SM Final

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In the A/B/C analytical queuing model classification, M is used to denote: a. exponential inter-arrival time distribution. b. deterministic inter-arrival time distribution. c. general distribution with mean and variance. d. Erland distribution.


Little's Law states that a relationship exists between a. line length and waiting time. b. multiple and single queues. c. waiting in queue and waiting in system. d. exponential time between arrivals and Poisson arrival rate.


The ___________ forecasting method requires the most computer power. a. econometric b. cross-impact c. regression d. historical analogy


_____________ is the best for forecast demand. a. Exponential smoothing b. Historical analogy c. Dephi method d. Econometrics


The symbol ρ is used to denote which one of the following parameters: a. number of customers in the system. b. number of servers. c. traffic intensity. d. finite size of queue.


Which of the following forecasting models is required for the forecast of the demand for hotel services? a. subjective and causal. b. subjective and time series. c. time series and causal. d. only time series.


Which one of the following is not a characteristic of firms using yield management? a. ability to segment their market b. perishable inventory c. variable capacity d. product sold in advance


________ is not a strategy for accommodating of customer-induced variability. a. Provide generous staffing b. Cross-train employees c. Reward increased effort d. Do work for customers


In forecasting, the term "cycle" refers to repetition of data: a. once a year, if seasonal. b. once in a period. c. within a week. d. during a day.


A queuing system is said to be in a transient condition when: a. its parameters change with time. b. its parameters remain constant. c. it is still under the influence of the initial state. d. it grows beyond bound.


All but one of the following are characteristics of the moving-average model: a. very low relative cost. b. short term forecast horizon. c. uses all past data in forecast. d. used for demand forecastsing.


Exponential smoothing uses a feedback control mechanism because: a. A is less than 1. b. calculations are based on modifying the previous smooth value. c. the calculation contains the forecast error. d. the weights given to past data are exponentially distributed.


In the long run, if service capacity is inadequate for the arrival rate, one of the following will likely occur: a. servers will slow down. b. customers will demand less. c. reneging will occur. d. prices will be increased.


Long-term forecasts do not deal with predictions for: a. new services. b. changes in mix of services. c. overtime or temporary labor requirements. d. process technology.


Which of the following is not a criterion for capacity planning? a. average customer waiting time b. probability of excessive waiting c. the rate of departure d. probability of sales lost because of inadequate waiting area


Which of the following is not true of pseudo-random numbers? a. They exhibit the characteristics of true random numbers. b. They are generated using a mathematical function. c. They are stored in a computer file. d. An identical sequence can be replicated with the same seed value.


Bars that offer happy hours in the afternoon are using the strategy of: a. creating adjustable capacity. b. developing complementary services. c. increasing customer participation. d. promoting off-peak demand.


The cost of service capacity is determined by a. the number of customers waiting. b. the total number of customers. c. waiting time. d. the number of servers on duty.


A major weakness with project completion time analysis with uncertain activity times is the: a. possibility that more than one critical path might exist. b. need to solicit three time estimates for each activity. c. assumption that the project completion time is normally distributed. d. bias associated with the expected project completion time.


A single-server food cart competes with several nearby food carts and experiences arrival of customers during an 8-hour period as shown: Customers would probably exhibit a high incidence of ________ during the 11 a.m.-1 p.m. and 4 p.m.-5 p.m. periods; to avoid this opportunity cost, the cart owner should __________ a. balking; offer "2 for 1" specials during slow periods. b. reneging; expand the menu. c. jockeying; offer price discounts between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. d. balking; add another server during peak periods.


All but one of the following are techniques to lessen the boredom of waiting customers: a. placement of mirrors in elevators. b. telling customers how long the wait is at different points in the queue. c. installing a television tuned to CNN. d. displaying time with a large analog clock.


An inventory model with quantity discounts has all of the following features, except: a. savings in manufacture. b. savings in transportation. c. increased holding costs. d. increased ordering costs.


