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How many valence electrons do they have? Alkaline earth metals


What does their atomic structure look like boron family

3 electrons on outter ring

# of valence electrons in chalcogens


how many valence electrons in halogens


How many valence electrons do noble gasses have?


How is it good for the body/diet Iron Zinc Calcium Fluorine

I-helps to transport oxygen throughout the body, important component of hemoglobin, Z-important for a healthy immune system, properly synthesizing DNA, promoting healthy growth during childhood, and healing wounds C-key for the health of your bones and teeth, but it also affects your muscles, hormones, nerve function, and ability to form blood clots. F-it's neutral salts are a minor constituent of tooth enamel, which is an outer layer of bone

Covalent and Ionic Bonds -Explain the difference between the two

Ionic bonds result when electrons are tranfered between atoms. Covalent bonds result when valence electrons are shared between atoms. You should be able to identify whether an ionic or covalent bond is being formed between atoms.

is hydrogen a metal or nonmetal

It is nonmetal, but it is on the metal side of the periodic table.

what type of changes in the firework lab and explain

It went throught a physical and chemical change because the salt dissolved and it went through a chemical reaction

Alkali metals What are the elements in this group

Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, Cesium, Francium

What are some common things noble gasses are found in?

Noble gases can be found in balloons, neon signs, incandescent light bulbs, and fluorescent lamps.

Common things chalcogens are found in:

Oxygen is most common -- air, atmosphere Selenium -- glass, solar cells Sulfur -- gunpowder, matches, fireworks, fumigants, rubber Tellurium -- blasting caps, improves machinability of copper and stainless steel Polonium -- radioactive, lightweight heat source in space satellites, used in devices to eliminate static for textiles and brushes


Oxygen, Sulfur, Selenium, Tellurium, and Polonium

Always equals the number of protons in a normal atom


Provides the element with its chemical properties


Travels very fast in its orbit


Acts as a barrier to prevent protons from flying away


Found by subtracting the atomic number from the atomic weight


Its number never changes in the atom


What are the elements in this group boron family

aluminum, gallium, indium, and thallium

Isotopes are .........

are atoms that have the same number of protons and electrons, but a different number of neutrons

Ions are ........

atoms with extra electrons or missing electrons.

what is an electron

is a negatively charged particle that spins around the outside of the nucleus.

what is a proton

is a positively charged particle that is located at the center of the atom in the nucleus.

what is a valence electron

is associated with an atom, and that can participate in the formation of a chemical bond.

why does hydrogen have a category of its own

it has so many qualities of many different element structures, so it doesn't fit in any category by itself.

What are some common things RARE EARTH ELEMENTS are found


what does hydrogen make up the most of

makes up the sun and most of the stars. On Earth, it is mostly found in water.

Compounds are substances made up of .........

more than 1 atom

where are alkali metals found

mostly found in salts, not nature

what is fam 15


what family is hydrogen

no family

what is fam 18

noble gasses

how many Electrons/protons in hydrogen

one proton and one electron.

What does tnoble gasses atomic structure look like?

outer shell is made up of Valence electrons, giving them a little tendency to be part of a chemical react

what is fam 16


what is the chalcogens

oxygen fam

What are some common things they are found in?NITROGEN FAMILY:

production and to produce nitric acid. Protect documents Lightbulbs Liquid nitrogen Used in fertilizer

-# of energy levels are determined by.....

the row they r in

what is fam 3

transition metals

ELEMENTS Cannot be separated into smaller parts


Should share ______ electrons or a multiple of to form a compound


Chemical formulas tell ..........

# of atoms in each element in a compund. Contains the symbols of the atoms of the elements

TRANSITION METALS What are some common things they are found in?

-Found in US coins -Used in electronic equipment - Used for Tools -Jewlery -Etc.

What are some common things they are found in:

-Magnesium gluconate is used as a supplement to treat low levels or to maintain adequate levels of this mineral in the body -Barium is used in fireworks to give a green colouration-also in contrast drink for MRI's -Calcium is used as an alloying agent for aluminium, beryllium, copper, lead and magnesium alloys.

What are some common things they are found in: Alkaline earth metals

-Magnesium gluconate is used as a supplement to treat low levels or to maintain adequate levels of this mineral in the body. -Barium is used in fireworks to give a green colouration-also in contrast drink for MRI's -Calcium is used as an alloying agent for aluminium, beryllium, copper, lead and magnesium alloys.

How many Valence electrons does Transition Metals have

-They either have 1 or 2 valence electrons

what elements are halogens

-fluorine (F), -Chlorine (Cl) -bromine (Br) - iodine (I), -astatine (At). -The artificially created element 117 (ununseptium) may also be a halogen.

Alkali Metals How many valence electrons do they have


Elements are pure substances composed of ....

1 atom

what fam is boron family


what fam is CARBON FAMILY in


what is the fam number of NITROGEN FAMILY:


what fam is chalcogens


what family is halogens


what family is noble gasses in


how many groups/columns in the periodic table and what do they share

18 share characteristics

what is fam 2

Alkali earth metals

what is fam 1

Alkali metals

Atomic Structure of chalcogens:

All have 6 electrons on outer ring

where can halogens be found

All of the halogens can be found in the Earth's crust.

State 5-7 physical properties that all the salts all have in common. State a chemical property they have in common.

All the salts have a reaction when you put in the fire. They all have a acid-base-reaction, hyrochlic acid, and sodium hydroxide.They all are in the form of powders or gounded up substances.

Explain, using the diagram below, how an ionic bond is formed.

