن ار -Whether it's alcohol or ideas, the distilled part is the most powerful. -"The acid distills at a specific temperature" =condense


extremely careful; particular about details ۲- کم رو با دقتت- وسواسی


extremely holy, divine, angelic مقدس


fake; false جعلی The cashier called the customer back after noticing that the notes she had received were actually counterfeit.


forceful, demanding attention جذاب گیرا Even if this tale is not altogether factual, I find it nonetheless highly captivating and compelling. SYN: interesting


free of cunning or deceit; artless -sincere - naive - honest بی ریا - یکرنگ- رک و راست - -you are not a liar; you are innocent, and you might be a touch on the gullible side =transparent square, straight


full; abundant پر - لبریز Only weeks after the hurricane made landfall, the local supermarket shelves were replete with goods, so quick was the disaster relief response.


great confusion, disorder اشفنگی


having a single, clear meaning یکپارچه - دارای ی معنی واضح


having certain characteristics in common, such as age, race, or gender وابسته به امارگیری


hostile and aggressive جنگچو- دعوایی- پرخاشگر -Tom said that he was arguing the matter purely for philosophical reasons, but his belligerent tone indicated an underlying anger about the issue


isolation from others, solitude انزوا- جدایی- گوشه گیری - Some men build a "man cave" as a place of seclusion away from their wives and adult responsibilities.


with regard to به موقع - بجا- شایسته -It was apropos that it was Shark Week on television at the same time that we were studying the creature in our biology course.


large farm owned and operated by peasants as a group. بطور حمعی و گروهی - The collective efforts of the humanitarian team in Nicaragua resulted in new houses for the village within a few weeks.


lasting a short time بی دوام- زودگذر- موقت- The lifespan of a mayfly is ephemeral, lasting from a few hours to a couple of days =transitory


lazy سست و تنبل


like a clown لوده وار رفتار کردن


likely to spoil or decay -This kind of wood is very perishable when exposed to weather, but keeps extremely well in dry conditions. فاسد شدنی- گذرا - زودمیر- ناپایا "this minute and perishable planet" "perishable foods such as butter and fruit"


loud and noisy; compelling attention. -Even students who were usually quiet and obedient were vociferous in their opposition to the dress code. پرسرو صدا- جنجال- فریاد امیز


loyal and committed in attitude وفادار- بی منفذ- غیرقابل نفوذ - استوار - محکم- استوار -No longer a staunch supporter of the movement, Todd now will openly question whether its goals are worthwhile.


makes you feel you do not want to go there again, odpychający. - When I opened the container of leftover vegetables, the off-putting aroma made it clear that the food had spoiled. ناحوشایند


not able to feel or perceive; unresponsive بیشعور- بی حس


not able to work, survive, or succeed. The plan was obviously unviable considering that it lead to complete environmental destruction in the river valley. ناپایدار- زودمیر- ناتوان به رشد و زندگی


noun: an informal meeting or discussion دورهمی - میتینگ غیر رسمی Before the team takes the field, the coach always calls for a powwow so that he can make sure all the players are mentally in the right place.


obvious واضح - معلوم Tammy's overt rudeness in snapping at her manager during the meeting got her into serious trouble.


peevish or irritable; sickeningly unpleasant. If an unpleasant meal has left you feeling grumpy and looking green, you're bilious in several senses of the word. This adjective can mean both "troubled by indigestion" and "irritable," تندخو- بداخلاق- صفرایی مزاج


physical or emotional harm to someone توهین فحش


precede in time; come before (something) in date. Harry was so unknowledgable that he was unaware the Egyptian pharaohs antedated the American Revolution. قبل از چیز دیگه ای اتفاق افتادن- پیش بودن - پیش بینی کردن- قبل از تاریخ =antecede, forego, forgo, precede, predate


serious متین با وقار سنگین


set of rules, esp. to improve health -The new party's regimen over the country proved to be disastrous and led to protests and strikes in no time. قانون دولت حکومت پرهیز غذایی دسته =diet =category


steady; unvarying; serene. -Is it better for the economy if the stock market remains equable or if it swings between highs and lows? ملایم معتدل


summary خلاصه مهم داستان


suspicious or wary; distrustful بی اعتماد - بی اطمینان Without checking his references and talking to previous employers, I am leery of hiring the candidate. =doubtful


swiftness, rapidity of motion or action سرعت- چابکی-تندی- فرز speed, rapidity Example We aim to respond to customers' questions with celerity and accuracy, with no longer than a 24 hour wait time. All praised him for his celerity in sickening. Bono, Olakunde, and I removed our shirts immediately—garments thrown off so with such celerity, when once donned with such pride.


the fact that is said to prove that something is true - an acceptable reason for doing something =rationale توجیه


to surprise or amaze people into a state of shock -The students' public demonstration in the main square completely flabbergasted the dean who had been unaware of their complaints and dissatisfaction. مبهوت کردن - گیج کردن


very important -Serkin said that this momentous performance took him 50 years to prepare.


wealth, affluence, abundance غنی - ثروت - Russian oligarchs are famous for their opulence, living in fancy homes and dining on expensive cavier.


will; conscious choice اراده خواستن - Rumor has it that Janice was forced to resign after losing the Coca Cola account, but, in reality, she left of her own volition to start a new marketing company.


اغراق کردن


Be a name or symbol for indicate ! - نشانگربودن - حاکی بودن- معنی کردن Even if the text is not visible, the red octagon denotes "stop" to all motorists in America.


Grimy تیره و‌ تار


(v.) to make calm, soothe; to relieve, satisfy; to yield to


A brief announcement of public interest; a small publication published regularly تابلو اعلانات


a lack of feeling, emotion, or interest بی حس - بی علاقع


a model; an example الگو


a strong liking میل و علاقه شدید


limitation or restriction


to belittle, speak slightingly of; to undervalue تحقیر کردن


to strip; deprive; rid محروم کردن- بی بهره کردن


to establish; to reflect the truth of - معلوم کردن و اشکا کردن - Ronald's report contained dozens of relevant citations that evinced the great amount of research he had done.


to divide and spread out like branches; to separate into divisions انشعاب شاخه شاخه شدن - Approximately 6 million years ago, the primate family tree ramified to produce several different mammals, including the forerunners of humans.


(adj.) able to return to an original shape or form; able to recover quickly بهبود- ارتجاعی After years of being coiled around the ball, the rubber band was no longer resilient; it was stretched and unusable.


(adj.) trifling, insignificant; mean, despicable; inferior, trashy خیلی کم و جزعی meager


1. cast a shadow over; overcloud; obscure 2. be more important than; outweigh Lunar eclipses occur when the moon overshadows the sun and the light on earth diminishes. تاریک کردن- سایه افکندن - مهمتر بودن تحت شعاغ قرار دادن *** Ryan's speech was so impressive that it completely overshadowed those of his competitors. SYN: outlast


Artificially stiff or formal in manner به طور اکوارد و کریپی رسمی بودن Conversations that take place in elevators are often stilted.


Holding fast; holding together firmly; persistent. -very determined to do something -His peers respected him as a tenacious and diplomatic man who could remain steadfast in his beliefs yet tactful in his negotiations. SYN: resolve, endurance -continuing for a long time -Evolution is a tenacious process that began with appearance of life on Earth. =dogged, dour, persistent, pertinacious, unyielding. -tenacious memory" synonyms:long, recollective, retentive -محکم- نکهدارنده- قرص- مستحکم- سخت و سفت سرسخت- حافظه قوی- چسبناک پیگیر


To come up with, imagine اندیشه کردن- تصور کردن -She was unable to conceive of a decent solution to the problem despite thinking hard for the whole day.


To confuse and frustrate پریشان کردن- گیح کردن Americans often confound sweet potatoes with yams, and refer to both vegetables by the same name.


having or appearing to have no limits -immoderate, expansive بی حد و حصر- مهار نشده- نامحدود


noun: a large number of something Synonyms : batch , deal , flock , good deal ,hatful , heap , lot , mass , mess , mickle , mint , mountain , muckle , passel , peck , pile , plenty , pot , quite a little , sight , slew , spate , stack , tidy sum , wad "Raft the Colorado River" مقدار زیاد- الوار چوب روی اب - رفتینگ


the right to vote in political elections حق رای داشتن - Women in the United States gained suffrage long after Black American men did, but Black citizens had greater difficulty exercising their new voting rights.


to damage or spoil the quality of something or the opinion that people have of someone or something. - Darrel's DUI tainted his permanent record and prevented him from getting a proper job. لکه دار کردن- خدشه وارد کردن


with suspicion, distrust, or disapproval. به چشم حقارت- چپ چپ نگاه کردن- از روی شک داشتن نگاه کردن -The old couple looked askance on the teenagers seated next to them, whispering to each other, "They've got rings through their noses and purple hair!"


ترس از فضای کوچک


حقیقی- واقعی- بدون شک truthfully, without a doubt Frank is a veritable life-saver -- last year, on two different occasions, he revived people using CPR. -An entire city transformed into a veritable well of sorrow. Ten minutes later there's a veritable wagon train. He exaggerated every detail, making it appear a veritable Lucillean feast The flowers were in tubs, he said.


(v.) to root out, get rid of, destroy completely ریشه کن کردن- از بین بردن - I tried eradicating the mosquitos in my apartment with a rolled up newspaper, but there were too many of them


(adj.) charming, attractive, pleasing (often suggesting a childlike charm and innocence). She was winsome by nature, and many people were drawn to this free and playful spirit. جذاب - تو دل برو- با نمک خوش برخورد پیرووووز با مسرتتتت و خوششششششششی


(adj.) grisly, gruesome; horrible, distressing; having death as a subject ترسناک - خوفناک- وابسته به مرگ =ghastly, grim, grisly, gruesome, sick. "macabre tales of war and plague in the Middle ages"


(adj.) having a huge appetite, greedy, ravenous; excessively eager حریص - پر خور - گرسنه Steven was a voracious reader, sometimes finishing two novels in the same day. مشتاق زیاد از حد


(adj.) implied or understood though unexpressed; without doubts or reservations, unquestioning; potentially contained in مطلق- ضمنی- التزامی- تلویحی


(adj.) not capable of being held or defended; impossible to maintain توجیه ناپذیر- غیرقابل دفاع- اشغال نشدنی - With the combination of Kepler's brilliant theories and Galileo's telescopic observations, the old geocentric theory became untenable to most of the educated people in Europe. When Marguerite falls pregnant, Benham issues orders that will put several people in untenable situations. They've started from a point which is almost untenable for them. "But among three people, doctor, it is an untenable number, isn't it, three?" غیرقابل اجاره دادن


(adj.) stimulating to the taste or mind; spicy, pungent; appealingly provocative -The chef, with a mere flick of the salt shaker, turned the bland tomato soup into a piquant meal. تند و بامزه- خوش طعم- گزنده


a repayment; a deserved punishment مجازات The informer did not want to give his surname for fear of retribution against his school-age children or his businesses.

so to speak

as one might say, even though the words are not exactly accurate; very similar to "as it were" گویی - مث اینکه


coming later than expected or needed; unpaid when owed. به تاخیر افتاده - Changing the culture and policy on gun violence is long overdue


not easily moved mentally or emotionally; dull, unresponsive بی عاطفه - بی حال - بی حس- فاقد احساس


of questionable authority or authenticity جعلی - ساختگی- اصالت کاذب =doubtful -The web is notorious for sandwiching apocryphal stories between actual news


to avoid, go around. - Ancient cave painters seemed to have selected certain walls and bypassed others for reasons that remain obscure to us. دور زدن و کنار گذاشتن چیزی SYN: circumvent, skirt


to confuse; to disturb the composure of مشوش کردن- دستپاچه کردن While the idea of laser surgery to correct vision may be disconcerting, studies suggest it is safe.


to make someone believe something that is not true فریب دادن - گول زدن


unique منحصر به فرد The Parthenon marbles are one-of-a-kind in Classical art that are the pride of the British Museum.


A person who leads a secluded or solitary life خلوت نشین - منزوی


abnormal or deviant. -When the financial director started screaming and throwing food at his co-workers, the police had to come in to deal with his aberrant behavior نابجا- غیرمعمول - منحرف


adverb: more than is adequate بیش از حد نیاز- بطور فراوان Synonyms : fully The boat was amply supplied for its year at sea - no man would go hungry or thirst.


one who looks down on people with less money or rank مغرور پر فیس و افاده We were taken aback by the snobbish attitude of the waiter when we asked for the cheapest bottle of wine on the menu.


without dishonesty or trickery, forthright, overt -"their business was open and aboveboard" راستگو- صادق


without responsibility; careless . سرکش بی ملاحظه بی پروا It was reckless of the hikers to head out on their journey into the wilderness without enough supplies or practical survival experience.


everyday language زبان محاوره ای


flushed, ornate پر گل سلیس و شیوا


one color یکنواحت


saint's biography شرح زندگی حاجیا و انبیا


although, even though اگرچه


to be like or similar to. - Bharara resembles his predecessors in his professional background, but differs from them in style and execution. شباهت


(adj.) hasty, incautious (It's best to think things over calmly and thoroughly, rather than make rash decisions.) -Although Bruce was able to make the delivery in time with a nightime motorcycle ride in the rain, Susan criticized his actions as rash. تند - عجول - بی پروا- بی احتیاط


(n.) a pen name, name assumed by a writer اسم مستعار


(v.) to spend foolishly, waste syn: misspend, dissipate هدر دادن پول و وقت و .. Fearing his money would be squandered by his family, he gave all of it to charity when he died.


1. destine; 2. confer holy orders on a priest - After years of education in the seminary, Father John was finally ordained a priest by the bishop. - to prearrange unalterably; predestine غیر قابل تغییر- مقدر کردن- امر کردن فرمان دادن مقرر داشتن


able to be understood قابل فهم- مفهوم The announcement that came over the loudspeaker was barely intelligible due to disruptions in sound frequencies. SYN: readable


childish; immature بچگانه- احمقانه- کودکانه of or characteristic of a child; displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity Helen enjoyed blowing soap bubbles, but Jim regarded this as puerile, totally unworthy of a woman with a Ph.D.


clear واضح - شفاف


complete, utter, wholly( usually modifying a noun with negative connotation) Arrant rudeness is extreme rudeness. Arrant hypocrisy is very hypocritical. An arrant liar is a world-class liar. Arrant has a meaning similar to complete or utter. Like other intensifiers, arrant turns up the volume on another word. کاملا Synonyms: complete, consummate, double-dyed, everlasting, gross, perfect, pure, sodding, staring, stark, thoroughgoing, unadulterated, utter For one thing it shows just how much arrant nonsense we actually accept in television.


concerned and attentive; eager -Our neighbors are constantly knocking on our door to make sure we are ok, and I don't know how to ask them to stop being so solicitous about our health. مشتاق- ارزومند- دلواپس و نگران


conditional; temporary; tentative. - in the sense that it's only valid for a while. -"a provisional government" موقت- مشروطی - مشروط synonyms: probationary, provisionary, tentative -Until the corporate office hands down a definitive decision on use of the extra offices, we will share their use in a provisional arrangement.


convey, draw off, or empty by - اختلاس و دزدی - The greedy treasurer siphoned money from the ALS foundation into his own personal bank account.


curtailment; reduction; retreat to reassess. - When the business was hit by the financial crisis, the CEO had no choice but to consider a large-scale retrenchment of his staff. کاهش هزینه ها- تخفیف- قطع کردن محکم کردن


destroy or wear away gradually by chemical action (over a long period) -Avoid spilling the acidic solution, because it will corrode any surface it touches! نابود- ضعیف -پوسیدن و زنگ زدن


destroying or killing a large part of the population. -The decimation after atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki is incomprehensible. تلفات زیاد - کشتار زیاد


emotionally excessive; overly demonstrative پر از احساس و علاقه و شور و شعف - Children are usually very effusive as they do not understand the inter-personal boundaries of sharing feelings and affections.


enthusiastic; extremely interested syn: voracious; eager مشتاق - ارزومند Martin is an avid birdwatcher, often taking long hikes into remote mountains to see some rare eagle.


expressing praise O'Reilly insisted that his book is generally laudatory of Reagan despite reviews claiming otherwise. تحسیت تشویق تمحید


extremely large or great -Few appreciate the colossal scale of the sun حیلی بزرررگ


fair, just, embodying principles of justice fair to all parties as dictated by reason and conscience. -The brothers wanted to reach an equitable agreement on how to divide the inheritance from their parents. -The equitable distribution of ice cream to a group of 5 year old will ensure little to no fighting. منصف- متساوی- عادلانع-


humorous in a vulgar way فحاش ادم هرزه بد زبان ناپسند Something ribald is funny, but in a vulgar or off-color way. If someone makes a ribald joke in class, she will probably be sent to the principal's office. In the great hall ladies and gentlemen drank until their talk grew ribald. "ribald language" synonyms: bawdy, off-color


living in trees درختی As an arboreal creature, the chimpanzee has legs that evolved differently from those of upright humans.


no longer in fashion = obsolete, fusty, unfashionable غیر قابل استفاده - از مد افتاده


noisy and difficult to control. غوغایی- پر سرو صدا- لجوج- دعوایی Obstreperous means boisterous, noisy, aggressive, defiant. You've probably seen an obstreperous child in the grocery store, pulling away from her mother, screaming at the top of her lungs. ۱-noisily and stubbornly defiant. "obstreperous boys" Synonyms: defiant, noncompliant سرکش و ناسازگار ۲-"kept up an obstreperous clamor" Synonyms: aggressive




relating to birds


revealing سخن چین =talebearer-


supposed; reputed; generally regarded as such; Ex. putative father of the child. -The putative effects of not having a college diploma are typically true, but a few individuals, such as Mark Zuckerberg, are exceptions. مفروض مورد قبول عام مردم-مشهور


to declare publicly اعلان کردن Brett Favre solemnly proclaimed his retirement at a press conference after the Super Bowl. اعلنا اظهار داشتن SYN: profess


to explain in detail; to clarify. مو به مو شرح دادن- اظهاریه دادن =dilate, elaborate, enlarge, expand, expatiate, exposit, flesh out, lucubrate. -When you expound, you explain or provide details. -The CEO refused to expound on the decision to merge our department with another one, and so I quit.


to lessen in violence or intensity Assuming that the birds nesting in the reserve were no longer in danger from poachers, the caretakers abated their vigilance. فروکش کردن رفغ کردن- کاستن- SYN: mitigate


to lessen, diminish کوچک شدن- تحلیل رفتن After months of unemployment, the man's bank account dwindled to nothing. SYN: contract


to pester, nag, annoy persistently اذیت کردن- ازار دادن- دستفروش - They constantly badgered me to do the "James Brown" for them, a squiggling of the feet made famous by the "Godfather of Soul" himself, who back in the sixties was bigger than life. =peripatetic دوره گرد =offend - tease


to put in danger به خطر انداختن The safety of the mountain climbers may be jeopardized if detailed weather reports cannot be obtained throughout the expedition.


to regard highly; a highly favorable opinion or judgement. عزت - احترام- لایق دانستن- تلقی کردن - به حساب اوردن- گرامیداشت- =look upon, perceive, regard as, repute, take to be, think of -Employee awards created a sense of pride and esteem, they showed that management was watching, and they did not cost a lot of money. -Despite his remote and comparatively humble situation, Michell was one of the great scientific thinkers of the eighteenth century and much esteemed for it. -


to state that something or someone is without worth. -When you derogate someone, you belittle them or put them down. If you tend to derogate everyone around you, it's unlikely you'll win the election for class president. -It was not right of the construction supervisor to derogate the foreign workers in such a demeaning manner for a trivial mistake that could have been made by anyone. از جنبه های خوب چیزی کم کردن-خوار و خفیف کردن- معیوب کردن- خیط شدن


unconnected; separate; distinct مجزا - غیر وابسته -


wise; insightful; acutely intelligent تیزهوش- زیرک- تیز بین- A perspicacious child can't be fooled when her parents try to keep a secret by talking in Pig Latin. "much too perspicacious to be taken in by such a spurious argument" synonyms: sagacious, sapient She is enthusiastic, perspicacious and informed, and I look forward to working with her.


written- locked up in a small enclosure. نوشتن- در حبس انداختن Mozart penned 41 symphonies. Weeks later, Teigen penned an essay on Medium detailing her experience.

unmoved by

اهمیت نمیدن ..


a light fixture that holds many bulbs and hangs from the ceiling چلچراغ


a self-important walk قدم زدن- خرامیدن


a swaggering show of courage. - the quality or state of being foolhardy پهلون پنبه- پهلون الکی- شجاعت دروغی


a young person learning a trade from a master نوآموز- شاگرد - کاراموز


having one size or dimension, flat -He may appear to be a simple and unidimensional man, but his manners disguise his wisdom. تک بعدی- بدون عمق


humorous imitation تقلید مضحک


in a blunt direct manner; almost rudely خشن- با بی ادبی- ظالمانه Not one for social pleasantries, the Chief of Staff would brusquely ask his subordinates anything he wanted, even coffee. تند و بی ادبانه


(v.) to drive or urge on; (n.) something used to drive or urge on تحریک کردن- ازردن - انگیزه Doug did not want to enter the race, but Jim, through a steady stream of taunts, goaded him into signing up for it. با کامنت منفی کسی و تحریک کردن


(v.) to indicate beforehand that something is about to happen; to give advance warning of پیش گویی کردن - از قبل خبر دادن -Some conservative economists claim that the high numbers of people on social security portend budget problems for the program. SYN: predict, presage


(v.) to place in a lower position; to assign, refer, turn over; to banish - When Dexter was unable to fulfill his basic duties, instead of firing him, the boss relegated him to kitchen cleanup. ارجاع کردن- انداحتن موکول کردن - واگذار کردن- منتسب کردن طبقه بندی کردن


(v.) to promote trouble or rebellion; to apply warm liquids to, warm =agitate, stir up برانگیختن - تحریک کردن- -Many of the incidents indicated to me that the police, rather than quelling violence, were fomenting it.


Shape or outline of a shape a smooth curved outline - The elevations of mountains are depicted on maps by contour lines that mark regular intervals of elevation gain. حد فاصل- نقشه برجسته- نقاشی کردن همون کانتور کردن!


extreme cruelty or brutality وحشیگری بی فرهنگی


extreme hatred or ill will -The delegates' behavior at the convention was disgraceful and fully deserving of the rancor it provoked. خصومت دیرینه - کینه


filled with or characterized by a lively energy and excitement - The abstract painting's bright colors and exuberant brushstrokes create a joyful feeling. پر شور و شوق - بیش از حد خوشالی


to hinder, to impede, to prevent مانع شدن- گیر دادن - جلوگیری کردن


to make easy, cause to progress faster تسریع بخشیدن = facilitate, accelerate Since regular shipping would take weeks, the student had no choice but to pay extra fees to expedite the shipping of his textbooks.


to spread or scatter freely or widely جدا کردن- منتشر کردن- پخش کردن


warlike; relating to the military ارتشی - جنگی Americans tend to remember Abraham Lincoln as kindly and wise, not at all martial, despite the fact that he was involved in the fiercest war America has even fought


(n.) good-humored ridicule; teasing. شوخی - متلک- =banter -There will probably be a bit of raillery between elementary school students on a field trip bus, for example. -The secret of his comedy was in his delivery, which was a blizzard of mockery, raillery and mayhem.


a quality that evokes pity or sadness ترحم و ناراحتی The actor's performance was full of pathos and moved the whole audience to tears.


a rebirth or revival تجدید فرهنگ و ادبی


abnormal, irregular, departing from the usual According to those who do not believe in climate change, the extreme weather over the last five years is simply anomalous. غیرعادی


bewilder; perplex; fill with confusion; puzzle; frustrate گیج و گمراه کردن Twitter completely baffles my grandparents as they are not used to social media.


conclusive; beyond doubt; showing determination. -The senator was highly respected as a decisive and impartial figure of authority. - By defeating Bayern Munich by ten goals, Real Madrid made a decisive statement on its status as the best team in the world. قاطع- قطعی SYN: unmistakable


feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment. If you discovered that a teacher gave ten extra points on a test to all students who sat in the front row, you'd be indignant. از یه ناحقی ازرده و ناراحت میشی خشمگین - رنجیده - متغیر! =incensed, outraged, umbrageous


guilty of or involving betrayal or deception حطرناک- گول زننده- فریب امیز- خاعنانع- =disloyal - unfaithful- hazardous -The bridge built from twine and vine is treacherous to walk across, and so I think I will stay put right here. -dangerously unstable and unpredictable


mild, not cancerous مهربان - بی خطر( دارو) لطیف I remember my grandfather's face was wrinkled, benign, and calm. -The tumor located in your ear lobe seems to be benign and should not cause you any trouble.


one-sided یه طرفه - یه جانبه


skillfully busy or occupied ماهر زبردست کوشا Pete was an industrious student, completing every assignment thoroughly and on time.


to calm or make less severe ارام کردن تسکین دادن


touching پیوسته مجاور نزدیک متصل


moderated, restrained مخلوط کردن- دارای خلق و خوی معین - ملایم - متعادل = soften - harden - toughen -The wide-eyed optimism of her youth was now tempered after she had worked many years in the criminal justice system.


everyday; commonplace عادی - روزانه - هرروزی -Phil gets so involved thinking about Aristotle's arguments that he totally forgets quotidian concerns, such as exercising and eating regularly.


expected to answer for one's actions; responsible, liable, answerable پاسخگو- مسعول - توجیه پذیر For tax purposes, it is required that all of the bakery's purchases be accountable.


extremely poor; lacking necessities like food and shelter 2.completely wanting or lacking (usually "destitute of" 1. Jean Valjean, is at first destitute, but through the grace of a priest, he makes something of his life. 2. Now that the mine is closed, the town is destitute of any economic activity. نیازمند- بینوا- - تهی - خالی


self-important; significant; consequent; following as a result; Ex. consequential air; CF. subsequent دارای پیشامد مهم *** self-important -After winning the lottery, John acted like an old-money aristocrat and saw himself as more consequential than he really was. پر اهمیت- پر فیس و افاده


selfish خود خواه- خود پرست - به فکر منافع خود Professor Fernandez was dubious about the so-called humanitarian aspects of the colonial government and insisted that their actions were actually self-serving.


to attack with words, call bad names ناسزا گفتن- فحش دادن - Since the so-called American Dream is about making money and being successful, to revile the rich is to revile the American Dream. = scold- upbraid- reproach


to think out, plan, or scheme beforehand با طرح و نقشه انجام دادن- پلن ریختن The bank robbery was clearly premeditated as the burglars had foreseen all possible obstacles to their escape.


unbiased; not subjective منصفانه- بیطرفانه -Personally distanced from the quarrel, the judge served as an objective arbitrator in the bitter divorce.


۱-to give or take something by force. 2. to allocate به خود اختصاص دادن- اموال به جیب زدن- تصاحب کردن- پستدیده- شایسته -The government appropriated land that was occupied by squatters, sending them scurrying for another place to live. -The committe appropriated the funds to its various members.


(adj.) elaborately decorated; showily splendid. it seems to be covered in ornaments. It's lavish, flowery, or heavily adorned. تزیین شده پر اب و تاب- با جزعیات زیاد


(adj.) friendly, good-natured مهربان - دلپذیر- شیرین - genial- pleasant


(adj.) genuine, excellent; made of silver of standard fineness - The board of directors assert that their priority is hiring someone with a sterling reputation for honesty. تمام و کمال عالی


(n.) praise or flattery that is excessive synonyms: adoration, idolization, hero-worship Brianna's dislike of adulation made her regard people who complimented her as phonies. ستایش - پرستش - چاپلوسی SYN: sycophant


a person who provides financial support for the arts پشتیبان مشتری حاااامی - The Medicis were famous patrons of the arts who sponsored the works of Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci, among others.


a preference toward someone or something تمایل - علاقه شدید بچیزی


(adj.) beneficial, helpful; healthful, wholesome سودمند - سلامت بخش - Studies suggest that deep relaxation, if practiced regularly, can strengthen the immune system and produce many other equally salutary physiological changes.


(adj.) by chance; not planned; lacking order تصادفی- اتفاقی- شانسی- الله بختکی- =helter-skelter, random


(adj.) consisting of or measured in money; of or related to money نقدی- پولی - جریمه دار- =monetary - venal- fiscal- If something has to do with money, it's pecuniary. If your grandfather's antique watch has pecuniary value, it's worth money. he received thanks but no pecuniary compensation for his services" Was his interest in these models merely pecuniary? It is, of course, in the pecuniary interest of pay-to-publish journals to accept papers regardless of quality.


(adj.) courteous and pleasant, sociable, easy to speak to. خوش برخورد - مهربان - دوس داشتنی -easy and pleasant to speak to =easygoing, cordial, genteel


(adj.) cowardly; (n.) a coward ترسو- شکست خورده - ضغیف = (adj.) fearful, fainthearted, pusillanimous -Though the man could have at least alerted the police, he crouched cravenly in the corner as the old woman was mugged.


(adj.) deceptive, apparently good or valid but lacking real merit ظاهرا صحیح- -plausible but false چشم نواز- فریبا- موجه- درست نما ظاهرنما - بطور سطحی درست =gilded, meretricious artificial, forged, fabricated, spurious. -He made a career out of specious arguments and fictional lab results, but lost his job and reputation when his lies were exposed by an article in The New York Times.


(adj.) dull, lacking in distinction and originality; matter-of-fact, straightforward. means ordinary or dull. Most of us lead a prosaic everyday life, sometimes interrupted by some drama or crisis. earthbound, pedestrian, prosy uninteresting ,arousing no interest or attention or curiosity or excitement commonplace, humdrum, unglamorous, unglamourous, unexciting Another, more prosaic objective also lies before him: fixing America's plumbing. کسل کننده


(adj.) fierce and cruel; aggressive; deadly, destructive; scathingly harsh. خشن-وحشی- بی رحم If you are quick to argue, always looking for a fight, and hard to please, you are truculent. You can also write a truculent essay, and fans upset by a loss can become truculent. To be truculent is to be defiant, aggressive, and quarrelsome. A truculent student will get in trouble with teachers, and a truculent teacher might get fired. In a violent sport like football, it helps to be truculent, but it's usually not a great quality. Instead, the ugly reality was there for all to see: Trump was truculent, whiny and nasty, and Joe Biden was fine.


(adj.) intended to undermine or overthrow; (n.) one who advocates or attempts to undermine a political system. برانداز - توطعه گر - مخالف نظام =revolutionist, subverter - insurgent, seditious -I was, to hear him tell it, anti-American, un-American, seditious, subversive, and probably Communist. -The ruling political party has begun a campaign to shut down subversive websites that it deems as a threat to "national safety."


(adj.) lasting for a long time, persistent; (n.) a plant that lives for many years جاودان با دوام- همبشگی


(adj.) moderate, sparing (as in eating and drinking); characterized by abstinence and self-discipline. Reserve abstemious for someone who exercises restraint, especially with regard to alcohol. A rock musician may sing about enjoying wine and women, but in his private life he may be abstemious.میانه رو - پرهیزکارانه-به ویژه در نوشیدن الکل so it came to refer to someone who keeps alcohol (or other temptations) away. marked by temperance in indulgence "abstemious with the use of adverbs" Synonyms:دارای اعتدال در افراط و تفریط است "منفور با استفاده از قید" light. sparing in consumption of especially food and drink ""the pleasures of the table, never of much consequence to one naturally abstemious"- John Galsworthy" Synonyms: abstentious, abstinent ascetic, ascetical, austere, spartan practicing great self-denial non indulgent, strict characterized by strictness, severity, or restraint صرفه جویی در مصرف به خصوص غذا و نوشیدنی "" لذت های میز ، هرگز نتیجه چندانی برای یک شخص بدجنس و طبیعی نخواهد داشت "- جان گالسوورتی مترادف: ممتنع ، ممتنع I'm a little more abstemious beforehand, enjoy the indulgence and get back to normal the next day. متضاد=Antonyms: gluttonous افراط A properly dressed salad is no more abstemious than anything else. This is presumably where he developed his abstemious nature - he did not drink alcohol or coffee and was largely vegetarian.


(adj.) not in keeping, unsuitable, incompatible ناسازگار - ناهمگن- ناشایسته- بی مناسبت -The vast economic inequality of modern society is incongruous with America's ideals. =inconsistent


(adj.) overly generous, extravagant; abundant; (v.) to spend or give freely or without limit فراوان- سحاوتمندی- ولخرجی = sumptuous


(adj.) roundabout or ambiguous. -Although the woman thought she was praising the man's weight loss, he interpreted her comments as a backhanded compliment and stormed off. -a backhanded and dishonest way of reaching his goal" کنایه امیز- تعارف کنایه امیز- دو پهلو -


(adj.) serious and dignified; quiet or subdued in character or conduct. موقر - ثابت -- سنگین- متبن - ارام- - جددددی Frank came from a staid enviroment, so he was shocked that his college rooommate sold narcotics.


(adj.) sleepy, drowsy; inducing sleep The workers all became sleepy and somnolent around 2:30 in the afternoon. خواب الود - در حالت خواب و بیداری SYN: lethargic


(adj.) suitable, fitting, likely; quick to learn مستعد- قابل- درخور- شایسته- متمایل


(adj.) unable to make up one's mind, hesitating synonyms: indecisive, vacillating, wavering دو دل مردد- سردرگم He stood irresolute at the split in the trail, not sure which route would lead back to the camp.


(n.) a lack, scarcity, inadequate supply; a famine کمبود- کمیاب If there is a dearth of something, there is not enough of it. A dearth of cupcakes is unfortunate, but a dearth of nutritious food is a serious problem. Synonyms: famine, shortage, paucity "People just locked themselves in the house, I get it," Foss said of the sudden dearth of services. There is a dearth of therapists for the country's 1.4 billion people, with fewer than nine mental health professionals for every 100,000 residents as of 2017, according to the World Health Organization.


(n.) a loud ringing sound; (v.) to make a loud ringing noise جرنگ جرنگ- صدا زنگوله you can feel free to describe the noise your brother makes when he's banging on his drums in the basement as a clangor. a loud resonant repeating noise Synonyms: clang, clangoring, clangor, clank, clash, crash. I listened as the metallic clangor rolled away over the rooftops of the quarter.


(n.) a piece of burning wood; a troublemaker; an extremely energetic or emotional person. someone who deliberately creates trouble. ادم فتنه انگیز- اتش پاره- نیمسوز =inciter, instigant, instigator, provoker He called us naive firebrands, adding that we would mellow with age. She was the eldest child of the Reverend Jesse Jackson, the firebrand Baptist preacher and increasingly powerful political leader.


(n.) the act of traveling; an excursion, especially on foot or to a foreign country ولگرد - سرگردان- جهان گردی با کشتی


(v.) to cancel or reverse one order or command with another that is contrary to the first -فرمان صادر کردن که مخالف دستور قبلیه فراخوانی -a contrary command cancelling or reversing a previous command. =annul, lift, overturn, repeal, rescind, reverse, revoke, vacate -By the time the colonel countermanded his soldiers not to land in enemy territory, a few helicopters had already touched down amid heavy gunfire. -The chair of the city council's licensing committee attacked the "unelected and unaccountable police force" for countermanding a democratic decision


(v.) to destroy, lay waste, leave in ruins ویران کردن- ضربه احساسی به کسی زدن- Her mother's passing devastated her so much that she could barely eat or sleep for weeks.


(v.) to disguise or conceal, deliberately give a false impression عوام فریبی کردن- وانمود کردن- لاپوشانی کردن تظاهر به معصومیت -To get close to the senator, the assassin dissembled his intentions, convincing many people that he was a reporter for a well-known newspaper. -"When confronted about their human rights record, the Chinese government typically dissembles."


(v.) to give power or authority to; to enable; to permit قدرت و اختیار دادن به کسی -In the 1970s, the Women's Rights Movement worked to empower millions to achieve a successful professional career. وکالت دادن


(v.) to howl or screech like a cat; to quarrel; (n.) a harsh or noisy cry; a racket. -I was able to fall asleep even though the neighbor's cats were caterwauling through the night. 2-to protest or complain noisily -The hungry preschoolers caterwauled for lunch to be served. صدای بلند مث میو میو گربه- زاریدن- نالیدن- جیع جیغ کردن


(v.) to hypnotize, entrance; to fascinate, enthrall, bewitch هیپنوتیزم شدن- شیفته و فریفته دادن- = deceive - seduce - The plot and the characters were so well developed that many viewers were mesmerized, unable to move their eyes from the screen for even a single second.


(v.) to oppose successfully; to prevent, frustrate - مانع گذاشتن- خنثی کردن- مخالفت کردن- میانبر - اریب =baffle, bilk, cross, foil, queer, scotch, scuttle, spoil -It took her years to learn better ways to thwart the Sorrow Eater. How I hated myself, thwarted, poisoned and tortured myself, made myself old and ugly. -Youku is taking steps to thwart users who fake their location in order to get access to shows and movies.


(v.) to please, satisfy; to indulge or humor راضی و خوشحال کردن Despite not wanting a beach vacation, Pete gratified his fiancé by booking a trip to Cancun.


(v.) to plot, scheme -is to plan or plot to do something illegal or wrong. Conniving is considered dishonest and cowardly. (She connived to get me to give up my vacation plans.) چشم پوشی کزدن- اغماض کردن It was her conniving that helped Jacob steal the blessing from his brother. This is not to say that he was a conniving husband. =ignore - overlook- condone -


(v.) to portray, sketch, or describe in accurate and vivid detail; to represent pictorially ترسیم کردن- معین کردن- - وارد جزعیات شدن -After a brief summary of proper swimming technique, the coach delineated the specifics of each stroke, spending 30 minutes alone on the backstroke


(v.) to withdraw a statement or belief to which one has previously been committed, renounce, retract - گفتع خودت رو تکٰذیب کردن Even though Galileo was correct in his belief that the Earth revolved around the Sun, he was forced by the church to recant. حرف خود را پس گرفتن- انکار کردن- توبه کردن SYN: repudiate


To arrange items in order of importance اولویت بندی کردن In order to complete the tasks on the list, we need to prioritize the items so that the most important jobs are finished first.


a development or consequence resulting from a course of action عاقبت - پیامد - Humans represent only a single ramification of the primate family tree. انشعاب


a feeling of resentment 1- حسادت کردن- غبطه خوردن ۲- با بی میلی ۳- احساس دشمنی - بد ۴- علت کینه -Despite their handshakes at the end of the match, the hockey players on opposing teams bore harsh grudges against each other and fought shortly after. -He grudged the time and energy needed to deliver the boring, mandatory weekly reports to his boss. -a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation "holding a grudge" -She really wants to read her essay, but, unlike me, Sabeen doesn't hold grudges. -Suitcase seemed to hold a special grudge against me.


a forecast of the probable course and outcome of a disease or situation. -many of Nostradamus's prognoses have come true -After Tabatha was diagnosed with breast cancer, the doctor gave her a detailed prognosis of how the disease would pan out. پیش بینی- پیش اگهی از روند بیماری


a formal expression of praise مدح ستایش - ستایش اغراق امیز -a formal eulogistic composition Dave asked Andrew to do just a simple toast, but Andrew launched into a full panegyric, enumerating a complete list of Dave's achievements and admirable qualities. -The president delivers a panegyric at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers every year on Veteran's Day. =encomiastic, eulogistic, panegyrical =encomium, eulogy, paean, pean


a formal expression of praise, a lavish tribute. -Sir John Rose, the former boss of Rolls-Royce, deserves the encomium he receives from the public as he is a truly tremendous business leader. ستایش کردن a speech or piece of writing that praises somebody or something highly نوشته ای برای مدح . و ستایش


a gap, opening, break وقفه The U. S. resumed conducting navigation operations in the South China Sea last fall after a four-year hiatus. SYN: break


a group of military officers who rule a country after seizing power. If the military has seized control, as so often happens, then the group is called a military junta. حزب- دسته - کسای ک با کودتا سر قدرت میان


a long, angry speech of criticism or accusation. سخن رانی دراز و تند و شدید ! =reproach - harangue - denunciation


a negotiator who acts as a link between parties. -Be careful when you're the intermediary between two friends who are fighting, because they might both end up mad at you! -acting as a mediator میانجی - واسطه گر- رابط There were intermediaries to carry one's petition to Him.


a strict disciplinarian; a stickler for the rules. ادم با انضباط و سختگیر to describe someone who is a stickler when it comes to following rules, such as the teacher who won't accept homework if it is written in a color other than blue. someone who demands exact conformity to rules and forms synonyms: disciplinarian, moralist The Quiet One was replaced with a man who was a vicious martinet. Though not dominated by martinets like my teacher, early mathematics education is generally poor. He remembered his father, not altogether unfondly, as a martinet who taught him "how to be exacting and uncompromising," as he put it, and how to work with his hands. To avenge himself on his martinet father, George burns down the Battle Creek Sanitarium.


a strong verbal attack strong criticism -کلا- یکسره- بدون استثنا- - اعلامیه سیاسی- -حمله و انتقاد شدید- از پهلو -"the train hit the truck broadside" "the wave caught the canoe broadside and capsized it" Political broadsides are usually strongest in the weeks leading up to a national election. -"the ship was broadside to the dock" پهلو کشتی -They plunge back into the sea, creating an enormous wave that hits the ship broadside, and tips us within inches of capsizing.


an assumption; the basis for a conclusion بنیاد و اساس بحث فرصیه ثایت شده The paper was completely debunked as it took blatant falsehoods for its premises.


an attraction to جاذبه - کشش متقابل I have a natural affinity for the coast as I grew up on the island-city, Singapore. وابسته کردن


an essential part; a voter who elects a representative جز اصلی - انتخاب کننده- عنصر- سازه - رای دهنده = voter- component - ingredient -The constituents of the metal alloy are nickle, copper, and tin.


an indication or hint or suggestion. حالی کردن غیرمستقیم- کنایه- ایما اشاره- اعلامیه رسمی Your teacher's intimation that there could be a quiz the next day might send you into a panic, while your friend sitting beside you might not even notice. At first the hostess tried intimation, praising the benefits of cutlery; when Cecil continued eating with his hands, the hostess told him to use a fork at dinner. Ryan said she was devastated by any intimation that she was unethical.


an injury done in return for injury -a retaliatory action against an enemy in wartime. The Old Testament doctrine of an eye for an eye is not the kind of retaliation practiced in war; rather, anarm, a leg, and both ears are the reprisal for the smallest scratch جبران- انتقام - تلافی کردن به زور گرفتن مال برای جبران خسارت- - carry out a reprisal انتقام گرفتن


an official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country. -If you can't get those yummy Swedish fish, perhaps there has been an embargo on trade with Sweden! -جلو گیری از رفت و امد کشتی- ممانعت- تحریم کردن


artificial; produced artificially; sham; false; Ex. factitious tears ساختگی- دروغی- مصنوعی- غیرطبیعی If you create a "diamond" out of plastic, then you've created a factitious diamond, meaning that it's a phony. means "fake," like a factitious compliment you give the person who cooked you an awful meal — you don't mean it, but you say it anyway, just to be nice. The first story is about young women living in a college dorm for students with factitious disorders — they are referred to not by name, but by number — who become subjects of a sociological thesis. That's because, for the most part, music is used in movies as sonic wallpaper, covering silences and images with an indifferent and casually factitious unity.


habitually complaining. کج خلق- ستیزه جو- - ایرادگیر- زودرنج =fretful, whiney, whiny. -Hell, I am querulous and old, but I must try not to lose my temper when they arrive. -She was looking forward to working at home quietly, but the querulous child disrupted her plans by constantly making a racket.


having a negative effect; insulting -دارای معنی بد - ناسزا- زشت- ناپسند- -That term was long considered a pejorative among both blacks and whites, but she proudly reclaimed it. - It's mainly used now as a pejorative if you really want to put somebody down.


having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing. - "I am obviously attached to the place, I was born there," he said with a wistful smile. مشتاق بودن - در حسرت بودن در انتظار بودن yearning


honesty, integrity , chastity , purity , virtue , integrity , vertically, fidelity , verticality پاکدامنی- پیروی دقیق از اصول- پاکدامنی - it actually means being morally and ethically above reproach, or having integrity. If you show fiscal probity, it means you are responsible and ethical with your money. "in a world where financial probity may not be widespread" "he enjoys an exaggerated reputation for probity" Theft and fraud are easy to condemn, but what about the probity of legitimate collecting? The point Jay and Lynn are making is there is a direct connection between spiritual probity and financial solvency.


loyal, reliable, and hardworking dependable; inured to fatigue or hardships مصمم- قوی- بی باک- تنومند- دلیر- طرفدار پروپاقرص Despite all the criticism directed at the President during this scandal, Lisa has remained his stalwart supporter. To be stalwart is to be loyal, no matter what. I do not venture to say whether their hearts are as stalwart in our support as their chests suggest. Devlin was also a longtime stalwart of the Democratic Party in and around Atlantic City.


offensive, hateful; tending to cause bitterness and resentment. -Hypothermia is a gradual and insidious sort of trauma. مرموز- نیرنگ باز - به ویژه در مورد بیماری نااشکار و اهسته -خیانت امیز -Plaque is insidious we cannot see it, but each day it eats away at our enamel, causing cavities and other dental problems.


one who abandons long-held religious or political convictions مرتد- از دین برکشته- خاعن- apostate has a religious or political tone to it, so someone might call you "a political apostate" if you ran for office as a Republican during one election and then ran as a Democrat in the following election. ۲-a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc. Synonyms: deserter, ratter, recreant, renegade, turncoat ۱-not faithful to religion or party or cause Synonyms: unfaithful. Here, again, his apostate disciple Nietzsche set the template for future Wagnerites. At the same time, the Christian right seeks to delegitimize the liberal church as apostates.


overly idealistic; impractical آرمان گرا- ایده الیست Use quixotic for someone or something that is romantic and unrealistic, or possessed by almost impossible hopes. -In the middle of a recession and high unemployment, it would be quixotic to imagine that you could quit your job and find another easily. synonyms: romantic, wild-eyed He describes Kelling, in fact, as his intellectual mentor, and so his first step as police chief was as seemingly quixotic as Gunn's. ( chivalrous- impractical- idealistic) A quixotic hero dreams the impossible dream. realtor. The man made a sweeping, quixotic bow, nearly falling from the horse. I don't picture myself as someone kind of quixotic figure.


skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands. - It takes great mental dexterity to solve a Rubik's cube consistently, much less to do it in under 10 seconds! - Her dexterity at the piano is clearly indicative of great musical talent. مهارت و زبردستی و چابکی با دست کار کردن


so unimportant that it can be disregarded قابل چشم پوشی- قابل بخشش- - جزیی- ناچیز- بی اهمیت = disregarded -negligible impact


stingy, relating to great poverty, poorفقیر- خسیس- 1-not having enough money to pay for necessities Synonyms: hard up, impecunious, in straitened circumstances, penniless, pinched 2-excessively unwilling to spend "lived in a most penurious manner--denying himself every indulgence" خسیس Synonyms: parsimonious The penurious nicotine levels proved frustrating and costly for South Korean vapers. New York City being New York City, and the Mets being the Mets, it was inevitable that a master of the universe would finally push the penurious Wilpon family into the mists of history.


to announce; to make known. -The President wanted to promulgate the success of the treaty negotiations, but he had to wait until Congress formally approved the agreement. حکم- فتوای مذهبی- اعلام کردن- رواج دادن- منتشر کردن =declare -mproclaim - publicize - advertise


to appease, soothe, pacify. -If your dad is annoyed that you forgot to take out the trash, you might be able to placate him by doing the dishes. -"I miss them terribly," I reply, saying the words to placate her. ارام کردن- تسکین دادن =appease, assuage, conciliate, gentle, gruntle, lenify, mollify, pacify -I was able to placate the angry mob of students by promising to bring cookies on Monday.


to assign great social importance to; to treat as a celebrity عزت و احترام گذاشتن -Students in the U.S. learn to lionize Jefferson, Franklin, and Washington because they are the founding fathers of the nation.


to assume as real or conceded; propose as an explanation. -Initially, Einstein posited a repulsive force to balance Gravity, but then rejected that idea as a blunder. فرض کردن- قرار دادن- ثابت کردن -You can posit an idea or opinion.


to attack often with artillery بمباران کردن - American consumers, bombarded with advertising, are buying vitamin and mineral supplements at an unprecedented rate. حمله پشت سر هم کردن


to be greater in number than someone or something بیشتر بودن نسبت به کسی یا چیزی - Although the Persians outnumbered the Athenians at Marathon, the Greeks won a resounding victory and repelled the enemy from their shores.


to bring back to life احیا کردن - زندگی بخشیدن - The government is hoping to diversify the economy, revive manufacturing and generate employment to help boost growth


to bully; to pester To hector is to boss around or verbally bully someone. An older brother might hector his little sister until she hands over part of her Halloween candy. زورگویی- قلدری کردن- هارت . پورت کردن- ستیزه جو Mr. Biden's assent culminated months of hectoring among Catholic leaders on social media. be bossy towards Synonyms: ballyrag, boss around, browbeat, bully, bullyrag, push around, strong-arm When you bombard someone with words, nagging and badgering until you get what you want, you hector.


to cause to move towards; push. cause to move forward with force "Steam propels this ship" Synonyms: impel give an incentive for action Synonyms: actuate, incite, motivate, move, prompt affect, impress, move, strike For example, "Lilies of the Field," the film that propelled actor Sidney Poitier to become the first Black person to win the Oscar for best actor, is among the 2020 inductees. سوق دادن- به جلو بردن


to claim or take without right. seize and control without authority ادعای بیجا کردن- غصب کردن- لاف زدن- Arriving at the small town, the outlaw arrogated the privileges of a lord, asking the frightened citizens to provide food, drink, and entertainment. When the teacher steps out of the classroom and some bossy student marches up to the chalkboard and begins scolding the other kids? The student is trying to arrogate the teacher's authority. =assume, seize, take over, usurp Johnson was eroding the tripartite government and arrogating all power to himself. Last week the government arrogated to itself powers to designate individuals as terrorists.


to condemn openly. -When you stand on your desk and tell the class that your partner is cheating, you denounce him or her. -The scientific organization denounced the journal for showing bias in selecting their articles for publication. =lambaste متهم کردن- علیه کسی اظهار کردن- فسخ کردن- چغلی کردن ضد کسی


to count, list, or itemize -I sat and listened as she enumerated all of the things she did not like about the past three months. -The survey enumerates the number of happy workers and the number of unhappy workers. Moses returned from the mountain with tablets on which the commandments were ENUMERATED. به حساب اوردن- یک یک شمردن- محسوب داشتن


to denounce as vile or evil; to curse; to detest when you thought you knew every word in the book for hate, here's a new one: execrate. The word means to despise or also to curse. بدخواندن- بیزار بودن- نفرت داشتن- دشنام دادن- 1-curse or declare to be evil or anathema or threaten with divine punishment Synonyms: accurse, anathematize, anathemise, , comminate 2-find repugnant Synonyms:abhor, abominate, loathe He hardly swears, he doesn't mention race, he execrates drink and drug abuse, he talks uncomplicatedly of God, and he promotes family life, albeit by complaining about it fondly.


to differentiate between two or more things - تشخیص دادن- Because elephants can hear sounds at frequencies too low for human ears, they can communicate in ways that humans cannot directly discern. SYN: detect, discover


to dry out; to remove moisture. Synonyms: dehydrate, dry up, exsiccate As anyone who's been stuck in the desert will tell you, being desiccated by the burning sun isn't much fun. adj :lacking vitality or spirit; lifeless "a desiccate romance" Synonyms: arid, desiccated خشک کردن I really liked finely chopped roasted peanuts, and desiccated coconut was eye-catching


to erase, obliterate, destroy. محو کردن- پاک کردن-تراشیدن- To expunge is to cross out or eliminate. After Nicholas proved he had been in school on the day in question, the absence was expunged from his record. People with misdemeanor possession convictions will be able to begin the process of expunging the charges from their records starting Jan. 1. Foxx is also looking to address issues related to harder drugs, which often result in felony charges and are almost never expunged from criminal records. And perhaps even more significantly, the measures in Arizona and Montana both called for past marijuana-related crimes to be expunged from people's records.


to expose to public scorn or contempt. -pillory means both to criticize harshly and to expose to public ridicule. Someone who is caught doing something immoral may be pilloried. =gibbet وسیله ی تحقیر و تنبیه- خرده گرفتن و مسخره کردن- تحقیر در ملا عام -She was pilloried for her style and her size. He filed for bankruptcy twice and once endured three days in the pillory for seditious libel. It's not just elected officials who are pilloried; female government servants of all kinds are suspect.


to express strong disapproval of رسوا کردن- کم ارزش کردن - نکوهش بد synonyms: condemn, excoriate, objurgate, reprobate The entire audience erupted in shouts and curses, decrying the penalty card issued by the referee. Speaker after speaker continued to decry the government's plans. Articles appeared in newspapers and blogs decrying the moral decay of girls in general.


to forbid تحربم کردن command against 1- در رم باستان به اعدام محکوم کردن ۲- تبعید کردن ۳- ممنوع کردن- قدغن کردن -a school principal might proscribe the use of cell phones in class. -My doctor proscribes that I not eat donuts with chocolate sauce and hamburger patties for breakfast. =disallow, forbid, interdict, nix, prohibit, veto Malcolm spoke like a man who was free, like a black man above the laws that proscribed our imagination.


to harden; accustom; become used to. عادت دادن- معتادشدن- موجب شدن-= customize - habituate to make accustomed to something unpleasant. Three years of Manhattan living has inured her to the sound of wailing sirens; she could probably sleep through the apocalypse. To inure is to get used to something difficult or unpleasant. If after spending an hour in your brother's room, you stop noticing the stinky-sock smell, you have become inured to the odor. Novels are judged by their artist's biographies instead of their prose; readers are inured to mediocrity.


to intimidate by a stern or overbearing manner; to bully. اخم و تخم کردن- تشر زدن- با اخم کسی رو وادار کردن The cops are trying to get you to talk by using tough, even abusive, language. They are browbeating you. For once she was not going to be browbeaten. Now he was stuck in the middle of an increasingly acrimonious debate between the browbeating Lawrence and the bedridden Compton. During the interrogation, the suspect was browbeaten into signing a false confession.


to make more pure or precise تصفیه و پالایش کردن The techniques now available to livestock breeders will be refined to increase the chances of breeding top-quality animals.


to plan cleverly; to devise طرح ریختن- نقشه کشیدن- توطعه کردن- = concoct - excogitate, forge, formulate, invent -It may take you longer to contrive your way out of doing your homework than would to actually do it. -"They contrived to murder their boss" -It was probably as contrived as everything else about him.


to prevent; to make unnecessary رفع نیاز کردن مرتفع کردن Eating a large breakfast before the road trip obviates the need to make a lunch stop. SYN: avert, preclude - Now that everyone has a cell phone, they have obviated the need for wristwatches and alarm clocks. SYN: displace


to put out a fire; to bring to an end. از بین بردن- حاموش کردن اتش -Firefighters were able to extinguish the flames in less than 15 minutes. =douse ,blow out, quench, snuff out = annihilate, carry off, decimate, eliminate, eradicate, wipe out -He raised a hand, and the other singers began to move about the cavern, extinguishing the torches one by one. کشتن


to separate, divide into parts گسستن- بریدن- قطع کردن To sever something is to cut it off from the whole. If your girlfriend breaks up with you on your anniversary, you might respond by severing the blossoms off the roses you were planning to give her. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and non-Gulf state Egypt severed diplomatic, trade and travel ties with Qatar in mid-2017 over accusations that Doha it supports terrorism, charges which Qatar denies. The Kiribati government, which last year severed diplomatic ties with Taiwan in favour of China, did not respond to questions. The Palestinians severed ties with the U.S. after Trump recognized the contested city of Jerusalem as Israel's capital in late 2017


to shorten. -In the case of the truncated music program, it was perhaps a plea for a renewed commitment. -"truncate a word" "Erosion has truncated the ridges of the mountains" بریدن- کوتاه کردن- سر صاف و پهن در زیست شناسی


to show off خودستایی به رخ کشیدن- لاف زدن - Although Pete Rose is not in the Hall of Fame, he boasts an all-time record of over 4000 hits. -Jon enjoys boasting about his successful climb of Mt. Everest and telling everyone that he is the best athlete in Chicago = vaingloriously


unconventional and slightly strange غیرعادی - عجیب غریب Mozart was well-known for his eccentricities, often speaking words backward to confuse those around him.


vigorous or incisive in expression or style. having keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought, expression, or intellect. تیز- نافذ- تند و تیز -Jill presented a rather superficial treatment of sales in Asia, but her trenchant analysis of sales in Europe inspired a number of insights into how to proceed in that market. -trenchant distinctions between right and wrong" -Despite its big laughs and no-you-didn't surprises, it builds a trenchant argument. -The initial days unfold at a vacation's leisurely pace, without much happening but with plenty of wit and trenchant observation.


wanting to please; cheerfully obliging. -showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others. On her first day at the job, Annie was complaisant, fulfilling every request of her new employee and anticipating future requests. -obliging accommodating, accommodative سر به راه- حرف شنو- با گذشت- مهربان- موافق- "I recognized that I was casting someone who can't be complaisant. It's not in her DNA," she explains. The GPA ethos takes spirited children and pushes them to be hard working but complaisant.