________ is not a characteristic appropriate for a yield management strategy. a. Relatively fixed capacity b. Steady demand c. Ability to segment markets d. Products sold in advance


Which of the following is not an advantage of using one large computer system to serve an entire university community? a. short turnaround time. b. large memory. c. economics of scale in services. d. short wait in queue.


Which one of the following is not an advantage of the Simple Exponential Smoothing model over the N-period Moving Average model? a. Old data are never dropped. b. Older data are given progressively less weight. c. Calculation is simple. d. None of the above.


Because of the nontangible nature of a service, forecasting does not play as important a role in service operations as in manufacturing operations.


Both measures of forecast accuracy, MAD and MSD, give equal weight to all forecasting errors.


Both trend and seasonal adjustments can augment a single exponential-smoothing model.


6. The work shift-scheduling problem is important in service organizations that face a cyclic demand for their services.


8. A drawback to increased consumer participation is the fact that service quality is no longer completely under the control of the provider of the service.


Characteristics of forecasting models include all but one of the following: a. data required. b. economic conditions. c. relative cost. d. forecast horizon.


For a chase demand strategy which of the following does not have a high trade-off? a. Employee utilization b. Labor-skill level c. Labor turnover d. Supervision required


In general, for infinite queues, the expected number of people in the system is equal to: a. the average arrival rate minus the average service rate. b. the expected number in the queue plus the expected number in service. c. the expected arrival rate times the expected waiting time. d. alternatives (a) and (b) above.


The Delphi method is best used when forecasting: a. customer demand. b. technological change. c. correlations between events. d. future economic conditions.


The forecast horizon for regression methods is _________. a. short term. b. medium term. c. long term. d. medium to long term.


What one of the following is not a characteristic of yield management? a. Capacity is relatively fixed. b. There is one homogeneous customer class. c. The service is considered a perishable inventory. d. Demand fluctuates yet is somewhat predictable.


____ is the smoothing constant for the trend adjustment in an exponential smoothing forecast. a. Alpha b. Beta c. Gamma d. Delta


Which of the following strategies is inappropriate for managing capacity and demand? a. Smooth customer demand by offering price incentives. b. Scheduling staff to meet variations in forecasted customer demand. c. Decrease customer participation in the service process. d. Promoting off-peak use of facilities.


Faced with variable demand and a perishable capacity, a service manager can smooth demand by: a. using part-time help during peak hours. b. scheduling workshifts to vary workforce needs according to demand. c. increasing the customer self-service content of the service. d. using reservations and appointments.


In regression models, the variable of interest (being forecast) is called a(an): a. defining variable. b. independent variable. c. basic variable. d. dependent variable.


In using the critical fractile criterion P(d<x) = Cu/(Cu + Co) for overbooking, the 'd' refers to: a. cost of overestimating demand. b. cost of underestimating demand. c. number of rooms overbooked. d. number of no-shows based on past experience.


Queuing models can help explain all but one of the following: a. predicting results of adding servers to a multiple server system. b. effect of reducing service time variation on waiting time. c. determining the size of a parking lot. d. mean arrival rate.


Survey results are used in: a. regression. b. cross-impact anlaysis. c. econometric models. d. Delphi method.


The A/B/C notation classifies queuing systems on the basis of: a. arrival rates and queue discipline. b. queue discipline alone. c. arrival rates and service rates. d. arrival rates, service rates, and number of servers.


The ___________ queuing model is often used in situations when little if no waiting occurs. a. M/M/1 b. M/M/c c. M/G/1 d. M/G/(x)


The accuracy of a time-series model is dependent upon: a. the nature of past data. b. the weight given to past data. c. the treatment of seasonality and trend. d. the assumption that the future is a projection of the past.