An ionic Bond is formed when an element has one electron on the third ring and it gives it to another element. However the element that gave the electron loses its third ring. Sodium hs one electron on its outer ring and chlorine has 7. Chlorine needs 8 in order to be full. Sodium gives that one electron to chlorine to make chloruine full. Sodium loses its outer ring and its new outer ring is full.

Protons and Electrons are equal to ______

Atomic #

how to find # of neutrons

Atomic Mass (Rounded down) - Atomic Number = # of Neutrons

what are atoms

Atoms are the basic units of matter and the defining structure of elements. Atoms are made up of three particles: protons, neutrons and electrons. not enegry

Why are there two rows at the bottom......Why are they there? What If the they were not at the bottom, what would the table would look like?

Because if you put lanthanides and actinides in to the Periodic Table like transition metals, the table will be way too wide. The two rows of elements present at the bottom of the periodic table are called the 4f series or lanthanoids and 5f or actanoids. They are also called inner transition elements.

What are the elements in this groupCARBON FAMILY

Carbon:Graphite Silicon:Is found everywhere in the universe but not by itself in nature. Germanium:Argyrodite Tin:Ore cassiterite Lead:is a toxic metal that is found in gasoline.

What are SOME of the elements in this group RARE EARTH ELEMENTS

Cerium- Ce Yttrium- Yb Lanthanum- La Neodymium- Nd

what is the only flammable gas


how many valence electrons does hydrogen have

Hydrogen has 1 valence electron.

what are the vertical columns called what do each members in a group share

Each column is called a group. same number of electrons in the outer orbital . Those outer electrons are also called valence electrons

_________ elements all have the same amount of valence electrons

Each columns elements all have the same amount of valence electrons.

What does their atomic structure look like?NITROGEN FAMILY:

Five electrons in it's outer electron layer. Has a tendency to gain three electrons . Different from each other in both physical properties, and chemical behavior.

Explain why it is an important element to life Hydrogen Carbon Oxygen Nitrogen Silicon

H-Hydrogen makes up the sun and most of the stars. On Earth, it is mostly found in water. C-Complex molecules are made up of carbon bonded with other elements, especially oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen, and carbon is able to bond with all of these because of its four valence electrons. O-body depends upon oxygen. The second important function of oxygen is to combine with metabolic waste products to allow their elimination from the body N-essential for growth and reproduction in both plants and animals. It is found in amino acids that make up proteins, in nucleic acids, that comprise the hereditary material and life's blueprint for all cells, and in many other organic and inorganic compounds. S-makes up about 25 % of earths crust. important ingredient for steel

What are the elements are in noble gasses

Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, Radon, and Element 118 (Ununoctium)

are chalcogens metals

Split between non metals, metalloids, and metals

What are the elements in this group?NITROGEN FAMILY:

The elements in the group are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), arsenic (As), antimony (Sb), and bismuth (Bi).

How many valence electrons do they have boron family

The first group, the alkali metals, has 1 valence electron (ends in s1). The second group, the alkaline earth metals, has 2 valence electrons (ends in s2). The third group, the boron family, has 3 valence electrons (ends in s2p1).

how is conduction happening in the firework experiment

The metal rod is heated by the flame, which is conduction becuase it is directly touching the flame and the metal is being heated.

What are SOME of the elements in this group? RARE EARTH ELEMENTS

There are a total of 38 elements in the transition metals titanium (Ti), zirconium (Zi), and Hafnium (Hf). vanadium (V),

How many valence electrons do they haveCARBON

They all have 4 valence electrons.

How many valence electrons do they have RARE EARTH ELEMENTS

They are in there own group and have 1-2 valence electrons.

How many valence electrons do they have?NITROGEN FAMILY:

They have 5 valence electrons.

how does hydrogen react

behaves unlike any other element,

Alkaline earth metals What are the elements in this group-

beryllium (Be), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr), barium (Ba), and radium (Ra).

What are the elements in this group Alkaline earth metals

beryllium (Be), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr), barium (Ba), and radium (Ra).

what is fam 13


what is fam 14


Compound share represented by ........

chemical formula

-Synthetic Elements (Radio-Active) ..........

chemistry, radioactive elements that were not discovered occurring in nature but as artificially produced isotopes. They are technetium (at. no. 43), which was the first element to be synthesized, promethium (at. no. 61), astatine (at. no. 85), francium (at. no. 87), and the transuranium elements (at. no. 93 and beyond in the periodic table). Some of these elements have since been shown to exist in minute amounts in nature, usually as short-lived members of natural radioactive decay series (see radioactivity).

what is a neutrons

doesn't have any charge. The number of neutrons affects the mass and the radioactivity of the atom.

Carries a negative electrical charge


why do periodic table groups share characteristics

elements in the same column share the same number of electrons in their outermost shell.

- Valence Electrons are determined by......

equal to the atom's main group number. The main group number for an element can be found from its column on the periodic table. For example, carbon is in group 4 and has 4 valence electrons. Oxygen is in group 6 and has 6 valence electrons.

What are some common things they are found in Boron is

found in ceramics, soap, glass manufacturing, fiberglass, and flare guns.

Metals, Non-Metals, Metalloids are separated by ....


what is fam 17


describe Hydrogen atomic structure

has a very simple atomic structure/1EP

what do the elements in nitrogen family all have

have five electrons in the outermost energy level of their atoms. All are in room temperature, except nitrogen. Have the electron configuration ns2np3 in their outer shell.

-Lightest Natural Element / Heaviest Natural Element.....

hydrogen uranium

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