(n.) something done or given to show thanks or respect; a payment =encomium -When George Harrison died, Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney played several Beatles songs together as a tribute to their former band mate. -a sign of respect or admiration, an award to honor a person's accomplishments. باج دادن- تکریم- سپاسگذاری- احترام


(noun) a state of perplexity or doubt Syn: confusion, dilemma, predicament -Steve certainly is in a quandary سرگردانی - گیج-


(adj.) abrupt, blunt, with no formalities خشن در رفتار - Brittany is considered by many to be a brusque person because she is very impatient and easily irritated.


being able to change places or replace something else قابل معاوضه There are many different brands of paper clips, but they seem interchangeable to customers. SYN: fungible


draw back; withdraw; take back; unsay منقبض کردن- تو رفتن - جمع شدن- عقب رفتن Email is wonderfully efficient, but once something awkward or damaging has been sent, there is no way to retract it.


dull, tedious, and repetitious; lacking in variety and interest. یکنواخت - خسته کننده - The candidate responded to the monotonous campaign by making jokes and trying to entertain her staffers. SYN: repetitive


easily bent, flexible; easily influenced ادم نرم و حرف شنو - The pliable substance is highly flexible and capable of assuming different shapes. = tractable - Sue became the director's personal assistant as she was a pliable ally who voted according to the wishes of her boss.


emotionally disturbing or distressing. ناراحت از نظر روحی و احساسی- -ناشی از ضایعه- ضربه ای - تکان دهنده- دلخراش -Despite his lack of memory, he was sure he'd just been through the most traumatic night of his life. -"I hope that's like one of those traumatic events that is so damaging to my psyche that I just forget it ever happened."


environment; setting محیط - اجتماع - اطراف -With the culture of free love and peace, the social milieu of the 1960s starkly contrasted with the conservative, post-war 1950s.


extreme mental and physical sluggishness. -"After a huge Thanksgiving meal, my family members fall into a torpor; no one can even pick up the TV remote." -After the surgery, the patient's torpor lasted several hours until the anesthesia wore off. Synonyms: apathy; languor سستی - بی حالی - بی تفاوتی - خاب


difficult; requiring much effort دشوار- سخت- پر زحمت =rigid- toilsome - ponderous -"the arduous work of preparing a dictionary"


dishonor, disgrace بی اعتبار کردن- بدنام کردن


beyond doubt or reproach; unquestionable -free of guilt; not subject to blame; beyond doubt or reproach غیرقابل اتهام-غیر مشکوک- غیر قابل تردید an unimpeachable reputation" I answered them coolly, overly briefly, the unimpeachable crown prince of the situation. Morrison raised his eyebrows to indicate the unimpeachable logic of this statement.


perceptive; insightful. Even the most percipient editor will make an occasional error when proofreading. فهیم- باشعور- تیزبین- دریابنده =beholder, observer, -But we haven't invested sufficient resources to fully under its nature, particularly as a percipient to extreme violence. The actual soul is the unity of both, is the percipient individua


An attack on another's territory; a raid; invasion -The Huns made incursions into central Europe and defeated many standing armies. هجوم بردن- یورش کردن


faithlessness, treachery خیانت - پیمان شکنی -betrayal could be described as perfidy. -In spite of my perfidy, she was desperate to see me one more time.


favoring peace -For most of his life he was seen as a strategist and — because he was dovish on most foreign policy issues — a liberal. مسالمت امیز- صلح جویانه


flawless بی نقص - کامل -The paper used impeccable logic, but the journal rejected it anyway


fluent in an insincere manner; offhand; casual -I have found that the more glib the salesman, the worse the product. سلیس - روان- چرب زبان- لاقید و careless!


foretelling the future by means of magic پیش گویی- اینده بینی - غیب گویی Croesus misinterpreted the oracle at Delphi's divination, and attacked the Persians thinking he would win.


free or safe from injury or violation. -must be kept sacred - تجاوز نشده-عهد و پیمان نقض نشده- مقدس- شکسته نشده "the person of the king is inviolable" "an inviolable oath" Synonyms: unassailable, untouchable The fact is that despite their dreams, their lives are also not inviolable.


free, unrestrained Twitter makes unfettered communication possible, which allows ideas to spread but creates the possibility for abuse. از زنجیر ازاد شدن بی قید نامحدود


general agreement توافق عموم- اتفاق نظر و آرا accord The recent poll shows that there is consensus among citizens that the plan to increase military spending is foolish.


give an imitation that ridicules; imitate mockingly =caricature - مسخره امیز و مضحک = parody بارلسک


golden age; prime دوران اوج negin's heyday going to start in almost a year, when she got an fully funded admission !


great skill in music or another artistic pursuit استعداد و ذوق هنری - By the age of 12, the young pianist had the virtuosity to play Chopin perfectly.


greed; strong desire حرص و طمع پول Cupidity means a burning desire to have more wealth than you need. extreme greed for material wealth Synonyms: avarice, avariciousness, covetousness The coins in his hand, he stared at her, helpless before his own cupidity. Both novellas burn brightly with what he calls, at one point, "unmitigated cupidity," not for money or possessions but for life and experience.


happening at exactly the right time به موقع ب جا


happening, done, arriving, or existing before the proper time زودتر از موعد In 1948, the Chicago Daily Tribune made the premature declaration of Dewey as winner of the election, but he went on to lose. زودرس SYN: precocious


a death, especially of a person in a lofty position مرگ


horn overflowing with fruit and grain; state of abundance.-The International Food Expo was a cornucopia of culinary delights وفور نعمت- فراوانی چیزای خوب


impossible to disprove; beyond argument. انکار ناپذیر- غیرقابل تکذیب impossible to deny or disprove = undeniable The existence of life on earth is irrefutable; the existence of intelligent life on earth is still hotly debated.


pursue relentlessly; dog. پیگیری کردن- تعقیب کردن- سگ شکاری -"the detectives hounded the suspect until they found him" synonyms:hunt, trace


shape, form, appearance تحول و دگرگونی تدریجی The earnestness of the daytime talk shows of the 1970's has morphed into something far more sensational and vulgar


relating to, denoting, or preserving the character of an early stage in the evolutionary or historical development of something. اولیه - اصلی - بدوی - انسان اولیه- باستانی -The Neanderthals used to be seen as primitive cave-dwellers. -Instead of buying a new hammer, Butch made a primitive object that barely resembled the store-bought version. =rudimentary - ancient


rise in rebellion انقلاب کردن- شورش کردن ۲- to cause (someone) to feel disgust or shock. --The diner was revolted by the appearance of lamb's brains on the menu and could not bring himself to try the local delicacy.


in love with; charmed by. -She is completely enamored with Justin Bieber, and goes to all his concerts on the East coast. شیفته و گرفتاری عشق -Smith considered firing Ollie, but the horse was so enamored of the groom that Smith decided otherwise.


innocent, simple; frank, sincere , nobel, candid , naive اصیل - صاف و ساده Someone who is ingenuous shows a childlike innocence, trust, and openness. One of the things kindergarten teachers value is the chance to work with kids while they're still relatively ingenuous. "his ingenuous explanation that he would not have burned the church if he had not thought the bishop was in it" "But why do you want to keep the embryo below par?" asked an ingenuous student. Her ingenuous charm stole hearts, and her career path was almost miraculously smooth in its transition from child to adolescent, and then to young woman.


involving or characterized by conflict or opposition. خصومت امیز -the adversarial relationship between the employers and employees of this company resulted in lots of strikes and disagreements.


minor objection or complaint زبان بازی- کنایه نیش کلام


limited in range or scope, narrow, provincial , myopic , smug , کوته فکر- محدود If an issue or a matter is parochial, it is trivial or only concerns a local area. Likewise, a person with a parochial mentality is narrow-minded, or not open to new ideas. little sympathy with parochial mentality" synonyms: insular This is, of course, a parochial if essential definition. They sent their children to parochial schools because the nuns 'teach better.' Every Orthodox Jew sent his male children to a yeshiva, a Jewish parochial school.


looking or sounding sad and dismal. Funerals are lugubrious. So are rainy days and Mondays. Anything that makes you sad, gloomy, or mournful can be called lugubrious. اندوهگین-محزون And there we were, my 13-year-old and I, looking at each other as the lugubrious issue of Old World religion shambled forth. The book is cool and light and pleasurable to read, while the show's dreaminess felt heavy and lugubrious to me


make more noticeable or prominent تاکید کردن اهمیت دادن هایلایت کردن The blue dress accentuated Heidi's brilliant blue eyes, making them stand out in a crowd. SYN: highlight


manage badly or incompetently. -بد اداره کردن- بد بکار بردن -خراب کردن -it was clear that the package was mishandled by the deliveryman as there were dents all over the box. -The security officer at the banquet completely mishandled the situation by confusing the identities of all the guests.


mournful; gloomy -showing sorrow Example Chopin's ballades are filled with sharp changes in moods--a dolorous melody can give way to a lighthearted tempo. دردناک- غمگین-


mutually destructive; characterized by great slaughter and bloodshed -(of conflict) within a group or organization کشتار متقابل- کشنده برای هر دو طرف The guerilla group, which had become so powerful as to own the state police, was finally destroyed by an internecine conflict.


neglectful in performance of one's duty, carelessness. غافل - سست- لاابالی -بی مبالات - بی قید- =delinquent - improvident - Remiss in his duty to keep the school functioning efficiently, the principle was relieved of his position after only three months.


Deceive; Swindle Many people have been fleeced by Internet scams and never received their money back. فریب دادن-- خیانت کردن- پشم گوسفند چیدن!


a celebrity who is an inspiration to others جرم اسمانی- ادم نورانی- سلبریتی


a state of being temporarily inactive, suspended, or set aside. تعلیق- بلاتکلیفی =suspension Until it is shown that the service is legal, the launch of the service shall be put in abeyance. -He'd been holding his whole life in abeyance pending a decision, and they owed him an answer, at least. Holding him in abeyance with the antler, she glanced around the ruins of her home and took stock of the damage.


a statement made about the future; prediction knowledge of the future (usually said to be obtained from a divine source) پیش گویی- پیش بینی synonyms: prophecy, vaticination a sign of something about to happen synonyms:omen, portent, presage, prodigy, prognostic. The sticky note was a prognostication and a taunt to the 16 other competitors in this year's contest. Helena finds comfort from a quarter in which Allen himself places no faith - the prognostications of a fortuneteller. Another lesson of the 2016 election: prognostication is a fool's game.


adj. convincing; reasonable syn: compelling; pertinent; influential متقاعد کننده- دارای قدرت و زور =persuasive - A cogent argument will change the minds of even the most skeptical audience.


appealing to or expressing emotion محرک احساسات During an emotive outburst, Alex Rodriguez kicked dirt over the home plate and yelled at the umpire.


badly behaved; hard to control سرکش - پر سر و صدا Walk in to any preschool and I am sure that you will find an unruly and chaotic scene--unless it's nap time.


beliefs or character of a group خصلت ویژگی رفتار


common, ordinary همه جایی- بی مزه- معمولی- کهنه در اثرکاربرد زیاد مبتذل The professor used such banal expression that many students in the class either fell asleep from bordeom or stayed awake to complete his sentences and humor friends.


demanding perfection; strict. -describe something or someone very precise or strict in its requirements. If your teacher has exacting standards about spelling and punctuation, you better carefully check your final paper. سخت گیر- دقیق -"an exacting instructor"


eating every kind of food; eagerly taking in everything, having a wide variety of tastes همه چیز خوار


enduring, continuing ماندگار پایا مانا - Although he began training as an accountant, magic remained his abiding passion in life.


exaggerating dangers to promote a policy -"Climate change is a sort of social construct, with scepticism and alarmism all boiling around together, and I was very interested in this." اشوب طلبی- هشدار دهنده بودن - دلواپسی- جنجال برانگیز He prepped for his brief moments in the sun, trying to balance alarmism and optimism.


existing in name only. - Car buyers should ignore the nominal price of a car, since dealers will always give a discount. اسمی- صوری


explanatory توضیحی - تفسیری - The killer's "manifesto" was a 1000-page expository rant that described his bizarre justifications for hatred


express strong disapproval of; deplore ناراضی بودن - بد دانستن- قبیح دانستن Dr. Abraham not only understated his accomplishments but deprecated his laudable rise to recognition. SYN: detract


impossible to pass through or enter غیر قابل فهم- غیر قابل نقوذ


innocent معصوم - پاک - بیگناه Having been raised in a rural community, the dewy-eyed girl was shocked upon arrival in Los Angeles when she saw her first skyscraper and bout of rush-hour traffic.


main character شخص مهم پیشکسوت -Malcolm X was a protagonist of the Civil Rights movement and was murdered for his beliefs upon returning from a hajj to Mecca.


not capable of being copied , defying imitation; matchless بی نظیر- غیرقابل تقلید- بی مانند- بی رقیب- Mozart's music follows a clear pattern that, anyone could imitate, but his music gives an overall sense of effortlessness that is inimitable.


not giving up و سازش ناپذیر تغییر ناپذیر فلکسیبل نیست Besides being smart and passionate, an innovator must also have an unyielding desire to succeed.


significant and important value اهمیت و ارزش Despite the initial hullabaloo, the play was of no great moment in Hampton's writing career.


strong dislike; bitter hostility دشمنی- خصومت- کینه- ستیزه جویی I sense in him none of the animosity I used to sense in men, even in Luke sometimes.


the generous giving of lavish gifts سخاوتمندی - بخشندگی


thicken; congeal; clot لخته شدن- سفت شدن


to aid, help, encourage مشارکت در جرم ! تشویق کردن- جرعت دادن تربیت کردن- برانگیختن = instigate By sending her fugitive son $100 over the transfer wire, she committed a crime by abetting a criminal.


to breathe in دم - نفس کشیدن


to portray شرح دادن


unfavorable مضر - مخالف - ناسازگار being out in the sun for a long time can have adverse effects on your skin.

off the cuff



غیبی - مرمور اسرار امیز (adj.) secret, hidden from view; not detectable by ordinary means; mysterious, magical, uncanny; (v.) to hide, cover up; eclipse; (n.) matters involving the supernatural


(adj.) conferring or showing honor or respect (syn.) respectful افتخاری- تجلیلی An honorific doctorate does not require the recipient to write a dissertation; he or she is simply recognized for his or her achievements.


(adj.) full, deep, or rich in sound; impressive in style Syn.: resonant, resounding, grandiloquent - ٰThe sonorous call of the French horn creates a stark contrast to the breathy notes of the piccolo. پر سر و صدا


(adj.) lazy; slow-moving; not active, dull تنبل - کند - ی حال The children were sluggish after a long day at school and could hardly drag their feet out of the school gate.


(adj.) not important, minor; ordinary, commonplace جزیی- بدیهی - ناچیز- بیمزه- بیهوده- مبتذل =inconsequential, immaterial


(adj.) open to; easily influenced; lacking in resistance. حساس Because of his allergies, David was extremely susceptible to illness and was sick at least once a month.


(adj.) puzzling, mystifying, or enigmatic مرموز - مبهم - پنهان -Since Sarah did not want her husband to guess the Christmas present she had bought him, she only answered cryptically when he would ask her questions about it.


(adj.) relevant, appropriate, apropos, fitting مناسب - وابسته- درخور- خویشاوند -"he asks questions that are germane and central to the issue"


(adj.) thin, light, delicate, insubstantial; (n.) a very thin, light cloth لطیف-ظریف سبک


(adj.) thoughtful; melancholy پکر بودن-غرق فکر و خیال -Luke is in a pensive mood and has been sitting in the corner quietly for quite some time.


(n.) a kind of weasel; (v.) to search or hunt out; to torment, badger. کنجکاوی کردن- خز- موش خرما- کاوش و جستجو -"She ferreted out the truth"


(n.) belief, mental acceptance اعتماد باور اعتقاد SYN: credit, trust, confidence -He placed no credence in psychics, claiming that they offered no special powers beyond the ability to make people part with their money.


(v.) to cause anger, irritation, or bitterness (with the suggestion that the pain grows worse with time) رنج دادن- عذاب دادن- دل چرک شدن- متورم شدن - -Delivery charges can sometimes rankle customers and discourage them from going through with the online transactions. -I was proud of my sister, but that year, something began to rankle beneath the pride.


(adj.) pleasant, courteous, lighthearted; smooth and polished in manner and appearance. -having a sophisticated charm خوش مشرب- مهربان- سرزنده- مودب و خوش برخورد James Bond is known for his good looks, high tech gadgets, and debonair manner. "life that is gay, brisk, and debonair" synonyms:chipper, jaunty His small mustache was trimmed and looked as debonair as ever.


(adj.) puzzled; mocking; odd; equivocal مضحک- عجیب غریب- هاج واج- شوخ- پرسش امیز- When the statistics teacher introduced the idea of standard deviation, a few of the students nodded in comprehension while others gave her quizzical looks. -They were quizzical eyes, eyes that asked many questions and did not accept many answers. -It made him look surprised and quizzical all at once.


(adj.) secret, concealed; underhanded مخفیانه- سری To keep their negotiations secret, the leaders of rival groups in the country arranged clandestine meetings. **** SYN: covert, surreptitious


(n)an ill-tempered or violent woman ; (Wherever I go I see angry women). -And Sarah MacRae suggests that Bianca is not just a spoilt brat, but potentially as violent a virago as her older sister. زن پتیاره - شیر زن- زن شرور


(v.) to caution or advise against something; to scold mildly; to remind of a duty تدکر دادن- نصیحت کردن -to give friendly advice or encouragement -The hikers were admonished by the park rangers for the dangerous route that they were taking, but they continued without heeding their advice. -When the boy was uncertain about riding a bicycle for the first time, his father quietly admonished him to get on the seat and start pedaling.


(v.) to limit, be sparing or frugal; (n.) a limit or restriction; a fixed share of work or duty; a period of activity محدود کردن- کم دادن


(v.) to make impossible, prevent, shut out مانع جلوی راه ایجاد کردن- پیشگیری کردن The manager specified that all other gates be locked, to preclude the possibility of persons without tickets entering the arena undetected.


Directly opposed, opposite; involving antithesis (the rhetorical act of placing two phrases opposite one another for contrast, as in love me or hate me) نقطه ی مقابل- مغایر- تضاد -"practices entirely antithetical to her professed beliefs"


PLAYFUL OR FANCIFUL IDEA. -an unusual, unexpected, or fanciful idea =capriciousness -People who are full of whimsy are odd, but often fanciful and lovely, like Harry Potter's friend Luna Lovegood. -he had a whimsy about flying to the moon" "whimsy can be humorous to someone with time to enjoy it" And I am but a servant to her wishes and whimsies. حواب و خیال- وهم- هوس امیز


Talkative; given to rapid, abundant speech روان و سلیس پرحرف The normally voluble Mr. Bell was uncharacteristically cryptic in discussing the film in an interview last week.


achieve something by means of trickery or devious methods با دوز و کلک چیزی بدست اوردن Steven was able to finagle one of the last seats on the train by convincing the conductor that his torn stub was actually a valid ticket. حقه بازی گول زدن


adj. dashingly stylish and confident syn: dapper; jaunty جلف - زننده فاسد - شرور - بدکار - هرزه As soon as he arrived in the city, the rakish young man bought some drugs and headed straight for the seedy parts of town.


amusement, especially as expressed in laughter. شادی نشاط خوشالی The performance produced much mirth among the audience. SYN: jovial


an intense dislike انزجار- تنفر- ناسازگاری Maria had an antipathy for tour groups, often bolting to the other side of the museum as soon as she saw a chaperone leading a group of wide-eyed tourists. -=incongruity - pique- abhorrence - repugnance


an unstated doubt that prevents you from accepting something wholeheartedly شرط - قید- استثنا و احتیاط I was initially excited by the idea of a trip to Washington, D.C. but now that I have read about the high crime statistics there, I have some reservations. شک کرذن


appeal or request earnestly در دادگاه دفاع کردن درخواست و ادعا در دادگاه -Betty's lawyer pleaded her case in court competently but the judge was not convinced.


appropriate, and matches nicely مناسب - شایسته - درخور Her dress was becoming and made her look even more beautiful.


be enough or adequate کافی بودن- کفایت کردن Sometimes the illusion of facts will suffice to convince people that something is true.


beginner; novice -someone new to a field or activity All great writers, athletes, and artists were tyros at one time--unknown, clumsy, and unskilled with much to learn. تازه کار -مبتدی


characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation کلامی- غیر رسمی محاوره ای


characterized by attack on cherished beliefs or institutions نوآورانه - سنت شکن انقلابی


characterized by extreme care and great effort. -Mike was a conscientious employee who always committed to his responsibilities and followed the orders of his superiors. وظبفه شناس- دقیق- موشکافانه با وجدان Before handing in the math assignment, the student completed a conscientious check of his work to ensure that it was flawless.


costly, rich, magnificent مجلل - لاکچری - lavish - The sumptuous mansion was filled with fancy cars, marble floors, and gold adornment


depressed; disheartened. - After the Eagles lost the Super Bowl, Philadelphians were collectively dejected by their city's championship drought. ناراحت و دپرس از شکست


derived from human activities مربوط به فعالیت انسانها Anthropogenic emissions of CO2 and other hydrocarbons, such as methane, are key contributors to global climate change.


determine in advance; predestine; settle or decide beforehand; influence markedly از قبل تعیین شده


difficult to understand; profound پیچیده - مرموز - نهان پرمعنا =inscrutable - latent - intricate-


dishonorable; shameful فرومایه - پست- بیشعور- ترسو -"something cowardly and ignoble in his attitude" =cowardly, fearful


eager, earnest, devoted -impassioned, fervent, fiery, passionate مشتاق- خواهان - علاقه مند- فدایی- مجاهد showing great energy and enthusiasm for something, especially because you feel strongly about it. The politician was too zealous in his push for implementing large-scale social initiatives and ended up losing votes from other minority populations. متعصب- غیرتمند


easily irritated or annoyed -Our office manager is peevish, so the rest of us tip-toe around him, hoping not to set off another one of his fits. ناراضی- زود رنج- عبوس - زود عصبی میشه


embarrassment; a complete loss of courage -1.strong feelings of embarrassment. 2. cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of سرافکندگی- حسرت- دلتنگی-احساس شرم- -If you feel chagrin, it means that you are embarrassed or distressed as a result of a failure. = humiliation, mortification = abase, humble, humiliate, mortify -I felt his eyes on my face but I couldn't look at him yet, afraid he might read the chagrin in my eyes. 2.She never cared what others said about her appearance but was chagrined by the smallest comment from her mother.


equality, as in amount, status, or value. -Achieving gender parity is important for workplaces because it fosters a positive outlook for its employees and sends the right message to the larger community. تساوی


extremely small -Singapore may be a minuscule country, but it sure is a crowded one with almost 8,000 people per square kilometer! =ریزه - کوچک-حرف کوچک dimunative


feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph. -My hardwork paid off, and I was jubilant to receive a perfect score on the GRE. سرمست - فرخنده - پیروز = auspicious - exultant


having delusions or being obsessed with power خودبزرگ بینی- لاف زنی قدرت


ill-natured, bitter hostility. The acrimony between the president and vice-president sent a clear signal to voters: the health of the current administration was imperiled. =acerbity, bitterness, jaundice, tartness, thorniness He also emphasized that there was no acrimony between FX and Marvel, and said that creative differences often led to projects falling apart. ترش رویی- تلخی - نیش داری- زخم زبان The acrimony you've experienced is, more than anything, anguish and misplaced rage.


impossible to stop or prevent تسلیم نشدنی- سنگدل- نرم نشدنی - سخت-سمج- تغییر ناپذیر =implacable -A new research shows that aging is not an inexorable process, but rather the outcome of a genetic program that can be manipulated.


interesting جذاب It's intriguing to scholars that this whole line of research is so full of paradoxes. SYN: fascinating


recklessly bold or rash = impulsive- audacious - unscrupulous - بی پروا- نترس- جسور The police regularly face dangerous situations, so for a police officer not to wear his bullet-proof vest is foolhardy.


serving to settle an issue; final پایانی - نهایی - "conclusive proof" "the evidence is conclusive" = definitive, determinate


showy, pretentious. -Even if it was the most corrupt and ostentatious court in Erilea, it sounded dreadfully romantic. -He bought himself the most up-to-date automobile, with leopard-skin upholstery and golden fittings worthy of an Arab prince, the largest, most ostentatious car ever seen in those parts. -"Don't you think this ostentatious lifestyle will catch up with you?" متظاهر- فخر فروشی- =, flamboyant, gaudy.


similar to reconditioning, except with perhaps more work involved in repairing the product. Whether it's a bike, an old computer, or a tennis stadium, when you refurbish something you clean it up and make it look or perform better. تازه کردن- روشن کردن - تعمیر کردن- بهتر کردن Within a few months, the family moved into a refurbished house with a completely renovated kitchen.


symbolic تلویحی- نمادین -making use of figures of speech; metaphorical -I always thought "jaw dropping" was figurative—but my jaw actually does drop.


the highest point


to confuse or bewilder , discombobulate, throw گیج کردن- ژولیده کردن- به فکر انداختن- -New situations and weird dreams bemuse some people. -I was bemused at your mother s dreams of Paris.


to create an object from a class - مثال اوردن معرفی کردن


to make a mistake اشتباه کردن- لغزیدن He erred in thinking that "indigent" and "indignant" were synonyms.


to pardon or overlook چشم پوشی کردن- بخشیدن -Having grown up in a tough, violent community, Gil's father condoned fighting as a means to avenge any injury. = excuse


to reach the highest point به اوج رسیدن


to take or receive from a source; to obtain through reasoning نتیجه گرفتن- ناشی شدن از - استنتاج کردن مشتق گرفتن -From the multiple set of footprints in the living room, the investigator derived an important clue


to take something away from محروم کردن - Many countries do not have taxpayer-funded schooling, and so children there are deprived of education. سلب کردن- = exclude- devest- forclose- cut off


uncooperative, not willing to give up information. 1.(of a person) not willing to divulge information. کسی که اطلاعات و فاش نمیکنه "the sergeant seemed unforthcoming, so he enquired at the gate" 2.(of something required) not ready or made available when wanted or needed. یه چیزی که موقع احتیاج فراهم نشده "with money unforthcoming from the company, the project has had to be delayed" ۳- ناپایدار a: not affable or sociable : an unforthcoming and taciturn man b: not characterized by openness, candidness, or forthrightness He was unforthcoming about his childhood. =dissembling, uncandid inhibited, reserved, restrained close-mouthed, laconic, quiet


until now تا الان


1. not caring about people's feelings 2. giving or given generously - ۱ an unsparing critic" بی رحمانه =inclement ۲-"unsparing generosity" =lavish, munificent, overgenerous -He is unstinting in his sympathy and unsparing in his judgment.

chauvinism / jingoism

Chauvinism means the belief that your country is superior to all others. -superpatriotism, ultranationalism 2-activity indicative of belief in the superiority of men over women synonyms:antifeminism, male chauvinism -This is an outrageous example of unconscious racial chauvinism!" -میهن پرستی- برتر شناسی نژادی


Full of feverish activity, haste, or confusion زندگی پر مشغله - CEOs of large companies have such hectic business schedules; no wonder they are barely at home and rarely get to spend time with their families. hectic lifestyle


The best or most typical example نمونه عالی مختصر- حلاصه مطالب


To consider carefully and thoughtfullyو =chew over, excogitate, meditate, mull, mull over, muse, ponder, reflect, ruminate, speculate, think over عمیق فک کردن- خیره شدن-تفکر و عبادت -I contemplated leaving school and taking a full-time job"


a means of testing worth or genuineness مبنای مقایسه سنگ محک


antiquated, old, out of use و antediluvian


cause to be perplexed or confounded پیچیده


choosing from various sources -Joey was known for his eclectic tastes in music, one moment dancing to disco the next "air conducting" along to Beethoven's 9th symphony. گلچین- دستچین - پراکنده گزین- از هرجایی یه چیزی انتخاب کردن


hardworking, industrious, not lazy سخت کوش- پر تلاش Michael was a diligent gardener, never leaving a leaf on the ground and regularly watering each plant.


mention or describe particularly; treat individually or in detail. با جزعیات شرح دادن - Greg talked only in vague terms about his party, refusing to particularize any component that might ruin the surprise.


overly self-important in speech and manner باشکوه - بالامرتبه - قمپز :) In contrast to Roman architecture, which was ty pically pompous in style, Greek architecture was austere. SYN: bombastic


person or thing that came before پیشگام =precursor


providing carefully for the future, frugal عاقبت اندیشی- صرفه جویی- مال اندیش- اینده نگر "a provident father plans for his children's education" Synonyms: careful, thrifty mindful of the future in spending money farseeing, farsighted, foresighted, long, longsighted. In contrast, Neolithic farmers assumed full responsibility for "making" their environments provident. In an economy with full employment and a favourable ratio of working-age to elderly people, a provident fund works well.


showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern. بی علاقه - بی هیجان- بی واکنش = lethargic - impercipient - prosaic -Mr. Thompson was so talented at teaching math that even normally apathetic students took interest.


unspoken, silent; implied, inferred خاموش


unstable or easily excited دمدمی The family dog was a flighty creature who barked whenever someone approached. **** ٰ= ٰfickle, versatile, volatile, erratic, capricious


ترشح کردن- پنهان کردن =discahrge ooze exude


داعمی و همیشگی شدنto make permanent or long lasting


still in existence - available- موجود- باقی مانده- زنده like your extant diary from third grade or the only extant piece of pottery from certain craftspeople who lived hundreds of years ago. Extant is the opposite of extinct: it refers to things that are here — they haven't disappeared or been destroyed. No definitive data exist, but the majority of the extant evidentiary scraps indicate it. 1491 "That was one of only five extant copies!" he moane


stimulate or give rise to (a reaction or emotion, typically a strong or unwelcome one) in someone. برانگیختن برافروختن - Provoked by reports of animal abuse, the veterinarian wrote an angry letter to the cosmetic company. - to incite to anger


stingy, miserly; meager, poor, small = frugal صرفه جو- خسیس unwilling to spend a lot of money. You know those people who count up every penny when it's time to split a restaurant bill? You can call them parsimonious. near synonyms, including thrifty, frugal, penurious, niggardly, penny-pinching, miserly, tight-fisted, tight. "I respect your parsimonious nature," he says. This may prove me as parsimonious as my father, but who spends that much money on corny inflatable light-up Santa Clauses and spinning, singing reindeer?


striped خط دار


struggle or suffer. در تب و تاب بودن - به خود پیچیدن رنج کشیدن -Jefferson was playing football with his friends the whole weekend and was far from agonizing over his imminent deadline on Monday. =agony- uneasy


substance formed by the chemical combination of two or more elements in definite proportions. = ترکیب کردن **** to make worse compound a problem مسعله ای را بدتر کردن -The instability of the regime, compounded by global economic woes, unfortunately led to a national debacle. 3-make more intense, stronger, or more marked


sudden increase افزایش صعودی و ناگهانی -After the release of Pokémon Go, there was an upsurge in pedestrian accidents.


the condition of being susceptible to bribes or corruption = bribery -fanfaronade - ostentation - رشوه گیری- زر پرستی- ادم پولکی- Venality is the quality of being open to bribery or overly motivated by money. Criminals are known for their venality, being willing to break the law for a financial reward. This kind of venality can vary from police officers accepting bribes to politicians making decisions and passing laws based on campaign contributions. The full awfulness of human beings and their circumstances is on vivid display: venality, vanity, deception and outright cruelty. American slavery was a special case: by surviving the Enlightenment, it was exposed in all its venality. The show is a stark reminder of a grim time marked by shocking government venality.


the point of culmination; peak


the power that results from the combination of two or more forces همکاری و عمل مشترک The synergy between Disney and Pixar resulted in spectacular CGI films such as Toy Story.


to defend or support دفاع کردن و پشتیبانی کردن Martin Luther King Jr. championed civil rights fiercely throughout his short life.


unquestionable, beyond dispute. necessarily or demonstrably true; impossible to deny or disprove غیرقابل تغییر- غیرقابل مبادله Unless you can provide incontrovertible evidence, I will remain skeptical. absolutely, 100 percent, completely true. That rain is wet is an incontrovertible fact. synonyms: demonstrable قابل اثبات I saw no advantage in calling witnesses to tty' to disprove something that was incontrovertible. بی چ.ون و چرا


well-informed; sharp; experienced. زرنگ و دانا - درک کردن- قهمیدن Although a great CEO, he did not have the political savvy to win the election.


lacking sharpness of intellect; not clear or precise in thought or expression کند ذهن- زاویه منفرجه- پخمه -Jackson was the most obtuse member of the team


قطع کردن ادامه ندادن


lock up or confine, in or as in a jail, =gaol, imprison, incarcerate, jail, jug, lag, put away, put behind bars, remand. In the next breath, he'll grow distant, as though immured in memories best left off the record. Sadly, the current production at Pacific Resident Theatre is also immured in inaction. to enclose, usually in walls. در چارچوب نگه داشتن- محصور کردن- زندانی کردن




not easily carried, handled, or managed because of size or complexity چیزی که یوزر فرندلی نباشه! گنده - سنگین- بدهیکل - awkward -cumbersome


(adj.) quarrelsome, fond of fighting SYNONYMS: combative, belligerent The comedian told one flat joke after another, and when the audience started booing, he pugnaciously back at them, "Hey, you think this is easy -- why don"t you buffoons give it a shot?" جنگجو- ستیزه گر


to weaken or ruin by degrees. destroy property or hinder normal operations synonyms: counteract, countermine, sabotage, subvert, weaken. It would undermine a critical source of our economic strength and our ability to generate good new middle jobs and the workers to fill them. It would be nice also to be able to deny the Internet to al-Qaeda and its ilk, but that, alas, is impossible—without undermining ourselves. ضعیف کردن- به تحلیل بردن- توخالی کردن- مثلا درست کردن غار-چاله


trickery; underhandedness. The musicians' skullduggery, in four movements, sends them to a hospital where a patient with a resonant belly and his medical equipment become their instruments. -secret or dishonest behavior or activity. -For all its corporate skullduggery, it's hard to deny that Uber has some clever promotions at times. تقلب و فریب


(n.) enjoyment or satisfaction; something that adds a pleasing flavor; (v.) to enjoy greatly لذت بردن Jennifer Lawrence relished her moment of glory when she won her first Oscar for Best Actress. از


(n.) hatred, ill-will کینه- خصومت Charles rude remark toward Sarah yesterday was due to his illness, not due to any real enmity toward Sarah.


(v.) To add to, attach: to incorporate;(n.) An attachment or addition ضمیمه کردن- پیوست کردن - The territory of Alaska was annexed to the USA following its purchase from Russia in 1867. -After annexing the shed to our home, we added insulation and electricity to turn it into a livable bedroom.


1-adjective: strongly affectionate towards. Even though her father did not approve, Juliet became besotted with the young Romeo. شیفته- مبهوت It's fine to be besotted with your child. 2-adjective: very drunk مست و پاتیل Synonyms : blind drunk , blotto , cockeyed , crocked , fuddled , loaded , pie-eyed , pissed , pixilated , plastered , slopped , sloshed , smashed , soaked , soused , sozzled , squiffy , stiff , tight , wet Never before have I seen my mom so besotted, and honestly, I hope it's the last time she drinks so much.


Sharply cutting; direct and powerful =penetrating - نافذ - تیز - قاطع- The lawyer had an incisive mind, able in a flash to dissect a hopelessly tangled issue and isolate the essential laws at play.


Shed or cast off, esp. to regularly shed skin, feathers, etc. (as a snake) When an animal molts, it loses its feathers, fur, skin or maybe even outer skeleton. People don't molt, but plenty of animals do as a normal part of their life cycle. cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers Synonyms: exuviate, molt, shed, slough. Eagle feathers lost through molting are used by Native Americans for religious and ceremonial use, and the eagles receive care for the rest of their lives. پوست انداختن- ریختن مو


deserving or causing public disgrace or shame. رسوا - ننگ اور- افتضاخ- Since the politician preached ethics and morality, his texting of revealing photographs was ignominious, bringing shame on both himself and his party. =blatent - ashamed - opprobrious


narrow-minded. -They looked the same, but the dignity she remembered was gone, and left instead something small, a provincial eagerness. =bucolic, peasant شهرستانی- دهاتی- کوته اندیش- امل وار Everyone who lived here said those things: provincial, self-satisfied, boring. -After encountering a wide range of perspectives at college, Emma began to question if her previous outlook had been too provincial and conservative. -After moving to the city, Jon realized that his hometown theater was only a provincial imitation of Broadway.


narrowly confined to a particular group فرقه ای - حزبی Sectarian violence between Israelis and Palestinians often erupts in the Levant. متعصبانه- کوته فکر


needless repetition of an idea by using different but equivalent words; a redundancy . -That rich people can afford to buy nicer things isn't a great insight, it's a tautology. تکرار - حشو - زاعد


never to be broken, infringed, or dishonored. نقض نکردنی- ویران نشدنی- نشکستنی- مصون- مقدس Too many the grass at Wimbledon is inviolable and only greater tennis players are able to enjoy a game there. -Wedding vows and vault combinations that can't be broken are considered inviolable. =impregnable, secure, strong, unassailable, unattackable The fact is that despite their dreams, their lives are also not inviolable.


noisy merrymakingعیاشی خوشگذرونی Revelry is a wild, fun time. If you enjoy the revelry of a New Year's Eve party, you might pay for partying hard the next day. The Puritans in both Old and New England felt this way and banned revelry on the holiday. "Our youths are not wearing masks," with some "clearly intoxicated," he said, referring to graduation revelries. Monday's shooting unfolded as the city's residents relished a few final hours of revelry before a new coronavirus lockdown.


not able to be conquered; impenetrable syn: unbeatable نفوذ ناپذیر- غیر قابل تسخیر -"an impregnable argument" "impregnable self-confidence" =inviolable, secure, strong, unassailable, unattackable


adjective: highly or widely praised or boasted about = exaggerate - خودستایی کردن- یچیزی رو بزرگ نشون دادن For years, they had heard of New York City's vaunted skyline, and when they finally saw it, the spectacular cityscape did not disappoint them in the least. -A vaunter and a liar are near akin.


adjective: marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness بی ارزش - بدنام Synonyms : devil-may-care , rakish The men found him raffish, but the women adored his smart clothes and casual attitude. ""a cocktail party given by some... raffish bachelors"- Crary Moore" بی بند و بار و بی خیال و جذاب


one who spends money wastefully ولخرج- دست و دلباز- اسراف Taking weekly trips to Vegas, Megan was a spendthrift whose excesses eventually caught up to her.


adjective: something that is concise and instructive of a general truth or principle پند نویسی- هی میخوای نصیحت و پند بدی Sometimes I can't stand Nathan because he tries to impress everyone by being aphoristic, but he just states the obvious.


adjective: without partiality منصفانه- بی طرفانه Teachers often have trouble being evenhanded to all of their varied students.


قابل سکونت capable of being lived in


without purpose or direction. -not having a goal or purpose -The college sophomore sampled different courses and activities in an aimless fashion as he had not decided on his future career path. =discursive بی هدف - بی منظور- بی اراده


(verb) to make larger, increase SYN: enlarge, supplement, amplify Ideally, the restaurant's augmented menu will expand its clientele and increase its profits. افزودن و زیاد کردن


adjective: showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others مهربان- اماده خدمت و کمک به بقییه Synonyms : complaisant Even after all his success, I found him to be accommodating and obliging, sharing with me his "secret tips" on how to gain wealth and make friends.


characteristic متمایز


marriage with one mate at a time تک همسری


rich, wealthy The center of the city had sadly become a pit of penury, while, only five miles away, multi -million dollar homes spoke of affluence.


totemic نمادین - نشانه - حاکی - Folk painter Grandma Moses has become such an enduring icon that many consider her emblematic of America.


to deceive فریب دادن Jason's gullibility is remarkable as he is deluded by even the most outrageous assertions.


to pay no attention to نادیده گرفتن Eliza's manager has disregarded her requests for a day off, even though she has sent him several e-mails. بی اعتنایی SYN: contempt, defy


to perch or settle, especially for the night استراحتگا- لانه - اتراق کردن- شب ماندن -Some species of birds prefer to roost in the shady woods during the day as they are kept safe from predators due to the use of camouflage.


comparison not using like or as استعارع - کنایه -


tremble or shake with a slight rapid motion لرزیدن The audience could hear Jane's voice quiver in fear as she began her public speech.


(v.) to change direction or course suddenly, turn aside, shift, swerve تغییر جهت دادن- تغییر عقیدع دادن


(v.) to drive or throw out, evict Syn. oust, expel, kick out خارج کردن -When the plane was struck by a missile, the pilot ejected himself from the cockpit and descended to the ground safely.


1-enthusiastic greeting تهنیت- سلام احوال پرسی- 2-be a native of "She hails from Kalamazoo" synonyms: come come, derive, descend 3-praise vociferously "The critics hailed the young pianist as a new Rubinstein" تعریف و تمجید کردن synonyms: acclaim, herald 4-call for "hail a cab" صدا زدن 5-precipitate as small ice particles "It hailed for an hour" تگرگ امدن But there is no room in the quarantine ward at Mama Yemo Hospital; so she leaves the hospital and hails another taxi. Yelling and shouting fearsome war cries, the attackers leaped from the ditch, peppering the ramparts with a hail of arrows, spears and stones. Rowing was, after all, a quintessentially British sport, and the 1936 British Olympic eight-man crew hailed from the venerable old Leander Club.


1-the highest point اوج Those 12 final years in the Eternal City marked the apogee of his career. Be that as it may, money is also the apogee of human tolerance. 2-For an object in orbit around the earth, the apogee is the point that is highest or farthest from the earth. Early satellites had low apogees, so it wasn't long before they burnt up in the atmosphere. apoapsis in Earth orbit; the point in its orbit where a satellite is at the greatest distance from the Earth


1. the property of being prompt and efficient. 2. dispose of rapidly and without delay and efficiently. -She finished her thesis with dispatch, amazing her advisors who couldn't believe she hadn't written 60 scholarly pages so quickly. -As soon as the angry peasants stormed the castle, they caught the king and swiftly dispatched him. اعزام- ارسال- انجام سریع - کشتن- توزیع امکانات


A straight reduction in price on purchases during a stated period of time or of larger quantities =undervalue تخفیف- کم کردن بها - از قبل محاسبه کردن- بی ارزش کردن- غیرمعمول- حراجی -Which wouldn't be so bad, as she told herself; at least she'd get a discount on everything. توجه نکردن


Easily seen or noticed انگشت نما- پدیدار - تو ذوق میزنه !- نمایان - -"a tower conspicuous at a great distance" "wore conspicuous neckties" =crying, egregious, flagrant, glaring, gross, rank -There is still the conspicuous asymmetry between molecular biology and, say, the therapy of lung cancer. -American basketball players are always conspicuous when they go abroad--not only are they American, but some are over seven feet tall.


Impassable, not allowing passage through (such as by a liquid) نفوذ ناپذیر- نشت ناپذیر The sand bags placed on the river formed an impermeable barrier, protecting the town from flooding.


Impossible to bear; intolerable difficult to endure used of persons or their behavior "insufferable insolence" Synonyms: impossible, unacceptable, A goofy production in Geneva last year boasted a clown-like Einstein, a mermaid, a horse and insufferable horsing around. But I think that we need to curb the way our kid is "explaining" things before he becomes permanently insufferable. The results are alternately dazzling, sobering, poignant and insufferable. طاقت فرسا- غیرقابل تحمل


Sweetly flowing or sounding. شیرین ملیح خوش صحبت Use the adjective mellifluous to describe something that sounds sweet and smooth, like the honeyed voice of a late-night radio DJ. Synonyms: dulcet, honeyed, mellisonant, sweet "Will your parents allow me to interview you directly?" he asked in a mellifluous voice. "Don't think ill of him," Scythe Curie told Rowan and Citra, her voice mellifluous, yet sharp at the same time. He chuckled mellifluously with resonant disdain and authority.


The resistance of an elastic body to deflection by an applied force. 1-the physical property of being inflexible and hard to bend. 2-the property of moving with pain or difficulty "he awoke with a painful stiffness in his neck" 3-excessive sternness Synonyms: hardness, harshness, inclemency, rigor, rigorousness, rigor, rigorousness, severity 4-firm resoluteness in purpose or opinion or action "a charming host without any touch of stiffness or pomposity" 5-the inelegance of someone stiff and unrelaxed (as by embarrassment) Synonyms: awkwardness, clumsiness, gracelessness Expected side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine include redness and swelling at the injection site and stiffness and soreness in the muscle. سفتی-سختی-چوب شدگی


To attack with words; denounce. -The politicians fulminate about defeating the terrorists, but they don't talk much about the costs or sacrifices that will be required. اعتراض کردن- با تهدید و تندی سخن گفتن- داد و بیداد کردن


To create without any forethought or preparation بداهه سرهم کردن و ساختن


animal without a backbone ضعیف- بی مهرگان -Bill's invertebrate attempts to defend himself against the bully's insults were so timid that the bully ignored them.


cheerful and friendly عیاش - سبک روح- =convivial- epicurean - merry - auspicious -The political candidate and his supporters were jovial once it was clear that she had won.




greedy. defines someone who will do anything in exchange for money. a person hired to fight for another country than their own Synonyms: soldier of fortune مزدور The story follows a mercenary in a dystopian society. They say Azeri forces and foreign mercenaries are the ones responsible for large-scale cultural destruction and atrocities. Percy was a mercenary who fought in the Dutch war for independence from Spain.


involved in argument or contention ; be -- in war, be -- in controversy =entangled. میانه به هم زدن- اشفته کردن- به نزاع انداحتن- دچار کردن- Piggy, finding himself uncomfortably embroiled, slid the conch to Ralph's knees and sat down.


knowledge of events or actions before they happen; foresight علم غیب- الهام = ecstasy - vision


loyal, faithful ثابت قدم و راسخ -A good captain needs to be steadfast, continuing to hold the wheel and stay the course even during the most violent storm. متین - استوار با وفا


most noticeable or important برجسته - نمایان =prominent, obtrusive, conspicuous, visible -The Panama Canal is the most salient economic symbol of Central America.


reach a necessary standard; limit the meaning of something stated 1. to be legally competent or capable. 2. to make less severe; to limit (a statement) شایسته شدن-معتدل کزدن- متعادل کزدن 1. If James had made more than $50,000 last year, then he wouldn't have qualified for the low-income scholarship.2. Chris qualified his love for San Francisco, adding that he didn't like the weather as much as the weather in Los Angeles.


rebellion شورش While the new policy could cause threats of insurrection, it is more likely that most employees would obey.


reconciliation; restoration of cordial relations, especially between two countries. آشتی دوباره- دوستی مجدد- صلح کردن the reestablishing of cordial relations -If a conflict ends and the parties go back to being on good terms, they achieve rapprochement. -Although Ann hoped that her mother and her aunt would have a rapprochement, each one's bitter accusations against the other made any reconciliation unlikely. -ever mind that it encouraged a vital and productive rapprochement between journalism and literature, and inspired a generation of writers and readers.


signify; indicate; be a sign of - According to the Roman augur, the flight of birds betokened the future success of King Tarquinius. حاکی بودن دلالت کردن


to feel bitter or upset اظهار تنفر کردن- خشمگین شدن In Dorothy West's novel The Living is Easy, the main character resents her father's authority over her independence.


to make nervous or upset


unusual; strange; odd; eccentric عجیب و جذاب The British are known for their love of eccentricity, and Vanbrugh Castle, located in London, is certainly quirky. SYN: unconventional


very brave, fearless, unshakable. a person or action that is bold and brave. Super heroes are intrepid in their struggle for truth, justice and the American way. = fearless, courageous, dauntless, or valiant, but the word intrepid suggests a lack of fear in dealing with something new or unknown. نترس-جسورانه-شجاع- با جرات =audacious, brave, dauntless, fearless, hardy, unfearing invulnerable to fear or intimidation "intrepid pioneers" And in Nepal, intrepid government workers who once traversed the Himalayas to spread information about reproductive health were halted. The Golden Globe-winning actor says she was drawn to the role because Fei Fei is a smart, intrepid female in a complex family situation, in a story that celebrates Asian culture. Sure enough, the fierce birds were whirling in close to the intrepid Jess.


very generous -Holiday's book is unstinting in its depiction of the hardships she faced. Helen is unstinting with her time, often spending hours at the house of a sick friend. lavish, munificent, خیلی بخشنده


without interest; dull Use the adjective jejune to describe something that is uninteresting or insignificant. Many people claim to find celebrity gossip jejune, but ask them about a recent movie star scandal and chances are they know all about it. Jejune can also describe something that's immature or simplistic. All that actress could say about her latest movie was that it was "Super fun"? That's a pretty jejune comment. Basically jejune means lacking substance. 1-displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity "jejune responses to our problems" Synonyms: adolescent, juvenile, puerile, sophomoric 2-lacking interest or significance or impact "jejune novel" Synonyms: insipid خشک . بیمزه تهی نارس "He just yelled. He didn't hit. I just happen to think his games are jejune." "Just tell your favorite brother what the word 'jejune' means." His comments in the catalogue interview are disturbingly inarticulate and jejune.


worthy of praise but not that amazing. قابل قبول - قابل تقدیر و محترم ابرومند ولی نه در حد کامندبل و لابدل Critics agreed the movie was creditable, but few gave it more than three out of five stars.


worthy of praise; admirable. -The efforts of the firefighters running into the burning building were commendable. ستودنییی


توهین مسخره دست انداختن Offense


the highest point نقطه ی اوج - راس زاویه


to avoid, shun, keep away from You eschew things that you find morally or aesthetically wrong, or that you have chosen to find wrong. A dieter might eschew a chocolate sundae, not because he doesn't like it, but because he's afraid of what it will do to his waistline. If you eschew something, you deliberately avoid it. She should accept this marital title and eschew her personal identity. As a rule, soccer, like all sports, eschews anything even remotely controversial. There is real doubt in college football about its ability to conclude the season, especially with Christmas looming as the latest temptation to eschew protocols. دوری کردن از چیز ناخوشایند- خودداری کردن


to be able to pay for something -provide with an opportunity فراهم کردن- موجب شدن- قدرت مالی داشتن- The summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro affords a panoramic view that encompasses both Tanzania and Kenya. -be the cause or source of "Our meeting afforded much interesting information" -Even though we couldn't afford a piano, my keyboard was on paper on my dining room table. شانسی به دست اوردن یسری تسهیلات He couldn't afford to indulge in that kind of thinking.


to behave coldly towards, to ignore منع - جلوگیری- سرزنش کردن -Wheeler was completely qualified for the committee, but the board snubbed him, choosing an obviously lesser qualified candidate instead.


to blend, to merge (verb) Syn: mix, unite, combine . -Over time, the various tribes coalesced into a single common culture with one universal language. یکی شدن- به هم امیختن


to bring together; to merge into a composite whole. In her recent book, the author conflates several genres--the detective story, the teen thriller, and the vampire romance--to create a memorable read. تلفیق کردن- قاطی کردن


to bump, push, shove, brush against, or elbow roughly or rudely تنه زدن- هل دادن-


to celebrate a person جشن گرفتن- گرامی داشتن خوشامد گویی After World War II, war heroes were feted at first but quickly forgotten.


to change into bone; to become hardened or set in a rigidly conventional pattern. Ossify means to become bony. When a baby is born, some of their "bones" are actually soft cartilage, which allows for growth. As the child grows, these soft areas ossify into actual bone. Although you and other young people may be willing to effect social changes, many older voters have ossified in their opinions. cause to become hard and bony "The disease ossified the tissue" make rigid and set into a conventional pattern "ossified teaching methods" Synonyms: petrify, rigidify Treating people as apostates is not a path to changing their minds, it will only ossify them in opposition. سفت شدن- استخوانی شدن


to cheer; to stimulate; to enliven شادی بخشیدن- خوشی دادن - The car ride exhilarated the children, who loved speeding up and down the mountain curves.


to clarify, explain روشن کردن- توضیح دادن- illuminate - illustrate -Youtube is great place to learn just about anything--an expert elucidates finer points so that even a complete novice can learn.