Which one of the following is not part of the queuing system features? a. calling population b. queue configuration c. queue discipline d. departure process


Which oneof the following is an example of a causal model? a. Delphi method b. Moving average c. Cross-impact analysis d. Regression


_________ variability is not one of the five sources of customer-induced variability. a. Arrival b. Capability c. Effort d. Demand


12. Yield management is a pricing and capacity allocation system that was developed by American Airlines.


13. Yield management is a strategy that manages both demand and capacity.


15. Expected loss for an overbooking reservation strategy would be calculated by multiplying the loss for each no-show possibility and its probability of occurrence, and then adding the products.


3. The strategy of segmenting demand to reduce variation makes use of the fact that demand for a service seldom is derived from a homogeneous source.


5. Yield management is the process of allocating a fixed perishable resource to several market segments in the most profitable manner.


1. The use of a ski-resort hotel for business conventions during the summer is an example of using the complementary service strategy.


14. An example of segmenting demand is seen when movie theaters offer matinee prices before 6:00 p.m.


18. A disadvantage of yield management is that it cannot be implemented in real time.


2. Overbooking is a strategy that can be used to smooth demand.


20. SABRE is the name for American Airlines' yield management system.


22. Level demand and chase capacity are the two generic strategies for capacity management.


A shortcoming of simulation is the use of pseudo-random numbers.


Fast-food restaurants use a causal model to forecast daily demand for menu items.


Reducing the variability either in service time or arrival time can reduce most of the wait involved for the consumers.


The main advantage that simple moving-average models have over exponentially-smoothed models is that they can be made to give any desired weight to specific periods in the past.


Verification refers to determining whether or not the structure of a simulation model is consistent with the real system.


A queue is said to be finite if there is an upper limit on the number of consumers who are allowed to be in it. Consumers who come after the queue is full, either balk or are refused entrance.


Most forecasting models assume that the underlying pattern of behavior of their data will remain the same. The only component of error is attributable to random fluctuations that are not under the control of anyone.


One reason exponential smoothing is so popular is the ease with which it can be made to accommodate trend and seasonality in its forecasts.


After selecting a line in a multiple queue system, a customer is ________ when she or he switches to a different line perceive it to be moving faster. a. jockeying b. balking c. reneging d. weaving


For the exponential distribution we have: a. the mean equal to its standard deviation. b. the variance equal to the standard deviation. c. no specific relationship between mean and variance. d. the mean equal to the reciprocal of the variance.


Implementing critical path analysis is faced with all but one of the following problems: a. availability of project management software. b. agreement on the project network. c. eliciting time estimates for activities. d. introduction of bias in activity time estimates.


Monte Carlo simulation of project networks is not recommended when: a. activity times are deterministic. b. more than one critical path exists. c. bias in project completion time is important. d. activity time distributions are Beta.


16. The critical fractile is a cumulative probability of demand.


Econometric models are basically regression models that involve a system of equations.


Inventory management costs include all but one of the following: a. ordering. b. purchase. c. receiving. d. shortage.


The calling population is termed finite when: a. there is restriction on the maximum number in the queue. b. only a limited number of people may use the facility in any given period. c. the interarrival time is not very large. d. there is no queue discipline specified.


Subjective models are used to assess the future impact of changing demographics.


Which of the following is not an advantage of a multiple-queue configuration? a. FCFS rule is guaranteed. b. Differentiation of service can be provided. c. Division of labor is possible. d. Customers have choice of server.


Which of the following is not an effective way to manage the psychology of waiting? a. Prominently display time with a large analog clock. b. Inform customers when long waits are anticipated. c. Use diversions to occupy customer waiting times. d. Employ a take-a-number system to ensure fairness.


Which one of the following concepts is not associated with the news-vendor problem? a. breakeven analysis. b. incremental analysis. c. expected value analysis. d. trade-off analysis.


Which one of the following is not true of multiple queue configurations? a. Jockeying is eliminated. b. Division of labor is possible. c. Service provided can be differentiated. d. The FCFS rule is not always followed.


