greece study guide

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What are the lasting results of Greece winning the Persian Wars?

*Athens emerges as most powerful city-state *Delian League was created *Athens propelled into a Golden Age

Against all odds, the Greek city-states defeated the massive Persian Empire. How were they able to do this?

*City-states worked together *Used their knowledge of the geography (home-field advantage) *Elements of surprise, luck, and extreme courage

3 ways in which the ancient Greeks had to adapt to their land in order to survive

1. Greeks planted plants that needed little water 2. Greeks raised animals that needed little to survive 3. Greeks settled on the Aegean sea

3 products created/utilized

1. sheeps,goats,and pigs for food 3. barley,wheat,olive,grains

Some Greek legacy's

1.Alexander left behind Greeks to build a governing city and rule the land. 2. Alexander encouraged his men to marry native women hoping that Greek culture would blend in with the native culture. 3. Greek language became the universal language spoken in all of his conquered lands. Also Greek teachings in science, art, literature, and philosophy became the norm. 4. All across his empire people began to worship Greek gods and read Greek literature. 5. The center of Greek culture shifted from Athens to Alexandria, Egypt. In Alexandria a huge museum was built there which became the intellectual center of the world. Also a library was built there with over 500,000 scrolls in both Greek and non-Greek writing. Learning was KEY here!

Pros of a tyranny

1.decisions can be made quickly 2.strong military leader 3.sometimes they would listen to the working class people and make laws for them

in what ways was traveling in ancient Greece difficult give me 5

1.rugged mountains separated city states making traveling difficult 2.roads were unpaved which made walking and pulling wagons difficult 3.carts/wagons would break witch made traveling with trade foods difficult place to stay (lodging) when traveling which made long days of travel difficult 5.shipwrecks,fear of being robbed by pirate,lack of fresh water made traveling by sea dangerous

3 challenges the Greeks had when using the land to survive

1.there is not a lot of land for animals to graze 2.many Greeks had to settle near the Aegean sea 3.In Greece there is a lot of major rivers(fresh water)

Important Info About Persia

1st King of Persia ● a.k.a. Cyrus the Great ● Conquered a LOT of land ● Unique (for that time) way of ruling his empire: Tolerance! Religious freedom in the empire ○ Almost wiped out all slavery in the empire ○ Conquered people could keep their own religions, customs, way of life...

Who rules in an oligarchy?

A "few" people rule,usually a group of wealthy men

What is a colony?

A colony is a area under control and influence or another country,typically from a faraway land.

What kind of democracy did Greece use?

A direct democracy

What is a democracy?

A government rued by the people.

who are the aristocrats

A group of wealthy land owners

Who had the power in a monarchy

A king or queen

what happened after the Peloponnesian wars ended?

After the Persian wars ended Athens was seen as the most powerful city-state in Greece Athens was launched into a golden age

who was Alexander the great?

Alexander the Great was king of Macedonia. He conquered Greece and then the Persia Empire. Following Alexander's conquests, the cultures of the conquered land were influenced by Greek culture.

Something else about Alexander

Alexander's empire was about as large as the untied states. It included land on three continents: Asia, Europe and Africa. His empire stretched from Greece to India.

What can you infer from the fact that more than half of the world's countries have a form of democratic government?

Around half of the worlds population have some say in how they are governed.

Who won the 2nd Persian war?


Who created the delian league and what is it?

Athens created the Delian League: an alliance of other city-states to protect themselves against possible attacks in the future.

pros of the Persian war

Athens is propelled into a Golden Age. Advancements in art, literature, science, medicine, etc during this time will affect the rest of the world as we know it!

What is the most powerful city state

Athens will emerge as the most powerful Greek city-state. Many other city-states credited them alone with defeating the Persians

Who won the 1st persian war?

Athens won

most Greek tyrants were supported by who?

By the people

Cyrus II had a new philosophy about how to rule. What did he do that was different from other Empires?

Cyrus allowed the people he conquered to keep their own customs, religions, and way of life. He ruled with tolerance.

When Darius became king of Persia, he made many reforms. One specifically helped to increase trade. What did he do?

Darius initiated the use of WRITING for record-keeping in the empire and also had the empire use coin money instead of the barter system when trading


Distant relative of Cyrus ● 522BC: Darius became king of Persia under....suspicious circumstances (no written records, so who knows what happened!) ● Darius made reforms: ○ made Persia use coins with his face on them instead of bartering ○ Instituted writing and hired scribes to keep records for the empire

True or False The city-state of Sparta was the birthplace of democracy


True or false All city states had the same form of government


True or false Ancient Greece was a country


Who get to vote,propose laws and speck his mind in Greece democracy?