to confuse or perplex اشفته کردن- گیج کردن- سردرگم کردن- bewilder, confound, dumbfound and generally mystify synonyms: amaze, baffle, beat, bewilder, dumbfound, get, gravel, mystify, nonplus, perplex, pose, puzzle, stick, stupefy, vex Well, we are in the same position in space as our puzzled flatlander, only we are flummoxed by a higher dimension. This is so against my religion, I'm actually flummoxed for the first time since learning the word. He's the one I'm most flummoxed by in all of this.


to contrive or plot, especially artfully or with evil purpose. دسیسه کردن- توطعه چیدن- ساخت . و پاخت کردن- تدبیر کردن =devise, get up, organize, prepare , cabal, complot, conjure, conspire engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together The rebels met at night in an abandoned barn to machinate. To machinate is to scheme or plan something. You might, for example, machinate a way to defeat the more popular candidate in an election for school president.


to criticize severely. When it comes to "telling someone off," excoriate is reserved for the most severe cases. So, before you excoriate your little sister for borrowing your favorite jacket without permission, consider whether she truly deserves such harsh treatment. انتقاد سخت- پوست کندن از ..- پوست چیزی را تراشیدن و کندن If you excoriate someone, you let that person know that you really, really disagree with them. This verb goes beyond mere criticism; it implies anger, a harsh and insulting tone, and even a scathing attack. Synonyms of excoriate include denounce, decry, and condemn. In a medical sense, excoriate means "to tear skin off by chafing." A bad rug burn can excoriate your skin. ۲-tear or wear off the skin or make sore by abrading Synonyms: chafe Louie sat by, listening as his bride was excoriated for marrying him, trying in vain to get her to hang up. The night's last twist: A program devoted to excoriating Barack Obama left the party faithful moved by the words of the president's wife.


to damage a holy place; to treat with irreverence بی حرمتی کردن =profane- pollute -"desecrate a cemetery" خراب کردن ی مکان مقدس


to differentiate; to make a clear distinction; to see the difference تمییز- تشخیص دادن Sarah couldn't discriminate between a good wine and a bad wine, so she avoided wine tastings.


to distress, create stress or torment ازار دادن- تاراج کردن The campers were completely harrowed by their encounter with the large beast in the middle of the night. - harrow somebody to make somebody feel very shocked, frightened or upset


to distress, to mistreat ازردن- جفا کردن صدمه زدن - Aggrieved by massive debts, the family grew even more desperate when the bank repossessed their home.


to draw a district's boundaries to gain an advantage in elections. تقسیم غیرعادلانه حوزه های انتخاباتی- به منظور تقلب کردن در انتخابات Some politicians change the boundaries of their voting districts in order to benefit themselves or their political party. To manipulate the boundaries like this — often viewed as unfair — is to gerrymander. There, Ashley Oleson of the League of Women Voters of Maryland told me gerrymandering not only affects election outcomes, but also what happens once the winners reach Capitol Hill. She helped gather signatures for a petition to urge the Ohio legislature to tackle gerrymandering in the state.


to gain another's favor by flattery or false friendliness خودتو پیش کسی عزیز کردن- خود شیرینی -to kiss up to someone. -Even though Tom didn't like his new boss, he decided to ingratiate himself to her in order to advance his career. -"Now you are here, let me show you everything," she said, her voice ingratiating and sweet as honey, horrible, false.


to get around; to bypass دور چیزی رو گرفتن - سر پیچی کردن- احاطه کردن- دوز و کلک زدن- - گیر انداحتن -One way of circumventing the GRE is to apply to a grad school that does not require GRE scores. = evade - outmaneuver


to give life or motion to زندگی بخشیدن پشتیبانی کردن - روح دادن Kristen was animated by her family's cheering near the finish line and managed to complete the last half mile of the marathon. SYN: rouse, inspire, galvanize


to give strength and energy to زندگی بخشیدن refreshing


to give up a job, an office, or a right or claim استعفا دادن به ناچار پذیرفتن - When the football coach learned that his daughter had a fatal illness, he resigned from his position to spend more time with his family.


to kill someone as a sacrificial victim, usually by fire. -After being tortured by a poisoned blanket, Hercules built a pyre on Mt. Oete to immolate himself and end his suffering. قربانی کردن- کشته شدن- فدا شدن


to lie or deviate from the truth = belie - equivocate دو پهلو حرف ردن- دروغ گفتن- be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information synonyms: beat around the bush, equivocate, palter, tergiversate. Delay, obscure, prevaricate. Oh, no one does that half so well as our brave uncle." Down there in court, old Dewey made it sound like I was prevaricating—on account of Dick's mother. She famously couldn't bear anyone who hesitated, prevaricated or otherwise beat around Shepherd's Bush, and I prepared myself well. Politicians lie, pivot away from questions they don't want to answer and prevaricate. People are prevaricating; distracting, making listeners believe things that aren't always factually true.


to look at and think about something from different points of view. -At this point, we can only speculate about the election results as a portion of the votes remain uncounted. حدس . گمان درباره جنبه های محتلف فکر کردن- خرید و فروش کردن و قمار "philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years" -chew over, contemplate, excogitate, meditate, mull, mull over, muse, ponder, reflect, ruminate, think over -conjecture, hypothecate, hypothesise, suppose, theorise, -We were speculating whether the President had to resign after the scandal"


to make seem less important. کسی را کوچک کزدن- کم ارزش کردن- تحقیر کردن A good teacher will never belittle his students, but will instead empower them.


to make worse or more severe بدتر کردن- تشدید کردن - یرانگیختن- وخیم کردن- از کوره در رفتن -Her sleeplessness exacerbated her cold--when she woke up the next day, her sinuses were completely blocked


to obtain through special effort; to bring about به دست اوردن تدارک دیدن


to produce or show sound vibrations; to echo or resound. پیچیدن صدا- حندیدن- تشدید کردن صدا -"The sound resonates well in this theater" =ring true -If my story is true, I trust it will resonate with significance for other lives.


to protect against disease, error, or harm ۱- Inoculating individuals with cowpox would prevent children from acquiring smallpox in the future. ۲-Christian parents sometimes try to inoculate their children's minds with Biblical ideas. ۱- تزریق کردن یچیزی مث واکسن ۲-تلقین کردن- اغشتن


to refuse someone; to reject an offer. رد کردن نصیحت یا پیشنهاد کسی به طور زننده- پس زدن- دفع کردن رد - امتناع Rose rebuffed her boyfriend's proposal and refused to accept the ring.


to remove offensive passages of a play, novel, etc. edit by omitting , سانسور اخلاقی! - تزکیه و تصفیه کردن If the hero in an R-rated movie adapted for TV exclaims, "Oh shoot fudge darn!" but his lips seem to be saying something else, that movie has been bowdlerized. =castrate, expurgate, shorten This film is adapted from a tale by the Brothers Grimm — one of the gnarly unexpurgated ones, not the bowdlerized kind long served to American kids. In that way of overprotective parents, I used to skip this passage, before my kids were old enough to catch me bowdlerizing. Performing on network TV, Mr. Petersen served up an only somewhat bowdlerized version of his live show.


to represent as evil دیو زده کردن جن زده کردن


to respect deeply حرمت گذاشتن- تمجید کردن- ستایش کردن The professor, despite his soporific lectures, was venerated amongst his colleagues, publishing more papers yearly than all of his peers combined.


to rob by force غارت کردن -Early American settlers are portrayed as heroes, but they plundered land and other goods from the Native Americans.


to set fire to or ignite; excite or inspire. When you start a fire burning, you can say you kindle the fire. Knowing how to kindle a campfire is an important survival skill. The verb kindle not only means to start a fire, but also to catch fire. Another meaning for kindle is to arouse interest or passion. A dynamic music teacher could kindle the students' interest in learning an instrument. Or, romance can also be kindled: "As they danced together, a spark of romance kindled between them." برافروختن . Synonyms: 1-conflagrate, enkindle, inflame 2-call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses) Synonyms: arouse, elicit, enkindle, evoke, fire, pique, provoke, raise. Normally I would counsel forgiveness for your mom during these dark months, when we kindle a light of hope together against the longest night of the year.


to specify a condition پیمان بستن قید کردن


to sponsor or support; to be kind or helpful in a snobbish way, as if dealing with an inferior ریاست کردن- تشویق کردن- مشتری شدن- نگه داری کردن- She says she genuinely wanted to help me, but instead she patronized me, constantly pointing out how I was inferior to her. سرپرستی کردن


to spread widely منتشر کردن- پراکنده کردن -Before the effects of anaethesia were disseminated, patients had to experience the full pain of a surgery.


to support by giving financial aid سوبسید یارانه- کمک مالی -Unlike in the US and most other developed markets, mobile operators in India do not subsidize smartphones.


to weaken, to enfeeble ناتوان کردن- ضعیف کردن- During the siege of Leningrad, famine swept through villages and debilitated entire populations.


(adj.) - young or immature نابالغ-جوون- بچگانه کودکانه Having committed the crime when he was under 18, the burglar was a juvenile delinquent and received a minimal sentence.


unable to be attacked, questioned, or defeated -immune to attack; without flaws غیر قابل انکار- ایمن- غیر قابل حمله- انکار ناپذیر Professor Williams is so self-assured as to seem arrogant, presenting each and every opinion as an unassailable fact. اتهام ناپذیر


(adj.) lasting only a short time, fleeting; (n.) one who stays only a short time زودگذز - بی دوام - ناپایدار


(adj.) ordinary, not outstanding; not easily classified نامعین - غیرقابل طبقه بندی- نامشخص- بی هویت-معمولی -The new office buildings appeared drab and nondescript as they lacked any distinctive architectural features.


(adj.) talkative, wordy; fond of talking -Dan is a loquacious boy whose verbal charm is quite simply unsurpassed. پرحرف - وراج SYN: garrulous


(adj.) tending to delay or procrastinate, not prompt; intended to delay or postpone. کند- تاخیری- =tardy - sluggish - blunt -Lawyers use dilatory tactics so that it takes years before the case is actually decided.


(v.) to blame, scold, find fault with. Bob took a risk walking into the "Students Barbershop"--in the end he had to upbraid the apparently drunk barber for giving him an uneven bowl cut. سرزنش کردن- مواخ‌‌ذه کردن- شماتت کردن


(v.) to defeat in a battle or contest, overthrow; to overcome a feeling or condition در هم شکستن- پیروز شدن- شکست دادن For years, Argentina would dominate in World Cup qualifying matches, only to be vanquished by one of the European countries during the late stages of the tournament.


(v.) to disown, reject, or deny the validity of انکار کردن - رد کردن - منکر شدن - به هم زدن نامزدی - شانه خالی کردن- طرد کردن- راندن =disavow - disown - renounce - condemn - renege - abnegate -Many in the public believed the rumors of a UFO crash outside town, so the chief of police did everything he could to repudiate the rumors.


(v.) to do without, abstain from, give up خودداری کردن- چشم پوشی کردن- جلو زدن - سبقت گرفتن- صرف نظر کردن =dispense with, forego, foreswear, relinquish, waive =forfeit, give up, throw overboard, waive At noon I would forgo my lunch hour and run errands for the white men who were employed in the shop. "You don't mind if I forgo your help, do you?" she said dryly. For ten days following his father's death, he and his mother and Sonia eat a mourner's diet, forgoing meat and fish. I found Hamlet's conclusion unjust, and forgoing my modest manner, I spoke boldly.


(v.) to drink; to take in, absorb . is a fancy word for "drink." If you need to imbibe ten cups of coffee just to get out of the house, you might have a caffeine problem. Eating and drinking in groups increases the odds of spread since people must remove their masks to ingest or imbibe. It was the slap heard around the country, prompting broad reflection on a professional drinking culture in China that rewards excessive drinking and alienates those who do not imbibe. نوشیدن و جذب کردن


(v.) to support, give a boost to; (n.) a long pillow or cushion; a supporting post تقویت کردن- ساپورت کردن


(v.) to tell, reveal; to make public اشکار کردن - فاش کردن =break, bring out, disclose, discover, expose, give away, let on, let out, reveal, unwrap. -My family might worry about my divulging something so personal.


(v.) to urge strongly, advise earnestly Synonyms: entreat, implore, adjure نصیحت کردن- تشویق و ترغیب کردن -Nelson's parents exhorted him to study medicine, urging him to choose a respectable profession; intransigent, Nelson left home to become a graffiti artist.


A person whose views go beyond what is usual تندرو - افراطی-


Free of deceit or craftiness, natural, genuine; lacking skill or knowledge, crude, uncultured open and honest .بی هنر- ساده لوح- ساده دل- فروتن- غیر صنعتی Synonyms: ingenuous candid, heart-to-heart, open The style of the older videos may seem artless but is in fact carefully considered. Her impact is hard to quantify in a few minutes and these choices are a bit obvious and a bit artless for an otherwise smart and engaging film that avoids most cloying cliches.


a correction; a change in a written text. - Some amount of emendation is necessary when publishing a diary to remove errors and clarify the writing. ویرایش و اصلاح


v. to free from or as if from a tether- divorce از قید و بند ازاد کردن -Colin untethered the horse and let it go free into the wild highlands.


a surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one that is made known in a dramatic way. الهام - اشکار سازی- وحی Discovering that you had a long-lost sister would definitely be a revelation, or a surprising realization. Finding out she had been living in the house next door for years would be an even more startling revelation! -It is not a surprise that the word revelation is related to the word reveal, because revealing is the action of showing something that was previously covered up or unknown. You can even use both words in the same sentence: "You might find it a revelation if someone revealed to you that your house was sitting on top of a gold mine!" -For some, the revelation earlier this month hit like a thunderclap, upending how they thought about the school. -One would be through a revelation as yet unknown, following the emergence of new information


doubtful =suspect مشکوک -مورد شک


enlightening or uplifting so as to encourage intellectual or moral improvement. تقویت کردن- تقدیس کردن- تهذیب کردن- اخلاق اموختن = reinforce- hallow - consecrate - augment . -I recently read an article in the Times about whether good literature is edifying or not; specifically, does reading more make a person more moral.


friendship رفاقت و همراهی -You might not like your job, but still enjoy the camaraderie of the people you work with. =chumminess, comradeliness, comradery, comradeship


full of energetic and noisy activity شلوغ پلوغ In the movie Home Alone, the McCallister family forgot about their son, Kevin, as they dashed through the bustling airport in a frenzy.


notice ordering someone to appear in court احضاریه- حکم احضار


verb: the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess Synonyms : check , curb -New curfew laws have bridled people's tendency to go out at night. هر چیزی که مهار کند،تحت اختیار داشتن یا گرفتن،کنترل کردن سر خود را بالا انداختن،سر باز زدن،رنجیده شدن مهار کردن (اسب) -verb: anger or take offense. "She bridled at his suggestion to elope" The hostess bridled at the tactless dinner guests who insisted on eating before everybody had gotten their food. -the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess "his common sense is a bridle to his quick temper"


very numerous متعدد - بیشمار There were months of terrible weather as multitudinous tornadoes barraged the Midwest.


slow, sluggish, listless, weak سست بی حال اهسته ضعیف As the sun beat down and the temperature climbed higher, we spent a languid week lying around the house.


speak or write at length or in detail. The verb expatiate means "to add details to in order to clear up." If your story is confusing to everyone who hears it, certain key parts must be missing. Better expatiate so that people can understand it. To pronounce expatiate correctly, accent the second syllable: "ex-PAY-she-ate." When you expatiate on a piece of writing, you add details. The goal is to make your ideas clearer to readers, perhaps by offering an example to help them understand. add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing Synonyms: dilate, elaborate, enlarge, expand, exposit, expound, flesh out, lucubrate When the question is general enough, they move quickly from answering it to expatiating on general themes. بسط دادن-مفصل توضیح دادن


superficial, scattered knowledge -I know only a smattering of German, but Helen is able to read German newspapers and converse with natives. دانش سطحی- معلومات کم و دست پا شکسته


A state of balance تعادل - موازنه -The different branches are supposed to remain in equilibrium and maintain a balance of power, not create gridlock.


(v.) to call into question; to attack as false -Though many initially tried to impugn Darwin's theory, in scientific circles today, the is idea taken as truth. ایراد گرفتن- اعتراض کردن- مورد انتقاد قرار دادن- ضرب و جرح دادن


(v.) to decorate, adorn, touch up; to improve by adding details. -McCartney would write relatively straightforward lyrics, and Lennon would embellish them with puns and poetic images زینت دادن - تزیین کردن - اراستن




(adj.) strange, freakish, weird, foreign-looking; out-of-the-way, geographically remote; exceeding reasonable limits If something is outlandish it's bizarre or unfamiliar, far outside the boundaries of expected or normal behavior. Driving around the city in a golf cart and eating spaghetti with pineapple sauce are both examples of outlandish behavior. conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual "the outlandish clothes of teenagers" Synonyms: bizarre, eccentric, flakey, flaky, freakish, freaky, gonzo, off-the-wall, عجیب غریب-بیگانه وار Amber Phillips writes for the Washington Post that the Texas lawsuit to overturn the 2020 election may be the most outlandish effort yet.


(adj.) tending to find fault, especially in a petty, nasty, or hairsplitting way; (n.) petty, nagging criticism غر غروو- عاری از لطف- عیب جویانه What seemed like incessant nagging and carping about my behavior from my mother turned out to be wise and useful advice that has served me well.


keep within limits; restrict; limit


passion شوق - خونگرمی


(adj.) difficult to catch or to hold; hard to explain or understand زیرک و گریزان گریزان و فرار یه چیزی که سخته بفهمی یا بگیریش Many first time skydivers say that describing the act of falling from the sky is elusive. چیزی که نشه به یاد اورد -a haunting elusive odor" =subtle impalpable -In 1966 the discoverers prepared to turn over to the Smithsonian Institution the cigar box in which they deposited their very first sample of the elusive element.


Awareness of the objective world in relation to the self نگرش - تمایل - حهت گیری She should not have felt offended by the speech just because its political orientation was markedly different from hers. SYN: bias


Excessively showy; unrestrained پر زرق و برق- شعله مانند- جلف و خودنمایانه- =ostentatious - gaudy - The place was vintage Woolf, decorated floor to ceiling in flamboyant cowboy memorabilia. For Easter mass, I dressed in glorious yellow with a flamboyant blossom in my hair.


an example or model, especially an ideal one. نمونه - الگو سرمشق نسخه ی کتاب


(adj.) famous, outstanding, distinguished; projecting برجسته - بزرگ- مرتفع ممتاز -Shakespeare is an eminent author in the English language


A relatively small group that has broken away from an established denomination. فرقه- گروه مذهبی


Arousing anger or strong emotion تحریک امیز - فتنه گر Every time an inflammatory e-mail came from Zieve, he got angry and found it difficult to focus on work. = provocative


a discussion or conference مذاکره درباره ی صلح موقت Battle was inevitable as the general decided not to parley with the enemy. گفتگوی دو نفره


extreme exaggeration اغراق- گزاف گویی


messy; not neat; not able to find things مختل کردن


to hide or keep secret, to place out of sight پنهان کردن - مخفی کردن


a mass of rock and soil suddenly slips down a slope نشست و رکود یهویی- افت - During the recent drought in California, housing prices slumped in certain parts of the state.


To make a liquid less concentrated رقیق کردن - ضغیف کردن to lessen the strength of (something) ابکی کردن


a remark or reply that is witty or sarcastic; joke. کنایه- طعنه لطیفه


believing in the social and economic equality of all people برابری گرا


domineering; oppressively overbearing استبدادی


novel بدیع- نو- بی نظیر During a period of unexampled intellectual ferment in physics, Oppenheimer published papers on every major issue in his field.


punishment مجازات و جریمه - Law fails to deter potential criminals if the penalty for crime is too light or applied too rarely.


a natural inclination or tendency میل گرایش شدید


a sad or mournful poem مرثیه


concealing; not open or frank پنهانی =furtive


deviation from what is normal غیرعادی


dishonest or deceptive; tricky غیرمستقیم- بی راهه- گمراه-دور و دراز - حیله گر She was tall and curvy, with a devious gleam in her eyes.


to undermine the confidence of a person or group; discourage; dishearten تضعیف روحیه - Jay was so demoralized after losing his first job that he sunk into depression.


in a bad mood; irritable; sulky بدخلق و عصبانی -When his parents removed the television from the house, the cartoon-obsessed child became grouchy and threw a fit.


(adj.) bold, adventurous, recklessly daring گستاخ - نترس - ریسکی -As all of the other campers cowered in their tents, Bill, armed only with a flashlight, audaciously tracked down the bear that had raided their food.


(n.) an amount beyond what is required, excess; (adj.) more than what is needed or expected مقدار مازاد و زیادی


harmful مضر مهلک کشنده


powerful, mighty توانمند- توانا Despite Mali, the sense that there is a French prerogative in Africa is not as puissant as it once was. powerful having great power or force or potency or effect


special field of something or someone; kingdom حوزه- ناحیه- قلمرو


to fail to carry out a promise انکار کردن - دبه کردن We will no longer work with that vendor since it has reneged on nearly every agreement..


to show off لاف زدن- بالیدن - Everyone grew tired of Tom bragging about his "career" as a movie star, especially since his only credit was as an extra in a B-movie.


traveling by foot پیاده رو- دوره گرد- وابسته به فلسفه ارسطو = itinerant*** Jim always preferred a peripatetic approach to discovering a cityi


(adj.) causing excitement or anger; leading to violence or disorder. فتنه جو- اتش افروز - اشتعالی - =seditious - militant- incentive - corruptive فساد امیز -"an inflammatory response". -But those inflammatory cries only made them laugh.


(n.) calmness, composure, refusal to panic -Everyone adored Tom as he was always able to restore his co-workers' equanimity with charm and good humor whenever the work pressure became unbearable on the set. -calm emotions when dealing with problems or pressure تعادل فکری- متانت - خون سردی - قضاوت منصفااانه -


(n.) the spirit of the time ( زایتگاست) روحیه یا طرز فکر یک عصر یا دوره Zeitgeist is the spirit or essence of a particular time. In the 1920s, flappers and speakeasies contributed to that era's Zeitgeist. Whatever seems particular to or symbolic of a certain time is likely part of its Zeitgeist. Today Zeitgeist, as the glue that holds period' styles together and accounts for their inner unity, is rarely invoked. I knew he loved movies; that, perhaps, was a way into this kind of crazy Bannon Zeitgeist. It's about the Zeitgeist, the mood and the atmosphere.


(v.) to consider carefully, reflect on غمیق فک کردن Sir Isaac Newton discovered gravity when he was pondering the cause of an apple's fall from a tree. SYN: contemplate


(v.) to understand, get to the bottom of; to determine the depth of; (n.) a measure of depth in water - In an attempt to fathom why Hawaii's fish population has been declining, scientists started monitoring numerous species closely and tracking their movements. فهمیدن علت چیزی-


(v.) to wear away gradually, eat away Synonyms: corrode, abrade فرساییدن- فاسد کردن- ساییده شدن از بین رفتن When we learned that the lawyer had lied about his law degree, our faith in his ability to try the case completely eroded.


-cancel officially. -The man's driver's license was rescinded after his tenth car accident, which meant he would never be allowed to legally drive again. =annul, countermand, lift, overturn, repeal, reverse, revoke, vacate -you can rescind your offer to loan jack your jeans. کنسل شذن لغو کردن- فسخ کردن


A bad imitation of; a perversion of تقلید مسخره امیز- مضحک- مسخره بازی! -What I expected to be an intelligent, nuanced historical documentary turned out to be a poorly-produced travesty of the form. =parody - ape


A difficult problem; a dilemma with no easy solution مسعله سخت- معما - Computers have helped solve some of the mathematical conundrums which have puzzled man for many centuries.


A feeling of jealousy. -The girl envied her best friend for having received the most expensive Barbie doll for Christmas. = covet حسادت- بدخواهی- حسرت خوردن-


Add brief notes to a diagram or graph حاشیه نویسی- نوت برداری- -In illuminated manuscripts, many monks annotated the Bible with entertaining drawings of devils and evil creatures.


A government in which power is in the hands of a hereditary ruling class or nobility اشراف سالاری - The emperor Ying Zheng created an aristocracy that was not hereditary and could not be passed down to the next generation.


A number of similar things grouped together. خوشه خوشه جمع کردن- دسته دسته کردن - Rainstorms tend to cluster together during the monsoon season and produce continuous rainfall for a prolonged period of time.


Commonly occurring; widely accepted or practiced رایج Many of us have no clue that mental illness is so prevalent that it touches almost every family.


Distinguish, tell apart, and recognize differences between two or more items. تفاوت و تمایز مشتق گرفتع شده -Animals on Madagascar differentiated from other similar animal species due to many years of isolation on the island. -Mozart's long melodic lines differentiate his compositions from other works of late 18th century music.


Expressing sorrow or lamentation مرثیه مانند - نوحه مانند- غم انگیز -If there's one song on your playlist that always brings tears to your eyes, maybe it's because it has an elegiac quality. -"an elegiac poem on a friend's death" Few can listen to the elegiac opening bars of the Moonlight sonata without feeling the urge to cry.


Find a solution to; firmly decide to do something; decide by formal vote(v); firmness of purpose (n) -After much thought, Ted resolved not to travel abroad this summer because he didn't have much money in his bank account. تصمیم گرفتن - حل کردن- رای دادن عمد


Narrow, slitlike opening ترک - شکاف تفرقه - A personal quarrel resulted in a fissure that split the football team in two and affected their ability to perform collectively during game


Noisy excitement; an uproar or disturbance. -Riots broke out just in front of our apartment building, and the tumult continued late into the night. همهمه- غوغا- اشوب - شلوغ


Not studying, skipping class, being lazy, and never doing homework were all reasons adduced to explain why Zhangjie failed his important test. استشهاد جمع کردن- شاهد اوردن = provide (something, such as a fact or example) as evidence or proof to support an argument


to clearly set or mark the boundaries of a group or geographic area - If you cross the borders that are firmly demarcated between the two territories, you risk getting into trouble with the authorities. مرز گذاشتن - حد و حدود تعیین کردن


To go beyond, as a thing aimed at or sought پا از حدت دراز تر کردن از حد خودت فراتر رفتن The climber overreached his body's capabilities and was eventually defeated in his attempt to climb all 8,000-meter peaks within a year.


To picture in the mind; to imagine تصور کردن- تجسم کردن Feminist welfare research envisions a more equitable world in which states, markets, and families run in a fairer manner.


Unpleasant or unharmonious sound ناهنجاری - ناجوری =discord


Where something comes from is its provenance. If a style of music originated in the capital of Rhode Island, you could say that its provenance was Providence. Some items of foreign provenance are taxed more heavily than domestic products. If you claim that an artwork put up for sale was stolen from your family's art collection, an investigation may be ordered to resolve issues of provenance. In this case, provenance refers to who has the legal right to the specific work of art, or to whom it belongs. منشا- زادگاه where something originated or was nurtured in its early existence Synonyms: birthplace, cradle, place of origin, provenience Curious about its provenance, I emailed photographs of it to antique shops and auction houses, but got no definitive answer other than that it was probably made in Europe in the mid- to late-19th century. The answer, they said, was finding clues in the books themselves, as well as library records that helped establish their provenance and later movements.


a slight suspicion; a vague idea اگاهی - اشاره - گزارش Lynne speaks four Romance languages, but she doesn't have an inkling about how East Asian languages are structured.


a complete or impressive collection of things; a splendid display کاملا مجهز As a vast empire of dozens of conquered people, the Persian Empire could muster a panoply of troops to extend the dominion of the king. تجهیزات و ارایش کامل کالکشن کامل چیزی


a small amount of something. If my sister had even a modicum of sense, she wouldn't be engaged to that barbarian. اندک- یه ذره-


a concise statement of a truth or principle کلمات قصار- پند - سخن کوتاه -Nietzsche was known for using aphorisms, sometimes encapsulating a complex philosophical thought in a mere sentence.


a bidding farewell; a leave-taking; a farewell speech. - the act of saying goodbye, especially in a formal speech وداع- بدرود- خداحافظی فرمال


a deviation or error in speech, manners, or deeds. Burp at the dinner table? Forget your mom's birthday? Probably all three, right? Well, don't worry. Instead of just screwing up, what you did was commit a solecism. If you say something incorrectly, or make a grammatical error in writing, that's also a solecism. It can be just as mortifying as burping at the dinner table. a socially awkward or tactless act Synonyms: faux pas, gaffe, gaucherie, slip There's no more awful social solecism than accusing someone of being dead when they aren't. اشتباه دستوری- اشتباه در صحبت و..


a large destructive fire -The conflagration prevented her from entering the building when she realized there were people and animals trapped inside. -In the summer months, conflagrations are not uncommon in the southwest, do to the heat and lack of rain. اتش سوزی بزرگ


a maneuver or action used to gain an advantage. -Randy played a gambit, telling his boss that he would leave at the end of the week if he didn't get a raise. -He thought hard and then said, "What are those books about, Lula?"—a pretty good gambit on his part. حیله ی اغازین-نخستین ترفند- حرکتی در شطرنج Her showdown with John Becker was the kind of gambit that the laboratory expected, encouraged, and valued in its promising male engineers.


a person or thing serving as a typical example or excellent model something to be imitated نمونه- سرمشق- نظیر Lena's homework is on the wall because it is an exemplar of clean, neat, and thoughtful work.


a person who hoards wealth and spends as little money as possible. خسیس - =curmudgeon - -Monte was no miser, but was simply frugal, wisely spending the little that he earned.


a person who is guided by materialism and is disdainful of intellectual or artistic values -smug and ignorant towards artistic and cultural values آدم هرزه- بی فرهنگ- بدون ذوق هنری - ادم مادی -A philistine is a person who doesn't think a lot and isn't interested in learning. Your uncle Marvin, who's only interested in eating, sleeping, and watching game shows, could be considered a philistine. =anti-intellectual, lowbrow. -At first glance classic style sounds naive and philistine, suited only to a world of concrete goings-on.


a small hole made by a sharp object پنچر کردن- سوراخ درست کردن Sunfish have sharp spines that will puncture the skin if not handled with care.


a small, exclusive group - She felt miserable after her usual clique in school decided to alienate her for no discernible reason. محفل- گروه - دسته


a state of physical or mental weariness; lack of energy. رخوت و بی میلی - After working out, people are usually filled with a deeply pleasurable lassitude and naturally feel more relaxed.


a very small amount ناچیز- پول کم کمک هزینه مختصر Vinny's uncle beamed smugly about how he'd offered his nephew fifty dollars for his Harvard tuition; even twice the amount would have been a mere pittance.


cloth made by sewing together small pieces of different fabrics وصله دوزی کردن چیزای متفاوت باهم یکی کردن اش شلع قلم کار Lee's narrative remains a patchwork of lies, excuses and conflicting stories.


contagious, communicable شیوع پیدا میکنه- مسری - سرایت دار Lupus is a serious disease but it is not infectious so you cannot catch it from your friend. واگیر دار


definite, clearly stated صریح روشن Though the conferees did not voice their explicit support for the resolution, they conveyed approval by applauding.


done or existing alone منزوی - تنها Thomas Edison found collaboration essential and debunked the popular stereotype of the solitary inventor who struggled alone in a garret.


dying رو به مرگ The company, considered moribund in recent years, now attracts millions of consumers worldwide.


enough to be perceived, considerable. محسوس - زیاد - قابل ملاحظه There is an appreciable difference between those who say they can get the job done and those who actually get the job done.


generous in forgiving, above small meanness سخاوتمند- بزرگوار- بخشنده -A magnanimous person has a generous spirit. Letting your little sister have the last of the cookies, even though you hadn't eaten since breakfast, would be considered a magnanimous act.


false; misleading غلط - سفسطه امیز- ناامید کننده فریبنده-گول زننده -The widespread belief that Eskimos have forty different words for snow is fallacious, based on one false report.


fixed firmly or securely سنگر بندی کردن- تجاوز کردن به By the time we reach 60-years old, most of our habits are so entrenched that it is difficult for us to change. جاگیرشده


having a gloomy or sullen manner; not friendly or sociable. -A morose person is sullen, gloomy, sad, glum, and depressed. =dark, dour, glowering, glum, moody, saturnine, sour, sullen -While Tata tended to get loud and angry when she drank, Chico was quiet and morose. ترشرو- کج خلق- وسواسی- ناراحت - عبوس =meticulous- scrupulous - sullen - petulant ***


hostile feeling or intent کینه تنفر- بیزاری - Ward insisted he harbored no animus toward Howell, but the two never spoke again. =hostility


intended to teach اموزنده- تعلیمی- اموزشی This word is often used negatively for when someone is acting too much like a teacher. تداعی منفی پندامیز =informative, instructive اموزش نظری *** در مقابل 'عملی' میاد ! -Then he continued with his discussion in the same didactic tone as before. =preachy


intrude in other people's affairs or business فضولی کردن . دخالت بیجا کردن Some people think that children should not meddle in the affairs of their parents as they do not have adult maturity.


jumping from one thing to another; disconnected درهم برهم بی قاعدع بی ترتیب


lack of agreement or harmony عدم توافق - عدم هماهنگی Despite all their talented players, the team was filled with discord--some players refused to talk to others--and lost most of their games.


lacking کمبود عاری از چیزی ٰ-The annual company picnic appeared to be devoid of all fun, with each employee silently sitting and checking their phones.


make (someone) annoyed or irritated. مشوش کردن- ازردن اذیت کردن -His blunt speech has riled voters throughout the campaign and resulted in consequences that no amount of apology could make up for.


massive and uniform یکپارچه - Startups can see a broader range of problems to address because they don't have to wear the same economic blinkers as established, monolithic companies.


meaningless or deceptive language سحن پوچ- کسشر بی محتوا The actor is seen as unpretentious because he tries to avoid the flattery and flummery that his celebrity brings.


never done or known before; without previous example **** بی نظیر بی سابقه - جدید When America first created its national parks, the idea of setting aside the most beautiful land in a country was unprecedented in the history of mankind.


occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady متناوب - نوبتی - قطع کننده The intermittent thunder continued and the night was punctuated by cracks of lightning--a surreal sleepless night.


ordinariness; dullness ملالت اور- ابتذال - پیش پا افتاده


refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind -If you stubbornly refuse to change your mind about something, you are adamant about it. =adamantine, inexorable, intransigent -He's adamant about changing education, and we're adamant about revolutionizing it. متعصب- سرسخت - تسلیم نشو - مصمم


secretive. =surreptitious - latent - underhand - clandestine - *** رمزی- مخفی- پنهان -While at work, George and his boss Regina felt the need to be as furtive as possible about their romantic relationship.


to humble oneself in a demeaning way. Every time Susan comes to the office, Frank grovels as if she were about to fire. پست و حقیر کردن


to involve in; to connect with or be related to. گرفتار کردن - دلالت کردن- مستلزم بودن- مرکب شریک بودن معنی چیزی را رسوندن جرم کسی رو گغتن -The crime boss was implicated for a long list of crimes, ranging from murder to disturbing the peace. -By saying that some of the guests were uncomfortable, the manager implicated to the hotel staff that it needed to be more dilligent.


to justify or deserve گواهی دادن - ضمانت کردن


to leak out slowly; soft watery mud. - Blood continued to ooze from the cut in Paul's arm even after he had pressed a gauze against it for 15 minutes. تراوش کردن و چکیدن


to lure, to attract, to tempt in a pleasing fashion. اغوا کردن- فریفتن- جلب کردن Harold enticed his wife, Maude, to go on a vacation to Hawaii, with promises of luaus on the beach and all-you-can-eat seafood buffets. =solicit - seduce -


to make a harsh sound; to shake by sudden impact ازار دادن- ناراحت کردن جر و بحث کردن I found the play very unsettling as its realistic plot and characters jarred with the dystopian themes and setting.


to persuade someone to convert to a faith, belief, or cause به دین تازه ای وارد شدن یا وارد کردن -ٰٰThe professor has been a believer in Apple products for years and annoys people by constantly proselytizing for the Mac. -My mother proceeded to tell me about her meeting that afternoon on the bus from work with members of the Twelve Apostle Church of God, who subsequently proselytized her to their religion. از دین و ایین برگردوندن She proselytized about suffrage to anyone who would listen and recruited volunteers to help with the work.


to postpone Ken asked if he could defer starting his car payments by a year since he was short of money. دیفر کردن! به تعویق انداختن


unusual, not what is normally expected غیر عادی


unwise بی تدبیر - بی احتیاط = indiscreet - injudicious . Hitler, like Napoleon, made the imprudent move of invading Russia in winter, suffering even more casualties than Napoleon had.


Demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight. Known for their bellicose ways, the Spartans were once the most feared people from Peloponnesus to Persia. =warlike دعوایی - جنگجو-


بی تمدنی وحشیگری rude, intimidating, and undesirable behavior directed at another person


ثبت کردن وقایع


خاکریز- لنگرگاه- مجلس پذیرایی


(n.) a sudden, violent upward movement; great disorder or radical change =convulsion طغیان و تحول انقلابی


a bow or similar gesture expressing deep respect اطاعت کردن- احترام- تعظیم


n. Any religious ceremonial. وزارت تهیه اجرا


showing no emotion بی حس - بی عاطفه


to separate جدا کردن- تبعیض نژادی قاعل شدن


1- a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture) Synonyms : effigy , image. The Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center showcases a simulacrum of all the present and approved buildings in the city of Shanghai. 2- a bad imitation. The early days of computer graphics made real people into a simulacrum that now seems comical. تصویر- مثال- تظاهر- وانمود- ریاکاری- تصویر خیالی و مبهم a simulacrum is a fake version of something real. A wax museum is full of simulacrums of famous people. -If you say, "This video game is only a simulacrum of playing football!" that means it does a poor job of copying the game. The simulacrum now more whole than the original.


1. to expel from the throat or stomach; to vomit 2. to discharge violently استفراغ کردن- خالی کردن- ریختن- = give up smth eject- run over


A change of heart, turning away from sin and toward God تبدیل - تغییر


Anything ineffable is unspeakably beautiful, moving, or horrible. It's beyond expression. If something is so powerful or emotional that you can't even describe it, it's ineffable. Ineffable ideas and emotions are difficult to put into words. وصف نکردنی- غیرقابل توصیف- نگفتنی- بر زبان نیاوردنی =indefinable, indescribable, unspeakable, untellable, unutterable


Charming; having the power to attract, a magical spell دلربا- فریبنده- سحر و جادو کردن - The full moon and soft music had an enchanting effect on the young lovers who could not pull their eyes away from each other.


Continuing without interruption پی در پی پیوسته بی پایان I don't mind small children in brief doses, but I think the incessant exposure that their parents have to them would quickly wear me down.


Controversial; argumentative; debatable. جرو بحث کردن- مجادله امیز- He earns our respect for consistently giving honest and constructive feedback without being polemical.


FULL OF COURAGE AND FORTITUDE; SPIRITED با غیرت- با جرعت- با حرارت- The adjective mettlesome is a great way to describe someone who's full of pride or courage. synonyms: game, gamey, gamy, gritty, spirited, spunky brave, courageous. Two mettlesome productions from feminist-leaning companies are pondering hard realities in the lives of modern women. "Take care of my toes, master," exclaimed a stout citizen; "your horse is mettlesome." The other, somewhat more mettlesome, made a grab at his 240 knife.


Direct opposite متضاد


Evidence given in court - ٰThe security camera footage provided the most damning testimony of the crime. شهادت - گواهی - مدرک


Exceptionally early in development or occurrence باهوش- زود رس- نا بهنگام استثنایی -Though only seven years old, she was a precocious chess prodigy, able to beat players twice her age.


Having great depth or seriousness عمیق- ژرف- پیچیده - After cheating on the test, Bobby had a profound sense of guilt and he immediately confessed to the teacher.


Injustice; unfairness; an instance of injustice بی عدالتی- بی انصافی After decades of racial inequity, the "separate but equal" doctrine was successfully overturned


Insignificant; unimportant; irrelevant بی اهمیت - جزعی - معنوی - غیرمادی =trifling- incorporeal- solitary-


Irritable or short-tempered ترش رو - زودرنج - ستیزه جو - کج خلق -an adult behaving like an angry child =cranky, fractious, irritable, nettlesome, peckish, peevish, pettish, scratchy, techy,


Not guided by conscience; morally wrong, unjust, unreasonable -Robots are unconscionable automatons that are controlled by algorithms and strict rules of performance. خلاف وجدان- گزاف- افراطی- غیرمنصفانه- بی رحمانه =exorbitant, extortionate, extravagant, outrageous, steep, usurious -"an unconscionable liar"


One who leads a life of self-denial and contemplation; absent of luxury زاهد - مرتاض -His ascetic life is the main reason he inspired so many followers, especially since he gave up wealth and power to live in poverty. -Historically, ascetics like Ghandi are often considered wise men partially because of their restraint.


One who loves beauty in art or nature هنر دوست- زیبایی شناس -A true aesthete, Marty would spend hours at the Guggenheim Museum, staring at the same Picasso


Passing quickly, transitory زودگذر Rosemary seems to fear that her husband's interest in her is only fleeting and dependent on her looks. = momentory


Self-satisfied, smug; overly content (and therefore lazy, neglectful, or some other bad quality) از هود راضی- تن اسا- خود خواه -After the water polo team won their sixth championship, they became complacent and didn't even make it to the playoffs the next year.


Something that causes damage, harm, or loss - Although the compound is abundantly present in the air, it is not a detriment to our health unless it becomes an underwater sediment. مضر SYN: deleterious

rolled in

The method of "rolling in" or including the costs of refinancing into the new loan as opposed to the borrower having to "come out of pocket" with the cash to pay for closing costs. به داخل غلتاندن


The pumping of water at high pressure to break apart rocks in order to release natural gas. روشی برای استخراج گاز طبیعی Fracking is a method of extracting natural gas and oil that are trapped in underground rocks in order to use them for fuel. Fracking is controversial, especially among environmentalists. * He said he would not immediately ban hydraulic fracturing for natural gas, a process known as fracking, though he does want to stop issuing new permits for fracking on federal land. * In 2017, Hogan signed a bill to permanently ban fracking in Maryland.


To remove offensive material from


Vim is energy and enthusiasm. If you've got vim, then you probably pack a little extra oomph in your life! Vim is an odd-looking word, but it stands for a simple concept: being ready for activity, especially vigorous activity. Someone who is always playing sports or going on trips is full of vim. Someone who lies on the couch watching TV all day shows very little vim. This word often appears in the phrase "vim and vigor." If you have vim, you have energy and you're ready to put that energy into all sorts of activities; you're up for anything. vitality-vigor, vigour "Our people are full of vim and vigor and energy. They don't want to be locked into a house or an apartment or some space," Trump said. نیرو


a compound statement formed by joining two or more statements with the word or تفکیک جدایی =segregation-


attribute or credit to نسبت دادن - متهم کردن- بستن- The verb impute can be used to blame someone for doing something bad, give credit for good work, or just tell it like it is, like when you impute your lateness to my not telling you where to meet me. attribute or credit to "People impute great cleverness to cats" synonyms: ascribe, assign, attribute attribute (responsibility or fault) to a cause or source "The teacher imputed the student's failure to his nervousness" I struggled to understand his jest; and when I recognized what he imputed, my mother's low condition, I knew not what to say. So what are the other characteristics of this Harold, which the public imputed to Byron?


calm and unemotional in temperament -بی حال - سست - بی تفاوت- بی عرضه- متین -مزاج بلغمی Yet there was something phlegmatic about it, not only because of the instrument's lower range and timbre. "I'm a rather phlegmatic person," he said conclusively, at the end of three-hour interview.


highly oversimplified, simpleminded ساده انگارانه


shining, clear, and bright درخشان و حرقه زننده


tediously long طولانی خسته کننده رودا دراز پرحرف


very pleasing, wonderful لذت بخش


A disease causing agent بیماری زا پاتوژن


done according to an overused method; trite کلیشه ای - معمولی- فاقد ابتکار - قرار دادی = canned


speech in praise of someone مدح ستایش-


پر منفذ


silly, foolish بیشعور- احمق


(adj.) Humorous, jesting, jolly, joking. (SYN: waggish, facetious, droll) ادم شوخ- خوشمزه - My uncle was always in a jocular mood at family gatherings, messing up people's hair and telling knock- knock jokes to anyone who would listen.


Foreseeing or predicting the future پیامبری و پیشگو - prescient


lacking harmony or agreement ناسازگار


to come together همگراه بودن- همگراه شدن


(adj) very disciplined and stern; frugal, living simply, austere. ادم دلیر و شجاع- بی تجمل و ساده زیست unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment; practicing great self- denial. After losing everything in a fire, Tim decided to live in spartan conditions, sleeping on the floor and owning as little furniture as a possible. "It looks very nice. Clean linen in all the rooms. A bit spartan."


(adj) worthy of esteem, admirable; -deserving of esteem and respect قابل احترام و تقدیر- ارجمند- شایسته After serving thirty years, in which he selflessly served the community, Judge Harper was one of the more estimable people in town.


(adj.) blissful; rendering or making blessed سعادت امیز - فرخنده "a beatific smile" synonyms:angelic, angelical, sainted, saintlike, saintlyو rapturous, ecstatic =auspicious They liked to crowd around him, offering him cookies and bathing in his beatific essence. -Afterward he smiled beatifically and offered us tea.


(adj.) commonplace; overused, stale =banal, commonplace, hackneyed,**** old-hat, shopworn, stock, threadbare, timeworn, tired, well-worn کهنه- مبتذل - تکراری - کلیشه ای - معمولی He doesn't say it to me anymore because Mom told him it was trite. -Many style guides recommend not using idioms in writing because these trite expressions are uninteresting and show a lack of imagination on the part of the writer


(adj.) complete or perfect in the highest degree; (v.) to bring to a state of completion or perfection means complete, finished, or masterful. If you refer to someone as a consummate chef, then you are saying he is the ultimate chef. If you say someone is a consummate jerk, then you are saying he is the ultimate jerk. کامل-عالی-کامل انجام دادن-به وصال رسیدن- ماهر -به پایان رساندن- ۱-Synonyms: masterful, masterly, virtuoso 2-without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers "a consummate fool" Synonyms: arrant, complete, double-dyed, everlasting, gross, perfect, pure, sodding, staring, stark, thoroughgoing, 3-make perfect; bring to perfection Type of: accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, execute, fulfil, fulfill 4-fulfill sexually "consummate a marriage" ازدواج کردن "It's very difficult to unwind a consummated merger that's been in place for years," said Seth Bloom of Bloom Strategic Counsel. Given the circumstances, Jordan handled himself professionally. He was the consummate pro. There were no issues. "He is a consummate professional who knows how a courtroom should be run," she said.


(adj.)1- lacking politeness or good manners; lacking sensitivity; 2-difficult to work with or deal with; rude بی تربیت - خشن دهاتی- خشن و زمخت A churlish person is one whose middle name might as well be Rude. He's the one who was never taught to mind his manners and avoid telling vulgar jokes at the dinner table. ۲-having a bad disposition; surly "" churlish as a bear"- Shakespeare" 1-rude and boorish Synonyms: ungracious I don't want to be churlish, but I also don't want to just end up doing things every year for my birthday that I don't want to do. He turned churlish when asked about his unwillingness in the past to state consistently his opposition to white supremacy.


(adj.)bossy, having the nature of a command that leaves no opportunity for debate, denial, or refusal; offensively self-assured, dictatorial; determined, resolute. Peremptory comments are like orders. If you say something in a peremptory manner, you want people to stop what they're doing and do what you say. Peremptory comments put an end to a discussion, and that's final! synonyms; autocratic, bossy, dominating, high-and-mighty, magisterial No neighbor or friend ever knocks in such a peremptory way, and I knew immediately that it was the security police. بی چون و چرا- قطعی- امرانه و دستوری-خود رای He was disappointed as he heard the peremptory crunch of Corporal Whitcomb's footsteps recede into silence. The doorbell rang again with a peremptory jab.


(adjective) lively, sprightly, full of energy syn: spirited, animated, ebullient پرنشاط و خوشحال In this film, the dull rhetoric and plodding behavior of the hero make him a splendid foil to the witty and vivacious heroine.


(n.) a bitter and prolonged verbal attack انتقاد تلح- زخم زبان-سخن تند Synonyms: fulmination With most diatribes, the speaker thinks he's well informed and knows something the listener doesn't, while to most listeners the diatribe is so angry and unhinged that it's just a waste of time. The running back then launched into a breathtaking diatribe about what Rapinoe means to him. This was by design, obviously, in order to inject this diatribe directly into the Trumpist bloodstream, unadulterated by any commentary or fact checks. It's pretty overwhelming when you ask your friend a seemingly innocuous question, like "Do you like hot dogs?" and she unleashes a diatribe about the evils of eating meat. A diatribe is an angry, critical speech.


(n.) a greedy desire, particularly for wealth حرص - طمع- زیاده خواهی =avaritia, covetousness, greed, rapacity. Avarice is often looked upon as a sin, and it's always considered despicable and evil. synonyms: cupidity, acquisitiveness


(n.) a learned person; one who gives authoritative opinions محقق- پژوهشگر- دانشمند متخصص- expert Steven Pinker's credentials are unquestioned as a pundit; he has taught at MIT and Stanford, teaches at Harvard, and has published a number of influential books on cognition, language, and psychology.


(n.) a likeness; an outward appearance; an apparition. شباهت- تصویر- دروغین- ساختگی- فریبنده- تظاهر- سیما =pretense- affectation - ostentation - resemblance - analogy - countenance - expression - Semblance is all about illusion. Cramming all of your dirty clothes into the closet gives the semblance, or false appearance, that you've done your laundry So he seemed to Odysseus, but really it was Athena in his semblance. Over the chaos, the announcers try to maintain some semblance of order. Some semblance of normalcy returned to his face.


(n.) a position requiring little or no work; an easy job. If you have a cushy job — one that pays, but involves minimal work — then you have a sinecure. "Because he was the brother of the CEO, he was offered a sinecure in the company: he showed up each day and collected a paycheck, but others actually did his work. For most press secretaries, the job opens the door to a lifetime of sinecures: lucrative speaking circuits, punditry gigs and, yes, books deals. مفت خوری و ولگردی- شغل کلیسسایی- شغل پردرامد بی دردسر When Brady, 43, decided to play quarterback for the team after 20 seasons in New England some assumed it would be a sinecure in the sun.


(n.) a pretentious display of knowledge; overly rigid attention to rules and details فضل فروشی- ملانطقی گری You know that person who is always interrupting other people, correcting their grammar or their facts? That's pedantry, or inappropriately showing off your knowledge. (an ostentatious and inappropriate display of learning Type of: fanfare, flash, ostentation نمایش خودنمایی و نامناسب یادگیری نوعی از: هیاهو ، فلش ، خودنمایی) Well, actually it's just the North American division, and it also includes punctuation pedantry. But today he would be expected to meet intellectual pedantry with populist theater. It's a phrase that riffs on the pedantry of bureaucratic inspection but also surveillance and state intrusion. She says: "Return yourself forthwith to the age of pointless educational pedantry."


(n.) a strong dislike, hostile feeling. An antipathy is a deep-seated dislike of something or someone. Usually it's a condition that is long-term, innate, and pretty unlikely to change. the object of a feeling of intense aversion; something to be avoided "cats were his greatest antipathy". Instead, it appears Democrats made a serious miscalculation in assuming their antipathy toward Trump would fuel victories across the country. Thailand is also moving a little closer to Japan in its growing antipathy to immigration. انزجار


A decrease in speed کاهش سرعت Deceleration is a slowing down: the unexpected deceleration of your car might mean that you've run out of gas. Use the noun deceleration when you talk about a gradual decrease in speed. When you're on a Ferris wheel, its deceleration tells you that the ride is almost over, and the deceleration of a train at a railroad crossing happens for safety reasons ۱-"the deceleration of the arms race" Synonyms: retardation, slowing The American economy is showing fresh signs of deceleration, hammered by layoffs, a surge in coronavirus cases and the lack of fresh aid from Washington


A group's refusal to have commercial dealings with some organization in protest against its policies تحریم کردن -embargo


A political or theological orientation advocating the preservation of the best in society and opposing radical changes. سیاست محافظه کاری- محافظه کاری When people discuss politics and mention the word conservatism, they're talking about a philosophy that favors making few changes in society, sticking with traditions, and often spending as little money as possible. Social conservatism tends to favor things like traditional roles for women and men, and to object to major changes in society like same sex marriage. A person who embraces conservatism is called a conservative. -a political or theological orientation advocating the preservation of the best in society and opposing radical changes. -Don't be fooled by Trump's railing against the electoral process - tradition is an essential part of conservatism, writes Kevin D Williamson in the National Review. -Professor Sánchez attributed the president's appeal to a number of factors, including religious conservatism among Latinos and a culture of reverence toward Trump-like machismo in Latin American countries.


A quisling is a traitor, especially one who collaborates with an enemy occupying force for personal gain. خاعن- وطن فروش- Unfortunately, Biden is living up to every stereotype of the quisling Democrat and taking this advice seriously. They're why these quisling lawmakers held their noses and accepted so much bad, sometimes criminal, behavior from this administration. These are desperate times for the quislings of Trump.


An idea held by the public about something or someoneشهرت-اعتبار-ابرو- خوشنامی- Your reputation is the general belief or opinion that other people have about you. If you are considered trustworthy and kind, you have a good reputation. The noun reputation can also mean "being known for having a specific skill or characteristic." For example, if you have a reputation in snow shoveling, your phone will soon be ringing off the hook with your lazy neighbors calling - "he acquired a reputation as an actor before he started writing" Synonyms: report -the state of being held in high esteem and honor Synonyms: repute -notoriety for some particular characteristic "his reputation for promiscuity" Anything longer would "put female reputation at risk." He is also trying to rehabilitate his reputation to better promote his new company. Friends and family began visiting in greater numbers, as Lebanon's wartime reputation began to be forgotten.


Generalize known words to a wider variety of contexts than is appropriate for those words. بیش از تواناییت فعالیتت رو گسترش دادن -The doctor was advised to sell his mansion so that he would not overextend his financial resources in paying for child support each month.


Ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause. تبلیغات و عقاید دروغ


Impartial, disinterested; unconcerned, distant, aloof. Unlike coworkers who delighted in office gossip, Felicia remained detached and appeared completely indifferent to these matters. جدا شده- غیرمتصل- باز- مجزا- بی اعتنا- بی گرایش- بی ذوق


To discourage or prevent from taking action. -His mother tried to deter him from joing the army, but he was too intoxicated with the idea of war to listen. -The government's primary job should invlove deterring paths to war, not finding ways to start them. باز داشتن- ترساندن- مانع شدن


To illustrate by being an example ofو بامثال فهمیدن Lincoln exemplified the best of not only America, but also the potential greatness that exists within each person. -Please present some case studies that exemplify the results that you claim in your paper.