In the "Newsvendor Problem", the underlying concept is that the newsvendor should continue increasing the stock until the expected loss on the last sale ______ the expected revenue on the last unit stocked. a. equals b. just exceeds c. is just lower than d. greatly exceeds


Spatial distribution of demand is important to consider in which of the following services? a. Restaurants b. Banking c. Emergency ambulance services d. Motels


Taxes and insurance would fall under _____ costs. a. ordering b. receiving and inspection c. holding or carrying d. shortage


Which feature below is not associated with the periodic review system? a. order consolidation. b. fixed order quantity. c. C items. d. small safety stocks.


Which item below would not be a good candidate for a planned shortage model? a. exotic sports car. b. donor transplant organ. c. sale item. d. staple.


Which of the following is not an essential feature of a queuing system? a. Calling population b. Queue configuration c. Service process d. Customer


Which one of the following allows the manager to make probability statements with regard to meeting project objectives? a. Gantt chart. b. CPM. c. PERT. d. earned-value chart.


Which one of the following is most affected by the bullwhip effect? a. customer. b. retailer. c. distributor. d. wholesaler.


Which one of the following is not a critical time estimate for a Beta distribution? a. optimistic time. b. pessimistic time. c. most likely time. d. expected time.


Which one of the following is not considered a source of variance on the earned value chart? a. time. b. cost. c. schedule. d. none of the above.


In the M/M/1 model the calling population is finite


A system is said to be in statistical equilibrium when the number in queue assumes a distribution that is independent of the starting condition.


Exponential smoothing prevents overreaction to extremes in the actual observed values.


For a standard service system to operate over the long run, the servers must be idle part of the time.


Which oneof the following is not considered a source of unexpected project management problems? a. cost. b. time. c. economy. d. performance.


Pooling of services is an approach toward achieving economies of scale in services through better utilization of services.


The cost of formulating, developing, and testing regression models, plus the expertise required to interpret results, often dictates the use of this model only for medium-term or long-term forecasting.


The selection of candidate independent variables for a regression model to forecast motel occupancy requires input from knowledgeable marketing personnel.


The amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the completion of the project is referred to as: a. total slack. b. late finish. c. late start. d. free slack.


The elimination of paper-based documents between organizatins is made possible by: a. ERP. b. EDI. c. MRP. d. POS.


Which one of the following is not a role that inventories play in a distribution system? a. decoupling b. speculative c. anticipative d. cyclical


A health club offering a reduced rate membership for students to workout before 4:00 p.m. on weekdays is: a. promoting off-peak demand. b. partitioning demand. c. using yield management. d. offering price incentives.


A queuing system is described by all but one of the following: a. balking behavior b. calling population c. arrival process d. queue configuration


A restaurant that features special lunchtime combo meals is providing all but one of the following benefits? a. Promotes off-peak demand b. Increases customer satisfaction c. Decreases service times d. Segment demand


For the system to operate satisfactorily over the long run, a. the capacity to serve must be greater than the average demand. b. the expected waiting time for each customer must not exceed average service time. c. the arrival rate must be less than the service rate. d. the number of servers must equal the average number of arrivals per unit time.


Service capacity decisions have all but one of the following strategic characteristics: a. the decision to invest in capacity will attract competitors. b. financial investment in capacity must be balanced against the costs of lost sales. c. inadequate short-term capacity needs can generate customers for the competition. d. hostile customers can result from inadequate capacity following a marketing campaign.


The strategy of segmenting demand is feasible only when: a. demand is not from a homogeneous source. b. demand is cyclic and predictable. c. arrivals for service are random. d. making appointments is impossible.


