Group Process Final Exam

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Anne Marie has led a particular counseling group for nine sessions. One member, Gretchen, repeatedly triggers many unexplained feelings for Anne Marie. This leader-member phenomenon is called


Asian and Asian Pacific Americans include a diverse array of more than _______ disparate cultural groups.

accepted and understood

Carl Rogers initially developed nondirective counseling approach in reaction to psychoanalytic and other theories of the time. He found that when clients were in charge of their own therapy they were

Consumer Rights and Responsibilities

Chi Sigma Iota (International Academic and Professional Counseling Honor Society) and the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) issued a joint document that deals with

didactic study

Chiu advocates increasing the awareness and abilities of group leaders of culturally diverse groups through

boys and girls

Kymissis cautions against "mixing" which of the following in group work with adolescents?

a. offering advice b. reassuring c. interpreting ANSWER: d. all of the above

Leaders of adolescent groups, according to Myrick, utilize open-ended questions, facilitative feedback, and are acknowledging. He recommends leaders must be skilled and use great caution which of the following?


Leaders when working with conflict brought about by "power" difficulties within a group must differentiate between position power and personal power. Position power conflict is often seen between _________ individuals

punishment orientation

Mackenzie, a professional counselor for several years, shares, "I know that I am obligated to keep Delaney's confidence from the group today, but I really feel that my agency administration should know what she is telling people about us!" This apparent "agency loyalty" represents which of the Van Hoose and Paradise's Stages of Ethical Behavior?

apply peer pressure

Malekoff suggests that groups of all kinds can be helpful to adolescents in making the transition from childhood to adulthood. All the following are ways suggested, except .

play and action

Many experts in the field of counseling children (e.g., Dinkmeyer, Keats, Muro) believe that prior to age of twelve _____ should be a primary tool in group work with children.

William Glasser

The founder of reality therapy is __________ , a man initially trained as a psychoanalyst who became disenchanted with the approach.

trait approach

Understanding a group leader's personal qualities, those characteristics of personality that influence the group, is advocated by which of the following approaches to group leadership


Victor Frankl taught that people can make their lives meaningful by achieving something, experiencing love, and by


guidance/psychoeducational groups were originally designed for __________ settings

give feedback on interpersonal processes

one strategy to aid in resolving storming challenges is to utilize a "process observer." such as an individual's role is primarily to observe and _______ for the group


one of the group member's most prevalent concerns during the storming phase is

changing individuals

task/work groups differ from the other three groups most dramatically in that they do not focus on

ensuring a time exists for new material to be introduced

"Rounds" or "go-rounds" is a variation on member summarization. Trotzer lists each of the following except ___________as positive reasons for rounds in closing.


"Summarizing" is a skill that group members use to reflect and recall significant events or experiences in the group at its end. This process is often called


1. Groups for elementary and middle school children are activity-focused whereas groups for adolescents are more _____________ oriented.

ACA Code of Ethics

An important triad of sources for ethical information for group work specialists includes the Association for Specialists in Group Work's Professional Standards for the Training of Group Workers (2000), the Principles for Diversity Competent Group Workers (1999) and the


A _____ member is nonassertive, shy, reflective or slow in assessing thoughts

crisis centered

A group that forms in response to a conflict between student groups is an example of a _____ group.

more one becomes aware of death

A paradox that Existential philosophy encounters is that as the more fully one lives life, the

conflict is destructive

A primary difference between "conflict resolution" and conflict management in the storming phase is that conflict resolution is based on the underlying notion that

written projections

A therapeutic fairy tale is an example of_______ ; a method used to help groups during the working stage.

Cuban Americans, Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, and Central/South Americans

According to Diller and Rivera, the four major Hispanic/Latino subgroups in America are comprised of

a negative label

According to Ritchie and Huss, group work with minor clients might open school counselors to legal liability actions by parents or guardians if the counselor's actions somehow associate their child with


African Americans may especially favor group work as appropriate because of their ______ worldview.


An ethical standard upheld for potential counseling and psychotherapy group members states that members each must receive as much information as possible about the _______ and ___________ to inform their decision whether or not to join the group.