To infuriate; to make passionately angry خشمگین کردن- تحریک کردن- بخور خوشبوو When Herb bought football tickets for a game on the day of their wedding anniversary, Jill was incensed.


To keep company; associate شریک- همنشین شدن- جور کردن همسر -The students tended to consort only with other students from similar backgrounds. =accord, agree, comport, concord, fit in, harmonise, harmonize -Is he saying that my mother is consorting with demons? "What of Hizdahr? He is still her consort. Her king. Her husband."


To live off meager resources, to scrape by -I shift my hips, trying to eke out more space for myself. اضافه کردن بر- افزودن- حمع کردن - همچنین I've struggled for days to eke out extra time from him. -Stranded in a cabin over the winter, Terry was able to eke out an existence on canned food =squeeze out (eke out)


You know that part of every movie after the big action scene, where things get explained, and the characters tie up loose ends? That's called the denouement, or the showing of how the plot eventually turns out. the final resolution of the many strands of a literary or dramatic work; the outcome of a complex sequence of events The scene is a denouement, ugly and raw. At the denouement of the movie, all questions were answered, and the true identity of the robber was revealed. نتیجه عمل- پایان نمایش-


a fantasy; a horrible creature of the imagination. something desired or wished for but is only an illusion and impossible to achieve. Many believe that a world free of war is a chimera--a dream that ignores humanity's violent tendancies. I felt satisfaction because such a geology confirmed that I was right, that this island was a chimera, a play of the mind. خیال واهی- ارزوی غیرممکن


a remedy for all ills; cure-all; an answer to all problems. -If someone offers you a pill that promises eternal life, don't take the pill. It's a panacea, a remedy that falsely claims to solve every problem ever. -While the company credit card has made most large purchases easier, it is no panacea. =catholicon, cure-all, nostrum. -Of course, when the two reunite they find no panacea for past and present turmoil. -None of it is a panacea, not even close, but it helps. -I'm not saying good wine is a panacea. نوش دارو- حلال مساعل- درمان همه چی


a trite or obvious remark بی مزگی- ابتذال- پیش پا افتاده- تکرار مکررات = triviality - banality -


extreme evil; a hideous offense; immensity -an act of extreme wickedness شرارت- وقاحت- The enormity of Pol Pot's regime is hard to capture in words--within months hundreds of thousands of Cambodians lost their lives. عظمت و شکوه


extremely hopeless or wretched; bottomless; Appaling - Coach Ramsey took his newest player off the field after watching a few painful minutes of her abysmal performance. تخمی و خیلی بد! افتضاح- ژرف و عمیق مث گرداب


learned; scholarly; bookish. دانشمند- اموزنده- عالم- =savant - pundit - informative - conversant


of momentous or ominous significance. The black crows slowly circling the front entrance to your office building at 6:00 am may have a portentous quality, meaning it seems like they're an omen indicating something bad will happen. بدشگون- دارای فال بد- بد یمن- ۳-puffed up with vanity با پوچی synonyms: grandiloquent, overblown, pompous, pontifical ۲-ominously prophetic synonyms: fateful, foreboding ۱-of momentous or ominous significance ""such a raised all my curiosity"- Herman Melville" synonyms: prodigious There, strangers were as rare as shooting stars, and just as portentous. Before me stretched the portentous menacing road of a new decade. There is some mildly portentous writing in "The Yellow House," but for the most part Broom's prose is alert and inquisitive.


one who has the power and position to rule over others; monarch. A potentate is a person so powerful that he or she doesn't have to follow the rules that govern everyone else. Potentate normally refers to a king or dictator. The king of a country, the conductor of an orchestra, the commander of a battleship—all of these are examples of a potentate. Anna Wintour is a potentate of the fashion world, and her decisions can make or break whole careers. The manipulation of Trump by foreign potentates is a recurring theme of the book. قدرتمند


pertaining to beauty مربوط به علم- وابسته به زیبایی - هنری- خوش سلیقه


piece of literature or music imitating other works -The critic described the work as pastiche and lacking its own sense of originality. = hodgepodge تقلید کارای قبل- میکسی از چیزای مختلف


something needed and wanted. -a desideratum is something that is truly needed, like food or shelter. For many people, a happy marriage is a desideratum. For a politician, getting elected is a desideratum. -"the desiderata for a vacation are time and money" انچه که هم خواسته و هم مورد نیازه- ارزو


stubbornly persistent. - Michael Jordan's pertinacious desire to excel was evident in his competitive behavior in both sports and life. سمج- کله شق- لجوج


the quality of having a friendly and pleasant manner; geniality صمیمی بودن-خوش رویی- مهربانی- خوش مشربی 1-a disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to) Synonyms: affability, affableness, amiableness, bonhomie, geniality 2-a cheerful and agreeable mood Synonyms: good humor, good temper Being "likable," she riffs with delightful amiability, may not be her strong suit. Howard was born a preacher's kid, which perhaps explains some of his gentle amiability. This absence of history goes hand in hand with its consensus amiability.


to come before قدیمی تر بودن


to stop short and refuse to proceed طفره رفتن- زیرش زدن- مانع شدن - A donkey balks when it refuses to move forward. - the area on a billiard table behind the balkline "a player with ball in hand must play from the balk"


to waver; to sway indecisively تلو تلو خوردن- دو دل بودن- تردید داشتن- مردد بودن -You might vacillate between ordering waffles and pancakes -"the line on the monitor vacillated" =hover, oscillate, vibrate و fluctuate, irresolution


undisciplined; unrestrained; reckless -Due to wanton behavior and crude language, the drunk man was thrown out of the bar and asked to never return. گستاخ - عیاش- افراط کردن- جسور Synonyms: capricious; lewd; licentious حرف نشنو

sipping from

جرعه جرعه نوشیدن


Adj: The most typical, ideal, or important Syn: essential اصل کار-جوهره کار


proportional - adequate متناسب The word commensurate has to do with things that are similar in size and therefore appropriate. Many people think the death penalty is a commensurate punishment for murder. In other words, the penalty fits the crime. When things are commensurate, they're fair, appropriate, and the right size. pay should be commensurate with the time worked" Synonyms: coextensive, conterminous, coterminous. Ulbrickson also felt the need to say something commensurate with the occasion. It was a small paper, focused on local news, and the pay was commensurately low. "I believe that we should be paid commensurate with our ability to bring in revenue," she said, leaning forward in her chair.


prosper; flourish خوب پرورش دادن- رشد دادن -If there's one lesson we should learn from our economic success over three centuries, it is that we thrive on competition.


puzzled, not knowing what to do, at a loss -پریشان بودن- بدون تصمیم- نمیدونه باید چیکار کنه! =agitate - disheval- baffle- astonish -Shirley was totally nonplussed when the angry motorist cut her off and then stuck his finger out the window.


Extended in time; prolonged. دنباله دار-کشیده Something protracted has been drawn out, usually in a tedious way. Protracted things are long and seem like they're never going to end. If something is long and annoying, and there's no good reason it couldn't be shorter, it's protracted. Anything protracted is lasting longer than you would like. A speech that seems to go on forever is protracted. If an employer and a union can't reach an agreement, there could be a protracted strike


Dangerous; risky; lacking in security or stability پر خطر People smoke to relax and forget their cares, but ironically, in terms of health risks, smoking is far more precarious than either mountain-climbing or skydiving.


just, only and nothing more "I was merely asking" Synonyms: but, just, only, simply As she traveled back to Georgia by rail from Moscow, crowds of supporters would gather at every station, hoping to shake her hand or merely catch a glimpse. صرفا- فقط


lack of concern بی قیدی- بی اعتنایی- سهل انگاری- بی پروایی- Insouciance is a feeling of careless indifference. the cheerful feeling you have when nothing is troubling you synonyms: carefreeness, lightheartedness, lightsomeness He tried to tighten up his face into a mask of insouciance, worldliness, and control. They drink beer and prank one another and in general project a ragged insouciance.


very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail مشکل پسند- سختگیر- بیزار- ایرادگیر =averse- meticulous- intransigent . -Whitney is fastidious about her shoes, arranging them on a shelf in a specific order, each pair evenly spaced.


very old; whitish or gray from age قدیمی- پیر- ریش سفید -something that is old and worn out — like the hoary jokes your great uncle Albert clings to. -ancient Most workout gurus are young, fit people, whereas most yoga gurus are hoary men with long white beards -He lifted his heavy eyes and saw leaning over him a huge willow-tree, old and hoary.


vicious; cruel بی رحم Synonyms: barbarous, cruel, fell, roughshod, savage, vicious. Use brutal to describe something beastly and harsh, like training for a triathlon, a really cold winter in the Arctic, or a mean bouncer at a club who throws people out for no reason. 2-disagreeably direct and precise "he spoke with brutal honesty" "Even those who escape from Thailand to other countries are still within the reach of brutal repression." Their scenes together reach for a brutal black comedy, while flashbacks to Leo's past reveal a long-buried tragedy.


voluntary self-punishment in order to atone for some wrongdoing توبه کردن- پشیمانی -The judge ordered the juvenile to fulfill 100 hours of community service as penance for stealing a video game from Walmart.


(adj.) Humorous, not meant seriously; Sarcastic. Facetious behavior will not be tolerated during sex eduation class; it's time for all of you to treat these matters like mature adults. شوخ- لوس- هیجان- اهل شوخی بی جا


send (someone) away from a country or place as an official punishment. طرد شدن- دور شدن- تبعید کردن- -The most difficult part of the fast was banishing thoughts of food.


the quality of being religious or reverent تقوا- پارسایی


the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, طنز- سخره -طعنه Even though South Park seems like a cartoon on first glance, it actually offers biting satire on all topics of popular culture. SYN: mockery


(n.) a weak point, failing, minor flaw SYN: shortcoming, quirk ویژگی های اخلاقی منحصر بفرد - نقطه ضعف Despite Menelaus's admonitions, the blood of our fathers is lost in us—and so, fortunately, are their foibles and sins.


-A person appointed or elected to represent others. -The candidate received the Democratic Party nomination after the majority of the state delegates voted for her. -As soon as the group gathered, the delegates began to debate whether women should be allowed to participate. -If you don't like cleaning the bathroom, you can try to delegate that task to your little brother. سپردن- اختیار دادن- نماینده- وکاااالت دادن- =assign, depute, designate


-supply added support فرعی-ضمیمه- وابسته- متعلق Synonyms : accessory , adjunct , adjuvant , ancillary , auxiliary- pertinent - relevant Good physical health is appurtenant to mental well-being. In hiking Mt. Everest, sherpas are appurtenant, helping climbers both carry gear and navigate treacherous paths. That which belongs to something else; an appurtenant.


A concise statement, often offering advice; an adage. Johnson initially suggests that the secret to business can be summarized in a single maxim but then requires a 300-page book to explain exactly what he means. اصل - قاعده کلی- پند و مثل- گفته اخلاقی


A statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth. Here's a mind-bender: "This statement is false." If you think it's true, then it must be false, but if you think it's false, it must be true. Now that's a paradox! This book is a delight, even after you notice the paradox at its heart. "I can resist anything except temptation," he used a paradox to highlight how easily we give in to tempting things while imagining that we can hold firm and resist them. Here's the paradox: machines are becoming undeniably smarter—and humans, it seems lately, more stupid, and yet machines will never equal, let alone surpass, our intelligence. The paradoxes of his position are the film's real subject.


A violation of a law, command, or duty تجاوز- سرپیچی - خطا


Able to be passed easily from one person to another. واگیر دار - مسری - شیوع he had chicken pox as it is a contagious illness and can be easily passed to others by physical contact.


Able to be proven true قابل تایید و تصدیق With the rise of the internet, any fact cited, such as celebrity trivia, is immediately verifiable within seconds. SYN: testable


An added ending بخش پایانی


An emotionally violent, verbal denunciation or attack using strong, abusive language. Invective is harsh, abusive language, like "you dirty rotten scoundrel." I'm sure you can think of harsher and more obscene examples, but we won't get into them here. فحش - سخن ناسزا Synonyms: vitriol, vituperation Type of: abuse, contumely, insult, revilement, vilification a rude expression intended to offend or hurt Churchill combined their example with his father Randolph's gift for invective. As they hurled invectives, they barely looked at each other.


An indirect, less offensive way of saying something that is considered unpleasant. Pardon me, but when a polite term is substituted for a blunt, offensive one, you should call it a euphemism. Profiling Trump supporters like this Nebraska farmer, reporters at the Times engage in euphemisms: writing about a "sense of Trumpian kinship," for instance, rather than openly addressing white nationalist feelings of victimization. حسن تعبیر متضاد (dysphemism) an offensive or disparaging expression that is substituted for an inoffensive one


Being most evident or apparent غالب مسلط حکمفرما Angry Birds had success at a time when the predominant way to make money from games was to charge a small fee up front.


Having no interest in politics بی علاقه به سیاست


Having no motion or change ایستا- ساکن


Having to do with the countryside; rural روستایی - دهاتی


Support or sympathy; unity اتحاد و همبستگی The people in the crowd felt solidarity with one another in the knowledge of the hard work they had all put in to elect the new mayor. SYN: camaraderie


That which is expected انتظار- دورنما- منظره- جشم انداز- پیش بینی- امید انجام چیزی- اکتشاف کردن When he was a young baseball prospect, Eddie was expected to star in the major leagues, but his recurring knee injury kept him in the dugout.


The feeling of the presence of something greater than you ماورای طبیعی- سوپرنچرال Because they believed trees and nature had numinous qualities, the druids revered the local flora. اسرار امیز SYN: occult


The horizontal placement of cells in a table or worksheet. an angry dispute. =dustup, quarrel, run-in, words, wrangle -"row the boat across the lake" -The Prime Minister looked very foolish after his row with the foreign dignitary was caught on video and posted on youtube. قیل و قال- مشاجره-نزاغ


a combination of diverse elements. a mixture of multiple things مخلوط- اختلاط The band's music was an amalgam of hip-hop, flamenco and jazz, blending the three styles with surprising results.


a conceited and self-centered person خود محور ویژگی بد An egotist, Natasha had few friends because of her inability to talk about anything except her dream of becoming the next American Idol.


a peculiarity that serves to distinguish or identify. If a person has an idiosyncrasy, he or she has a little quirk, or a funny behavior, that makes him or her different. If you only say goodbye in French, never in English, that would be an idiosyncrasy. Synonyms: foible, mannerism. It's easy enough to say that, but Williams's individuality isn't just a matter of idiosyncrasy, of plots and characters willfully torqued away from the. شیوه ی خاص


a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another قاصد- خبر بیار اینده- پیشرو The sight of the black sails harbingered the arrival of Captain Cook from his round-the-world voyage.


a ruler with absolute power or tyrannical control over a group of people. -a despot does not allow people to speak out against the leadership, nor really want them to have much freedom at all. =autocrat, tyrant حاکم مطلق و ظالم و مستبد


acting boisterously or loudly, as if drunk میگساری کردن- افراط در مشروب خوردن- عیاشی used of riotously drunken merrymaking "carousing bands of drunken soldiers" Synonyms: bacchanal, bacchanalian, bacchic, orgiastic They arrived to a crowded campsite near the Mammoth Pool Reservoir on Saturday, where vacationers were swimming in the lake and carousing on Jet Skis. Hundreds of students were photographed carousing without masks at a crowded pool party on Saturday near the university, in an event that the Columbia Fire Department broke up, the newspaper The State reported. Three and a half months of self-isolation will do that to a person - especially young people still on the celebratory side of middle age, accustomed to eating, drinking and carousing with friends and family.


acting independently; self-governing (of a country) خودمختاارانههه Many of the factory workers are worried about being replaced by machines and computers that will work completely autonomously.


adj. Capable of positive proof. اثبات پذیر


adj. unpredictable, inconsistent, unreliable نامنظم - متغیر- متلون - دمدمی مزاج- سرگردان =capricious - pliant - adrift- mercurial "erratic winds are the bane of a sailor" -Thus it was that three students made their slightly erratic way back to the University.


adjective: available when required or as promised. Synonyms : approaching , coming , upcoming نزدیک- اینده- اماده اراعه دادن- قریب الوقوع - پیشروی The President announced that the senators were about to reach a compromise, and that he was eager to read the forthcoming details of the bill. adjective: at ease in talking to others Synonyms : extroverted , outgoing رک و راست- صمیمی و راستگو - As a husband, Larry was not forthcoming: if Jill didn't demand to know details, Larry would never share them with her.


adjective: being of equal extent or scope or duration Synonyms : coextensive , conterminous -If an earthquake in Australia was coterminous with the earthquake in China, that means it caused the same amount of destruction. The border of the state is coterminous with geographic limits on travel; the east and north are surrounded by a nearly uncrossable river and the south by a desert. Yes, our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan left fewer resources for nation-building at home, but the two realms are not coterminous. هم مرز- دارای مرز مشترک- همسایه- مجاور- دیوار ب دیوار یکپارچه


adjective: done before someone else can do it انحصاری- پیش دستی کردن- =exclusive - monopolized Just as Martha was about to take the only cookie left on the table, Noah preemptively swiped it.


an accusation in response to one from someone else. mutual accusations اتهام زدن- اتهام متقابل The two brothers sat and cried, pointing fingers and making elaborate recriminations of the other's guilt. Sometimes you accuse your opponent of refusing to compromise and he accuses you of the same thing. That's a recrimination I part from my wife with no recriminations. Yossarian threw his arms up into the air in a gesture of mighty and despairing self recrimination.


artificial; not genuine; fake مصنوعی- سرهم بندی شده- ساختگی- - برای حقه زدن منظورشه (منفی) The car dealer's ersatz laughter was immediately followed by a price quote, one that Shelley found highly inflated. The ersatz version of something is an inferior substitute or imitation. You might speak in an ersatz French accent, but you won't fool the Parisian who runs the local French bakery. Everyone's hungry; except for the ersatz coffee, a week's food ration doesn't last two days. As with the Nazis, the Soviet doctrine was also bolstered and reinforced by ersatz science.


bad-tempered, quarrelsome, and uncooperative. - Although aging brings about changes, it does not change who you are; a grumpy thirty-year-old will probably still be cantankerous at seventy. بدخلق عصببی


being an accomplice in a wrongful act -Associated with or participating in an activity, especially one of a questionable nature. -guilty of being involved in some underhanded or illegal activity. If you see your brother steal the neighbor's cat and don't say anything, you're complicit in a catnapping! Indeed, virtually every element of society was complicit in the murderous system. =concerned, implicated همدست- مشارکت داشتن در یچیز بد-


characterized by strong and turbulent or conflicting emotion. as if driven by turbulent or conflicting emotions; highly energetic and wildly changing or fluctuating متلاطم- تند- پر توپ و تشر- =angry, furious, raging, wild Chuck and Kathy had always been stable and agreeable people on their own, but when they got involved, it was a tempestuous relationship. Love is not a tempestuous sea; it is a calm river. It is yet another tempestuous night at the Yellow House.


cheerful, lighthearted; casual, unconcerned دوستانه- شاد - بی غم- بی ملاحضه - بی فکر -Emma has a very blithe attitude when she is traveling as she is freed from her troubles at work and home. -Little did Kyle know that the blithe decision he made to act in the local play would result in hundreds of hours spent on tiring rehearsals.


cheerful; optimistic; hopeful. =florid, rubicund, ruddy خوش مشرب - خونگرم- امیدوار - خوش بین - امیدوار Most others in the committee were not as sanguine about the chances of success.


clear, transparent; readily understood. The adjective limpid describes something (often liquid) that is clear, serene and bright. Nature calendars often feature glamour shots of a limpid stream or a limpid lake. زلال صاف روشن خالص 2-"could see the sand on the bottom of the limpid pool" Synonyms: crystal clear, crystalline, lucid, pellucid, transparent 3-"writes in a limpid style" Synonyms: crystal clear, lucid, luculent, pellucid, perspicuous Even the days, sliding one into the other, languorous and limpid, the sun lingering until very late, seemed to be waiting. Her eyes were soft brown, limpid and innocent.


commonplace; overused پیش پا افتاده -همگانی- -hackneyed phrases" =banal, commonplace, old-hat, shopworn, stock, threadbare, timeworn, tired, trite, well-worn


communicative, and prone to talking in a sociable manner- توسعه- گسترده- Expansive is all about being able to grow or get larger. An expansive piece of land is large, an expansive mind is one that is always thinking of the big picture, an expansive vocabulary is one that holds lots of words. 1-able or tending to expand or characterized by expansionقادر به گسترش یا تمایل به گسترش است "مواد گسترده" "نیروی گسترده آتش" "Expansive materials" "the expansive force of fire" Synonyms: distensible 2-of behavior that is impressive and ambitious in scale or scopeرفتاری که از نظر مقیاس یا دامنه چشمگیر و بلند پروازانه باشد "an expansive lifestyle" Synonyms: grand, heroic , impressive 3-friendly and open and willing to talk "wine made the guest expansive" Synonyms: talkative 4-marked by exaggerated feelings of euphoria and delusions of grandeur Synonyms: euphoric سرخوشی In large multimillion-dollar complexes with expansive parking lots, they praise His name. It's a vernacular that's simultaneously expansive and microscopically detailed; ruthless, and filled with tenderness and compassion.


condition of being first in time or importance =precession- preference - تقدم- برتری- اولویت He went on to praise Kathy and Jesus and reaffirm the primacy of his and their faith, but by then she was hardly listening. Among the seven others, Don Linton, the chief deputy county attorney, held relative primacy.


courtesy; civility جو دوستانع و صمیمی


critical observation or examination.موشکافی کردن- بررسی دقیق- رسیدگی Scrutiny is when you look at something really closely, like when you are checking a test for mistakes. Scrutiny can also be an intense look, like when your mother looks at you — trying to tell if you might be lying. -He said the deal would be available for scrutiny, "followed by a parliamentary vote, I hope, on December the 30th". -He also said the results of previous investigations "established relevant facts", which provided a "sufficient element of public scrutiny"


deception by means of craft or guile فریب دادن - مغالطه چاخان کردن =subterfuge - Sometimes a little subterfuge and chicanery is in order and the quickest way to achieve one's goal.


despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession) با این وجود..


extremely steep; done with very great haste and without due deliberation سریع- عجول - بی مهابا -He was expecting a precipitous rise in the value of a "hot" tech stock, so he was disappointed when it only inched up a dollar or two each day. -"the precipitous rapids of the upper river" "the precipitous hills of Chinese paintings"


false information دروغ پراکنی اطلاعات نادرست Disinformation about the candidate's infidelities spread just before the election and she had little time to refute the lies. SYN: mendacity


firmly established, long-standing; habitual. -Kenji was an inveterate procrastinator who put off doing his work until the last minute for nearly every task. دیرین- قدیمی- سابقه دار- ریشه دار- خو گرفته-- عمیق -The stray cat became an inveterate beggar in the restaurant and could be seen pestering customers for food every night.


foreign, unfamiliar. -Something so unusual that it must be from some unfamiliar place is exotic. An exotic pet might be a panda, instead of a hamster. An exotic trip might be a journey to the Galapagos Islands, instead of to Orlando's Sea World. -She wears a bright turquoise silk robe embroidered with exotic birds. =alien foreign, strange عجیب غریب - خارجی- بیگانه-


given to much talking, tediously chatty. A garrulous person just won't stop talking (and talking, and talking, and talking...). Synonyms: chatty, gabby, loquacious, talkative, talky f someone is garrulous, he doesn't just like to talk; he indulges in talking for talking's sake — whether or not there's a real conversation going on. If you discover that you have a garrulous neighbor sitting next to you on the plane, you might just want to feign sleep, unless you really want to hear everything going through his mind for the entire trip. e sat down and took his lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Squirrel, the Vole family, Silent Sam, and Basil the garrulous hare. He always seemed a little too garrulous, too insecure, too unanalytical, too undisciplined.پرحرف


grimly or scornfully mocking, bitterly sarcastic. -disdainfully or ironically humorous; scornful and mocking. =cynical- scornful- derisive کنایه امیز- تمسخر امیز- تحقیر امیز A stand-up comedian walks a fine line when making jokes about members of the audience; such fun and joking can quickly become sardonic and cutting.


growing without check, running wild شایع - حکم فرما = widespread, unrestrained, extravagant, prevalent -If there was a pesticide that could successfully control the rampant growth of weeds, its inventor would be a billionaire. -Laziness is rampant in the office, with people taking increasingly longer breaks. SYN: luxuriant


having a specialized function or structure مشتق گرفتن-فرق قائل شدن- متمایز شدن 1-exhibiting biological specialization; adapted during development to a specific function or environment Synonyms: specialized 2-made different (especially in the course of development) or shown to be different "the differentiated markings of butterflies" Many of our consumers are willing to wait if the price is better. We're taking a differentiated approach," said Tung. The Note hasn't been that differentiated from the regular S line of phones for a while now. As with the differentiated impacts of the novel coronavirus, it is the most vulnerable and marginalized who bear the brunt of our fossil fuel-driven society.


having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone دمدمی مزاج- متناقض- دو دل If you can't decide how you feel about something, declare yourself ambivalent about it. You might feel ambivalent about your lunch options if you have to choose between a murky stew and flavorless tofu. When he looked ambivalent, I lied and said, "I've been practicing with my dad at home. Even he thinks I'm getting better." I found myself crying, laughing, numb with depression, nervous and pacing, ambivalent, angry, and filled with self-loathing. He was vague and ambivalent on matters of policy. -After having a big fight with his girlfriend, Richard was ambivalent about going through with his plans to propose to her. "Rishi, I'm sorry if I seemed ambivalent at the restaurant before.


having or showing a wish to do evil to others. Villians are known for their malevolent nature, oftentimes inflicting cruetly on others just for enjoyment. بدخواه- نحس- بد نهاد


hinder; interfere with - "This impinges on my rights as an individual" synonyms:encroach, entrench, trench. -constantly inviting your friend to go shopping and meet you in nice restaurants might impinge on her desire to save money. - I heard the huge raindrops impinge upon the earth during the heavy thunderstorm. تصادف شدید - تجاوز کردن فراتر از حد بودن - As the trees grew, they impinged more and more on the power lines. تخطی کردن حق یکی دیگه


hold back; suppress خفه کردن-خاموش کردن-فرو نشاندن =quell - asphyxiate, choke, suffocate, =muffle, repress, smother, strangle , dampen -Giggles bubbled up at the memory, and Emily pressed her fingers to her lips to stifle them. Thomas couldn't stifle his worry about what Newt was thinking. Arturo tried to stifle a laugh in his nose that escaped anyway.


hug; adopt or espouse embrace To embrace something is to welcome it with open arms, hold, hug, accept completely. You might embrace your sweetheart, or even changes in technology. You embrace someone by giving her a giant hug, and when you embrace a new idea, it's like your brain gives it a hug. دراغوش کشیدن- پذیرفتن- شامل بودن ۱-a close affectionate and protective acceptance "his willing embrace of new ideas" ۲-include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one's sphere or territory Synonyms: comprehend, cover, encompass ۳-take up the cause, ideology, practice, method, of someone and use it as one's own "She embraced Catholicism" 4-the state of taking in or encircling "an island in the embrace of the sea" 5-squeeze (someone) tightly in your arms, usually with fondness "They embraced" Synonyms: bosom, hug, squeeze


insignificant; trifling; petty If your part time job pays badly, you might describe your income as piddling, or insignificant. (informal) small and of little importance Synonyms: fiddling, footling, lilliputian, little, niggling, petty, picayune, piffling, trivial But millions of additional claims are still expected to stream in from around the country over the next month, while hiring remains piddling. What's particularly baffling is that Syria now produces a piddling amount of oil—about as much as Utah. "Twenty cents each for those piddling little plants?" And every company in the Galaxy, be it monstrous huge or piddling small, made a mad rush to be first on the scene. کوچک -جزیی- بی اهمیت


inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable هولناک - The difficulties we will encounter in the year ahead may be even more challenging and formidable than those of last year. مهیب - دشوار SYN: daunting


intended for or understood by only a small group - arcane رمزگونه -Map collecting is an esoteric hobby to most, but to geography geeks it is a highly enjoyable pasttime. درونی - مشترک- داحلی - نبهم- محرمانه =internal - occult -mysterious -


intense dislike تنفر- بیزاری The poet showed his detestation of publicity by hanging up on the interviewer and refusing to give public readings.


interchangeable قابل تعویض If you want to keep your employees happy, you should make them feel individually valued and less fungible.


lacking taste or judgment - It would be difficult for you to become a chef if you have an undiscriminating palate that cannot notice subtle differences in the combinations of taste. - The undiscriminating use of fertilizers for all crops and plants will prove to be disastrous for our environment in the long run. نسنجیده - غیردقیق


lasting ماندنی - جاویدان پایدار - سرسخت- صبور -Jane Eyre is among the most enduring of feminist novels and is still widely read more than 150 years after its publication.


likely but not certain to happen, possible; dependent on uncertain events or conditions; happening by chance; (n.) a representative group forming part of a larger body. -"the results of confession were not contingent, they were certain" -"each nation sent a contingent of athletes to the Olympics" محتمل - در گرو- مشروط به- گروه -Truman's contingent is not big enough for a division of labor. -Making money is contingent on finding a good-paying job. =dependant on -A small contingent of those loyal to the king have gathered around the castle to defend it


lower oneself -patronize تواضع کردن- برتری خود را به رخ کشیدن- افاده- رضایت دادن- ارفاق کردن -Kings and queens would never condescend to do their own laundry at the palace, If they even knew how to do the laundry, you can be sure they'd do it in a condescending, or superior, way to let everyone know that housework is no task for a monarch. -Her voice is pious, condescending, the voice of those whose duty it is to tell us unpleasant things for our own good -The way she condescends to her employees is disrespectful and downright disgusting.


luck, finding good things without looking for them. نعمت از اسمون رسیده :))))) شانس وقتی دنبالش نبودی! But that desire was fundamentally at odds with the incremental pace and the serendipity of basic science. مث کفش سیندرلا!


meddling; excessively forward in offering services or assuming authority. اماده به خدمت- مشتاق کار- خوش خدمت- فضول باشی- مداخلع گر- خودمانی-فضول -"The officious lunch lady made everyone's food choices her business, and made nasty comments when students chose cookies over carrots." -People who are officious are busybodies. They want to make their opinions known and followed, despite not having any kind of real power. مث حانم شیرزاد -They've been intimidated by officious and sometimes sexist teachers and others who may themselves suffer from math anxiety. We first meet her as a somewhat officious guest in the Primm home, certainly not one who will readily accept a crocodile serving as butler.


not caring; slow to feel or notice پوست کلفت- غیر حساس- غیرهوشمند Emma was gradually alienated by her colleagues due to her insensitive behavior and lack of empathy.


not yet developed; at an early stage نارس- اولیه- رویانی- جنینی -The idea for Facebook was still embryonic when its creators agreed to be partners. At that early stage, none of them could have imagined what an enormous company it would become. -the embryonic government staffed by survivors of the massacre" "an embryonic nation, not yet self-governing" -On the other hand, the sun of Naples might be conducive to learning something about the biochemistry of the embryonic development of marine animals.


noun: a bad-tempered person, surly person usually old Old, cranky, and more than a little stubborn, a curmudgeon is the gruff, grey-haired neighbor who refuses to hand out candy at Halloween کورماجن بخیل- خسیس- بدعنق- زودخشم- a crusty irascible cantankerous old person full of stubborn ideas The noted curmudgeon said he would finally be able to splurge on a flat-screen television and blueberries. It's a relief to realize that I'm a victim of statistics and not a curmudgeon. Dad says his uncle was a charming curmudgeon, which I think means grumpy with some niceness thrown in.


noun: an abusive rant (often tedious) درد دل -سخن دراز و خسته کننده- تکه پاره Joey had difficulty hanging out with his former best friend Perry, who, during his entire cup of coffee, enumerated all of the government's deficiencies--only to break ranks and launch into some screed against big business. باریکه ی زمین -


opposed; hostile; aggressive -The vague border between the two properties has long been a matter of contention for the antagonistic neighbors. دشمن- خصومت- رقابت امیز SYN: adversarial, inimical


payment for work done SALARY; WAGES - ou will be offered no remuneration for the extra number of hours put in unless otherwise arranged with the manager. اجر - مزد - پاداش - حقووق


pertaining to the countryside; rural; rustic -If your parents wanted to raise you in a bucolic environment, you may find yourself living 45 minutes away from the nearest movie theater روستایی - دهاتی-


pleasant or acceptable to the taste. -acceptable to the taste or mind -خوشمزه- گوارا- حوش طعم- رضایت بخش- دلپذیر- دلچسب MIkey didn't partake much in his friends' conversations, but found their presence palatable. (The palate is the roof of the mouth, the combination of structures that separates the mouth from the nose.) -a palatable solution to the problem" -We'd worked shoulder to shoulder all summer, which made the whole endeavor more palatable.


politeness; courteousness نزاکت-نجابت- مردمی- تربیت Civility is the act of showing regard for others by being polite, like the civility you showed in speaking kindly to someone who has hurt your feelings. On the surface it's an offer to set aside one's differences in the name of civility. Progress, prosperity, civility and a reassertion of American prestige and power are, we are promised, weeks away. And when a president abandons all norms of civility, the problem is bigger than a mere lapse in etiquette; his words and actions encourage others to behave badly, too.


poor, needy, An indigent person is extremely poor, lacking the basic resources of a normal life. Often the indigent lack not only money but homes. Synonyms: destitute, impoverished, necessitous, needy, poverty-stricken. تهی دست- فقیر "Cash bail results in detention based on inability to pay. As a result, a low-risk indigent person may be detained and a high-risk wealthy person may be released," says Prof Crystal Yang at Harvard University.


rashness, boldness , audacity جسارت - ببی پروایی- بی باکی- گستاخی- Use the noun temerity to mean the quality of being unafraid of danger or punishment. If you have the temerity to jump off the bridge even after hearing about the risk of instant death, you truly are a nutcase. He fell silent, trembling with anger and with fright at his own temerity. That kind of energy and temerity is rare in the world, especially in the legal world." It takes temerity to even ask, let alone text, that question. There is some temerity in this, and some novelty in the way Mr. Anderson depicts their relationship. "I just pushed him. I mean, the temerity!"


rebellious, resentful of authority =, malcontent, discontent, discontented -بی میل شدن- از علاقه کاستن = cloy You and your fellow disaffected workers might become so upset about the lack of raises that you decided to boycott work -It began when a small group of artists, disaffected by mainstream culture, began sharing images online


shrewdness shown by keen insight تیزهوشی = shrewdness. -If you have acumen, you are very sharp at what you do. You hope your accountant and your surgeon are both known for their acumen.


sociable, outgoing. If you know someone who's outgoing, sociable, and fond of the company of others, you might want to call her gregarious. It was incredibly dull and forced, but my default is to be gregarious, so I tried to get people talking," Mr. Schenk said.صمیمی 1-instinctively or temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of others "he is a gregarious person who avoids solitude" 2-(of animals) tending to form a group with others of the same speciesاجتماعی tending to move or live together in groups or colonies of the same kind 3-(of plants) growing in groups that are close together Synonyms: clusteredخوشه ای growing close together but not in dense mats


solemn urging; V. adjure: entreat earnestly; enjoin solemnly. -The lawyer made an adjuration for his client to accept the plea from the prosecutors as it would be in his best interests to do so. - امر- دستور- استدعا- التماس - درخواست


someone shirking duty by feigning illness or incapacity. At one time, our country was full of hardworking respectful people, but now it seems that everyone is a malingerer with little inclination to work. خود را به ناخوشی زدن - تمارض کردن- از زیرکار دررفتن If the woman refused, they would report to the office that the woman was a malingerer.


something that differs from the normal. = deflection- departure- perversion - amusement- perdition - fascination - انحراف- گمراهی- ضلالت- متفاوت از نرمال An aberration is something strange that rarely occurs. 2-a disorder in one's mental state 3-an optical phenomenon resulting from the failure of a lens or mirror to produce a good image synonyms: distortion, optical aberration. In their world, aberrations were as much a part of nature as grace. I say, holding up an index card with the word aberration written on it. Yet the court's behavior was not some wild aberration.


speak pompously or dogmatically. -The new professor always pontificates" -The vice-president would often pontificate about economic theory, as if no one else in the room were qualified to speak on the topic. با خودنمایی و فضل فروشی حرف زدن- تظاهر به عقل زیاد -مقام پاپ کلیسا - اظهار فضل کردن Like a preacher, he pontificates his own peculiar brand of wisdom.


sticking together. A well-written, cohesive essay will keep on topic at all times, never losing sight of the main argument. پیوستگی و ارتباط بکپارچه


strong and healthy; vigorous قوی هیکل - تنومند- شدید Chris preferred bland and mild beers, but Bhavin preferred a beer with more robust flavor.


tedious wordiness; boring verbosity روده درازی- پرگویی- دراز نویسی- If someone likes to talk but they're really boring, they've got prolixity. As an orator his faults are coarseness in invective, exaggeration in matter, and prolixity in style. It was told with much feeling, some wit, and no prolixity. =long-windedness, prolixness, windiness, wordiness


temporary; lasting a brief time زودگذر- بیدوام If we lived forever and life was not transitory, do you think we would appreciate life less or more?


tendency to believe things too quickly or easily; gullibility زودباوری - ساده لوحی Virginia's wide-eyed credulity as a five-year old was replaced by suspicion after she learned that Santa Claus didn't really exist.


the highest point of a hill or mountain; a meeting between heads of government. 1. After hiking for two days, the climbers finally reached the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. 2. Since climate change policy has been mired in congressional fighting, this summit should help set the goals for president's next term. ۱- قله - اوج ۲- درجه بالای مقام ها سیاسی


the highest point of attainment; the end or climax. سرانجام- اوج - قله **A culmination isn't just the conclusion. It's the climax of the story, the final crowning achievement -The book is a culmination of over a decade of work photographing animals, across many countries and industries.


to require; to make necessary ضروری کردن الزامی کردن


to scream حیغ و فریاد Janice shrieked when the mouse ran over her feet unabashedly. SYN: caterwaul


unable to be assessed or measured precisely . نسنجیده نامعلوم- غیر قابل اندازه گیری According to many lawmakers, the huge variety of factors affecting society make devising an efficient healthcare system an imponderable task.


unfeeling, insensitive. -The miser was uncompassionate to the end and showed a callous disregard for the poor and homeless. -پینه بسته- سنگدل- بی احساس- بی رحم- -"calloused skin" "with a workman's callous hands" -The girl wore a peasant blouse and a nondescript ankle-length skirt; her calloused and dirty feet were bare. Bigwig shuddered, partly at Chervil's tone of callous indifference and partly at his own memories. =indurate, pachydermatous


using few words کم حرف- یذره ابهام هم ایجاد میکنه -Laconic is an adjective that describes a style of speaking or writing that uses only a few words, often to express complex thoughts and ideas. A more laconic way to write that last sentence might be this: laconic means brief. -the laconic reply" synonyms: crisp, curt, terse -A rare smile covered the features of the normally laconic Julian. -Breakfast conversation is limited to a series of laconic grunts.


v. To sing in a melodious manner. چهچهه زدن ولی خیلی خوشایند نیس =croon


v. To slow down or to cause to slow down. از سرعت چیزی کم کردن- اهستع کردن- کند کردن The software company decided to decelerate their pace of introducing new products, and focus on improving existing ones.


(v) to affirm earnestly and with emphasis syn: to aver, avow, affirm, avouch بطور جدی اظهار کردن At the conclusion of her speech, she asseverated her commitment to workers' rights.


(adj., part.) sparkling, twinkling, exceptionally brilliant (applied to mental or personal qualities) جرقه زننده - ادم باهوش - جذاب و هوشمندانه -Many readers do not expect science books to be scintillating, but Mary Roach's works are just that: brilliant, lively and entertaining.


(n.) - a difference between what is expected and what actually occurs. واریانس - تغییر - ناهمسانی -"There is not much variance in politicians; they all seem to prevaricate".


(n.) Controlling influence; domination "Leaders of religious cults maintain ascendancy over their followers by methods that can verge on brainwashing." -The ascendancy of the Carlsbad water polo team is clear--they have a decade of championships behind them. تسلط- غلبه - برتری تعالی -بالا


(v.) to trouble, make uneasy; to disturb greatly; to throw into confusion اشفته کردن- مشوش کردن- Now that Henry is recovering from a major illnesses, he no longer lets the little trivialities, such as late mail, perturb him. ازار دادن


(v.) to turn aside, turn away; to prevent, avoid *SYNONYMS:* stop deflect, ward off, preclude -Afraid to see the aftermath of the car crash, I averted my eyes as we drove by. برگرداندن- منحرف کردن- دفع کردن- بیزار کردن- گذراندن -The struggling videogame company put all of its finances into one final, desperate project to avert bankrupcy.


Excessively concerned with book learning and formal rules موشکاف - ملانطقی فضل فروشی meticulous sheldon cooper!


To hold fast or stick together طرفدار بودن- جور بودن- چسبیدن به چیزی


a clumsy social error; a faux pas tactless act. A gaffe is a mistake that embarrasses you in front of others. اشتباه- لغزش- خبط - گاف جلو بقیه a socially awkward or tactless act synonyms: faux pas, gaucherie, slip, solecism. The USA Today gaffe is merely embarrassing — though it should be deeply so — to the paper. In reference to the Oscars gaffe, he joked: "Any chance there's a mistake and Moonlight is the president?" Tyler lost his job, and cable news gained a gaffe to babble about for a day.


a confident and stylish manner, dash; a strikingly elaborate or colorful display ادا اصول- ژست - زرق و برق - شیرین کاری - خودنمایی -Jim, with his typical panache, came to the wedding reception with a top hat, a cane, and a long cape covered in sequins.


a countless or extremely great number بیشمار - گوناگون -متنوع -"he faced a myriad of details"


a disease that spreads quickly and kills many people بیماری مث طاعون Despite his brilliant career, Gerald was plagued by doubts and could not dispel his feeling of inferiority. ازار دادن- به ستوه اوردن- سرایت بیماری -Scientists now know that the deadly Black Death plague can be cured with simple antibiotics


a dreamer; someone with impractical goals or ideas about the future خیال باف- ارمان گرا- رویا پرداز - As a visionary entrepreneur, Steve Jobs built innovative products, like the iPad, that attracted millions of consumers.


a feeling of righteous anger هتک حرمت- بی عدالتی کردن- از جا در رفتن Six dollars for a piece of pizza? What an outrage! =desecrate, profane, violate وscandal A lot of students agreed with this, but others were outraged by the idea.


a flatterer; one who fawns on others in order to gain favor انگل - چاپلوس - متملق - مفت خور =spaniel - bunkum - gasconade -The CEO was unaware of the damaging consequences of his choices, largely because he surrounded himself with sycophants who would never dare criticize him


a natural or habitual inclination or tendency (especially of human character or behavior) تمایل- =predilection, penchant, preference. -your sister's proclivity for restaurants that serve hot, spicy food. -Muller was also hounded for his political proclivities.


a person whose name is, or is thought to be, the source of the name of something ادم واقعی یا افسانهای که اسمش را ملت یا شهری دادن- Alexandria, Egypt is an eponym because it is named after Alexander the Great.


a playful or funny act ludicrously odd -عجیب غریب -دلقک بازی -شوخی خرکی - قدیمی The clown's antic act was too extreme for the youngest children, who left the room in tears.


a professional or industry certification proving a person's qualifications, awarded for occupational competency typically by passing an exam. گواهی نامه- اعتبار نامه - The various medical diplomas in the doctor's office served as visible credentials to reassure patients of his professional expertise.


a reappearance of an earlier characteristic. -Much of the modern art movement was an atavism to a style of art found only in small villages through Africa and South America. شباهت به نیاکان و اجداد =reversion, throwback The result is civilization, art, music, scientific reasoning and philosophy, which often attempt to mitigate and improve on our genetic atavism.


a state of continual change or movement syn: fluctuation; instability ant: stability; solidity شار - ریزش- سیل- تغییرات پی در پی ! -Ever since Elvira resigned as the head of marketing, everything about our sales strategy has been in a state of flux.


a statement that is obviously true and says nothing new or interesting واضح بدیهی ابتذال "All men are created equal" is a famous truism first offered in the opening statement of the Declaration of Independence.


a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority. سلسله مراتب - عالی رتبگان The coal miners demanded a meeting with the company hierarchy to discuss wage reforms.


a thing or event that existed before or logically precedes another نیاکان - اجداد پیشین- سابق The portable CD player is the bulkier antecedent to the modern MP3 player.


abundance فراوانی - وفور While speakeasies became enormously popular everywhere, nowhere did they spread in more profusion than in New York City. -"the profusion of detail"


acceptance of fate استعفا- کناره گیری- تسلیم - واگذاری -*** سرافکندگی departure; forbearance; stoicism -Since Jack could not think of a convincing reason why he had to miss the seminar, he attended it with a sense of resignation.


accompanying in a subordinate fashion. -describing an event or situation that happens at the same time as or in connection with another. - ضمیمه- پیوست- همراه- همزمان- مصادف- مقارن Concomitant with his desire for nature was a desire for the culture and energy of a big city. -If you run into someone that you have a crush on, you might feel nervousness with a concomitant forgetfulness. =accompanying, attendant, consequent, ensuant, incidental, resultant, sequent


adj. wise; having keen perception and sound judgement syn: shrewd; intelligent باهوش - زیرک- هوشمند- دارای حس قوی That role was sagacious drug industry CEO Stringer Bell in The Wire. Thank you for that one Simon, you made me a bit more sagacious tonight. This in a movie starring Ice Cube as a reclusive, sagacious ex-boxer and the film's heart. ant: obtuse; fatuous متضاد


adj.) clumsy, hard to handle; slow-moving SYN: unwieldy, ponderous . The train journey was uncomfortable because the lady seated next to me was carrying some cumbersome baggage that she refused to store away in the roof rack. چیزی که بخاطر سنگینی . .وزن زیاد باهاش نشه کار کنی - سخت کاربرد


an outcast- A pariah is someone that has been soundly rejected by their community. Synonyms: Ishmael, castaway, outcast Types: heretic, misbeliever, religious outcast a person who holds religious beliefs in conflict with the dogma of the Roman Catholic Church. Biden called Saudi Arabia a "pariah" during the presidential campaign and vowed to confront the kingdom over its human rights record. طردشده منفور


any long, repetitive, or dull recital any long and tedious address or recital "the patient recited a litany of complaints" "a litany of failures" Mr. Trump posted one of his campaign's videos on Twitter that presented a litany of fraud claims from Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Michigan. Joe is guilty of a litany of charges for which he was never charged, but his 22 years sentence was too harsh," Lowe said. مناجات- فهرست طولانی شکایات


approve; support - Katy Perry, an American pop star, endorsed Hillary Clinton for President and sang at a Clinton rally. - sanction, commend, authorize, support تایید کردن - ساپورت کردن


arrogant and stubborn about one's beliefs متعصب و کوته فکر- - اندیشه قیاسی- ادعا سده ی بدون اثبات -The young religious believer was too dogmatic in his views and ended up alienating many of his old friends. =doctrinaire, rigid -Don't be dogmatic, be open to the story changing.


band of color, broad range of related ideas or objects بینایی- خیال- طیف


based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system دلخواه - اختیاری- قرار دادی- من د راوردی - الکی- خودسرانه =wanton- reckless- unsupported an arbitrary decision" "the arbitrary rule of a dictator" "an arbitrary penalty" "of arbitrary size and shape" "an arbitrary choice"


basic; elementary; in the earliest stages of development. ابتدایی- اولیه- اصولی - بنیادی- = fundamental -immature


bold, impudent behavior -"It galls me that we lost the suit" صفرا- گستاخی - عیب- زخم پوست رفتگی


boredom خسته و بی حوصله -Living in a suburb surrounded by bland suburbs and strip malls can inspire a sense of ennui.


certain to happen; unavoidable -When a witness describes a crime scene, it is inevitable that some details will be forgotten or misremembered. -unavoidable, preordained, ineluctable حتمی الوقوع- اجتناب ناپذیر- حتمی


characterized by filth, grime, or squalor; foul. پست - کثیف - چرک شلخته- هرزه =immoral or unethical that they seem dirty . - "a sordid political campaign" - This, as Elizabeth later considered it, was the first in the sordid series of mistakes which was to cause her to fall so low. The nightly news simply announced that the senator had had an affair, but the tabloid published all the sordid details of the interaction.


characterized by rapid and unpredictable change in mood مودی- دمدمی مزاج- ناپایدار- بی وفا =erratic, fickle, quicksilver The fact that Ella's moods were as mercurial as the weather was problematic for her relationships. 2- relating to or containing or caused by mercury مربوط به جیوه Her personality was too big and mercurial to be contained in a frail human body.


clumsy; unskillful خام - ناشی - بی دست و پا = fumbling- emergent - dissonant - زشت- ناهنجار - As a child she was quite maladroit, but as an adult, she has become an adept and meticulous dancer.


easily taught; submissive to instruction رام - مطیع- تعلیم بردار Barnyard animals are considerably more docile than the wild animals.


express complete disapproval of, typically in public; censure. -Because all members of this organization are idealists, they condemn the idea of compromising their core beliefs. -"We condemn the racism in South Africa" -"He was condemned to ten years in prison" -"the county condemned the land to build a highway" محکوم کردن- سرزنش کردن- کلنگی اعلام کردن - محکومیت- مقصر شناختن- مردود شدم- استیضاح و بازخواست شدن -He's standing in front of a painting of a girl serving a condemned man his last meal. =denounce - convict - decry, excoriate, objurgate, reprobate -His devotion to his sick wife condemned him to a lonely existence"


express discontent or sorrow over. -While the CFO carefully explained all the reasons for the cuts in benefits, after the meeting employees bemoaned the cuts as further evidence that management was against them. زاریدن- نالیدن- تاسف- افسوس خوردن- =bewail, deplore, lament "Because a few days ago, when I was riding the stallion, it threw me and I broke both my legs. Again, I bemoaned my misfortune." "When I left the military, I sort of lost my way," Taske bemoaned in a thick Aussie accent.


expressing praise or approval expressing or manifesting praise or approval synonyms: affirmative, approbative, approving, plausive favorable. تحسینی- تحسین امیز Mrs. Colesworthy enfolded her in an approbatory embrace, and hurried home to tell me about it.


foolishness; shallowness -total lack of meaning or ideas پوچی- بیهودگی- بیمغزی- بطالت Bill's poem was nothing more than a list of impressive sounding words, so there was no point in trying to take meaning from the inanity. But she was miserably nervous too, incapable of stepping around the inanities. For some viewers, Caroline's inanity might seem a little much.


greedy حریص- طمعکار -Nearly seventy years ago, the rapacious army occupied this country, razing many homes in the process. SYN: avaricious


happening in parts or segments دارای چندین رویدداد مستقل و فرغی- بریده بریده- نامنسجم- درون اوادار -If you have an episodic interest in professional sports, you pay attention to sports from time to time, but you're not a regular fan. The adjective episodic is often used to mean "occasional" -"the book is episodic and the incidents don't always hang together" -


happening or existing at the same time. - The panel on Biotechnology is simultaneous with another on Cryptography, so you will have to choose which you prefer to go to. همزمان - وقوع با همدیگه


having or showing an extreme greed for wealth or material gain. -they are avaricious and will do anything for money" =covetous, grabby, grasping, greedy, prehensile حریص پول خسیس - طمعکار


having to do with the body or the physical world. -An essential dispute between the sects of Christianity is whether God ever held a corporeal form or is only a spiritual being. مادی- مربوط به جسم و بعد مادی -


hostile, unfriendly, or harmful مضر - نامساعد - دشمنانه- مخالف The surviving frost giants all follow Hrym, huge and inimical to humanity. To inflict any hurt on anything for any purpose became inimical to him.


lack of courage ترسویی- بزدلی-نامردی Cowardice is a lack of bravery. If you run away screaming when your Uncle Marvin shows up to the Halloween party in a clown mask, you will betray your cowardice The opposite of courageousness is cowardice. For example, not standing up for someone who's being bullied shows cowardice. This was political cowardice of the first order. By taking a knee in front of fans, though, the players are exposing the inherent cowardice of that position The cowardice is stunning. And now members of his caucus are suing me and other electors in yet another doomed attempt to silence PA voters." Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif on Sunday slammed what he called the "cowardice" involved in the attack and said that there are "serious signs of Israel's role."


made ineffective or powerless -The FBI has made so many restriction on the local police that they are absolutely hamstrung, unable to accomplish anything. فلج کردن از قدرت انداختن


not able to be corrected; beyond control درست نشدنی - اصلاح نشدنی -When you talk about an incorrigible bully, you're saying they're always going to push other people around. =uncontrollable, uncorrectable, unmanageable -Will incorrigible musician Antoine keep his day job as a teacher?


not having or showing foresight; spendthrift or thoughtless. لا ابالی- بی احتیاطی- بی فکر- ولخرج- not given careful consideration If you spend all your money on video games even though you know you have to buy your mom a birthday present next week, you have made an improvident decision. Marty was improvident, never putting money aside for the future but spending it on decorating the interior of his home. In one heat, a driver made an improvident move and three cars collided, one flipping on its side. =indiscreet- injudicious- imprudent


of or pertaining to structure -تاثیرگذار مربوط به معماری و پوسته ی زمین -The atomic bombs that fell on Japan had a tectonic effect on warfare for years to come.


overcritical; too severe in judgement. عیب جو- نق نقو- ایرادگیر -The athletes in this league had to adopt relaxation techniques as it had a hypercritical and stressful culture.


prepares a body for interment مومیایی کردن


presumptuous; arrogant. بسیارمغرور- خودسر Overweening is a negative term meaning arrogant or excessive. People can be described as having overweening pride or overweening ambition. It's too much and not good. "had a witty but overweening manner" ""no idea how overweening he would be" Synonyms: uppity -unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings "overweening ambition" "overweening greed" Synonyms: excessive, extravagant, exuberant


quality of sound دایره زنگی- صدا Timbre is a word that describes the tone or unique quality of a sound. If you play the same note on a piano and on a guitar, each note will have its own timbre. Throughout, Townsend's delicate voice remains front and center, its willfully unwavering timbre hinting at an inner tumult words can't describe. Like most music in the genre, the album is concerned with timbre and texture — a lot of shapeless, ambiguous noise that slowly escalates and envelopes you. "the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely"


rebellious; treasonous; disloyal فتنه انگبز - John Brown hoped to spark revolution in the South with his seditious attack on the government arms depot at Harpers Ferry. افراد و به انقلاب و برندازی دعوت کردن


relating to the countryside in a pleasant sense. چوپانی- شعر و نمایش روستایی Those who imagine America's countryside as a pastoral region are often disappointed to learn that much of rural U.S. is filled with cornfields extending as far as the eye can see.


renounce under oath; abandon; make a solemn promise to give up; CF. abjure ترک کاری کردن- اجتناب کردن -With his new focus on health, Sean forswore cigarettes and took up exercise. SYN: eschew


respect; consideration احترام- تمکین- تسلیم- ملاحظه -It is customary to show deference to the Pope by kneeling in front of him and kissing his ring.


responsibility for a fault or wrong; blame مجرمیت - تقصیرکار Since John had left his banana peel at the top of the stairwell, he accepted culpability for Martha's broken leg.


seeking revenge انتقام جو- کینه جو -She might be that vindictive if she knew of her husband's temporary interest in Tess. -"a vindictive man will look for occasions for resentment" =despiteful, spiteful


shared, felt, or shown equally by two or more دو سره - متقابل With the mutual distrust between Democrats and Republicans, Congress was at a standstill and neither party offered to work with the other.


showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect گستاخانه - وقیحانه - بی شرمانه - جسور =contemptuous -Lilian could not help herself from being insolent, commenting that the Queen's shoes were showing too much toe


showing complete agreement هم دلی - هم فکری - The city council's unanimous rejection of a proposal so critical to the mayor's agenda was a shocking setback for the mayor.


silent; reserved ساکت- محتاط در سخن- سنجیده- hesitant reluctant unwilling When asked about her father, Helen lost her outward enthusiasm and became rather reticent.


taking time to think carefully about things; thoughtful. - Confronted with the death of several close friends, Craig sat in silence and became reflective about human mortality. اندیشمند - کسی که فکر میکنه =pensive


tendency to speak or write of oneself excessively; conceit; self-importance منم منم کردن- خودستایی- خودپرستی(منفی) -His character, notwithstanding the egotism which often made him act selfishly, had an amiable and engaging side.


the belief that someone is doing something right طرفداری- ستایش


to act as judge in a matter; to settle through the use of a judge or legal tribunal. -to serve as a judge in a competition; to arrive at a judgment or conclusion -you may have to adjudicate in the local talent show. Only those with the most refined palates were able to adjudicate during the barbeque competition. -Years later, when the tribe created its first court system, which adjudicated mostly minor crimes, he was elected one of the three judges. قضاوت کردن- فتوا دادن- رای صادر کردن Though not lawyers, these men presented cases and then adjudicated them.


to criticize harshly زخم زبان زدن - انتقاد- کتک زدن rebuke denounce


to imitate with the intent of equaling or surpassing the model. -"He is emulating the skating skills of his older sister" -To really become fluent in a new language, emulate the speech patterns and intonation of people who speak the language. -چشم هم چشمی کردن- رقابت کردن- تقلید کردن برابری جستن


to kill or destroy a large part of تلفات زیادی وارد کردن - Fortunately, the hurricane was spared, averting the catastrophe many feared would decimate the city.


to renew the strength and energy of; restore to a vigorous, active condition احیا کردن- جان دادن- نیرو دادن -The shampoo commercial dishonestly claimed that the product could revitalize tired hair and cure split ends.


to suggest or hint slyly اشاره کردن- تلقین کردن فهماندن


to turn away; to make indifferent or hostile; to transfer, convey. -When you alienate people, you make them stop liking or caring about you. =disaffect, estrange -"the boring work alienated his employees" انتقال دادن مالکیت به دیگری- از خود راندن- بیگانه کردن- بیزار کردن- -What's good is that the professors didn't try to alienate me from the rest of the Freedom Writers. -We knew that this would alienate both them and the other parties on the island. -Having alienated his former friends, the recluse relied only on his books for company. منحرف کردن و جدا کزدن کسی از گروه


unnecessary زاعد - زیادی- اضافی- غیر ضروری- بیش از نیاز -"delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words" =excess, extra, redundant, spare, supererogatory, supernumerary, surplus


walking with no particular direction in mind; unfocused speech بی ربط- بی نقشه پرسه زدن- طولانی و نامرتبط -Unlike her predecessor's rambling prose, Susan Hubel's reports were both succinct and comprehensive. - Rambling around the country by riding the rails is not as glamorous as generally portrayed in the movies.


wandering from place to place; unsettled سیار- دوره گرد - =ambulant - wandering -Doctors used to be itinerant, traveling between patients' homes.