The usual range of the smoothing constant for a simple exponential smoothing forecast is: a. 0.1-0.5 b. 0.3-0.7 c. 0.5-0.7 d. 0.5-1.0


When yield management is implemented which one of the following does not result: a. consumer surplus increases b. multiple prices are offered c. capacity is more fully utilized d. market for the service is segmented


Which of the following does not need to be analyzed for capacity requirements when setting up a "Cookies and Ice Cream" shop? a. technology requirements. b. facility requirements. c. equipment requirements. d. labor requirements.


Which of the following is not a strategy for managing capacity? a. Developing complementary services b. Using part-time employees c. Forecasting demand d. Scheduling shifts


Which one of the following is not a strategy to manage demand? a. cross-training employees b. offering price incentives c. developing reservation systems d. partitioning demand


________ is not a strategy for reduction of customer-induced variability. a. Adapt to customer skill levels b. Require reservations c. Limit service breadth d. Target customers based on capability


A good overbooking strategy should: a. minimize the expected opportunity cost of idle service capacity. b. balance the expected opportunity cost of idle service capacity and expected cost of turning away customers who have reservations. c. minimize the expected cost of turning away reservations. d. none of the above; services should try to avoid overbooking.


A parking lot is a special variation of the _________ queuing model. a. infinite queue M/G/∞ b. finite-queue M/M/c c. infinite queue M/M/c d. finite-queue M/G/1


All but one of the following is an example of a yield management application: a. RyerFirst b. SABRE c. HIRO d. Restaurant Catering Software


All of the following are forecasting models, except: a. subjective. b. objective. c. causal. d. time series.


Pooling of servers results in reduced waiting time because: a. the mean service time for the pool as a whole is now constant. b. servers are utilized better. c. multiple queues are replaced by a single queue. d. alternatives (a) and (b) above.


Regression models require all but one of the following: a. numerical data. b. subjective data. c. independent variables. d. dependent variable.


Subjective forecasting models are best characterized by: a. the use of experts. b. the use of opinion as a basis for a forecast. c. the absence of data manipulation. d. the use of simultaneous equations.


The purpose of differential pricing is to: a. make peak period usage unattractive. b. make off-peak usage attractive. c. charge customers according to their ability to pay. d. adjust capacity to demand.


Which one of the following is not an example of the differential pricing policy? a. weekend and night rates for long-distance telephone calls b. difference in hospital fees for walk-in and scheduled services c. peak-load pricing by utility companies d. none of the above


A cruise ship has available a certain number of rooms in each of 10 categories of appointments ranging from a two-bunk inside cabin to a suite with an outside patio and indoor sitting area. If a passenger requests a sailing date in which the desired cabin is sold out, which of the following actions would be considered the least viable alternative for the cruise line? a. Offer an upgraded cabin at a reduced price. b. Attempt to steer the passenger to an available date. c. Overbook the cabin. d. Offer a downgraded cabin with special privileges such as a $100 certificate for use in the casino.


Which one of the following four steps in "daily workshift scheduling" is out of order? a. Forecast demand. b. Convert to operator requirements. c. Assign operators to shifts. d. Schedule shifts.


A medical clinic has two doctors and each can treat 25 patients a day. The doctors see walk-in patients whose arrival times cannot be controlled, and also patients who have made appointments. Knowing the expected number of walk-ins per day, appointments are scheduled to utilize the doctors fully. The following table gives the expected number of walk-ins for a particular week: Day: Mon. Tue. Wed. Th. Fri. Expected Walk-ins: 45 35 40 45 40 What is the total number of appointments that can be scheduled during this week? a. 30 b. 35 c. 40 d. 45


Several approaches to demand management exist, but only _______ seeks to maximize revenue. a. promoting off-peak demand b. reservation systems c. offering price incentives d. yield management


11. Time perishability of service capacity is a challenge for service managers because customers demand immediate service.


4. Differential pricing is an attempt to make peak usage periods unattractive by imposing a penalty on the consumer for using the service during peak periods.


7. Work shift scheduling attempts to deal with the service utilization problem by controlling the demand for the service and partitioning it so that utilization is uniform.