Free men

The mountains cons

Greece was not a united country and communication was extremely difficult

why did Greece need colonies?

Greeks need more land to grow food for their people AND They also had a growing population and need to locate space for them to accommodate more people.

Why did hippias turn into a bad tyrant?

He was good until his brother was killed

Athens Advantages

Higher population ● Superior navy ● More money ● More city-states in their alliance

the word Economy through a historians lens

How a civilization makes money through the buying and selling of goods and services.

something to know

In 350BC, the Greek city-states were conquered by the Macedonians ... a kingdom to the north led by King Philip II.

Cons of a democracy

It's time consuming to be so involved in all government decisions and getting all citizens propose laws and vote on them can be a long process

There were 2 things that all city-states had in common. What were they?


What government used hereditary rule?


Cons of a tyranny

No clear next ruler and sometimes the power would corrupt making them poor rulers.

cons of a monarchy

Not guaranteed a good king (or his son) and no imput from the people on government decisions

The harshness of Greek landscape caused isolated city-states... isolated city-states led too..

Not seeing themselves as Greeks,but as citizens of the city-state and unique customs,culture,and way of living

When did the Peloponnesian War officially end?

Peloponnesian War officially ended in 404 BC when Athens surrendered.

things about the Delian league

Persia is still a possible threat to Greece, Athens convinced other city-states to join together in an alliance called the Delian League but, eventually changed from an alliance to an empire ruled by Athens, Athens began using the $from the league for its own benefits like rebuilding Athens.

How did colonies impact trade?

Provide new trade networks for the Greeks. these new trade partners then were exposed to Greek culture and ideas that were then spread to new and farther away locations.

Who rules in tyranny?

Rule by one person who has taken over by force

A direct democracy works best where

Small countries and communities

cons of the persian war

Sparta and the other city-states angry with Athens for mis-using the Delian League.

Why did Greece set up these colonies? Who controls them now?

The Greeks needed to create colonies because they needed more farmland and they needed somewhere to relocate some of their growing population. Looking at this map the Persians have control over the Greek colonies shown here.

When Greece and Persia go to war, what advantages did Persia have based on this map

The Persian Empire is large and massive compared to the Greeks. We can infer that they will have more soldiers,more money, more resources. We also can infer that they are united and under strong leadership.

What does direct democracy mean?

The citizens vote/propose laws themselves

what factors would determine whether a direct democracy would work?

The number of citizens

What is philosophy?

The word comes from the Greek language meaning "love of wisdom"

How did the oligarchs spend there days?

They hunted and attended chariot races

What did "GOOD" tyrants do?

They made laws that were good for the poor people and helped to make there lives better.What

What did the poor eventually do to the oligarchy?

They turned on them and with the help of the military overthrew them.

What are Ancient Greek Philosophers?

They were the first to begin questioning the work of the gods and natural events of the world. These men wanted to find more reliable and accurate answers to the questions of the world. They encouraged others to challenge religious norms at that time. These men prioritized higher education above all else.

what 5 purposes did myths serve?

To entertain Explained events that occur in nature Show the greatness of humans To warn of the dangers of hubris Religious speculation (creation, life, death, etc)

How did homer the famous historian, warn sea travelers

Trough myths/stories

True or False All Greek city states had the same language and religion


True or false Athens and Sparta were the two most powerful city-states


what type of government was takes over by force?


Pros of a democracy

citizens have a voice in there government and More laws are passed that will help more people

pros of a monarchy

decisions can be made quickly and smooth transition from one ruler to the next

The mountains pro

helped to prevent attacks from foreigners

in a monarchy how is power given to the kings

hereditary rule-power was passed down from fatehr to son

Who can participate in the Athens government

homeowner parents both born in Athens

When making laws who's interests did the oligarchy's pay attention to?

laws were made to make sure they stayed wealthy and that the poor obeyed them

what are 5 items that they sell for trade


pros of an oligarchy

more people are involved in the decision making.

what cant be a prevented problem in a direct democracy?

most people do not have the time to participate so actively in their government.

What government ruled with a few wealthy people?


who won the Peloponnesian War

sparta won

what did aristocrats eventually realize

they realized that they were more powerful than the king

cons of an oligarchy

usually only the wealthy and upper class people got to rule and very little if any imput from the working class on government decisions.

a synonymy for subsided is?


Sparta Advantages

● Superior army

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