کاتالیزور something that speeds up an event


(v.) to clear from hint or charge of wrongdoing; to defend successfully against opposition; to justify = ascertain - protect اثبات بیگناهی کردن- حمایت کردن- اثبات کردن- to absolve from guilt. If your family thinks you hogged the last piece of pie on Thanksgiving, you'll be vindicated when your younger brother fesses up. 2-maintain, uphold, or defend "vindicate the rights of the citizens" حفظ - حمایت از حق She expected me to vindicate her life for her, and the choices she'd made. Alfred Wegener never lived to see his ideas vindicated. او انتظار داشت که من از زندگی اش برای او و انتخابهایی که انجام داده است حمایت کنم. آلفرد وگنر هرگز زنده نماند تا ایده های خود را تصدیق کند.


(v.) to coax, persuade through flattery or artifice; to deceive with soothing thoughts or false promises. زبان بازی کردن- با چاپلوسی طرف و راضی کردن - The teacher cajoled his students with extreme flattery in an attempt to persuade them to do research projects for extra credit.


(v.) to combine, unite; to make solid or firm syn: strengthen, firm up, merge After consolidating all rival companies under his control, the business tycoon finally held a monopoly over the fossil fuel industry. محکم کردن


(v.) to compete; to strive for victory or superiority - While the other teams in the division actively vie for the championship, this team seems content simply to go through the motions of playing. رقابت کردن- هم چشمی کردن


(v.) to disagree; (n.) disagreement To dissent is to publicly disagree with an official opinion or decision. Dissent is also a noun referring to public disagreement. Both verb and noun are often used in reference to a statement by a judge who disagrees with a decision made by other judges. Dissent is also used to refer to political opposition to government policies. Any adverse event, no matter how unrelated to the coronavirus or the vaccination, will spread across social media and fuel the anti-science dissent اختلاف عقیده-مخالفت To suppress dissent in poor neighborhoods, his government deploys special police, some of whom are convicted criminals, to conduct lethal raids and intimidate citizens


(v.) to end resistance, give up, surrender, throw in the towel -to surrender (usually under agreed conditions) تسلیم شدن- سر فرود اوردن- ترک مقاومت کردن Paul, losing 19-0 in a ping-pong match against his nimble friend, basically capitulated when he played the last two points with his eyes closed.


(v.) to fall as moisture; to cause or bring about suddenly; to hurl down from a great height, to give distinct form to; (adj.) characterized by excessive haste; (n.) moisture; the product of an action or process تسریع کردن- عجولانه بشدت پرتاب کردن- ناکهان سقوط کردن- رسوب شیمیایی- شتاب کردن- Precipitate usually means "bringing something on" or "making it happen" — and not always in a good way. An unpopular verdict might "precipitate violence" or one false step at the Grand Canyon could precipitate you down into the gorge. -Precipitate, as a verb, can also mean specifically, "to fall from clouds," such as rain, snow, or other forms of precipitation. When used as an adjective, precipitate means "hasty" or "acting suddenly." If you decide to throw your class project in a trash masher just because someone in your class had a similar idea, then your actions might be described as precipitate. Or if you do that sort of thing regularly, you may be a precipitate person. 1-done with very great haste and without due deliberation "wondered whether they had been rather precipitate in deposing the king" Synonyms: hasty, overhasty, precipitant, precipitous. Obviously, given the extreme urgency precipitated by the pandemic, the situation is slightly different with the coronavirus vaccine.


(v.) to flood, overflow; to overwhelm by numbers or size. زیر سیل پوشاندن- اشباع کردن- از اب پوشاندن =imbibe - glut - imbrue -Your bathroom could be inundated with water if the pipes burst, and hopefully your inbox is inundated with nice emails on your birthday.


(v.) to free from deception or error, set right in ideas or thinking - to persuade smbody that his/her belief is not valid. Disabuse means to free someone of a belief that is not true. Many teachers of health find that when they teach, they spend as much energy disabusing kids of false beliefs as they do giving them the facts. Disabuse is often connected to the word notion or idea. In singing lessons, you must disabuse young singers of the idea that they can sing better by singing louder. In the first year of college, many people are disabused of the notion that their experiences are universal — by meeting so many people who have had different experiences or come from different backgrounds. He never claimed to be that which he was not, but did not disabuse people of their assumptions. Her father explained the origin of the negro to disabuse her of this colorful idea. Indeed, they felt it their duty to disabuse me of my weaponized history. از حقیقت در اوردن- از اشتباه در اوردن-


(v.) to give up, surrender; to hand over to another صرف نظر کردم- واگذار کردن- تسلیم کردن- To cede is to give up or surrender land, position, or authority. "She reluctantly ceded the coveted position as the baby of the family to her brother when he was born. She would not, however, cede her bedroom to him." اما او نمی خواست اتاق خواب خود را به او واگذار كند." I am not ready to cede the twenty-first century to China just yet. It helps to keep in mind that all but four end with cede. = relegate - assign- subjugate


(v.) to handle or use skillfully; to manage or control for person gain or advantage. someone exerting mental or emotional influence on others. "He manipulated public opinion in his favor" Synonyms: pull strings, pull wires. "She manipulates her boss" Synonyms: control, keep in line. tamper, with the purpose of deception Synonyms: cook, fake, falsify, fudge, misrepresent, wangle He accused them of "manipulating" the pandemic for political purposes. دستکاری کردن-اداره کردن-دغل کاری کردن "The court was exceptionally wise, they blocked Trump from manipulating the Electoral College by saying faithless electors were no longer lawful," he said.


(v.) to inflict physical punishment as a means of correction; to scold severely سرزنش کردن - بازخواست کردن- تنبیه کردن -She chastised him for his insensitive remarks" -Then she chastised herself for thinking mean thoughts. He waited for his father to chastise Lily. Usually, she'd snap right back and chastise me for a bad attitude. =castigate, chasten, correct, objurgate


(v.) to irritate, annoy, or anger -The tedious application process exasperated the student, who had to spend long hours filling out a 30-page form. =irascibility ازار دادن- خشمگین کردن Adoring his son but exasperated by his behavior, Anthony delivered frequent, forceful spankings. My father is exasperated; he jingles his keys in his pocket. She sighs loudly, looking over at me exasperatedly.


(v.) to keep doing something in spite of difficulties; to refuse to quit even when the going is tough - Believing that the problem could be solved with the right information, the scientist vowed to persevere in her research. استقامت به خرج دادن - ثابت قدم ماندن -Use the verb persevere when you want to persist in anything and continue despite difficulties or obstacles.


(v.) to look upon with scorn; to refuse scornfully. = contempt و opprobrium , condescension, patronage. -If you feel that something isn't worthy of your consideration, you may disdain it -to strongly dislike or disapprove of (someone or something) کسر شان دانستن- تحقیر- خوار کردن- کوچک فرض کردن -People who were born and raised in Brooklyn typically disdain the expensive new lofts and fancy stores that are being built. -Does he remember this long-ago gesture, how he consoled me when Hamlet disdained my gift?


(v.) to lose size, strength, or power در حال افول - به انتها رسیدن With each passing moment, the light from the dying light bulb waned until the room became entirely dark.


(v.) to lower in character, quality, or value; to degrade, adulterate; to cause to deteriorate شان و منزلت چیزی و پایین اوردن -The third-rate script so debased the film that not even the flawless acting could save it from being a flop.


(v.) to make easier or milder, relieve; to quiet, calm; to put an end to, appease, satisfy, quench -Assuaging your hunger by eating a bag of marshmallows may cause you other unpleasant feelings. -alleviate, palliate, relieve , appease, conciliate, gentle, gruntle, lenify, mollify, pacify, placate -This is the kind of thing we do, to assuage pain. -Yet they were always a little hungry, not starving, but with an emptiness inside them that was never quite assuaged. فرونشاندن- تسکین دادن- ارام کردن- سیراب کردن- سیر کردن تخفیف دادن


(v.) to make of no value or consequence, cancel, wipe out بی اثر کردن- خنثی کردن بهم زدن- برانداختن The government nullified the law yesterday and claimed it should never have been on the ballot in the first place. = disprove


(v.) to make thin or slender; to weaken or lessen in force, intensity, or value is a verb that means to make or become weaker. The effects of aging may be attenuated by exercise. attenuate or reduce in vigor, strength, or validity by polishing or purifying. Synonyms: rarefy. This creates a soft halo that attenuates the contrast between the light source and the surrounding darkness. "I do see the price of oil setting itself a band. Shale oil in the US... will attenuate the price a bit." ضعیف کردن/شدن


(v.) to mislead by a trick, deceive فریب دادن- اغفال کردن- Someone tried to hoodwink Marty with an email telling him that his uncle had just passed away, and to collect the inheritance he should send his credit card information. -Beware of fake ATMs that try to hoodwink you into giving over your bank card and your code, only to keep them both and steal all your money.


(v.) to object or take exception to; (n.) an objection اعتراض- ایراد- مخالفت Wallace disliked the cold, so he demurred when his friends suggested they going skiing in the Alps. If your mother asks you to clean your room and you refuse, you demur. -he demurred at my suggestion to work on Saturday"


(v.) to overcome the distrust of, win over; to appease, pacify; to reconcile, make consistent. دل کسی رو بدست اوردن- دلجویی کردن- اشتی-ارام کردن- ساکت کردن The verb conciliate means to placate, appease, or pacify. If you are eating at a restaurant and the waiter accidentally spills a drink on you, the manager may try to conciliate you by picking up the tab for your meal. -You may be more familiar with the term conciliation --it can mean the flowers you bring to conciliate your girlfriend after a fight. 1-cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of Synonyms: appease, assuage, gentle, gruntle, lenify, mollify, pacify, placate 2-come to terms Synonyms: make up, patch up, reconcile, settle. 3-make (one thing) compatible with (another) Synonyms: accommodate, reconcile سازگار کردن After the prayers he said: "I urge everyone to conciliate and help solve problems together." He argued that de Blasio's goal shouldn't be to simply conciliate protesters.


(v.) to prepare by combining ingredients, make up (as a dish); to devise, invent, fabricate When you concoct something, you mix up different ingredients. If you want to become a mad scientist or a wizard, you'll have to learn how to concoct strange potions. 1-make a concoction (of) by mixing Type of: amalgamate, commix, mingle, mix, unify - to bring or combine together or with something else 2-prepare or cook by mixing ingredients "concoct a strange mixture" 3-devise or invent Synonyms: dream up, hatch, think of, think up ساختن- من دراوردی- معجون- ترکیب کردن- اختراع کردن He also conveyed the personality of a wide variety of the other characters without overdoing it with concocted voices. So instead they concoct this elaborate conspiracy theory, painting themselves as the victims of voter fraud in order to justify an illegal effort to steal the election. I was concocting things in his life as well.


(v.) to provide more than is needed or wanted; to feed or fill to the point of overstuffing; (n.) an oversupply A glut is too much of something. A glut of gas in the marketplace can lower its price. A glut of heavy metal T-shirts in your dresser, however, has nothing to do with the economy but might be a signal that it's time to clean your room. وفور- زیادی Glut is used more commonly in reference to the economics of the marketplace, where an oversupply of one thing lowers prices. ۱-Glut the country with cheap imports from the Orient" Synonyms: flood, oversupply ۲-overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself Synonyms: binge, englut, engorge, gorge, gormandize, gormandize, gourmandize, ingurgitate, overeat, overgorge, overindulge, pig out, satiate, scarf out, stuff 3-the quality of being so overabundant that prices fall Synonyms: oversupply, surfeit There's a glut of fancy Airbnbs but a shortage of affordable housing. I am very glad somebody is taking note of Amazon's plastic-waste glut.


(v.) to repeal, cancel, declare null and void -revoke formally -When someone cuts in front of you in line, they are abrogating your right to be the next one served. As part of the agreement between the labor union and the company, the workers abrogated their right to strike for four years in exchange for better health insurance. -He did not hesitate to abrogate Indian treaties, though he sometimes expressed concern for Indian life. لغو کردن - باطل کردن - از بین بردن-


(v.) to speak evil of, slander; (adj.) evil بد ذات - بدخیم بدنام کردن- بدخواهی کردن The United Nations Army did not have malign intentions when they approached the local civilians, but instead wanted to help them.


(v.) to speak or act in a way that allows for more than one interpretation; to be deliberately vague or ambiguous. دو پهلو حرف زدن- با ابهام حرف ردن-طفره رفتن- زبان بازی کردن When you are unwilling to make a decision and almost intentionally go back and forth between two choices, you are equivocating. When politicians equivocate, they are often afraid of upsetting, and thus alienating, voters with their decisions. Synonyms: beat around the bush, palter, prevaricate, tergiversate. Nobody should equivocate about it. It's imperative that Americans unite against this authoritarian strategy." And despite briefly expressing support for mask-wearing, Mr. Trump quickly equivocated.


(v.) to spring back, shrink; (n.) the act of springing back عقب نشستن- به حال خود برکشتن- فنری بودن- واکنش دادن - When the snake slithered across the driveway, the pit bull recoiled in fear and dashed inside the house. = shrink


(v.) to support, prop up, strengthen; (n.) a supporting structure پایه - پشتیبان - محکم بستن- =make stronger or defensible China's economy has been buttressed by a global demand for the electronic parts the country manufactures. قوی تر کردن


(v.) to swing back and forth with a steady rhythm; to fluctuate or waver دو دل بودن- تردید The speed at which a pendulum oscillates depends on its weight and length. نوسان کردن


(v.) to take away from; reduce in value or reputation -They feared that the bad publicity surrounding him would detract from their own election campaigns. کم کردن- کاستن SYN: deprecate


(v.) to take up and support; to become attached to, adopt; to marry عقد کردن- هواداری و طرفداری کردن از- -advocate, defend, champion -Unlike previous candidates, Megan espoused gender equality and pushed forth more benevolent political reforms.


(v.) to triumph over; to succeed; to exist widely, be in general use; to get someone to do something by urging. چیره شدن- شایع شدن غالب امدن During the labor negotiations, an air of hostility prevailed in the office. - Before the cricket match, Australia was heavily favored, but India prevailed.


(v.) to wander about, wind about; (n.) a sharp turn or twist بی هدف گشتن- پرسه زدن خم- پیچ - A casual observer might have thought that Peter was meandering through the city, but that day he was actually seeking out those places where he and his long lost love had once visited.


(v.) to weaken or lessen the mental, moral, or physical vigor of; enfeeble, hamstring. To enervate is to weaken, wear down, or even bum out. A three-hour lecture on the history of socks might thrill someone, it would enervate most people. So would a too-long soak in a hot tub. With your parents. To enervate someone is to sap their energy, like by reading your ex all the love letters your new sweetheart wrote you. When something enervates you, it does more than get on your nerves; it brings you down. 2- v; disturb the composure of Synonyms: faze, unnerve, unsettle بی حال کردن- بی رمق کردن-ناتوان کردن-سست کردن ناارام Never mind that Orchid is still enervated after her own bout of influenza. But despite the talent involved, and the incredible subject matter, the irritating tendency to overexplain means there's very little spark to be found in the enervating "Radioactive." They grow their own vegetables, refusing to eat the enervating state-supplied food. They yearn to be free from the violent, enervating menace of white racism, and to flourish in the elusive American promised land.


(v.) to weigh down or burden (with difficulties, cares, debt, etc.); to fill up, block up, hinder زحمت برا کسی درست کردن- سد راه شدن- گرفتار You may find yourself encumbered by a heavy backpack or with anxieties. You can also use encumber to describe something that restricts you in some way: you're so encumbered by your homework load you can't go to the concert Saturday night. synonyms: constrain, cumber, restrain It's the way civilized man now encumbers his territory, not with great walls or stretches of wire but with a single well-placed device, a neat bundling with the workings of a mind. A shocking number of phrases that drop easily from the fingers are bloated with words that encumber the reader without conveying any content. Why was she encumbered by mask and pads?


1. damaged or put in doubt (esp. of reputation); در معرض خطر 2. reached an agreement by giving up part of a claim. مصالحه و سازش A compromise is a way of settling differences by everybody making concessions. If you want to stay out until 10 and your friend wants to stay out until midnight, 11 is a good compromise. If you compromise with your lab partner over how to analyze the experimental data, you find the middle ground between your two ideas. Compromise can also mean to erode or diminish. If you never repair your brakes, you will compromise the safety of the car. If you cheat, you compromise your integrity. 1-an accommodation in which both sides make concessions "the newly elected congressmen rejected a compromise because they considered it `business as usual'" Examples: Missouri Compromise 1-1 a middle way between two extremes 2-ake a compromise; arrive at a compromise "we all must compromise" 3-settle by concession Type of: determine, settle, square off, square upsettle conclusively; come to terms حل و فصل کردن ۴-expose or make liable to danger, suspicion, or disrepute "The nuclear secrets of the state were compromised by the spy" In this week's final compromise, the Confederate language was dropped. But that brings us to one of the biggest shortcomings of this compromise. Washington says the project, which will increase European reliance on Russian gas, will compromise European energy security.


A moment of sudden revelation or insight تجلی- ظهور- ظهور عیسی =emanation - advent - apparition - phenomenon When inspiration hits you out of the blue, call it an epiphany. Like an epiphany, it revealed the strange power of fast food in the new world order. Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American There are no scenes, no breakdowns, no epiphanies. His epiphany was short-lived, and as the photo shoot approached, he began calling me with technical questions.


A murmur is a quiet, blurred sound often heard from a distance. It can be comforting when you're little to fall asleep listening to the murmur of your parents talking downstairs. زمزمه - سخن نرم- شکایات abnormal swishing sound caused by improper closure of the heart valves. Murmur can also be a verb that means the same as mutter: you say something so quietly that your words can't be understood. You might be complaining about something — a murmur is often a sign that someone's not pleased. Synonyms: grumble, grumbling, murmuring, mutter, muttering Tell our story, but don't use our names," she murmured. "State your goal destination, please," murmured the computer


Ambiguous; intentionally misleading , confusing دو پهلو - دارای ابهام Equivocal means uncertain or ambiguous. If you ask your teacher what's on an upcoming test and she gives you an equivocal answer, you won't be able to narrow down your studying. Nothing but a flash of the eyes and a single equivocal remark; beyond that, only his own secret imaginings, founded on a dream. Some details he reveals hardly support his equivocal description. an equivocal statement" "the officer's equivocal behavior increased the victim's uneasiness" "popularity is an equivocal crown" "an equivocal response to an embarrassing question" "the evidence from bacteriologic analysis was equivocal" Synonyms: inconclusive open to question ""his conscience reproached him with the equivocal character of the union into which he had forced his son"-Anna Jameson" Synonyms: questionable


Any writing that is not poetry ۲- کسل کننده ۱- نثر -In Greek literature, Herodotus wrote the first prose work to describe the Persian Wars in plain speech rather than poetry.


Gathered into a whole; total To aggregate is to collect many units into one. If you're writing a novel, you might create a character who is an aggregate of five or six real people. As a verb it means to collect into a mass or whole. You can also use it as an adjective, as in your aggregate sales for February, March and April. It can also be a noun. The mountain of foam in bubble bath is an aggregate of small bubbles. توده- تراکم-جمع کردن-متراکم-بهم پیوسته 1-a sum total of many heterogenous things taken together Synonyms: congeries, conglomeration 2-the whole amount Synonyms: sum, total, totality 3-material such as sand or gravel used with cement and water to make concrete, mortar, or plaster Type of: material, stuff 4-formed of separate units gathered into a mass or whole "aggregate expenses include expenses of all divisions combined for the entire year"


Lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated. -If you make an ignorant comment, your listeners might laugh at you. - نااموخته- بی سواد- بی معرفت- از روی نادانی- بی خبر- =illiterate - quarrelsome - ignoramus - -"he was completely ignorant of the circumstances" -penni was ignorant in compare to sheldon. -"I do. It's not your job to educate the ignorant."


Open to discussion and debate, unresolved. قابل بحث شورا انجمن- مطرح کردن دادخواهی کردن "that is a moot question"


To explain in greater detail 1- وارد جزعیات شدن- دقیق - حساس- بطور پیچیده- -"She elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation" -"elaborate a plan" = work out -"The bee elaborates honey" -complicate, rarify, refine -planned or carried out with great care -She was wearing a short-sleeve shirt, which exposed the elaborate artwork that covered both of her arms. -she spends most of her time in the kitchen preparing elaborate dishes.


To seize; to arrest Brianna nervously apprehended the results of the test for which she had not studied. هراسیدن- درک کردن- توقیف کردن SYN: trepidation The unfortunate racoon apprehended the danger too late and could no longer avoid the giant bear trap.


Worldly or sophisticated Your Aunt Eleanor, who's lived in six different countries and speaks four languages fluently, might be described as cosmopolitan, or comfortable and familiar with different cultures and people. People who are cosmopolitan have an air of glamour surrounding them, a sense that they've seen a lot of the world and are sophisticated and at ease with all different kinds of people. Places can also be described as cosmopolitan, meaning "diverse," or bustling with lots of people of varying nationalities. Any way you use it, cosmopolitan implies a sophistication, 1-a sophisticated person who has travelled in many countries Synonyms: cosmopolite Types: globetrotter, world traveler 2-growing or occurring in many parts of the world "a cosmopolitan herb" "cosmopolitan in distribution" Synonyms: widely distributed 3-of worldwide scope or applicability "an issue of cosmopolitan import" Synonyms: ecumenical, general, oecumenical, universal, world-wide, worldwide 4-composed of people from or at home in many parts of the world; especially not provincial in attitudes or interests ""his cosmopolitan benevolence impartially extended to all races and to all creeds"- T.B. Macaulay" "the ancient and cosmopolitan societies of Syria and Egypt" "that queer, cosmopolitan, rather sinister crowd found around the Marseilles docks" Synonyms: traveled, travelled بین المللی-وابسته به همه جهان


a large-scale and violent event in the natural world. The hurricane battered the coast, causing the city to flood, and tens of thousands of people were stranded without food or water. When an event causes great suffering, we call it a cataclysm. 1-a sudden violent change in the earth's surface Synonyms: catastrophe 2-an event resulting in great loss and misfortune Synonyms: calamity, catastrophe, disaster, tragedy But it is possible, and that would be such a cataclysm — perhaps 20 million Americans losing insurance during a pandemic — that it's worth a shudder. So who exactly needs a documentary on a by-now intensely familiar and rapidly evolving global cataclysm? فاجعه عظیم- تحول ناگهانی و بد


a long or elaborate essay or discussion on a particular subject مقالع -BP was required to write a long disquisition on the effects of the Gulf Coast oil spill on the local environment.


a longing for something past; homesickness دلتنگی برای وطن- غربت Within one day at camp, the child grew nostalgic and yearned to be home with his family immediately.


a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person. -ننگ- بدنامی- خفت- ازردگی- لک- کلاله گل The stigma of race was once the shame of the slave; then it was the shame of the second-class citizen; today the stigma of race is the shame of the criminal. Racial stigma is produced by defining negatively what it means to be black. -Linda was determined to undermine the stigma that her male colleagues had of female executives.


a mental image or best example of a category نمونه اولیه - نمونه اصلی


a person who walks across the street on foot - dull - prosaic بی روح - مبتذل - عابر پیاده -"a pedestrian movie plot" synonyms:earthbound, prosaic, prosy uninteresting -While Nan was always engaged in philosophical speculation, her brother was occupied with far more pedestrian concerns. -They took small, fast steps down the hill until they reached the stairs, doing their best to dodge tourists and pedestrians.


a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person حکایت قصه کوتاه ضرب المثل Jules got Jane's attention with an anecdote about meeting Kim Kardashian.


a trite or commonplace remark; a tiresome or boring person; a sedative. حرف پیش پا افناده- مبتذل- برمید- کلیشه A bromide is a common saying or proverb that is obvious and not that helpful, like "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." =banality, cliche, commonplace, platitude Not just with objective wonder at the rising of a truth, fragmentary or not, up through what often seemed to be an impenetrable mass of prejudices, clichés, and bromides.


a vicious person syn: villain, criminal, knave ادم پست و بی وجدان بی دین- خبیث Come back you miscreant! yelled the woman who just had her purse stollen.


a violent upheaval that causes great destruction and change. -an event resulting in great loss and misfortune فاجعه عظیم- کن فیکون- سیل بزرک The introduction of smallpox was a cataclysm for Native Americans, killing off more than half of their population.


able to change shape; displaying great variety. When Picasso is described as a protean genius, it means that not only was he brilliant, but he changed the way he worked many times. Protean means able to change shape. Though the protean actors, all first-rate, endow their roles with a zestful individuality, their characters are far more than their separate stories. گوناگون- شکل پذیر- متغیر- چندکاره And Thursday's concert includes two groundbreaking bands built around the electric guitar: the protean guitar quartet Dither and the dreamy mixed consort Redhooker.


absolute in power or authority استبدادی- دیکتاتوری -1. characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty. 2. offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power. -1. The last true autocratic country is certainly North Korea; nowhere does a leader exercise the absolute control over all aspects of a people the way that Kim Jong-un does. 2. The manager was finally fired for his autocratic leadership, which often bordered on rude and offensive.


acting routinely with little interest or care. باری به هر جهت- سرسری- بی مبالات -means done as part of a routine or duty. If you give someone a gift and they look at it like it's roadkill and say nothing but a perfunctory "thank you," you might not be giving them another one anytime soon. A person who does something in a perfunctory way shows little enthusiasm or interest in what they are doing. Many of our everyday greetings are perfunctory. For example, when we say "Hello" and "How are you?", we usually do so out of habit 1-hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough "perfunctory courtesy" Synonyms: casual, cursory, passing 2-as a formality only Synonyms: pro forma Two aides said they are struggling to get Trump to focus on anything other than the election — even perfunctory executive orders or mundane tasks. After a few minutes of perfunctory small talk, he said, "You and I went to the same high school, and I wonder what you think of going from there to here." Normally, it is a perfunctory confirmation of the Electoral College vote.


adjective: describing a victory that comes at such a great cost that the victory is not worthwhile George W. Bush's win in the 2000 election was in many ways a pyrrhic victory: the circumstances of his win alienated half of the U.S. population. The word pyrrhic comes from the Greek general, Pyrrhus, who defeated the Romans at the Battle of Asculum but lost so many troops that he couldn't defeat Rome itself. If you are the winner in an argument with your brother, but the fight ends up ruining your relationship with him, it's a Pyrrhic victory. of or relating to or containing a metrical foot of two unstressed syllables "pyrrhic verses" metrical unit with unstressed-unstressed syllables Synonyms: dibrach


aggressiveness, ferocity -When the boss confronted Aaron about his earlier remarks, Aaron responded with utter truculence, simply throwing a glass of water in the boss' face and walking away. وحشیگری- خشونت -The girl, indignant, gathers up the clothes and stalks away; there's a genuine truculence in her step.


agreeing with; supporting تایید کننده - مثبت - تصدیق کننده


agreement without protest Acquiescence is an agreement, usually a willingness to go along with what someone else suggests. "Sure, I don't mind," "That sounds like a plan," and "Good idea" — these are all ways to show your acquiescence. 1-agreement with a statement or proposal to do something. Synonyms: assent 2-acceptance without protest. رضایت-موافقت Nothing so ordinary as acquiescence or participation in the inauguration would suit his supreme ridiculousness. Peaceful transfer of power depends on the acquiescence of losing candidates and parties, and on the belief of their supporters that the electoral process was fundamentally fair.


an exemption from a rule or obligation معاف شده- پخش توزیع- اجازه- نظام کلیسایی- دوره و عصر- اعطا- تقدیر Since her father is a billionaire, she is given dispensation from many of the school's policies. -The act of giving or portioning something out is called dispensation. Your teacher will have a hard time with the dispensation of biology textbooks if there aren't enough copies for everyone in the class. With special dispensation from the Vatican, she took her vows and entered a convent in Madras as a trainee novice. Nor did I request a dispensation from a priest when a non-Catholic friend asked me to be his best man. I told them that whites were Africans as well, and that in any future dispensation the majority would need the minority.


an inexperienced person, beginner; a young bird about to leave the nest; inexperienced, budding نوچه- تازه کار جوجه تازه پر دراورده A fledgling is a fuzzy baby bird just learning to fly, or someone (like a baby bird) who's brand new at doing something. It can also mean inexperienced and young, like the fledgling photographer for the school paper who accidentally erases all the pictures. Synonyms: entrant, freshman, neophyte, newbie, newcomer, starter young and inexperienced "a fledgling enterprise" "a fledgling skier" Synonyms: callow, unfledged She named her fledgling campaign "little vaccines against domestic violence," and urged others to share the letter and themselves become buffers against abuse. The newly formed Central Intelligence Agency, not yet two years old, was a fledgling organization with a motley staff. The bubble wrap business helped to fund the growth of the fledgling forecourt empire. Large website operators, such as Yelp and LinkedIn, did not allow the fledgling search engine to crawl their sites.

ostensibly (adv)

apparently or purportedly, but perhaps not actually. در ظاهر- ظاهرا Ostensibly is an adverb you use to talk about something that looks one way, but underneath there's the hint of a different motivation for that action. One day you go to an ice cream shop. Then the next day. And the next. You keep going, ostensibly to buy ice cream, but there's a deeper reason. The cute person who works there, perhaps? To ostensibly do something admits that the surface reason might not be the only reason. Synonyms: apparently, on the face of it, seemingly. This week, the Houston County Commission agenda included a measure that would ban recording in public buildings, ostensibly in an attempt to stymie such confrontations. Washington TimesDec 23, 2020 That game on Jan. 1 was moved, ostensibly based on the growing number of COVID-19 cases in the Los Angeles area, but also the ban on fans at spectator sports in California.


bad smell; stinky Some thermally active fountains spew sulfur fumes--the air around them is sometimes so malodorous that many have to plug their noses. بد بو


bad-tempered and sulky; gloomy. -Herbert took board games too seriously, often appearing sullen after losing. عبوس - ترش رو- بد اخلااااااق ناراحت و غمگین


bad-tempered, irritable, بد خلق- زودخشم- وابسته به طحال Ever since the car accident, Frank has been unable to walk without a cane, and so he has become splenetic and unpleasant to be around. =bristly, prickly, waspish. Now it's a nonstop, splenetic opinion and anger machine. Powell's father was a splenetic figure, given to outbursts of rage. Parlá is loose with his fields of color, but never splenetic. -splenetical = غمزده - محزون


be a sign of; foreshadow. - to show or suggest (something that will happen or exist at a future time) -Faure's music prefigured the subsequent development of Impressionistic music in France in the late nineteenth century. نشانه چیززی بودن- دلالت داشتن- جاکی بودن SYN: anticipate


beg persistently and urgently عاجزانه و با سماجت اصرار کردن- عذاب دادن After weeks of importuning the star to meet for a five-minute interview, the journalist finally got what she wanted. importune is to beg, but use it only when you're talking about going beyond mere begging into more urgent territory. The woman importuned the judge to release her innocent brother from jail. After a year of being importuned, dad let me have the car. But Mr. Sharpe would listen to none of her importuning nor mine; and so the dreaded night approached.


being in a state of intellectual darkness; ignorant; unenlightened. ایگنور شده- عقب مانده- گرفتار جهل- کوته فکر- گرفتار تاریکی A benighted person is in the dark about things: they don't know because they can't see. The Dark Ages are thought to have been a benighted time, full of primitive ideas. Being called benighted is much like being called naive. It means lacking in knowledge or understanding—the kind you might have if you were older or more sophisticated. There were good people on this benighted world, the star decided, warmed and contented. We no longer think of the period as "benighted" but as the "Age of Faith." We were supposed to ignore those benighted sheep, as Dad called them.


being untruthful; dishonesty. دروغ گویی - کذب -I can forgive her for her mendacity but only because she is a child and is seeing what she can get away with.


believing on slight evidence, gullible ساده لوح ! - The ancient Greek writer Herodotus was very credulous, accepting wildly improbable legends as historical facts.


bend the knees and bow in a servile manner. describes the act of kneeling and touching one's head to the ground to show respect, used to be a custom in Chinese culture. When you want to worship, show respect, gain favor, or flatter. You might need to kowtow to your teacher if you failed a test. try to gain favor by cringing or flattering. "If you show your willingness to back down and kowtow to the party, the party considers you a pushover," said Maya Wang. سجده کردن- احترام زیاد گذاشتن


brave and persistent - bold; courageous شجاع - با دل و جرات I enjoy films in which a doughty group comes together to battle a force of evil.


brave and spirited; courageous دلیر- با شهامت- ترد- =frangible- brittle- gallant - To be plucky is to show courage. Plucky people are often underdogs fighting against the odds. A short person playing basketball is plucky. You can be plucky in fighting a terrible disease. Anyone who refuses to give up, no matter what, is plucky. The Slow Club is playing, a band I like, all plucky and bittersweet and kind of offbeat. "Read this! Those plucky women are going after the legislature now!" "Yes, there are hundreds of them and they seem quite plucky." A plucky little bird of complete mischief that steals your tortilla from your very hand if you are not watchful.


brief and full of meaning and substance; concise مختصر و پر معنی I enjoy reading the Daodejing for its pithy and insightful prose; it always gives me something to think about.


bringing in money; profitable سوداور- پرمنفعت While your parents might want you to pursue a lucrative career, you're committed to your plan of becoming a professional mime. -On one occasion, after he failed to appear for several potentially lucrative races, his agent found him starring in a bull-riding exhibition. =remunerative profitable


brisk and cheerful readiness. اشتیاق- رغبت- نشاط When Beth received an acceptance letter from Harvard University, she immediately accepted it with alacrity.


by necessity; by force of circumstance با زور و اجبار- ناچار- To advocate placing such secret information in the public record was perforce an act of disloyalty.


calling forth a vivid image or impression یادآور = remindful, reminiscent, resonant - If your mom baked a lot when you were a kid, the smell of cookies in the oven is probably evocative of your childhood.


calm, peaceful, and untroubled. -I'd never seen him so serene; usually, he was a knot of stress and anxiety from hours of trading on the stock exchange. ارام ساکت باز روشن بی صدا متین


calm, peaceful. idyllically calm and peaceful; suggesting happy tranquillity; marked by peace and prosperity ایام خوب گذشته- مرغ ماهی خوار The first decade after WWI was a halcyon period in America with new-found wealth and rapidly improving technology.


capable of being changed; easily shaped انعطاف پذیر- نرم The clay became malleable and easy to work with after a little water was added. Long appreciated for its malleable qualities, aluminum can be formed to fit over any container.


capable of being touched or felt ملموس - واضح- قابل لمس I urged Tania to seek medical advice when the spot in her arm grew into a palpable lump. SYN: perceptible, material, tangible


carefree, happy; without regard to consequences حرکتی که بگی یچیزی به تخمته! - اسب سوار - بی توجهی - Percy dismissed the issue with a cavalier wave of his hand.


careful about spending money; tending to save money; managing money well صرفه جو- He was economical, spending his money thriftily and on items considered essential.


careful about what one says or does; prudent با احتیاط - محتاط - فروتن - با خرد- =circumspect - wary - modest The professor thought that he was discreet, subtly wiping the stain off of his shirt, but as soon as he stepped off the podium a member of the audience pointed out the large ketchup stain.


careful with how money is spent; thrifty خسیسسسس Typically, people who are miserly with money are miserly with emotions. SYN: stingy, parsimonious


careful, cautious ادم ملاحضه کار -prudent, chary, cautious. -Daniel's circumspect attitude toward life is holding him back; he is always scared of taking risks.


careless and hasty. The office building had been constructed in a slapdash manner, so it did not surprise officials when, during a small earthquake, a large crack emerged on the façade of the building. بی پروا- عجول- بی دقت - ناکهان -


cause to rise or grow lighter; enliven As bread dough is leavened, it puffs up, expanding in volume. -The grave and solemn talk was leavened by slight optimism and a sense of humor at the end. تخمیر- تغییر تدریجی -تعدیل شدن و بهتر شدن


cause to take on a definite and clear shape. Only after fifteen minutes of brainstorming did Samantha's ideas for the essay crystallize. متبلور کردن- شکل دادن- شکل گرفتن 2- make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear synonyms: clear, clear up, elucidate, enlighten, illuminate, shed light on, sort out, straighten out -He tried to crystallize his thoughts" -Gradually, as the nights passed, these fictional relatives began to crystallize in their minds.


causing displeasure, anger, or hurt feelings If you hurt someone's feelings, you offend that person. You might accidentally offend your friend when you joke about the worst restaurant in town, not realizing it's her favorite place to eat. If you do something that makes another person resent you, you offend them. Your friends might not mind because you're so humble, but it could offend other classmates when the teachers always pick you for awards and honors. You also offend when you cause disgust or distaste. After your week of camping — and not showering — your smell will probably offend the nose of anyone who has to sit near you. *** cause to feel resentment or indignation "Her tactless remark offended me" Synonyms: pique *** ***hurt the feelings of Synonyms: bruise, hurt, injure, spite, wound *** *** strike with disgust or revulsion Synonyms: appall, outrage, scandalize, shock *** *** act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises "offend all laws of humanity" Synonyms: breach, break, go against, infract, transgress, violate رنجیدن-رنجاندن- آزردن- تخلف- توهین امیز- تهاجمی-تعرض Mr. Naudin, who grew up in a politically aware family, remembers his grandmother passionately defend the author Salman Rushdie, who was threatened with death after offending many Muslims in his novel "The Satanic Verses."


causing dizziness, as from spinning or heights سرگیجه بحاطر ارتفاغ - Since climbing the steep mountainside could make even the most experienced climbers vertiginous, I would not advise novices to try their luck.


causing general public outrage by a perceived offense against morality or law. رسوایی- حراب کردن اغتبار- ننگ اور The website posted scandalous photos of the singer kissing a woman who was clearly not his wife.


causing irritation or annoyance Maria found her coworker's cell phone nettlesome, because every few minutes it would buzz to life with another text message. ازار دهنده - رنج اور


causing more problems and difficulties instead of solving them; not achieving what you wanted to achieve but having an opposite effect به خود ضرر زننده خود کوب!


chief, first, rule موذی- رعیس- اصلی- قوس- طاق- فریبنده 1-expert in skulduggery "an arch criminal" Synonyms: skilled 2-naughtily or annoyingly playful Synonyms: impish, implike, mischievous, pixilated, prankish, puckish, wicked 3-(used of behavior or attitude) characteristic of those who treat others with condescension Synonyms: condescending, patronizing 4-form an arch or curve "her back arches" Synonyms: arc, curve 5-a curved bony structure supporting or enclosing organs (especially the inner sides of the feet) 6-a curved shape in the vertical plane that spans an opening 7-a passageway under a curved masonry construction "they built a triumphal arch to memorialize their victory" Synonyms: archway 8-(architecture) a masonry construction (usually curved) for spanning an opening and supporting the weight above it She looks through the arched window above the piano as if searching the waves to find the precise spot.


come out into view, as from concealment, To emerge means to come out into view or come forth. You might hope to emerge from an epic perming session looking like a beauty queen, but chances are it will just look like you got electrocuted. ***Appear and peep are synonyms, while dip and sink are antonyms.*** 1-"Suddenly, the proprietor emerged from his office" 2-come out ofبیرون آمدن از مترادف: بیرون آمدن ، بیرون آمدن ، خروج ، بیرون رفتن ، صادر کردن Synonyms: come forth, come out, egress, go forth, issue 3-come up to the surface of or rise "He felt new emotions emerge" 4-become known or apparent "Some nice results emerged from the study" 5-happen or occur as a result of something Synonyms: come forth Tilden added that as well as being good for Alaska, the deal will help Boeing emerge from the MAX crisis, bolstering jobs and the region's economy. نمایان شدن- پیدایش-ظهور-نوپا- تازه تاسیس- The footage shows Francis emerging from the vehicle with hands handcuffed in front of him before firing at the officer and fleeing.


coming into existence swiftly, suddenly, brightly, like a meteor. جوی- وابسته به شهاب- نجومی-درخشان و زودگذر- like a meteor in speed or brilliance or transience -Napoleon's meteoric career حکمرانی درخشان و زودگذر ناپلعون The early spectacular successes propelled the pitcher to meteoric stardom, but a terribly injury tragically cut short his career. A newly-popular singer might be said to experience a meteoric rise to the top. Who knows, maybe it will be the start of my meteoric rise to stardom!


coming into view, existence, or notice -The half-formulated plan of going camping never took off as no one was willing to make the effort to do some research. برنامه اهلام شده- موجود


comparable to; like مشابه - مانند- نظیر- قابل قیاس - In many ways, the Internet's transformative effect on society has been analogous to that of the printing press.


complex; difficult to solve گره خورده - پیچیده The film Sullivan's Travels is a lighthearted comedy that also deals with knotty social and political issues. SYN: complicated


complicated, and difficult to comprehend گرفتار- درگیر- مبهم- پیچیده - Being involved means being a part of something or associated with it. If you volunteer on a team to clean up the playground, you're involved in making it a safer and more fun place for kids to play. 3-the plot was too involved" synonyms: Byzantine, convoluted, knotty, tangled, tortuous 2-"the difficulties in which the question is involved" synonyms: mired 1-enveloped "a castle involved in mist" محصور شده- پوشیده شده "the difficulties in which the question is involved" Synonyms: enclosed we accomplished nothing, simply because of the large number of people involved" "the problems involved" "the involved muscles" "I don't want to get involved" "everyone involved in the bribery case has been identified"


composure or coolness, especially in trying circumstances, calmness or poise in difficult situation . خون سردی If you have sangfroid, you can keep your cool, even under stress. Your feathers aren't easily ruffled. Synonyms: aplomb, assuredness, cool, poise The book opens with Dana, a security guard with so much sang-froid that her heart rate never budges. Thus, in the months ahead, I vow to react to all door-clogging with as much breezy sang-froid as possible.


conspicuous, standing out from the mass (used particularly in an unfavorable sense) با تداعی بد- رسواگر- افتضاح اور- اشتباه لپی standing out in negative way; shockingly bad -If you make an egregious error during a championship soccer match, your coach might bench you for the rest of the game. -The dictator's abuse of human rights was so egregious that many world leaders asked that he be tried in an international court for genocide. =crying, flagrant, glaring, gross, rank -A Boston Globe report from earlier this year listed a few of the more egregious examples.


contain or include وابستگی چیزی را نشون دادن- گنجاندن- درج کردن- رده بندی کردن -"This new system subsumes the old one" -A few years after I graduated, a second high school in the district closed, and its student population was subsumed into Wilson. -Don Quixote of La Mancha subsumes all other modern novels


contradict; give a false impression برعکس چیزی رو نشون دادن- بد وانمود کردن To belie means to contradict. If you are 93 but look like you are 53, then your young looks belie your age. But sometimes a person who seems easy is one whose calm outside belies a troubled and turbulent inside. "Is there a problem?" asked Nero, his pleasant tone belied by the sharpness of his eyes. She tried not to blink and belie the life in her stone-still body, but he was suspicious.


cool and confident, unconcerned , calm . f your friend is acting cool, unconcerned or in an indifferent manner, call him nonchalant سهل انگار- بی علاقه- اهمال کار- بی حال was polite in a teasing nonchalant manner synonyms: casual, insouciant She finished chewing and tried to sound nonchalant. I wanted it to sound more confident, bigger, with more nonchalant swagger. At the door, now, is a woman in a purple satin dress with cascading brown hair, elegantly nonchalant, waving at the porter with a bejeweled hand as she glides into the foyer. I took a nonchalant puff on my cigarette without breathing in very much.


courage and initiative; common sense -People with gumption are determined and full of courage. جرعت- ابتکار- دلیری- فراست -If you easily give up, and don't have a lot of confidence or smarts, then you are lacking in gumption. It takes gumption to get things done. -We neither get nor want to read his mind; it's Kirby's gumption and bravery that matter.


cruel and bitter criticism abusive or venomous language used to express blame or bitter deep-seated ill will سخن تند-- کات کبود در شیمی- سخن نیش دار His vitriol spewed forth from a deep-seated racisim that consumed his whole life. =invective, vituperation Only those close to him saw the pain, vitriol and vulnerability which informed his comedy. زبان توهین امیز برای عذرخاهی


damage the reputation of (someone or something) in the opinion of others. The prince's distasteful choice of words besmirched not only his own name, but the reputation of the entire royal family. ابروی کسی و بردن- اسم و رسم کسی و لکه دار کردن


deliberately deceptive دورویی دغل بازی فریب کاری Only after the campaign volunteers became aware of their candidate's questionable motives could they recognize the duplicitous nature of his speeches.


departing from normal condition اسیب شناسی I encouraged my mother to visit the doctor after she complained of pathological symptoms. بیماری


depravity; wickednessفساد- پستی- دلواپسی If you are guilty of turpitude, you should be ashamed of yourself. Turpitude is a word that represents depraved behavior. Prisons are filled with criminals who have engaged in acts of moral turpitude. "the various turpitudes of modern society" Synonyms: depravity. -A drunken descent into madness and turpitude of a teacher stranded in a remote mining town in the Australian outback. -I will promise to act with due regard to public morals and not commit any acts of moral turpitude holding the company up to contempt, scandal or ridicule.


depressing, discouraging, harsh, cold, barren, raw. در معرض باد سرد- بی حفاظ - غمزده -If it's raining and dark, you might describe the night as bleak. If you have looked for work and no one will hire you, you could describe your prospects as bleak.


deprived of; made unhappy through a loss -1. unhappy in love; suffering from unrequited love. 2. sorrowful through loss or deprivation. -When you see your bereft relatives at a funeral, it's very sad. مایوس- ناامید -bereft of hope" synonyms:bereaved, grief-stricken, grieving, mourning, sorrowing بی امید " مترادف: داغدیده ، غمگین ، اندوهگین ، عزادار ، اندوهگین After 64 years of marriage, William was bereft after the death of his wife. You are not bereft if you haven't played on your Xbox in the past week, his mother said.


describe or portray (something) precisely. Delineated describes something that has been clearly portrayed or accurately represented. Read a love letter in which your admirer's feelings are delineated, and you don't have any doubt how the author feels about you. The word delineated can describe something — like a diagram or map — that was literally drawn clearly. More often, you will hear the word in relation to something less tangible — like how a character in a novel is delineated, or depicted, by an author, or a politician who gave a speech in which her position was delineated, or defined. You might try to remember the word delineated by thinking of it as something with clearly defined lines. represented accurately or precisely Synonyms: delineate, represented depicted, pictured, portrayed represented graphically by sketch or design or lines described represented in words especially with sharpness and detail diagrammatic, diagrammatical shown or represented by diagrams. Joshua trees are delineated into eastern and western varieties. ترسیم شده Some rights for victims are already delineated in the Wisconsin Constitution, and others are outlined in statute, which carries less weight.


describing something as increasing in number, size, quantity, or extent. تغییر فزاینده- افزایشی If you are making incremental progress in math, you are moving slowly but steadily forward. Incremental describes regular, measurable movements that are usually small. Sometimes a basketball team might make a huge improvement, like a team that is 32-50 one year and then 50-32 the next. More often, progress is small and tiny — incremental. Anytime something is changing in any way, and the change is slow and steady, you can talk about incremental changes. -There are two main flavors of 5G: a version that is extremely fast — zippy enough to download a movie in a few seconds — and another that is only incrementally faster than 4G. -We need bolder steps and can't keep pretending incremental solutions are the answer." -Whenever I get one of those inane email notices about incremental changes in my credit rating, which arrive nearly daily, I tense up.


deserving reward or praise. Anything that's deserving of praise or a reward could be described as meritorious. Meritorious things deserve a lot of merit, usually because they were very brave or noble in some way. If you saved a person from drowning, that's meritorious. Firefighters and doctors have meritorious careers because they're dedicated to helping people. Giving money to charity is meritorious. When something is meritorious, it deserves praise and thanks. Army Secretary Mark Esper issued a meritorious unit commendation for her battalion. Governor General David Hurley, the country's ceremonial leader, will be asked to revoke a meritorious unit citation awarded to Australia's special operations task force in Afghanistan between 2007 and 2014, he added. شایسته-مستحق


designed to be useful or practical rather than attractive. -Some people place emphasis on the looks of a car, but others only see it as a utilitarian asset to help them commute. =functional 2- of or relating to utilitarianism -The politician advocated utilitarian ideals of increasing the overall good and reducing the amount of suffering across the entire population. تاکید بر مفید بودن- عملی- استفاده گرا -این سیاستمدار از ایده آل های منفعت طلبانه برای افزایش کالای کلی و کاهش میزان رنج در کل مردم حمایت می کرد. منفعت طلبانه


devilish; wicked or evil شرور - شیطانی The conspirators, willing to dispatch anyone who stood in their way, hatched a diabolical plan to take over the city.


died; passed away مردن- تلف شدن- فاسد شدن


difficult or embarrassing situation if you love her and she loves him and he loves somebody else, you've got quite an imbroglio. ایمبرولیو an imbroglio is a tangled situation or a messy complicated misunderstanding


difficult to hold on to لغزنده بی ثبات گریزان -The child offered a slippery excuse to his parents concerning his whereabouts that morning. - You can avoid being tricked by the slippery salesman by doing proper research prior to your trip to the car dealership.


difficult to see, vague گمنام-مبهم- تاریک کردن- پیچیده if something is obscure, it's vague and hard to see. Be careful if you're driving in heavy rain — the painted lines can be obscure. an obscure sound is unclear, an obscure village is hidden away in the countryside, and an obscure poet is little known and probably insignificant. Obscure can also be used as a verb. If you get really nervous when you speak during a debate, your embarrassing twitches and shaking hands can obscure your argument. 3-make unclear, indistinct, or blurred Synonyms: blur, confuse, obnubilate conflate, confound, confuse mistake one thing for another make less visible or unclear "the big elm tree obscures our view of the valley" Synonyms: becloud, befog, cloud, fog, haze over, mist, obnubilate


difficult to understand; obscure =recondite - پیچیده - غیرقابل فهم -Physics textbooks can seem so abstruse to the uninitiated that readers feel as though they are looking at hieroglyphics. -"the professor's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them". -It might be hard to figure out how a toilet flushes but the technology that goes into making the Internet function is abstruse.


discouraged, dejected, downcast, disappointed brought low in spirit سرافکنده- پکر- افسرده- I asked Maria on a date and she refused without a moment's thought; I was crestfallen. She barely looks at Cal, instead turning over her shoulder to sneer at the crestfallen girls. "I don't remember this cliff," said Jack, crestfallen, "so this must be the bit of the coast I missed."


disintegration; looseness in morals فسخ قرارداد- فروپاشی- انحلال- زوال-عیاشی- خوشگذرونی -dissolute indulgence in sensual pleasure. synonyms:dissipation, licentiousness, looseness, profligacy. -A New York Communist writer summed up the history of the clubs and made a motion for their dissolution. -Many Roman emporers were known for their dissolution, indulging in unspeakable desires of the flesh.