9. When peaks of activity are persistent and predictable such as meal times for restaurants, off-duty personnel can be placed on standby to supplement regular employees.


Analytical queuing models are classified mainly on the basis of the calling population characteristics and the queue discipline.


Capacity usually is measured in terms of outputs (e.g., guest nights) rather than inputs (e.g., number of hotel rooms) in a service firms.


In analytical terms, the modern self-serve supermarket would be approximated best by the M/M/c model, where c is the number of servers.


In the Delphi method, the opinions of experts are collected, then the analyst resolves differences of opinion to arrive at a consensus.


Pseudo-random numbers do not permit an exact replication of experimental conditions.


Seasonal adjustment involves the deseasonalization of data in a given cycle after smoothing.


The forecast horizon for a cross-impact analysis method is medium-term.


The graph depicting the economic trade-off in capacity planning has cost on the x-axis and the capacity to serve on the y=axis


The greatest advantage of subjective techniques like Delphi and cross-impact analyses, is that the methods are fairly standardized and do not require much expertise in actual use.


The key feature of the historical analogy method is that it assumes some future event is related to the occurrence of an earlier event.


The main advantage of analytical models is that they can be used almost anywhere regardless of the underlying assumptions. They still will provide good results.


10. Cross training of employees as a strategy to increase flexibility is feasible only when there exist tasks, the demands for which peak at different times.


17. Using part-time personnel at fast-food restaurants allows capacity to vary with demand.


19. Some restaurants use tables and chairs instead of booths to create more flexible capacity.


21. Service capacity is defined in terms of an achievable level of output per unit time.


A system is said to be in a transient state when the values of its governing parameters in this state are expected to change uncontrollably with time.


Capacity planning decisions deal implicitly with decisions on the cost of making consumers wait and the extent to which these costs can be borne.


Costs for preparing time-series forecasts generally are lower than for other models.


Excess capacity is required in a service system because variability in customer arrivals and service times creates idle capacity.


Historical analogy involves comparative analysis of the introduction and growth patterns of new items with similar previously-introduced items.


Planning for service capacity involves prediction of consumer waiting associated with different levels of capacity.


Simulation allows time compression, doing in seconds what would otherwise require years of actual observation.


The average time a customer should be expected to wait can be calculated by using just the mean arrival rate and the mean service rate.


The trade-off to be made with respect to accuracy is between the costs of inaccurate forecasts and the costs of increasing the accuracy of forecasts.


Projects are terminated for all but one of the following reasons: a. subtraction. b. addition. c. integration. d. starvation.


Service level influences _______ and ________. a. reorder point, safety stock b. reorder point, backorder quantity c. safety stock, backorder quantity d. backorder quantity, lead-time demand


Supermarkets can be described by which of the following facility arrangement? a. Self-serve followed by service in parallel b. Many service centers in parallel and series c. Servers in parallel d. Self-service


The Beta distribution is useful in network analysis because it: a. provides formulas for calculating the activity mean and variance. b. can be approximated by a normal distribution. c. provides probability estimates for project completion time. d. requires only three time estimates to describe uncertain activity duration.


The FCFS rule is most often used because: a. analytical models depend upon its use. b. it represents social justice. c. it is viewed as fair. d. most other rules are not as easily applied.


Which queue configuration permits opportunities for division of labor and service differentiation? a. multiple queue b. single queue c. take a number d. self serve


11. Which one of the following attributes is not considered in the selection of a project manager? a. credibility. b. originality. c. sensitivity. d. ability to handle stress.


According to Maister's Second Law of Service: a. perceptions minus expectations equal the level of customer satisfaction. b. first impressions can influence the remainder of the service experience. c. quality in the service industry is essentially free. d. a waiting customer cannot be satisfied.


Empirical studies have suggested that the distribution of inter-arrival times is: a. Poisson b. Exponential c. Uniform d. FCFS


For a project with uncertain activity times, the probability of project completion exceeding the expected time calculated for the critical path is: a. 25 percent. b. 50 percent. c. 75 percent. d. none of the above.