Baca and Koss-Chioino recommend that group counselors working with groups of Hispanics/Latinos should be validating, supportive and


Brinson and Lee claim that a culturally responsive group leader must be aware of his or her cultural values, assumptions and ________ in order that to understand how they might impact upon the group process.


Common concerns and topics of self-interest such as identity and sexuality are usually the focus of "____ " psychoeducational groups with adolescents.


Counselors conducting group guidance and psychoeducational group lessons in schools employ a wide variety of techniques. Guided fantasy, positive affirmations, and employing visualizations would likely be successful in psychosocial groups working with _______ children.

developmental factors

Determining what type of group is best for a specific group of children is based on two sets of factors. Variables such as age, gender, and maturity levels are __________factors.

cultural pioneers

Dinkmeyer and Sperry coined the phrase _______ to accompany many adolescents' frustrating period of growth and change.

team building

Each of the following skills can be used to aid in closure when appropriate except


Equal member air-time may be increased through the use of


Establishing a personal awareness and appreciation of the group is known as


Generally, children below the age of ______ are not involved in group work because of the egocentric nature of their development.


Gestalt therapy is a(n)_____ and ______ approach to change that focuses on working with client awareness.

Easily persuaded by members

Glasser lists four criteria for effective reality therapy group leaders, which one is NOT?

personality-reconstruction groups

Group counseling within schools usually takes one of three approaches in dealing with children and problems. These three include all of the following except

session transcriptions

Group leaders keep written records when conducting group counseling and psychotherapy. Three possible methods by which this task can be completed include keeping records through each of the following methods except

accepting of who individuals are initially

Group leaders of reality therapy groups are

as many sources as possible

Group leaders who make the best and wisest ethical and legal decisions are those who are informed by

emotional closeness

If group members can identify socially with others and have successfully worked through their struggles together, the result is usually growth in


In TA, the ego state that functions more like a computer is the ______ ego state.

two to four

In closed-ended counseling groups at least ________ sessions should be focused on the ending of group.

the REBT viewpoint

In practice, REBT group leaders may spend considerable time in the orientation phase on ________ in order to validate the theory underpinning this theory and approach.


In the highly successful TAC program for high school adolescents in Texas, _______ are specially trained to work with small groups of adolescents and are supervised carefully by counselors.

therapeutic contracts

In transactional analysis members are held responsible for all aspects of the change process by


In working with African Americans in counseling and psychotherapy groups, Brinson and Lee found all of the following to be useful aids in promoting group interaction except

culturally encapsulated

Individuals who become _____ hold stereotypical views about race and gender issues.

strive for racial equality

Johnson believes that by working collaboratively with persons who differ from themselves in group work, all of the following benefits are probable except that members

row formation

Myrick illustrates five configurations for seating arrangements appropriate for managing large groups of children in school counseling programs. Which of the following does he claim is good for making a presentation but may inhibit group interaction?

introduce members to rules immediately

Negative feelings and resistance is often encountered by counselors working with adolescents mandated to participate in any group. Corey and Corey suggest each of the following to lessen such feelings except

a. faulty beliefs may not really be discarded b. rational beliefs may not really be adopted ANSWER: a and b

One concern or potential limitation regarding the use of REBT with some clients is that for some clients


One device created to aid in ethical decision-making is to use the specific steps in Sileo and Kopala's A-B-C-D- E Worksheet. B and D in this acronym stands for ______and ______ .

experience catharsis

One result of psychodrama that Moreno noticed in all members was for the clients to

interpreting meaning

Person-centered group facilitators carry out five distinct functions. All of the following are functions except


Physical and psychological parameters under which the group operates are called

self talk

REBT is based on the premise that individuals' _________ , or the messages people give themselves internally, is a negative influence on behavior and mental health.


Regarding spoken language, a bilingual group leader with Hispanic/Latino members is recommended because for many members, Spanish is their language of


Revealing information about oneself to the group is known as

minithons that last all day

Single group sessions often last between 1 and 2 hours, although Corey and Corey describe the use of ______ with adolescents.

less true

Stress is an issue for many adolescents in American culture. This is typically _____ for adolescent boys when compared to adolescent girls.