distribute; prepare and give out (medicines); N. dispensation: dispensing; religious system; official exemption from an obligation or a rule To dispense means to give out or distribute something. A school nurse can dispense students' medication and we all can dispense advice. پخش کردن-تقسیم کردن-بدون کسی کاری رو انجام دادن- توزیع کردن You can dispense anything from hand sanitizer to dating advice. When dispense is paired with with it means "get rid of it" or "skip." If you "dispense with" traditional Thanksgiving dishes, you might instead celebrate with pizza, pancakes, tacos — anything but turkey and all the fixings. 1-administer or bestow, as in small portions "the machine dispenses soft drinks" Synonyms: administer, allot, deal, deal out, dish out, distribute, dole out, lot, mete out, parcel out, shell out 2-give or apply (medications) 3-grant a dispensation; grant an exemption "I was dispensed from this terrible task" معاف شدن The law, Act 900, was enacted to ensure that pharmacies are fully reimbursed for the cost of drugs they dispense to customers.


do something that one considers to be below one's dignity. =condescend, descend. -If you deign to do something, you don't feel it's worthy of your lofty stature, but you do it anyway — it's like you're doing someone a really big favor. -She does not deign to ask me what it is for. -بزرگواری کردن- منت گذاشتن- لطف کردن- خود را کوچک کردن- کار کسر شان -"I'm fine," the golden godson deigned to say. -Slynt did not deign to answer that, but he kicked the chair aside as he departed. Though I kept a wary eye on the thieves, he did not deign to glance back even once.


easily angered, irritable -If Arthur's dog is not fed adequately, he becames highly irascible, even growling at his own shadow. خشمگین شدن-زود عصبانی شدن


easily excused; pardonable بخشیدنی- قابل عفو- Some crimes are unforgivable. Others are venial — venial crimes and sins are excusable. They're not a big deal. In school, there are so many things that are against the rules: talking during class, tossing spitballs, pulling the fire alarm, stealing a basketball, etc. Something venial would be something against the rules but forgivable. For example, if you were late for school because your parents were in the hospital, that lateness is venia Father Byrnes went on to discuss the difference between mortal and venial sins. Perhaps my ears deceived me; but if he did do that, it was a venial sin.


easily managed or controlled; docile; yielding مهارپذیر - رام شدنی - مطیع - فلز نرم و چکش خوار Compared to middle school students, who have an untamed wildness about them, high school students are somewhat more tractable.


easily persuaded or controlled = inclined - apt -متمایل = subordinate -passive - subservient تابع =domestic- manageable -tame رام = obedient - tamable- رام شدنی If your friends want to try sky diving and you're amenable to the idea, sounds like you're going to be jumping out of a plane. If a person or thing is amenable to something, they are ready, willing, or responsive. the tumor was not amenable to surgical treatment" "the president is amenable to the constitutional court" Synonyms: responsible موظف - مسعول Calm the crowd with my amenable Asian face. Poverty is increasingly seen as a technical problem amenable to intervention.


elevation to divine status; the perfect example of something. If your teacher says the term paper you handed in last week is a work of genius that sets a new gold standard for the school, he's telling you your work is the apotheosis of term papers. The epitome. Perfection. 1-the elevation of a person (as to the status of a god) Synonyms: deification, exaltation 2-model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal Synonyms: ideal, nonesuch, nonpareil, paragon, saint The apotheosis of Obama's providential oratory was his election night speech in Chicago. Words Like Loaded Pistols Gray-faced and fiftyish, she must be the apotheosis of "servant leadership" or, in more secular terms, the vaunted "feminine" style of management. ستایش اغراق امیز- رهایی از زندگی خاکی- پرفکت- بهترین ورژن


evident or obvious. امتیازی- ظاهر- آزاد - اعطا کردن- حق ثبت اختراغ 6-make open to sight or notice "His behavior has patented an embarrassing fact about him" 5-clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment اشکار - ظاهر "patent advantages" synonyms: apparent, evident, manifest, plain, unmistakable ۴-open; affording free passage "patent ductus arteriosus" Synonyms: unobstructed ۳-"Should I patent this invention?" ۲-an official document granting a right or privilege The Genentech patent would soon become one of the most lucrative, and most hotly disputed, patents in the history of technology. محسوس


evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret تند و تیز- زننده - گوشه دار- دارای بوی تند - محرک - هوس انگیز - شدید - سخت جگر سوز- رقت انگیز- = incisive - pungent - eloquent - piquant -After the Montagues and Capulets discover the dead bodies of Romeo and Juliet, in the play's most poignant moment, the two griefstricken familes agree to end their feud once and for all.


exact, careful, attending thoroughly to details; having high moral standards, principled. -Everyone trusted what he said and followed his example because he was scrupulous and honest. -Because of his scrupulous nature, Mary put him in charge of numbering and cataloging the entire collection of rare stamps. =meticulous - precise - moral - conscientious وسواسی - موشکاف - باوحدان - درستکار-


exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion or excitement, especially among a group of people. -A journalist should not contribute to mass hysteria by reporting rumors or sensationalist stories. -When hysteria sets in, people are out of control. =craze, delirium, frenzy, fury احساسات غیر قابل کنترل-تشنج- هیجان زیاااااااد


excessive boldness, rashness, daring = fearless بی باکی گستاخی She surprised her colleagues by having the audacity to publically criticize the findings of an distinguished scientist.


excessively flattering toward someone's life or work هاژیوگرافی نوعی از زندگی نامه است که موضوع را در پرتویی بسیار چاپلوسانه قرار می دهد. تملق امیز biography that idealizes or idolizes the person (especially a person who is a saint) The author, formerly a Financial Times correspondent in Mr Berlusconi's native Milan, says he warned his subject that the book would not be a hagiography. This nervousness about how to square biography with hagiography focuses attention on the primary problem in all commemoration of the great and the good.


existing in a material or physical form; real or solid; not abstract. -جامد - سفت- بتن- قابل لمس-محسوس- واقغی- سیمانی کردن -Sidewalks, foundations, and highways are all made of concrete. -"concrete objects such as trees" -"concrete the walls" -Like his mother's house, Shin's classroom was made of concrete. = tangible , practical


experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person . جانشینی - به نیابت قبول کردن- -If your child becomes a big star, you might have a vicarious experience of celebrity. -"read about mountain climbing and felt vicarious excitement" به جای کسی دیگه ...


express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behavior or actions. سرزنش کردن -زخم زبان If you receive a rebuke, it means that you have been reprimanded, or scolded. You're sure to get a rebuke if you forget to do your math homework four days in a row. an act or expression of criticism and censure "he had to take the rebuke with a smile on his face" Synonyms: reprehension, reprimand, reproof, reproval censure severely or angrily Synonyms: bawl out, berate, call down, call on the carpet, chew out, chew up, chide, dress down, have words, jaw, lambast, lambaste, lecture, rag, remonstrate, reprimand, reproof, scold, take to task, trounce, vituperate Fifty-nine of the country's top computer scientists and election security experts rebuked President Trump's baseless claims of voter fraud and hacking on Monday, writing that such assertions are "unsubstantiated or are technically incoherent."


extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain -the death of his wife caused him great distress" -"the patient appeared to be in distress" -"The news of her child's illness distressed the mother" -No need for Juliet to be distressed in her final moments. درماندگی- رنج- موجب رنج و اندوه- ناراحت کننده- دلواپس- زحمت- ازار- افسردگی- اضطراری


extremely intricate or complicated in structure. 1-highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious "the Byzantine tax structure" but a more crucial date is Dec. 14, dictated by an obscure, Byzantine 1887 law: The Electoral Count Act. پیچییده "Byzantine methods for holding on to his chairmanship" Synonyms: convoluted, involved, knotty, tangled, tortuous 2-of or relating to the Eastern Orthodox Church or the rites performed in it "Byzantine monks" "Byzantine rites" 3-a native or inhabitant of Byzantium or of the Byzantine Empire وابسته به روم شرقی


extremely necessary; vitally important - The general gave an imperative to his troops to seize the bridge from the hands of the enemies. ضروری


extremely old; antiquated مال عهد بوق The library's computer system has been called antediluvian because it has not been updated in so many years. SYN: archaic


extremely or deliberately shocking or noticeable. وقیح - زشت The coach was furious that the referee did not issue a penalty despite the flagrant foul committed by the striker. SYN: egregious


extremely painful; causing intense suffering; unbearably distressing; torturing درد اور - مشقت بار After the boulder rolled a couple of feet, pinning my friend's arm, he experienced excruciating pain.


false; deliberately misleading story -The popular image of Welles as a reckless, irresponsible artist is a canard; his reputation for catastrophically poor business decisions is well grounded. شایعه- اراجیف- تهمت امیز- باله های هواپیما That canard is dispatched most efficiently by one of the current writers. But the canard is trumpeted loud and clear in an online statement of conviction by Appleby leaders. The public will always be fooled by the media's canards.


famous for something bad انگشت نما- بدنام- رسوا Use the adjective notorious to describe people, places, or things that are famous for a bad reason. A celebrity convicted of a series of crimes might be referred to as notorious, as might a book that has been banned in several countries. a notorious gangster" "the tenderloin district was notorious for vice" Synonyms: ill-famed, infamous. Quantum mechanics, the theory that describes the physics of the universe at very small scales, is notorious for defying common sense. Fourteen years ago, a childhood friend, Lollo, vanished — apparently abducted from a nightclub by the three Stavic brothers, all notorious gangsters


famous; outstanding برجسته و بینظیر -With its large circulation, Essence magazine has enjoyed a preeminent presence among black women.


far-reaching; extensive; wide-ranging همه جانبه دراز- گسترده- سرسری- نسنجیده- هرچیز جارو شده - The mayor's sweeping generalizations about the rival community bred anger among the citizens of both towns. From the top of the hill, Brandon could see a sweeping view of the lake and a nearby village.


favorable; fortunate فرخنده - مبارک- خجسته Use the adjective auspicious for a favorable situation or set of conditions. If you start a marathon by falling flat on your face, that's not an auspicious start. If something seems likely to bring success — either because it creates favorable conditions or you just consider it a lucky sign — label it auspicious. "an auspicious beginning for the campaign" Synonyms: bright, hopeful, promising Some real auspicious personnel news over here in the waning days of Donald Trump's presidency. The tweet was meant to mark the first day of Navaratri, an auspicious festival for Hindus.


feeling regret for having committed some wrongdoing. -Though he stole his little sister's licorice stick with malevolent glee, Chucky soon became contrite when his sister wouldn't stop crying. -پشیمان - توبه کار - از روی حسرت و پشیمانی =penitent


for the purpose of summarizing or review. خلاصه کردن To recapitulate means to go back and summarize. At the end of an oral report, you might say, "So, to recapitulate, I've made three points," and then you name them. ۱-summarize briefly "Let's recapitulate the main ideas" Synonyms: recap Types: hash over, rehash, retrograde ۲-repeat stages of evolutionary development during the embryonic phase of life Type of: double, duplicate, reduplicate, repeat, replicate. ** Such studies usually involve searching for autism-associated genes or trying to recapitulate behaviors of autism in mouse models. ** These movements today are being recapitulated with Black faces," he said. * I won't recapitulate the points I made above about the "smart power" Wilsonian interventionists of the Democratic Party and their different feelings about the two situations.


funfamental- important - اصلی و اساسی - پایه ای -Most cultures consider gambling a cardinal sin and thus have outlawed its practice.


hard working; diligent- کوشا- جدی- دقیق- A sedulous person is someone who works hard and doesn't give up easily. If you make repeated and sedulous attempts to fix a leaky pipe and it only makes things worse, it might be time to go online and find the number of a plumber. There are a couple of words that basically mean the same thing as sedulous but are a little more common, namely assiduous, painstaking, and diligent. In his own right he remains one of jazz's more sedulous bandleaders, and later this year, he'll release a new album with his Captain Black Big Band. And that, following an assessment of his sedulous performance over the years, the distributor was promoting Mr. Dalai to manage the College Street branch.


harmful, injurious زیان اور- اسیب رسان If something is deleterious, it does harm or makes things worse. Smoking has obvious deleterious effects on your health, not to mention your social life. My parents were worried that their divorce would have a deleterious effect on us kids, but in the end it was less harmful than watching them fight all the time. For most plants, a lack of sunlight has very deleterious consequences, but there are some plants that actually do very well in the dark. Karlsen said that "very rare, but more deleterious genetic variants in the same genes, may provide a stronger driver towards severe disease, as seen for IFNAR2." Still, as a health care worker studying the virus's deleterious effects, he thought it was important not to travel and risk infecting himself or his family.


having or showing an accurate and deep understanding; perceptive دید با اگاهی- خردمندانه - Poe's insightful reviews of contemporary fiction often give us a new perspective of literature.


having or showing great authority آمرانه- دستوری سلطه گر- مطلق- رسمی- معتبر- وابسته به قاضی A person who is magisterial can be distinguished and grand, or possibly just conceited and bossy. You will learn a lot if you listen to a magisterial presentation of early American history. He loved this place, a magisterial old house in the Garden District. offensively self-assured or given to exercising unwarranted power دیکتاتورانه- -especially of a person or their behaviour) having or showing power or authority


having or showing impressive beauty or dignity بزرگ با عطمت شاهانه


having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair بی وجدان - بی مرام - بی تامل -- بی شرف -"unscrupulous politicos who would be happy to sell...their country in order to gain power"


having the same or a similar meaning برابر هم معنی


heavy; big and strong, muscular; of considerable size or amount. - I was unable to get a decent hold on the hefty television while moving, and ended up dropping it down the stairs. بزرگ سنگین


hidden, present but not realized پنهان Although it was a surprise to the rest of the world, the coup was in fact provoked by latent dissatisfaction within the country.


high-spirited fun and enjoyment ابراز شادی- نشاط- شاد و شنگول Merriment can refer to fun activities or a feeling of happiness. Either way, a good time is being had. - a joyful feeling Synonyms: gaiety We wanted to keep the merriment alive during these unprecedented times by resurrecting displays and bringing some holiday cheer." But the absence of seasonal merriment and public cheer is particularly palpable, and painful, in Germany's marketplaces and squares, largely devoid of their beloved Christmas markets because of the pandemic.


highest point; summit; the highest level or degree attainable اوج - قله - بحران- The new Cessna airplanes will be the acme of comfort, offering reclining seats and ample legroom.


historical records تاریخچه - سالنامه The 1960s civil rights marches were some of the most inspiring events in the annals of technology.


illusive; unreal. Anything phantasmagorical feels or looks like a crazy dream. If you see a psychedelic music video that looks like it was shot through a kaleidoscope, you can call it phantasmagorical. خیالی Synonyms: phantasmagoric, surreal, surrealistic phantasmagorical paintings are equally full of odd, impressionistic images, colors, and designs. If you have a phantasmagorical nightmare, it might be hard to describe to another person, it's so weird and fantastic. When World War II began, his family fled to mainland China, where his grandfather would distract him with phantasmagorical tales about a wise monk and his spiritual companions drawn from the 16th-century novel.


impossible to overcome شکست ناپدیر


impossible to put into words غیرقابل بیان- غیر قابل توصیف ineffable, unutterable - The inexpressible sadness that the nation felt after 9/11 was met with solemn dedications and prayers across the world.


impossible to see through; preventing the passage of light. -کدر - مبهم- نور ازش رد نمیشه- مات کردن -That critic's writing is so obscure and dense that all the students found it too opaque to comprehend. =inaccessible


impossible to understand or interpret مرموز- نفوذ ناپذییر - نفهمیدنی - اسرار امیز = enigmatic - impenetrable - mysterious -His speech was so dense and confusing that many in the audience found it inscrutable.


impulsive and unpredictable. - describe a person or thing that's impulsive and unpredictable, like a bride who suddenly leaves her groom standing at the wedding altar. =impulsive, cavalier, fickle, versatile, volatile, flighty, erratic. You can criticize a fickle-minded person as capricious, but it could just as well describe quickly changing weather, as in "capricious spring storms." - caprice, means a sudden change of mood.. A scared person makes sudden starts this way and that, just as a capricious person does. The supreme court in June blocked Trump's bid to end Daca, calling it "arbitrary and capricious" and saying that it violated federal law. Supreme Court ruled in June against the administration, finding its rescission in 2017 was "arbitrary and capricious." دمدمی مزاج هوس باز - بی ثبات - تخیلی


in a steady and hard-working way with care and persistence با پشتکار- The top college football program recruits new talent assiduously, only choosing those who were the top in their county.


in agreement with established or generally accepted beliefs or ways of doing things- traditional- یه سری اصول که تغییر نکرده

smitten with

in love (with) شیفته چیزی شدن Smitten means overwhelmed or struck by something, usually love. The way you light up every time the waiter comes over to your table, it's obvious you're smitten with him.Smitten به معنای غرق شدن یا تحت تأثیر قرار گرفتن چیزی است ، معمولاً عشق. روشی که هر بار که پیشخدمت به میز شما می آید ، روشن می شوید ، بدیهی است که با او مضراب شده اید. I was obviously smitten, but Shel — recently divorced and emerging from a series of unsuccessful relationships — did not seem to want anything more than to be friends.


in poor condition from neglect or age -The main house has been restored but the gazebo is still dilapidated and unuseable. خرابه - ویران - فرسوده


in the middle of a group of people or things: درمیان- از جمله


in, at, or near the edge or margin; only barely good, large, or important enough for the purpose. نوشته شده در حاشیه - حاشیه ای- مرزی- ناچیز - اندک- =peripheral, fringe , unprofitable -She knew what his circumstances were, knew how marginal his existence was, how poor his prospects. -During these long millennia people occasionally ate wheat grain, but this was a marginal part of their diet.


inactive, sleeping Volcanoes are described as dormant when they stay cool for a long time, without spewing hot lava and ash. They may have the ability to come to life, but they remain dormant, or inactive. 1-inactive but capable of becoming active "her feelings of affection are dormant but easily awakened" Synonyms: abeyant 2-in a condition of biological rest or suspended animation "dormant buds" Synonyms: hibernating, torpid 3-(of e.g. volcanos) not erupting and not extinct "a dormant volcano" Synonyms: inactive quiescent 4-(heraldry) lying with head on paws as if sleeping Synonyms: sleeping خوابیده-غیرفعال- در کمون-


inactive; at rest ساکن- خاموش Some geysers discharge continuously, whereas others erupt briefly and then remain quiescent for hours or days. SYN: calm


inborn; natural ذاتی Many linguists believe that the human ability to learn language is innate and forms an essential part of our nature.


inclined to form factions; causing dissension تفرقه افکن- باند بازی- ستیزه گر-چند گانگی dissenting (especially dissenting with the majority opinion) Synonyms: dissentious, divisive The problem isn't majorities per se—which are capable of acting in the interests of the whole—it's the "factious spirit in public administration.


indirect, roundabout By shifting his camp and taking circuitous routes, the guerilla fighter escaped his pursuers. غیرمستقیم


inessential; not constituting a vital part. -Deleting my social media accounts has allowed me to cut out extraneous activities so I can focus on what really matters. =irrelevant ۲-coming from the outside The attendants were on the lookout for people attempting to smuggle extraneous food and drinks into the stadium. برونی- خارجی- غیراصلی- نامربوط- مستقل از هم


inspiring fear or awe; illustrious, eminent ترسناک- مهیب- قابل احترام Redoubtable means honorable, maybe even intimidatingly so. If your grandmother worked tirelessly to raise four kids on her own and started her own taxi cab business and to this day, keeps all of her cabbies in line, she is without a doubt redoubtable. ۲-worthy of respect or honor "born of a redoubtable family" Synonyms: reputable In October, the redoubtable Professor Matthews was called as our final witness. That, and because the redoubtable Allyson is so fully present in the show.


instruct or urge (someone) to do something سفارش کردن- امر کردن-منع کردن- حکم کردن To enjoin is to issue an urgent and official order. If the government tells loggers to stop cutting down trees, they are enjoining the loggers to stop. If your doctor enjoins you to stop smoking, he is suggesting strongly that you quit. issue an injunction صدور دستور Directly after the conference I sent Prime Minister Verwoerd a letter in which I formally enjoined him to call a national constitu-tional convention. Elsewhere, a woman in a lecture hall passionately enjoins her audience to ask: What did the artist mean? Akhtar enjoins us to reflect more deeply on our assumptions about one another.


intellectual منطقی و عقلانی بودن A cerebral analysis of most pop music finds it to be simple and childish, but that ignores the point--the music's effect on the listener.


intended to promote a particular point of view, doctrine, or cause; biased or partisan. If you are writing a report on climate change and you ignore evidence that the earth is warming, the paper might be called tendentious. Tendentious means promoting a specific, and controversial, point of view. When something is tendentious, it shows a bias towards a particular point of view, especially one that people disagree about. گرایش ویژه و عمدی- متمایل- رسیدگی کننده "distinguishing between verifiable fact and tendentious assertion"تمایز بین یک واقعیت قابل تأیید و ادعای تمایل آمیز Synonyms: tendencious partisan, partizan But after a while, once we've met the principal players, the speechmaking starts and a potential comedy of political manners turns into a pious, tendentious morality play. A Somerset Maugham story is always a story, not a literary experiment or tendentious social document.


intentional deceit in speech or conduct. Though he said he didn't know anything about the footprints in the new sidewalk, his duplicity, or deceitfulness, was obvious from the cement caking his shoes. His mouth said one thing, his feet said another. دورویی- ریا - تزویر synonyms: fraudulence I don't think, though, that such duplicity would be anything but obvious on him. When he looked past the immediate delays and Ulrich's duplicity, he saw progress. Her expression of duplicity was balanced by the fatuous confidence with which the Unicom regarded her. The exchange rate is a farce, the price of carrots indefensible, duplicity lives everywhere.


intermittent, uneven, irregular Something that's spotty is uneven or inconsistent, especially in quality. If you can never rely on your internet connection when you're trying to watch a movie, you can call the connection spotty. your spotty attention during biology class probably means you'll need extra review sessions before you take the final exam. 1-lacking consistency "the golfer hit the ball well but his putting was spotty" Synonyms: scratchy, uneven inconsistent 2-having spots or patches (small areas of contrasting color or texture) "the wall had a spotty speckled effect" Synonyms: patched, spotted. The technique, published last month on the arXiv preprint server, requires very little computational power and works even if the wireless connection is spotty. غیر یکدست- خال خالی It also said that network monitoring by individual agencies is spotty.


intolerant, bigoted, biased. -believing that one's country, gender or other group is better than any other -Many right-wing Americans hate cosmopolitanism and hold a chauvinistic belief in their country's superiority. - برتری نژآدی-متعصب- میهن پرست شدید


lacking flavor; dull; not at all stimulating بی مزه - بی روح - خسته کننده- The movie director was known for hiring beautiful actors in order to deflect attention away from the insipid scripts he would typically use. =lifeless


lacking ideas or intelligence. تهی - پوچ- بی معنی- بی خردانه- خالی =asinine, fatuous, inane, mindless -The house looked barren and vacuous after all the furniture and carpeting were removed. -Despite their vacuous expressions, pigs are rather intelligent creatures capable of thought and emotion.


lacking physical movement skills, especially with the hands دست و پا چلفتی - نا بلد -Within a week of starting, the bumbling new waiter was unceremoniously fired. -"a bumbling mechanic" =bungling, butterfingered, ham-fisted, ham-handed, handless, heavy-handed, left-handed -It seemed like something annoying, but then he was always doing something annoying in his bumbling, good-natured way, so that was no help at all.


lower in rank or position A subordinate is someone who works for someone else. As a verb, to subordinate means to place or rank one thing below another. When you're doing a group project, sometimes you have to subordinate your ideas to the desires of the larger group. 1-an assistant subject to the authority or control of another Synonyms: foot soldier, subsidiary, underling 2-a word that is more specific than a given word Synonyms: hyponym, subordinate word. 3-lower in rank or importance Synonyms: low-level adjunct, assistant of or relating to a person who is subordinate to another associate having partial rights and privileges or subordinate status secondary belonging to a lower class or rank under lower in rank, power, or authority inferior of or characteristic of low rank or importance 4- lower in rank or importance Synonyms: low-level adjunct, assistant of or relating to a person who is subordinate to another associate having partial rights and privileges or subordinate status secondary belonging to a lower class or rank under lower in rank, power, or authority inferior of or characteristic of low rank or importance تابعیت- زیردست- وابستع- فرعی


make drunk; stimulate or excite; Ex. intoxicated by all the money he might win. سرمست شدن -مست کردن به شور و شعف در اوردن دارو یا مواد مخدر زدن -The young king was intoxicated by the huge extent of power and control he possessed upon his sudden reign. -The flies are so excited and intoxicated that they fall on the pools of blood and die. She dreamed of gardens full of white roses, their perfume intoxicating.


marked by honor, courtesy, and courage; knightly -Marco's chivalrous ways, like opening doors and pulling out chairs, was much appreciated by his date. جنتلمن دلیرانه جوانمرد


marked by slavish attentiveness; excessively submissive, often for purely self-interested reasons چاپلوس - بله قربان ! فرمان بردار =servile- fawning -The obsequious waiter did not give the couple a moment's peace all through the meal, constantly returning to their table to refill their water glasses and to tell them what a handsome pair they made.


misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official. بدکاری- شرارت- کار خلاف قانون- Whenever you see the prefix "mal-," you know it's not good. Malfeasance is bad behavior, especially from officials or people who should know better. If nothing else, the mal- in malfeasance will alert you to the fact that something bad is going on. wrongful conduct by a public official Type of: actus reus, misconduct, wrongdoing, wrongful conduct. He is describing a legitimate vote counting process, not a sudden surge of malfeasance.


mistaken; straying from the proper course. منحرف - سرگردان- گمراه - بدناو =stigmatist - adrift - Falconer growled, "Must I watch you every moment, like an errant sheep?" The noise of the errant assembly faded up the mountain.


not affected or hurt by; admitting of no passage or entrance غیر قابل نفوذ- بی رحم - بی مروت- سرسخت- ناشنوا "a material impervious to water" "someone impervious to argument" -rd Roke was impervious to her charm, but interested in its effect on others. She is very good at it, and impervious to danger.


not favorable; unlucky. ناموفق- خودسر-نامساعد- فاسد The adjective untoward describes something offensive or inappropriate, like the rumors of untoward behavior that can shatter a Hollywood icon's reputation. Untoward also describes things that are not good for you, such as untoward advice from someone your parents always said was a bad influence. 1-not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society "moved to curb their untoward ribaldry" Synonyms: indecent, indecorous, unbecoming, uncomely, unseemly. 2-contrary to your interests or welfare "made a place for themselves under the most untoward conditions" Synonyms: adverse, inauspicious. No researcher denies the untoward effects of deferred medical care.


not genuine, not true, not valid جعلی - الکی- نادرست - حرومزاده- = phony - artificial When listening to a politician speak, it is hard to distinguish the spurious claims from the authentic ones.


noun: a person who has recently reached a position of power; a social climber Synonyms : nouveau-riche , parvenu , upstart تازه به قدرت رسیده The city center was aflutter with arrivistes who each tried to outdo one another with their ostentatious sports cars and chic evening dress. An arriviste is someone who's moved up in the world quickly and ends up being resented. You might visit your hometown and feel like it's full of arrivistes who can pay exorbitant prices for enormous houses. When someone suddenly earns a whole lot more money than they did before, they find themselves in a new economic class. If the people who have belonged to this group for a long time (maybe they inherited their wealth from their grandparents, for example) are resentful of this person and their "new money," they might use the word arriviste. An arriviste is newly arrived in this world .تازه به دوران رسیده Masters of power politics, engineers of genius, the Mexica were also upstarts and pretenders, arrivistes who falsely claimed a brilliant line of descent.


noun: a person who thinks that their country should be at war. Jingoists really dislike people from outside their own borders. Jingoism is an extreme form of patriotism that often calls for violence towards foreigners and foreign countries. وطن پرست شدید Synonyms : chauvinist , flag-waver , hundred-percenter , jingo . In the days leading up to war, a nation typically breaks up into the two opposing camps: doves, who do their best to avoid war, and jingoists, who are only too eager to wave national flags from their vehicles and vehemently denounce those who do not do the same. He's no jingoist - this is a man to shrink from bells and whistles - but he is fierce, fuelled by fear and gratitude and guilt.


noun: joy from watching the suffering of others From his warm apartment window, Stanley reveled in schadenfreude as he laughed at the figures below, huddled together in the arctic chill. hen another person's bad luck secretly makes you feel good, that's Schadenfreude. Your brother's rejection from a college that also rejected you might give you a twinge of Schadenfreude. Schadenfreude is the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another. Schadenfreude is a complex emotion where, rather than feeling sympathy, one takes pleasure from watching someone's misfortune. I'm also interested in thinking about politics as comedic, by which I don't mean delightful or funny in the easy Schadenfreude sense. حس شادی بدخواهانه


noun: the quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech صراحت- صداقت Synonyms : candor , candour , directness , forthrightness , frankness Although I was unhappy that the relationship ended, I appreciated her candidness about why she was ready to move on from the relationship.


noun: the quality of being meager. Synonyms : leanness , meagerness , meagreness , poorness , scantiness , scantness -After two months at sea, the exiguity of the ship's supplies forced them to search for fresh water and food. ناچیز بودن- کوچک بودن-


noun: the quality of innocence سادگی Synonyms : ingenuousness , innocence , naturalness I, personally, found the artlessness of her speech charming.


of little value or importance جزیی- بی ارزش The adjective picayune refers to those things that are so small, trivial, and unimportant that they're not worth getting into. Why focus on the picayune details, when it's the larger ideas that are the real problem? (informal) small and of little importance "giving a police officer a free meal may be against the law, but it seems to be a picayune infraction" synonyms: fiddling, footling, little, niggling, petty, piddling, piffling, trivial. His issues are largely of his own grandiose design but also fairly picayune. Instead they shift their sentiments onto biographical subjects and labor to gather every last picayune fact about a life, as if in an act of penance. It was never more than "picayune sloganeering," sneered one millennial-flavored dude in the 10 o'clock hour.


of or relating to a tailor or fashion and clothes. مربوط به خیاطی و لباس مردانه If it's the day before a big event and you have no idea what to wear and nothing in your closet is going to cut it, you are facing a sartorial dilemma — one that pertains to clothing, fashion, or dressing. Only Perry Smith, who owned neither jacket nor tie, seemed sartorially misplaced The show, which mixed baggy sports pants and flowing coats in sanitized white with more sartorial elements, was notable for its uni-leg silhouette.


offense or annoyance رنجش- سوظن- نگرانی- تاریکی- سایه شاخه و برگ When someone takes umbrage at something, they find it offensive, and it probably makes them angry. Who took umbrage at this venom and chose to help him? The key negotiator, a Black man who failed to talk Johnson down, overheard the remark and took umbrage. The protesters surrounded Mr. Breitbart and began chanting back at him, while he seemed to bask in their umbrage. I took umbrage to the inferred suggestion that the hair on women's arms was somehow so unsightly that it needed to be removed


on the edge, not important Scanners, printers, and speakers are peripheral devices for a computer because they aren't central to the working of the computer itself. Anything peripheral is on the margin, or outside, while main things, like a computer's processor, are not peripheral. پیرامونی- غیرمرکزی-جنبی- ثانوی- وابسته به محیط 1-related to the key issue but not of central importance "a peripheral interest" "energy is far from a peripheral issue in the economy" "peripheral issues" Synonyms: incident, incidental 1-1-on or near an edge or constituting an outer boundary; the outer area "Russia's peripheral provinces" "peripheral suburbs" Synonyms: circumferential 2-(computer science) electronic equipment connected by cable to the CPU of a computer "disk drives and printers are important peripherals" Synonyms: computer peripheral, peripheral device Current attempts to change the nature of the game are likely to prove hopelessly peripheral. I got used to treating it as my peripheral vision and nothing else.


one having a fanatical devotion to a country, gender, or religion, with contempt for other countries, the opposite sex, or other beliefs جنسیت پرست - میهن پرست شدید


one who pretends to have knowledge in order to swindle others ادم حقه باز- زبان باز- شارلاتان A charlatan is a quack, a person who is trying to deceive you with false claims. Beware of charlatans who try to sell you access to the fountain of youth or to a Ponzi scheme disguised as an exclusive investment fund.


one who receives benefits بهره بردار کسی که سود میبره -But it was also gaining steam as a movement around the country, and for my last three years at Bryn Mawr I was a beneficiary.


one who sells something or causes something to spread -As a purveyor of the finest fish, the fishmonger had clients among the city's top sushi chefs. اذوقه رسان - Miss Sadie was an awful purveyor of the future, but she sure knew how to spin a tale from the past. کسی که چیزی رو برای فروش فراهم میکنه


openly expressive of emotions. -People who are demonstrative easily and clearly show their emotions. A demonstrative person might shout "Hooray" and jump for joy at good news. -اثبات کننده- شرح دهنده-بیانگر-نشان دهنده-دستور زبان - - برون گرا- بی ملاحظه- مخالف خجالتی When Sally told James that she wanted to break up with him, she expected he would react demonstratively, but he quietly nodded his head and left without saying a word. "an affectionate and demonstrative family" Synonyms:effusive, gushing, gushy. We were never very demonstrative in our family; poor folk who toil and are full of cares are not so.


ordinary, commonplace =normal- banal - earthly دنیوی- عادی - تکراری - بی مزه -. Nancy found doing dishes a thorougly mundane task, although Peter found a kind of Zen pleasure in the chore. 2. Though we think of the pope as someone always dealing in holy matters, he is also concerned with mundane events, such as deciding when to set his alarm each morning.


overly decorated ارایش عجیب غریب - بی تناسب - The cathedral was covered in baroque carvings of gremlins, devils, and stylized flora.


overly dramatic, theatrical مربوط به نمایش- ظاهرسازی- زیاده روی در اجرای نقش -ظاهر سازی- اغراق امیز After the usual histrionics about the deteriorated state of my beauty, they get right down to business.


overly sentimental. You can use maudlin to describe something that brings tears to your eyes, or makes you feel very emotional. "Titanic" can be described as maudlin. effusively or insincerely emotional "maudlin expressions of sympathy" Synonyms: bathetic, drippy, hokey, kitschy, mawkish, mushy, sappy, schmaltzy, schmalzy, sentimental, slushy, soppy, soupy احساساتی -اشکبار At one point Chalamet sits at a piano and sings the standard "Everything Happens To Me" as a maudlin lament.


painful or laborious effort درد زایمان- مشقت- درد کشیدن While they experienced nothing but travails in refinishing the kitchen, they completed the master bedroom in less than a weekend


painkiller و anodyne -I began to sink back and let the show wash over me like an analgesic. -Charlatan was the subject of an alleged positive test for an overage of lidocaine, a legal analgesic. -Many use aspirin as an analgesic for daily aches and pains. مسکن


period of reduced economic activity. رکود-کسادی- بحران اقتصادی هرس گیاه پسرفت Jobs being cut? Houses not selling? Everyone talking about the poor sales of everything from cars to bouquets of flowers? That's a recession, a time of economic decline. ۲-This noun can also describe other kinds of "going back," like the recession of floodwaters that enable people to begin cleaning up their homes that had been filled with water. * In the face of the recession, the rise of Amazon and the decimation of small, independent bookstores, Muhammad closed the shop in 2009. * Companies are also reviewing pricing models that worked fine when business executives and selfie-taking tourists swarmed to Europe's capitals, but are less viable as a pandemic-induced recession cuts into consumers' spending power.شرکت ها همچنین مدل های قیمت گذاری را بررسی می کنند که وقتی مدیران تجاری و گردشگران سلفی گرفته به پایتخت های اروپا سرازیر می شوند ، بسیار خوب عمل می کنند ، اما به دلیل کاهش رکود اقتصادی ناشی از همه گیری در مصرف کنندگان ، دوام چندانی ندارند.


permission; support تصویب- فرمان- تایید رسمی - اجازه - تحریم- حقوق اساسی- -The authorities have sanctioned the use of the wilderness reserve for public use; many expect to see. -Sanction has two nearly opposite meanings: to sanction can be to approve of something, but it can also mean to punish, or speak harshly to. Likewise, a sanction can be a punishment or approval.


person who never keeps doing one activity for long تفننی - مخالف پرفشنال 1-an amateur who engages in an activity without serious intentions and who pretends to have knowledge 2. any of numerous shallow-water ducks that feed by upending and dabbling Mr. Johnson created hundreds of sculptures, yet for many years he was considered a dabbler, a purveyor of kitsch, a rich dilettante who was scorned by critics and the art establishment. He is no mere dabbler or trendy opportunist.


pleasing, tending to create a favorable impression جذاااااب گیرا Jane was very plain and far from prepossessing in appearance, but her wit and charm made people pay attention to her.


presenting favorable circumstances مناسب- مساعد- خوش یمن - خرسند- فرخنده - همراه - موافق -A propitious time for taking a big test is when you've studied hard and had a good night's sleep. =auspicious But this was entirely different from any of those and seemed, somehow, attractive, wholesome, propitious.


prolonged and idle discussion. -speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly -حرف بیهوده- وراجی- چاپلوسی- مشاوره کردن- الم شنگه During the rain delay, many who had come to see the game palavered, probably hoping that idle chatter would make the time go by faster. -During an election year, you might tire of hearing the palaver of politicians. =blandishment, cajolery و gibber, maunder, piffle, prate, prattle, tattle, tittle-tattle, twaddle -It was such a palaver changing discs, that by the end I didn't care whether Valhalla burned or not.


proud and contemptuous; showing scorn because of a feeling of superiority. Supercilious people think very highly of themselves, more highly than of others. If your sister tends to act snobby and superior, you can describe her as supercilious. You might expect Nobel Prize winners to be supercilious — after all, they've reached the very heights of their profession. But one-on-one, your famous physics professor might be humble and fun to talk to, anything but supercilious. Most often, it's people who have no right to be arrogant, rude, and holier-than-thou who behave in the most supercilious ways. مغرور-مغرورانه-خودخواهی having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy "his mother eyed my clothes with a supercilious air" Synonyms: ***disdainful, haughty, imperious, lordly, overbearing, prideful, sniffy, swaggering*** ۲-expressive of contempt "curled his lip in a supercilious smile" Synonyms: sneering, snide تحقیر و تمسخر The president means to hand this side business off to his doting daughter and her supercilious husband, like just another casino or golf resort. On weekends, his two daughters visit, one of whom, a girl about Jen's age, is as supercilious as her father. But maybe you think he looks smug and supercilious?


pull تقلا کردن - کشیدن- - بحث کردن It was only when he felt the boy tug at his pants that the man realized there were children in the crowded room. به زور کشیدن


rebellion; revolt. قیام و شورش after welfare was cut, there was an uprising against the totalitarian government.


recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources ولخرجی- بی بند و باری wasting your money on extravagant luxury. Profligate behavior is a lot of fun, but you'll regret it later — when you get your charge card bill. 1- unrestrained by convention or morality synonyms: debauched, degenerate, degraded, dissipated, dissolute, fast, libertine, riotous توسط عرف یا اخلاق مهار نشده است مترادف: فاسد ، منحط ، فرومایه 2-recklessly wasteful synonyms: extravagant, prodigal, spendthrift 3-synonyms: blood, rake, rakehell, rip, roue 4-a recklessly extravagant consumer synonyms: prodigal, squanderer The image is searing: a profligate human swarm unable to overcome the anger of Nature. She is a shopaholic striver with a mountain of credit-card debt, a profligate clotheshorse who, the viewer assumes, cares more about materialist trends than timeless art. Lewis was so confident of his process that he was profligate with what was still a rare substance. She said that artists are a bad element, a profligate bunch who shoot heroin.


refusing to compromise, irreconcilable. Intransigent means inflexible, stubborn, entrenched. Argue all you like with an intransigent three-year-old. He will never back down from the position that he wants the lollipop NOW. so something or someone who is intransigent is not moving. If one political party wants to raise funds to improve schools but the other is intransigent on the subject of higher taxes, the debate will get nowhere. impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, or reason "an intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendency" سازش ناپذیر-سختگیر-سرسخت Synonyms: adamant, adamantine, inexorable inflexible incapable of change. This would allow an intransigent senator to push final passage of the one-week bill into the weekend. =resolute, obduracy. "They become intransigent when there is a camera involved," he said. Negotiations are not advancing, because of the intransigent and unrealistic attitude of the United Kingdom,"


related to teaching -The teacher adopted the Socratic Method as his primary pedagogical approach in the small classroom اموزشی تعلیمی


rude and disrespectful. گستاخ If someone's rude without being openly nasty, like a kid in the back row of class quietly heckling his teacher, you can call him impertinent. fresh, impudent, overbold, sassy, saucy, smart, wise mentioned several impertinent facts before finally coming to the point" synonyms: extraneous, immaterial, orthogonal Uncle stamped his foot at this impertinent thought. "If it isn't impertinent to ask, when is your baby due?" There is no reason for you to try to become like white people and there is no basis whatever for their impertinent assumption that they must accept you.


secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose تبانی برای کار پنهانی- ساخت و پاخت- زد و بند قایمکی- توافق بین فروشندها Many have argued that Lee Harvey Oswald, JFK's assassin, was in collusion with other criminals; others maintain that Oswald was a lone gunman.


seemingly absurd or self-contradictory -seemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true That light could be both a particle and a wave seems paradoxical, but nonetheless, it is true.


severe or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance 1- تند و تلخ- سختگیر- خشک ۲- تیره رنگ ۳- ریاضت کش مث گاندی ! ساده - بدون تجمل =rigid- ascetic- modest - abstemious 1-The principal of my elementary school was a cold, austere woman; I could never understand why she chose to work with children. 3-His lifestyle of revelry and luxurious excess could hardly be called austere.


shielding, protective. دفاعی Xin grew very defensive of her younger brother and vehemently maintained his innocence when the crowd started accusing him of being a thief.


showing a lack of courage or confidence; easily frightened. کم رو- ترسو- خجالتی- Boback was too timid to even respond to a request for comment. easily frightened, shy." Those who are timid often worry that things will go wrong: a timid eater orders bland food to avoid the possibility not liking the flavor of something new, just as a timid partygoer talks to people he already knows, afraid that he won't be able to talk to strangers. showing fear and lack of confidence Synonyms: unadventurous lacking in boldness afraid filled with fear or apprehension unassertive inclined to timidity or lack of self-confidence backward(used of temperament or behavior) marked by a retiring nature bashful self-consciously timid coy modestly or warily rejecting approaches or overtures fearful, timorous, trepid timid by nature or revealing timid fearful as by threats mousey, mousy quiet and timid and ineffectual cowardly, fearful lacking courage; ignobly timid and faint-hearted


showing high spirits or excitement سرزنده- سرحال- نشاط- نوشابه گازدار After the sales result, the manager was in an effervescent mood, letting several employees leave work early that day. -his fertile effervescent mind" synonyms:bubbling, frothy, scintillating, sparkly. It disgusts me, this effervescent and very public show of. There was something about Arize's effervescent mischief that made people forgiving. Despite her hunger and blisters from hard work, she was effervescent.


showing نمایش دادن- در معرض قرار دادن- بی پناه کردن- در معرض نور قرار دادن- نمایش دادن To expose means to uncover or allow to be in the open air. If you take off your coat and expose your bare arms to the terrible cold, your tattoos might freeze off. 2-expose or make accessible to some action or influence "Expose your students to art" "expose the blanket to sunshine" ۳-put in a dangerous, disadvantageous, or difficult position Synonyms: endanger, peril, queer, scupper ۴-abandon by leaving out in the open air "The infant was exposed by the teenage mother" 5-make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret Synonyms: break, bring out, disclose, discover, divulge, give away, let on, let out, reveal, unwrap 6-expose while ridiculing; especially of pretentious or false claims and ideas Synonyms: debunkافشا کردن در حال تمسخر؛ خصوصاً ادعاها و عقاید پرمدعا یا دروغین مترادف: تخریب 7-expose to light, of photographic film For me, a return home was a way to expose my children, who were in elementary school at the time, to my family and culture. But just by practicing, Fisk said, teams continue to expose themselves to danger.


shy, lacking self-confidence; modest, reserved کم رو - عدم اعتماد ب نفس As a young girl she was diffident and reserved, but now as an adult, she is confident and assertive.


significant and revealing of another factor Her unbecoming dress was very telling when it came to her sense of fashion. موثر - نشان از چیز دیگری داشتن -a telling presentation" -"a telling gesture"


silent; muffled; toned down بی صدا- صامت =subduct -detract - کسر کردن Helen preferred muted earth colors, such as green and brown, to the bright pinks and red her sister liked.


silent; not talkative Someone who is taciturn is reserved, not loud and talkative. The word itself refers to the trait of reticence, of seeming aloof and uncommunicative. A taciturn person might be snobby, naturally quiet, or just shy. habitually reserved and uncommunicative Synonyms: incommunicative, uncommunicative not inclined to talk or give information All the justices asked questions during 10 arguments, even the normally taciturn Clarence Thomas. Yet despite PC Music's cryptic online presence, Cook does not cultivate an air of taciturn cool. Hearing him describe Tiz the Law, the taciturn trainer might as well be talking about himself.


skill in dealing with people in difficult situations با ملاحضه - با نزاکت درایت - سلیقه In a tremendous display of tact, Shelly was able to maintain a strong friendship with Marcia, even though Marcia's husband, Frank, confessed to finding Shelley more attractive than Marcia.


slow and clumsy because of great weight. به سنگینی- بطور کسل کننده When you call Frankenstein ponderous, it's not because he likes to ponder the great questions of life. It's because he moves like a Mack truck, only slower and less gracefully. Ponderous also describes a person's manner, or their manner of speaking. If it does, this is a person you will want to avoid. They're solemn, speak slowly about things that are boring, and get to the punchline of a joke about seven years after anyone with half a brain has figured it out for themselves. 1-slow and laborious because of weight "ponderous prehistoric beasts" "a ponderous yawn" Synonyms: heavy, lumbering 2-labored and dull "a ponderous speech" Synonyms: uninteresting The ponderous symbolism and overcalculated squiggles of Pollock's first years got channeled to something rhythmic, automatic, almost dancing, and almost drippy. His style was ponderous and scripted; even supporters called him wooden.


someone skilled at telling stories. Raconteurs are gifted storytellers, able to spin amusing tales from everyday life. Who is the biggest raconteur in your group? He or she's the one who always tells the best stories. هنرپیشه - حکایت گر- داستان گو- نقال - داستان سرا a person skilled in telling anecdotes synonyms: anecdotist A gifted raconteur and an indefatigable drinker, Causey was a pilot of unimpeachable courage. "One of the funniest raconteurs there's ever been, a lovely man who I was lucky to call a friend," he tweeted.


someone who goes against accepted religious beliefs. مرتد- فاسد - مث شاهین نجفی If your friend became interested in Hinduism, with its many gods and rituals, her Catholic mother might be worried that her daughter was a heretic, or a person whose religious beliefs are in contrast to the fundamental beliefs of her church. The noun heretic is mostly used in a religious context to talk about someone whose actions or beliefs act against the laws, rules, or beliefs of some specific religion 1-a person who holds religious beliefs in conflict with official dogma, especially of the Roman Catholic Church Synonyms: misbeliever, religious outcast Type of: Ishmael, castaway, outcast, pariah person who is rejected (from society or home) 2-a person who holds unorthodox opinions in any field (not merely religion) Type of: nonconformist, recusant


something out of the proper time. Dressed in 15th century clothing each day, Edward was a walking anachronism. پس و پیش گفتن واقعه ی تاریخی- نابهنجاری تاریحی- ذکر اشتباه تاریخ رویداد ها These bodies hanging on the Wall are time travelers, anachronisms. -Leave these stale shows with their anachronisms to regional dinner theaters. -"However, I told you that it would be like this. I am an anachronism. People realize this and resent it."


something that calms or soothes pain. When your back is killing you from helping your friend move furniture into his new apartment, you need to take an anodyne, a painkiller. مسکن- تسکین دهنده- ارامش بخش An anodyne doesn't have to be actual medicine. If the pure joy of helping your friend is soothing enough to make you forget your aching back, that counts as an anodyne too. the anodyne properties of certain drugs" synonyms: analgesic, analgetic ۲-not causing disapproval synonyms: innocuous, unobjectionable. It was one anodyne sentence that caught her attention now—not for what it said, but for what it blandly tried to conceal. But now it entered Helen's mind to drop into the wine that they were drinking an anodyne, mild magic of forgetfulness. British broadcasting needs his talent and intelligence, not more anodyne balance imposed by rote.


something that comes from another source. As a noun, a derivative is kind of financial agreement or deal. As an adjective, though, derivative describes something that borrows heavily from something else that came before it. *** NOT ORGINAL ** 1-a compound obtained from, or regarded as derived from, another compound 2-the result of mathematical differentiation; the instantaneous change of one quantity relative to another; df(x)/dx synm: derived function, differential, differential coefficient, first derivative 3-a financial instrument whose value is based on another security Synonyms: derivative instrument 4-linguistics) a word that is derived from another word "`electricity' is a derivative of `electric'" 5-resulting from or employing derivation "a derivative process" "a highly derivative prose style" مشتق شده- گرفته شده- فرعی


something that has been changed numerous times but on which traces of former iterations can still be seen. If you are writing fast and hastily erase something not quite all the way and continue writing right over the smudgy bit, then you've created a palimpsest — which means you can see traces of the earlier writing mixed in with the new. The noun palimpsest originally described a document, such as a page from a manuscript written on parchment, that had been rubbed smooth so it could be used again, with traces of the original writing showing through. And then, deeper in the palimpsest, underneath the announcement signal and the primer, would be the real message. دوباره روش نوشته شده.... All history was a palimpsest, scraped clean and reinscribed exactly as often as was necessary.


special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand. زبان و گویش خاص -To those with little training in medicine, the jargon of doctors can be very difficult to understand. معنی منفی میده


stop oneself from doing something.خودداری کردن- پرهیز کردن- سرود و شعر رو برگردوندن When someone burps in a quiet classroom it can be hard to refrain from laughing. Use the verb refrain if you have a sudden impulse to do something and you have stopped yourself from doing it. it's usually hard to refrain from doing something: you might it difficult to refrain from eating dessert after dinner, for example — especially when your aunt makes her double chocolate chunk brownies. 1-resist doing something "He refrained from hitting him back" Synonyms: forbear 2-choose not to consume Synonyms: abstain, desist 3- the part of a song where a soloist is joined by a group of singers Synonyms: chorus معنی دور ش: بخشی از آهنگ که گروهی از خوانندگان به یک سولیست می پیوندند مترادف: گروه کر "Moderna would refrain from commenting on ongoing security matters and precautions" Health authorities are advising households to keep their gatherings as small as possible and asking people to refrain from traveling.


stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so. -The coach suggested improvements Sarah might make on the balance beam, but she remained obstinate, unwilling to modify any of the habits that made her successful in the past. کله شق - سرسخت- لجوج


stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or course of action سرسخت- لجوج - سنگدل - بی اخساس No number of pleas and bribes would get him to change his obdurate attitude.


stubbornly resistant to authority or control مقاوم- سرکش - سرسخت - نافرمان- ماده ی نسوز -Used to studious high school students, Martha was unprepared for the refractory Kindgergarteners who neither sat still nor listened to a single word she said.


summary 1- خلاصه سازی 2-بندپایانی موسیقی 3- تکرار دوره رشد و نمو synonyms: palingenesis 4- تکرار A recapitulation is a short summary. At the end of an hour-long speech, you should probably give a recapitulation if you want your audience to remember anything you've just said. There's no new information in a recapitulation, just the same information in a smaller, more condensed form. In biology there is a principle of powerful if imperfect applicability called recapitulation: in our individual embryonic development we retrace the evolutionary history of the species. Afterward there will be some chatter and recapitulation of what went on; nothing though like the action itself and the beat that pumps the heart. There is, I think, a kind of recapitulation that occurs in our individual intellectual developments as well.


summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic. -The little boy was amazed when the wizard conjured a table filled with delicious foods with a wave of his wand. حلق کردن تصور کردن چیزی با جادو =imagine


supernatural; beyond the normal use of nature Preternatural describes something that seems oddly abnormal and out of sync with everything else. If you hear a preternatural dog's barking, maybe it sounds like a police siren instead of a howl. If you lift a truck off the ground and hold it above your head, people will marvel at you and say you have preternatural strength. existing outside of or not in accordance with nature Synonyms: otherworldly, transcendental 2-surpassing the ordinary or normal ""Beyond his preternatural affability there is some acid and some steel" - George Will" uncanny ما فوق طبیعی-غیرعادی- The public often associates chess with intelligence — and chess champions with preternatural brilliance.


supportive; encouraging; helping to bring about. -The loud and hectic atmosphere of the coffee shop was not conducive to studying for the exam. موجب- باعث شدن- کمک کننده beneficial - encouraging - contributive -"working conditions are not conducive to productivity" -These schools offer an environment that is simply not conducive to learning.


swing from side to side; influence (someone) to change one's opinion. - In the Game of Thrones, the king is easily swayed by the whims and wishes of her manipulative mother, Cersei Lannister. متمایل شدن - تحت تاثیر قرار گرفتن- نوسان داشتن


sympathetic دلسوزی - ترحم کردن -As a compassionate nun, Mother Theresa devoted her life to helping poor people throughout the world.


the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. If you know the definition of this noun by quick insight without relying on reason, you know what intuition means! If we use our intuition it means that we don't always make the correct interpretation, and in fact, the Australian writer Christina Stead wrote, "Intuition is not infallible; it only seems to be the truth." 1-instinctive knowing (without the use of rational processes) 2-an impression that something might be the case "he had an intuition that something had gone wrong" Synonyms: hunch, suspicion شهود-بینش- بصیرت- درک مستقیم


the act of atoning for sin or wrongdoing. =atonement - penance - reparation - - As an act of expiation, then, or maybe magic, Herzog decided to walk from Munich to Eisner's bedside, as if, through such his relentless movement, he might keep her alive. کفاره دادن- دیه دادن- جبران -David Berman became a cult hero singer-songwriter largely because he never said much, making his public expiation all the more startling.


the appearance of being true or real. -All bad novels are bad for numerous reasons; all good novels are good for their verisimilitude of reality, placing the readers in a world that resembles the one they know. -Ira Todd, a Detroit homicide detective, is watching over the verisimilitude of the police aspects of the show. ظاهرا واقعی ولی باطنا نه! ظاهری - سطحی- راستین نمایی- واقع مانندی- محتمل نمایی What is the point of this interweaving of reference and verisimilitude? = realism


the cause of ruin, harm, distress, or death زهر- قاتل- جانی The noun bane refers to anything that is a cause of harm, ruin, or death. But we often use it for things that aren't that bad, just feel like it. You might say mosquitoes are the bane of your existence. something causing misery or death "the bane of my life" Synonyms: curse, nemesis, scourge He calls his looks the "bane of my existence" and "it always got in the way."