For an electronic super store using the ABC inventory classification system, ________ would fall in class A. a. television sets b. entertainment centers c. stereos d. desk top computers


Gantt project charts are useful for all but one of the following reasons: a. visual presentation is appealing. b. they show interdependence of activities. c. they are easy to understand. d. they assist in planning construction forces.


In the ABC inventory classification, C items can best be described as: a. expensive. b. among the most numerous. c. having a high stockout cost. d. requiring close attention.


The central idea in the retail-discounting model is that: a. money can be made selling below cost. b. turnover of stock generates money for future investment. c. the percent mark-up over cost is discretionary. d. discount pricing generates sales.


When a quantity discount is offered, the first step should be to compute: a. EOQ for the highest price per unit. b. EOQ for the lowest price per unit. c. the total annual cost for the highest quantity discount. d. the total annual cost for the lowest quantity discount.


When the number of arrivals per unit time follows a Poisson distribution, the most important implication is that: a. the arrivals are dependent and non-random. b. the time between arrivals is exponentially distributed. c. eventually the queue length will stabilize. d. the rate of completion of service is also Poisson distributed.


Which of the following is not true about a critical path in a project network with certain activity times? a. Activities on the critical path have the least slack. b. The longest activity in the project must lie on the critical path. c. There can be several critical paths in a project network. d. The first activity in the network is always on the critical path.


Which one of the following makes performance a source of unexpected project management problem? a. delays owing to technical difficulties. b. unexpected technical problems. c. unforeseen government regulations. d. increase in the scope of work.


A key assumption underlying project networks is: a. dummy activities take up no time. b. the critical path is known with certainty. c. an activity begins only after all predecessors are completed. d. a project network is cyclic.


A project history report should include all but one of the following items: a. project performance. b. organization structure. c. project success and failures. d. project and administrative team.


A resource-leveled schedule would have all but one of the following characteristics: a. the project duration could be longer than normal. b. slack time is used to begin some activities later than their early start time. c. the critical path may be changed. d. a more balanced use of labor resources would be exhibited.


According to Maister, one of the following statements is not true of waits. a. Unoccupied time feels longer than occupied time. b. Anxiety makes waits feel longer. c. In-process waits feel longer than preprocess waits. d. Unfair waits feel longer than fair waits.


The four sequential stages of team development include all but one of the following: a. forming. b. storming. c. coalescing. d. performing.


The total inventory for a retailer is comprised of in-transit inventory, safety stock, and __________ inventory. a. decoupling b. seasonal c. cyclical d. speculative


Which one of the following is most important for a continuous review system? a. constant lead time. b. fixed order quantity. c. POS scanning. d. normal demand distribution.


Which one of the following is not an objective of activity crashing? a. reduce the total cost of completing a project. b. complete a project in less time than normally expected. c. create multiple critical paths. d. prepare a contract bid.


For seasonal items a ______ system could be used to manage inventory. a. continuous review b. periodic review c. retail discounting d. single-period model


In the annual cost curve for the EOQ model, the ordering cost _________ with the order quantity a. increases linearly b. decreases linearly c. increases negative exponentially d. decreases negative exponentially


In the design of an inventory system all but one of the following is considered: a. type of customer demand. b. relevant inventory costs. c. constraints. d. safety stocks.


One advantage of the multiple queue compared to a single queue is that multiple queues a. minimize wait times. b. reduce the average service time. c. lead to a perceived shorter service time. d. lead to a perceived shorter wait time.


The following are all advantages of the single queue system, except: a. the arrangement guarantees fairness by ensuring that the FCFS rule applies. b. the anxiety of "Am I in the fastest line?" is eliminated. c. the problem of line cutting is reduced. d. the customer has the option of selecting a particular server of preference.


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