Taken from the existentialist perspective, ______ involves often intense physical and psychological contact, lay at the heart of psychodrama.

thoughts / feelings

The ABC model of human interaction asserts: A stands for "event", B______ and C _______

use pressure to have the member return and stay in group

The Association for Specialists in Group Work, Best Practice Guidelines suggests that a group leader contact a group member that drops out with each of the following goals except to


The Group Assessment Form (Delucia-Waack) is considered a more formal method of

Johari Awareness Model

The ______is a good representation of what happens in the arena of self-disclosure when a group is in the working stage.


The concept, "Group work theory is appropriate for all clients" is a(n)

more than

The number of children in psychoeducational groups is usually _________________ counseling/ psychotherapy groups.


The principle of ______________ is based on the premise that people must first differentiate their perpetual field into opposites, for example, good and bad.


The promotion of self-determination of the power to choose one's own direction in life is often referred to as


The subject of closure should first be addressed during which stage of a group?

hear meanings behind words and nonverbal gestures

The term active listening for members of person-centered groups means to


The tragedies of Jonestown, the Branch Davidians, and the Bay of Pigs invasion are all examples of

threaten legal recourse if member confidence is breeched

To ensure that group members uphold their obligation to keep confidential the content of every group session, group leaders are encouraged to use all of the following except

the ego state

Transactional analysis has a complex jargon. The system of feelings that accompany a pattern of behaviors for an individual is called

is a composite of several theories

When a group leader refers to her theoretical approach to leadership as "eclectic" she most likely means that her approach ________

confronting incongruencies

Which of the following is NOT a primary activity of group members in closure?


Wubbolding stresses change is best brought about indirectly rather than directly. This technique is known as

members should be carefully screened

Young found that all of the following help prevent premature closure in groups except


_____ group leaders are less directive serving as a facilitator, not as a director


_____ group leaders do not provide structure for their groups and are actually leaders in name only


______ in group work has to do with both inter- and intrapersonal honesty.


_______ group leaders are often charismatic and manipulative


_______ is the capacity to bring about certain intended consequences in the behavior of others

group collusion

________ involves cooperating with others unconsciously or consciously to strengthen existing attitudes, values, behaviors or norms.


________ is sharing relevant information with other people such a how they are perceived, so they can decide whether to change or not.

a process observer

a neutral third party professional who might enter a group in order to help the group through their feelings during the storming process is


common "people problems" in groups can begin in the formation of the group. Benjamin declares to his fellow group members that "if you are going to be so nosey, I am not staying in this group!" this potentially destructive behavior is an example of a


conflict _____ is based on the idea that conflict is basically positive


in general, _______ groups stress "growth through knowledge"

group cohesion

in reality, in the early stages of group development, individual members bring very difficult images as to what the group will be like. such phenomenon eventually is resolved through


near the end of the initial group counseling session, Amilie shares with the group that she feels, pretty alone so far, ... that no one really seems to appreciate how difficult these issues are for me." the leader's intervention, "Amilie, it is interesting for me to observe that Paul and Gretchen have expressed very similar feelings tonight." this intervention is a example of

personal responsibility

one disadvantage to "structuring the group" (running the group according to a prescribed plan or agenda is structuring's affect on


the "interaction of group members with one another" is often referred to as


the actual process of interviewing potential group members either individually or in a group before the group's first meeting is referred to as

initial caution

the forming/orientation stage of the group is usually characterized by

attack on the group leader

the most direct form of resistance that causes groups difficulty is known as


the process by which group members connect both physically and psychologically is known as

interviewing potential group members

the screening process involves


the time of conflict and anxiety when the group moves from primary tension to secondary tension is known as

work groups

these groups may disband abruptly after accomplishing their goals


this part of the storming stage is best defined as any behavior that moves the group away from areas, of discomfort, conflict, or potential growth


to ______ is to project the group's problems onto a single individual rather than the group taking responsibility for creating and resolving its difficulties

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