the color of a mineral's powder. A streak is a mark or characteristic. What makes you keep trying to wipe the streak of permanent marker off the white couch. خط-رگه-خصلت Like a mark or stain, a streak in a person is a characteristic or strain that runs through them — like a mean streak. a narrow marking of a different color or texture from the background Synonyms: bar, stripe a distinctive characteristic "he has a stubborn streak" "a streak of wildness" 3-an unbroken series of events "had a streak of bad luck" Synonyms: run


the domination of one state or group over its allies. -"to say they have priority is not to say they have complete hegemony" -This was one of the crucial factors that led to the collapse of European hegemony. تسلط- برتری -


the essential or central part. Pith is the central idea or essence of something. If you're in danger, you could exclaim, "I would greatly appreciate it if someone would provide assistance." Or, you could get right to the pith of your point by shouting, "Help!" He pulled off shreds of pith until the fruit was transparent in the sun. بسیار مهم و اصلی- نیرو و بنیه- ساقع ی گیاه- لب مطلب


the practice of pretending to be something one is not; insincerity ظاهرسازی دورویی ریاکاری The hypocrisy of the "no cellphone" rule was evident when the students walked in on the teacher texting her friends. SYN: insincerity


the quality of being clever, original, and inventive. نبوغ- ابتکار Daedalus was famous for his ingenuity; he was able to fashion his son Icarus with a pair of wings, using wax to hold them together.


the quality of talking or writing easily and continuously. =articulateness, fluency چرب زبانی- تجرک- روانی متن- The professor's volubility knows no bounds; he could talk through a hurricane and elaborate a point from one St. Patrick's Day to the next. -As they descended the stairs he continued to talk with nervous volubility.


the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled - ارامش - خونسرد - The goal of meditation is to reach a state of serenity, when your mind is still and perfectly calm


the unintentional misuse of a word by confusion with one that sounds similar اشتباه به کار بردن لغت هایی مه شبیه هم خونده میشنA malapropism occurs when you say one word but you mean another, like instead of saying a certain restaurant is prosperous, you say it is preposterous. As you can tell, malapropisms are often humorous, though sometimes the joke is on the speaker. Winnifred, the girl who beat you in the elementary school spelling bee, raises her hand: Ms. Hardwick, wasn't Nick supposed to present a malapropism to us today? she whines. Were you able to find a malapropism in Huckleberry Finn?


the use of irony to mock or convey contempt گوشه و کنایه- طعنه امیز- ریشخند-سرزنش Saying "Oh, you're soooo clever!" with sarcasm means the target is really just a dunderhead. Synonyms: caustic remark, irony, satire So I've tried not to be sarcastic because sarcasm and humor do not translate. Far too feminist," Anne Hidalgo, the mayor, said with more than a hint of sarcasm. That last part of that comment was said with dripping sarcasm. S He gets his point across with sarcasm and sometimes sardonic humor.


the view that knowledge originates in experience and that science should, therefore, rely on observation and experimentation تجربی- تجربه گرایی- چاخان بازی- شارلاتان بازی Empiricism does not always lead to knowledge; an experience or experiment may raise more questions than it answers.


thorough; complete جامع- با جزعیاااات


to avoid giving a clear answer, thereby escaping responsibility or blame طفره رفتن-مانع- از زیر دررفتن- راه بند -پرچین گیاهی- دیواره 7-avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues) synonyms: circumvent, dodge, duck, elude, evade, fudge, parry, put off, sidestep, skirt 6-an intentionally noncommittal or ambiguous statement "when you say `maybe' you are just hedging" synonyms: hedging 5-minimize loss or risk "diversify your financial portfolio to hedge price risks" "hedge your bets" When he sees her, quick he busies himself clipping a sorry-looking hedge. It's that their hedging is a choice, not a tic. Over the hedge another man was staring boldly. It's not that good writers never hedge their claims.


to be of the same opinion; to agree with. موافقت کردن- هم رای بودن - In a rare event, a solar eclipse concurred with the winter solstice. -to happen together. = Everyone in the room concurred that it would be best for the company to go public as soon as possible.


to be shy, and to be inclined to retract from company. کناره گیر- گوشه گیر- خجالتی =standoffish If you are a retiring person, you avoid being at the center of attention.


to become or remain inactive, not develop, not flow راکد ماندن- جلوی پیشرفت گرفتن-غیرفعال شدن - Wage growth has stagnated since the 1990s for workers of all education levels.


to beg, implore, ask earnestly. To entreat is to ask for something that is really important, like when you entreat the jury to spare your life.التماس کردن The verb entreat implies that the person doing the entreating is really serious about what has to happen. Maybe it's even a matter of life and death, like when parents entreat their children to never drive drunk. Synonyms for entreat are plead, beg, beseech, and implore. These little advertisements entreated customers to "Find us on Facebook" and "Follow us on Twitter."


to deny oneself things; to reject; to renounce انکار کردن تسلیم شدن - When the revolution came to the steps of the palace, the former king of Greece abnegated power and fled to England. - During the trip, Maria abnegated her parental responsibilities and left the children at the hotel while she partied.


to deny responsibility for or connection with. -Her husband disavowed her after 30 years of marriage and six children" -It is common for politicians to disavow their earlier promises to suit the current political atmosphere in the country. حاشا کردن- عدم قبول- انکار کردن


to deprive of the right to vote گرفتن حق رای از کسی Enfranchise means to give someone the right to vote. Disenfranchise means to take it away. The U.S. has a shameful history of disenfranchising African-American citizens through bogus laws and outright intimidation. Being disenfranchised can make you feel like you don't belong or that you have no pow "To think that the people of color who lived here were able to vote here, before they were disenfranchised? In 1801?" Whatever they might say, the results are clear: They are disenfranchising large numbers of citizens and suppressing minority voters. But tens of thousands of people remain disenfranchised.


to dissect in order to examine structure. کالبد شکافی کردن- تشریح کردن- به دقت بررسی کردن -The Body Worlds exhibitions present human bodies that are preserved and anatomized for various purposes. -After anatomizing the structural framework of the bridge on the digital model, the engineer discovered the flaws in the original design.


to do as one is asked or ordered. اجابت کردن-مطابقت- Comply is to act according to someone's wishes or rules. Although you might like to stay out with your friends, you'll have to comply with your parents' rules and be home by midnight. Comply with the rules of grammar or your English teacher will turn your paper red with ink! "He complied with my instructions" "You must comply or else!" Synonyms: abide by, follow follow, stick to, stick with California's market muscle made companies eager to comply, even if they preferred lower standards. She is entitled to her beliefs but when she is at work, she must comply with whatever health protocols you put in place.


to draw a line under; to put special emphasis on; (n.) a line drawn under something تاکید کردن- خط کشیدن زیر چیزی -While the hiking instructor agreed that carrying a first aid kit could be a good idea under certain circumstances, he underscored the importance of carrying enough water


to draw forth, bring out from some source موجب شدن- باعث شدن- اشکار شدن- ظاهر ساحتن -The article that criticized millennials as stupid and foolhardy elicited hundreds of angry responses when it first appeared in the newspaper. -A showy solo in an Italian opera might elicit spontaneous applause and even encores. -My jab elicited laughter from a few of his friends and the other students standing nearby.


to elevate, to raise in rank. -Chuck's first victory at the Indy 500 on the eve of his retirement ennobled him even more to racing fans. = exalt- aggrandize تجلیل کردن- شرافت دادن


to elevate; to increase in intensity. -to become worse or to make (something) worse or more severe - "The Allies escalated the bombing" *SYNONYMS:* raise, ascend, mount - Tension escalated among the diners in the restaurant as a couple loudly fought in the corner. بدتر کردن- شدید تر شدن- افزایش دادن


to erroneously attribute; to falsely ascribe; used especially of authorship. -I made a mistake; I misattributed "Crime and Punishment" to Leo Tolstoy when it was actually written by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. اشتباه نسبت دادن- اشتباه گرفتن


to escape notice; to get away from طفره رفتن- اجتناب کزدن- دوری کردن Even a basic understanding of physics can elude most high schools students.


to examine closely or deeply. ٰژرف یابی- عمق پیمودن- To plumb a body of water, you measure its depth. To plumb a house, you connect all of its pipes. To make carpentry plumb, you get it exactly vertical. Originally, the verb plumb only meant "to measure the depth of water." These days, if you "plumb the depths" of something, you go in deep for knowledge and experience. 4- adv : completely; used as intensifiers Synonyms: clean, plum adv exactly "fell plumb in the middle of the puddle" 3-examine thoroughly and in great depth 2-measure the depth of something 1-adjust with a plumb line so as to make vertical - adv conforming to the direction of a plumb line Presidential historians and others will plumb them as they assess President Donald Trump's legacy. Soon the group was sharing design woes and plumbing issues with Dubroca.


to force oneself into a situation uninvited syn: impose; intrude مزاحم شدن- جسارت کردن- بدون تقاضا چیزی را طرح گردن -I tried not to look at it, but it kept obtruding at the corners of my vision. - I never should have been so rude as to obtrude my opinions upon other people. - Trump is exactly what they thought he would be, and for all the efforts to mold him into something else, his core continually resists and obtrudes.


to force someone to live in another country. تبعید شدن After losing power to the military coup, the former king of Greece was exiled to the UK.


to grasp and hold tightly چنگ زدن و محکم گرفتن -As Maria walked down the dark street, she clutched her purse and looked around nervously for muggers.


to grow rapidly or flourish. -China's housing market is burgeoning, but some predict that the growth is merely a bubble and will burst much like the U.S. real estate bubble of 2008. رونق گرفتن- رشد - جوانه زدن


to hand down, to give or to leave in a will وقف کردن- واگذار کردن - to hand down - Gretta bequeathed her gold necklace to her daughter in the hope that she would treasure the precious heirloom. وصیت کردن ارث دادن


to have a limited outlook or understanding. When someone is blinkered, they're narrow-minded, or have a limited understanding. Your brother is blinkered by his belief that only boys should belong to his secret club. The adjective blinkered describes anyone who lacks the ability to include different viewpoints and experiences in their own understanding of the world. Your might think your grandfather wouldn't make a good president because, despite being a nice guy, he's blinkered by his old-fashioned opinions. This figurative meaning comes from the blinkers or "blinders" worn by horses that force them to focus only on the path in front of them. His blinkered existence kept him focused on finding food and avoiding beatings.


to hold back مانع شدن- قید- از کار بازداشتن


to hound; to follow like a dog, especially with hostile intentions (verb) تعقیب کردن مث سگگگگگ!


to include as a necessary step در برداشتن- شامل شدن- مستلزم بودن- موجب شدن -A job at a movie theater might entail sweeping popcorn off the floor, probably because watching a movie entails eating popcorn in the dark. =implicate -Picking up the book in the first place entails an active pursuit of understanding. "What do you mean, what does fun entail? It's fun!" "New crimes will entail new punishments," Grandma warned.


to irritate, annoy, or exasperate فرسوده شدن- بی میل بودن- بد دانستن- ازردن- عذاب دادن My little sister has a way of irking and annoying me like no other person.


to isolate. The word sequester describes being kept away from others. If your sister tells you to stay out of the way so she can cook dinner for her new boyfriend, you might sequester yourself in your room. sequester can describe anyone who is isolated or hidden away from others, like a pop star sequestered in a hotel room, protected from fans' mania below. 1-set apart from othersمنزوی کردن-جدا کردن- "The dentist sequesters the tooth he is working on" Synonyms: isolate, keep apart, sequestrate, set apart 2-keep away from others خلوت کردن-عقب نشینی-بازنشستگی "He sequestered himself in his study to write a book" Synonyms: seclude, sequestrate, withdraw adjourn, retire, withdraw 3-take temporary possession of as a security, by legal authorityضمیمه کردن-ضبط کردن-توقیف کردن Synonyms: attach, confiscate, impound, seize 4-requisition forcibly, as of enemy property "the estate was sequestered" forests are usually the biomes with the highest potential to sequester carbon. Data are sometimes sequestered for economic reasons; one study found hospitals that shared data were more likely to lose patients to local competitors.


to make up for; to repay for services. =offset -The baker intelligently compensated for the lack of baking powder by using carbonated water in the pancake recipe. -جبران کردن- غرامت دادن- تاولن دادن


to malign, to defame, to utter abusive statements against بدنام کردن- بدگویی کردن- بهتان زدن- -Todd was noble after the divorce, choosing to say only complimentary things about Barbara, but Barbara did not hesitate to vilify Todd. = maledict - attaint - denigrate -


to place at an angle; to cause bias in or distort; asymmetric; distorted or biased. - Polling only voters who use a landline phone can skew the poll results in favor of one candidate. اراعه ی نادرست- انجراف-- تحریف کردن


to profess, suppose, claim ۱ ادعا - مفهوم- قصد- مفاد قرارداد - He did not understand the purport of her remarks and needed his colleagues to clarify the matter. - Although Chris purported not to know who broke the microwave, his parents continued to accuse him for trying to cover up for his brother. وانمود کردن


to prove that something is genuine. -If you authenticate a painting, for example, you're sure that it's an original work, not a copy. احراز هویت - اعتبار دادن- سندیت - رسمیت دادن -Museum officials would not identify the owner who brought the artwork to them in 2011 to be authenticated.


to punish or criticize harshly تنبیه کردن-شدیدا انتقاد کردن- Use castigate when you mean "to reprimand in an especially harsh way." If you accidentally spill coffee all over your sister's favorite sweater, you might worry that she's going to castigate you as soon as she finds out. means punish, and punish harshly, but the punishment is always a severe scolding. Sometimes it means criticize severely. Politicians in the Senate are always castigating each other for their alliances and opinions. 1-censure severely Synonyms: chasten, chastise, correct, objurgate 2-inflict severe punishment on Type of: penalize, punish, sanction. the coalition of activists and lawyers castigated Mayor Eric Garcetti and other city officials for allowing the cleanups to return as infection rates soar. But when his son tried to break one of the horses, he instead broke his leg and his father was once again castigated. On social media and cable, Murphy is being castigated by those on the left who say she is thwarting the democratic transfer of power


to react in an angry or offended manner. اماده جنگ شدن- ری اکشن عصبانی دادن As we discussed the painting, I noticed the artitst's wife bristling at our criticisms, ready to defend her husband's work. "He bristled at her suggestion that he should teach her how to use the program" موی مصنوعی و کوتاه- به خشم امدن- پوشیده بودن از- - لبریز بودن از- 3-have or be thickly covered with or as if with bristles "bristling leaves"


to renounce, repudiate under oath; to avoid, shun -formally reject or give up (as a belief) مرتد شدن-نقض عهد کردن- برای همیشه ترک گفتن -Abjure means to swear off, and it applies to something you once believed. You can abjure a religious faith, you can abjure your love of another person, and you can abjure the practice of using excessive force in interrogation. -In a sober ceremony, the Mexica abjured their old religion and embraced Christianity. While the church believed that Galileo abjured the heliocentric theory under threat of torture, he later wrote a book clearly supporting the theory.


to restore to a normal life through therapy or education. - There is no sense trying to rehabilitate the reputation of the mosquito: nobody loves such a creature. =restore - recover ترمیم کردن


to restrain or block 1محدود شده- ممانعت شده- منع کردن رشد Deserted for six months, the property began to look more like a jungle and less like a residence--weeds grew unchecked in the front yard -When government abuses are not kept in check, that government is likely to become autocratic.


to reveal or make known something, usually unintentionally به دشمن کمک کردن- خیانت کردن- مایوس کردن- از راه به در کردن- اشکار کردن- نشان دادن- فاش کردن like the loud growling of your stomach that betrays your hunger or the secret you tell about your friend that betrays her trust. -"Her smile betrayed her true feelings" synonyms: bewray -be sexually unfaithful to one's partner in marriage synonyms:cheat, cheat on, cuckold, wander -give away information about somebody synonyms:denounce, give away, grass, rat, shop, snitch, stag, tell on


to ruin the surface or appearance of; disfigure If you deface something, you've blemished or disfigured it in some way. For example, graffiti can deface a statue. To deface something means to damage it or just mess up its appearance. And sometimes it's both: Throwing a cup of coffee on a valuable painting ruins the face of the painting, so we say it's been defaced. Drawing a mustache on a painting is another way to deface it. What did the Mona Lisa say to the museum visitor holding a marker? "Don't mess up deface!" mar or spoil the appearance of "scars defaced her cheeks" Synonyms: blemish, disfigure. During protests this June, Winston Churchill's statue in London's Parliament Square was defaced with graffiti under his name calling him a "racist." بدچهره کردن- از قیافه انداختن- محو کردن Videos emerged on social media showing Azerbaijani soldiers committing horrific atrocities against captured Armenians and defacing Armenian churches. Outside the temple's entrance, 15 stone Buddha and Bodhisattva statues were defaced with black spray paint.


to sketch, outline in a shadowy way To adumbrate something is to outline it. In an English essay, you could adumbrate the themes in a novel; or, in a letter to Santa, you could adumbrate all the ways you have been behaving. 1-describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of Synonyms: outline, sketch 2-give to understand Synonyms: insinuate, intimate His work on neuroscience and his initial support of McCulloch and Pitts adumbrated the startlingly effective deep-learning methods of the present day. ترسیم کردن-خلاصه کردن-طرح چیزی را نشان دادن-دلالت کردن-سایه افکندن بر


to stray off or trail behind; to spread out in a scattered fashion گمشده سرگردان بودن- پرسه زدن -The student volunteers were instructed to clear up the piles of trash and debris straggled along the coast.


to suggest something subtly. فهماندن - با ظرافت حالی کردن در لفافه گفتن At first Manfred's teachers intimated to his parents that he was not suited to skip a grade; when his parents protested, teachers explicitly told them that, notwithstanding the boy's precocity, he was simply too immature to jump to the 6th grade. صمیمی- خودمانی - محرم- مطلبی رو رساندن- درونی - بنیادی = bring up- inform- cordial- familiar - declare an intimate knowledge دانش ژرف


to support - accept . The mayor was reluctant to countenance the use of force to stop the riots. پشتیبانی کردن


to support with evidence. If you swear to your teacher that you didn't throw the spitball, and your friends corroborate your story by promising that you were concentrating on math homework, she might actually believe you. a witness in court corroborates the testimony of others, and further experimentation can corroborate a scientific theory. =affirm, confirm, substantiate, support, sustain 1-establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts نیرو بخشیدن- اثبات کردن 2-support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm Synonyms: bear out, support, underpin. 3-give evidence for Synonyms: validate. Three other test and trace staff who contacted the BBC corroborated the picture painted by the author of this article. The investigation, however, did find that some claims against other employees were corroborated and that "disrespectful and unprofessional conduct is commonplace in the ROCC." تایید کردن- تقویت مردن- اثبات کردن


to take the place of, supersede جای چیزی را گرفتن- جابجا کردن- از ریشه کندن- برانداحتنننن- For many, a cell phone has supplanted a traditional phone; in fact, most 20-somethings don't even have a traditional phone anymore. =overthrow - usurp


to talk or move aimlessly, mutter When you maunder, you talk in a rambling mutter. People being questioned by reporters should try to answer articulately. نامفهوم حرف زدن- من من کردن - خوابالود راه رفتن speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly synonyms: blab, blabber, chatter, clack, gabble, gibber, palaver, piffle, prate, prattle, tattle, tittle-tattle, twaddle ۲-talk indistinctly; usually in a low voice synonyms: mumble, mussitate, mutter Yesterday, I was maundering on about what might happen in the 2024 US election. Dirda originally described the essays, with characteristic deprecation, as "just me, maundering on about this and that, usually with a literary theme lurking somewhere."


to tear up by the roots; to destroy totallyو -While some locals think that the squirrels are cute, environmentalists say they are an invasive species and should be extirpated. =eliminate ریشه کن کردن- براندازی- از بیخ کندن


to treat with extravagant or irrational devotion فیتیش:))) بت پرستی - خرافات - Civility in politics is nice, but we fetishize it when we treat it as the most important goal.


to use harsh condemnatory language; to abuse or censure severely or abusively; to berate توبیخ کردن- بد گفتن- عیب جویی کردن To vituperate is to speak or write in an extremely negative way about someone. Just as vituperation consists of negative, explosive, malicious outbursts, to vituperate is to communicate in this way. Negative political ads vituperate against opponents. censure severely or angrily Synonyms: bawl out, berate, call down, call on the carpet, chew out, chew up, chide, dress down, have words, jaw, lambast, lambaste, lecture, rag, rebuke, remonstrate, reprimand, reproof, scold, take to task, trounce. spread negative information about Synonyms: rail, revile, vilify In their attitudes and actions, Republicans routinely curse the Constitution, profane America's ideals and vituperate its values. It is considered almost universally acceptable to abuse and vituperate the agency.


to weaken; to cause to become worse ضعیف کردن- بدتر کردن subvert, undercut, undermine, compromise, vitiate - Some scientists claim that repeated exposure to sustained noise impairs blood-pressure regulation and might even make people prone to hypertension.


to yield to; to assume an office or dignity -We were forced to accede to the kidnapper's demands after all negotiations failed. تن در دادن- رضایت دادن- موافقت کردن- - نزدیک شدن -the Queen acceded to the Prince's demands for more territory, a larger army, and funnier jesters. =acquiesce, assent


too many to be countedبیشمار Something innumerable can't be counted — there are just too many, like the stars in the sky. Innumerable things are infinite. countless, infinite, innumerous, multitudinous, myriad, numberless, uncounted, unnumbered, What wasn't is teeming with galaxies, gleaming innumerably. That's no mean feat, as in principle there are almost innumerable ways that one might modify or expand on Einstein's theory—say, by changing exactly how matter and energy warp spacetime. Even if two studies use the same protocol, they will still differ in innumerable ways: time of year, climate, samples used and identities of the experimenters, to name a few.


tribute; honor; praise ستایش - سربالایی - خط اتصال - = veneration - acclivity- eulogy Jean Paul-Sartre was not a fan of accolades, and as such, he refused to accept the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1964.


unable to be calmed down or made peaceful. An implacable person just can't be appeased. If you really offended your best friend and tried every kind of apology but she refused to speak to you again, you could describe her as implacable. incapable of being placated "an implacable enemy" کینه توز- سنگدل- سرسخت Synonyms: merciless, unmerciful having or showing no mercy grim, inexorable, relentless, stern, unappeasable, unforgiving, unrelenting not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty unmitigable incapable of being mitigated ***"یک دشمن تسخیر ناپذیر" مترادف: بی رحم ، بی رحم بی رحمی داشتن یا نشان ندادن ناخوشایند ، ناپایدار ، بی امان ، سختگیر ، غیرقابل چشم پوشی ، نابخشودنی ، بی امان مورد جبران قرار نگیرد یا مماشات کند یا با التماس منتقل شود غیر قابل تصور ناتوان از تخفیف***


unable to speak distinctly or express oneself clearly. غیرملفوظ - بی بند - درست ادا نشده - =unclear- indistinct -incomprehensible - Although a brilliant economist, Professor Black was completely inarticulate, a terrible lecturer. ** describe poor communication skills, like at your most inarticulate moments when you nervously fumble to find the right word and completely forget to make your most important point. ** - "remained stupidly inarticulate and saying something noncommittal"


unattractive creating an unfavorable or neutral first impression غیرجٰذاب World leaders coming to meet Gandhi would expect a towering sage, and often would be surprised by the unprepossessing little man dressed only in a loincloth and shawl. -In private, Hitler was an awkward and unprepossessing character.


unclear or doubtful in meaning. پیچیده- دارای ابهام ambiguous when you need to describe something that's open to more than one interpretation. 3-having no intrinsic or objective meaning; not organized in conventional patterns "an ambiguous situation with no frame of reference" Synonyms: unstructured 2-"the polling had a complex and equivocal (or ambiguous) message for potential female candidates" synonyms: equivocal double, forked having two meanings with intent to deceive evasive deliberately vague or ambiguous indeterminate of uncertain or ambiguous nature 1-having more than one possible meaning "ambiguous words" "frustrated by ambiguous instructions, the parents were unable to assemble the toy" Synonyms: double-barreled, enigmatic, oracular resembling an oracle in obscurity of thought left-handed ironically ambiguous multi-valued, multivalent having many values, meanings, or appeals polysemantic, polysemous. books of theory and instruction are ambiguous on the subject. Easley resisted the urge to say "Excuse me?" because the statement was not ambiguous in any way.


useless; hopeless; ineffectual. I thought I could repair the car myself, but after two days of work with no success, I have to admit that my efforts were futile. بی نتیجه- پوچ - باطل-


using big and fancy words when speaking for the purpose of impressing others گزاف گویی- قلنبه نویسی- غلیظ حرف زدن In fact, you might say grandiloquent is itself a pretty grandiloquent word. The word grandiloquent generally refers to the way a person behaves or speaks. Politicians and schoolteachers are the usual suspects of this manner of behavior, known as grandiloquence, but it can refer to anything that's overbearing or pompous in style or manner. ۱-magniloquent, tall rhetorical ۲-puffed up with vanity "a grandiloquent and boastful manner" synonyms: overblown, pompous, pontifical, portentous "روشی باشکوه و فاخر" مترادف:پر زرق و برق Louis XIV was an absolute monarch, and his grandiloquent palace reflects his absolute power. Steve would speak to the warders in a condescending and grandiloquent style that they probably did not understand.


v. to overcome, rise above غلبه کردن- از میان برداشتن In order to surmount Mount Everest, the hiker had to spend weeks training and getting used to the elevation.


verb: pass on or delegate to another واگذار کردن- محول کردن Synonyms : degenerate , deteriorate , drop The company was full of managers known for devolving tasks to lower management, but never doing much work themselves. delegate authority, vest bdicate, confer, resign, vouchsafe verb: grow worse (usually "devolve into")- The dialogue between the two academics devolved into a downright bitter argument. معنی بدتر شدن


verb: to break out or happen again -عود کردن بیماری- بازگشتن- Synonyms : break , develop, erupt -"These political movements recrudesce from time to time" -That phrase, learned in boyhood from my Marryatt and Cooper, recrudesced in my brain. -It was noticeable that in these rambling soliloquies his English seemed to recrudesce into better construction and phraseology. After years of gamblers anonymous, Tony thought he'd broken his compulsive slot machine playing, but it took only one trip to the Atlantic City for a full recrudescence--he lost $5k on the one armed bandit.


verb: to hold back the progress of something مانع حرکت شدن- زنجیر- پابند- دست و پای کسی و بستن-مخمصه Synonyms : gimp , hitch , limp Bad weather has hobbled rescue efforts, making it difficult for crews to find bodies in the wreckage. So at 7:00 a.m., she hobbled through the rain to the bus to the subway to another bus to Bellevue.


verb: to support financially ساپورت مالی کردن Synonyms : subvent , subvention در زیر سندی نوشتن- تعهد کردن- امضا کردن The latest symphony broadcast was made possible with underwriting from the Carnegie Endowment.


wealthy, luxurious; ample; grandiose Opulent is a word that you will hear a lot around rich people looking to show off. "Remember the opulent buffet at Carrie's sweet sixteen? Sixteen chocolate cakes iced in gold leaf!" rich and superior in quality Synonyms: deluxe, gilded, grand, luxurious, princely, sumptuous rich. One section of the court filing targets Erika and Tom's "opulent and expensive" lifestyle. مجلل-سرشار-وافر Linguistically vibrant and emotionally opulent, the dramas retain their force even as they acquire new vocabulary and characters.از لحاظ زبانی پر جنب و جوش و از نظر عاطفی سرزنده ، درام ها قدرت خود را حفظ می کنند حتی وقتی واژگان و شخصیت های جدیدی پیدا می کنند.


well known, respected, and admired for past achievements برجسته- نامی- درخشان-ممتاز synonyms: celebrated, famed, famous, far-famed, notable, noted, renowned After the toast, the Spanish ambassador presents this illustrious descendant of the great Conquistador with yet another medal. Despite such illustrious critics, the specter of the torrid zone still loomed over medieval geographers. Have you heard what glory young Orestes won when he cut down that two-faced man, Aigisthos, for killing his illustrious father?


well-known, famous, celebrated معروف مشهور Celebrated, gushed over, and even legendary, something that's renowned is really famous. If you not only find a cure for cancer, but you also go on lots of talk shows so everyone knows who you are, then you'll be a renowned scientist. Synonyms: celebrated, famed, famous, far-famed, illustrious, notable, noted the village of Ambonnay is renowned for its pinot noir, but small pockets within the area are excellent for chardonnay.


worthy of praise -like your laudable efforts to start a recycling program at your school. =applaudable, commendable, praiseworthy -His commitment to new work, and especially to Mr. Rouse, is vital and laudable. قابل ستایش- ستودنی


انکار- مخالفت - رد کردن- =objection- dispute to deny, contradict, controvert; to dispute, oppose


حس فطری درونی He was employed to gut the lengthy manuscript into various comprehensible papers. دل و روده یچیزی - بخش های مهمش - I had a gut feeling that the real culprit was John even though I could not prove it rationally. SYN: eviscerate - innermost emotional or visceral response

abstained from

خودداری کردن- If you abstain from something, you restrain yourself from consuming it. People usually abstain from things that are considered vices — like eating French fries every day for lunch. The department also is advising residents to abstain from non-essential activities and gatherings with people they do not live with.

wallowed in

در چیزی بودن- غرق در چیزی بودن- To wallow is to roll about in something, as a pig wallows in mud or a billionaire wallows in money. 1-roll around, "pigs were wallowing in the mud" Synonyms: welter 2-devote oneself entirely to something; indulge in to an immoderate degree, usually with pleasure "Wallow in luxury" "wallow in your sorrows" 3-delight greatly in "wallow in your success!" Ms. James is a graceful, evocative writer who is able to convey trauma in nauseating detail yet without wallowing in pain 4-an indolent or clumsy rolling about "a good wallow in the water" 5-rise up as if in waves Synonyms: billowمثل موج بلند شدن 6-be ecstatic with joy Synonyms: rejoice, triumph در شادی و نشاط بودن


یکه خوردن - از جا پریدن All alone in the mansion, Henrietta started when she heard a sound.


۱- **** کامل - بی چون و چرا- تمام عیار ۲- بدون صلاحیت -complete or total The launch of the iPad was an unqualified success for Apple. -not having the skills, knowledge, or experience needed to do a particular job or activity -Apple labeled the prospective employee as unqualified for the position after noticing a lack of technical experience on his resume.


(adj) completing; fitting together well; filling mutual needs مکمل- متمم- تکمیل کننده یکدیگر The head waiter was careful to tell the amateur diners that red wine was complementary with beef, each bringing out subtle taste notes in the other.


(adj) done consciously and intentionally. (v) engage in long and careful consideration. عمدی- سنجیدن- فکر کردن- carefully ی کاری کردن -Emergency situations such as this call for immediate action and leave no room to deliberate over options.


(adj) excusing, lessening the seriousness of guilt or crime, e.g., of mitigating factors. ="making forgivable." تخفیف دهنده- بخشیدنی- The jury was hardly moved by the man's plea that his loneliness was an extenuating factor in his crime of dognapping a prized pooch.


(adj) improper, inappropriate, against the rules of taste or politeness -He acted in an unseemly manner, insulting the hostess and then speaking ill of her deceased husband. بعید- نامناسب- بدمنظر- ناشایستع


(adj) only slightly relevant, going off topic مماسی-


(adj) very abundant; given or flowing freely لبریز - وافر سرشار - - فراوان syn: extravagant, lavish, bounteous, plenteous a profuse rainfall is a serious amount of rain. ant: sparse, scanty, meager, insufficient =متضاد هاش


(adj.) Excessively smooth or smug; trying too hard to give an impression of earnestness, sincerity, or piety; fatty, oily; pliable چرب زبونی - خود شیرینی کردن -The unctuous senator greeted the undecided voters with an insincere grin and a slap on the back. = ingratiating ریاکار - چاپلوسی چرب و روغنی Although some remove the unctuous gristle on the beefsteak, I relish the delicious, fatty flavor.


(adj.) abundantly productive; abundant, profuse پرکار- نیرومند- حاصلخیز- بارور Someone or something that is prolific is fruitful or highly productive. A prolific songwriter can churn out five hit tunes before breakfast. A prolific writer cranks out two novels a year, and a prolific rabbit has baby bunnies every few months. 1- intellectually productive "a prolific writer" Synonyms: fecund, fertile productive producing or capable of producing (especially abundantly) 2-bearing in abundance especially offspring "flying foxes are extremely prolific" "a prolific pear tree" Synonyms: fertile fruitful productive or conducive to producing in abundance. * Dr. Baselga was a prominent researcher and a prolific author of medical articles. * Outside of the courtroom, she helped shape gender-sensitive legislation for marriage and inheritance and became a prolific advocate of women's and children's rights. * Wilson is not just a prolific scientist but a two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning writer.


(adj.) biting or caustic in thought, manner, or style; sharply or bitterly harsh جگرسوز- نیش دار- گوشه دار- زننده - اسید خورنده- سوزان- دردانگیز- mordant generally refers to a dark or biting artistic style, sense of humor, or psychological outlook. 1-synonyms: black, grim sarcastic expressing or expressive of ridicule that wounds 2-of a substance, especially a strong acid; capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action synonyms: caustic, corrosive, erosive, vitriolic destructive. The ocean looked dead too, dead gray waves hissing mordantly along the beach, which was gray and dead-looking itself. = sarcastic- poignant - waspish In its pages she seems jollier than her dance reputation suggests, but with a talent for mordant satire.


(adj.) deliberately setting or causing fires; designed to start fires; tending to stir up strife or rebellion; (n.) one who deliberately sets fires, arsonist; one who causes strife. اتشزا خشمگین شدن An incendiary device is a bomb. An incendiary statement is, "You're ugly and stupid." Both are likely to produce an explosion of one kind or another. Incendiary means more than flammable. It means explosive, in both a literal and figurative way. If you're a radical who changes the world by exciting people and makes as many enemies as followers, you're an incendiary figure. The speeches you give that rile people up are incendiary. The fires you set are also incendiary, and by setting them you are also likely to be called an incendiary 1-a criminal who illegally sets fire to property Synonyms: arsonist, firebug Types: someone who burns down a barn Type of: criminal, crook, felon, malefactor, outlaw someone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crime bomb that is designed to start fires; is most effective against flammable targets (such as fuel) Synonyms: firebomb, incendiary bomb 3-capable of catching fire spontaneously or causing fires or burning readily "an incendiary agent" "incendiary bombs" Synonyms: combustible capable of igniting and burning adj involving deliberate burning of property * Politics are too incendiary a thing nowadays," he said. * The guards kept firing — round after round, and then an incendiary device, killing her as well.


(adj.) domineering, haughty, bullying; overpowering, predominant. -"insufferably overbearing behavior toward the waiter" سلطه جو- از خود راضی- بسیار مهم - حیاتی- -authoritarian, dictatorial -I was a bully. I was overbearing. I'm the worst detective in history." = arrogant -often trying to control the behavior of other people in an annoying or unwanted way


(adj.) easily made angry, bad-tempered عصبانی- بدخلق- زودجوش بیار:) 1-characterized by anger "a choleric outburst" Synonyms: irascible 2-quickly aroused to anger Synonyms: hot-tempered, hotheaded, irascible, quick-tempered, short-tempered 3-easily moved to anger ""men of the choleric type take to kicking and smashing"- H.G.Wells" Synonyms: passionate Are you easy to tick off? Known to have a short fuse? Then, you could be described as choleric. His leadership style may be choleric, but that is not what caused him to fulfill his horrific fate. To break with the US and Europe in the same week is some achievement, even by his choleric standards. Despite choleric issues on the floor, perhaps the best news in the House is that neither Maloney nor Pingree deserted the chair.


(adj.) economical, avoiding waste and luxury; scanty, poor, meager = scotch, sparing, stinting thrifty خسیس صرفه جو He's extremely frugal, the kind of guy who drives the same car for twenty years. I'd convinced my mother, as frugal as she was, that I needed a computer for school.


(adj.) equivalent, having the same meaning, value, or effect معادل - برابر -In many situations, remaining silent is tantamount to admitting guilt, so speak to prove your innocence.


(adj.) excessively and objectionably sentimental; having a mildly sickening flavor =bathetic, drippy, hokey, kitschy, maudlin, mushy, sappy, schmaltzy, schmalzy, sentimental, slushy, soppy, soupy بطور زننده احساساتی- کسل کننده- طعم زننده A dollop of mawkish sentiment is to be expected in this kind of movie.


(adj.) extra, excess, more than is needed; wordy, repetitive; profuse, lush تکراری - زاعد - حشو Fannie Lou Hamer's statement "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired" was made intentionally redundant with the purpose of raising awareness of civil rights.


(adj.) fair-minded, free from selfish motives; indifferent = neutral - unbaised - بی طرف - بی غرض- منصفانه- So Theseus became King of Athens, a most wise and disinterested king. Her voice was disinterested, but the performance was wasted on everyone except Helvar. The traditional difference here is that disinterested means "unbiased," while uninterested means "bored" or "lacking interest."


(adj.) feeling a loss of spirit or morale (The team was disheartened after losing in the finals of the tournament.) دلسرد کردن- ناامید کردن بی انگیزه کردن After the visiting team scored nine times, the home team's fans were disheartened, some leaving the game early.


(adj.) firmly fixed; constant, not moving or changing ثابت قدم - استوار A good captain needs to be steadfast, continuing to hold the wheel and stay the course even during the most violent storm.


(adj.) frank, sincere; impartial; unposed بی ریا- صمیمی- منصفانه- راست *SYNONYMS:* forthright, plainspoken, unbiased Even with a perfect stranger, Charles was always candid and would rarely hold anything back


(adj.) getting on well with others; agreeable, pleasant. A congenial person is easy to get along with. If you're trying to decide which of your friends to take on a road trip, choose the most congenial one.همخو- خوشایند-مطلوب Congenial means sharing the same temperament, or agreeing with your temperament. You can talk about a congenial person, place, or environment. Maybe you enjoy the congenial atmosphere of the library. Or perhaps for you the disco is more congenial. As you might expect for such a vaguely approving word, there are many synonyms: agreeable, pleasant, delectable, delightful, enjoyable, and so on. 1-suitable to your needs "a congenial atmosphere to work in" 2-friendly and pleasant Synonyms: sociable 3-(used of plants) capable of cross-fertilization or of being grafted پیوند زدن در گیاه-سازگاری گیاه Synonyms: compatible able to exist and perform in harmonious or agreeable combination * A dismal science no longer, mainstream economics now finds itself providing intellectual grist for a borrow-and-spend approach to governance that both Democratic and Republican politicians are likely to find congenial. * And they detected it in the part of the Venusian atmosphere assumed to be most congenial to life.


(adj.) grand in an impressive or stately way; marked by pompous affectation or grandeur, absurdly exaggerated باشکوه - مجلل- بلند پروازانه- مغرورانه- متظاهرانه- ظلهرا مجلل- واهی -You've got big plans. Huge plans. Whatever it is, it's going to blow minds and absolutely rock worlds! Well, to some people those plans might sound a bit grandiose, or unnecessarily. -Beyoncé's birthday party was grandiose and extravagant, with white swans and a chocolate fountain made of solid gold. -Kanye West has a grandiose sense of importance which he unabashedly announces to the world. =hifalutin, highfalutin, highfaluting, hoity-toity, la-di-da -The Hanging Gardens, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, was similarly grandiose. "They need me here more," Zeitoun said, trying not to sound too grandiose.


(adj.) harmless, inoffensive; insignificant بی ضرر- بی غرض- ای ناک یو عس lacking intent or capacity to injure synonyms: innocent 2-not causing disapproval "it was an innocuous remark" "confined himself to innocuous generalities" synonyms: anodyne, unobjectionable The proposed guidelines were entirely voluntary and seemed innocuous. In the fading light, the chain links look as innocuous as usual. It wasn't far from campus, and it seemed like an innocuous enough destination for cheap food and a little change of scenery. innocuous speech = یکنواخت و خسته کننده


(adj.) highly changeable, fickle; tending to become violent or explosive; changing readily from the liquid to the gaseous state. -"volatile emotions" تغییرپذیر- لطیف- فرررار- بخار شدنی ناپایدار - زودگدر


(adj.) immense; extraordinary in bulk, size, or degree. Something exceptional, substantial, or great is prodigious. A blizzard includes prodigious wind and snow. A prodigious writer is one who can write a lot and do it well.حیرت اور- شگفت اور-شگرف Prodigious is a word for things that are impressive. If you have prodigious strength, you're very strong. This is a strong word that's also kind of formal. Save it for things that really blow you away because of their quality or quantity. A little drizzle isn't a prodigious rain, but a storm that floods a whole city certainly is. 1-so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe "a prodigious storm" Synonyms: colossal, stupendous. 2-far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree "the young Mozart's prodigious talents" Synonyms: exceeding, exceptional, olympian, surpassing. 3--of momentous or ominous significance "a prodigious vision" In college, I was for the first time among my peers, and, undiagnosed anxiety-ridden depressive 18-year-old that I was, I couldn't rely on my prodigious memory to skate through English classes anymore. It's going to be a big task to vaccinate more than 300 million people—a very prodigious project. Any resources or good clean up tips for really prodigious squirters? Which means that it's fully within their prodigious imaginative capacities to also be humane.


(adj.) impartial; calm, free from emotion Synonyms: unbiased, disinterested, cool, detached Antonyms: committed, engaged, partial, biased بی طرف - بی احساس - منصف - ذ -"a journalist should be a dispassionate reporter of fact"


(adj.) lacking in spirit and strength; ineffective, weak; irresponsible, unreliable, lazy 1-generally incompetent and ineffectual "feckless attempts to repair the plumbing" Synonyms: inept 2-not fit to assume responsibility Synonyms: irresponsible بی اثر- سست- وظیفه نشناس- بی خاصیت- کم توان For establishment liberals, isolationism is synonymous with feckless irresponsibility, an abiding sin to which the American people are said to be prone. It's hard to overstate how feckless and cynical this action is. His feckless response to the 1929 stock market crash undoubtedly made the ensuing Great Depression worse. The damage encouraged by feckless elected Republicans is considerable.


(adj.) lawful, rightful; reasonable, justifiable -valid or justifiable -African Americans' discontent during the civil rights movement was legitimate because they suffered from a lack of freedom and equality. -to make (something) real, accepted, or official or to show that (something) is fair or reasonable -"a legitimate government" مشروع- پذیرفتنی- حلال زاده- وارث قانونی- توجیه پذیر- طبق اصول -Dalio and I looked at each other, confused about whether this was a legitimate complaint or simply a prank. I saw that they would ruthlessly suppress any legitimate protest on the part of the African majority.


(adj.) native or confined to a particular region or people; characteristic of or prevalent in a field. If you want to underscore just how commonly found and present something is within a particular place, try the word endemic. The saguaro cactus is endemic, or native, to the American southwest — so watch out for its sharp spines when you're hiking in Arizona! Although endemic meaning "prevalent" often describes a plant or disease, it can also refer to something less tangible and more unwanted such as violence or poverty. This new vaccine employs genetic strands called mRNA to produce proteins endemic to the virus, which in turn triggers the body's immune system to defend against the virus, according to the CDC. بومی


(adj.) noisy in a coarse, offensive way; obvious or conspicuous, especially in an unfavorable sense. -The sound of the trombone may seem blatant and rough to some, but it is highly melodious and expressive to me. =clamant, clamorous, strident, vociferous بطور زننده- اشکار- بی شرمانه ناهنجار- چشمگیر- پر سروصدا =conspicuous "blatant disregard of the law" -He stopped, raising his eyebrows in blatant disbelief. This was the beginning of Paul's most blatant militancy. Sometimes the demons still presented themselves in the form of racism and blatant discrimination.


(adj.) not easily excited; emotionally steady. -If you're imperturbable you are not easily upset. If your goal is to be imperturbable, then you can't let things bother you or get you stressed, confused, or angry. خونسرد - ارام-


(adj.) not easy, requiring hard work; hardworking -The most laborious job I've had was working 20 hours a day as a fisherman in King Salmon, Alaska. Synonyms: arduous, difficult, strenuous, wearisome زخمت کش- پر زخمت - ساعی و کوشا


(adj.) not permitted, unlawful, improper Synonyms: illegal, unauthorized, forbidden -Though Al Capone was engaged in many illicit activities, he was finally arrested for income tax evasion, a relatively minor offense. غیرمحاز - غیر قانونی


(adj.) obligatory, required; (n.) one who holds a specific office at the time spoken of لازم و واجب =intansitive - irrevocable- "it is incumbent on them to pay their own debts" -currently holding an office "the incumbent governor" ="فرماندار فعلی


(adj.) occurring at irregular intervals, having no set plan or order پراکنده - تک و توک - انفرادی - متفرق - ناپیوسته- fitful- occasional - چند وقت یبار -The signals were at first sporadic, but now we detect a clear, consistent pattern of electromagnetic radiation eminating from deep space.


(adj.) of a gloomy or surly disposition; cold or sluggish in mood عبوس- دلتنگ-افسرده 1-bitter or scornful It is not easy to kick off a new era with the requisite upbeat mood when the saturnine sight of a near-vacant arena evokes the apathy caused by past disappointments. Lilli Palmer is a saturnine icon in the Marlene Dietrich mold. the face was saturnine and swarthy, and the sensual lips...twisted with disdain"- Oscar Wilde" Synonyms: sarcastic 2-showing a brooding ill humor Synonyms: dark, dour, glowering, glum, moody, morose, sour, sullen Medieval alchemists ascribed to the planet Saturn a gloomy and slow character. When people are called saturnine, it means they are like the planet — gloomy, mean, scowling. Not exactly the life of the party.


(adj.) of poor quality; characterized by inferior workmanship - The shoddy workmanship of the table was not only apparent in its outward appearance, but also in its structural weakness whenever weight is applied. جنس بنجل - کالای تقلبی


(adj.) offensive or disgusting; foul-smelling; harmful or injurious کریه- زیان بخش- نامطلوب- If you accidentally leave half a sandwich under your bed for a few days, cover your nose while you sleep because it will probably become quite noisome. This is a fancy way of saying that it will stink. Noisome can refer to anything unpleasant or anything that makes you nauseous. However, it is most often used to describe bad smells. So spray some air freshener, open the windows, and clean out under your bed! 1-offensively malodorous Synonyms: fetid, foul, foul-smelling, funky, ill-scented, smelly, stinking 2-causing or able to cause nausea Synonyms: loathsome, nauseating, nauseous, offensive, queasy, sickening, vile Laboring alongside her co-workers, sometimes for 11 hours a day in a loud, noisome environment, she'd built valued relationships. Mists curled and smoked from dark and noisome pools.


(adj.) offensive, disagreeable, distasteful متناقض- طاقت فرسا- مخالف - زننده- تنفرانگیز -Such persons are not only socially repugnant, in the climate of our present day they are extremely dangerous.' -Most of us feel naturally repugnant about questioning our core beliefs and principles.


(adj.) overbearing, arrogant; seeking to dominate; pressing, compelling. having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy. تحکم امیز- آمرانه- متکبر-فوری- ضروری- =disdainful, haughty, lordly, overbearing, prideful, sniffy, supercilious, swaggering. Marian remembered her grandmother Isabella as an imposing woman, tall and imperious, who ruled her family with an iron hand. Children are imperious with each other before they learn that earning someone's respect is better than demanding.


(adj.) overly self-satisfied, self-righteous Synonyms: conceited, complacent -When Phil was dating the model, he had a smug attitude that annoyed his buddies. از خود راضی - کوته نظر - خودبین


(adj.) passing aimlessly from one place or subject to another, rambling, roving, nomadic نوشته یا سخن نامربوط- استدلالی- بی ترتیب- پراکنده- If people accuse you of rambling from topic to topic in your speech or writing, they may say you have a discursive style. -proceeding to a conclusion by reason or argument rather than intuition synonyms:argumentative, dianoetic -a rambling discursive book" synonyms:digressive, excursive, rambling -It's been variously described as disjointed, digressive, discursive and a "stoopid masterpiece".


(adj.) passing aimlessly from one place or subject to another, rambling, roving, nomadic. -This biography of Charles Dickens is not a succinct portrait of the writer as it is padded with many undigested and discursive excerpts from his personal writings and letters. -سخن پراکنده- نامربوط- بدون ترتیب- - استدلالی The mathematician excelled professionally due to his discursive mind, but his lack of empathy made him a loner in his personal life.


(adj.) puzzling, perplexing, inexplicable, not easily understood مبهم- مرموز Something that's enigmatic is tough to figure out. It's puzzling and even mysterious, like those weird secret college societies, Mona Lisa's smile, or the New York Times crossword. 2-resembling an oracle in obscurity of thought "so enigmatic that priests might have to clarify it" "an enigmatic smile" Synonyms: oracular 1-not clear to the understanding "I didn't grasp the meaning of that enigmatic comment until much later" "prophetic texts so enigmatic that their meaning has been disputed for centuries" Astronomers recently witnessed an enigmatic icy object in Jupiter's shadow begin its transformation into a type of comet, one that sticks close to the sun


(adj.) quarrelsome, inclined to argue ستیزه جو- دعوایی- بحث برانگیز Syn.: argumentative, disputatious, combative 1-involving or likely to cause controversy ""a central and contentious element of the book"- Tim W.Ferfuson" Synonyms: controversial 2-inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits "a style described as abrasive and contentious" Synonyms: combative, disputatious, disputative, litigious Ant.: agreeable, amiable, affable, pacific متضادهاش= This is a contentious issue given reports that China uses Uighur Muslims detained in large numbers in the Xinjiang province as forced labour


(adj.) quick and skillful in movement, agile; clever. - dexterous, adroit. - Even at 80, my grandmother's mind is nimble as ever; she reads a book and does a word puzzle every day. - After looking over the CCTV video, the police determined that the thief was quite nimble and had climbed through the window gracefully. چابک و زبر و زرنگ- باهوش - سریع


(adj.) relating to, characteristic of, or situated on an island; narrow or isolated in outlook or experience. if you grew up in a big city then visited a rural place, you may be surprised that stores close early. Such an experience will help you expand your insular views. Insular means "having a narrow view of the world," like insular people who never leave their small town, which enables them to believe that every place in the world is the same and the people are all just like them. relating to or characteristic of or situated on an island "insular territories" "Hawaii's insular culture" suggestive of the isolated life of an island "an exceedingly insular man" Synonyms: private narrowly restricted in outlook or scope "insular attitudes toward foreigners" Synonyms: parochial جزیره ای-منزوی-مربوط به جای مخصوصی مثلا ی جزیرع Exxon is known in the oil world as an insular company with a rigid culture that slows adoptive, pivotal change. Yet the insular world that dominates French literary life remains largely unscathed, demonstrating just how entrenched and intractable it really is


(adj.) restless, hard to manage, balky سرکش- کله شق- بی قرار- رام نشو- =rebellious - indomitable- recalcitrant - pertinacious - cantakerouse -hectic To be restive is to be impatient or on edge — it's an edgy state. When you feel like your skin is too tight and your nerves are ready to snap, when you feel ready to explode, you are restive. refusing to move ahead." Picture a restive horse, refusing to take a jump. impatient especially under restriction or delay "the government has done nothing to ease restrictions and manufacturers are growing restive" The guards on the gate, at the sides of the wall, were restive and nervous. While their doing so was all to the good in itself, some of them were growing restive and hard to manage.


(adj.) self-righteous, characterized by moralizing; given to use of maxims or adages; saying much in few words, pithy. نصیحت امیز- اغراق امیز- اندرز امیز If you speak in sententious phrases, your listeners are probably falling asleep, as your speech is pompous and pretentious, and full of moralistic babble. it usually has a negative sense, meaning heavy handed and self-important. 1-concise and full of meaning Synonyms: pithy 2-abounding in or given to pompous or aphoristic moralizing ""too often the significant episode deteriorates into sententious conversation"- Kathleen Barnes" Synonyms: pretentious Rather than highlighting the perversity of slavery, his sententious prose strains to upstage it.


(adj.) shapeless, without definite form; of no particular type or character; without organization, unity, or cohesion بی نظم- بی شکل Amorphous means without a clearly defined form, like the moon's amorphous reflection in a lake. Figuratively, something amorphous lacks focus, be it a work of art, a political movement, or even someone's life plans. The adolescent ego is a hazy thing, amorphous, cloudlike. Yes, the feelings themselves were intangible, amorphous, but the cause of the feelings was a matter of chemistry, biology. I saw it as a dark, amorphous cloud that would descend from above and enclose us forever.


(adj.) shrewd, crafty, showing practical wisdom. marked by practical hardheaded intelligence "an astute tenant always reads the small print in a lease" Traffickers are often psychologically astute in how they groom victims and Curtis describes how, "grooming often mimics a genuine relationship". We never see the actual man, an astute choice for a movie that depends on the audience's own moral imagination to fill in the blanks.زیرک - دقیق Or the technically astute boxer who demonstrated his ring intelligence to avenge that defeat six months later?


(adj.) slanting or sloping; not straightforward or direct. -If something is oblique, it has a slanting position or direction. In figurative use, oblique means indirect or purposely misleading. "What is two plus two?" "Fish!" as an answer is completely oblique. -I imagine it: gliding my hands up his long oblique muscles, lingering over the grooves of his abdomen, feeling the heat of his skin in my hands. اریب- مایل- کنایه امیز- مبهم- متقلب It caught the oblique light spilling in from the hallway.


(adj.) small, smaller than most others of the same type. -I liked my teacher, a diminutive white lady named Mrs. Burroughs, who seemed ancient to me but was probably in her fifties. -He prefers to be called a diminutive of his name ریزه - کوچولو-ک در مردک-


(adj.) stealthy, secret, intended to escape observation; made or accomplished by fraud. taking pains not to be caught or detected محرمانه - پنهان- نهانی- دزدکی - =confidential- arcane- furtive- clandestine Since his mom was a light sleeper, Timmy had to tiptoe surreptitiously through the entire house, careful to not make the floors creak, until he at last was able to enjoy his plunder


(adj.) subject to odd ideas, notions, or fancies; playful; unpredictable. Adults look to kids and envy their whimsical nature at times, wishing that they could act without reason and play without limitation. خیال باف- وسواسی- دهن بین - غریب


(adj.) swollen, bloated, filled to excess; overdecorated or excessive in language - pompous and tedious قلبمه گویی- گزاف گویی- ورم کرده-متورم- چسی اومدن- خودنمایانه -And the prose in the memoranda of other officers was always turgid, stilted, or ambiguous. ۱-ostentatiously lofty in style. synonyms:bombastic, declamatory, large, orotund, tumid ۲-intumescent, puffy, tumescent, tumid -Having sat through the whole turgid evening, I only regret they didn't integrate it into the performance.


(adj.) tending to be troublesome; unruly, quarrelsome, contrary; بد خو- زود رنج-ننر- If you're prone to picking fights, making snarky comments, and being frustratingly stubborn, you're fractious. Someone who is fractious is cranky, rebellious and inclined to cause problems. Tempers and children are commonly described as such. 1-easily irritated or annoyed "an incorrigibly fractious young man" Synonyms: cranky, irritable, nettlesome, peckish, peevish, pettish, petulant, scratchy, techy, testy, tetchy 2-stubbornly resistant to authority or control "a fractious animal that would not submit to the harness" Synonyms: recalcitrant, refractory 3-unpredictably difficult in operation; likely to be troublesome "rockets were much too fractious to be tested near thickly populated areas" "fractious components of a communication system" Synonyms: difficult, hard In some quarters, it is now producing the worst — fractious, resentful and cynical. Others see the unusual agreement as a sign of how women are finding new ways to wrest back control of their own narratives, especially after fractious divorces.


(adj.) tending to cause sleep, relating to sleepiness or lethargy; (n.) something that induces sleep Something that is soporific is sleep-inducing. Certain medicines, but also extreme coziness, can have a soporific effect. 1-a drug that induces sleep Synonyms: hypnotic 2-inducing mental lethargy Synonyms: narcotic, soporiferous 3-sleep inducing Synonyms: hypnagogic, vociferous, somnifix, soporiferous خواب الود -کرخت- داروی خواب اور With his weirdly soporific voice and orange face, Trump is in turn mesmerising, entertaining, appalling and shocking. Thanksgiving is an endurance contest: You want wines that are energetic rather than soporific.


(adj.) thin, slender, not dense; lacking clarity or sharpness; of slight importance or significance; lacking a sound basis, poorly supported نازک - لطیف باریک دقیق The temporary shelter that Nora had built was extremely strong and showed no signs of tenuous groundwork.


(adj.) totally abandoned and helpless; sad and lonely; wretched or pitiful; almost hopeless -He soon acquired the forlorn look that one sees in vegetarians. درمانده - تنها- متروک- ناامید -After her third pet dog died, Marcia was simply forlorn


(adj.) unreasonably high; excessive گزاف- بیش از حد- کمر شکن- نامعقول- Shelley made one exorbitant purchase after another, buying new clothes and taking vacations even though she earned a limited salary.


(adj.) vanishing, soon passing away; light and airy -The storm flashed into existence above us and lasted only a short time--an evanescent turbulence of wind and cloud. محو شونده- ناپایدار


(adj.) very careful and exact, attentive to fine points of etiquette or propriety نکته سنج- بسیار دقیق- بسیار مبادی اداب "punctilious in his attention to rules of etiquette" synonyms: meticulous Unfortunately, even the most punctilious punctuation is not informative enough to eliminate all garden paths. I was punctilious about all court regulations, but I sometimes used unorthodox. This quality was continually breaking through his punctilious manner in the shape of restlessness.


(adj.) very earnest, emotional, passionate; extremely hot. گرم - سوزان- پر تب و تاب- پر حرارت- پر اشتباق- پر شور -The presidential candidate won over voters by showing a fervent desire to change existing housing policies. -If you have a fervent desire to become an actress, you'll stop at nothing to realize your dream. -"a fervent desire to change society"


(adj.) wastefully extravagant; lavishly or generously abundant; (n.) one who is wasteful and self-indulgent ولخرج- اسراف کار =extravagant, profligate, spendthrift , profligate, squanderer 3-someone who returns after a long absence characterized by reckless behavior -I the most prodigal and mundane of historians. And then I extended my prodigal ways beyond Chinese food. Glass was expensive, and large sheets of it were prodigal of heat in these fierce latitudes; so to see them here was evidence of wealth and influence far greater than Iofur Raknison's vulgar palace.


(adj.) wearied, worn-out, dulled -showing a lack of interest and excitement caused by having done or experienced too much of something -Viewers might justifiably feel jaded when exposed to the same sights over and again. خسته و دلزده شدن از چیزی بخاطر تکراری بودنش


(adj., part.) about to happen, hanging over in a menacing way NOT PENDING The impending doom of our world has been a discussed and debated for 2000 years--maybe even longer. قریب الوقوع


(adjective) intended to deceive or entrap, sly, treacherous SYN: cunning, underhanded, perfidious. . crafty. - Cancer is an insidious disease; it spreads slowly in the patient's body without the patient knowing. موذی- دسیسه امیز


(n.) - someone devoted to pleasure and luxury, a voluptuary. - عیاشی غرق در لاکچری- خوشگذرونی لاکچری If you know someone who's totally addicted to luxurious things and all of life's pleasures, call her a sybarite. Unless she's inviting you over for champagne brunches and showering you with gifts. The show's second act ends with a wild, madcap party, in which middle-aged sybarites frolic like they're still 19, a festivity that starts off merely embarrassing but turns into a danse macabre. A sybarite finds what he's looking for in Amsterdam. It is true they were sybarites and aesthetes. She would be accused of being a sybarite if it weren't for the conceptual rigor she applies to her aesthetics."


(n.) a massive and inescapable force or object that crushes whatever is in its path. نیروی عظیم منهدم کننده- نیروی تخریبی If the army marching into your country is a juggernaut, you're doomed. If you're trying to market a new Cola product, you're up against corporate giant Coca-Cola, a beverage juggernaut if ever there was one. Synonyms: steamroller He saw a great juggernaut of stars form in the sky and threaten to roll over and crush him. Meanwhile, the fashion juggernaut rolls on, requiring a new collection for men and women twice a year.


(n.) an inadequate quantity, scarcity, dearth کمبود ندرت - کمیابی There is a paucity of jobs hiring today that require menial skills, since most jobs have either been automated or outsourced.


(n.) an object of intense dislike; a curse or strong denunciation (often used adjectivally without the article) 1-a formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication یک نفرین رسمی کلیسایی همراه با تکفیر 2-a detested person "he is an anathema to me" یک نفر منفور Synonyms: bete noire 3-something that inspires dislike; something horrible Synonyms: horror As a sport, basketball is anathema to doctors and medical experts who continue to espouse the community benefits of staying six feet apart, congregating outside and avoiding large gatherings. منفور- لعنت شده- - Galileo was anathema to the church


(n.) beggar; (adj.) depending on begging for a living گدا- صدقه بگیر- =beseeching, imploring, pleading He became a mendicant and began wandering India, and was "driven mad with mental agonies" over what he encountered: ritual, poverty, disease. Tolstoy was an aristocrat, but he strove to understand the Christianity of the Russian peasants by wandering among them as a mendicant.


(n.) one who puts forward a proposal; one who supports a cause or belief استدلال دهنده- ساپورتر- طرفدار - توضیح دهنده Ironically, the leading proponent of Flat-Earth Theory flies all over the world in an effort to win more adherents.


(n.) poise, assurance, great self-confidence; perpendicularity =assuredness, cool, poise, sang-froid خونسرد و با اعتماد بنفس در شرایط سخت -Nancy acted with aplomb during dangerous situations--she once calmly climbed up an oak tree to save a cat.


(n.) proper behavior, good taste; orderliness ادب و نزاکت -You will obey the rules of decorum for this courtroom or spend the night in a jail cell, said the judge to the prosecutor. -"What you must learn of proper decorum would fill volumes," she said with a weary sigh.


(n.) someone or something that is abandoned or neglected; (adj.) left abandoned; neglectful of duty بی سرپرست - رها شده- متروک- وظیفه نشناس - کوتاهی کردن - سست کار 6-forsaken by owner or inhabitants synonyms: abandoned, deserted, desolate 5-failing in what duty requires synonyms: delinquent, neglectful, remiss negligent 4-in deplorable condition synonyms: bedraggled, broken-down, dilapidated, ramshackle, tatterdemalion, tumble-down damaged در شرایط اسف بار مترادف: تختخواب ، شکسته ، فرسوده ، ، پارچه زنی 3-worn and broken down by hard use synonyms: creaky, decrepit, flea-bitten, run-down, woebegoneبا استفاده سخت فرسوده و خراب شده است مترادف: منجمد ، فرسوده ، کک گزیده ، فرو ریخته ، گریزان 1111- a person without a home, job, or property. A week later he was back at the derelict vehicle, apparently without regret. Dad says paying your kids to study is "derelict."


(noun) mercy, humaneness; mildness, moderateness Syn.: leniency, forbearance, gentleness -تخفیف- رحم -مهربانی - بخشش بخشیدن و تبرعه کردن In the final moments of the trial, during his closing speech, Phillips was nearly begging the judge for clemency.


(of a circumstance) with little chance of success =unfavorable نامساعد- بد شانس With only a bottle of water and a sandwich, the hikers faced an unpropitious task: ascending a huge mountain that took most two days to climb. International trade is, once again, a hot-button political issue, making this an unpropitious time for rational discourse about the subject. This looks likely to produce one of the most disliked and unpropitious candidacies in American political history.


(v.) - to increase gradually in size or degree رشد کردن- زیاد شدن- Her enthusiasm for the diva's new album only waxed with each song; by the end of the album, it was her favorite CD yet.


(v.) make ineffective or powerless از کارایی انداحتن - The drone industry largely sees itself as hamstrung by an overreaching Federal Aviation Administration. -impair


(v.) to accept without protest; to agree or submit -He refuses to acquiesce to the boss's demand that he attend a corporate retreat. =accession ,accede, assent با بی میلی موافقت کردن- تن در دادن- رضایت دادن- تسلیم شدن -Half my mind told me to cool it; to acquiesce to his claims of racial superiority and predestination.


(v.) to achieve, arrive at (The athletes strived to attain their best times in competition.) به دست اوردن موفقیت در انجام کاری -Supreme Court justices have attained the highest positions in the judicial system


(v.) to admit as true; to yield, submit واگذار کردن- شکست قبول کردن- اعتراف کردن- تسلیم کردن -If you concede something, you admit that it is true, proper, or certain -"The candidate conceded after enough votes had come in to show that he would lose" =confess, profess acknowledge -The Spanish were forced to concede much of the territory they had previously conquered.


(v.) to argue or plead with someone against something, protest against, object to تعرض کردن- سرزنش کردن- Remonstrate means to call someone on something that's wrong. If your mother yells at you in public, you might call this getting chewed out. She might call it remonstrating. Either way, it's embarrassing. remonstrate is a word that puts the glow of respectability on the action of yelling at someone or telling them that they're wrong. The sense is that the person remonstrating is the victim — they're just making the injustice plain. 1-argue in protest or opposition 2-present and urge reasons in opposition Synonyms: point out 3-censure severely or angrily انتقاد شدید Synonyms: bawl out, berate, call down, call on the carpet, chew out, chew up, chide, dress down, have words, jaw, lambast, lambaste, lecture, rag, rebuke, reprimand, reproof, scold, take to task, trounce, vituperate ۴-He recalls remonstrating with a worthy "bourgeois" on a street corner in Manchester.


(v.) to assign or refer to (as a cause or source), attribute. نسبت دادن - کاتب- رونوشت برداشتن- دانستن History ascribes The Odyssey and The Illiad to Homer, but scholars now debate whether he was a historical figure or a fictitious name. حمل کردن و carry =impute


(v.) to attack by surrounding with military forces; to cause worry or trouble. -After discovering a priceless artifact in her backyard, Jane was besieged by phone calls, emails, and reporters all trying to buy, hold or see the rare piece of history. محاصره کردن


(v.) to become weak, feeble, or dull; to droop; to be depressed or dispirited; to suffer neglect. To languish is to become pitiful or weak because you're sick, in love, or stuck somewhere. A prisoner might languish in jail, longing for her freedom. پژمرده شدن- ضعیف شدن- رنج کشیدن- سوختن از غصه-در عشق کسی سوختن- become feeble. Stranded in the wilderness for four days, the hiker languished, eating protein bars and nuts. It was unlikely I would ever see these things again; I was certain they were doomed to languish in storage in some dark police facility.


(v.) to captivate, charm, hold spellbound; to enslave; to imprison اسیر کردن- شیفته کردن- بنده کردن- به غلامی دراوردن- When something is so fascinating that it holds all your attention, it is said to enthrall — whether it's a thrilling action-adventure film, a breathtaking work of art, or even the person you have a crush on. synonyms: delight, enchant, enrapture, ravish, transport The show will undoubtedly enthrall the general public, as it should.


(v.) to cause to disappear; to scatter, dispel; to spend foolishly, squander; to be extravagant in pursuit of pleasure. -1. squander or spend money frivolously. 2. to disperse or scatter . پراکنده کردن- از هم پاشیدن- پخش کردن- تلف کردن- هدر دادن- عیاشی کردن - هدر دادن- اسراف کردن -He looked directly at the man with an anger that dissipated his weakness. -The recent graduates dissipated their earnings on trips to Las Vegas and cruises in Mexico. -Kathleen's perfume was overwhelming in the cramped apartment, but once we stepped outside the smell dissipated and we could breathe once again. -This allows the little bubbles of nitrogen to dissipate harmlessly.


(v.) to change from one nature, substance, or form to another. change or alter in form, appearance, or nature تبدیل کردن - تغییر شکل دادن One of the goals of alchemy was to find the substance or process that would transmute lead into gold.


(n.) a thin outer layer; a surface appearance or decoration; (v.) to cover with a thin layer روکش کردن- محافظت کردن "veneer the furniture to protect it"


(v.) - to live, exist زیست کردن و وجود داشتن Once the animal uses up its usual sources of nourishment, it will have to subsist on acorns. ‌گزران کردن survive !


(v.) to put into chains; (n., usually pl.) a chain, fetter. -The prisoners were rendered immobile as their limbs were cruelly shackled to the poles with thick metal chains.غل و رنجیر- دست و پاگیر- مانع- دامن گیر- محدود کردن ازادی سحن- قید و بند -those leg irons some prisoners wear when they appear in court. In other words, a shackle is a restraint, either physical or psychological, that restricts movement. -The man was completely shackled on his belly.


(v.) to read thoroughly and carefully. Instead of perusing important documents, people all too often rush to the bottom of the page and plaster their signatures at the bottom. با دقت خوندن- بررسی کردن


beginning شروغ چیزی -Sleep actually occurs instantaneously, though one may receive clues signaling its onset for several minutes before one falls asleep.


Expected or required اجباری الزامی


=lull, relief, break وقفه- به تاخیر انداختن- مهلت- زمان استراحت A smoking break gives a much needed respite from the exhausting toil of office work.


A possible future event that must be prepared for or guarded against; possibility احتمال - امکان- پیش امد- اتفاقات - پیش بینی نشده- جدول توافق -Both business parties wanted to make sure they were prepared for all possible contingencies, so they had their best lawyers work on a detailed contract.


An outline of possible events


Cloudy; confused کدر کثیف - گل الود


conundrum معماااااااا هر دوتاشو حفظ کن


Former, previous (adj); in the past, formerly (adv) قبلا -سابق - پیشین If your dad used to play in a punk band, but is now a computer programmer, you could call him an erstwhile punk rocker. Erstwhile means "former." There are some erstwhile Republicans who are becoming apoplectic however: the Never Trumpers.


Lacking or absent; Deficient in some way کمبود- احتیاج داشتن Not wanting to attract attention, Blake and his friends parted quietly. I think wanting that is very morbid, but I want it when I get like this. She hoped it might be one of the girls from across the street, wanting to play video games or inviting her for an after-dinner swim.


Someone who is veracious speaks the truth — like your brutally honest friend who always lets you know what she thinks about your outfits. =candid precisely accurate "a veracious account" synonyms: right accurate "All American Made" is a soulful and veracious snapshot of the times we're living in. Christian Brinton says of the art of Gari Melchers that it is explicit and veracious. Goolrick, John T.Photius praises the style of Hesychius, and credits him with being a veracious historian. For the social historian this trilogy will prove a mine of gossip, rich veracious gossip.


To repeat in order to achieve, or get closer to, a desired goal. دوباره تکرار کرذن - A good essay should find a way to develop a point, not just iterate it over and over.


To rework old material into a new form. -When you rehash something, you use it again without altering or changing it much. Your favorite band's new album will be a disappointment if they just rehash all their old hits. =retrograde -Argument after argument, old injuries were rehashed and threaded through new ones. -تکرار مکررات- سرهم بندی- (منفی)


a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant. When you talk of the vicissitudes of life, you're referring to the difficult times that we all go through: sickness, job loss, and other unwelcome episodes. No one can escape the vicissitudes of life. Losing a pet, crashing the car, being called in for jury duty: these are examples of vicissitudes — chapters in one's life that one would rather avoid but must get through. Some lives have more vicissitudes than others, to be sure, but no life is without events that test and challenge us. -فراز و نشیب زندگی- دگرگونی و تحول While "Letter to You" is chock-full of songs about life's vicissitudes and the commonality of human experience, Springsteen offers clear commentary on the maladies of our times. Each storm, it seems, delivers its own quirks, cruelties and vicissitudes.


a false and malicious accusation; misrepresentation =disgrace , aspersion, defamation, denigration, slander رسوایی - بدنامی to destroy reputations or friendships. You've probably seen political ads during election time that rely on calumny to move voters. 1-a false accusation of an offense or a malicious misrepresentation of someone's words or actions synonyms: calumniation, defamation, hatchet job, obloquy, traducement To call me anti-American is a stupendous lie, a calumny. But I am above that sort of calumny. A wicked calumny against the Washington media is that we live and work in a liberal echo chamber, never interacting with persons of alternative political viewpoints.


a feeling of excessive concern, I walked to his house in the rain to make sure he had enough to eat while he was sick, but he seemed not to appreciate my solicitude. نگرانی - دلواپسی- اضطراب


a feeling of uneasiness syn: misgiving دلهره ۰ دو دل بودن و دلواپسی دغدغه خاطر = scruple - Kit shook off her qualms and set her own face towards home and another dull evening.


a firm decision to do or not to do something. تحلیل- عزم- تصویب- تصمیم- دقت - حل


a person who disparages someone or something. A detractor is someone who puts you down. When you're proposing ideas at work, your detractor is the person who finds fault with everything you say. Bruce's detractors like to sneer that his successes derive from sheer luck. Those detractors are traitors to the United States and President Pence should arrest them. His detractors say he is an instigator who is spreading both hate and the coronavirus. one who disparages or belittles the worth of something Synonyms: depreciator, disparager, knocker Types: backbiter, defamer, libeler, maligner, slanderer, traducer, بدخواهان one who attacks the reputation of another by slander or libel


a model of excellence or perfection one having no equal. 2. an ideal instance; a perfect embodiment of a concept -نمونه ی کامل-نمونه ی عالی-سرمشق - جلو زدن- پیش افتادن- مقایسه کردن Even with the rise of Kobe Bryant, many still believe that Michael Jordon is the paragon for basketball players. -Some say that Athens was the paragon of democracy, but these people often forget that slaves and women were still not allowed to vote. Paragon applies to someone who is a model of perfection in some quality or trait. We link paragon with other words that follow it, such as "paragon of virtue" or "paragon of patience. -"My wife is one of those paragons— a woman who does not talk very much." -And the teacher was not only an intellectual paragon and a social leader, but also the matrimonial catch of the countryside.


a sense of something about to happen دلهره- روشن بینی قبلی- دلواپسی =sensation- apprehension "the lawyer had a presentiment that the judge would dismiss the case"


a short, pithy instructive saying سخن کوتاه و پرمغز-کلمات قصار Winston Churchill is famous for many apothegms, but this might be his most famous. -One of my father's favorite apothegms was that "you can't argue with success."


a sickness, illness, disease, disorder. -The town was struck by a malady throughout the winter that left most people sick in bed for two weeks. مریضی - بیماری


a skillful or ingenious device; a clever trick; a clever skill; trickery فریب- نیرنگ- cunning tricks used to deceive other My eyes burn, and it's not artifice, unlike the wincing The mayoral candidates both spent much of the campaign accusing each other of artifices designed to mislead the voting public. If a politician pretends to be angry as a way of rousing the anger of the voters and getting more votes, he's guilty of artifice — a subtle and crafty trick.


a slight fault, defect, crack نقص-شکاف- عیب A flaw can be a sign of weakness or defect. If you try to make wings and fly off the roof but wind up crashing in the gutter, there's a flaw in your plan. 1-an imperfection in an object or machine "a flaw caused the crystal to shatter" Synonyms: defect, fault 2-defect or weakness in a person's character "he had his flaws, but he was great nonetheless" 3-an imperfection in a plan or theory or legal document that causes it to fail or that reduces its effectiveness 4-add a flaw or blemish to; make imperfect or defective Synonyms: blemish Human Rights Watch criticized his initial trial as "one of the most flawed prosecutions in Turkey in recent times." I want it to be a character who's got a flaw that turns her into the villain." stanford officials later apologized, saying the university was working "to address the flaws in our plan".


a timely benefit; a blessing مزیت خوبی بخشش لطف عیاش خوشدل Modern technology has been a boon to the travel industry. He was a boon companion to many, and will be sadly missed.


a tip or payment in addition to regular wages syn: fringe benefit; perk; benefit. -Even as the dishwasher at the French restaurant, Josh quickly learned that he had the perquisite of being able to eat terrific food for half the price diners would pay. منافع - فایده حق محفوظ و قانونی اضافه حقوق- چیز اکتسابی


a view of data at a particular moment in time عکس لحظه ای The short charity trip to the poor villages of Nicaragua provided Rachel with a snapshot of rural life in Central America.


a wise person


able to do many things well; capable of many uses -The Pittsburgh Steelers prefer versatile defensive players who can play safety, cornerback, or linebacker. =fickle, volatile, flighty, erratic, capricious همه کاره - تطبیق پذیر- متنوع و زیرک


absolute certainty or conviction that something is the case اطمینان - دقت- When certitude melts into uncertainty, it is hard for a former believer to decide what to think.


absolutely necessary, not to be neglected ضروری


abundant; plentiful -In midsummer, there are copious popiscle stands at the beach; in the winter, there are none. فراوان - مفصل


an aggressive argument against a specific opinion -(My brother launched into a polemic against my arguments that capitalism was an unjust economic system.) حنگ و جدل - بحث -a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something.


an assumption that is taken for granted فرض - جسارت- گستاخی - احتمال - استنباط The new neighbor quickly gained a reptuation for her presumption; she had invited herself to several of the neighbors homes, often stopping over at inopportune times and asking for a drink. =impudence - arrogance- audacity - deduction - -When Mr. Baker found out the family car was gone, he acted under the presumption that his rebellious son had taken the car, calling his son's phone and yelling at him


an example that may serve as a basis for imitation or later action سابقه - نمونه- مقدم- The principal explained that even though one student had done modelling work outside of school, the outfits that student wore in those photographs in no way established a precedent for what could be worn at school dances.


an excessive amount of something. There was no such thing as a surfeit of shopping for Nancy--she could stay at the outlet stores from opening to closing time. زیاده روی- افراط


an excuse or trick for escaping or hiding something. "he wasn't sick--it was just a subterfuge" synonyms: blind طفره رفتن- بهانه- گریز-حیله Sometimes a little subterfuge and chicanery is in order and the quickest way to achieve one's goal. عذر Dr. Trefusis and myself both lacked the instinct for subterfuge; and so we both worked uneasily with flaps or pockets.


an official decision by a judge or a court that settles a case and may also establish the meaning of a law. The official decision a judge makes is a ruling. You can also use this word as an adjective, to describe something or someone in charge, like a ruling political party. حکمرانی Massive protests spread around Lebanon and Iraq in late 2019 and early 2020, with crowds demanding entire ruling classes be removed.


arrange and set down in writing مرتب و منظم کردن The Mesopotamian king Hammurabi codified his kingdom's laws and had them placed on tablets throughout the kingdom.


as a matter of doctrine به طور اعتقادی Theologically, it's tricky; the Germans want further reformation from Henry, who may enjoy breaking up England's monasteries but seems comfortable enough, doctrinally, with Rome. He went on to explain that these predecessors failed because they were overtly ideological; their members fractious, their opinions splintered and doctrinally unsound


awakening memories of something similar; suggestive - حاطره یادبود - The old photo of Jane's wedding day thirty years ago was reminiscent of her days of youth and bliss.


be appropriate, related, or applicable. مربوط بودن- متعلق بودن- مناسب بودن -My remark pertained to your earlier comments" - Today we learn words that pertain to going to the doctor.


bewildered; confused; perplexed When you're confounded, you are confused. A confounded student might struggle with one question on a math test for twenty minutes. . A confounded taxi driver might take you in circles around your destination, and a confounded American might find himself unable to communicate with French waiters in Paris. The "Godfather" star admitted he's "confounded" by citizens who voted for Trump. I'm always a little troubled or confounded when people peel off immediate reviews of these sorts of books. Muslim voters also confounded Democratic strategists with their support for Mr. Trump reaching 35 percent, according to The Associated Press. سردرگم شدن- گیج شدن-مبهوت شدن


beyond question or argument, definitely true غیر قابل شک و تردید- مسلم - حتمی


biting, bitter in tone or taste ترش مزه :) بدخلق- بد دهان- زبان تند Most movie critics are acerbic towards summer blockbusters, often referring to them as garbage.


bitter, sarcastic; highly caustic or biting (like a strong acid) تند و سوزنده- سخن تند- جوهر گوگرد Mean, nasty, and caustic as the worst acid, vitriolic words can hurt feelings, break hearts, and even lead to violence. 1-harsh or corrosive in tone "a vitriolic critique" synonyms: acerb, acerbic, acid, acrid, bitter, blistering, caustic, sulfurous, virulent. Her resentment surfaced in the form of vitriolic attacks upon your corporate structure." "Oh, don't start that again," Major Sanderson exclaimed with vitriolic scorn, and hurled down his pencil disgustedly. His mother doesn't want him fake-dead anymore, though, and he's stopped getting a thousand vitriolic tweets an hour, so he counts it as a win


bright; brilliant; glowing


clear; cannot be understood the wrong way بدون شک


decrease in size, range, or extent اب رفتن لباس- کم شدن- خودداری کردن- دور شدن- کوتاهی کردن =cringe, flinch, funk, quail, recoil, squinch, wince "Hot water will shrink the sweater" "Can you shrink this image?" Those borders began to shrink, and thus the power of Rome to crumble. Now it was my brother's turn to shrink back. My brief feeling of superhuman power shrunk with every step I took. When the spider appeared beside Pablo, he shrunk away in fear.


difference تفاوت


excessive pride or self-confidence. Hubris is an excess of confidence: a boxer who shouts "I'm the greatest!" even though he's about to get pummeled by a much stronger opponent is displaying a lot of hubris. غرور و گستاخی When the word "pride" shows up in Christian liturgy, it is usually synonymous with hubris.


expressed as worthless or in negative terms -Never before have we seen a debate between two political candidates that was so derogative and filthy. کاهنده شعونات- خفت اور =humiliating - maligning


expressed in terms intended to persuade or impress - قانع کننده -Something about the tone of his voice or the reaction of the other children told me this was a purely rhetorical question. - ""accepted two or three verbal and rhetorical changes I suggested" -لفاظی-بیان قوی


expressing a compliment; praising or approving تعریف- بلیط افتخاری The student theater production received complimentary reviews, much to the delight of the director and her team.


extreme boldness; presumptuousness بی شرمی- جسارت- گستاخی If you rudely behave as if you have a right to something that you have no right to, you're committing effrontery. audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to synonyms: assumption, presumption, presumptuousness. The only effrontery left was the effrontery of dullness. Enraged by her digital effrontery, he screams, then slaps her.


extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world. -characterized by lightness and insubstantiality Example Because she dances with an ethereal style, ballet critics have called her Madame Butterfly. اسمانی روحانی- رقیق- نازک


fixed pay for services; salary; regular allowance awarded a scholarship winner. -He was hoping for a monthly allowance loan from the government, but after no such stipend was forthcoming he realized he would have to seek other means of paying for his college tuition. دستمزد- حقوق- مواجب


fresh and clean; uncorrupted تر و تازه - تمیز- دست نخورده- طبیعی - اولی - پیشین The glacial lake was pristine and we filled our canteens to drink deeply


giving or conveying a warning or reprimand -If you're caught throwing paper airplanes in class, your teacher will probably give you an admonitory lecture. =admonishing, reproachful, reproving =cautionary, exemplary, monitory, warning The "we" here sounds a little too collaborative, and perhaps admonitory. نصیحت امیز- توبیخ امیز For better or worse, that admonitory drum is the true voice of this show.


goes against your gut feeling or common sense برخلاف عقل و شهود - Although it may seem counterintuitive to conduct strength training while injured, experts say it's the best way to heal.


happening at the same time as هماهنگ و همزمان

detrimental to

harmful; damaging و مضر- زیان اور - خسارت اور درد ناک Many know that smoking is detrimental to your health, but processed sugar in large quantities is equally bad.


harsh criticism or disapproval سرزنش کردن- ایراد گرفتن- =animadversion very strong criticism; the verb means to criticize very strongly. If you take your dad's car without telling him, you can expect him to censure you severely rebuke formally synonyms: criminate, reprimand. the state of being excommunicated synonyms: exclusion, excommunication The censure of her family was like a hard shell under which she found a certain freedom. In fact, the issue was never raised at the convention, and the censure was never reversed. I accepted the censure, and thereafter faithfully defended the policy of nonviolence in public.


harsh; severe. مانع ترشح- بندآور- - تند و خشن - شدید و سخن تندو جدی The professor's astringent insight into the debate on global warming influenced his students to support alternative energy. -"astringent cosmetic lotions" -As Dill hurried to class, he caught a whiff of some astringent industrial cleaning chemical.


harshly critical. Scathing means witheringly harsh. If you enter a singing contest and the judge says that your singing is like that of a toad with laryngitis, that is scathing criticism. سخن تند-نیش دار-توهین امیز--سوزان و داغدار If your best friend turns against you and advertises your faults to the world, and you feel like everyone is staring and talking about you, you are having a scathing experience. So opened the scathing statement released on June 8 and signed by some of our most influential playwrights and directors who are Black, Indigenous and people of color. Last month, for instance, the federal appeals court in Philadelphia rejected a different challenge to the results in Pennsylvania in scathing terms.


having little or no money, poor تهی دست- فقیر Synonyms: hard up, in straitened circumstances, penniless, penurious, pinched Before the success of Spam Tomorrow, she led a life that was colourful but frequently impecunious. When this experiment failed, Trollope endured other hardships in Cincinnati, Ohio, trying to find ways of making money to send back to her impecunious family. The impecunious spy "belonged to a condition in life which rendered him the least reluctant to appear in so equivocal a character"


having the character or nature of a counter accusation. اتهام متقابل زدن countering one charge with another "recriminatory arguments" Eight years later he's in Alcoholics Anonymous, sober but not necessarily completely clean, at least in his own recriminatory imagination. * "The important thing here is not to get into a recriminatory finger pointing, accusatory back and forth," he said.


lack of interest, concern, or sympathy بی تفاوتی - بی علاقگی - i don care


lacking in seriousness; disrespectful, saucy showing inappropriate levity =light-minded frivolous گستاخ- پرحرف- سبک- لوده - وراج Although Sam was trying to honor Mark's sense of humor, many found it quite flippant that he wore a comic nose and glasses mask to Mark's funeral. She'd said it in an unkind, flippant way that made me think she really meant it. "Quiet," hissed Holly, worried by the tone of Foaly's usually flippant voice. But Ron was careful not to be flippant about Voldemort over the next few days.


lacking vigor or energy ضعیف- کم خون "an anemic attempt to hit the baseball" At ten, when her mother fretted about her picky eating, wondering if she might be anemic, Izzy declared herself a vegetarian. There is no question that it is better to be anemic than to be dead. For example, all the iron in your blood which stops you from being anemic was made in a star. =flagging - feeble- wanly


lasting for only an instant زودگذر آنی evanescent, fleeting


lying; false; deceitful دروغگویی Isn't it obvious that Hitler's propaganda was not only mendacious but downright evil? SYN: prevarication, disingenuous


making a show of being morally superior to other people جانماز ابکش the priest's sanctimonious talk about the value of family angered the diverse community. مذهبی نما SYN: preachy, didactic


marked by disreputable or unfortunate happenings. متغیر- دارای تحولات- =changing- floating- variable- شطرنجی "a checkered business career" -One by one, the presidential candidates dropped out of the race, their respective checkered pasts-- from embezzlement to infidelity--sabotaging their campaigns.


medicine or remedy of doubtful effectiveness نوش دارو- علاج هرچی


morally unprincipled person فاسد- هرزه - بداخلاق- مخالفت کردن - رد کردن =dissolute -castaway - perverse Those old reprobates drinking all day down by the river--they are not going to amount to much. -"These ideas were reprobated" =condemn, decry, excoriate, objurgate


moving in waves نوسان داشتن- مواج Undulate means to move in a wave-like pattern. If a sound increases and decreases in pitch or volume like waves, you can say the sound is undulating. When searching for the lost boy, the rescuers' cries undulated through the forest. any action shown with the verb undulate has that waving sense to it. If something moves in a wavy, pattern, for example, it is said to undulate. The wind might cause prairie grass to undulate, or music might cause hips to undulate. She remembers watching from The Times' 10th floor cafeteria window as the landscape undulated with earthquake aftershocks. He sketched four undulating lines on top of each other, the first with seven waves, the next five, then three, then a single large wave.


mysterious; known only to a select few -"the arcane science of dowsing" =:esoteric محرمانه - سری - مخفی -He quickly found the more arcane sites: alien abduction, UFO sightings, and the supernatural.


new word or expression واژه جدید


noisy, attacking speech. 1. a long pompous speech; a tirade. 2. to deliver a long pompous speech or tirade سخنرانی دراز و پر انتقاد- نطق اتشین و طولانی 1. Dinner at Billy's was more a punishment than a reward, since anyone who sat at the dinner table would have to listen to Billy's father's interminable harangues against the government. 2. Tired of his parents haranguing him about his laziness and lack of initiative, Tyler finally moved out of home at the age of thirty-five.


not confined or limited. If you live a truly untrammeled life, you feel free to follow your dreams. You could also describe a dictator's power as untrammeled. -"the gift of a fresh eye and an untrammeled curiosity" بدون محدودیت - کاملا ازاد His idea, it would seem, is to evoke the global market and the untrammeled forces that control and surround us.


not direct or straightforward پرپیچ و خم - فریبکار - غیرمستقیم- ریاکار - -"tortuous negotiations lasting for months" =Byzantine, convoluted, involved, knotty, tangled -"a tortuous road up the mountain"


not drawing attention to oneself; modest. خجالتی- افتاده و فروتن -reluctant to draw attention to yourself -Someone who's self-effacing is shy and likes to stay out of the spotlight, shunning attention and praise. The most admirable teachers and respected leaders are those who are self-effacing, directing attention and praise to their students and workers. -Robert is self-effacing; still, he's a self-confident person.


not having any serious purpose or value. silly or unnecessary. If something is frivolous, then you don't need it. بی ربط- بیهوده If someone is frivolous, that person shouldn't be taken seriously because he's always fooling around and never gets anything done. Frivolous is pretty much the opposite of essential. بیهوده-احمق-سبک not serious in content or attitude or behavior airheaded, dizzy, empty-headed, featherbrained, giddy, light-headed, lightheaded, silly flighty, flyaway, head-in-the-clouds, scatterbrained trivial - Laura's frivolous concerns irritated her mother, who wanted her to focus only on her grades. He is filing baseless and frivolous lawsuits to try to overturn our free election.


not in keeping with good taste and propriety; improper. بی نزاکت- بی ادب- بی جا - tactless- indelicate - irreverent - unceremonious- Eating with elbows on the table is considered indecorous in refined circles.


not straightforward; crafty It's disingenuous when people pretend to know less about something than they really do. -giving a false appearance of frankness دو رو- بدون صراحت- بدون صمیمیت- Many adults think that they can lie to children, but kids are smart and know when people are disingenuous. The blocker is said to be completely reversible, which is disingenuous because nothing's completely reversible.


not welcoming; hostile نامهربان- غیر قابل سکونت - Menacing clouds and a sudden drop in temperature signaled the onset of inhospitable weather.


opposite. - برعکس Everyone was surprised when the balloon did the inverse of what we expected and fell back to earth.

posthumously (adv)

occurring after death. is an adverb that helps describe something that happens to a person after they die, whether it happens to their estate, their life's work, or the memory of them that remains. like posthumously naming a street after a dead politician, or posthumously publishing a new book written by an author who died years ago. The word doesn't sound how it looks, so pronounce it like this: POSS-chew-muss-lee. "these piano pieces were published posthumously" "he was honored posthumously" پس از مرگ Task Force Faith was eventually annihilated, and Faith received a Medal of Honor posthumously. Presidential Medals of Freedom are, occasionally, awarded posthumously.


of great size; numerous; writing or speaking at great length حجیییییم بزرررگ - Despite voluminous books on linguistics existing in many institutions, even most college-educated people know little about this discipline.


offensively curious or inquisitive فضولی کردن The maid was fired as she was caught snooping around the master bedroom and prying into the personal lives of her clients.


one who opposes established beliefs, customs, and institutions سنت شکن- بت شکن a destroyer of images used in religious worship synonyms: image breaker. He's always been a bit of an iconoclast. This is not a case of a young iconoclast trying to shock the unshockable for sensation's sake. In the second sentence of her address, she described herself as a "renowned iconoclast." Starting in the early 1940s, Monk became a major architect of the style known as bebop — and, immediately, an iconoclast within it.


practical , feasible , واقعگرایانه- عمل گرایانه- فضول - واقع بین =hard-nosed, hardheaded, practical -A part of me wants to remove her as a friend, but the pragmatic side reminds me that then I'd never get to see what else she puts up. Trade may seem a very pragmatic activity, one that needs no fictive basis. Powell, in his pragmatic way, wanted what I wanted: A fair shot.


present, appearing, or found everywhere =omnipresent, universal همه جایی -it merely proves to reflect the ubiquitous role of geography in the transmission of human culture and technology.


preservation; withholding. - the ability to keep or hold. If you have extraordinary powers of retention, you remember everything you hear or learn. - So I suggest you either stop sharing so many of the things you notice, or start sharing more about your quirky retention of detail. یاداوری- نگه داری حفظ کردن- حبس کردن


sharp بحرانی - حساس- روشنبین- زیرک - تیز - Greece defaulted on many of its loans when the economic crisis was at its most acute. - Psychics cannot tell the future, but they have an acute intuition about what their clients are thinking and feeling. SYN: incisive


quiet and rather reflective or depressed- soft مطیع کردن- رام کردن Something that is subdued has lost some of its strength or intensity. Subdued lighting might create a romantic mood at a restaurant. And a subdued child is one who is no longer having a fit. A subdued economy is probably pretty sluggish. The adjective subdued refers to something, like a sound, that has a lowered intensity. Your loud conversation with a friend in the back of the classroom is likely to become subdued when the teacher passes out the exams. 1-restrained in style or quality Synonyms: low-key, low-keyed 2-in a softened tone "a subdued whisper" Synonyms: hushed, muted, quiet 3-quieted and brought under control "children were subdued and silent" Synonyms: tame 4-not brilliant or glaring "subdued lighting" Synonyms: soft 5-lacking in light; not bright or harsh "subdued lights and soft music" Synonyms: dim While many people can't wait for 2020 to be over, the celebrations on New Year's Eve this year will likely be more subdued than usual.


respectful با ادب - با ملاحضه -If you ever have the chance to meet the president, stand up straight and be deferential.


restraint or moderation, especially in regards to alcohol or food تعادل - میانه روی -Bloomer published an article about the dress in her temperance newspaper, the Lily, and before long it was known as the "bloomer outfit." -But if you're talking about alcohol, temperance means not just drinking in moderation, it means not having it at all.


resulting from or marked by lack of attention; unintentional, accidental بی دقتی- سر به هوا- ندانسته- اشتباه غیر عمدی -The student made an inadvertent call to her parents when the cell phone in her back pocket pressed against the wall. -When something happens by accident, it's inadvertent, or unintentional. -And the harms caused by food poisoning are usually inadvertent and unanticipated.


ridiculing, mocking -I was surprised by her derisive tone; usually, she is sweet, soft spoken, and congenial. کنایه امیز- طعنه امیز- مسخره کردن =contemptuous


rude; insensitive; ill-mannered خشن بی نزاکت - دهاتی -Bukowski was known for being a boorish drunk and alienating close friends and family


showing contempt, scornful, disrespectful. Always on the forefront of fashion, Vanessa looked contemptuously at anyone wearing dated clothing. اهانت امیز- مغرورانه - توهین امیز


something flat used to carry someone who is ill or cannot walk برانکار


something that follows; a natural consequence نتیجه- استنباط فرع پیامد You could say that your renewed love of books is a corollary to the recent arrival of a book store in your neighborhood. blind jealousy is a frequent corollary of passionate love"


stormy, harsh; severe in attitude or action شدید( برای اب و هوا) - ادم بی اعتدال don't forget a raincoat in case of inclement weather. This adjective can also refer to a person or action that is harsh and unmerciful. For Hoffman, distance learning — whether due to a pandemic or inclement weather — will never be a substitute for in-person learning.


strategem to gain an advantage; tactic; Ex. management ploy اقدام - تمجید - وجد- کار =glorification- proceeding - maneuver -Dennis arranged an elaborate ploy, involving 14 different people lying for him in different situations, so that it could appear that he was meeting Mary completely by chance at the wedding reception.


tearful; sad a good place to see a display of lachrymose sorrow is at a funeral — people sobbing openly or sniffling quietly into their hankies. To be lachrymose, in other words, is to be tearful. Lachrymose is not a word used much in everyday speech; you wouldn't say, for example, "I feel a bit lachrymose today." No, you'd probably say, "I feel a bit weepy today." Lachrymose is generally confined to use as a written critical term, often meaning much the same as sentimental. Books and plays and films can all be lachrymose, if their intent is to induce shameless sniveling. غصه دار-اشکبار-اهل گریه و زاری showing sorrow Synonyms: dolorous, tearful, weeping sorrowful But, to the extent that this is a problem, lachrymose exercises like these are more cause than cure. For his part, after leaving England, Byron published a lachrymose poem lamenting the loss of his family, "Fare Thee Well," that, as Seymour puts it, portrayed the poet as "a martyred hero." Longtime Orioles fan Jackie Howell said she developed a word to describe her mood this season: "lachrymose," which means in a constant state of crying.


tending toward one direction. If you're inclined to do something, you want to do it, you like doing it, and you may even have an inherent talent for doing it. Alternatively, if the sidewalk outside your house is inclined, that means it slopes upward. مایل-تمایل- شیب دار It's such a hard thing because these are people that we are inclined to trust, people who are supposed to protect and serve. "It would be bizarre if, say, Jupiter just happened to be inclined 30 degrees relative to the plane that every other planet orbits in." "inclined to be moody" Synonyms: apt, disposed, given, minded, tending(usually followed by `to') naturally disposed toward fond, partial(followed by `of' or `to') having a strong preference or liking for prone having a tendency (to); often used in combination accident-prone having more than the average number of accidents willing disposed or inclined toward


terribly evil, wickedسنگ دل- بی رحم- 5-the dressed skin of an animal (especially a large animal) Synonyms: hide 4-pass away rapidly Synonyms: fly, vanish 3-seam made by turning under or folding together and stitching the seamed materials to avoid rough edges Synonyms: felled seam 2-(of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering Synonyms: barbarous, brutal, cruel, roughshod, savage, vicious 1-the act of felling something (as a tree) Type of: kill, killing, putting to death


terrorize; intimidate subdue, restrain, or overcome by affecting with a feeling of awe; frighten (as with threats) Synonyms: overawe- demoralize-deter Do not be cowed by a 3000 word list ! you are doing good تضعیف روحیه کردن- ترساندن


the lowest - without any principal The base of something is usually the foundation, starting point, or main ingredient of something. A soup base is the flavoring or broth you use to get your soup started. پایه- اساس - مبنا If you're a soldier, you might live on a base ("place where you're stationed"). When your unit plays softball, you must touch each base before scoring. The bottom of pentagon-shaped home plate is its base ("bottom"). Yelling at or pushing the umpire is considered base ("mean-spirited") behavior. At end of the season, your team might get a trophy, which sits on a base ("pedestal"), or a plaque made of brass, an alloy of zinc, which is base metal (it corrodes easily). 1. n - adj lowest support of a structure 2.n-v the most important or necessary part of something 3.n a phosphoric ester of a nucleoside; the basic structural unit of nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) 4.n (numeration system) the positive integer that is equivalent to one in the next higher counting place 5.n a place that the runner must touch before scoring 6.n (electronics) the part of a transistor that separates the emitter from the collector 7.v use (purified cocaine) by burning it and inhaling the fumes 8.adj of low birth or station (`base' is archaic in this sense)


the main part اساس - اصل اسانس عطر معنی گوهر ماهیت The high court vacancy at the start of Trump's term was, in essence, a gift from McConnell. In essence, the agreement is a narrow free trade deal surrounded by other pacts on fisheries, transport, energy and cooperation in justice and policing. "They are looking for a more civilized government, both in style and in essence. Bennett and Saar provide this alternative


to undermine ,subvert, impair به قیمت کمتر فروختن- برش زیرین- ضربه از زیر- با مزد کمتر کارکردن Years of constant water erosion have undercut the foundation to the old bridge and caused it to collapse.


the range, extent, or scope of something قلمرو - حوزه- - The new ban on gum chewing only applies to the purview of this school and is invalid outside its grounds.


the state of being annoyed, frustrated, or worried. -You breaking her pencil in half makes her feel vexation. -The homeowner's breathing more easily now; she'll suffer no further vexations. ازار- اذیت- مایه ی زحمت- رنجش- دردسر -Commuting to work through the heavy morning traffic has proven to be a source of daily vexation for many Londoners. =chagrin -


thwart; defeat; prevent from accomplishing a purpose ناامید کردن- باطل کردن- خنثی کردن - بی اثر کردن -If you try to fix your car for hours and hours but it still won't work, you will feel frustrated. =defeated, disappointed, discomfited, foiled, thwarted


to abolish, to do away with, to annul means to abolish or avoid. When someone cuts in front of you in line, they are abrogating your right to be the next one served. When you cut in line, you are abrogating your responsibility to those who were in line before you.منسوخ شده- لغو شده abrogate means to officially revoke, cancel or abolish. The meaning of this word has expanded a bit since its earliest usage, but it still appears most often in a legal or political context, or when serious rights and responsibilities are being discussed. revoke formally Type of: abolish, get rid of the Constitution and Bill of Rights were largely an experiment by like-minded individuals united to abrogate authoritarianism and aspiring toward self-government. Achieving high vaccine coverage in the U.S. without high coverage in other countries not only abrogates our social responsibility as global citizens, it will also fail to protect Americans. But importantly it does not abrogate responsibility for those who used nuclear weapons.


to affirm openly; to state belief in; to claim, pretend اظهار کردن- اعلام کردن- - Some business owners continue to profess their interests in finding foreign expertise for well-paying positions despite massive unemployment in the country. SYN: proclaim


to assert حفظ کردن-خرجی دادن- مدعی بودن- ادعا کردن- =sustain- affirm- declare- preserve The scientist maintained that the extinction of dinosaurs was most likely brought about by a drastic change in climate.


to attack the reputation of; to speak ill of بدنام کردن- لکه دار کردن -سیاه کردن -your jealous classmate manages to denigrate you =asperse, besmirch, calumniate, defame, slander, smear, smirch, sully. -And they don't denigrate that person—they honor her.


to begin شروع کردن The new cookie company is getting its storefront ready and will be commencing sales within a week.


to confuse; to perplex گیج کردن


to cure درمان- علاج- راه حل- جبران- ترمیم قضایی- اصلاح کردن -The large bed invited the weary traveler to remedy his jet lag. -Although aspirin can be an effective remedy for aches and pains, it can also produce unwanted side effects such as stomach aches. =recipe


to deaden, restrain, or repress -lessen - reduce. Dampened by the oppressive humidity, we decided to end our bike ride early and have a drink at a local café. از شدت و حرارت چیزی کاستن SYN: deaden


to decorate اراستن- تزیین -He adorned the sitting room with flowers and candles in anticipation of his guests' arrival.


to make fun of تمسخر-


to move toward something متمایل شدن به طرف چیزی - Children should be allowed to try the things they gravitate toward.


to remove vulgar or objectionable material. حذف کردن- تطهیر کردن- تصفیه اخلاقی To expurgate is to censor. Usually, people talk about expurgating bad words from something written or on TV. On TV, if you hear some words bleeped out, those words have been expurgated. ۱-edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate Synonyms: bowdlerize, castrate, shorten To consent would be an admission that the expurgated parts are not indispensable," he wrote. Her documentation of Sartre's amorous life prompted objections from his daughter that caused the book to be expurgated in some parts of the world


to silence or suppress; crush; to hold back -When you squelch something, you're putting an end to it. You can squelch an idea or a rebellion. -صدای قدم زدن در گل و لای- شالاپ شالاپ صدا دادن- - ساکت کردن- -توده ی له شده- - سرکوب کردن- خفه کردن شورش- - لگدمال کردن- خرد کردن = suppress- squash- trample -After the dictator consolidated his power, he took steps to squelch all criticism, often arresting any journalist who said anything that could be interpreted as negative about his regime. -With Chloe sitting there, I didn't want to chew, because I thought the squelching would be too loud.


to understand the meaning of a word, a sentence, or an action in a particular way - تفسیر کردن- تاویل کردن- ترجمه گردن- قیاس منطقی کردن -Amber could not construe the meaning of the difficult SAT word even after the professor's multiple explanations. -The author's inability to take a side on the issue was construed by both his opponents and supporters as a sign of weakness. SYN: interpret


to win over, appease If you forgot flowers on your Mom's birthday, you can still propitiate her by sending a bouquet the next day. Propitiate means to appease someone or make them happy by doing a particular thing. Unless, of course, you also believe in propitiating the gods by passing a thorn-studded rope through your own tongue. تسکین دادن- خشم کسی را فرو بردن- Was it just to tell the date or propitiate some mountain deity?


transparent; clear easily understandable شفاف- سلیس- بلورین The professor had a remarkable ability make even the most difficult concepts seem pellucid.


troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances. 1ازرده- رنج کشیده- به ستوه امده- ۲- غارت کردن- ویران کردن- = havoc- ransack- haze- devastate - demolish With a team of new hires to train, Martha was constantly harried with little questions and could not focus on her projects.


typified; characterized; personified. If you epitomize something, you're a perfect example of that thing. If you never get nervous when playing basketball and can always make that last-second shot, your teammates might say you epitomize mental toughness. A frustrating situation at work involving careless coworkers might make you say that they epitomize everything that's wrong with your job. embody the essential characteristics of or be a typical example of Synonyms: epitomize, typify مجسم کردن-صورت خارجی به چیزی دادن-خلاصه کردن-متمرکز کردن Here was an important venture that would honor the heritage that Beethoven epitomizes by bringing it into the present and empowering fresh voices. he Huskies' 24-21 win over Utah epitomized the joy of college football.


understanding of a situation or event only after it has happened or developed. People who are able to look back on the past and understand what happened have hindsight. understanding the nature of an event after it has happened "hindsight is always better than foresight" Type of: apprehension, discernment, savvy, understanding درک اتفاقی که الان افتاده- ادراک-باز اندیشی- In hindsight, I realize how obvious they were being about wanting me to leave. In hindsight, Murphy said, that was a mistake. Solutions are always clearer in hindsight, Fauci said, adding that public health authorities lose credibility if they respond to every new germ as if it's a national disaster. The Yankees surprised many when, facing a surplus of infielders before the 2019 season, they signed LeMahieu as a free agent to a two-year, $24 million contract, which seems like a bargain in hindsight.


unfortunate; inappropriate. -infelicitous circumstances" -Some rearranged elements in the second act are infelicitous. -During the executive meeting, the marketing director continued to make infelicitous comments about the CEO's gambling habit. نامناسب- نالایق- شوم- بدبخت


unfriendliness; hatred خصومت-عملیات خصمانه-دشمنی If a teacher embarrasses you in front of the whole class, you will probably regard him or her with hostility for the remainder of the school year. Hostility can be used to describe aggressive relations between two countries as well as between people. The issue of territorial borders can often cause hostility between neighboring countries. If actual fighting breaks out, use the word hostilities to refer to the violent actions between them. Synonyms: antagonism, enmity aggression enmity, ill will This arbitrary and unjust measure confirms the extent of American hostility to the Iraqi people." Time enough for a whole generation of fans to grow up without firsthand experience of the shared hostility.


universal; wide-ranging. همگانی- گسترده مذهب کاتولیک- جهانی catholic means "universal" and "inclusive." If you listen to anything from hip-hop to Baroque, you have catholic taste in music. Landry said she went to Catholic school for 20 years of her life and is as "catholic as all of y'all." There's no doubt that catholic tastes are less blinkered than cultural snobbery.


unwilling to grant concessions or negotiate; inflexible تسلیم نشو- انعطاف ناااپذیر - سرسخت- سخت گیر -The relationship between Bart and Hilda ultimately failed because they were both so uncompromising, never wanting to change their opinions.


unwilling, reluctant, disinclined. -unwillingness to do something contrary to your custom (usually followed by 'to') بی میل- بیزار- تنفر I was loath to leave the concert before my favorite band finished playing.


unwise or imprudent نابجا- غیر منطقی و نامناسب The teenager made an ill-advised move to invest all his hard-earned salary into aggressive investment schemes and ended up losing all of it.


verb: to defraud or swindle Synonyms : bunco , con , defraud , diddle , gip , goldbrick , gyp , hornswoggle , nobble , rook , scam , short-change , swindle , victimize No one wants to pay an extra mulct to the city, when it's the city who mismanaged the budget. Got mulct? Then somebody took your money. They "milked" you by mulcting you. And the money that they took? That's called mulct, too. Some people believe that there's no difference between being mulcted by the state and being shaken down by the mob. In fact, the word mulct is often used to mean having your money taken unfairly or as a kind of punishment or as extortion. جریمه- تاوان- لکه- با کلاه برداری پ.ل درکشیدن از... The so-called magical diet cure simply ended up mulcting Maria out of hundreds of dollars, but did nothing for her weight. The infliction of a penalty at the discretion of the court; also, a mulct or penalty thus imposed. A pecuniary mulct or penalty laid upon a delinquent for offending against a ban; as, a mulct paid to a bishop by one guilty of sacrilege or other crimes.


خنده بلند - حرف مفت - Loud boisterous laughter


مودبانه- refined in manner or style, suave -Because of his service as an intelligence officer and his refined tastes, W. Somerset Maugham became the inspiration for the urbane and sophistcate spy James Bond. مودب


واٰژه شناسی

a hot-button issue

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